Justin Wales [email protected] Merry , You Filthy Animal. OPENING CRAWL: MUSIC CUE: Somewhere In My Memory ( Theme) JUSTINHome AloWALESne II The Future Ten-Year-Old Kevin McCallister is Lost In New York! A year after being left Home Alone by his family over Christmas to fight off a pair of dimwitted robbers, the mischievous Kevin inadvertently boarded a pre-9/11 flight to New York without a ticket. With his family in Florida, Kevin decides to live it up in New York City without concern for whether his parents are worried or how much of their money he is spending. After a day sightseeing across Manhattan, Kevin heads to the World Famous Plaza Hotel where he is about to meet two unexpected visitors: The future President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and a 40-year-old version of himself sent back from 2020 to stop him from becoming President...by any means. FADE IN: INT. PLAZA HOTEL - NEW YORK CITY - DECEMBER 23, 1992 KEVIN McCALLISTER enters the hotel’s spectacular foyer. It’s a lot nicer than even the Milwaukee Radisson he and his family stayed at for his cousin Lisa’s wedding last year...and that place had an ice machine on every floor! The Plaza makes that Radisson look like Buzz’s room. Woof. As Kevin makes his way through the Hotel’s gilded halls he stops a random man for directions. It is, inexplicably, the future President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. 2.

KEVIN Excuse me, where’s the lobby? JUSTINIt’s down the haWALESll and to the left. KEVIN Thanks. Kevin leaves Trump and enters the opulent lobby. He pulls out a TALKBOY from his bag and hits “PLAY”. As the tape recorder plays back a commercial for the Plaza Kevin just happened to record off of the TV the night before, the hotel is abuzz with guests and excitement. CEDRIC, a pompadoured bellhop (Rob Schneider) carries bags through the lobby as head concierge, MR. HECTOR (Tim Curry), glares rudely at a black guest just trying to check in. TALKBOY Guests of The New Celebrity Ding- Dang-Dong stay at the world- renowned Plaza Hotel, New York's most exciting hotel experience. For reservations, call toll free: 1-800- 759-3000. KEVIN (to himself) I’ll do just that!

INT. HOTEL’S PHONEROOM Kevin stands on a stack of phone books to reach the receiver. KEVIN (into TALKBOY) Howdy do? This is Peter McCallister, the father. I’d like a hotel room, please. With an extra large bed, a TV, and one of those little refrigerators you have to open with a key. Credit card? No problem! Kevin flips a switch on the TALKBOY and dials the Hotel’s reservation number. A bright FLASH of LIGHT emits from the frosted windows behind him. He gives the camera a puzzled look but shakes it off when a woman finally picks up the phone. 3.

WOMAN Plaza Hotel reservations. May I help you? He plays the recording into the phone at quarter-speed so his JUSTINvoice sounds like a man reWALEScovering from a stroke. TALKBOY Howdy do? This is Peter McCallister, the father...

INT. LOBBY - SIMULTANEOUSLY KEVIN MCCALLISTER, 40, lies face down in the hall. Dressed in tatters, he’s rail thin with a mane of wiry blond hair.

An elderly, midwestern couple, BETH and LARRY SCHOENFELD, look at Kevin in shock. They were warned New York City was filled with eccentric characters, but didn’t expect to see one in their hotel’s hallway! BETH Oh, Larry! He just came out of nowhere. Do you think he’s hurt? LARRY Now careful, Beth. He might be one of those junkies the tour guide warned us about. Larry nudges Older Kevin with his foot. He starts to come to. As he lifts his head, we see a COVID-style mask covering the bottom half of his face. Older Kevin jolts as he takes in his surroundings. He holds a futuristic-looking PORTAL GUN in his hand which he quickly stuffs in his coat before anyone sees. 4.

BETH Let’s go -- He’s wearing a mask, he might have the AIDS. I heard all about it on Connie Chung. JUSTINOLD ER WALESKEVIN (whispers to himself) The AIDS? Kevin calls out to the couple. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Hey lady, do you know what COVID is? BETH Why, of course. Fear strikes Kevin’s eyes. BETH (CONT'D) It’s by Andrew Lloyd Webber, right? Larry and I just love the theater! LARRY No, no. That’s Evita. BETH Oh, right. Is COVIDA any good? Kevin laughs in relief. OLDER KEVIN (to himself) It worked? Looking around the hotel it’s obvious he isn’t in 2020 anymore: A woman in 90’s fashion smokes a cigarette at the bar; a pair of teens (one of them a fourteen-year-old Nick Kroll, although that doesn’t really factor into the plot) are dressed in neon windbreakers and playing Game Boys; OJ SIMPSON signs autographs as his wife, NICOLE, looks on. OJ SIMPSON FAN You’re an inspiration, Juice! OLDER KEVIN It worked! Kevin rips off his mask and tosses it in the air. Jubilated, he runs over to the couple and puts his arms around them for an intimate, and by the looks of Kevin, very smelly, hug. 5.

OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) I haven’t been able to hold anyone in months. I’ve just been home... alone...because of that stupid JUSTINvirus. WALES BETH Virus! Larry, I told you! Larry pushes away from Kevin. LARRY Well, we have tickets for Cats and should go. You should get out of here before security finds you. KEVIN First I have to find myself. LARRY The ‘60s are over, son. It’s time to grow up. Maybe get a haircut. Let’s go, Beth.

INT. LOBBY Younger Kevin walks to a FEMALE CONCIERGE. As he waits for her to finish with another customer, Mr. Hector, the rudest concierge in New York City, eyes Younger Kevin with great suspicion for no reason at all.

INT. HOTEL HALL Older Kevin approaches bellboy Cedric as he counts his tips. CEDRIC Look, you can’t be in here. There’s a shelter on 46th-- OLDER KEVIN I’m a guest here. McCallister... Cedric doesn’t believe him. CEDRIC You in one of those grunge bands? Sound Blossoms or something? OLDER KEVIN Yep. I’m in the Sound Blossoms. Cedric’s scowl switches to a too-eager-to-help smile. 6.

CEDRIC Oh, of course. Big fan. Are you playing the pageant? OLDER KEVIN JUSTINPageant? WALES CEDRIC The Trump Annual Pre-Teen Christmas Eve Beauty Pageant. OLDER KEVIN ...Yes? CEDRIC Nice! You know, I’m in a band too. We do Quiet Riot covers but we change all the lyrics so they’re about pizza. We call ourselves “Cum on Feel the Noids.” OLDER KEVIN That sounds...amazing, actually. CEDRIC You get it, right? Noid, like the Domino’s Pizza mascot? OLDER KEVIN Yeah, I totally remember The Noid. CEDRIC We’re actually playing tonight if-- OLDER KEVIN Listen, have you seen Donald Trump? I was supposed to meet him here. CEDRIC He just left. OLDER KEVIN I missed him? CEDRIC Yes, but he’ll be back tomorrow. He’s judging the pageant. OLDER KEVIN You’re sure he’ll be back tomorrow? CEDRIC Of course. He wouldn’t miss it, it’s for charity. 7.

Trump doing something for charity? Older Kevin raises an unconvinced eyebrow. CEDRIC (CONT'D) JUSTINPlus his daugh teWALESr is competing. OLDER KEVIN Ivanka? CEDRIC I don’t know the names of Donald Trump’s children. OLDER KEVIN Must be nice. As Older Kevin starts to walk away, Cedric coughs while extending his palm out for a tip. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Ah, right--Can you break a ten? CEDRIC I can. Kevin slaps his hand. OLDER KEVIN Now give me five back. Kevin puts out his palm. Cedric reluctantly high fives him. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) I’m just kidding. I get that your livelihood depends on tips. Kevin checks the pockets of his jackets. He takes out a modern twenty dollar bill before crumpling it back. He finally pulls out a large, gun shaped VAPEWAND from his jacket and hands it to Cedric as a tip with a guilty look.

INT. LOBBY Younger Kevin approaches the Female Concierge. Younger Kevin Hi. Female Concierge Can I help you? YOUNGER KEVIN Reservation for McCallister. 8.

FEMALE CONCIERGE A reservation for yourself? YOUNGER KEVIN Ma’am, my feet are hardly touching JUSTINthe ground. I caWALESn barely see over the counter. How can I make a reservation for a room? Think about it: A kid going into a hotel making a reservation? I don't think so. FEMALE CONCIERGE I’m confused. YOUNGER KEVIN I'm traveling with my dad. He's on business. He's at a meeting. I hate meetings. I'm not allowed to go in, only to sit in the lobby. That's boring. So my dad dropped me off and gave me his credit card and told me to check-in so I won't get into mischief. Ma'am, sometimes I do get into mischief. We all do! Younger Kevin flashes that million dollar smile which falls when he hears his name being shouted from across the lobby. OLDER KEVIN (O.C.) Kevin! Older Kevin walks up and puts his arm on his younger self. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) My meeting was cancelled, so I thought you and I could go out for a lovely cheese pizza. (to Female Concierge) It’s his favorite. YOUNGER KEVIN This isn’t my-- Older Kevin bends down to talk to his younger self. He pulls out his iPhone from his pocket just enough for Younger Kevin to see it. His hand hovers over the GRINDR app. OLDER KEVIN (whispering) This device is a heat seeking detonator. (MORE) 9. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) As we speak there are long-range Grinder missiles housed at the international space station locked on the Villa de Dolphine motel in Miami. If I press this button, Mom, JUSTINDad, Buzz, the eWALESntire family are toast. So be cool. Younger Kevin’s face is aghast. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) He’s always getting into mischief, this one. FEMALE CONCIERGE He warned me. He really is your spitting image. OLDER KEVIN Thank you. Mr. Hector looks on at the two Kevins with completely unfounded suspicion. FEMALE CONCIERGE I’ll just need a credit card. OLDER KEVIN Can we just pay with cash? FEMALE CONCIERGE You can pay in cash, but we need to keep a credit card on file for incidentals. We won’t charge it. OLDER KEVIN Ok...Hey, hand me dad’s--my wallet. Younger Kevin is still frozen in fear. Older Kevin grabs the wallet from out of his father’s bag, the one he was searching through for batteries at O’Hare when he got separated from his family nearly 30 years ago. As he pulls out the wallet he sees his dad’s face on the ID in the billfold. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) (somberly) Dad... Younger Kevin and the Female Concierge look confused. He tries to cover. 10.

OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) ...’s gonna take you to the toy store tonight. That sound like fun, pal? JUSTINYOU NGEWALESR KEVIN Ma’am, I’m serious. This isn’t my father. Mr. Hector walks over. Older Kevin remembers his smug face. MR. HECTOR Is there a problem? YOUNGER KEVIN Yes! This isn’t my dad! My family is in Miami. I flew to New York on my own. OLDER KEVIN Kevin, enough! What kind of parent would let their kid fly to New York on their own? Implausible. YOUNGER KEVIN Okay, if you’re my dad then when is my birthday? OLDER KEVIN August 26, 1982. The Female Concierge and Mr. Hector look at Younger Kevin. Kevin’s expression confirms it’s his birthday. The Female Concierge rings a bell and Cedric runs over. FEMALE CONCIERGE Show Mr. McCallister and his son to their room. Is there anything else we can do for you to make your stay here more enjoyable? Mr. Hector hovers and stink eyes the Kevins for no reason. OLDER KEVIN Yes, keep him away from us. MR. HECTOR Sir? 11.

OLDER KEVIN I’m serious. If I so much as smell you trying to sneak around my room again or see those condescending dead British eyes looking in our JUSTINdirection I'm goWALESnna to throw a brick in your face. Got it? MR. HECTOR Yes? OLDER KEVIN Let’s go, Kevin. Older Kevin pulls Younger Kevin away. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) I’ve been wanting to tell that guy off since I was your age. Mr. Hector is stunned. MR. HECTOR I’ve never seen that man before in my life! Cedric struggles to hold back a smile at watching Mr. Hector’s berating. Even the Female Concierge seems to have enjoyed it. Mr. Hector shoots both a menacing glare. The Female Concierge snaps her finger and motions for Cedric to show the Kevins to their room. FEMALE CONCIERGE Cedric, the bags!

EXT. BUSY NEW YORK CITY STREET - DAY Harry (Joe Pesci) and Marv (Daniel Stern), the buffoonish thieves that younger Kevin thwarted last Christmas escaped prison and are plotting their next crime from an outdoor skating rink. Marv skates while Harry flips through a newspaper off rink. Marv’s hands are wrapped in sticky tape. HARRY Hey Marv! Get over here, I gotta talk to you! 12.

Marv skates toward Harry. As he does, he uses the tape on his hand to swipe scarves, gloves, and hats from those skating near him. By the time he gets to Harry he’s wearing all of the freshly stolen winter wear. JUSTINMAR V WALES Do you want a scarf? Compliments of the Sticky Bandits. Marv jazz-fingers his sticky glove. HARRY Real cute, Marv. Forget about that, we gotta talk. We don’t have the equipment to pull off anything big: Banks, jewelry stores...we don’t want goods. We need cash and we need it now. MARV How about hotels? Tourists carry lots of cash. HARRY There’s no guarantee. I got a better idea. Stores ain’t depositing cash on Christmas Eve. The only stores that are gonna have cash on hand are the ones dealing in moderate priced goods. Right? MARV Right. HARRY Ergo, what store’s gonna make the most cash on Christmas Eve that nobody’s gonna think to rob? MARV Candy stores! HARRY Nine-year-olds rob candy stores, Marv. This is what I had in mind. Harry holds up a newspaper advert for DUNCAN’S TOY CHEST, an old fashioned, FAO Schwartz-style toy store. The type of place that will eventually be put out of business by Amazon. MARV That’s brilliant, Harry! Brilliant! 13.

HARRY Yep. Nobody’s dumb enough to knock off a toy store on Christmas Eve. MARV JUSTINOh, yes, there iWALESs. Marv readjusts his stolen beanie and confidently points to Harry and then back to himself.

INT. HOTEL SUITE HALLWAY The Kevins exit the elevator with Cedric holding a bag. CEDRIC You know, Herbert Hoover once stayed here on this floor. YOUNGER KEVIN The vacuum guy? Younger Kevin reaches around Older Kevin’s pocket and swipes the “Heat Seeking Detonator” AKA iPhone as Cedric opens the door to the suite. CEDRIC No, the President. OLDER KEVIN We’ll take it from here. Younger Kevin enters as Older Kevin takes out a twenty from his father’s wallet and slaps it into Cedric’s hand. He pulls Cedric in close. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) If Trump gets back early I want you to drop everything and tell me. Cedric is suspicious about the urgency of the request. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) I want to talk to him about my performance. You’re in a band. You get it. Cedric accepts the explanation with a nod and throws him a metal devil horn with his hand as he walks away. Older Kevin reciprocates. 14.

INT. HOTEL SUITE As Older Kevin walks into the suite he SLIPS AND FALLS on a floor filled with gum balls taken from the mini-bar. JUSTINYOU NGEWALESR KEVIN (holding the iPhone) Looking for this, dillweed? Younger Kevin takes the iPhone and smashes it on the floor. OLDER KEVIN NO! Younger Kevin runs full speed at Older Kevin and high jumps over him toward the threshold of the still open hotel door. Just as Younger Kevin is about to make his escape, Older Kevin reaches back and SLAMS the door shut. Younger Kevin CRASHES into the door and FALLS onto the floor. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) I should have seen that coming. Older Kevin picks up the iPhone. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Aw man, this was like a thousand bucks. You okay? Younger Kevin clutches his head. Blood drips from his forehead. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Put pressure on the cut, we don’t want it to scar. Stay there. Older Kevin tosses Younger Kevin a towel from the bathroom. YOUNGER KEVIN Who are you? Some kind of German terrorist? Uncle Frank let me watch Die Hard even though mom told him I couldn’t. I know the deal. OLDER KEVIN (imitating Hans Gruber) Just another American who saw too many movies as a child. Younger Kevin is petrified. 15.

OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) I’m kidding. It’s a line from the movie. YOUNGER KEVIN JUSTINI fell asleep beWALESfore it ended. OLDER KEVIN Okay, look- this is going to be a lot for you to handle, but I am...you. I’m Kevin McCallister from the future. I was sent back in time from the year 2020 to stop a really bad man from becoming President. Younger Kevin starts to laugh. YOUNGER KEVIN Like the Terminator? Pa-lease, how’d you get back in time? A Delorean? OLDER KEVIN Don’t be ridiculous. I was at home when someone I know knocked on my door. DISSOLVE TO:

INT. OLDER KEVIN’S APARTMENT - NEW YORK 2020 (FLASHBACK/FLASHFORWARD) Older Kevin watches TV from a dingy studio apartment. Talking heads on a news program argue. The screen is flanked by statistics: 300,000 Americans Dead. LIBERAL TALKING HEAD 1 300,000 Americans are dead from Coronavirus and President Trump refuses to take it seriously! He’s golfing right now as Americans die. CONSERVATIVE TALKING HEAD 2 Golf is how he exercises, you Communist! There is a loud, frantic knock on the door. Older Kevin gets up, puts on his mask, and opens the door. It’s an elderly man: PROF. A mask covers his mouth and nose and long hair obscures much of the rest of his face. 16.

OLDER KEVIN Professor M? What are you doing here? PROF JUSTINRemember you t olWALESd me you ran into Trump when you were a kid? OLDER KEVIN Yeah, at the Plaza. Crazy, right? PROF If you could go back and stop him, you would, right? OLDER KEVIN (laughing) Yeah, of course. I hate that guy. PROF I’m serious! If you could you would stop him. Right? Older Kevin looks back at the TV: “CASES ON THE RISE” OLDER KEVIN I would. DOC I hoped you’d say that. Take this. He hands Older Kevin the PORTAL GUN. OLDER KEVIN What is it? PROF Use it on him. It will give that bastard what he deserves. Make sure he is alone. Good luck-- Prof starts CACKLING as he pulls out his own PORTAL GUN and aims it at Older Kevin. OLDER KEVIN Prof, What are you talking about? Wait! No! A FLASH fills the room and Older Kevin VANISHES. CUT BACK TO: 17.

