 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The Story




(IV) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 2: Through AJ completing Graduate School 11

(V) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 3: Through AJ’s Frauds on the Family 19

(VI) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 4: Through SS’s arrival in America 31

(VII) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 5: Through AJ’s First abduction of SS 43

(VIII) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 6: Through AJ’s (and NJ’s) Second abduction of SS 53

(IX) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 7: The Aftermath to SS’s second abduction XX

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The Story


“… And till my ghastly tale is told, This heart within me burns.” - Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1, 2)

This is the story of a family (“family”) that immigrated to America in the present generation. Its story is told within against the backdrop of all that has gone horribly wrong in this country of late, something America has been evolving (1, 2, 3), almost inexorably, towards for the better part of the past three decade and perhaps more. This ‘all that has gone horribly wrong’ translatable, essentially at its core, in terms of the value system crisis, slip and slide, that preceded its outside skid in tangible terms, most prominently erupting as the dense self inflected injury, known as the 2008 economic tsunami. The incurably dragged out abomination, euphemistically labeled the ‘Great Recession’!

The family story is incapable of being severed from its backdrop, for not only did it unfold topically in America as its physical setting, but is attached to it through an umbilical chord described by both family and non-family members, bearing the stamp of contemporary America’s ‘soft’ value system currency, wrecking unholy havoc for it. As such, while ‘Rome burnt’ in America at large, another ‘Rome burnt’ inside the family, torched by insider(s) and outsiders alike.

Fact that such torching(s) of, a combination of intended and effective, design, the eternal situational outrage unspeakable in both cases! Extending, the damning legacy of all the perpetrators involved both ways.

The irreparable and lasting damage caused, most frivolously and gratuitously, the over-arching corresponding tragedy supreme respectively. Either and both ways, America coming out to look as bad as can be, as rotten as can be!

This Awful Thing We Do! - MIDWAY Both elegy and warning, Midway explores the interconnectedness of species, with the albatross on Midway as mirror of our humanity.


The Sud family (“family”) comprising the father (“Dad (1)”) and four children (Oldest sibling/“OS”, Ajay/“AJ”, Sanjay/“SS” and a sister/”SIS”)! The mother (“Mom”) having passed when SIS was a baby! SIS was raised by her siblings, since Dad (1) worked and had to work. Since, AJ and SS were themselves not old enough really, this effectively meant OS, who raised AJ and SS too.

Since Mom was not well for some years, OS raised his siblings even while she lived. In the year after she passed, coinciding with his final year as an undergraduate at college, he completed same degree without ever attending classes. Merely taking exams at the end of the year, having studied all by himself at home. He had to be home with baby SIS, then in the very early afternoon(s) be there also for the other two returning from school.

Particularly after Mom’s passing, family servants could not be trusted without supervision. In fact, for a time when they were, OS would come home from college to find baby SIS invariably crying. Then she

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. would be fine through the rest of the day. He was to eventually find the servants selling away the baby’s milk and other household staples too. Reason why baby would be crying, when he returned home, on account of having been kept hungry all morning, by the servants having ‘disposed’ off her milk!

However, even before she passed and his final year of undergraduate studies, he was unfailingly home for the three siblings past his morning classes at college, Never attended any afternoon classes ever. It was the same during his Masters/Graduate level studies in India. No afternoon classes ever taken there either, to be scrupulously home in time for the sibling kids returning home from school. By the time he ascended to his Masters years, he did not have to stay home all day, since baby SIS had started school by then.

All this was no mean sacrifice/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) on OS’s part, for he was no casual college student, attending India’s leading undergraduate college. The family was very serious about education, all four siblings attended prominent New Delhi, British public school prototypes, institutions. Unlike most schools in America, these were single stretch schools, kindergarten through high school in one place itself. OS’s Graduate school in India a serious matter too, but he did what he had to do – all his college years in India, thus, spent studying on his own at home, without ever being able to fully attend classes on his college or university premises ever.

Dad (1) on his part raised his children by himself over a long haul, without their mother being around. Always a serious family man, he picked up his part of the slack following his wife’s passing. Long before it became fashionable in America for men to routinely go into the kitchen, Dad (1) did so in the Indian culture so, utterly so far removed/remote from such roles. Starting out as a downright disastrous cook he evolved his way up to become quite, quite proficient, where before and at one time, per very rigorous culture dictates, he knew precious little about any household chores at all.

From the moment he returned home from work, as a senior civil servant, he was first in the kitchen, next all evening with the children at their study/homework table (with the TV firmly off) all evening as if foreshadowing President Obama’s recommendations to American fathers so many years later beginning 2008, later in the night supervising readiness of school uniforms and books scrupulously packed by the kinds for the next day, … fifteen minutes with his newspaper before retiring for the day close to midnight. Up at 4 AM, preparing breakfast, supervising bathing and uniform perfections, packing three kinds off to school, … then himself to office, … he did that with soldierly precision and adherence for years and years, with OS’s help in all the remaining areas. OS, who was always at the family dining table and more, without fail all his college years in India; never ever out with friends once the whole time.

AJ through middle school was an average and even a most mediocre student. A highly diffident, self doubting and, even, withdrawn individual, besides! Physically of a worrisome scarecrow thin build, after the fashion of President Kennedy’s skeletal and haggard looks when he was a Congressman in excruciating pain over his back problems, especially as he ascended into high school. It would not be an exaggeration to state, he existed closer to a famine victim’s physique than away from it.

All through his growing years, known for being hypersensitive and a brooder of sorts! Very easily took things deeply but deeply to heart every time. Everything bothered him, down to his soul promptly. Upon learning of his mother’s passing and then again at her funeral, went blue and limp in sheer unspoilt grief unfiltered. Going so distressed, stricken and into convulsions as to bitingly choke! Family elders, Dad (1) and OS, had to administer to him, hold him and thumping his back to restore his breathing, bring back the pink to his face/cheeks. He was amply fleshy then, with resplendent dark curly hair galore, a gorgeous round and abundantly ruddy face, big round eyes better suited to female beauty, … to go to his gaunt and haunted look in the next few years to 9th grade in high school. He was a handy source of worry, thus, to Dad (1) and OS all the time.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. OS was to take AJ more directly under his wing as he ascended to this 9th grade in high school. No doubt his mother’s passing affected him, for he would speak of it in certain retching terms often. Beyond Dad (1), OS was very attentive to his associated needs. Apart from supervising his studies, even more OS directed himself to encouraging him, assuring him in terms of being there for him dedicatedly without fail, talking him though all his fears and ‘demons’, building up his self-esteem, … he was demonstrably sacrificing for all his siblings always anyway. Placing them before himself at all times.

The boy blossomed promptly and rapidly. In almost no time, he began making quantum leaps in his academics, scaling heights not to be anticipated ever before. His outlook and health picked up very significantly too. OS was strict about academic expectations, while providing every kind of support assurance anyone would need.

AJ sailed through high school maintaining high momentum, entering OS’s undergraduate college. OS, while letting AJ learn how to do things for himself, was always there right beside him. Often enough, ahead in watching out for him, especially where key pivotal areas at stake! Thus, OS was at the college with Dad (1) the late evening AJ’s name went up on the board as having been accepted, in advance of the acceptance letter arriving home. It was OS who ensured that AJ took a prestigious scholarship examination, more a high honor than substantive money. OS in his time had earned the same scholarship, one of only two offered nationally, for physics, AJ was to nail down one of two for history.

So scrupulous OS’s caring (1) watch over AJ, he went out of his way to ensure the latter had a pair of levis jeans to wear to college. An American product highly coveted among the college going, hard to find in India then. Scarcely to be found in Russia too, those were the days when levis jeans adorned American [hippies] would be accosted in Moscow and relieved off them in the streets. Could anything be more caring (1) and underscored in OS batting for AJ.

To fast forward a few years! After finishing his Graduate studies in India, OS shaping for studies in America, accepted the first Ivy League business school (“B’school” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) he was accepted into. It was a highly punishing year long campaign, not unlike the exhausting hoops for the US Presidential race, from eight thousand miles away from America. It was the mid 1970s.

Four months before he was due to join B’school in America, fall 1976, OS calculated taking AJ with him to America. To make matters easy for Dad (1), who was retiring that year. One less kid for him to manage and settle, OS would handle that in America as far as AJ concerned. Four months before the same Fall in the year was hardly any sensible time frame to begin on AJ’s applications to American schools. A minimum of a year’s lead required even for those applying locally from within America itself.

In addition, AJ’s transfer application to run up against a stiff rule at accredited American schools not to accept students from abroad on transfer if they had sound first degree taking arrangements in their home country. India certainly was more than certifiable so. As such, OS maybe accused of being delusional or even deranged in going for the near impossible, but in his mind was the simple maxim he has forever lived by, viz. ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’. As the upcoming years were to show, the family was to benefit immensely and prosper only on the strength of this operating philosophy, in OS’s wielding, exclusively.

OS, not AJ ever, called for four, Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), applications for AJ! From Harvard, Yale, Columbia (1) and Dartmouth! Except for appending his signatures, clerically, to all four in the end, AJ’s application prepared by OS alone! He never had to jump through any of the hoops that OS had to for his application campaign for attending school in America, benefitting directly from all that OS had  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. learnt for himself in the past year’s hard, punishing learning regimen. It was like a subsequent US President running a campaign smoothened over wrinkle free by a previous President’s experience(s).

Hard as an application is from within America, an application made from abroad infinitely more challenging. Infinitely more complex and winding to negotiate! Infinitely greatly studded with adversity to be overcome! Infinitely more demanding in terms of requiring advanced organization, anticipation, innovation, juggling, pursuit, following through, … general thoroughness, maturity, finishing skills. Infinitely more taxing in terms of staying error poor, miserly, resistant, averse, unfriendly, shy… even free! Infinitely more challenging, by way of knowing what American schools looking for! … In the end, the entire process, on the whole, infinitely more enamored of, needing personal enterprise and drive.

None of which was AJ in the least, quite the reverse! He had and still has none of these cross-sectional qualities or skills, even remotely. Above all, could not and still cannot say ‘boo’ to his, own, shadow! Running from adversity, life at the drop of a hat his foremost forte! Needing 100% guarantees of success, before his paralyzed inertia would and can even begin moving. Good for merely shuffling his feet in one spot, spinning his wheels uselessly. Bawling came and still comes to him spontaneously upon any reverse merely sighted. Fright his most frequent reaction facing any real life.

Since OS wrote all his essays et al., it was only his go getting and other personality reflected in all of AJ’s applications. Since OS and AJ such vastly different people, barring the grades, the rest of the application was all OS alone. … Especially, since these applications were short order and stiff rule confronting transfer applications, to Ivy League schools (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) no less, the real, consummately defeatist, AJ allowed to reflect through would have summarily sunk them where they stood.

As it is, once the applications, supremely well organized in the end even unto their outermost edges, ready, packaged securely in dispatch envelopes, they were handed by OS to AJ for the mere low end and clerical task of mailing them out at the post office. A week or so later, OS looking for confirmation of such mailing safely carried out, was bowled over when told they had not been sent out.

Upon inquiring as to ‘why not’, core AJ surfaced to explain ‘because he did not think he was going to get in anywhere!’ Vintage, self doubting, AJ, to the last! OS appreciated the thought of going to far off America petrified him in and of itself, but most of it was his damn, Teflon incurable, self doubt and sheer defeatism plumb at the starting line itself. … So, OS had to personally complete even the end point clerical task of actually mailing out AJ’s applications himself. A mere three months and less ahead of the new Fall semester in America for that year.

This episode is significant, for not only does it capture the real AJ intact and in full bloom, but he was to repeat this very same ‘escapade’ over and over again in the future. Two weeks later, OS was at his uncle’s home in New Delhi one evening, when AJ arrived unexpectedly to hand the other his admission letter from Columbia College (1), New York, N.Y., USA! He had enough decency and honesty in him then, to state and acknowledge to the other that an impossibility had been pulled off, riding the coattails of someone’s ability to step up squarely to life/

Eventually, Yale and Dartmouth were to say the greater expected ‘No’ to a challenging, transfer, application. Harvard gave deferred admission for the following year. A 50% record nothing to sneeze at all, only deserving of a resounding hip-hip-hurrah for taking life handily by its horns. Otherwise, since OS planned to take AJ with him the same year, Columbia (1) was, without any reservations possible, accepted. Harvard’s offer for the next year, politely, respectfully and still gratefully, declined.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Now that admission had been secured, AJ’s application protocol ready to make an application for financial aid, no doubt always most dicey for foreign students to expect to go through successfully! Once again, OS and AJ were to find themselves at the opposite ends of the ensuing debate. OS would make the application, AJ going the other way merely because it had no or very tenuous chance of succeeding! The most absurdly frail and weak-kneed argument possibly to stand upon.

It goes without saying that OS duly made the financial aid application, now less than two months ahead of the Fall 1976 semester in New York. Some two weeks or so later, AJ was to sheepishly bring a successful financial award letter from Columbia (1) to OS, who cocked an inquiring eye quizzically up at the standing AJ beside his sitting self. People in the family owing so much, everything to OS’s ‘Can Do’ spirit, attitude in life!

Yet, it was not a full ‘victory’! AJ had been given only partial aid, where OS was looking for full aid. It was not easy to fund American education from India even then, except by the very rich. Americans can understood this more fully now, when practically all of America cannot afford college in this country sans muscular assistance. To fund two in America from India simultaneously, even with the partial award, an unachievable stretch!

Since, AJ had only a year to go to finish his undergraduate degree in India, it was decided to defer Columbia (1) to Fall 1977. In this manner, only OS would and did travel to America in 1976, AJ stayed back to finish his undergraduate at home, before joining Columbia College (1) in Fall 1977.

Before OS left India, a family Joint Venture (“JV”) (1) pact was made amongst all of them, including AJ, for family operations to be in America. This will come up in the story ahead, but it is best described here, compactly, in terms of the principles of Collective Responsibility and Shared Sacrifice spoken of most prominently by President Obama in America since 2008.

Its significance in having been formed/forged in India, derives itself from the status of the ‘Statute of Frauds’ as it exists in the law of the land there. After Victorian England formulated this Statute it was duly part of English law enforced all across its colonies, but only a short few years later, taking stock of rooted Indian cultural habits of routinely making onerous contracts of duration greater than one year entirely on an oral basis, Victorian Imperial government itself exempted India comprehensively from the sway and application of this Statute. This state passed seamlessly into Indian law upon the country’s independence in 1947, making it possible for its courts to enforce oral contracts exceeding one year duration.


In his first year (1976-77) at school in America, OS’s, extra-family sourced, funding for tuition unexpectedly flopped on its face back in India. Having paid for the first semester, he was up the river without a paddle for the remaining semesters. He could not go back, unless he wanted to abandon his studies. MBA programs do not award financial aid, for the most part and anyway certainly not at his school. With OS personally not back in India, Dad (1) and AJ on their own had no capacity to fix this problem. …To cut this story short, OS had to really hustle and innovate the rest of the way in order to raise funding locally to finish. Major, major effort required, accomplishment to cross the finishing line on securing this degree.

He could have made life easy for himself by canceling AJ’s coming over. Would have provided him with the equivalent of one semester’s tuition worth of family money, saved as AJ’s travel expenditure to get to

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. America! Dad (1), having retired, did not have much more to spare and supply, converting steeply into American dollars. Even past AJ, he had two kids to look after in India for a good bit of time to come. …

The summer of 1977, OS spent coordinating AJ’s trip over. Frequent calls, at $100/3 minutes, to India required all through that summer. OS’s summer campus earnings (on the student F1 visa, not allowed to work off-campus), needed critically for his own bills/tuition, used up so, variously taking care of AJ’s affairs, even before that summer over.

It is to be a recurring theme in the story within, if OS did not handle something, it would not be attempted or never got done/finished. Sure enough, a week before AJ was due in NYC for the Fall 1977 semester, OS gets a wire stating AJ’s trip stood in jeopardy. Apparently, between Dad (1) and son, AJ’s financial aid application for 1977 was never renewed. College had sent reminders, AJ never even alerted OS all year to take care of it for him and was something he could /should have settled directly himself. To OS’s point of staying error niggardly, small mistakes can cost lifetimes!

OS could not budge Columbia (1), from his distance, so he had to dash down to New York, burning precious funds he needs elsewhere for his own needs, which were family needs too through him obviously. He was to install himself in one of the financial aid offices at Columbia (1), refusing to leave until AJ’s papers processed. Columbia (1) continuing to maintain that it was too late in the day, for AJ to defer, yet again, to 1978. OS, too wise to life even for his young years, knew anything could happen in a year and to study at Columbia (1) a rare, to be coveted chance …

As the financial aid office, relenting a trifle under OS’s full face stubbornness, raised the objection of AJ not being present to transact the necessary paper work … OS offered to fill them out on the spot, since he was in command of all the necessary information. The solution to be, Columbia (1) would then hold this paper work for AJ to sign when he arrived, but immediately send out all papers (I-20 for the F1 visa or DSP-66 for a J1 visa or …) necessary for him to procure his visa in New Delhi. In this manner, OS with his characteristic pedantic thoroughness, sure-footedly, one precious bead at a time strung together the family’s founding footing in America.

AJ arrived in America two days before opening day of the Fall semester. OS came down to Columbia (1) and the City, to get AJ settled. More money spent that he did not have to spend away from his own needs. In the year since he had seen him, AJ was back, without his older brother around him in New Delhi, to being a highly worrisome gaunt scarecrow again. A very gaunt scarecrow indeed, worse than OS had ever known him to be!

So much so, OS questioned the wisdom of bringing him to America to face all the hardship lurking ahead. He got him settled in one of the not so very happy buildings on 114th Street. More worry and heartache for OS leaving him there, so! OS spent two or three whole days with him, to break his transition to a new country and rather harsh, stark conditions of mid-1970s NYC. OS was simply heartbroken leaving him, when he had to head back to his college.

In due course, AJ was to find a $26/week job in the Columbia (1) libraries. He would pay his landlord $25/week, buy an ice-cream with part of the remaining dollar and then call his older brother collect from the phone-booth pat /right outside the shop. Such collect calls were several every week, only those who have traveled so far from home truly know the full blast of the pain, almost palpably physical, of home sickness especially those first few years.

AJ retrieved a half-broken mirror from the garbage dump to use for his shaving. On the fifth floor, the church’s clock, right across the street on 114th at the same height, was his time piece. The rest was just a  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. rickety bed and unsteady study desk in his room. Where OS lived on his campus, in a co-op, he had the leeway to hold back paying his mess bill until the end of the semester. Same money, he sent down to AJ for his eating needs at Columbia (1).

Through family friends visiting him at his college, traveling to NYC subsequently, OS was able to send his small music player and a number of other household items down to AJ, for his comfort. And OS worried furiously, fearing breakdown in AJ’s physical and mental health, for undergraduate studies at American colleges far, far tougher than graduate school studies. Among other things, though he did not come from any inordinately rich home in New Delhi, but he came from a family with very comfortable circumstances. He was not used to slogging life out in the least, more than that he did not have OS’s mental tenacity and toughness in the least.

He had been sent to exclusive private schools in Delhi, India’s leading college, the prestigious St. Stephen’s/“SSC”, in the Capital itself. He was a shoe-in candidate to enter the Indian Administrative Service/“IAS” or the Indian Foreign Service/“IFS”, the elite civil service cadres of his mother country. Even though OS came from the very same track, AJ was somehow by nature not made for the rough and tumble of life that OS could handle infinitely better. So, OS had to worry and worry endlessly, not much respite for him atop endeavoring to finish the second year of his MBA not knowing ahead how and whether he would be able to pay for his third and fourth semesters or not. Past his first, paid for by family money, for his second he had already expended considerable ingenuity raising what needed.

