The Morris Dancer (Online) ISSN 2056-8045 The Morris Dancer Being an occasional publication of the Morris Ring Volume 6, Number 2 November 2020 THE MORRIS DANCER Edited, on behalf of the Morris Ring, by Mac McCoig MA 07939 084374
[email protected] Volume 6, No. 2 November 2020 Contents: Editorial Mac McCoig Page 56 Traditional folk dance performance in the 21st Liz Mellish and Nick Green Page 59 century: Romanian căluș versus English Morris: revivalist versus ex-communist? ‘Bedizened in Faded Finery’ – Traditional Molly George Frampton Page 70 Dancing from Newspapers Memories over 65 years of Morris. John Jenner Page 78 Traditional Dancers met by The Travelling John Jenner Page 87 Morrice and by the Cambridge Morris Men A Seventeenth-Century Shopkeeper’s Inventory Jameson Wooders Page 92 including ‘Morris belles’ from Abingdon A Reply to Julian Whybra Peter Harrop Page 95 The Border Morris – Developments since 1963 John Swift Page 99 Book Reviews Page 120 Cover Picture: Căluş dance at the Saxon fortress church in Cristian, Sibiu, Romania. Photo: MediaWiki At the 2014 Jigs Instructional, the three Editors agreed to remind readers what sort of material would be accepted for each Ring publication. In the case of The Morris Dancer, it is any article, paper or study which expands our knowledge of the Morris in all its forms and associated traditions. It is better that the text is referenced, so that other researchers may follow up if they wish to do so, but non-referenced writing will be considered. Text and pictures can be forwarded to: Mac McCoig,
[email protected] 55 Editorial What has always interested me is the ‘authenticity’ of revival Morris dancing₁.