INT. HOTEL SUITE - BACK IN 1992 Older Kevin is holding the PORTAL GUN. YOUNGER KEVIN JUSTINWhoa. So who’s tWALEShis Trump guy you’re here to terminate? Older Kevin picks up a NEW YORK POST from the desk featuring Donald Trump and then-wife, IVANA TRUMP on the cover. The headline reads: “IVANA DIVORCE!” OLDER KEVIN Him. YOUNGER KEVIN Hey! I saw that guy in the lobby! OLDER KEVIN Exactly. YOUNGER KEVIN He seemed nice. Smelled like a Big Mac. OLDER KEVIN Yeah, well, he’s not nice. Because of him a deadly virus is spreading uncontrolled across the world. YOUNGER KEVIN So he’s like an evil scientist? OLDER KEVIN No. Just a selfish idiot who somehow got himself elected President. Uncle Frank loves him. YOUNGER KEVIN He really must be a jerk. Older Kevin nods. YOUNGER KEVIN (CONT'D) But you can’t be me! No offense, but I take personal hygiene very seriously. I use aftershave and don’t even shave yet! Older Kevin takes a long, hard look at Younger Kevin. OLDER KEVIN Okay. I’ll prove it. Watch my forehead. 18.

Older Kevin takes the bloody towel from Younger Kevin’s head. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) This is going to hurt me as much as JUSTINit hurts you. WALES Older Kevin pulls at the small cut on Younger Kevin’s head so it stretches a little wider. Younger Kevin screams in pain. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Look at my forehead! See? YOUNGER KEVIN (crying) Stop, please, I-- A SCAR appears in the same spot on Older Kevin’s forehead. YOUNGER KEVIN (CONT'D) You are from the future! OLDER KEVIN Put this back on your head. Older Kevin hands Younger Kevin the towel again. A long beat. YOUNGER KEVIN (sniffling) Didn’t you say something about getting pizza?

EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREET - LATER THAT NIGHT The Kevins stand across from DUNCAN’S TOY CHEST as they eat a slice of hole-in-the-wall pizza off of paper plates. YOUNGER KEVIN You live in your own place in New York City? OLDER KEVIN Staten Island. YOUNGER KEVIN You live on an island? That’s so cool. I can’t wait ‘till I move out. OLDER KEVIN Heh, you say that now. There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t think about how good I had it when I was a kid and surrounded by family. 19.

YOUNGER KEVIN Good? You need to have your memory checked. Being a kid sucks! Mom’s always telling me what to do and Dad’s always forcing us to go on JUSTINstupid vacatio nsWALES over Christmas. OLDER KEVIN Yeah, we were spoiled, Kevin. Dad was rich and we took it for granted. YOUNGER KEVIN Dad isn’t rich! He says we’re comfortable. OLDER KEVIN That’s just something rich people say. You live in a mansion. Have some perspective, Richie Rich. This seems to resonate with Younger Kevin. Younger Kevin notices a homeless woman surrounded by pigeons rummaging for food in a nearby trash can. He walks up to her. YOUNGER KEVIN Excuse me, miss? Do you want my crust? There’s still a bit of cheese on it here and...here. PIGEON LADY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE! Who sent you? I know you! I’ve seen you before! Pigeon Lady starts screaming in tongues. Kevin drops his crust in the trash can and runs back to Older Kevin. The Pigeon Lady fishes out the crust and breaks off a piece for the bird on her head before eating the rest. YOUNGER KEVIN Do you know that lady? OLDER KEVIN No. I briefly befriended a different pigeon lady, but she was Irish and kept to the Park. That woman’s just mentally ill and the city doesn’t offer adequate help. YOUNGER KEVIN Dad says it’s important for people like that to help themselves. 20.

OLDER KEVIN Yeah, well, Dad is being investigated for Medicare fraud. Oh, here they are. JUSTINHarry and Marv pace as t heWALESy case the window display of DUNCAN’S TOY CHEST. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Follow my lead. Just like we talked about.

EXT. DUNCAN’S TOY CHEST HARRY What’d I say, Marv? Look at all that cash. The store is bustling. An old man stuffs cash into a literal chest below a sign that says “Contributions for St. Anne’s Children’s Hospital.” MARV That sure is a lot of cash, Har. HARRY Tomorrow night, you and I will walk in all inconspicuous-like and camp out in those giant dolly-houses until the store closes. Then-- OLDER KEVIN (O.C.) This little shit is going to throw a brick through the window, lure you to an abandoned construction zone, and toss paint cans at your faces until the cops arrest you again. Harry and Marv turn around and see a smiling Older Kevin. YOUNGER KEVIN Down here! Remember me? As they see Younger Kevin, Harry goes into a blind . HARRY You little creep! MARV Hey, Harry, it’s that kid from Chicago. 21.

HARRY It really is Christmas, Marv! You know, we oughta do to this kid exactly what he did to us. Burn his head with a blowtorch and smash his JUSTINface in with a n WALESiron and-- MARV Have him arrested for burglary. Harry gives Marv a frustrated glare. HARRY And who are you? His babysitter? OLDER KEVIN Look, I--you don’t know me, exactly. Me and the kid are working a job and we need your help. HARRY A job? YOUNGER KEVIN A crime job. Younger Kevin winks at Older Kevin. HARRY A crime job? OLDER KEVIN Yeah. A big one. Enough money to set us all up for life. Marv reaches out to shake Older Kevin’s hand. MARV Marv Murchins. Appreciate the offer but, between you and me, this kid is a real sociopath and we’d prefer if he were...dead. Marv gives Younger Kevin a smirky, it-is-what-it-is look. Because Marv’s hands are coated in sticky tape he has trouble disengaging from Older Kevin’s handshake. HARRY What exactly is the nature of this “crime job”? OLDER KEVIN We’re going to kidnap Donald Trump and make him pay a big ransom. 22.

HARRY How big? OLDER KEVIN (making it up) JUSTINA million doll arWALESs? Marv whistles he’s so impressed. Harry doesn’t buy it. HARRY And how, pray tell, do you expect to kidnap Donald Trump on Christmas Eve? Break into ? Climb the side of the building like Spidey-Man? MARV Good one, Harry. YOUNGER KEVIN He’s hosting a beauty pageant at the Plaza tomorrow night. We’ve been planning this for months. HARRY He’s serious? Older Kevin nods. HARRY (CONT'D) And why do you need us? OLDER KEVIN We could use the muscle and help getting Trump alone. Marv puffs out his chest a little. MARV What do you say, Harry? HARRY I’m intrigued. But why is he here? YOUNGER KEVIN I’m his cousin...we don’t see each other much because Mom thinks he’s a bad influence. OLDER KEVIN (leaning in) I am sort of a bad influence. 23.

YOUNGER KEVIN Normally they wouldn’t leave me with him, but my parents went to Greece for Christmas and sent me here to stay on the condition that JUSTINI’d be on my b esWALESt behavior. OLDER KEVIN With someone his age around, it won’t be suspicious that we’re hanging out a kids beauty pageant. HARRY But isn’t it a pageant for little girls? MARV Yeah, is he going to wear a dress? YOUNGER KEVIN No! Older Kevin puts his hand on Younger Kevin to say “be cool.” OLDER KEVIN We’re still working on the plan. Anyway, we were having a slice just now when I mentioned we’d need a couple guys to help when he spotted you across the street. He mentioned how good you are at crime. MARV Aww-- OLDER KEVIN And suggested I bring you guys in. MARV That’s so generous--wow! I’m sorry I said I wish you were dead, kid. YOUNGER KEVIN Apology accepted. HARRY Wait a minute, Marv. Something doesn’t feel right about this. The Kevins look concerned. 24.

HARRY (CONT'D) Your parents left you to spend Christmas without them while they went to Greece? After leaving you JUSTINhome all by yo urWALESself last year? YOUNGER KEVIN Uh-huh. HARRY That’s screwed up. No wonder you’re such a messed up little psychopath. Okay, we’re in.

INT. VILLA DE DOLPHINE HOTEL - MIAMI - NIGHT It’s pouring rain as the extended McCallister family watches TV in a crowded hotel room. The entire family turns their head to an argument in the adjoining room.

INT. KATE AND PETER’S ROOM - VILLA DE DOLPHINE HOTEL KATE I told you I didn’t want to leave Chicago this Christmas! Not after what happened last year. PETER Well again, Kate, I’m so sorry for having a good year and wanting to take everyone on a vacation. KATE Kevin didn’t want to go to Florida! He just wanted to spend time with his family at home-- PETER Kevin is 10 years old, he doesn’t get to decide whether the rest of us get to go on vacation. You don’t appreciate me! KATE Our son is missing, Peter. This isn’t about you! A long beat. PETER The cops said no one has charged anything to my credit card yet. (MORE) 25. PETER (CONT'D) As soon as Kevin does, they’ll call us and we can go pick him up. KATE JUSTINI want to go t o WALESNew York now. PETER To do what? There’s 7 million people in New York, how do you expect to find him? Are you just going to wander the streets? KATE I don’t know! But I know I won’t find him sitting in Florida. Why did you make us go on this trip? PETER Right, this is my fault. Just like it’s my fault we left him home alone last year. KATE I don’t blame you for last year-- PETER Bull. KATE I don’t. PETER That’s bullshit, Kate! KATE I BLAME MYSELF!...I blame myself. I’m going to New York. You can come if you’d like, but I’m going to find Kevin.

INT. HOTEL LIVING ROOM Kate leaves her room. Everyone turns. KATE I’m going to New York to find Kevin. Does anyone want to join me? The room is silent. AUNT LESLIE Right now, Kate? 26.