Fortunately, Columbia (1) happened to be a school that allowed AJ to carry tuition balances through the four semesters it took him to secure his undergraduate degree from there in two years, on transfer basis. So, he carried such balances all through, beyond what the partial financial aid covered, OS later paying a good semester and a half plus’s equivalent, from his earnings, so that AJ could have his Columbia (1) diploma in hand enabling Graduate school in 1979. All part only of OS’s designing, push forward constantly, … through some highly rugged and intimidating terrain. AJ could, would never have stood firm on his own to negotiate such white hot waters, hairy bends.

Upon AJ finishing his first semester, he spent the winter of 1977 for a month with OS at his college. OS had the entire co-op premises to himself, all his, 19 other, roommates away home or traveling for the duration! The pantry was extravagantly stocked, AJ had the run of the place! HBO, as yet in its infancy, ran from 6PM in the evening through past midnight, tabling a slew of, 3-4, movies, to form a luxurious topping for AJ’s elaborate vacation celebrating a successful first semester (otherwise effectively his fifth, considering he was a Junior year insert as a transfer student from St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi, India). It was an indescribable balm for OS, to see him ensconced so, NYC can be brutal on the toughest of us!

By the same token, it was that much more of an immense tug at the heart for OS to have him leave for NYC for his second semester in the Spring of 1978. However, he was braced by the knowledge that he would be joining AJ in NYC just a few short months later, upon finishing the bulk of his MBA studies. In his fourth semester OS had to tax his highly resourceful ingenuity like never before, to come up with funding to cover tuition for it. Some drill extraordinaire that OS answered to, in order to fund three- fourths of his MBA on the trot so, in a foreign land.

Otherwise, particularly his third and fourth semesters, were also spent feverishly interviewing for employment placement. OS was such an intense and prolific excavating beaver with respect to it, he acquired some kind of legendary reputation over it across his entire B’school. Persisting and chasing shy OS had never been, with respect to anything at all. Indeed, a school alumnus he interviewed with at a

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. major money-center bank in NYC, praised him lavishly in terms of never having seen OS’s kind of persistence and enterprise ever in life.

Against the grain, OS even managed to plunder several final stage headquarter interviews with prominent American and International firms. Each time, the lack of the pesky but nifty green-card/US permanent Residency spoilt the broth in the end. OS’s real problem was time, he was a man in an enormous hurry. He had to nail down a job as if yesterday, with AJ needing him right there in America and a retired Dad (1), with two OS siblings still relatively early in pipeline as yet to finish processing through, back in India needing support as soon as possible. OS had no luxury to take his job search, anything, in any paced manner at all, ever! Always having to sprint breathless, with the bogey of family responsibility forever snapping purposefully at his heels!

Promptly past his fourth semester, he was down in NYC. With a small part of his MBA still unfinished, he had no room of his own to stay back on his college campus to finish same without having to sprint and lap his own self! So, it was immediate hustling in NYC and settling for an off career track opportunity, to begin pulling in income for the family. Most of all and first for AJ, the priority of his education, safely seen through, breathing down OS’s neck, the most restlessly, urgently!

Thus, AJ was to get tangible cover from OS, plus everything else by way of the latter being all the wind behind the other’s back, that OS never had in the least for himself. Including, OS keeping AJ scrupulously clear of all worry, concern and preoccupation of any kind over the family needs in India, to leave him able to focus exclusively on his studies, But for OS sparing him so and everything else he did for AJ, the latter would never have had the opportunity to excel at school for taking himself to Graduate School, Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) as he did later. It was always OS who cleared the brush clean ahead of AJ to simply coast forward through unencumbered, unimpeded,

OS hunkered down into this first, off career track, job, he found. Putting his finger in the dike for the family, keeping it there stubbornly for the necessary duration! Why our, quietly sacrificing and giving, mothers have always been the real, yet unheralded, heroes of every society on earth. Thiers’ is the kind of performance and contribution which never gets into the papers, never gains enough view to find any kind of overt recognition. OS of course never gave birth to anyone, comes no where close to any mother who ever walked this earth!

Nevertheless, it was a straight many, many years of pure hell OS was to endure so. The pay only tolerable, so he had to hustle mightily at multiple jobs to gather enough to meet all the family’s needs, here in America and India combined. So much so, he was to reach making more money than he did once he entered his first career track employment later. However, there was back breaking work even if figuratively, long hours, raw exploitation and indignity heaped on by those who knew not only he was without a green-card/US permanent residency but a whole line of family to support.

Some part of that family to support in the strategic circumstances of the completion of education imperatively, as a source of salvation to the entire clan. Then there was the strain of servicing debt piled high in disproportion to OS’s entire gamut of earnings. Continuing on, OS never had enough left for himself and often enough none, so it was not unusual for him to go hungry, be without scope for replacing his run down clothes, … suffer personal privation in other words.

However, he at all times kept everyone else in the family fully and perfectly funded. Though he may himself live in one room, be working so many hours as to have no time to make it even to the grocery store anytime in the week. Working Sundays too, naturally! Year after year, hand over fist! Early on in

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. this game also finishing his MBA remotely, all at the same time! Finishing the tail end left, which for a time, included traveling to and fro between his college and NYC! Everything piled on OS exclusively.

Once AJ finished Columbia College (1), he was promptly ready to bolt for India. Once again, his Graduate School could not be done, his evergreen song. After OS moved down from his college to NYC, took up a job, he and AJ lived together. There were many, many more tough days to come, but not really for AJ. He did not have to worry about food or paying rent, anything really except attend to his studies. OS’s presence beside him, moreover, a huge psychological boon, boost and stay for him.

Why OS had hurried to move down after college, for fear of incurring breakdown in AJ’s frail physical and/or mental health. Ever the one not to miss any beat, during AJ’s second (and last) year at Columbia (1),, OS had duly rolled out the campaign for his Graduate school studies in America, as needed in advance and anticipation. So that when nearer AJ’s graduation from Columbia (1),, as he began gearing up for bolting home to India, the flag for his Graduate school campaign was already fairly well unfurled in OS’s handling.

Of course, it was only OS preparing those Graduate school applications. Besides school, AJ was too busy silently scheming his, cowardly, flight to India. No other way to describe AJ’s incurable skittishness in life. Otherwise, even this late in the day he still had to be the one to be preparing AJ’s applications so by himself, continuing to remain committed ahead of AJ to AJ’s career making. Moreover, only handling everything, he had to be the only one around with the slack time to do so.

AJ pulled out the stopper on his old tricks again. Entrusted by OS again with the task of mailing out his applications, fully prepared and packaged by OS, he again put the scuttle on them. This time, on account of only being convinced, certain, he would not get financial aid anywhere! Then later, after OS’s personal handling of the mailing, when the first rejection came, from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), he was literally bawling his eyes out silly, exclaiming and lamenting ‘what was going to happen to his life!?!’

However, OS was focused mainly on The Fletcher School/“Fletcher” for AJ (not being proficient in math, no B’School application was made for him; though after joining Fletcher he was to take cross-listed math intensive courses at the Harvard Business School/“HBS” to fare just fine). Fletcher initially sent him a wait listed acceptance letter, which came as a great surprise to OS, considering AJ’s strong academic record.

Then, OS, not AJ, was to realize the wait-listed clip to AJ’s acceptance letter was on account of his admission application having been “embellished” by requested financial aid, as a foreign student. So, OS had AJ send out a letter to Fletcher withdrawing his financial aid application. And ‘boom’ came back an unencumbered acceptance letter, by return post. Very clearly, if OS had not spotted matters as described, AJ would not have attended Fletcher and who knows where fate might have taken him. Little things making all the big differences in life!

To point again OS’s life working principles, small errors and slips can cost dear and even everything. Sometimes only one train arrives at our personal station, getting on or failing to do so to make the difference between a successful and failed, entire, life! AJ never had to pay for his lousy life habits, only because OS’s responsible habits ran all his pivotal affairs all his life. OS watching out for him with his beagle eyes, very straight, simple and slam dunk direct!

Fletcher admission secured without any financial aid, it was only OS’s work beginning again! Not AJ’s! Never AJ’s! AJ just did not know how to do anything, ever! …

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. It was too soon after school for OS to have had any time to build any credit history in the American market place. Not to make his job easy. But not to discourage or intimidate his sense of enterprise in life! He simply bent to the task, putting his head down to tackle yet another challenge for the family. Make a bee line for the hustle demanded.

Like that running back who keeps his legs moving for extra yards, even after the first hit delivered by the defense, OS kept relentlessly after the bunny he needed to catch. Day in and day out, no matter he had no green-card/US Permanent Residency, what the daily reverses, … Until the dam broke abruptly, then on one single day he had $10,000 in heavenly credit in a single lump-sum event. The amount exactly constituted four semesters of tuition funds needed for AJ at Fletcher. An unmixed door opener!. Such the quality of OS’s selfless interest in AJ, the family, to this day, three decades and more later, OS can still clearly see the lady-banker, who made this possible, in his mind’s eye.

So, AJ was ready to head for Fletcher. Without doubt, OS exhilarated and soaring, very easily ahead of AJ himself. Only because he loved life and family! Understood life and what family really meant to it. Otherwise, because it was a pure labor of love! Moreover, he carried enormous and unending respect for life, as also the process of enterprise. He knew how to be grateful, truly how to feel humbled. Be awed by life, but without ever being intimidated by it.

OS had always been very clear headed about life. Understanding that there is no life without family, people! No family without love! No love without sacrifice/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6)! No sacrifice/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) without courage. No courage without zest for life, in full closed circle.

Life not about money, but only people! Money not about hoarding, but only the good to be done with what would otherwise be mere, lifeless pieces of inert paper. Reason why current greed and embrace of vulture Capitalism (1, 2) in America has not only bred the evil eye of gushing corruption, but throbbing cowardice majestic too in its wake. The ruination of America from within, of its vitals going rotten and decaying ravaged by a value system crisis that equates to pestilence consuming the standing crop inexorably.

AJ went to Fletcher, aware and made aware again of the operating family JV. (1) OS to hold the $10, 000 exclusively for him, but he was to go and fight for financial aid, in the fashion OS always did, once at the school. In this manner, every dollar of aid he picked up OS, would release an equivalent number of dollars to augment what he remitted each month to the family homestead in India.

AJ squeaky and scrupulous clear, in principle such aid to be only de facto JV (1) funds, for having been procured pursuant to family pooled/JV (1) funds deployed as ever present contingent backstop (1). In other words, JV (1) funds held in the background as funds expressly and always available, for front end enabling enterprise to secure admission and financial aid standing on it.

The family JV (1), skeletally described, comprised direction to all siblings that it was a legally binding instrument, under whose auspices they were to pool their resources for successively educating all four of them through Graduate School in America and then marriage as a culturally held family responsibility. Same was erected in order to address risks and limitations to be faced by all four, on the way to securing residency and citizenship status in America.

All kinds of immigrant groups, use such ‘collective’ methods to combat special risks encountered while immigrating and until residency, citizenship status attained. So, the family arrangement within nothing novel at all, except it had been formally converted into binding legal shape and form. There were further

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. specific provisions, made clear and clear to all the participating entities, including understanding individual earnings were only JV (1) funds, as JV (1) investment returns. … The family to hold together!

(IV) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 2: Through AJ completing Graduate School

OS went up to Medford with AJ, to settle him in. Part of it, as it turned out, came to consist of having to scrub floor(s) on knees and submit to some ‘elbow grease’ intensive cleaning chores, before he could be ensconced in, off-campus, acceptable living quarters. A beautiful, comfortable, study room carved out for AJ, not expensive, but clean, cozy and tasteful. When OS returned to NYC, he had some light furniture sent up to AJ. Since, AJ had started in some truly raggedy quarters at Columbia (1), OS wanted to make sure here and this go around.

Studies apart, there was no enterprise to be found from AJ. This was the entire family’s foot forward to get settled in America, but only OS working it, putting the foot to pedal for it, stretching and pushing for it, sacrificing for it, being humiliated over it, losing sleep over it, … doing anything and everything for it, reaching all across the globe and around it to catch his own ankles so to anchor it. Sustaining a solitary, indefatigable fight over it! If OS did not do something, it simply did not get done.

As such, AJ was not going to put himself in any posture or protocol to go fight for financial aid, when every penny to the JV (1) mattered. He could not even bring himself to talk to the school abut it, pride and false prestige got in his way! ‘It was like begging’ he said to OS, standing on all that was worthless and vacuum to the JV (1) looking desperately for go-getters to give OS working allies, instruments within the scope of its operating mechanics.

So, OS had to remotely and by making trips up to New England to bell the cat, open and establish financial aid revolving dialogue personally with Fletcher. AJ was simply too shy, tongue tied, reticent, … to even visit the financial aid office, much less open his mouth over it. The mere thought of asking for aid paralyzed him where he stood. Having him follow up, after OS had even opened the gambit himself, an impossible tug of war! Veritably pulling teeth! He was so utterly useless and inept, OS had no choice but to conclude at each step of the tussle with him, that it was easier and economizing of his inordinately over-extended energies to simply do something, everything himself, in the very first instance.

The long and short of this side of AJ’s passage through Fletcher is that pushing and energizing by himself, between JV (1) funds and aid raised by him, AJ was safely serviced all the way through to his degree made possible without any hitch. Truth be told, if there were to be a way for AJ to have OS study for him, then simply pick up his degree at the other end of the pipeline, he would have happily check marked that option only. Yes, it was that bad! He was, smack on the nose, that bad!

What was even more remarkable, he freely confessed to being so. Not quite saying, of-course, he would have OS study for him, but everything just short of that. He always unhesitatingly and unequivocally admitted, all that he was squarely and exclusively on account of OS! Made no bones in the least about it! More to the point, had no compunctions about it either! Leaning any amount, all the way on OS, no matter how piled on and without reserves the latter was already. Then, he did have OS study for him too, as will be told in due course below. …

AJ’s forte was ‘having fun’! Mercifully, he took care of his studies; otherwise, he would have simply vaporized the OS mule dead cold where that workhorse stood! The greater Boston area and the immediate vicinity, which is home to a surfeit of schools, including perhaps the mecca, in Harvard (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) at the apex among all present and counting, full of spoilt young people, provides more

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. than abundant playing ground and company of the scions of 1%er families for decadent, hedonistic self- indulgence, pleasure seeking, abandon, …

Its says something about the rot of the contemporary American milieu, its toxicity, virulence, infecting potency, when it can affect, envelope and convert AJ, as an import from abroad, so rapidly as it did. Of course, this is not to exculpate AJ in the least, his susceptibilities and proclivities very much in play, to blame. Still the American landscape is red hot diseased. Swallowing whole domestic and foreign prey, with nary a belch!

Story of AJ’s friend, Spiro (1, 2), from an affluent Greek family in Greece, illustrates the loaded point in muscular fashion. Ultimately, it was not even the scions of affluent American families first, but rather Pakistani affluent families (at Fletcher, Harvard, MIT, …), who AJ hung out with, needing to receive the pointed finger. As long as that finger pointed always at AJ first! He all but lent actual utterance to the hitched on complaint why he had not been born to the British Royal family. The stork not to be his favorite in the animal kingdom! AJ, particularly envious of his Fletcher classmate, Mahnaz Ispahani (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

All said and done, the local, American, color decadent could not be held exempt, merely because AJ corrupted in the immediate vicinity by his Pakistani circle. After all, AJ lived in an America that provided permissive green-light to all kinds of summarily prohibitive pursuits. Robustly sanctioned a rabidly intemperate and toxic value system everywhere he operated; later on Wall Street when he went to work there after Fletcher. His peers constantly these juvenile (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) oversized(s) aplenty, something along the lines of so many women coming to hold ‘Men do not grow up/(stay juvenile) (1/1A- 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), they only grow taller’!

One of his roommates Mansoor or Mansur/“Mansoor/Mansur”, who dated educated American/Western women openly, profusely and aggressively, slept around with them with a vengeance according to AJ, while attending Fletcher, then in utter tame surrender, self betrayal and reduction in ways, returned to Pakistan, reportedly marrying an uneducated woman in copious traditional fashion. AJ himself was to do the latter, incidentally, ‘hitching up’ with a Pakistani woman too, as a comprehensive and perennial/all season insecure hombre, fellow, most shallowly to better control whatever kind of union forged with the other person in overall, utterly cowardly fashion!

One Zeba Hyder/”ZH”/“Zeba”, related to Mansoor/Mansur, was AJ’s most frequent and omni-figuring, platonic, fellow reveler at Fletcher (not ever studying there, but to later take an MBA from Boston University). Per AJ’s accounts from Fletcher, the two, for instance, attended the ‘Rocky Horror Show”, a few gazillion times! Otherwise, AJ disparaged her viciously to OS as a mindless party animal, irresponsible and giddy to the hilt, lacking seriousness steadiness and poise, unfit for all and every family context/forum, undependable, not any sound householder material, …

This was from Fletcher, the impression given OS, barring the ‘Rocky-Horror Show’ excessive escapade, he was not part of the rest of her zany, compulsive, over-the-top frequently occurring partying and cavorting existence. Then, when he moved home after Fletcher, he gave no evidence in years of being in touch with her. Yet, after he defrauded/1 (2-3. 4-5) the family, severing from it, ZH appeared returning front and center into his life/circle. He must have kept in touch with her, on the sly, from OS.

Indeed, she seems having ‘supplied’ the woman AJ now ‘hitched’ to, reportedly related to ZH. Since, AJ pulled a similar, hide-and-seek, gambit over another, Wall Street, friend, Cheng Yen Teh/“CYT”, it would seem as long as he needed OS/the family/JV, (1) he posed to be serious and responsible. Hence, hiding his true closeness to irresponsible, unserious, … people like ZH, CYT, … (by his own assessment  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. and averments alike) for fear of incurring OS’s ire/wrath and more properly fearing losing his credible supporting and solving presence.

There were other episodic incidents in Boston, showing AJ up as highly dysfunctional, most of all runaway diffident and insecure, in chronic fashion. OS, for the longest time, continued to soft-pedal AJ’s, abundant and numerous, vulnerabilities as ‘growing pains’ he would eventually overcome. Particularly, since OS knew he had been over-and even hyper sensitive as a child, he remained willing to give AJ extra rope. Otherwise, what was he really supposed to do, anyway!?!

AJ worked the graveyard shift at the Harvard libraries, returning home around 4 AM! On the street .near his apartment, one night/so early morning he was accosted and peppered with the epithet ‘n*****’ by a bunch of Caucasian ‘kids’! OS was to get a prompt call at home in Princeton, NJ, in the middle of the night, with a bawling and seriously convulsing AJ. No ordinary breakdown this, he was monumentally wounded. Reflecting a very thin veneer of resistance or intervening skin, high insecurity! Though OS tried to shore him up on the sport, AJ was inconsolable.

Before OS went back to sleep, he ordered a round trip rail ticket to be picked up by AJ at Bay Station, Boston, to come home, as soon as the sun was up. He spent a couple of days with OS in NJ, being composed, before returning to Fletcher. He could have asked for quitting school up in New England, came as close as could be without actually saying it. Poor OS thankful it did not come to that, he could ill afford undue complications within the hairy ‘empire’ he presided over under great challenge, enormous burden, precious lack of respite, …

At the end of his first semester, upon the invitation of a friend (earlier a Rotary Fellow at Columbia (1) and proposing to join Fletcher the following year) in Paris, France, AJ found the opportunity to travel to Europe. OS hardly in any situation to entertain such incremental trimmings to AJ’s education, still went with it so as to give AJ the opportunity to explore such employment possibilities as the UN High Commission for Refugees in Geneva, Switzerland, …

The trip also meant OS having to ‘finish off’, at the very tail, one of AJ’s group papers due at HBS. OS had to interface and collaborate with his group mates, one from Uganda and another from Chile, just to collect all the raw work. Then, assemble, lay out, type, package and dispatch to HBS, … which in the end he did using FedEx’s good offices. The problem was, he did not really have time for it, between work and other family duties, had to hyper-extend to get AJ’s project done. Otherwise, AJ was at all times provided with extravagant opportunities and accommodation, always at the cost of OS stretched taut and then way beyond, on the ‘rack (torture)’. None of which OS ever could have/afford for himself, ever.

