"The Jews for Jesus (And Others Too) Are out to Get Your Kids," James and Marcia

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Stephen S. Rosenfeld examines Jack Javits' very special role Summer 1977, Volume Four, Number Four/$2.^o Jack N. Porter reports on a Nazi's campaign for mayor Bernard Lefkowitz remembers Dolly Schiff's New York Post Teddy Kollek reflects on Jerusalem The Magazine Sylvia Rothchild profiles Rav ofWorld Soloveitchik,"An absolute genius." JewishAfft :V % ^1 (r .* >^ 1,- life \ »- * • * I...., IS!tKmr ''" M fflp "5 ft r A Ik « 1 Sv • • r *• ' 1 • • ..• ^ •,, • *•! "" C III • The Jews for Jesus (and the others too) are out to get your kids. By A* James and Marcia R. Rudin Published by the American Jewish Committee Onward (Hebrew) Christian Soldiers They're Out to Grab Your Kids An impassioned moment at a Hebrew Christian revival meeting. "Jesus is in my heart," she says. "You can't have Hebrew Christian groups. "They are living as Jews and loving it." my heart. No one can make me stop believing "Hebrew Christians" is the collec- in Jesus. I know what I am in God's eyes. I am a tive term for a variety of groups which evangelize among Jews in many parts follower of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah." of the world, including the United States. But not all those who are in- volved in these groups are Jews. Some You can believe in Jesus as the Messiah Christians seek to make their religion and still be Jewish! more meaningful by stressing the Jew- Such is the dramatic claim of the ish roots of Christianity, even adopt- Hebrew Christians. In fact, they ex- ing many Jewish symbols. They be- plain, Jesus is the fulfillment of lieve that everything "Jewish" draws Judaism, and without him, Judaism them closer to Jesus, their Messiah. remains an incomplete religion. In A. James Rudin and Such Christians often join the Hebrew Marcia R. Rudin Christian movement; in some places, Rabbi Rudin is assistant national direc- they even outnumber Jewish partici- tor of interreligious affairs of the Amer- order to be fully, truly Jewish one pants. ican Jewish Committee. Marcia R. must accept and believe in Jesus. In this country, Hebrew Christians Rudin formerly taught philosophy and "Through Christ [Jews] are returning operate in forty states, with large con- comparative religion at William Pater- to their heritage," says Moishe (Mar- centrations in every major Jewish pop- son College. They are currently writing tin Meyer) Rosen, the leader of Jews ulation center. In the New York area, a book about religious cults. ,- :,,„•., for Jesus, one of the most publicized where the movement is especially Photos by Fred Rirchin, at: the Shcchinah '77 rally on June 17. Present Tense/17 group that "deprograms" young Jewish They attempt to lull the jew into the belief that Hebrew Christians, declares 5,000 Hebrew Christian missionaries are he is not actually changing his religion, when working in the New York area, but Moishe Rosen says the total is only in fact the ultimate goal is to convert him to about fifty. And it is impossible to ascertain how Christianity and have him join an established many or what percentage of Hebrew Christians are Jews. Rabbi Samuel Christian church. Glaser, president of the Long Island Board of Rabbis, believes there are only 300 to 400 Jews in the groups in the New York area. But Rosen claims there may be as many as 30,000 Jews who have accepted Jesus since his movement began in 1970. Hebrew Christians work on the streets, in storefronts, apartments and private homes, as well as in churches. They sometimes even appear in syna- gogues where unsuspecting rabbis, im- pressed by their commitment to Israel and Soviet Jewry but unaware of their true purpose, give Hebrew Christian singers, dancers and drama troupes an opportunity to perform. National Jew- ish community leaders accuse them of infiltrating Jewish organizations such as sisterhoods, brotherhoods and Zion- ist groups. Originally they pitched their appeal largely to the age group between 15 and 30, but recently they have ex- Two Texas supporters chat with Mike Evans (right). panded their drive to include the very young—opening nursery schools and strong, it is estimated that there are Jack Hickman in Long Island. Mike presenting programs in primary schools sixty Hebrew Christian groups. Evans, in his late twenties, head of —and the elderly—evangelizing in On the international level, the the pentecostal B'nai Yeshua (Chil- nursing homes and hospitals. (They American Board of Missions to the dren of Jesus), who moved from Texas get into public schools by offering free Jews (ABMJ), oldest of these organi' to Stony Brook, Long Island last year, "educational" programs and entertain- zations, boasts thirty-three missions in claims 800, and says there are "thou- ment for student assemblies.) Critics such places as Israel (Haifa, Tel Aviv sands and thousands of Hebrew Chris- also charge them with preying on