KATE Right now. BUZZ JUSTINMom, Kevin is goWALESing to be fine. KATE You don’t know that, Buzz. No one? PETER It’s late, honey. How about we talk about this in the morning? The room is silent. Kate chuckles in disbelief. KATE Unbelievable. She leaves the room. PETER Kate, hold on! Peter leaves after his wife. BUZZ You all know Kevin’s fine, right? He’s probably in New York eating a sundae in a hot tub right now while we’re all stuck here worrying about the little turd for nothing. Uncle Frank wallops Buzz on the back of the head. UNCLE FRANK Don’t be such a jerk, Buzz. He’s your brother.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL POOL AREA - NIGHT CLOSE UP on a GIANT CHOCOLATE SUNDAE delivered to the Kevins at the Plaza’s hot tub. YOUNGER KEVIN What’s Buzz like? He still work at the Radio Shack? OLDER KEVIN No. He went into finance like Dad. He’s married and has a son a few years younger than you, actually. “Peter.” 27.

YOUNGER KEVIN He named him Peter? After Dad? What a suck up. JUSTINOlder Kevin’s face sadde nsWALES for a moment. YOUNGER KEVIN (CONT'D) What’s his wife like? I bet she’s a dog. OLDER KEVIN Ha. She’s actually really nice. Their apartment actually isn’t going to be too far from here. YOUNGER KEVIN So you both live in New York? OLDER KEVIN Yeah, but we don’t really see each other too much. YOUNGER KEVIN Because of the virus? OLDER KEVIN Yeah...well, we haven’t really spoken to each other in a couple of years. I don’t really speak to anyone in the family any more. YOUNGER KEVIN No one? What about Mom and Dad? A sadness drapes Older Kevin’s face. OLDER KEVIN We should be getting out soon. We have a big day tomorrow. The Kevins each take a final bite of the sundae before leaving the hot tub. YOUNGER KEVIN OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Aw, brain freeze! Aw, brain freeze!

INT. HOTEL SUITE - LATE THAT NIGHT The Kevins lay in separate beds. YOUNGER KEVIN You really think we can trust those idiots to help us? 28.

OLDER KEVIN Harry and Marv? Oh, sure. They’re crooks, but they’re good deep down. YOUNGER KEVIN JUSTINI don’t trust thWALESem. OLDER KEVIN I didn’t at first either, but I’ve known them long enough to know they’re alright. YOUNGER KEVIN You’re friends with those creeps? How? Older Kevin sits up. OLDER KEVIN I met them in prison a few years ago and got to know them. They had been locked up for years and they took me under their wings. Prison was actually good for them--Marv got his doctorate there. YOUNGER KEVIN I wouldn’t let him operate on me. OLDER KEVIN No, maybe not. YOUNGER KEVIN Why’d you go to prison? OLDER KEVIN Drugs. YOUNGER KEVIN Drugs? OLDER KEVIN Technically fraud, I guess...but it was because of the drugs. YOUNGER KEVIN I’m a drug addict? But I’d never do drugs. OLDER KEVIN I hope not, kid. Let’s get to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. ‘Night Kevin. 29.

YOUNGER KEVIN Goodnight Kevin. JUSTINEXT. LAGUARDIA AIRPORT - TWALESHE NEXT MORNING Kate McCallister just got off a redeye. She enters a cab. CAB DRIVER Where to? KATE Oh, you know, I really don’t know...I just flew in. I’m looking for my son. I just, I just don’t know where he is. CAB DRIVER A runaway? Addicts usually head to Brooklyn since it’s so cheap. KATE Oh, no, no. My son isn’t on drugs, he’s 10. Where would you go if you were a little boy who loved Christmas? CAB DRIVER I know just the place.

EXT. ROCKAFELLER PLAZA - LATER THAT MORNING A magnificent tree hovers over an ice skating rink. Older Kevin grips on to Younger Kevin’s hand as he clumsily steps on the ice. OLDER KEVIN Hold on. Slowly, slowly! Older Kevin falls on the ice. Younger Kevin thinks it’s hilarious. YOUNGER KEVIN How are you so bad at this? OLDER KEVIN I haven’t skated for 25 years! Older Kevin struggles to get on his feet and wears a huge grin as he finally stabilizes himself. YOUNGER KEVIN You ready old man? 30.

OLDER KEVIN Old man? Older Kevin smiles back at Younger Kevin. His focus shifts to a woman exiting a cab in the distance. It’s Kate McCallister. JUSTINShe frantically canvasse s WALESthe crowd for her son. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) (to himself) Mom? Older Kevin falls again. YOUNGER KEVIN HA! You okay? OLDER KEVIN Yeah. What do you say we get out of here? I have some place I want to take you. Younger Kevin nods. YOUNGER KEVIN I don’t think I can be seen with you on the ice anyway. OLDER KEVIN Oh, I’m embarrassing you? Younger Kevin gives a playful smirk. YOUNGER KEVIN I have an image to uphold. OLDER KEVIN Some image. Help me get up. YOUNGER KEVIN I got you-- As the two Kevins make their way toward the exit, Kate continues her search. Older Kevin can’t help but glance back. YOUNGER KEVIN (CONT'D) Where are we going?

EXT. WORLD TRADE CENTER - LATER The Kevins look up at the pair of doomed towers. 31.

YOUNGER KEVIN I know this place! Dad sent me a postcard of it last time he came here for work. JUSTINOLD ER WALESKEVIN Yeah, he’d work here whenever he came to New York. Let’s go see the top.

EXT. TOP OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER OLDER KEVIN Pretty nice, right? I was always grateful I got to see it. YOUNGER KEVIN Yeah...Hey, Kevin, I was wondering-- OLDER KEVIN Hmm? YOUNGER KEVIN How are you going to get back-- OLDER KEVIN To the future? (imitating Doc Brown) Why I don’t know, Marty. Ah, maybe if we get lightning to strike that clocktower at exactly midnight-- He points to a clocktower in the distance. YOUNGER KEVIN Seriously, how are you going to get back? OLDER KEVIN I haven’t really thought of it. I guess if we’re successful in stopping Trump from becoming President then I’ll never have been sent back here in the first place. Maybe I’ll just disappear? What! Older Kevin lifts up his arm to reveal his hand is missing. Younger Kevin gasps before Older Kevin extends his arm to reveal he was hiding his hand in his sleeve as a joke. YOUNGER KEVIN Not funny. 32.

OLDER KEVIN It’s a little funny. YOUNGER KEVIN JUSTINBut don’t you waWALESnt to go back? OLDER KEVIN I don’t know. The future sort of sucks, you know? The earth is melting and I can’t even wait tables cause all of the restaurants are closed. I don’t have any kids or a husband-- YOUNGER KEVIN Husband? OLDER KEVIN You can have a husband in the future. YOUNGER KEVIN That’s cool. OLDER KEVIN Yeah. But that’s like the one good thing about it. I’m lonely, Kevin. Maybe it’s best if I just disappeared and you, I don’t know, didn’t mess things up for me so much. No pressure. YOUNGER KEVIN I’ll try. But for what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re a mess up. Older Kevin puts his arm around Younger Kevin. OLDER KEVIN I wish I had your self-confidence. YOUNGER KEVIN You do. As they look out from the top of the Manhattan skyline, Older Kevin realizes he hasn’t felt this great in years. The clocktower in the distance chimes. OLDER KEVIN Come on, we have a lot of things to do before tonight. 33.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL Mr. Hector scowls in the Plaza’s Ball Room as he directs staff to set up the chairs. He’s looking over a clipboard. JUSTINMR. HEWALESCTOR Hurry up, please. The guests arrive at six. Cedric, what is this scribbled on the schedule? Sand Bosoms? Did you write this? Cedric struggles to drag several chairs across the carpet. CEDRIC That’s Sound Blossoms. It’s Mr. McCallister’s band. I saw they weren’t listed on the schedule so I added them. MR. HECTOR That reprobate is playing the pageant? What about Harry Connick Jr.? Cedric shrugs. MR. HECTOR (CONT'D) Who set this up? CEDRIC I think Mr. Trump did. He and Mr. McCallister are friends. MR. HECTOR Of course those two maniacs would be friends. Have you heard his band? Are they any good? CEDRIC I haven’t, but I’m actually more of a metal guy. You know, my pizza metal cover band, “Cum On Feel the Noids” is playing... Mr. Hector walks away from Cedric mid-sentence. He just can’t listen to Cedric talk about his band again right now. CEDRIC (CONT'D) (In Filipino) Putang ina mo! Did you know Rob Schneider is Filipino? Well, he is. 34.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL LOBBY That midwestern couple, Larry and Beth Schoenfeld, walk through the lobby in theater attire. JUSTINBET H WALES I liked it, Larry. Beth coughs then pulls out a lozenge from her purse. BETH (CONT'D) Lozenge? Larry shakes his head no. BETH (CONT'D) I just thought it was a little avant-garde for my taste. If I wanted cats crawling all over me I’d visit your sister in Arizona. LARRY Cats is a celebration of the theater. It’s immersive so it cannot be adapted to other mediums. It’s a-- MARV Pardonne moi. Harry and Marv rudely walk right in between Beth and Larry. BETH This hotel is just overrun with vagrants. We should complain to the travel agent. Beth coughs again and opens her purse. She looks confused. As Marv and Harry continue through the hall, Marv’s sticky fingers are covered in cough drops taken from Beth’s purse. HARRY Will you quit it, Marv? I don’t want to get busted for stealing six Halls from a tourist. Marv attempts to remove a cough drop from its wrapper, but his sticky fingers makes the task impossible. Cedric spots Harry and Marv walking through the lobby. CEDRIC Hey guys, the shelter is on 46th-- 35.