OS does not recall AJ ever interviewing for anything at Fletcher. In any event, he can recall a solitary instance, where AJ one evening spoke of being scheduled to interview with Citibank the next morning. OS cogently asked AJ to call him as soon as he finished his interview. All day next day no call! OS tried tracking the other down all day, without success. Even late in the evening, it was only OS initiating, finally reached AJ. To be told, in very cavalier fashion, AJ had overslept and simply missed the interview.

To OS’s inquiry why he had still not called all day, dumb silence alone at the other end. OS could almost see that wild-eyed, blink-free, mouth ever so open, doe like look of forced innocence pasted on AJ, three hundred miles away in his Boston suburbs. This is what OS had to contend with, endlessly. Here he was lying still with his fatigued finger in the dike for the nth year, forever opening doors for others to walk through, slogging and hustling away mercilessly for everyone but himself, looking for nothing more than

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. nominal responsible proportions, … AJ had nothing to offer but an idiot stare back, even which OS had to trap in his mind’s eye across the hundreds of miles between Boston and New York City!?!

OS never had to be told what others in the family needed, forever being ahead of those others in forestalling their needs. By the time 1981 rolled around, AJ’s fourth and last semester at Fletcher, sighted ahead, he knew Dad (1), back in India, was seriously itching for OS not seen for over four years and AJ simultaneously not for closing on four years. Even though, a parent’s heart not difficult at all to read, still it was OS who anticipated it was time for one of the brothers to visit home.

Not merely for Dad’s (1) sake, but also to assess the situation there with personal eyes. Takes a serious householder to manage so, without being prompted! OS could not go, since he was in process for his green-card/US permanent residency, a family asset for sponsoring everyone, including AJ. Could not break any related thread and continuity, securing his residency so important and everything to him, once again more for all the others in the family than ever for himself, with the same weight.

Besides this obvious, collective, importance, OS had invested a great deal of energy and time into it. Among other things, lost close to $25.000 plus (in the money of that time) with two, less than effective and caring (1), attorneys, one of them the nation’s leading immigration practitioners. So, it had to be AJ headed home, for OS. A minor pause, how many things was OS supposed to finance, at once? With him not even in any settled or sound career, financial or immigration shoes!?!

AJ, accordingly, was scheduled for this trip for the winter of 1980-81, between his third and fourth semesters. These little, episodic and anecdotal, stories are important, in order to draw out AJ’s character, instrumentally critical for analyzing his frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5) on the family, of viciously and rabidly biting the hand that fed him, to come later down the turnpike.

On his trip, AJ was to route himself through a short stopover in London (UK), in order to take care of some business vital for him. But first, how OS funded this trip, takes some telling which will not, however, be told, in the interest of whatever brevity can be found within. Otherwise, the business AJ had to transact in London for himself, was as ever at the point of OS playing, unprompted, thorough defense for him, carefully covering his ‘backside’ for his comprehensive safety meticulously anticipated and provisioned for.

Further, AJ was pointedly cautioned not to be extravagant or careless with his spending in the UK, instructed, cautioned and prohibited specifically down to not running up any hotel bills unduly. He carried a subsidiary American Express/“Amex” Gold Card for OS’s account.

Sure enough, not only did he plant himself in the London Hilton, but the super-expensive one at the airport itself. As such, he had not even made it all the way down to India before Amex already had the related, whopper of a, bill to OS back in the States.

Years later was to, more clearly, reveal his penchant for expensive hotels and stretch limousines et al. as aspects of embedded mental disorder of sorts. These were supposed to be self-esteem boosters, in other ways reassuring platforms and distractions for combating his primal fears. Much more of this to escape out of him later, once he had front loaded, uncorked massive and gushing frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5)s on the family in the upcoming 1980s.

Still, OS was grateful for his trip, on account of Dad (1) and all his parental sentiments. For the first hand account AJ brought back for OS on every family member in New Delhi. Years later, SIS was to tell OS how AJ spent most of his time on this trip, not being with the family as OS was to invariably and entirely  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. do on his trips and expected of AJ too, but with his friends, showing himself off in order to stroke his insecurities and ego. This tendency too was to emerge ahead more robustly, as AJ’s narcissism allowed to surface and emerge freely on the heels of frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5)s committed on the family with unrestrained, uncaring (1) and brazen abandon.

That picture, side of him to be permitted to break, indiscriminately into the open, later! For now, then, it was back to Fletcher, to finish the fourth semester and graduate. However, the murky side of his character was already beginning to seep out, occasionally with increasing frequency and to OS’s awareness, spot and notice. Since, all these were really small incidents almost entirely, AJ got away with still fairly muscular dressing-downs alone from OS.

Soon after AJ had graduated from Fletcher, OS home in NJ was burglarized, pursuant to which the front door having been simply bashed in with artless and uncomplicated design. As an aside, the stolen items were almost immediately recovered by a watchful building custodian, but the door could not be repaired for a few days ranging to a full week. Leaving OS, as the only family bread winner, unable to go to work! No way for him to be able to stay away from work for that long, on account of onerous work waiting his prompt attention in office.

Since, AJ was done up in Medford/Boston, OS called asking him to promptly head home to babysit the homestead, so that OS could attend to his office, fo to work. AJ to take the earliest Greyhound out the very next morning, OS scheduling himself to be in office in the afternoon! Not only no AJ down by the expected time, no call and no trace of him either in response to OS’s calls up to his apartment in Medford. The entire day passed, OS beginning to entertain other thoughts, pertaining to AJ’s safety et al. Of course, no question of OS being able to make it to office that day at all!

Yet again, OS unable to pin AJ down until late that evening! The man more than quite blasé about not keeping his appointment for earlier that day and then not even bothering in the least to call proactively to notice, explain anything. Letting the entire day slide further, even then with no plans or action to touch base with OS! Bad, rather slipshod, disorganized, passive, averse, skittish, bolting, as he had always been on any number of fronts always, … deceitful, conniving, callous, damaging, so disorderly, … he had never been until very lately, at least never by design. Something new seemed emerging on the cusp of his most recent graduating time.

First he tells OS, he and ZH had planned a post-graduation driving trip up through . As soon as he heard ZH’s name, OS knew the two had been out all day kicking it up, celebrating AJ’s graduation. Yet, graduation, just an excuse for partying, for ZH had not graduated and then from all that AJ had described her at length, repeatedly to OS over the past two years, she was an inveterate party animal distilled. With not a serious or sober bone in her body, according to AJ as well. While, he himself not, not at all!

There were others like Fauzia, her husband Babbar, … mentioned too by AJ, as those who he hung out with, but ZH was the one constant, frequent, endless, … mention. Mansoor/Mansur, but it always came back to ZH as his regular side-kick. Accompanied by severe and even scathing criticism of her too, as also the enemy of and poison to serious, sober society, incapable of being allowed anywhere studious family life, affairs, matters, … being conducted. She was sure to bust it, her flippant, distracted, giddy, ever cavorting and escaping, … approach to any kind of serious life sure to wreck it, … On and on … by AJ/, in description forever of this ZH!

Since, AJ took care of his studies and knowing his nature more than well over any number of years, OS had gathered the impression, over the past two years, that he occasionally/proportionately  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. (notwithstanding the “Rocky Horror Show” gazillion visits) gave ZH, described as alone and lonely, company. No more, he himself was not into the ZH’s headlong hedonistic lifestyle. In the process, letting himself have outings in a disciplined and controlled way only. But, here was OS getting vibes AJ himself turning into some kind of a reveler and party caperer! ZH, her light sitting head, … rubbing off on AJ.

For, here was AJ demanding to be allowed to proceed on his driving vacation to Maine with ZH. Apart from fact that OS needed AJ to be home promptly, to do sentry-duty at the homestead so that he could attend office the next day, but AJ had an integral part to play in the JV (1) and a serious role in the lives of his younger siblings.

There could be no Maine vacation, even though OS known for being reasonable and not dogmatic or prudish about anything. As long as AJ could demonstrate that he could be a serious, responsible grown- up on his own steam and discriminating management, OS did not really have opposition to any Maine vacation per se. However, if it was part of going irresponsible, as a matter of course, an entirely different animal!

So, AJ was firmly ordered home, he did duly turn up in NJ the next afternoon. There was enough about AJ’s adult proportions lacked, OS was not about to take kindly of his showing he did not know discrimination enough to stay clear of frivolous, ,,, people, friendships! As an epilogue to this episode/event, whether ZH proceeded to Maine immediately or at some other point, she was flagged down, speeding mercilessly, by a Maine trooper on a scrupulously empty, straight and long stretch of the state highway somewhere.

Fluttering her eyes at the public servant, ZH then proceeded to protest that she was merely “flowing with the traffic”. The poker faced country bumpkin to ZH, suppressing his incredulity cold in its tracks, silently slow-walked his eyes first up the highway to the one horizon and then down the other way to the other in the opposite direction, finally as quietly writing out the ticket for the zany heavy-foot before him. Left without uttering a word, except at the very outset calling for the identification papers followed with revealing the charge.

In an America now, where our sense of ‘freedom’ as a concept has managed to go horribly warped, we abuse all our freedoms freely, overflow our boundaries on almost everything routinely without even realizing it or its import, terrible impact,…Among so many ‘disorders’ developed as a consequence, we even interfere in the personal lives of others with certain impunity, forgetting ourselves and elementary social etiquette demanded of us. OS has no doubt that ZH hoisted, foisted, her advocacy of ‘having fun’ and ‘to hell with family (/anything responsible in life),’ on AJ, who in keeping same opaque from OS still managed to drop broad clues as to her impart, influence so.

CYT did it too, as we will discover below, with devastating effect; her ‘free-base variety’, gratuitous reasons, to floor any one the least bit serious and sober in life. Then the authors once had a neighbor stridently tutoring SIS against OS, so that she could secure SIS’s exclusivity as a girlfriend to her. Even the NY Appellate Court holding that CYT, knowingly, undermining the performance of AJ’s JV (1) duties by him, where life settlement issues of siblings at stake, not an issue outrageous enough to ruffle our society’s sensitivities, exceeding limits tolerated by it.

CYT, as a Wellesley graduate and one claiming to formally teach the “finer points of social etiquette’, should not have been taught or did not ever learn, interfering in another family’s affairs was as gauche as lack of any social grace could be!?! Besides, for CYT to know the serious JV (1) activities going on in the Sud family and its serious implications, the proximity of the danger to the life prospects of young people (SS and SIS) from egging AJ on affirmatively to defraud the JV (1), the legality, equity, … owed by AJ to  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. the JV (1)-OS, … still continue destabilizing AJ endlessly is to be not only socially gauche, but legally and ethically reckless as a, squarely culpable, accessory.

Heck, being from Asia herself, she well knew culturally she was doing wrong. Fact, she conducted herself very carefully, deliberately and elaborately on the sly, also tells us she was always well aware of the wrong she was doing. … Yet, the NY Appellate Court to opine her misconduct would not mightily offend the sensitivities of serious householders in America!????????!

After all, this NY Appellate Court packed with baby-boomers, whose narcissistic value system gave this country the currencies which led to the irresponsible conduct ending up in the 2008 economic collapse with global implications. To call such, light-headed, currencies, even, either culture or any value-system a spontaneous misnomer! Should not this court also have taken into, properly weighed, consideration, the special risks, challenges, … facing immigrants, immigrant families.

CYT’s foul conduct not to be offensive to truly serious Americans, indeed! Members of this NY Appellate Court, as social elders and the country’s senior jurists needing to go back to re-examine the so-called “value-system” based on which they made such highly misplaced conclusions.

Precisely on account of such soft currencies why the ZH’s, AJ’s, … notwithstanding their serious life training from the mother country or at least with a better chance of having been brought up the right way there, come to America to rapidly begin equating freedom with no holds barred irresponsibility. Precisely why CYT went to Wellesley and Columbia (1), only to come out learning no better! … Precisely why America has been run into the ground, the ditch as POTUS Obama fond of referring to it, by its own people, citizens!

“The addiction to power and/or money can affect the brain much like other types of addiction. The overwhelming desire to feed any form of addiction can eventually lead to a type of psychopathy.” - WATCH: I Used to Be in a Cult and Here's What It Did to My Brain (1)

There is something prima facie wrong with a culture/its ‘value system’, pronounced upon no less by our courts, which would say what it did. Which would say it is all right to interfere in another family’s affairs, causing havoc amidst it, most especially where the downside loaded and fraught with life settlement bearing implication for that family’s up and coming young ones. Further, a struggling immigrating family!?! Where and when the authors within grew up, in India, the mere whiff of such cross-over into another’s, another family’s, affairs, even without the prospects of causing damage, … such an abiding, mere etiquette intensive, ‘no, no’, faux pas as to earn a stern and ringing spontaneous ostracization. Something very, very wrong with America’s, runaway, permissive “value-system”, “culture”, “society”, …!

Here the NY Appellate Court to have us believe CYT’s, headstrong and willful, meddling, not to shock and disturb American society, especially in the given circumstances!?! Authors simply do not believe so, even with all that gone wrong here, the greater part of America is highly, sensibly upright, moral, … why this nation has still not washed away sinfully into the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. . But, if true, then something grossly but grossly wrong additionally with the, American, society! Otherwise, most of the judges occupying American judicial benches today from the baby-boomer generation, highly correct in certain ways and yet the ones that also brought runaway narcissism (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21), mainstream, to the local society.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. When the US Supreme Court/“SCOTUS” itself today sways unreliably, as much as it does, what can be said about the rest of the American judiciary, the state of the Rule of Law/1-2 (3-4-5-6 7, 8-9-10-11,-12- 13-14-15) adhered to by it, in our times!?!. Otherwise, Justice Ginsburg, quoting Reverend King in connection with the strike-down of, the preclearance, Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act/“VRA” said it all: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” University of Pennsylvania’s motto, reinforcing. ‘Leges Sine Moribus Vanae (“Laws without morals [are] useless”). Does not offend our society’s sensitivities, exceeding limits tolerated by it, indeed!

Sez who, one might ask our ‘learned’ judges on the NY Appellate Court, very forcefully and forthrightly indeed? Have we really become so inert and impotent in America now? So licentious, insipid as well as cowardly!?! So jaded and uncaring (1), sucked dry of balanced judgment, as a hardworking and worthwhile immigrating family upended whimsically not to trouble us at all, enough!?! What is wrong with us, here in America?

Are we now so decoupled from any sense of real justice, reduced merely to a set of banal administrative rules, relatedly!?! So devoid of essential and elementary wisdom, holding the scales of justice in America!?! The authors and their family summarily rejecting the implied brand of, understated, value system and any justice, standing, predicated upon it! Justice so, in anyway, diluted, justice at once, ‘arbitrarily, unreasonably and capriciously …’ denied!

We, here in America, have strayed into the most pernicious inequality know to this country in recent times. Next the topical NY Appellate Court will be telling us the deeds of those who precipitated same not to ruffle, offend the sensitivities of local citizens, Americans as heinous acts. Have we really gone off our heads in this country, even with respect to those supposedly “August” humans who occupy our judicial benches? CYT’s

We have, just above, indexed narcissism, mushrooming as it enervates, bankrupts and scoops/hollows out America we live in now. A suitable juncture to similarly identify and index other ranking maladies afflicting and bleeding us dry today in America-we all love. But first, a look at comparable India, snapshot captured as: The Problem With Delhi’s Rich Kids.

We will start our, sordid, roster, past narcissism, with galloping greed/1, 2 (3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)! Followed by the Decadence of Entitlement/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6)! Next we encounter the tendency to be Best of All Worlds junkies (1, 2, 3, 4)! We have already passed spoilt/1/ 2, 3, 4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) at least once, above/supra. And we have covered juvenile (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) above/supra too. Then, we excavate self indulgence (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9).

Shame/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) together with self-respect wielded to keep ourselves in line and suitably corralled, went copiously out of American lives, electing to proliferate corruption, rank permissive corruption around the entire ballpark. As a people, in America, we have become rights clamoring to the pointed exclusion of/attention to duties/1, 2, 3, 4! We are personal discipline/1, 2, 3, 4 averse, opposed to staying bounded, which is our grounding, sanity, our protection, … working order in our lives, preserving the natural order even in the cosmos all around us, our insurance for returning good results to ourselves, for Garbage In only kicks back Garbage Out! Responsibility/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is a commodity that has become copiously foreign to us in America too.…

No mean stepping off the ledge by Americans, America. All reality abandoned, capturing as same truly figures in the America we live in today, no literary flourish and no by product of any rhetoric, figure of speech, compositional creativity presented. No figment of any sort! As given, honest to God, America of  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. our times/ We just do not live reality in America anymore, it is all lack of it, artificiality or some cousins of it all the way!

So, in this cesspool of a severe value system drought, corruption thrives and abounds, wrapping circles around all of us. Bush “41”’s one time sleaze-runner captures this condition/state of affairs (1, 2) the best:

“My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood. The '80s were about acquiring - acquiring wealth, power, prestige, I know. I acquired more wealth, power, and prestige than most. But you can acquire all you want and still feel empty. What power wouldn't I trade for a little more time with my family? What price wouldn't I pay for an evening with friends? It took a deadly illness to put me eye to eye with that truth, but it is a truth that the country, caught up in its ruthless ambitions and moral decay, can learn on my dime. I don't know who will lead us through the '90s, but they must be made to speak to this spiritual vacuum at the heart of American society, this tumor of the soul.” - Lee Atwater (Life magazine, February 1991)

What AJ was to do shortly to the family, the same as what done to America by those who must be singled out, at minimum! Worse in fact, if we factor in nothing less than family, the very hand which fed him victimized and vaporized! The family viciously, willfully defrauded/1 (2-3. 4-5) and so much more, for nothing greater or higher than unjust self-enrichment! His crimes are America’s crimes too, for not only were they committed within the four-corners of its geography, but suborned pursuant to his foul transformation in this country. At the, Ivy League, schools (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) he attended in America, with Wall Street forming his, blighted, finishing school.

AJ is a supreme coward, as all corrupt people, consummately and exquisitely are and have to be! Cowardice breeds corruption, which in turn sponsors stepped-up (or down) cowardice, in a never ending, tight, vicious, helpless cycle that preys upon itself in a circle. Sanity handily eludes him, just as we see constant sparks of insanity discharging around America today; wherever like AJ’s, acting up, this America wide dementia stoops to pollute/defile, cause mayhem. Whether it is AJ or the larger America, what else is the chaos of soiled actions/deeds/supposed to do but breed bad karma/insanity on a mental whirlpool/merry-go-around incessant path?

Where is the ‘Wax on, Wax Off’ (The Karate Kid) kind of rigorous, constructive drill and discipline in any of AJ and America’s rotten pursuits, for any good to come out of them anywhere, anytime? They say in India, when bad times in the offing, ants grow wings! Alternatively, when such times approach, the mind/Buddhi the first thing to go! Then, in western thought something similar too: “Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius (Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad)” - Prometheus, in The Masque of Pandora (1875) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

The victims, as the obvious innocents, the sole objects of tragedy! The family in AJ’s case targeted and disaffected America in the other. Then, why should not predator(s) AJ and those from all the poaching sectors of America be found psychopathic, even as Bernie Madoff/1, 2, 3, 4,(5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) was too? Just the value of the backstop/1, 2, 3 4 supplied AJ by OS/the JV (1) was priceless, invaluable. OS/the JV (1) did much, much more for him besides, both preciously tangible and intangible.