help- and Jerusalem), Athens, Paris, Buenos tians in the United States." less and vulnerable Jews in foster Aires, Toronto and Montreal. It also Probably the most reliable estimates homes and mental institutions. has centers in thirteen American cities. of Hebrew Christian numbers come For young Jews who are often igno- How many people are actually from Malcolm Hoenlein, executive rant of their Jewish heritage, unsure of members of Hebrew Christian bodies? director of the Jewish Community their status in a predominantly Chris- The groups themselves make inflated Relations Council of New York, tian society and unsettled in their per- claims for publicity purposes. On the which closely monitors the movement sonal lives vis-a-vis mates and careers, other hand, some Jewish observers through its Task Force on Missionary they hold "rap sessions" in storefront tend to minimize the extent of the Activities. He says there are at least centers, then follow up with mail and Hebrew Christian following. Esti- 1,000 Hebrew Christians in the New telephone solicitations. They help find mates of the total number vary widely. York area and perhaps as many as jobs and places to live, and provide One hears that there arc fewer than 10,000 in the United States. counseling services for the deeply 1,000 in the entire United States—and There is also disagreement about troubled. several thousand in Long Island alone. the number of professional Hebrew They combine their Gospel message (In that nrea, which contains the third- Christian missionaries at work. The with cultural and ethnic aspects of largest Jewish community in the ABMJ claims to have 100 full-time Judaism, such as the Hebrew language United States, a concentrated drive to missionaries. Jews for Jesus, originally and Jewish humor, food and holidays. gain Jewish converts is now being a small storefront operation in San They profess strong support of Israel waged.) An estimated 500 to 700 Francisco, and B'nai Yeshua have and actively rally in behalf of Soviet Hebrew Christians make up the Beth about seventy staff members each. Jewry. Thus the Hebrew Christians Yehoshua (House of Joshua) group, Hesh Morgan, leader of the Anti-Mis- seek to assure prospective converts led by 46-year-old Lutheran minister sionary Institute, a New York-based that they are not renouncing Judaism 18 or the Jewish people if they accept Hebrew Christian missions to the Jews vertisements in major newspapers Jesus as the Messiah. began operating in Great Britain and with large circulations among Jews, And they use Jewish symbols, often the United States early in the 19th such as The New York Times; they in distorted form, to get their message century. The First Hebrew Christian buy expensive television and radio across. For example, the three matzoth Church in America was founded in time. on the Seder plate represent for them New York City in 1885. In 1894, Hun- The highly provocative, almost the Trinity, and the broken afikoman garian immigrant Leopold Cohn, a baiting advertising techniques used by the crucified Jesus. The shamash on former rabbi, founded the American the Hebrew Christians have made the Chanukah menorah represents Board of Missions to the Jews. In 1915, them well-known and controversial. Jesus as the light to the world. They the Hebrew Christian Alliance of Moishe Rosen claims: "There is assert that 6,000,000 Jews died in America, a loose confederation of hardly a Jew on the North American the Holocaust unredeemed, that the proselytizing groups, was formed in continent who has not heard of us." A 6,000,000 Jews in the United States Chicago. Six years later, the First He- few years ago, for example, the Jewish should not remain unredeemed. brew Christian Presbyterian Church Post and Opinion, a national weekly Barbara Janov, executive director of of Chicago was launched. And in newspaper, carried a full-page adver- Hineni, a Jewish anti-conversionary 1960, Martin Chernoff established a tisement paid for by the ABMJ, fea- group, contends that the Hebrew Hebrew Christian church in Cincin- turing smiling men and women under Christians are "brainwashed." "They nati. Other churches have sprung up a giant caption which read: "Why repeat the same thirty-five or forty recently in several American cities. Are These People Smiling?" Readers Bible passages to us. That's all they For many years the Hebrew Chris- who mailed the attached coupon re- know. They have that glazed look." tians remained fairly quiescent, be- ceived a handsome ABMJ missionary A former Jew for Jesus left the yond the fringes of Judaism and brochure. group in California when "they got us Christianity, somewhat seedy and old- The fact that a Jewish newspaper into 'speaking in tongues.' I was a fashioned. But in the last decade or so would accept such an ad sparked bit- speech major and I know that glosso- the movement has undergone a star- ter public reactions among Jews.
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