HARRY Shelter? MARV I’ll have you know we’re here at JUSTINthe request of DWALESonald Trump! CEDRIC (suspiciously) You’re friends with Donald Trump? MARV (winking at Harry) We served together in ‘Nam. CEDRIC I had no idea Mr. Trump is a veteran. MARV He’s not one to brag. Cedric nods in agreement. CEDRIC Well, thank you both for your service. You know, I was in the merchant marines myself-- HARRY Let’s go, Marv. Harry walks away. He doesn’t care about Cedric’s backstory. Marv salutes Cedric and follows Harry to the elevator. CEDRIC (under his breath, in Filipino) Walang hiya!

INT. ELEVATOR Harry and Marv enter the crowded elevator. OJ and Nicole Simpson are among the occupants. Teenage Nick Kroll is there too, but again, he has nothing to do with the plot (one of the producers is friends with Nick’s parents and let him be an extra as a Bar Mitzvah gift). MARV Oh my god! OJ freakin’ Simpson! Can I get your autograph, Juice? 36.

Marv pushes his way toward OJ and takes out a piece of paper from his pocket. OJ SIMPSON JUSTINAnything for a fWALESan. MARV Thanks, make it out to Marv and-- Harry, you want an autograph? HARRY (starstruck) Big fan, Mr. Simpson. Marv tries to hand the paper to OJ but it’s stuck to his hand. He attempts to pull the paper loose but pulls too hard and his hand lands on Nicole Simpson’s breast. Marv tries to disarm the situation with what he believes to be a charming smile. It’s not one. He turns around and sees OJ furiously staring at him as he palms Nicole’s breast. A look of fear strikes Marv’s face. MARV This? No, Juice--this is just an accident--ah! CUT TO:

EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREET - MEANWHILE Kate McCallister sees a boy dressed in a green jacket and blue beanie. Could it be? She runs up to him. He has a TALKBOY in his hand. It is-- KATE Kevin! Kev-- She grabs the boy’s shoulder. It’s not him. As Kate The boy’s mother steps in front of her son to protect him. KATE (CONT'D) I’m, I’m so sorry. I thought-- Kate stumbles off and sits at a bench to collect her thoughts. Unbeknownst to her, behind that bench the Kevins are walking down the street. Older Kevin is holding a number of bags from “FIREWORKS WAREHOUSE” as well as several garment bags. 37.

YOUNGER KEVIN Just need one more thing. JUSTINYounger Kevin runs into a WALESbodega. Older Kevin follows. INT. BODEGA - A FEW MINUTES LATER The Kevins wait in the checkout line. OLDER KEVIN We’re supposed to be back at the hotel already. Is this really necessary? Younger Kevin scoffs at Older Kevin as he puts a large poster board and several packs of markers on the counter. YOUNGER KEVIN Can’t make a plan without a poster board. These might come in handy too. Younger Kevin grabs several packs of jacks and micro machine race cars and dumps them on the counter before the CLERK. OLDER KEVIN (to Clerk) Let me also get a pack of Parliaments. Younger Kevin stares daggers at Older Kevin. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Aw, forget it. CLERK My kids are on me about quitting too. Older Kevin hands the Clerk his father’s credit card. The Clerk lets out a phlegmy smoker’s cough.

INT. HOTEL SUITE HALLWAY Marv and Harry are seated in the hallway outside of the Kevins’ room waiting for them to return. Marv is eating from someone’s discarded room service tray. He has a black eye. MARV Who would have thought OJ Simpson would be so violent. 38.

HARRY You don’t mess with a man’s wife, Marv. These guys better get here soon. We passed up a nice haul at JUSTINthe toy store foWALESr this. Marv sticks a miniature ketchup bottle from room service into his coat pockets. HARRY (CONT'D) Something don’t feel right about this, Marv. MARV How so? HARRY Just a feeling. But I don’t like the kid being involved. I mean, isn’t it a little strange he just shows up out of nowhere and asks us to help him rob Donald Trump? MARV We live in a dynamic and mysterious universe, Har. Coincidences are the orderly laws in the spiritual life of man. French fry? HARRY Yeah...maybe. I’m tellin’ ya, Marv, once this job is done I’m going straight. You should too. MARV Maybe I’ll go back to MIT and finish my degree. Marv absentmindedly munches on the floor fries and pulls a cigarette butt from his mouth someone had put out on the room service tray. HARRY You should, Marv. Me, I’m gonna see if Angela will take me back. Move her and little Hank to some little island. Start over as a family. OLDER KEVIN Sorry we’re late. Harry’s guard is back up. 39.

HARRY Let’s get this over with. What’s that? Arts and crafts? JUSTINHarry points to Younger KeWALESvin holding the poster board. OLDER KEVIN Gentleman, your costumes. Older Kevin tosses Harry and Marv a pair of garment bags.

INT. HOTEL SUITE Younger Kevin is in full concentration as he puts the final touches on the poster board. Harry and Marv are dressed in black suits. Harry struggles to tie his tie. Older Kevin’s hair is up and he is dressed as a caterer in a white tuxedo shirt. OLDER KEVIN Let me help you. Very handsome. Older Kevin ties Harry’s tie for him. The male intimacy makes him uncomfortable so he changes the subject. HARRY So what’s all this, Picasso? YOUNGER KEVIN This...is our plan. The words “BATTLE PLAN” are drawn at the very top. Stick figures and arrows occupy the entire poster board. This thing is of no use to anyone. Harry and Marv give Older Kevin a suspicious glare. Older Kevin reciprocates with a glance that says he knows the poster board is not helpful but to let the kid feel like he’s helping. Harry and Marv submit. MARV Looks good, kid. HARRY Very helpful schematic. Younger Kevin is very proud of himself. OLDER KEVIN You all know what to do, right? 40.

Older Kevin makes a final adjustment to Harry’s tie. Harry swats off his hand. HARRY JUSTINYeah. Let’s go , WALESMarv. INT. TRUMP’S LIMO - SAME TIME Donald Trump is talking on a giant, corded car phone. DONALD TRUMP I’m telling you, Donald Trump has women throwing themselves at him all the time! Ivana just couldn’t handle how irresistible he is to women, that’s why she’s leaving. Actually, strike that, that’s why I’m, he’s divorcing her. Uh-huh. So you’ll print it? No this isn’t Donald Trump. I wish I was Donald Trump. My name? John Barron. Uh- huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay, it’s Trump. So you’ll print it? That’ll show her. Trump hangs up the phone. REVEAL a 10-year-old is sitting next to Donald in a pageant gown. She’s doing her best to hold back tears. IVANKA TRUMP Are you and mom getting divorced? Trump is dialing another number. DONALD TRUMP Where’d you hear a thing like that? IVANKA TRUMP You just-- DONALD TRUMP Please, Ivanka I’m on the phone. Hello, Page Six? This is John Barron...

EXT. PLAZA HOTEL Trump’s limo arrives. The door opens and Harry and Marv approach Mr. Trump. 41.

HARRY Mr. Trump, there was a security threat earlier today so we’re going to escort you around the hotel JUSTINtonight. WALES TRUMP Something serious? MARV (smiling) Someone is planning on kidnapping you-- Harry can’t hide his disdain for Marv. TRUMP And you can handle that sort of threat? MARV (leaning in) Oh sure. We were in Vietnam. Marv winks again at Harry who just can’t with him. Trump looks the pair over for a moment and nods. TRUMP I don’t see why anyone would join the military. Ivanka, come on. Ivanka dutifully follows her father inside.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL Trump walks into the hotel with Ivanka trailing behind. He’s flanked by Harry and Marv. Guests gawk at the famous businessman. Several snap pictures with disposable cameras. Cedric salutes Trump, Harry, and Marv. Marv salutes back. TRUMP You know it never gets old being Donald Trump. Trump waves at his admirers. A SEXY LADY smiles at Trump. MARV Whoa. Must be nice. TRUMP It is. You know, when you’re a star they let you do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything. 42.

