Resses on West Europe Defense
• r ’ ; i ' ' ■ / --f: -r ' ‘• ■I , .. gi|hBKyr*BioH7 ' THimspAV,ia[AT 17,1961. iltrl|fr;^r lEttnti^ •r- ‘ liti’.ifri III I ill'll lila iiiiM A v e n g e Xkdljr N et P re n Run ,r*/, - V. 1 , rUrttaWaekEiiried ^ . Tke Weether May Ek, 1808 ' FWeeast at V. a. WeaUiar : 13,578 / Clear, tuHd IwUght SatuMay, Msnihar a( the AudH eoatianad Warn* and humid, high rCiOOD>^tAR -Bureau at near tO; Manchesterr^A City of Village C A ^ riti VOL.LXXXL (TWlBNTY-FOUB PA G E ^lN 'TWO SECTIONS^ .MANCHESTER, CDNN., FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1962 "(Claaatfled Adrrerttaing wi Pag* 88) PRICE FIVE CElhR of DELUXE II resses These Are Not Delayed Again Same Old Story tidd in Court CAPE. CANAVERAL, t "This, is part of ths eohUnuing (A P )—The world ortlt fligj process of greater rellahUlty— HARTFORD [A F ) — Th « On West Europe Defense taking advantage of past flight ax- at Navy Lt. Gmdr. Mali story told in Superior C<Hirt perience—and it gives me a yeeterday was a familiar one Sedtt Cafpenter has been de chance to work with conhdenca.” layed three days ointil next Earlier Thuinday, prepamtlna -^-an. elderly .man with money> Tuesday to improve reliabil for the Olght were mBred by a a persuasive securities sales No Gimmicks - Just Low, Low Prices plane crash 'near Nairobi, Africa, man, gpd an exchange of sav Marines Dig ity of the parachute system that killed 14 Air Force men in Tell Frantii _________ . on his spacecraft, Aurora 7. ings for stock of (Questionable volved In support of emergency value.' The burprtse announcen^t of recovery operations for the Car In 30 Mile8 the delay came late Thursday ' The Victim, state police said, penter flight.
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