Memoirs and Artistic Studies of Adelaide Ristori;
liiiiBi I^r»')' MEMOIRS AND ARTISTIC STUDIES OF ADELAIDE RISTORI , Memoirs of Charming Women Memoirs and Artistic Studies of Adelaide Ristori, Translated by G. Manlellini Memoirs of an Arabian Princess, Translated by Lionel Strache's Memoirs of Madame Vigee Lebrun, Translated by Lionel Slrachey Memoirs of a Contemporary, Translated by Lionel Slrachev Memoirs of the Countess Potocka, Translated by Lionel Slrache]) A Belle of the Fifties, being Memoirs Put into narratine form of Mrs. Clay of Alabama, by Ada Sterling A Southern Girl in '61 B\) Mrs. D. Giraud Wright Dixie After the War, Bv Myrta Lockett Avars I'hotottrapli by Schciiibuche &• Valdi, K ADELAIDE RISTORI AS MARIE ANTOINETTE Memoirs and Artistic Studies OF Adelaide Ristori Rendered into English By G. Mantellini With Biographical Appendix by L. D. Ventura Illustrated from photographs and engravings New York Doubleday, Page & Company 1907 Copyright, 1007, by Doubledat, Page & Company Published, Ai'r.rsr, 1907 All Rights Reserved Including that op Translation into Forkign Languages Including THB Scandinavian PREFACE The Marchesa Capranica del Grillo, better known as Adelaide Ristori, died in Rome, Italy, the 9th of October, 190Ó, aged 84. Her life was full of vivid contrasts; a life which, even apart from its stage aspects, was more than ordinarily full of colour. Her autobiography, I offer rendered into English to the American public, primarily to gratify her own desire expressed in one of her letters addressed to Mr. L. D. Ventura of San Francisco, California, who has graciously volunteered to add some of his Bio- graphical Reminiscences as an Appendix to this work, Madame Ristori says: "My intention is to have my Memoirs published in English.
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