AJ belittled OS’s contribution to his life, abruptly changing his tune once his frauds rolled out, when je himself had not the least bit of gumption to supply same for his younger two, SS and SIS. He is a supremely vile creature, all the more for being so weak in life, as not to be able to ever overcome himself  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. in the service of family! Family that which at its very thought accords strength and resolve to most, near all, of us, defense of which ingrained instinctively in us. In that sense, AJ defied nominal nature itself. How weak indeed must he be, how truly far gone!?! How corrupted in America!?! How consummately reduced and rendered low!?!

The saga of AJ’s frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5) and other predatory escapades sighting the family, properly and fully, unfold further down below! It is a horrendous story of damage at the family’s end and another story of the ‘Dance Of The Utterly Pusillanimous Prdatory’ at AJ’s! For no one falls prey to corruption quite like a weak creature, no one plays dirty like one too! If AJ can do what he did to the family/JV (1), particularly to OS and everything he did for him, then it is/must be indeed true, what Judge Judy is extremely fond of intoning every chance she gets,“No good turn ever goes unpunished!”

AJ’s predatory, cowardly, corrupt, … romp through the family’s fortunes, equitably preserved and promoted by OS, mirrors, in value system underpinnings and actually executed shabbiness alike, what was done to America at large! Indeed, OS promoting and installing AJ as he did, exclusively and comprehensively, itself became the basis for the latter’s audacious and dastardly frauds. No different from American multinational businesses establishing themselves in America first, then deserting it to operate and flourish abroad at the mother country’s expense, detriment!

If there is one truth in life, a-la-AJ:“You cannot escape your demons!” Just cannot coast without confronting them frontally, only makes for trouble as AJ has caused grievously for the family, other predators have caused for America! AJ’s comprehensive inability to confront himself coming incessantly while OS and his supportive, go-getting presence beside him uniformly, forever! As AJ’s psychiatrist adjudged too, what business did AJ had coming to him when he had a strong minded brother, in OS, at home!?!

(V) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 3: Through AJ’s Frauds on the Family

While OS, in school and after, had interviewed and pushed for employment like a busy beaver, AJ by contrast acted as a strolling prima donna. There was that and the rest was his retiring problem of asking anyone for anything, as a ruffle to his, false and inflated sense of prestige. Talking to people/strangers itself a problem, soliciting a patently insurmountable hurdle!

Where OS innovated, stepped-up, pushed, persisted and persevered, gave chase, … , perhaps like Patton, who could not abide having to pay for the same tract of dirt/earth a second time, AJ only, invariably ran in the opposite, wrong direction. A fine advance/vanguard for the family in America, a covering and contributing flank hopeless besides OS! Waiting for AJ to (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) grow-up wearing mighty thin indeed, even for, the patient and highly accommodating, OS!

Returning home to NJ, OS had an over-educated couch-potato on his hands in AJ. Following an, out-of- the-blue, American win in hockey at the Lake Placid Winter Olympics, AJ majoring in diehard fan- pursuit of the New York Islanders, himself based a trifle inland. Also obsessed with flipping the TV channel dial to PBS’s ‘Fawlty Towers’, ‘Benny Hill’, … while continuing to play general comedy with actual life as ever. The only item not on his ‘dance card’, looking for a job, he just did not know how go about it! Life as a whole, in fact! Having to struggle just not his stomach, forte! Always wanting life to come to him, cooked to his very pace and taste!

Obviously, the pendulum swings yet again the good old, reliable and default standard-bearer, OS’s way! The problem obviously, it was to be always, only this default entity and beyond OS the family enterprise

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. abruptly, promptly truncated. Fell off! Every time, every without exception time! OS not doing it, will not get done, the favorite and old stand by family tune.

So, OS to the typewriter or whatever typing machine in vogue back then, rolling off a master copy of AJ’s resume, thereafter bound for the copying machine. Who else but OS to the covering letters too, at the end of every employment opportunity excavated? Mailing! … Then, the continuing tug-of-war with, prying AJ open, in the face of the poor crop of job interviews presenting themselves for harvesting, sans the green-card/US permanent residency issue yet again! … Left to AJ, the given environment and terrain, just too hostile, discouraging, … to entice and get him off the couch!

What was OS supposed to do with such utterly hopeless, skittish and un-enterprising material, how much heavy-lifting was he to do on his own, by himself!?! How many things was he supposed to get into, with AJ turning out to be such a pathetic coventurer!?! Far from helping others in the JV (1), providing any leadership qualities and stature within it, … could not even help his own self, remotely or minimally! Everything of this world of physics has its limits, only AJ’s tentativeness, timidity, timorousness, about- face retreating and bolting nature, … knew no bounds whatsoever.

With OS’s relentless pounding, shoving and coaching, in a few months AJ landed an opportunity with Citibank International, for posting in Asia. On ‘local’ or non-US dollar denominated salary, not of much immediate help to OS buried under oodles of US dollar debt for the JV (1)/family. Yet, a career forming and building opportunity for AJ. Afforded on OS’s head and something OS was never given the time or other leeway to rustle up and avail of for himself! For himself, really always to mean for the JV (1)/family!

All same means, OS never had any of the luxuries, he elaborately afforded AJ, to establish himself properly even for the JV (1)/family’s sake. Obliged to operate forever with his back and heels on the edge of a precipice, a gun to his head, having to piggy-back carry the utterly useless AJ,…

Precisely, the idea of the JV (1), if everyone played their role honestly, successive siblings to be settled, as defined by that JV (1), quicker and still quicker, in facile and still more facile fashion, … to return and restore each of them to their individual and independent lives, in such accelerated fashion and as soon as possible, completing the JV (1) agenda. Thus, this JV (1) arrangement loaded with the enormous wisdom, maturity, finesse, … of the ages, which the Ayn Rand thinking and socialism mistaking laden America of our times simply does not have the eye to appreciate/1, 2, 3. With what is going on America today. its immaturity sticks out like a sore thumb!

OS had run, ridden himself ragged and driven himself hoarse, operating the JV (1) with impeccable honesty, honor, for the family’s benefit at the very head and for himself as a very distant second. His selflessness palpably evident at all times! His struggles painfully and obviously solitary! … If AJ had been a fraction of all that OS, demanding from himself, was able to be, the Sud family’s JV (1) would have carried it to dizzying, rarified heights in America, of OS’s dreams, with no trouble at all. … But AJ was a small, small, … cowardly “man”/creature to such utterly saturated proportions …! A castrated entity, by way of indexing the acuteness of that pusillanimity!

As it is, in returning to the story, we have to rejoin at the point AJ headed for a career in International Banking. He was to soon report at the Bank’s training center in Athens, Greece, relocated from Beirut, Lebanon caught up in successive conflicts, domestic and foreign entities involving, through 1990. Just for the, six month, duration of the program he was to be paid in US dollars, which OS asked him to carefully save, in particular, for relieving JV (1) debts, making better room for the JV’s (1) future operations. =>  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. "Character's the only thing I got to give you. Be a man." says the character Hud Bannon in the 1963 movie ‘Hud’, quoting his screen grandfather. AJ, after being cogently turned down by OS for an air ticket, Athens - Greece to New York - USA, merely to see the New York Jets in the 1981-1982 playoffs, during the winter time off from the training program, still purchased one on his own to be unexpectedly at home in New Jersey with OS for the single game the team played before being eliminated. While OS sacrificed/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) and stood the yeoman’s sentry duty at his post, here was AJ spoilt and tainted with the rather strong brush of entitlement.

“Just that, Hud. You don't give a damn. … That's all. That's the whole of it. … You still don't get it, do you? … You don't care about people. You don't give a damn about 'em. … That's the shame of it 'cause you don't value nothing. … You don't respect nothing. … You keep no check on your appetites. … You live just for yourself and that makes you not fit to live with. … [To Lonnie Bannon] [Hud} ain't the only one. Just about everybody around here is like him. … That's no cause for rejoicing, is it? Little by little, the look of the country changes because of the men we admire. … Maybe. Old people get as hard as their arteries sometimes. … [To Hud Bannon] You're just gonna have to make up your own mind one day … about what's right and what's wrong.” Homer Bannon in the movie Hud (1963)

Just one more stop, for sure to watch a Bill Maher video bearing a telling soliloquy, before resuming our story. Finishing the training program, where he topped his batch, instead of reporting promptly to his post in Asia, AJ routed himself through NY-NJ, USA, home with OS for s flying 3 or 4 days.

Basically, to bawl (actually and veritably) before/to OS about not wanting to work in and report to Asia! “I want to live in the US!” he said to OS, interspersing his heaving bawling. Particularly galling to him was fact that one of his batch-mates, who had performed near the end in the program, was headed to Saudi Arabia on an expat (aka “hardship”) salary at a rate one-and-a-half times the New York benchmarks(s). While AJ to make a far less “local” salary in Asia!

Initially, OS asked AJ to go and take same up at Citibank headquarters /“HQ” in New York. When HQ told him to report to Asia for now, they will “in due course” consider and take-up his working his way back to the US or even Saudi Arabia, AJ was back bawling even louder back home before OS. And this was not just a matter of refusing to go to Asia, but OS had to find him something “suitable and acceptable” yesterday, before his immediate Asia join date.

Another, family and JV (1), gun to OS’s head! To cut a long story short, OS arranged a job for AJ, on Wall Street, within the available 3-4 day practically no-window. OS, stuck in queue for his green-card/US Permanent Residency, meant for the family - including AJ - first in OS’s mind, could not transition himself, but able to arrange a job for AJ in this, super accelerated fashion, in the super competitive NYC market no less.

Incidentally, AJ picked up his job offer letter the very same morning Dad (1) due in the US later in the day. He had waited over five years for OS to come home to visit, could wait no longer to see him. Otherwise, AJ had so done better than nearly all of his Fletcher and so, so many of his HBS classmates. As yet and still a “foreigner” to this country, an acknowledged realization for being duly sober and grateful in life.

Courage comes but only from truth, honor, … stepping up to all such things, frontally without reservation, equivocation, deceit, retreat, … peppering self with a healthy dose of flinty sense of self and self-respect preserved! Of doing what is right, always right! Standing for something when it is the most  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. difficult to do! With all due respects to Mr. Gerald O’Hara, “… land is [not] the only thing … worth dying for, …”Our principles too, perhaps first!

“Well, the answer to that is "survival as what?" A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult!

Before the people of the world, let it now be noted that here, in our decision, this is what we stand for: justice, truth, and the value of a single human being.”; Judge Dan Haywood in the movie Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), The Verdict [Scene/1, 2]

“The land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts" - Gerald O'Hara, Gone With The Wind (1939).

If the world had collective conviction and will true to in fact act together, the outrage and rarified sin by the Syrian Government/Assad regime, “delud[ing itself] into the commission of crimes so vast and heinous that they beggar the imagination (Judgment at Nuremberg) or merely being callous and cruel true to stay in power, unloading chemical weapons on its own citizens would not stand for any length at all. If AJ were a “degraded pervert” (Judgment at Nuremberg) and “sadistic monster and maniac” (Judgment at Nuremberg), yet he is all of those things in action and effect, then all his defrauding et al. (see below/infra) misdeeds, “… would have no more moral significance than an earthquake, or any other natural catastrophe.” (Judgment at Nuremberg),

Whatever else wrong with him, AJ has always been aware of the wrong he has done, as patent wrong only. Along the way, whether partially “deluding” himself but never really into his commissions or willfully brushing aside what he knew to be right or … or all of these things compacted/fused together, he always knew right from wrong. Always knew what OS had done, acknowledging it freely forever. Always knew the family JV (1) a valid legal arrangement.

As AJ went to work, for the fist time in four years, six years since coming to America, OS had some meaningful assistance. Until AJ to commit his frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5) ahead, his register worthy earnings pooled with OS’s, for the JV (1) continuing to be [part] performed to that point, as bulwark against the invocation of the Statute of Frauds.

Later that year OS was to receive his green-card/US Permanent Residency. OS, thereafter, to face the kind of discrimination the long-term employed face today. Having been in off career track employment for the previous four years, breaking through into it full of formidable impediments! By early the following year, with his characteristic doggedness, he had brought matters very close to securing a position at Bank of America. Just them, a crisis in India intervened and he had to travel home.

Returning, SIS “accompanied” him to America, a fortnight later. To take a gander at schools in America, which she was to join in the Spring semester the following year. After satisfying herself she was interested in pursuing undergraduate studies here versus back in India, but also to give OS time to gear up financially for it.

In all the years OS handled family affairs, his honesty and thoroughness, despite tenuous underlying circumstances, ensured no mishap ever occurred. He never missed any beat, everyone’s, time sensitive and otherwise sanctified, interests impeccably advanced and protected. AJ’s frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5), to come, the first time mishaps began occurring, then too not without stout fighting from OS, if only because the

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. laws of physics, pertaining to how far OS could be stretched, simply not to be able to accommodate any incremental elasticity, having run out of all possible runway to give. OS never to be found wanting!

Accordingly, SIS’s applications, with cogent contribution from her in India and unlike AJ’s corresponding bankrupt case, as ever processed impeccably too. This time, OS gave them to AJ to prepare, believing him to be responsible and grown-up enough, in his mid-20s. For the third time they never went out, in fact AJ never even started on them, later pleading SIS was not fit to attend school in America (as if he himself ever was)!?! OS understood this gambit better and fully much later, after AJ had unleashed his frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5). Very simply, the blackguard had a blackheart. Never minded leaning on OS any amount and forever, in turn did not want to give off himself for his younger sibling(s), the sniveling coward and p**** (pusillanimity bound).!

On a Friday night, after work, OS sitting down himself, working through the weekend without a wink of sleep, had all of SIS’s applications, twenty odd, ready to be mailed out first thing Monday morning. OS was just too honorable in life to admit of dishonor in anyone easily. Not even in AJ, betraying himself in small doses all the time. However, one day he was to reveal the real hulking swine he was, in full resplendence and brazen naked audacity. Just as the previously demurring GOP have been doing, increasingly after 2008!

Once, on a weekend (in the days before ATMs, if one forgot to pick up cash at the bank in NYC, one would be stuck in the suburbs), finding himself without cash, OS asked AJ if he had any for a pack of smokes. To which AJ responded in the negative. Monday morning, when AJ was at work, OS with the day off, while cleaning house and emptying AJ’s suit pockets (he had a habit of leaving clothes, everything strewn around) before hanging the piece in the closet, found cash in it. AJ would play such games with OS!?!… OS for a long time overlooked such incidents, as AJ’s immaturity that would go away. Repeatedly giving him the benefit of the doubt!

At another time, out of the blue, AJ told OS he would like nothing to be charged on his credit cards. All family credit and physical credit cards remained held centrally. In fact all of AJ’s credit held in unused reserve. With two incomes, OS making much more than AJ, there was no need for additional credit to be drawn upon. Indeed, OS running a tight ship, steadily paying down JV (1) debt held in his name. Strengthening the JV (1) balance sheet so, his was a no frills operation, run with scrupulous honesty and no waste whatsoever.

However, it was bound to occur to OS and did, AJ was all right running up all kinds of bills on OS’s head, but wanting to keep his own nose clean. Mitt Romney needing to be noticed it was AJ who was being a taker without being any maker ever … just like his fellow 1%ers taking much more than they so- called ‘made’. Acting without equity! "I'm not talking legality, Preppie, I'm talking ethics. You guys have five million books. We have a few lousy thousand." - Jennifer Cavalleri, Love Story (1970). AJ did not want to share in the sacrifice(s)/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) (s), risk taking, pain, … staking only the benefits. OS giving him the benefit of the doubt once again!

It is the spoilt state of mind. When OS first visited Harvard, crossing the Charles River, he encountered a sprawling campus. Asking a young lady on the lawns outside where HBS was, he was told, with an elaborate wave of her arm, all of it. OS’s B’school was a very modest single building. She then asked OS in turn whether he was there interested in gaining admission. When OS told her he was happily installed at another, Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), B’School, she smugly intoned “O here to visit the mecca!?!” Right there the attitude and value system rooting that was to go on to destroy America in our times.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. AJ’s insanity America’s insanity, particularly via the Ivy Leagues et al. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and Wall Street, America’s insanity AJ’s! No life serious or sober footprints anywhere there. No understanding or deliberate overlook of real life proportions! No care for others, not even for self-protection, for life is corporate/collective first before it can be successful individually! … Just straight narcissistic horsing around galore, now comes the pied piper to exact a punishing price for going horribly unnatural!

SIS was to be accepted to multiple ‘Seven Sisters’ and other leading schools in America. So much for AJ’s self-serving antics belittling her prospects and her! Criminal! Life thrives on positive projections/outlook and of stepping up to it. If OS were anything like AJ, latter would/should have been buried dead back when and based upon palpable mediocrity in middle school academics, even after excelling in high school and college in India, but for OS would never have found his was to excel in America. To close the door behind on other, after passing through and worse still after being handily helped by another/others to do so, no crime greater and ingratitude supreme!

During SIS’s second semester, OS had to go home to India, taking care of Dad (1) and SS. Dad (1) had been in harness by himself for nearly twenty years, nearly ten past his retirement, raising children by himself. SS in a tizzy about being taken to America, especially when SIS had leap-frogged to go first. The JV (1) had called for the boys having their first degree in India, SIS, as the only girl and daughter, the only one to be enabled to have all her education in America.

Where OS was scrupulously attentive to every member of the family, AJ to turn out hoary callous to them! Mind you, OS had still not found his way to career-track ascension, but still he went back to spend some months and time with Dad (1) and SS. While headed to India so, making sure to leave a full year’s tuition on deposit carefully for SIS’s school, even though he did not plan to be away for that much time! Incidentally, according to Indian customs, he has already safely assembled and built up SIS’s dowry too. AJ might have been installed in career-track employment, but it was OS hustling to make much more money than him outside, amidst so much exploitation and impediments faced while without a green- card/US Permanent Residency for most of his past several years, since B’School.

Just before he left, the o AJ sprung the case for permission to attend Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6). OS turning him down summarily, then he wrangled out permission from him to secure admission, but not to leave until the JV (1) could spare him. His looking to Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) plans predicated upon the emerging ills in 1980s America of a herd mentality towards making obscene amounts of money as if yesterday, lawyers starting to cull together even obscener charge rates in the range of $250-400/hour and a bunch of AJ’s friends from affluent families headed next for Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) never quitting school to enter life. The inglorious 1920s “gilded Age” was back on with even greater vehemence and abandon, recklessness, as the antics of the weak, self-indulgent and the forever restlessly bolting!

When OS returned, Dad (1) accompanied him. So that he could take care of SIS, OS freed a trifle to get his, long patient, career going finally. SS was left in the care of extending family and friend to finish his undergraduate in India. No sooner had he landed at Kennedy Airport, OS saw evidence of AJ’s high irresponsibility.