Ivanka is so embarrassed and pretends not to hear. The SEXY LADY winks at Trump as she walks by. MARV JUSTINI’ll bet. WALES Marv gives Harry an impressed look as he continues to ogle at the SEXY LADY. Harry is also impressed.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL BALLROOM Mr. Hector directs workers to put the finishing touches on the pageant decorations. Older Kevin, dressed as a caterer, is in the ballroom too. He pushes a cart of plates covered with a white linen cloth. Younger Kevin hides underneath the cart with dozens of boxes of FIREWORK SNAPS. As Older Kevin pushes the cart around the room, Younger Kevin peeks out to cut small holes into the seat cushions of each chair with a knife and drops a handful of snaps into each seat. As Younger Kevin pours the snaps into a chair, one drops out without his noticing. OLDER KEVIN Okay. Ready for phase two? YOUNGER KEVIN (UNDER CART) (Unhappily) He better be a terrible president. OLDER KEVIN (amused) He’s the worst. Older Kevin smiles to himself as he pushes the cart through the service entrance of the ballroom. Just as he is about to leave, Mr. Hector sees him and does a double take. But Kevin is already gone. Mr. Hector isn’t quite sure what he saw. He looks back at the table Older Kevin was just servicing. As he adjusts a fork slightly off center, he looks down at his shoe and sees a snap. He brings it up to his face to inspect it when BANG. MR. HECTOR Cedric! 43.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL - BACKSTAGE - SHORTLY AFTER Trump is speaking to several people. TRUMP JUSTINI’m telling yo u,WALES Ron, you’re going to see Trump Steaks everywhere. Grocery stores, markets, supermarkets...everywhere. Ivanka starts pulling at her Dad’s jacket. IVANKA TRUMP Hey, dad? Dad? TRUMP Hold on, Ivanka.... (to man) I’m serious, it’s the best steak you can get. Everyone says it. IVANKA TRUMP Eric said that you were going to make sure I would win tonight. TRUMP Not now, sweetie. (to man) You should really have them in your restaurants. Think about how much money you could make-- IVANKA TRUMP It’s not true. Is it, dad? TRUMP Excuse me. (bending down to address Ivanka) Ivanka, of course not. If you win it’s because you are the sexiest little girl out there. Trump thinks he’s being a good father. He really does. He looks up and winks to the group surrounding him. They think it’s weird. TRUMP (CONT'D) Why don’t you go play with the other girls? Ivanka smiles and runs off. 44.

TRUMP (CONT'D) So, what do you say? Trump Steaks in your restaurants. We could call them the McDonald Trump Steak Burger. Like McDonald plus my name, JUSTINDonald. McDona ldWALES. REVEAL that one of the people Trump is talking to is a man dressed in a full RONALD MCDONALD clown costume. RONALD MCDONALD I’m not really from McDonalds, they just hired me to take a photo with the check. I’m actually an actor. WOMAN Have you been in anything I’d recognize? RONALD MCDONALD No. TRUMP Wait, so are any of you interested in buying Trump steaks? Of course they’re not. TRUMP (CONT'D) Very unfair. Let’s go, Ivanka-- He had forgotten she left. He motions to Marv and Harry. TRUMP (CONT'D) You two, let’s go. Trump is SAD! Marv I’d eat a McDonald Trump burger, Mr. Trump. TRUMP McDonald Trump Steak Burger. You would, right? MARV Yeah, I’d eat one every day. TRUMP They’re the best. We import them from Bulgaria. 45.

HARRY Sounds delicious. TRUMP I like you guys. Maybe we should JUSTINget you doing seWALEScurity at Trump Tower. The guy we have now is a “vaygen”. A “vaygen”, who’s even heard of such a thing? Harry and Marv aren’t used to this much positive feedback.

INT. HOTEL LOBBY Mr. Hector approaches Cedric in the hallway. MR. HECTOR Cedric! I want you to go into Mr. McCallister’s room and tell me if you find anything unusual. I have a feeling something fishy is going on. CEDRIC But we can’t just go into our guests’ rooms, sir. MR. HECTOR That reminds me, Cedric. I do hope to make it to your next concert. You must tell me when it is-- CEDRIC We’re actually playing this Satur-- MR. HECTOR Wonderful, let’s talk about it later. But do go to Mr. McCallister’s room at once and tell me if you see anything odd. Great. Mr. Hector walks away.

INT. BACKSTAGE Ivanka Trump walks into the backstage area. The other girls all hate her. LITTLE GIRL 1 (DEBORAH) I’m surprised she isn’t wearing the crown already. 46.

LITTLE GIRL 2 (A DIFFERENT DEBORAH) Do you know how easy my life would be if my dad judged the competition instead of just being Chairman of JUSTINthe Federal Re seWALESrve? A waitress offers the girls hors d'oeuvres. The Deborahs brushes her off. LITTLE GIRL 1 (DEBORAH) Life’s so unfair. Here she comes. A third girl grabs an hors d’oeuvre. REVEAL: It’s Younger Kevin disguised as a contestant in a wig and gown. He’s stuffing pigs in a blanket into his mouth. Ivanka sheepishly comes over to the group. IVANKA TRUMP Hi Deborah. Deborah. You both look really pretty. The Deborahs smile politely. LITTLE GIRL 1 (DEBORAH) Thanks. Excuse us. The two Deborahs leave. Ivanka turns to Younger Kevin. IVANKA TRUMP You can go too if you don’t want to be seen with me. I’m used to it. YOUNGER KEVIN No, it’s okay. Ivanka smiles. IVANKA TRUMP I’m Ivanka Trump. Younger Kevin stuffs the remaining pigs in a blanket into his mouth, instinctively wipes his hand on his dress, and shakes Ivanka’s hand. YOUNGER KEVIN (mumbling) I’m Kevin...a. Kevina. Younger Kevin realizes he got oil all over his dress. MR. HECTOR Ladies, ladies. We will start the pageant in exactly 10 minutes. (MORE) 47. MR. HECTOR (CONT'D) (looking at Younger Kevin) Please try to...remain presentable. Mr. Hector stares at Younger Kevin trying to figure out why JUSTINhe looks so out of place . WALESIt’s awkward. IVANKA TRUMP (next to Younger Kevin) Please stop staring at us. Mr. Hector snaps out of it and walks away. IVANKA TRUMP (CONT'D) I swear some of the help at this hotel are such creeps. Ivanka turns around and sees Harry, Marv, and Donald Trump talking. Donald Trump is furiously penetrating a finger in and out of an “O” made on his other hand. Harry and Marv are having the time of their lives. YOUNGER KEVIN They’re creeps alright. IVANKA TRUMP Let’s get some club soda for your dress. That stain should come right out. Ivanka leads Younger Kevin away by his hand.

INT. HOTEL BASEMENT - SAME TIME Older Kevin stands in the hotel’s dark basement. He has a rope strewn over his shoulder as he writes out a letter on a dingy steel desk. The Portal Gun is on the desk as is a photo of his entire family from his dad’s wallet on the table. OLDER KEVIN It’s up to you, kid. Older Kevin folds the paper and writes: “KEVIN”. He puts the letter in his jacket and throws the rope on the chair. A beat as he takes one last look at the picture of his family. He focuses in on his mom and dad. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) (to camera) I’m going to destroy Donald Trump. 48.

Older Kevin twirls the Portal Gun like Doc Holiday causing it to accidentally go off and shoot a beam at the steel desk. It FOLDS IN ON ITSELF INTO NOTHINGNESS. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) JUSTINHoly sh-- WALES CUT TO:

MONTAGE OF THE START OF THE PAGEANT The opening jangles of “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year” play. Exterior shot of limos outside the plaza. A giant sign reads: “Trump Annual Pre-Teen Christmas Eve Beauty Pageant Benefitting The Ronald McDonald House.” Inside the hotel, all manner of fancy people are making their way into the ballroom. A tuxedoed HARRY CONNICK JR. approaches a woman at the entrance of the ballroom. WOMAN Name? HARRY CONNICK JR. Harry Connick Jr. The woman searches the list. WOMAN I’m not seeing it. HARRY CONNICK JR. I’m performing tonight. On with the montage: Backstage, the Deborahs practice their talents: baton twirling and tap dancing. Younger Kevin and Ivanka sit on the floor playing with the jacks he purchased from the bodega. As an exasperated Mr. Hector walks by, he slips on the jacks and falls onto his back. Ivanka and Younger Kevin start to laugh. Down the hall waiting to go on stage, Donald Trump catches a glimpse of this and also laughs at Mr. Hector’s fall. Inside the ballroom, Older Kevin hands out hors d'oeuvres. He spots Donald Trump backstage with Harry and Marv. 49.

It’s him. The future President of the United States. The man who almost single handedly undermined American Democracy. The embodiment of American greed. It is because of his selfishness and incompetence that 300,000 people died. JUSTINHe pulls out the photo o f WALEShis family again and focuses in on his mother’s face. As he looks at Trump one last time before the plan sets in motion, he and Harry make eye contact. Harry flashes a sinister smile and nods. The light catches Harry’s gold tooth. END MONTAGE.

INT. THE KEVINS’ HOTEL ROOM Cedric tiptoes into the Kevins’ room. CEDRIC Hello? Mr. McCallister? Convinced no one is there, Cedric pulls out the VAPEWAND he received from Older Kevin and takes a drag as he looks around. Nothing out of the ordinary until...THE BATTLE PLAN. Cedric studies Younger Kevin’s poster board. Suspense builds as he looks it over. Does he realize what is about to take place? No. That poster board is indecipherable.

INT. HOTEL LOBBY Cedric walks back to the ballroom. An IRATE Harry Connick Jr. is screaming at Mr. Hector. HARRY CONNICK JR. I flew in from New Orleans for this! What do you mean I’ve been replaced by some flannel wearing grunge act? Mr. Hector walks away from Harry Connick, Jr. toward Cedric. MR. HECTOR Cedric! Did you find anything in McCallister’s room? CEDRIC Nope. Just some arts and crafts. 50.

HARRY CONNICK JR. Hello? I’m still getting paid for this, right?

