The Role of Pilot- and Demonstration Projects in Accelerating Hyperloop A MULTI-LEVEL PERSPECTIVE TOWARDS LARGE-SCALE TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSITIONS MAGLEV AS A CASE STUDY H.P. KOERKAMP MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY in collaboration with: The Role of Pilot- and Demonstration Projects in Accelerating Hyperloop A MULTI-LEVEL PERSPECTIVE TOWARDS LARGE-SCALE TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSITIONS MAGLEV AS A CASE STUDY Thesis Document by H.P. Koerkamp in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Management of Technology at the Delft University of Technology, to be defended in public on August 29th, 2019 Student Number: 4491718 Contact:
[email protected] Project Duration: December 2018 until August 2019 Project Committee: Prof. Dr. G.P. van Wee TU Delft – Chair Dr. J.A. Annema TU Delft – 1st Supervisor Dr. G. van de Kaa TU Delft – 2nd Supervisor Ir. S.J. Marges Hardt Hyperloop – External Supervisor This master thesis document is confidential and cannot be made public until 29th August 2019. An electronic version of this thesis is available at the TU Delft Repository. "We may perhaps learn to deprive large masses of their gravity and give them absolute levity, for the sake of easy transport." - Benjamin Franklin, 1780 H.P. Koerkamp (2019) Acknowledgements In front of you lies the result of the research project that marks the final part of my master program Management of Technology and my time as being a student at the Delft University of Technology. The emergence of this thesis topic originates from my personal interest the contemporary transportation system at large and its urgent quest to become more sustainable in the nearby future.