SIS was a holy mess on its face, her neglect by AJ apparent to see. She plainly looked unkempt, her clothes shabby an understatement, that she had not had a haircut in months quite evident too. Reaching home, OS was to find she had been kicked out of her bedroom and relegated to some kind id an army cot besides the dining table, AJ taking over her bedroom entirely. SIS was to tell OS, she was left alone at home most nights, while AJ attended LSAT classes after work.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. AJ supposed to only work towards admission to Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) on a contingent basis, which did not translate into pursuing same at the cost of running the household properly. All the months OS was away, SIS with no facility to make it to the hair salon, Laundromat, … by herself, on her own! On weekends, he would drag her away to visit with her friends (e,g, his friends from Boston Fauzia-Babbar in Ossining, NY, Arnie Mansdorf in Brooklyn, NY, … etc.), part of his restlessness running to something and away from ever fermenting insides, disrupting her schoolwork. …

His fermenting restlessness, together with all his weak and dodging ways, had given AJ the habit of regularly kicking OS’s shins under the dining table out of his frustrations at life, life’s gamesmanship that he could not cope with. Before SIS had come to America, there had been an episode at home between AJ and OS. Acting up one afternoon and with OS fed up with AJ’s endless juvenile (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) incorrigibilities, forever soft pedaled on by him, when AJ sought to jump him, OS decided to teach him a lesson! Pinning him down on the couch, he refused to let go of AJ until he promised to behave in the future. Once let go, AJ convinced he could not get the better of OS in any scuffle, instead elected to go after everything in the sitting room.

Wrecking it, he destroyed the TV, the record player, the display cabinets with their contents … all of it. Always temperamental, he had a Teflon strength bug in his head. OS was not even his father, yet he forever made room for AJ’s tantrums, all kinds of running dysfunctions endless! Affectionately and patiently! Waiting for him to sort himself out, grow up (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)! AJ will grow up (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) once he has finished college! Once he has found muscular employment, he will feel secure enough in life to settle down! … Actually, it never, never happened! OS bending destiny to success for the family, forever tirelessly alone in what was supposed to be a collective struggle.

Otherwise, soon after returning to America, OS finally got career-track bound, Wall Street installed. Only seven years following B’School, nine years after arriving in America. Even though, he would be making less money than he did before. Two family members well educated in America itself too, the third on her way, two solid jobs in the family with a combined income exceeding hundred thousand dollars of the 1980s very far going money, OS’s green card/US Permanent Residency as an anchor for all the rest in the family, …

As such, nine years was nothing for such footing found in a new country, even though the entire price exacted out of OS’s hide alone. So much, much to be grateful for, millions of people all over the globe would give their right arm to get to the same place, so soon too! Hell, millions in America itself too. Except for the spoilt and the entitled, a source for soaring grace, inspiration as well as eternal gratitude, to find the American dream so. For those like AJ re-doubly so, for OS having paid all the price for it for him. As the authors write today, it is August 28, 2013, fifty year anniversary of the freedom march to Washington in 1963, with the President giving the keynote speech.

OS resumed charge with Dad (1) of SIS, emphatically peeling AJ’s less than half-hearted interest off. She traveled to school now with OS, bifurcating at Port Authority in NYC to go uptown to college, while OS headed downtown. In the evenings they would carefully and vigilantly synchronize, meeting at the 42nd Street terminal again to travel home to NJ together. If OS occasionally leaving very early and/or returning too late, Dad (1) would be at the bus-stop in NJ boarding and taking her off, always be home with her in the evenings. OS and the family/Dad (1) did not believe in playing any probability games with safety at all!

Once when she was commuting so by herself, a young man latched on to her in the tunnel that connects seventh avenue to the Port Authority terminal at eighth avenue-42nd street, stalking/1, 2, 3 her while passing sexual remarks constantly. At the terminal itself, followed her into the ice-cream parlor which  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. OS had designated as the safe haven to meet him within, before being chased away by the owner of the parlor. Accordingly, when OS himself arrived at the parlor, he was to find SIS talking to a policeman just outside, surrounded by a sizable crowd also in attendance.

A second similar incident occurred soon after, this time with AJ present. Passing through the very same Port Authority, SIS and AJ were chatting together behind OS, as they headed on the upper level towards the escalator which would take them to the platform to catch the bus to NJ. OS had gone up the escalator, then walked all the way to the end of the corridor to the door leading to the waiting bus, when he heard some commotion behind him. Swiveling he was to see AJ and another man crouched ready to mix it up at the, top, end of the escalator, with SIS somehow trapped on the last step, of the upward moving machine.

OS yelled from his distance to alert AJ’s adversary that he was not alone and then dropping his briefcase began sprinting towards two crouching gladiators. Realizing he was outnumbered, AJ’s adversary promptly took off, flight. Apparently, in getting on the escalator, instead of ensuring SIS got on first, vintage AJ in carelessness and with head always in the clouds, got on himself to leave SIS bringing up his rear. The man who got on behind SIS, then crouched low to look up her skirt as the escalator went up. AJ noticed and the sparks flew! …

First, no excuse for not ensuring SIS got on the escalator first, matter of elementary precaution as well as chivalry whenever accompanying any woman. Second, AJ should have cleared out safely with SIS promptly, instead of engaging the perpetrator, to SIS’s as well as his own jeopardy. Needless to say he got more than a earful from OS. Not the first time such foolishness in super dangerous NYC.

Once while accompanying OS, just off eighth avenue on 39th street the two ran into a robbery in progress on the street, With knives and clubs in evidence, a bunch of thugs in the act of swiping a rack full of clothes, As OS cleared out rapidly, he was to turn back to find AJ standing stupidly watching as if some street performance in progress. He had to run back to drag AJ away, resisting the urge to administer him a swift kick in the pants on the spot, for being street foolish dense!

OS has had a twenty dollar bill snatched out of his hands just like that at Port Authority, while in queue to buy his weekly bus pass. Had ladies of the evening chase after him, on eighth avenue, just outside the bus terminal. At the old Broadway-Nassau Street stop (below 1 Chase Plaza, now the Fulton Street Stop), OS was given to standing at a known/same spot on the platform where he knew one of the doors to the subway opened directly in front. One evening, the doors opened and he waited patiently for everyone to get off. Once an empty chasm yawned before him and he moved to step in, a gentleman, with his little girl, realizing late that he had to alight, came barging out. OS side-stepped nimbly to give way and continue heading in, while the other two exited, simultaneously, with enough room!

Once on the platform, the other turned around to yell at OS, for not backing out to let him get off first, even though he had been way late coming out … Then he did not like that OS kept walking to his seat without answering him, per force taken as a deliberate slight offered him. Fortunately the doors closed and the train began moving, still he ran along the train to catch up to the window across from where OS was sitting, Banging on the glass of the moving vehicle, threatening on his fast trot outside on the platform alongside the galloping train.

NYC streets are not the Harvard, a college campus. Too many educated people misfits for life/at large. Perhaps because they acquire the tact and habit of looking for real life answers in books! But, AJ a hulking misfit even without the education factor!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. In that year, AJ did not get into any Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) he wanted to attend. Any really good school, in other words! The first rime he had attempted college applications on his own, since OS was in India and otherwise not in supportive. Even Dad (1) told AJ it was time and priority for the latter to get married and settled down. Growing up, provide support to, real leadership in the family, sharing with OS, lightening his burden. OS also impressed that AJ should spoken up before Fletcher, he could have attended Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) instead with OS in the yoke an additional year for it. A beleaguered immigrating family simply could not afford members spending lifetimes in college, AJ already had three college degrees and moreover handsomely employed as well.

The younger two siblings had to be given a fair and equivalent chance to get equally well educated. SIS has a ways to go. SS was clamoring back home for a chance in America. OS, who had already sacrificed/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) so much and more than enough, had his own life to forge. In fact it was AJ’s turn to sacrifice/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6), he had had a jolly good free run all along/ He could not stay juvenile (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), spoilt, entitled, … especially like the current “ugly American”, as yet the most intense and pronounced version of such ugliness incarnated.

As such, AJ gave a renewed undertaking to only seek admission and not actually leave to attend until formally released by the JV (1). OS found same quite absurd, asking AJ to wait to gain admission too. He had promised to get him into any Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) he wanted to attend, if he maturely stayed to advance the JV (1) agenda to a safe point of stability. Separately, get married sensibly, showing proper life maturity and sobriety. … He agreed to both, reiterating not to leave without being formally released by the JV (1) and duly getting married immediately (formerly opting for the Indian route of an arranged marriage and pointedly asking OS/Dad (1) to begin looking for a girl), but insisting he would feel good about himself if OS could assist him in getting admitted to a good Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) right away.

OS helped, AJ picked Columbia Law School (1) if only because he wanted to create happier memories on that campus than the ones he retained from his undergraduate days there, full of the grinding struggles if a newly arrived immigrant even unto the family in its fledgling stages too! OS began the onerous and time consuming task of canvassing for girls for AJ’s marriage, as if he did not already have enough on his plate. As if was still not the only one pursuing and managing the JV (1) agenda all by himself, AJ as ever still showing the back of his TV watching head and never proactively taking up any of his JV (1) duties.

Always a tug of war to get him to do anything, then too it would not get done properly, OS suffered re- doubly taking a chore away and back from him, for he had to first detangle what AJ had messed up before completing it properly. After a lifetime of such invariable repeats from AJ, OS naturally to reach the conclusion it was safer to handle everything himself. Now he had a career to take very seriously too, it was no longer just a matter of simply/blandly hustling to make as much money he could for the family/JV (1).

OS, as such, had serious catching up to do in his career, starting with a significant deficit, as he did, on Wall Street! And make up he did too, while carrying his entire portfolio of considerable family responsibility. He received accelerated promotions, offered a very important job in London, UK, which he, however, turned down mainly on account of SIS still needing him in America. Dad (1) at some point had to return to India, she was still too young to be without a supportive home in her vicinity.

AJ played games with OS on his marriage matters. Letting OS raise “leads” and negotiate matters a good way, before repeatedly saying no in the end, abruptly! Wasting his time he just did not have! When OS still had too, too many things to do in the family, of course by himself! Everything but everything, clearly, depended on him. Everybody too! Mainly, most of all AJ, … no brainer by this time in the story!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Just around this time AJ received his own green-card/US Permanent Residency, from work sponsorship. Traceable to OS, who got him employed on Wall Street! Work sponsorship being a much faster track than the family sponsorship route. Strangely and yet not so, the same US prominent immigration firm that had taken OS for a ride, as AJ’s firm’s retained attorneys for the purpose, had AJ simply sail through in no time at all.

AJ was also lucky in the boss he had, who never held the sponsorship over his head. All over America, so many employers, otherwise, given to stringing employees along for years, using the bait of sponsorship to hold on to them shackled in dragged out fashion. AJ’s boss, Sorbonne educated and in the social register, previously from the US Foreign Service, Hamptons bound every weekend of the year, with a name like “Skip”, … either too wrapped with himself or too above the small and niggardly or …, providentially never to rag on AJ in anyway. Precisely what AJ was supposed to do, make thing even easier for the younger siblings, so that the JV (1) could be wrapped up with so much greater expedition, for everyone to be restored to their independent lives, barring the normal collective demands of family and extended family life.

OS had never seen one like AJ, so utterly weak, helpless and frightened of everything. Frightened to distraction and personal paralysis! Then, he abruptly began taking to the kitchen, cooking, quite seriously and regularly. Being overly solicitous of OS! … But, this puzzle was not to remain intact for too long! Soon enough, he began badgering OS for being allowed to begin attending Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) the same year itself. Getting his green-card/US Permanent Residency had changes him in ways, making him belligerent, but without making him courageous!

Obviously, with that critical flag down for him, he further needed the family a little less than before. Giving him a little more room to be a cad and for flouting, defrauding/1 (2-3. 4-5) it … Aspects of the supreme opportunist, AJ was to go on ahead to show himself perfectly capable of biting the hand that fed, peremptorily shutting the door behind him on his younger siblings, the family. His cooking routine, for OS, only as a means to secure his permission for attending Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) immediately! With all his insecurities and self-doubt, not sure of what might happen with his Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) enterprise, he was not yet ready to break open wide, quite just yet! What if his enterprise tanked and he needed the family, particularly OS, again!?!

So, despite securing his green-card/US Permanent Residency, he was still not entirely ready to thumb his nose at the family fully. So, bending laboriously, to secure OS’s permission, was really for the straddle of the Best of All the Worlds skullduggery, of being able to launch Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) immediately and also have the family goodwill in his hip-pocket. Should Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) not turn out as desired and he needed the family, i.e. OS always really, to bail him out in anyway, to position himself to be able to do so. An insidious game plan, for preventing arousal of any invidious reaction anywhere in the family!

Only a very weak person’s desperation would give excavation and shape to such twisted plotting, with family to boot, no less! A truly courageous entity comes frontally, out of abundant self-respect, honor and dignity, even in combat. Leave it to any consummate snake, rat to invariably come from the rear, behind, even at family and creating an adversarial situation precisely as a consequence thereof.

Of course there was no way to secure OS’s permission, no way for AJ to be excused his JV (1) duties under given circumstances. Moreover, AJ especially in his loony and convulsive state, needed to simmer down, mature and grow up (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), … getting serious and sober, time for him to first get married and settle down, learning to raise a responsible protocol finally for life. Quit horsing around,

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. most of all quit his crazy “Americanization”. Be and become a man (poto mitan or central pillars or our mothers, ever the silent, real heroes or wo-men 1, 2), instead of high maintenance child!

As AJ’s campaign for Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) immediately continued with dysfunctional insistence, showcasing his entitled excesses, things were bound to get ugly in his refusal to, reasonably and sensibly, dismount. Responsibility for the actual precipitation his and entirely his alone, to be nailed to his solitary door! He had already been told, over and over again, if he did not agree with the family’s decision disallowing, he did not have to stalk it, but quietly retire to pursue Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) unilaterally. However, like the crazy Tea Party, his “derangement” just had to exact and crowbar permission out of the family.

The pertinent evening in question, as he opened his quest yet again, to be turned down by OS and Dad (1) as ever, he demanded SIS’s opinion on the matter. Initially turned down by both OS and Dad (1) together again, SIS as a teenager too young to participate and needing to be spared focusing only on her studies, AJ was finally even allowed to canvas SIS.

However, when even she said ‘NO’, that he needed to get married, standby the family and forget about Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), all hell broke loose. Somehow, OS to blame also for SIS’s opinion! According to AJ, she “parroted” OS’s opinion merely because she was very close to him. Dad (1) too! Whereas, if they were close to OS, the only reason he could divine, the responsible role he forever played in the family … A highly obtuse and entirely illogical position for AJ to assume!

Be that as it may, he rushed into the kitchen to retrieve a butcher knife, to come after the, all purpose, villain OS with it. When Dad (1), standing on his way to OS, collared and grappled with him, in the ensuing struggle Dad (1) to fall backwards, hitting his head on the large bookshelf behind him. Seeing Dad (1) fall prey so, AJ promptly dropped the knife. Imagine all this for LAW School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), to quench the greed of the 1980’s, new found, earning capacity to be plundered through associated career making. And such rapacious appetite/lust for grubby money making, in an immigrant no less, how perverting, corrupting did America have to be!?! Though in an awful ingrate of an, very sloppy and slippery immigrant!

Needless to say, AJ received the old heave-ho, following that very loaded evening, out of the homestead. It was a place that needed its sanity to keep doing its serious business of the life building of young people. It already had enough built in taut, from the challenging circumstances within it was endeavoring to complete its JV (1) agenda. Lastly, if AJ could explode, lack self-control to the extent of whipping out a butcher knife, he was just not safe to keep.

Before this fateful day, OS had to the very last day and moment endeavored to persuade AJ from taking the final, one-way and irretrievable, step of resigning his position on Wall Street. To no avail, of course! Otherwise, he was still very much in contact with the family, of his own volition, from his apartment, near the Columbia (1) campus, taken and occupied a little earlier than he had otherwise expected. But, this was not a well puppy at all, indeed very sick to the contrary, all the time rendering himself worse with all his mental anguish, angst, turmoil and whirling he subjected himself to while uniformly running from himself blind.

But, there is never to be any solution for one who will not stop hurtling headlong. Ever stop to confront himself stoically, with register and commitment. If the game merely to run incessantly, upon a hair trigger, before one’s insecurities, self-doubts, primal fears, … the whole topical gamut, then no cure or solution ever to be found. Not even with the help of a professional. If one never to stop long enough to take stock of one’s condition with any degree of thoroughness, never to stay put further for any possible  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. treatment to be even attempted, … the patient not wanting to get well the only, logically, safe conclusion to be allowed to emerge.

Some years earlier, OS suddenly revealed he had been seeing a psychiatrist, a prominent professional on Park Avenue in New York City. Everyone in the family had been told, should there be any medical/health problem, to always tell, involve, … family for abundant care and out of safety considerations. OS went to see this doctor to weigh for himself what the other had to say was ailing AJ. He met a venerable old gentleman, very effervescent and yet studious, dead serious, penetrating, analytical, thorough, full of common sense too, …

On the whole, what he said “wrong” with AJ was, like so many of his peers at Ivy League type Schools (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) across several past generational overlaps in America, to certain epidemic proportions, he was horribly self-spoilt. Wanted life and nature to conform to him, rather than the other way around, as is! Life to come to him all cooked and made up to his taste, his not having to advance towards life, meeting it at least half-way! Was horribly self-pitying, Generating and creating problems for himself, where none existed.

As a way not to have to square up to life, he and his peers given to birthing problems for themselves to blame and use as excuse. Little, feeling sorry for themselves, rabbits forever chasing their tails to no avail. Graduating from one problem to another, handily churned endlessly. People who went looking for such trouble brewed, in order to continue avoiding facing life.

They would rather stay self-made “ill”, than breakout and live like normal human beings. AJ, during the course of his manufacture, had also conjured up sexual problems for himself, that did not exist all. … On and on he went the doctor, even getting a trifle hot under his collar at the number of such spoilt young Americans gratuitously creating problems for themselves and everything, everybody around them. He was to even remark, what business did AJ have coming to him, when he had such a “strong-minded” brother at home to do therapy with. Reserving his most colorful “kicker” for the very last, when OS asked to pay his bill for that day’s visit, he replied “You are not going to pay, I am going to bill that S.O.B. (meaning AJ) himself.”

Thus, this doctor had plainly concluded what OS had been telling AJ all his life, his problems merely psychosomatic! OS had also told AJ, his salvation lay in putting a productive/purposeful anchor-into-life, as in bending to uplift someone else’s life to take the focus off the self. Just get busy so and run with it. Stop churning everything to death in his head. Stop second guessing life at every blighted step. Stop being frightened of everything and anything. Stop looking for impeccable guarantees before making any move at all. … Stop, stop and stop already! … Take some faith and get on with it, leap-of-faith taking at the margins integral to life!

Once, OS and SIS met AJ outside Port Authority in NYC, after he had been ejected from the homestead in NJ, because he wanted to meet for something. Turned out this was something he wanted from them, big surprise! He came dressed in denim jeans and jacket, ankle high boots which having given him a blister had him limping painfully and laboriously. Looked like a street hoodlum or at best a flaming rock-star!

Precisely his problem, he was trying to look younger than his years. All round personal insecurity his most constant companion. Why OS’s calls for him to sober and grow up (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), were the older brother’s “fuddy-duddy”! AJ had uniformly run from himself, adversity and life, why not from his advancing years into his late-20s too! Of-course OS told him to get clothes better suited him.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Mental torture inflicted on himself at every juncture, had long since given him acute peptic ulcers. He had been ingesting milky products, to coat the lining in his stomach, for years. Once he went for an endoscopy procedure, for his stomach, contrary to family rules without informing anyone in the family. Given a muscle relaxant for the purpose at the doctor’s office, on his way back to the office afterwards, he blacked out on the subway, in the end to find himself walking around like a zombie in Grand Central Station. Even as a child, his first few years of life studded with medical problems, including falling off a playground ride to injure his head on the first day of school and to be out for the rest of the school year, … at one stage scaring the living daylights out of his family hovering on the edge of death for a time. Soon after his parents had just lost an older child, a daughter immediately behind OS.