JUSTININT. PLAZA HOTEL BALLROO M WALES- SHORTLY AFTER The lights go down in the ballroom. ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen, your host for this evening: Donald J. Trump. Applause from the crowd as Donald Trump walks on stage. Marv enthusiastically claps from beyond the stage as well. DONALD TRUMP Thank you. Thank you. And welcome to the Trump Annual Pre-Teen Christmas Eve Beauty Pageant to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House which is a very good organization I’m told. I hope its better run than the McDonald’s Burger chain who many people think would be a lot better if they maybe started carrying Trump steaks. Trump sneers at Ronald McDonald and holds for applause. Marv is one of the few people that clap.

INT. SIDE-STAGE MARV WOOOO! Trump Steaks! As Donald Trump continues to talk about Trump Steaks onstage, Harry turns to Marv. HARRY Hey, Marv. I was thinking. MARV What’s that, Harry? HARRY Trump seems like a pretty good guy, right? 51.

MARV Oh yeah! Great guy. Did you hear what he said about women letting him grab them? They wouldn’t do JUSTINthat if he wer enWALES’t a good guy. HARRY Exactly. Now don’t you think it would be in our best pecuniary interest if maybe instead of trying to rob the billionaire who wants us to work for him, we... MARV Harry, I don’t think we need to kill Donald Trump. HARRY What? You idiot, no. If we saved him from the kid’s little kidnapping plan. MARV Yes! HARRY I bet he’d even give us a reward and set us up with a real nice gig. That’ll impress Angela. Me working for a guy like Trump. Marv nods in agreement. HARRY (CONT'D) Good. We’ll take him to the basement as planned and once Fabio and his kid cousin come in we’ll... Marv slides his finger across his neck. HARRY (CONT'D) Exactly. Unbeknownst to Marv and Harry, Younger Kevin is behind the stage curtain. He heard the whole thing. As Younger Kevin processes what he just heard Ivanka walks over to him. IVANKA TRUMP Ready Kevina? Younger Kevin runs out of the backstage as fast as he can. 52.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL BALLROOM Donald Trump is still somehow talking about steaks. DONALD TRUMP JUSTINAnyway, we hav e WALESa very exciting evening. Lots of very beautiful young women--I see you smiling Jeffrey-- lot of great girls here. One, in particular I think will do very well tonight, Ivanka, very sexy girl--

INT. BACKSTAGE The Deborahs and the other contestants sneer at Ivanka. LITTLE GIRL 1 (DEBORAH) The Trumps don’t even try to hide that they’re cheating.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL BALLROOM DONALD TRUMP But before we bring the girls out I believe we have a performance from a very good performer. So before we take our seats for supper please give a round of applause for Sound Blossom...s. Sound Blossoms. This takes Older Kevin by surprise. Mr. Hector runs to him. MR. HECTOR You’re on. OLDER KEVIN No, there’s been some-- MR. HECTOR Go! Go! Mr. Hector pushes Older Kevin on stage. Older Kevin spots Cedric who gives him the devil horns in support.

INT. THE KEVINS' HOTEL ROOM - MEANWHILE Younger Kevin bursts into the hotel room and heads straight for the BATTLE PLAN poster board. He turns it over and writes NEW BATTLE PLAN on the other side and starts sketching out new stick figures and arrows. 53.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL BALLROOM Older Kevin is on stage. Mr. Hector hands him a guitar and as he takes center stage, he is met by Donald Trump. Donald Trump reaches out to shake his hand but Older Kevin is JUSTINfrozen. WALES DONALD TRUMP Looks like he’s a little shy. Let’s give him a round of applause. The crowd starts clapping. Mr. Hector puts down a chair and a in the middle of the stage.

INT. HOTEL LOBBY MUSIC CUE: Carol of the Bells, the riveting Christmas pre- fight music from the other films in the series, begins. Younger Kevin, holding the poster board in hand, runs through the lobby at full speed. He nearly knocks over Beth and Larry Schoenfeld.

INT. BACKSTAGE Younger Kevin enters the backstage area and runs past the pageant contestants into a stairwell marked “BASEMENT”. Ivanka calls out to him but it’s too late.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL BALLROOM Older Kevin stares out to the crowd nervously clutching the guitar. Donald Trump stands to the side of the stage with Harry and Marv. DONALD TRUMP He dresses like a caterer? Is that the act? Is this guy any good? HARRY I could live without him.

INT. BASEMENT Younger Kevin starts setting out traps: He attaches paint canisters to ropes, douses the floor with an industrial size cleaning solution, and carefully puts down micro machines. 54.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL BALLROOM OLDER KEVIN This... (reacting to feedback) JUSTIN...is a song I wWALESrote. Um... (to himself) Why can’t I think of any song from after 1992? (back to microphone) ...called...Smooth. Older Kevin begins to strum the chords for “Smooth” by Carlos Santana featuring Rob Thomas. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) (singing) And it’s a hot one. Like seven midgets on a midray stunt... Older Kevin doesn’t really know the words. And he isn’t a good guitar player. And has a pretty bad voice. The audience turns on him and starts making their way back to their seats. In fact, only one man, seems interested in the song: It’s CARLOS SANTANA, listening intently from the front row while wearing a tuxedo and bandana combination. DONALD TRUMP He’s not very good. The disinterested audience members start taking their seats. As the snaps hidden in their chairs go off, the ballroom sounds like a battlefield. GUEST He has a gun! A GUEST points to Cedric who is VAPING with the VAPEWAND that Older Kevin had given him earlier. CEDRIC This? No, no, no-- Cedric tries to explain but it’s too late. The Plaza’s elderly security guard, CLIFF, tries to tackle Cedric, but he is about 75 years old and can’t do it. CEDRIC (CONT'D) Be careful, Cliff. You’re going to hurt yourself. Harry and Marv run up to Donald Trump. 55.

HARRY Sir, we need to get you out of here. Follow me. JUSTINHarry and Marv escort Do naWALESld Trump off the stage. Ivanka watches her father leave without her. IVANKA TRUMP Dad! Dad! He isn’t even looking for her.

EXT. TIMES SQUARE - MEANWHILE Kate McCallister is exhausted. She doesn’t know what to do except call out her son’s name. KATE Kevin! Kevin! She walks by the old CANNON store. A giant screen suddenly changes to a news report. A chyron reads: “SHOTS FIRED AT THE PLAZA.” Camcorder footage of Older Kevin playing guitar on stage as chaos begins to erupt. Kate is transfixed on Older Kevin’s face.

INT. HOTEL BASEMENT Marv descends the steps to the basement followed by Trump and then Harry. DONALD TRUMP Where are you taking me? MARV Someplace real safe, Mr. Trump. Real-- The stairs are covered with industrial cleaning solution and cause Marv to fly down the stairs. Harry looks down and sees the steps are coated. HARRY The kid. Mr. Trump, stop! But it’s too late. Donald Trump slips down the stairs--as he is about to fall he grabs onto Harry which causes him to fall down the stairs as well. 56.

HARRY (CONT'D) I’m gonna kill that little brat! DONALD TRUMP JUSTINWho? Who’s doi ngWALES this to me? MARV Just a kid. Nothing to be afraid-- A rat scurries across a pipe. Marv SCREAMS in fear. MARV (CONT'D) (after regrouping) Nothing to be afraid of. Marv winks at Donald Trump. It takes effort but the men eventually stand again on the slippery floor. MARV (CONT'D) (calling out) Hey kid! I bet Mr. Trump will make it worth your while if you come out! A bouncing ball from the jacks rolls out to the middle of the floor. Marv startles and falls. He takes Trump and Harry down with him. DONALD TRUMP It’s just a bouncy ball, get off me. A piece of string is tied to the bouncy ball. YOUNGER KEVIN Over here, suckers. Younger Kevin flicks a lighter and is about to light the string attached to the ball. Younger Kevin motions to a tub of cleaning solution adorned with a “HIGHLY FLAMMIBLE” warning label. Realizing the cleaning solution they are covered in is flammable, the trio begins to scramble. The more they struggle, the more they fall down. YOUNGER KEVIN (CONT'D) Aren’t you guys gonna get up? No? Alright... The flame is about to touch the string when-- IVANKA TRUMP (O.C.) Dad? 57.

DONALD TRUMP Ivanka? Kevin puts out the flame and looks concerned. JUSTINYOU NGEWALESR KEVIN Ivanka, don’t-- Trump realizes Younger Kevin won’t hurt him if Ivanka comes. DONALD TRUMP Come down here, Ivanka. A 10-year-old Ivanka Trump flies down the stairs. DONALD TRUMP (CONT'D) Watch your step. She lands on top of the other three. It’s okay to laugh at the little girl getting hurt because we all know who Ivanka Trump turned out to be. IVANKA TRUMP Ouch! Kevina, what happened to your hair? What’s going on? This is the first time Ivanka has seen Younger Kevin without his wig. She realizes she’s been lied to. HARRY Alright kid, what else have you set up? Blowtorches? Firecrackers? MARV Rakes that hit us in the face when we step on them? The group is standing. Harry, Marv, and Trump make their way over to Younger Kevin. Ivanka slides her way over to a corner and picks up the POSTER BOARD. IVANKA TRUMP Wait! Harry, Marv, and Trump stop. Only a kid can understand the Battle Plan. IVANKA TRUMP (CONT'D) There’s a trap right in front of you. Harry looks down and sees a trip wire. He puposefully triggers it with his foot and a duo of paint cans crash from the sides of the room. 58.

