BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Published by the Archives of British Columbia in Co-Operation with the British Columbia Historical Association
THE BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY * OCTOBER, 1942 BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Published by the Archives of British Columbia in co-operation with the British Columbia Historical Association. EDITOR. W. KAYB LAMB. Library, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. ASSOCIATE EDITOR. WnLA1w E. IRELAND. Proi.thwial Archives, Victoria, B.C. ADVISORY BOARD. J. C. GooDrELLow, Prznceton. F. W. HowAy, New Westminster. ROBIE L. REID, Vancouver. T. A. RIcKARD, Victoria. W. N. SAGE, Vancouver. Editorial communications may be addressed either to the Editor or to the Associate Editor. Subscriptions should be sent to the Provincial Archives, Parliament :.•. Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Price, 50c. the copy, or $2 the year. Members of the British Columbia Historical Association in good standing receive the Quarterly without further charge. Neither the Provincial Archives nor the British Columbia Historical Association assumes any responsibility for statements made by contributors to the magazine. BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY “Any country worthy of a future should be interested in its past.” VOL. VI. VICTORIA, B.C., OcToBER, 1942. No. 4 CONTENTS. ARTICLES: PAGE. The Origin of the Chinook Jargon. By F. W. Howay 225 How One Slave became Free. By Robie L. Reid 251 Some Pioneers of the Cattle Industry. ByF.W. Laing 257 DOcuMENTS: Correspondence relating to the Establishment of a, Naval Base at Esquima,lt, 1851—57 277 NOTES AND COMMENTS: The “Kornagata Maru” and the Central Powers. A letter from Stephen E. Raymer, with an introductory note by Robie L. Reid_ 297 Some Archives Accessions, 1941—42. By Madge Wolfenden 299 British Columbia Historical Association 304 WillardE.
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