But would he listen, Mr. Know-it-all lately who did nothing and nothing right at all, ever!?! There was a reason for OS’s carefully laid safety rules, of taking someone with you to a doctor’s appointment for any procedure. Of informing someone, while making a visit to the doctor. … Just carry on in life, with his head high in the sky invariably, … freely forging problems for himself and others, most gratuitously indeed.

After he had to be ejected out of the homestead, following his resort to wielding a butcher knife, the family was to discover literature, left behind in his desk, about the teachings of a prominent cult (1) organization. Made at least connective sense, AJ, in his own warped way, looking for solutions to all his confidence lacking ways, which had plagued him all his life! Cults (1) are known for their obsessive advocacy on assertiveness, bordering on the raw, even hooliganism and are otherwise preoccupied with control. Misunderstanding courage, which is soft, honorable, positive, constructive, even suffering, benign, other respecting… not confrontational, hostile, overbearing, ugly, narcissistic, other disparaging, … where AJ trying to find his confidence in life ended up.

With all his bogeys, never addressed or cured, there was no way for AJ to find any true courage and personal confidence. Those things cannot be found staying frightened and petrified in life. What he acquired, it is assumed from his cult (1) “following”, was a plastered on façade that can be best described only as turning hooligan and to hooliganism carried on his sleeve. The hallmark of any courageous pursuit is adherence to doing the right thing, knowing how to stay bounded and in control of oneself, being able to sacrifice/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) and act for others, being in healthy esteem of oneself, … all the things AJ could not be farther from.

His inherent fragilities, topped by all the wrong ways in which he went for stunts, instead of genuine and brave reformation from within, to cure himself and not excluding endless mental spinning intensely, he only managed to exacerbate his dysfunctional state. In the process, falling prey to demonic bouts of ever escalating anger/1, 2! When OS complained his time was being wasted looking for a bride for him, given that AJ would at the end of the former’s long investment developing “opportunities” inexplicably turn them all down shut repeatedly, he confessed to some serious sexual dysfunctions, confusion.

In his new found aggression uncensored, forgetting all family pertinent social delicacy and decorum, he solicited family help relatedly, but impossible for it to get involved in. Once in his apartment by the Columbia (1) campus, he ordered a sitting OS off “his” sofa, no matter the latter had just donated it to him. … There is no question in the family’s mind that AJ had learned his nascent “confidence” from some very questionable source(s)! Without question his unvarnished belligerency rocking heavy, wild and downright crazy. Loud, obnoxious and scary, most of all for his sake!

As such, the household, where most critically SIS had to study, not only suffering the consequences of serious financial destabilization from AJ’s abscond, but also the muscular reverberations from all of AJ’s incremental shenanigans, abundantly served.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. “When sorrows come, they come not single spies. But in battalions.” Suddenly, Dad (1) had to rush back home, SS had fallen dangerously ill. More expenditure for OS, already submerged under unmanageable debt. Plus the worry over SS himself, added on. SS had by this time been alone, without core family around, for nearly two years, further incessantly percolating over not having been moved across to America. It was mostly the latter and his rotating same intensely in his head, which had caused this breakdown of the moment.

Here was urgent reason for AJ to quit Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6). If was a function of OS’s extremely sensible and honest management of the JV (1), AJ had been enabled to save a tidy sum in Thrift Incentive Plan/“TIP” at work, the proceeds of which he had received on leaving his employment. It is recognition, in heart of heart, by AJ that he had no business leaving for Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), when he turned over the amount to the family/OS! But, this was a no consequence drop in the bucket, OS/the JV (1) was turning wicked deficits each month, Bleeding red profusely, not unlike the American Treasury post 2008 and for the next five years through the current 2013.

When AJ would still not quit, created an ever widening chasm with the family! When the shoe clearly on his foot, AJ not only the one generating resentment but acting it out. He broke into the homestead, stealing liberally from it. OS had to refer himself to the local police in NJ, bur carefully refrained from making a criminal complaint. He could have easily ended AJ Law career cold right there, but only asked his town’s police Chief to, personally and officially, serve a deterring warning on AJ.

Separately, AJ took to stalking/1, 2, 3 SIS meaningfully on campus, even manhandling her quite a few times when she indicated she did not want to deal with him. As this continued to escalate, even beyond OS serving sobering notice(s) on AJ, something had to give. SIS found herself weeping on so many time at the end of AJ’s willful harassment, unmindful of all the cease and desist demands made just by her alone. Eventually, several co-workers/fellow students too at her work in the Columbia (1) libraries had to gang up to serve warning that AJ would sit up and take notice of, before all this nonsense stopped months and simply months into it.

(VI) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 4: Through SS’s arrival in America

SS hovered near death on multiple occasions in the next year or so. Dad (1) was like a shrieking banshee in OS’ ears, from eight thousand miles as if in the same room. For one, scoops of funds for his health costs running off at the mouth. Then it was for getting him to America asap, once he was well.

Somehow, SS had taken into his head that OS was not going to take him over. Then also, it was like OS should as if, now the family chant every time, by yesterday. Hazards of all leadership roles, no one wants to know the limitations, just about getting their job done any which way possible. OS’s head everyone’s favorite target for putting their gun to, no holds barred and no listening to, appreciating the physics he was genuinely constrained by.

At his end, the truly trapped and helpless OS, still having all the time to deal with the specter of something precipitate happening to SS. All but having nightmares over it! He knew himself to be comprehensively hogtied, even that poor consolation in the end. AJ had also been cautioned as to not play Russian roulette with the family, but he was too busy playing the “ugly American”. … It was an all round intractable situation, threatening to boil over anytime.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Amidst all this tumult, OS had to keep his office intact. His was the only earning source in the family, yet again. Who knows where OS came up with the reserves to keep plodding on? SIS too in her own corner, the integrity of her studies held together only more of the same for OS! An impossible situation that was also outrageous at the same time. A veritable minefield for SIS and OS alike, first! Then also for Dad (1) and SS too, next! All because of one rotten apple, who hoisted, all, the world’s lawlessness, to study law at Columbia Law School (1).

Creating a matter of heavy-lifting over elongated time, destroying but no time at all! “It don't take long to kill things. Not like it does to grow.” tells rancher Homer Bannon in the movie Hud (1963). The World Trade Center towers pancaked in 102 and 56 minutes respectively. AJ in no time opened the flanks of the family enterprise, it took OS a decade to assemble and hoist singlehandedly on highly but highly challenging foreign soil.

Otherwise, the battering that OS fielded, before and after this bloodletting by AJ, impossible to absorb without a strong sense of faith in and about life! In and about family! In and about human possibilities! In and about enterprise! In and about all around fair-play and equity for all! … In the end in and about money only worth that can be done with it, the last thing we all will be taking with us at the end of our respective earthly innings.

Once there was Nero who “fiddled while Rome burnt.” Then, in our story within, AJ excelling at Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) while the family burnt, through SS’s deathly sickness most particularly! To find such warped wherewithal is to be an unmitigated debauch. For AJ to find it in himself to excel so, on the ashes of the family, to be a no vanilla monster! Death would not overtake before anyone at all ever stood tall upon the family’s carcass, it has to be said!?! Then what is left of any integrity in human affairs? No way for AJ to enjoy any fruits, for any length of time at all, of his ill begotten Law career and still remain of human kind.

AJ was to do much more and worse to cancel his membership to the human race without question. Alternatively to be plumb found for advanced mental malfunction, albeit being able to distinguish right from wrong at all times. Otherwise, his mental instability an indistinguishable integral part and parcel of the insane sector of contemporary America in high uproar! AJ not ordinarily disturbed, nor the segment of America that bred him bold! He is sick as only an intensely sick segmental America could make him. Does not belong out and about in society, even as so many of America’s business leaders, politicians, judges, citizens assorted and sundry deserve to be forthwith locked up. …

OS’s, equipped with such thin resources and margins, able to see the family safely through to its first plateau, for more facile second stage launch towards higher perches, testimony to the quality of his robust all around management and gimlet eyed vigilance kept on the JV (1) operations simultaneously. A labor of love, acumen, vision and heart, crudely hacked down, butchered by AJ’s castrated cowardice in the most unholy fashion possible. Laid waste to by AJ’s no consequence lack of all stature and character in life. The sullied work of one who must be the devil and a no good outright low-life! Mo matter what bred such depths as he displayed.

The measure of man, if you like, to rise to the occasion as demanded. OS was only in his early 20s when he assumed stewardship of his family in foreign “waters”, successfully navigating it without excuse or retreat. Once his mantle assumed, simply staying stubbornly determined and steadfast at his post! Not ever taking his eye off the ball or letting it drop. Today’s America, in too many quarters, not to believe in these principles, but there is decidedly something in life such as rising to whatever challenge thrown one’s way. Give oneself no choice but to acquit. How OS did it, for family and invoking it, AJ’s chicken only

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. self directed would, could not. He could only commit sacrilege, having the abundant wickedness, villainy to take down what was already built! What OS had built with his blood, sweat and tears, if you like!

At the end of his first year at Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), AJ finally agreed to quit. Acknowledging both, he was patently wrong in abandoning his JV (1) duties as well needing to sort himself out straight. Simultaneously, yet again, agreeing not to return to Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) again at the expense of the JV (1), if ever. Focus on assembling his personal life, including prioritizing marriage and related settling down at the very head of the queue, for its own sake and to emerge as an optimal family person effectively. …

He was to move back to India, for its salutary effect promptly. For its strong faith based emphasis, faith not to be misunderstood as religion but rather taken as firm grounding in the concept of strong generic belief allowed to transact life based on a committed, invested, well disposed, positive, constructive, kinetic, embracing, unafraid, collegiate and associative, … outlook developed with respect to it. As such, learning to believe in life for itself and in terms of seeing it as purposeful, promising, capable of being molded suitably to whatever point/extent, amendable to some significant managed direction, worth stepping up to, requiring a measure of ‘leap of faith at all times, assuredly returning at least fair results for enterprise and pluck, needing to be befriended, … In a manner, to go back to his roots, for renewal and retooling!

Most of all, for getting away from toxic and convulsing America, which just could not be good for immigrants when it was pointed towards not being good for its own natives. OS had anticipated and sniffed out the coming value system crisis in America, with it all the ensuing repercussions, well in advance of the 2008 eruption and subsequent unraveling unceasing. Living in America was not for the weak or faint of heart, character, those who could not say no to the robustly bullish tug of all its considerable dysfunctional straying. Clearly, it was not for AJ, without being suitably reinforced in muscular bulk and protective solidity.

AJ in India was to be good for SS. Good for Dad (1). Even as they were to be good for him! Outside of that, India’s slow and paced life, with all its stark problematic going ons intermixed, still harbors the capacity to exercise great bracing effect on the mind. Of family, extended family, friends as no less extended family and even family! … In more than a few ways it knows how to just stop and stare, to be pleasing not just to AJ, but W.H. Davies too!

With all its faults, something about its air and aura that puts a weary head promptly and peacefully to sleep on the pillow! Then, for AJ, there was all the, reassuring, familiarity of an indigenous culture, spelt out in terms of all the myriads of ways it is bound to be comforting and soothing, especially after being away for a time. In New Delhi, the warmth of straight and spontaneous slide into deep intimacy with a place where one was born, grew up, attending school and college, creating favorite haunts in emerging youth and first adulthood alike, … whose sounds, smells, … forever locked in the head for instantaneous release anytime summoned or not even summoned at times, retrieval while visiting it, …

A visit home food for the soul, drawing strength from whose imposing sentimental attachment value, a powerful, powerful thrust beneath anyone’s wing!. India and New Delhi to have such a brawny influence and effect on AJ, this is what OS had in mind for him.

Sure enough, AJ began reporting feeling better, much, much better. OS, who made two trips to India to personally check up on him, was otherwise, with AJ’s own ticket funded too, was continuing to rack up a higher and higher debt burden. SIS was still in school. SS’s medical bills ongoing, though out of danger he was still far from fully well! The long illness had taken a terrible toll of him, with long-term  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. implications. There was a time, when even his doctors were, in panic, strenuously demanding he be promptly removed to America, in order to find him well.

Dad (1) was to introduce AJ to a number of girls, out of the family’s social circle in New Delhi. One in particular “caught his fancy”, so to speak, within the context of India’s arranged marriage system! She was the daughter of a prominent military officer, then studying in England and later to attend Harvard Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) in America. All good and promising signs!

Then, quite suddenly, AJ ducking “slipped out” of India and was back at Columbia Law School/1-2 (3-4- 5-6). And all bets off, yet again. Just like that! So, there was not just the first initial, Big Bang, fraud/1 (2- 3. 4-5) on the family but any number of subsequent mini-frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5). Having the family, of-course mainly OS, yo-yoing in incremental buffeting galore! Something the family worn thin could ill afford, indeed not afford at all.

This is as much a story about America, as it is about AJ. When he left, per force, for Law School/1-2 (3-4- 5-6), deprived of family permission, he had to come up with creative ways of justifying going. As such, his Wall Street career became a second rate career. As if, making upwards of $50,000/per annum in 1980s America with vast promising prospects ahead, for an early 20ish person and immigrant person in particular, could be so.

He claimed he should not have to settle for a second rate career, merely to support the family’s extravagant life style. Investing in family/1, 2 was being extravagant? Then, he should have spoken up when OS was spending on him, when every dollar to the latter had an astronomical, hard-earned and opportunity cost intensive, value. Otherwise, OS/the JV (1) was swimming in debt up to at least its chin, if not higher! OS on his own or as the JV (1) custodian never, never spent on anything except strictly JV (1) projects. Before and after he began full employment, alike!

Then, there was “if OS wanted to play Daddy to him, what of it?” from AJ. As if, trying to pretend the JV (1) and its legal formality, imperatives for him, did not exist!?! Also, disingenuously, he had a moral but not a legal obligation to the family, without ever answering why he would flout the moral duty itself, in turpitude!?!

Why did “we” (topical family members) have to help their siblings, no one else did it? Never squeaked so, when he was being helped up, with OS doing everything for him! SS and SIS can do it by themselves. The JV’s (1) answer to that, “… just as you did it, you comprehensive incompetent, you …!” SIS always assisted OS infinitely more as he assisted her, under the JV (1) agenda, than AJ ever, remotely, even raised any finger for himself … This was a, Teflon strength, weak and pathetic creature talking, precisely why he slipped so grievously in America’s foul and dysfunctional “value system” landscape, without being able to anywhere stand for himself or anything upright, honorable, truly worthwhile, …

America did not want to handle responsibility and play all the time, so AJ, predisposed, was bound to pick this up. Lap it all up! How vicious narcissism and licentious freedom came to make a cozy home in America! How texting personal pictures to the public and indeed the term “selfies” came to be coined only in these very United States of America of ours. It is also where “twerking” invented too, action and term side by side!

Americans talk tall about their, constitutionally guaranteed, freedoms, but too many know nothing about how to preserve them, not abuse them. Do not understand, how discipline, including respecting the freedom of others, needed to keep them working soundly. Young girls in NJ malls, carrying foul-mouths that would even make a sailor blush, may not know anything at all about American social and political  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. studies content, but, chomping chewing gum and tossing their curls, will tell you about their First Amendment right(s) to pedal even smut profanity!?! AJ’s was the loose transformation in such a set-up, only because he has forever stayed a horribly weak and vulnerable creature all his life, contrary, indeed pursuant, to all the “hooliganism” anyway he exhibited alone! Hooliganism is no courage of manhood in any discriminating person’s dictionary!

Americans simply do not understand, in themselves too many, they sit atop a volcano capable of erupting and consuming them in the blink of an eye. For, as AJ destroyed the family within, too, many dysfunctional Americans ever poised to take America out, lock, stock and barrel! By its very roots! Nature had already served warning in 2008 to pay heed; so far it has not been taken at all, indeed densely ignored!

Upon “smuggling” himself back to America, AJ was discovered, by OS and SIS, sliding again into personal deviant and aberrant behavior. Dad (1), who had to leave a still unwell SS in the hands of strangers for a short while, summoned to America, more needless expenditure for the fast sinking OS/JV (1)! OS and SIS dropped Dad (1) outside AJ’s apartment on 114th Street and Broadway in NYC, with the plan to pick him up some two hours later.

Far from agreeing to go back to India with Dad (1), AJ did not even let Dad (1) in. OS and SIS were to find him shivering on a bench, without a coat, those two hours later; since this was before the cell-phone era, Dad (1) handicapped to call them in for picking him up earlier. … Thus, began the forward history of the family’s permanent schism with AJ; indeed he barricaded himself shut, in protection of his Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) studies.

Even without such barricading, the suffering family, taken for too long, bumpy and twisted a ride by AJ, had had enough. If only to be able to focus, as well as it could, on its JV (1) responsibilities and agenda exclusively! Beyond AJ’s frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5) and of leaving the family finances in convulsive ruins, wrestling with him had already taken too much attention away in the past years. Besides, all of AJ’s muck and mire, misdeeds of terrible scale hardly healthy for anyone’s sane faculties, sanity.

Otherwise, such zealous protection of his unlawful pursuits, while thrusting and leaving the family, illegally, way out there in the cold … This has to be called the state of American manhood, for AJ in his given incarnation was baked, lawless and turpitude, silly in this country, these United States of America of ours. The problem with AJ of-course, even as he forever ran from responsibility, all adversity and indeed life itself, he ran the same way from any endeavor to cure himself too. Both frightened him, both too much because they demanded something from him, both failed to give full guarantees for impeccable success up ahead at the starting gate itself, … no scope anywhere in real life for such an elusive and twisted pretzel.

Needless to say SIS’s studies disaffected, as she was made to whirl crazy too within a home simply lurching and hurtling, for all the reason squarely at AJ’s door alone. OS himself to find himself out of his depths, also on account of the other. The debt situation horrendous, SIS still with another year to go in undergraduate school, he himself had been operating beyond full steam and flying all directions for close to a dozen years, … But for his mental and philosophical sturdiness, stamina, tenacity, acquired in India, he could never have lasted any fraction of this length of tumultuous time and eventful content.

In the next several years, OS all but choked on the mountains of JV (1) debt on his head. If he did not choke dead, it was not because of not of summary choking quantum, but only because of his ever stoic attitude. Safely seeing SIS through her first degree, during which he invariably put in all-nighters with her every time, typing papers as she wrote them … With everything else, aplenty, swirling around,  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. courtesy AJ’s dysfunctional existence. He was unable to send and have SIS finish Graduate School until a decade later, which not only compromised her professional life but took out her marriage interests too.

AJ graduated from Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), having the wherewithal to excel while trampling family underfoot only a mark of insanity and inhuman proportions. Joined the New York Law firm of Cravath, Swaine and Moore/“Cravath”! No great accomplishment at all for reasons of securing same atop the family’s suffering and immense damage arranged, but also because it was a house’s second storey built atop the first storey and more built for him by OS ahead. Even he was to acknowledge, ultimately, that even Law career devolved only to OS’s credit alone.

But first, in his state and tenor of forced justifications, for a long time he was to rationalize, as an empty, still only narcissistic and easy-going, assuaging of his conscience after-the-fact, he could have passed successfully through the tough jungle of his early years in America without OS and his hatchet cutting a clear path ahead for him. Without his procuring his green-card/US permanent Residency, made ever so and utterly facile for him by OS, he could not even have been able to begin contemplating Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6).

Far from returning, voluntarily and honorably, to his JV (1) duties, giving assurances of his bonafides when he has had a highly colorful and checkered, indeed downright foul and unreliable, record from the past, his first order of business was to renew stalking/1, 2, 3 SIS again. This time on the phone from Cravath, SIS was still at Columbia University (1), AJ had her number from earlier on.

SIS handled this go around by inserting a friend as a shield between AJ and herself, whenever he called. But he was not to stop until SIS finally left Columbia (1). His reason for calling SIS, to break her away from OS and fracture the family! Dirty, stinking, pusillanimous rat, too harsh a verdict and too much to call him!?! Otherwise, it was an incorrigibly weak, by this late stage utterly contemptible, creature readily recognizable once more!