IVANKA TRUMP (CONT'D) It says here there was supposed to be three? JUSTINHarry, Marv, and Donald TrWALESump look around. OLDER KEVIN (O.C.) Found it. Older Kevin stands at the top of the stairs and throws the tethered paint can with all his might at Donald, Harry, and Marv causing them all to fall again. IVANKA TRUMP DADDY! Older Kevin walks down the stairs. OLDER KEVIN No slip shoes. They were part of the catering uniform. Older Kevin pulls out the PORTAL GUN and points it at Trump. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Sit in the chair. Tie him up. Now. Marv sits Donald Trump in a chair and uses the rope Older Kevin left earlier in the day to tie him up. IVANKA TRUMP Let him go! OLDER KEVIN Shut up, Ivanka. Ivanka starts to cry. Why is everyone always so mean to her? OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Harry, Marv--You betrayed us? For Trump! After all we’ve been through? HARRY All we’ve been through? OLDER KEVIN (to Marv) This was your idea, Prof! MARV (to Harry) Prof? 59.

Harry thinks Older Kevin has completely lost it. OLDER KEVIN Yes, Prof. This is all because of you. You finished your degree in JUSTINprison and, I doWALESn’t know, built this. You sent me back to stop him! For a moment a look of astonishment washes over Marv’s usually dimwitted face. Time Travel is real? A long beat as Marv’s face tenses in deep thought. MARV Wait...so you’re saying...I go back to prison? Aw man, Harry. His dimwitted face returns to Older Kevin’s disappointment. OLDER KEVIN You don’t understand how bad he is going to make everything. This idiot is going to be President and it’s because of him...because of him that lots of people die. Because he’s so selfish! Older Kevin starts to cry. Intensely. It’s a Matthew Lillard level display of emotions. His calling Trump “selfish” resonates deeply with Ivanka. YOUNGER KEVIN Kevin, are you okay? OLDER KEVIN It’s because of him mom dies, Kevin. And she was the only connection to the family we had left. The only one who didn’t give up on us. And Harry, it’s because of him that you die too. HARRY From what? What is talking about? OLDER KEVIN Covid. From Covid. HARRY The play? DONALD TRUMP No one knows what you’re talking about. (MORE) 60. DONALD TRUMP (CONT'D) Now let me out of here before you do something you’ll regret bigly. OLDER KEVIN JUSTINI have to do t hiWALESs. Older Kevin holds the PORTAL GUN up to Trump as he walks his way over to Younger Kevin. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) Take this. He hands Younger Kevin the letter he wrote. OLDER KEVIN (CONT'D) You’re an amazing kid, Kevin. I wish I were more like you. YOUNGER KEVIN You are. Older Kevin prepares to aim. YOUNGER KEVIN (CONT'D) You don’t have to do this. Stay here with me. Move back home. We have a mansion, there’s room. Older Kevin laughs. YOUNGER KEVIN (CONT'D) Don’t leave me. Younger Kevin hugs Older Kevin. OLDER KEVIN How could I? I am you. Older Kevin shoots the PORTAL GUN at Donald Trump. As he screams, a FLASH of light strikes his chest. His entire body FOLDS IN ON ITSELF and in an instant, Donald Trump is gone. IVANKA TRUMP Daddy! OLDER KEVIN (to Ivanka) This had to be done. A man like him, a man so selfish, shouldn’t be President. You must know that. Ivanka cries and runs up the stairs. 61.

HARRY Let’s get out of here, Marv. Harry and Marv make their way out of the basement too. JUSTINOlder Kevin is alone wit h WALESYounger Kevin. YOUNGER KEVIN You’re still here...oh. Older Kevin holds up his arm. His hand has vanished. It’s not a joke this time. A paleness is setting in. Older Kevin and Younger Kevin climb the stairs as well. OLDER KEVIN Help me outside.

INT. HOTEL LOBBY Younger Kevin supports Older Kevin through the lobby. The police already have Marv and Harry. Larry and Beth Schoenfeld are pointing them out to the cops. BETH That’s him. He stole several lozenges from my purse. COP The great escapees, the Wet Bandits, caught stealing candy? Wait ‘till the boys in Chicago hear about this. MARV We go by the Sticky Bandits now. HARRY What’d I tell you, Marv! You idiot! The Kevins walk by Harry and Marv. HARRY (CONT'D) Hey, it’s not us you want, it’s them. They imploded Donald Trump! I swear, hey, ask the girl. Hey! COP Ma’am, where’s your father? IVANKA TRUMP He... (eying the Kevins) (MORE) 62. IVANKA TRUMP (CONT'D) ...probably just went to one of his mistresses for Christmas. That’s what he did last year. Excuse me. As Ivanka leaves the hotel she gives a nod to the Kevins. She JUSTINknows, deep down, her fa thWALESer is too selfish and pigheaded of a man to ever be President of the United States. She knows. OLDER KEVIN The letter I gave you. Make sure you do what it says. YOUNGER KEVIN I will. OLDER KEVIN Family is important, Kevin. Don’t ever forget that. (spotting something) Mom? Older Kevin’s other hand is gone at this point and the rest of him is fading fast. SUDDENLY: KATE KEVIN! Kate McCallister is in the lobby and runs toward her sons. KATE (CONT'D) Oh, Kevin, it’s you. Kate comes up face to face with Older Kevin. He’s nearly transparent by now. Does she even see him? As he vanishes... OLDER KEVIN (ephemerally) Mom. He’s gone. Kate bends down and HUGS Younger Kevin. KATE I’ve been looking all over for you, Kevin. I’m so glad you’re safe. PETER (O.C.) Kevin! Peter and the entire family run into the lobby. KATE Peter! How, how did you--? 63.

PETER He used my credit card at a bodega next door. We got a call from the credit card company and took the next flight. JUSTIN(hugging P etWALESer) I’ll go get us a suite.

INT. PLAZA HOTEL SUITE - THE NEXT MORNING The McCallisters sits in a giant suite somehow adorned with a fully decorated Christmas tree. Buzz hands out presents. BUZZ It’s for Kevin. Where’s Kevin?

EXT. SUITE BALCONY Younger Kevin stares out at the Manhattan skyline. He’s holding the letter Older Kevin gave him the night before. OLDER KEVIN (V.O.) Kevin. Life’s hard. And only gets harder. The future can be a scary place and, trust me, it’s no fun if you’re all alone. Peter comes outside and hands Kevin a cup of cocoa. PETER Hot chocolate? YOUNGER KEVIN Thanks, dad. OLDER KEVIN (V.O.) But you have a big family who loves you...even Buzz. And as long as you have them you’ll be fine. See you in the mirror, pal. As Kevin and his dad stare across New York City, the World Trade Center takes center frame. OLDER KEVIN (V.O.) P.S. On September 11, 2001, make sure dad misses his flight. It’s important. PETER What’s that? 64.

Younger Kevin takes the letter and opens it. It’s blank. The words vanished with Older Kevin. He never gets the message. YOUNGER KEVIN JUSTINNothing. WALES PETER What do you say we go back inside and open up some presents? YOUNGER KEVIN Sounds good. Peter puts his arm around his son. YOUNGER KEVIN (CONT'D) Hey, Dad? PETER Hmm? YOUNGER KEVIN What’s medicare fraud? DISSOLVE TO: MCCALLISTER FAMILY HOME - CHICAGO - DECEMBER 24, 2020 The McCallister’s home is bustling. Children run through the foyer. BUZZ yells at them to stop as he brings out a turkey. A TV is on: PRESIDENT HILLARY CLINTON. KATE No politics on Christmas! Off. The door opens. It’s OLDER KEVIN, hair short, well dressed, and clean shaven. He’s followed by his partner, JOAQUIN. OLDER KEVIN Mom! KATE Kevin! You’re just in time, Buzz is carving the turkey. Come here, handsome! Kate gives Joaquin a kiss on the cheek. JOAQUIN Hey, mama. KATE How was your flight? 65.

PETER (O.S.) UNCLE KEVIN! Running past a painting of Kevin’s father is Buzz’s 7-year- JUSTINold son, PETER. Kevin ca tcWALEShes him and lifts him in the air. OLDER KEVIN Peter! PETER Did you bring me presents? OLDER KEVIN Uh...duh! They’re in the car. Your dad cutting the turkey? PETER Yeah. OLDER KEVIN I should go help him. Older Kevin puts down Peter and makes his way into the dining room where he is greeted by his large, loving family.


POST CREDIT SCENE: JUSTINEXT. PADDY FIELDS - VIET NAWALESM - 1967 A METAL DESK is inexplicably located in the middle of a field drawing the attention of the local Vietnamese. OVERHEAD SHOT of an American military plane flying over a rice paddy. The locals start to run from the plane. SUDDENLY Donald J. Trump, tied up and still sitting in the rolling chair, appears next to the desk. DONALD TRUMP Do you know who I am? Just wait til I get out of this chair... Donald Trump looks up as the American plane flies overhead. DONALD TRUMP (CONT'D) Where am I? Get me out of here! Do you know who I am??? BRIGHT ORANGE POWDER falls from the plane’s under carriage. Is that what napalm looks like? We end on a close up of Donald Trump’s screaming, fearful, fat, orange face realizing his time is up. Good riddance.