Around this time OS was to discover, quite by accident, the friend and colleague, CYT, also known to AJ, had, on designed sly, helped him financially to finish Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6). This while knowing the family’s entire story, knowing it was trying to get AJ to quit Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), dealing with OS and SIS, having them baby-sit her mother-in-law when she and her husband were business traveling simultaneously, OS was her sole, forever dependable “buddy’ for frequently turning to whenever she was in trouble and the world never obliging to make itself available, …

This, another face of vicious Wall Street, bad behavior, habits. She had issues with her own family back in Singapore, to which she had frequently alluded over the years to OS. She had attended Wellesley and the Columbia Business School, before trucking herself to Wall Street. As a double minority, woman and Chinese, had been funded free through both degrees, yet ungratefully called Americans so stupid as to deserve having their money taken and then be called names. Otherwise, a flaming snob and incurably elitist!

Disappointed with her career advancement and bearing a deep grudge against her corporate employers, she bad mouthed all of corporate America while dichotomously being the most corporate la-di-da behaving. Putting on her corporate acts, pretense her high act constantly, she would often tongue-lash subordinate and other peons/minions at her firm, just to feel important, good. In the gambit go too far, get into roaring trouble, with those “little people” themselves taking her apart on-the-spot and/or HR later, separately. Then she might threaten HR, pivoting on her double-minority status. Otherwise, whenever in trouble, she would call around for comfort, especially on short notice, only OS responding

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. each time, invariably. Yet, she mindlessly, tangibly, stabbed him in the back, playing her eternal and infernal games in life.

Hers was a law-unto-herself personality. Ticked with her family circumstances and also deeply frustrated at her blocked career prospects, she would on the one hand tell OS to jettison the family in favor of rabid personal focus alone and on the other to also get out of Wall Street, corporate America, post-haste, all together. The same with AJ too, he told OS, with the only difference that while OS “blew her off” out of hand and she knew OS to be a tough nut to crack on anything, AJ a much more destabilization prone commodity. Years of gratuitously pursuing AJ so, a definite contributory factor in stampeding him relatedly! Wanting to leave, look to Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) … The most egregious part of this all, she never quit and take off half-cock herself, to the detriment of her own family.

Not to know to refrain from interfering in another family’s business, fishing in foreign waters for fear of unknowingly doing damage!?! And, here she was perfectly noticed and advised of doing damage, to another’s family. What kind of America do we live in, for like AJ she too an over zealous and over-the- top convert? What do they really teach people at Wellesley and Columbia(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), one constrained to say? Hell in Asia, such messing around in another family’s affairs a summary “no-no” and faux pas, very severe trespass! CYT more than familiar with general Asian culture from Singapore’s palpable diversity, including the Indian from that very source too!

It is undisputed that she pursued and destabilized, AJ, long, hard and relentlessly, as stated, merely to discharge her own gun rested on his shoulder repeatedly. Not that AJ blameless. Moreover, she knew what she was doing wrong, because she was studiously clandestine helping AJ through Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6). Her husband, Jerry Hillenbrand/“Jerry”, was to, in a manner, drag her to OS and SIS’s home, after OS had confronted her in writing, She was supposed to apologize, but never did. When OS relayed the entire story to Jerry, even as he started to, CYT got up to join SIS cooking in the kitchen.

Later upon leaving her dinner practically untouched, when she abruptly to go down and out of the apartment, OS looking out of the window spotted her crying hot tears with heaving body action. OS had known her for too many years not to know what same was all about. This was a very headstrong human being, thoroughly law-unto-self, the tears were tears of humiliation at getting caught, then confronted which she was bound to take as, unwarranted (sic), humiliation. Her whole enterprise in question reeking of elementary adult seriousness and sobriety cogently missing! CYT’s saga so covered in OS and SIS’s proposed book on the subject matter enclosed.

So this AJ, CYT, … and America, where they were manufactured or more accurately, they ripened to produce the kind of irresponsible conduct that is the, specific and general, premise of the story being told within.

OS plugged on for another few years under his great weight, chipping away at the huge mountain of the JV (1) debt, now nearing the 16th year of being the family’s thoroughly abused mule. AJ too busy with his hedonistic, jet-set life-style, … pursuits, to even think of his JV (1) duties lying unattended for nearing a decade. These pursuits were his misplaced therapy, apparent balm for his insecure, skittish, scared and fear ridden, … life journey. Opulent hotels and long stretch limousines, suspiciously like the playpens of the insanely self indulging Wall Street CEOs made known to the American public properly in 2008, a horribly weak man’s stick to, as if, beat even death away with.

Insouciance towards [legal] duty and family responsibility, as if shiny material things could really heal gnawing insecurity interminable and the reeling self that goes with it! Since he would not step forward himself, OS thrust the responsibility for funding India on AJ by the simple expedience of terminating his  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. own dispatches and informing AJ of it. In no way OS’s way of doing things, especially pertaining to family care and upkeep, but under the circumstances, beleaguered without any breathing space as he was, this might as well have been an involuntary knee-jerk! Only some years later (see below/infra), he was to learn, not to his inconsiderable upbraiding of himself, what a horribly and unconscionably neglectful job AJ was to do with this sanctified assignment.

Around this time, things to finally start catching up with OS! From the inordinate stress fielded incessantly and unremittingly across 16 consecutive years, he was to begin experiencing mild hand tremors. To graduate and escalate to finding difficulty thinking, especially completing correlative thinking, all fairly mild too. Then noticed, also very mild, speech impediment instances coming on! … First backing away, purposefully, from succumbing to intense worrying, shortly thereafter he left Wall Street for full rest over some, short but still decent, time.

Authors within will not spend an inordinate amount of time over the family’s suit against AJ and CYT, brought to the bar around this time. It is covered more thoroughly in the proposed book. Suffice it to say, the NY trial court as culturally handicapped, impaired as all those and so, too many Americans who cannot grasp socialism as a concept properly. When Americans have not been able to come together, advancing Collective Responsibility and Shared Sacrifice, in five years past 2008 to rescue themselves, in terrible hot waters, how are they to be expected to easily cotton on to the sophisticated tenets of the family JV (1)? Judges no exception, after all they are part of the American cultural milieu too, from the baby-boomer generation!

When the gravamen of the charges in the family’s complaint revolved and the centered around the JV (1), if it could not be understood then the complaint could not be understood. Most of all it could not be understood on direct cultural grounds, It would not be wrong to say and this is not meant as any vilification, but the American culture has, as yet, simply not evolved enough distance to appreciate all the subtle aspects of joint action(s) fully. This requires acceptance of, really and truly, any amount of sacrifice/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) for a joint cause, subjugating the individual will and reward alike. It is a hurdle hard for the American mind to grapple with, much less overcome and accept.

No matter that it can intellectually grasp the concept of Collective Responsibility and Shared Sacrifice, the American psyche can still not fully relate to the actual act of sacrificing individual good for the combined one. With all its ramifications of accepting less individual rewards, so that everyone can have some reward. Why Americans have recently been having so much problem with the notion of the redistribution of wealth. Speak of socialism in such horrified terms, failing to grasp that between distilled socialism and vulture capitalism (1, 2) lies balanced and equitable capitalism, as capitalism still for the most part still, but made more humane and democratic by weaving in socialistic principles for good measure.

Very simply sibling were required to pool their resources, as reinvested returns, until married, After marriage they and their spouses would have the option to be stay in as is or be given a discrete charter describing specific contributions to be made upon calculations of equitable share responsibility suitably calculated. AJ’s frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5) were committed cogently banking on the American culture and courts not fully appreciating the JV’s (1) great wisdom, verve and legal coherency, which he understood perfectly otherwise. As such, the NY courts in question did not show the courage to extend themselves to accept and incorporate something that may have been only trifle new in their experience, then too mostly in terms of having been actually transacted in some groundbreaking way in America.

American courts, obsessed as they are with Administrative rules, do not actually focus on the audacity to do justice in fact. Where most of the strategies of technical and coerced/intimidated dismissals come  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. from, in American courts! An America which cannot balance socialism and Capitalism (1, 2) woven together to come out with a democratic scheme of economics, at the height of a most problematic passage especially since 2008 has been playing partisanship gone wild, … is still too juvenile (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) to be sufficiently evolved in any direction one may choose to examine it.

In the [NY] Appellate Court, OS acting Pro Se forced a special hearing, where unknown to his fledgling legal acumen to that point the court considering the family’s rights under the theory of quantum meruit. According, when the bench quizzed OS on how much he had spent under the JV (1) to-date, instead of giving them a “number” he, for his inexperience, said “Everything!” Pro Se litigants are, no matter what, never treated seriously, at the other end also treated as fully qualified legal professions.

Despite holding the hearing predicated upon quantum meruit, signaling the underlying JV (1) arrangement accepted as a legally enforceable instrument/agreement, in the subsequent adjudication revived the bat of the Statute of Frauds, when it was inoperable under Indian Law and otherwise part performed in America, Likewise, in confused or worse mishmash, excused CYT, when the family’s complaint/pleading clearly stated her torts committed down Wall Street in NY and thus her personal residency in NJ irrelevant, NY long-arm statutes still able to grab her without escape.

As for her “torts” not rising to the standard of “act[s] so outrageous as to exceed all bounds tolerated in a civilized society”, this was outright laughable! Otherwise, an acute American cultural failure, but not one abroad and outside America! A very sorry depiction, unpeeling the short outer limits of American justice too! American culture and American justice, alike, not presented in very flattering terms at all! At least, OS very nearly got his law degree chasing down this action at bar.

CYT was defended by attorney Jonathan Nelson/“JN”(1, 2, 3, 4), AJ’s classmate from Fletcher and obviously given her by him. JN was a super dandy, who spoke with an assumed English accent that broke down constantly to betray him, to the family’s assessment a hack and superficial fluff, who at the outset tried to intimidate the Pro Se OS in his papers, only to abandon same in a super-accelerated hurry when OS returned the favor with due and deserved muscle. OS, flying high, too had threatened the family attorney, from whom OS took over personally, with disbarment from Cravath.

At the sanction hearing against OS, he had in his inexperience had filed an amended complaint as a new complaint under a new docket et al. a very strident and combative CYT, put up by AJ to flatten the family cold so that it could not come after anyone, on the witness stand petered out in no time under/before OS’s cross-examination. JN tried to get uppity with Judge Crane, only to fall back promptly as a punctured balloon when the Judge asked if he would like to ascend the witness stand in lieu of yelling at the bench from the floor. At the [NY] Appellate Court hearing too, JN, upon instructions from AJ in the UK was initially groveling before OS outside the courtroom, offering a settlement which OS could simply not accept. At the sanction hearing, these people were looking for a mammoth amount to be lowered on OS (and the family), getting only a token $300 alone.

Around the middle of the 1990s, at an old phone number at OS and SIS’s home that AJ had from back when, now coupled to a fax machine, they abruptly received a highly disturbing fax from AJ. Re-doubly disturbing for the way worded: “If you want to see Dad (1) alive, call me in India at ______. Ajay”

Upon calling and speaking to AJ in New Delhi, OS and SIS were to learn that Dad (1) was in a coma. Apparently, he had been suffering from prostate cancer, had never divulged same to OS and SIS. While OS was preoccupied with the financial mess left behind by AJ and the latter in charge of managing the India household, OS spoke very sparingly to Dad (1), though he saw him briefly on his relatively short regular visits to America in connection with the requirements surrounding his green-card/US Permanent  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Residency. Otherwise, Dad (1) aware of the fine mess OS had been unfairly left in and alive to his phenomenal headaches as a consequence, deliberately hid his condition from OS (and SIS)!

As OS was to learn soon enough, AJ neglected Dad (1) and SS viciously. He would even go and see them sometimes, from London (UK), but only when he needed his own emotional sustenance from them. Otherwise, he severely underfunded them, left them in pig-sty conditions in their home in New Delhi (seen with his own eyes on visits, but callously ignored: locating himself during such visits at Delhi’s ritziest hotels) as a consequence, never took any interest in Dad’s (1) illness that he had all along known about, … AJ very definitely, by design, a callous and uncaring (1) monster to others, focused only on himself and his self indulgence as a way to fill whatever life void made him the insecure and empty vessel acute and extraordinaire he has always stayed.

Dad (1) got no proper treatment in Delhi, again because AJ underfunded. To expect AJ to take Dad (1) to UK (or the US) for such competent treatment, to ask for the moon from a very sick one! So, Dad’s (1) illness progressing, effectively getting no treatment, seriously impaired his health. The enlarging prostate pushing against/crowding the bladder caused his urine to back into his kidneys, sheer criminal neglect headed by AJ. All this allowed while AJ sunk in his jet-set style in the UK. The resulting urea poisoning in his bloodstream sending him into a coma overnight a day or so earlier!

Providentially, AJ had happened to call just that morning, to be told by SS Dad (1) still sleeping, When he called again, New Delhi time in the afternoon, to be told Dad (1) was still asleep, he had SS raise an alarm summoning neighbors and Dad (1) forthwith removed to the hospital in the nick of time. SS, himself unwell, somehow as a result missed the cue on his own, when Dad (1) sleeping away through half of that day. AJ, at the other end, now dashed to New Delhi \, on the relatively short hop, from UK. Soon enough the fax went out to OS and SIS.

OS being OS, he was very nearly in New Delhi even before AJ had put the phone down at his end after speaking to OS from America. OS was not AJ, the world’s sorriest and most outrageous criminal. Arriving in the Indian Capital in the middle of the night, he headed for his friend’s place located on the other side of town from Dad’s (1) residence and nearby hospital. As such, it was nearly noon, the earliest he could reach the hospital, fighting off the morning office crowd across the considerable distance involved from his friend’s place.

AJ was to meet him right at the top of the stairs on Dad’s (1) floor, strangely belligerent to the ceiling right off and strenuously demanding where OS was all morning. Though perplexed at AJ’s behavior, OS inquiring whether AJ was looking to be forthwith tossed down the stairs, circled around him, without saying anymore, headed for Dad’s (1) room/Dad (1).

It was to occur to him later that this was AJ’s cult (1) cultivated assertive thing/ He knew perfectly of his vicious neglect of Dad (1), was running scared of being blamed and called to the mat over it, particularly Dad (1) ending up in a coma, by OS. So, top of the stairs mixing it up with OS his way of preemptively wresting initiative to intimidate before OS himself pounced on him for his unspeakable excesses. Minutes after OS arrived in Dad’s (1) room, AJ was to inform the former of needing to head back to London right away, since he had left on short notice!

So he left, feverishly promising to be back in a day or two, after settling and handing over things at his office/ OS knew he would not be returning and he did not. It was a dump, as always a dump in OS’s lap. Otherwise, all concerned knew he was also running away because he did not want to have his head taken apart by OS, once the latter had a chance to do so. The hulking and despicable coward, criminal too!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Inside in Dad’s (1) room OS was to find a suffering and writhing skeleton. Woe is the day when thankless children born! A hex on the head of such ungrateful children who would torture their parents! AJ’s neglect had done some number on poor Dad (1), not to go unpunished in the heavens. Shame/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) on such weakness and cowardice, indeed very life, as would obstruct the advent of courage consequent to the suffering of any human being, much less family. Parent, who bore, raised and made us all that we are? Where indeed will AJ go to pay in the end, one shudders to even think!?!

The urine backup into the kidneys though cleared out, it had left irritating urea crystals inside. Causing him great pain, as they say kidney pain one of the worst! His doctors did not want to administer morphine, to suppress the pain. too frequently, lest Dad (1) developed dangerous immunity to the drug/medicine! So, OS had to watch a literal skeleton writhe in pain for most of the next two-three days. AH, living it up in London, allowing Dad (1) to be reduced in rampant neglect to bare bones, to be judged as a “war crimes” equivalent outrage by special tribunal in the heavens.

Visiting Dad’s (1) home was to witness a veritable hovel! OS had imposed privation on himself, but never allowed any family member of his to want for money or his full attention for that matter. When he had first started working and was making very little money, before he stepped up to his hustling to start making good money even in excess of what he was to earn going career-track, half of his money went to the India household each month. Here was AJ making oodles, dodging his legal duties to elude paying for the JV (1) expenditures and mounted debt, he could not take care of Dad (1) and SS’s needs, converted from US dollars to Indian Rupees amounting to nearly nothing, adequately. His intentions bad, reserving special punishment for him up high above!

There was a little time’s consideration whether Dad (1) should have his surgery in America or in India, after same was settled in favor of the latter, it was quickly completed. Leaving Dad (1) in a whopping state of incontinence! OS had to be in India for long stretches and the number of times he had to fly in from America to so stay not even funny. No substitute for personal attention when needed by family, any other human being. OS was not the scum AJ, the abiding coward and self-server!

There was high expenditure for OS to bear in India so. After his own “mini” health scare related hiatus, he had gone back to work, on a high galloping career trajectory. But, all the JV (1) debts, still not gone, totally! Dad (1) had to be kept in a high priced convalescent facility for an extended period of time. Partly for delicate care, the rest because his home being renovated!

OS had the inside of Dad’s (1) home gutted and refitted anew. Everything new put in, refrigerator, TV, air conditioners, drapes, custom made furniture, … a car for the household besides too. Dad (1) already had a dedicated maid-servant, to cook and clean for him/the household. No effort spared to arrange comprehensive comfort for Dad (1).

A “funny” thing happened while he was still in his nursing home. One very early morning, when OS with the help of the maid was getting ready to take Dad’s (1) breakfast to his nearby location, Dad (1) called urgently demanding where OS was. OS assuring he was on his way, reminded him that the doors of the nursing home would not open to visitors in the AM for another hour or so. When OS finally arrived, seeing him Dad (1) promptly broke into heaving sobs, not ever easy to see one’s father, especially, crying.

As OS dashed up to him, fearing he had some bad medical news, he found him muttering something to the effect OS was the only real son he had. OS could not help cracking a smile. The long and short, apparently AJ had connived a will from Dad (1) leaving his estate to AJ and SS only, cutting out OS and

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. SIS all together. Dad (1) now wanting to change it, including OS! OS told him no big deal, he did not really want anything from him.

AJ, the rat and snake who slithered, was now forever busy setting family members against each other in the abundance of his pusillanimous character, where OS had always set the pace for strong caring (1) and sharing within the family. Unable to ever find any courage in his legs and oomph to reform, he would instead compare SIS to an aunt, who in setting one brother of hers against another was in fact more like AJ, the conspiracy monger, himself, than anyone else.

When Dad (1) persisted, wanting to include OS in his will, the latter calming him down assured he would arrange it. Then, while Dad (1) was only talking his three sons, OS asked him about SIS!?! Dad (1), this bastion of liberal thinking and one who had always held loudly his only daughter would be educated as well, if not better than his sons, then to be found telling OS that SIS was to get married for relocating to another family, she did not need to be included and left anything …???????? OS was not to have none of that and stated not wanting to be part of any such arrangement, in fact at his urging Dad (1) was to leave 75% to SIS and only 25% to be split three-ways between the boys. Two nursing home staff taken as witnesses and Dad (1) had his new will sometime later that same day, his hurry not OS’s!

Since Dad (1) had to convalesce, post surgery, for a few months, he could not be removed to America immediately. He was transferred to his own residence, from the nursing home, to await fitness developed to travel overseas.

Providentially, SS’s green-card/US Permanent Residency, simultaneously SIS’s in America, in the offing, Dad (1) would never have traveled leaving SS alone in India again. Dad (1) had received his own green- card/US Permanent Residency some years earlier, upon OS’s sponsorship as an American citizen. He had, in turn, sponsored SS and SIS, OS never missing any beat had also sponsored them directly himself for the longer wait, in abundant precaution. A new immigration law coming out soon after was to delay SS and SIS getting their residency until then by a few years. Had same not have happened, Dad (1) would have been in America permanently with OS earlier and his massive neglect at AJ’s hands shortened. His illness caught and treated earlier …without the mishap AJ allowed! Such the travails and hoops jumping for immigrants to endure!

Dad (1) had received his green-card/US Permanent Residency the same year AJ graduated from Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6). During his associated trip to America, as ever funded by OS as also all the sponsorship expenditures, OS and SIS, never wanting to come between a father and his son, urged Dad (1) to visit AJ even though he was not keen. OS and SIS dropped Dad (1) off with AJ in NYC for half-a- day’s visit, but AJ to forcibly keep him for several, disaffecting other business Dad (1) had to transact and complete before returning to India. AJ’s graduation ceremony those number of days away, Dad (1), who too deadly opposed to AJ’s Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), coerced to attend. AJ’s cult (1) based aggression and general disorderliness at work, the rest contemporary American general licentious bearing.

Waiting for Dad (1) to get stronger, OS was to make a single day’s flying visit to New Delhi from America, merely to personally accompany SS to the American consulate for his green-card/US Permanent Residency related interview there. Dad (1) would not leave until SS’s Residency so was “in the bag”, plus OS wanted to be thorough for SS’s sake directly too. OS’s thoroughness in sharp contrast to AJ’s slippery record of either abdicating his responsibilities or at best “shadow-boxing” with them, attempting them in a manner set from the very outset to fail. In this manner, repeatedly, assuage his conscience and feel good, but in the end never having to actually carry those responsibilities. The “I tried, but matters just did not pan through” showcase syndrome!  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. In this manner, AJ volunteered to convey Dad (1), when ready, to America, paying for his passage too. In his frail condition, to break his journey in UK to recuperate, before taking on the trans-Atlantic as a rested second leg! Assuredly, AJ had eons of guilt carried over cheating (1) and abandoning the family fitfully, not the least of which latest! Of rolling the dice neglecting Dad’s (1) health, while chasing his hedonistic portfolio compulsively!

Meanwhile, Dad’s (1) convalescence took a detour, on account of his surgery and the precise ailment, he began retaining water in his legs! They were to painfully balloon up, relegating him even to a wheelchair. India is a hard country to live in, until then with all the slow developments occurring. Dad (1) now needing to be brought over forthwith! OS and SIS waiting on AJ to get going with it! AJ stringing the process along from every other day to another!

Until, they realized AJ was in a blackmail mode! Not satisfied with wrecking the family, this would not be the first time he would attempt to use his financial wellbeing and the family’s struggling one to pivot, coerce his way back, unrepentant and unreformed, into it. How far did this nefarious/1 have, want to fall, even stoop to deploying Dad’s (1) illness and precarious condition as crowbar to find his way back into a family he savagely violated and sent up in smoke?

Among other forced justifications for Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) (see above/supra), he had also argued wanting to see life with his own eyes, mere code for diving into his hedonistic cesspool, banishing all honor, Rule of Law/1-2 (3-4-5-6 7, 8-9-10-11,-12-13-14-15) everything good and sanctified in life, in fact family itself. He had also pleaded seeing what happened to OS in the service of the family and not wanting to go the “same way”, glossing over “what happened to OS” precisely because he himself was so inept and such an abiding craven creature, requiring OS to tale in the entire slack, left unattended by AJ, all to himself. Spineless and gutless! Even then, still not to make an honorable and courageously repentant, restituting, … return, but only on the horns of more dysfunction, insanity, nonsense bedecking his blackmail missile assembly.

He had done so numerously before, articulating his blackmails openly. As in telling SIS he would not help her fund education as long as she was with OS, the latter would use it for something frivolous and other. When OS gave everything he ever earned only to the family, depriving himself to the point of privation, always prioritizing the education of the siblings at the very head, … so AJ speaking with a forked tongue on the face. This time he did not articulate it, but Dad’s (1) departure inexplicable held up stretched in pregnant circumstances, spoke louder than even all the Sounds of Silence/1, 2, 3 to be ever found!

AJ indeed banked on OS and SIS being utterly bankrupt, so that he could wield and grind his, sordid and low-browed axe, weaseling his way back into the family on his own one way tilted terms. Others did not want him back, if only to keep their working sanity, for AJ was bound to helplessly bring back all his unwanted baggage sapping the family dry running from within again.

Once OS and SIS had made up their mind what AJ was decidedly up to, they were to act with prompt dispatch. AJ was still, very reluctantly, asked, if he remained willing to give Dad (1) his much needed stopover in London, but they already knew what his response would be. He made some inane noises about his place not being suitable, even though earlier he was the one to give the idea, something about his bathroom not being on the same floor … OS and SIS had long since stopped listening. Scum after-all, sorry to say, can only remain, incorrigible and inveterate, scum!

OS alerted some friends in New Delhi to get Dad (1) ready, he was coming. As an invariable honest broker and doer, he was in the Indian Capital two days later, scooped Dad (1) up and was forthwith back  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. home in NJ the third day. On the way, a 17 year old young steward all on his own offered to be Dad’s (1) caretaker, something AJ would not do for his father. Dad’s (1) incontinence was horrendous but horrendous, but this young lad ministered to him with uncanny love, devotion, care, … all the way to America, in a single unbroken passage. Dad’s (1) seat-cushion had to be disposed off, it was so badly stained!

Handed to the care of the young Dr. Cannon in NJ, a regimen of diuretic treatment, a fortnight later Dad (1) was out of his wheelchair and negotiating quite robustly all on its own. Though with the help of a cane, but that was a concession to his four score but two years really!

SS was to follow a little while later, air ticket expenditures coming out of OS’s ears. So ended, OS’s mighty and punishing, around two decade long, odyssey, single-handedly conveying all his family to America! If OS did not do something, it never got done. If OS did something, it always got done! Except, if a worthless and useless interloper such as AJ injected his narcissism to spoil the broth! Despite experiencing the just above mentioned curtain-fall, this story to go on, still and below! To be no less compelling than before! Merely on the fulcrum of a single, major, villain, the one guess AJ.

(VII) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 5: Through AJ’s First abduction of SS

Dad (1) was to have a simply marvelous, marvelous summer. SS too, years of physical illness intense had left even his mental faculties badly pounded and quite frail. SIS, also receiving her green-card/US Permanent Residency, directly through Dad’s (1) sponsorship and indirectly through OS’s, finally entered, with the said delay, Graduate School in the Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). OS quit his job, to work for himself from home, Dad (1) needed great amount of care OS simply did not wish to delegate to any outsider. Figuring, once Dad (1) was stronger, SS too and settled in, he would return to Wall Street.

There was eating out and trips around the American east-coast corridor for both Dad (1) and SS. They needed to heal in both body and mind, AJ’s upkeep of them so horrendously callous and neglectful, as to summon the Gods! Very angry Gods, not to be any exaggeration! American upper echelons, business and GOP, being indifferent towards the 99%, thrusting and delivering them into the ugly embrace of unprecedented inequality, poverty, one thing, but to do same thing like that to family, made of debauchery, degeneracy in a special league all by itself. One day punishable in the most drastic fashion imaginable.

Both Dad (1) and SS spent long lazy afternoons under the summer sun in the local parks. But it was mainly OS’s reassuring and solicitous presence, in contrast to AJ’s callous, absent, neglectful, demanding rather than giving one, which made the most difference. OS’s office was right next to Dad’s (1) bedroom, he spent day with Dad (1), working only evenings and late into the night! SS also had his own bedroom, while OS and SIS bunked on the carpet in the living room at night, their sleeping area connected to Dad’s (1) room by a baby monitoring device. From a sallow color, both Dad (1) and SS rapidly converting to ruddy facial complexion of blossoming back health.

The sheer injustice and degradation of it all, AJ’s mistreatment of his own people! What else left of life then? How did, does he do it? How does what is going on in America, in terms of callous indifference to poverty and suffering in fact arranged for so many, happen? It must be some wretched sickness, possessing AJ and sweeping over present day America too! To be stripped clean of heart and soul, all humanity, sense of social equity, how indeed does such a thing happen? Sinking, allowed to happen by humans, in themselves? How do they permit themselves to become unspeakable monsters?

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Psychopathy/1, 2, 3, 4 the obvious reflected answer, but still does not explain the H-O-W? Not even the professionals can explain it, how Bernie Madoff came about!?! How the rest of that crazy American cadre? And now the “eminent” AJ!?! … So, we are left with a technical definition, but not much else! … Left with an over-heated America slipping off-the-deep-end! With its tongue hanging out (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10)!

Towards the end of that year, Dad’s (1) health problems returned, mainly in the form of a re-blocked urinary tract. He had to enter the hospital, possibly for surgery. The only saving grace, barring the kidney pain from the backup into it due to AJ’s callous neglect, he was never in any pain, ever. But, he suffered!

Since, Dad (1) had been, effectively, labeled “terminal”, OS, SIS and SS felt AJ be informed and invited to come and see his father. Personal exception and disgust apart, never to enter God’s domain if you like, once more not to come in-between father and son! Dad (1) was not particularly keen to see AJ, in fact terribly ashamed of him, even opposed. The other three overrode him, whatever that means!

So, AJ was called in the UK, in the process also given Dad’s (1) hospital bedside number. Right after speaking to AJ, right after, the family had to call Dad (1), but to very inexplicably find his number “engaged”. Dad (1) received calls from no one, knew no one who could be calling him. After repeated tries to get through and some good fifteen minutes later, when they finally got through, it was only AJ. They were all a trifle surprised that AJ would call like this, without waiting even any sizable seconds.

Dad (1) was terribly annoyed for AJ had harangued him, mighty and solid. Asking him to break away from the rest of the family, … his old tricks and nasty deployed with SIS, to be used with SS ahead. Not to win people over by deeds, but by device, … this is what he had reduced himself to, permanently! Quite evidently, by ever mounting evidence, the man had lost himself. He was sick in his head, to get even worse ahead. …

When he came, he was accompanied by some girl/”SC”, off handedly and sketchily introducing her in terms of having met her at work or working with her or … or something along those lines. From her obsequious, even “mousy”, demeanor and bearing, the family could only assume she was his secretary, accompanying him for some business reasons. Presumably AJ having made his trip a business cum personal one, bracketed!

Later, when someone in the family, in talking to AJ in some family context actually, referred to SC as his secretary, AJ began to jump all around and getting nasty. Even then did not really explain who she was, then telling OS, who had just stepped-up to see what going on when AJ began getting bent out of shape …, to be very careful with her, she was given to being very sensitive and defensive about herself, her lack of any education or other qualifications, …! So, the mystery only deepened.

Shortly, thereafter, AJ presented her to Dad (1) for his blessings, all in a very muted and mumbling manner. Even Dad (1) was perplexed, left wondering what blessings being asked from him???????? Eventually, as it was to come out, this was a girl he was planning to marry, someone he had scrupulously hidden all this time, was now springing in the most gauche way possible, on a trip dedicated to Dad’s (1) illness … Once again thinking only of himself, he was concerned Dad (1) might pass without according his blessings … so spring her, with all the awkwardness displayed too, at that inappropriate juncture after hiding her in the closet. Sort of bamboozle and stampede Dad (1) into giving his blessings so … but one does not live nearly four score years to be carried away in any such fashion! He was not to give his blessings!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. After the two left for the day, Dad (1) was hopping mad right there in the hospital. At what a, first rate, wimp and sissy AJ had really turned out to be. Could he not see this was an exploitive arrangement, AJ picking this girl, so utterly unqualified in her own right and below his, only so he could control her kept pinned to the floor, as in wrestling? A spontaneous insult to, all, womankind! Mankind first, as in questionable manhood manifested! Did AJ really think his father would even remotely associate with something as shabby? Is that all he understood about him? Is that all he had learnt from him? …

It was a first class rant and tirade all right. The man deeply offended, and disappointed, to his core, at the pathetic and contemptible defeatist, recreant, AJ had turned out to be. One who would even deign stooping to forge such a relationship, predicated upon utterly shabby and demeaning motives. AJ’s reasons personally repugnant to him. He was soundly shaken, hurt, humiliated, that a son of his had such low standards, no standards for himself. …

It was the Mansoor/Mansur syndrome, all over again! Why not, after all she was, somehow, related to ZH, as the family was to be enlightened by AJ himself at some point later? Reason why AJ was all tongue tied and floundering introducing SC to the family, he himself was ashamed of her, what he was contemplating forging and “AJ”, belying even his hooliganism laced, false, persona. This, as perhaps nothing before, indexed how truly timid, diffident and insipid he was in life. Finally explained why, despite liking her immensely, he had dropped that girl, from Cambridge and later Harvard Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), cold. …

Next morning was Dad’s (1) surgery, the “illustrious” couple conspicuous by their absence. To be found later by the family, sightseeing and shopping in Manhattan through that evening, when they finally elected to turn up at the hospital. In a giddy holiday mood, unconcerned about Dad’s (1) prognosis, … otherwise trying to pass themselves off as horses, when … The family just could not recognize AJ, be able to identify as one of its own. The attributes just not there, none! He was not recognizable even as a mule.

In the morning, the operation theater staff overlooked getting Dad’s (1) written consent to surgery before they put him under. So, OS was asked to wait for the surgeon in pre-op, to see of he would under the circumstances accept OS’s signatures. The previous surgery ran over by a couple of hours, so OS had a long wait there in pre-op. Anything can go wrong in a hospital. Shopping in Manhattan just cannot be any priority for any concerned and sober family member with another going under the knife.

Dad (1) basically in and out of the theater, no surgery performed, The disease metastasized too far, locally though, for surgery to do any good. Otherwise, he was too “old” and frail to be subject to chemotherapy. A permanent catheter installed for performance, otherwise the urinary tract blocked. … He could be taken home immediately, no reason why he could not live two-three years, up to five.

In the parking lot, as OS, SIS and SS were headed home with Dad (1), the two visiting from UK signed off with. Barely a few feet later OS stopped the car, consulted with SIS whether to let visit their home so that he could spend some more time with Dad (1) for both their sakes … This was entirely with respect to God’s realm, where things get simply too big for [the social] “man” to tinker. OS and SIS did not want AJ in their home, still they went back to pick them up and take them home with them. Out of pure decency and of staying copiously clear of God’s business.

The two UK visitors stayed a couple of hours, but could not help themselves. Their dirty stuff, muck and mire! After they left, SS reported to OS and SIS, SC finding herself alone with him began urging his to break with OS-SIS and would he like to be AJ bound (whatever that meant, because by common knowledge AJ would never bunk them in his own home) …? AJ tutoring, SC, the henchman, executing with alacrity! …  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. It had been apparent to the family even short of this revelation and upon merely interacting with her cursorily, she had no proper upbringing worth speaking of. Hell, AJ had lost all relevance of what he had been taught, all his life, in the family; she seemed not to have been taught anything in hers, straight up. It was a skin crawling experience, even after she had left. They had left!

The mind merely goes back to AJ’s psychiatrist from a few years back, who had spoken to OS about the Ivy Leaguer et al.s (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), who, needlessly and gratuitously, only create problems for themselves and all around them. It is a sickness, of sorts, in people who have lost themselves to nothing more fundamental than the missing will to engage life, uphold any standards and B-E-H-A-V-E! All they know is to give into every easy whim and fancy of theirs, all over their lives! Live off others, then dump on them unceremoniously!

Use others as their emotional crutches for their outlandish existence, but available to no one in turn. Parasites! On individual people and society as a whole, alike! Mitt Romney needing to really take note of such, real and worthless, “takers”, especially when, since they abound in frightful numbers proportionately among the well-to-do! Awfully thin-skinned and juvenile (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) too, as Jamie Dimon’s whining (1, 2) would bear out. …

Before AJ left, in response to his inquiry, he was cogently told that while he could visit Dad (1), nu decent and dedicated advance appointment, when OS and/or SIS were present in their home, he was for all other purposes emphatically persona non grata for their home. In response to his follow-up inquiry as to when again, OS and SIS told him in a month’s time, since they were headed out on an overseas trip. OS and SIS were to regret telling AJ this, fact they were going away on a trip, for it was to spawn mischief from AJ to cost them dear, Dad’s (1) life.

While on the New Delhi/India leg of his trip with SIS, OS was strangely contacted, where he was staying, by an uncle living in town, when no one in the extended family knew yet he and SIS visiting! It was to be found out later, this was initiated by AJ making sure OS and SIS still safely abroad. So he could make what he hoped to be a clandestine visit to see Dad (1) and SS, without OS and SIS present. Of course in order to incite the former to break with the latter, his old misplaced agenda incorrigible.

While leaving OS and SIS had made elaborate arrangements, particularly for Dad’s (1) comfort and safety. A nurse of course, but also local friends to visit Dad (1) and SS regularly! One of these friends, calling OS and SIS abroad, to tell them when she went looking up she found AJ inside the house visiting with Dad (1) and SS. Upon their return home OS and SIS to learn from SS that AJ had threatened him with litigation if he did not open the door to him. SS, skittish because of his life problems and otherwise not versed in the law, allowed himself to get intimidated and opened the front door to him.

Separately, OS was to ask AJ, when he came attending Dad’s (1) funeral, why he had made his, meant to be, clandestine visit, when he had been cogently noticed he was not to ever be in OS and SIS’s home without them being present. His answer, since Dad (1) and SS lived there, they had a right to invite him (which was anyway not the case) in! When OS told him same was a specious argument, for Dad (1) and SS were guests who paid no rent; AJ had been noticed by OS and SIS directly not to be there. At best a tenuous argument, did AJ come with some kind of an overriding court order, he then shut up like a clam.

It was part of AJ’s flaunted false macho, a/k/a hooliganism, to wield his legal credentials related, to intimidate and mislead. In other words, wield his legal license as ready-made instrument for licentious purposes. So acutely conscious was he of his insecure and diffident real self, as such so bent to dispelling

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. it with what he tried to pass off as his courage and assertiveness, but was only empty “hooliganism”, he just did not know how to stop himself relatedly.

Even though, over and over again, OS told and showed him he could not put one over him. Not even with respect to the law. OS had a deep and innate sense of the law, even without a law degree, AJ no matter from an Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) (including a Harlan Fiske Stone scholar at Columbia), . OS could run circles around the other. Warned AJ often enough not to cross the 11th Commandment, of not ever b***s******* thy father! Trying to be smarter than your father!

Getting back to the sequentially told story, OS and SIS spoke to Dad (1) on his, 79th, birthday from abroad. A few days later headed home, since traveling west, arrived in America on the same date as they had left overseas. They called home from Newark airport, speaking to SS told him they would be home in fifteen. SS met their cab at curbside, in bare feet despite snow on the ground. To tell them Dad (1) was in some kind of crisis upstairs.

OS dashed up, to find Dad (1) in his armchair, with his head thrown back and his eyes rolled back into it. He picked Dad (1) and put him in his bed, while SIS called Dr. Cannon. The doctor, divining Dad may be dehydrated, advised feeding him some water. But, when OS gave water so, with a spoon, it all drooled out of the corner of his mouth on account of his ever so slightly tilted head, over the side of his chin and onto his shirt. Administering the second spoonful OS simultaneously yelled for Dad (1) to swallow, he struggled but swallowed. A few more spoonfuls and decreasing response, even though OS continued to shout to Dad (1) in accompaniment! He was sleeping by then, breathing shallowly it seemed.

A second call to the doctor, Dad (1) ordered to be taken to the hospital. In the ambulance he slipped into fuller coma, as the attendants put it. At the hospital he went into the emergency ward and spent the night there. Dr. Cannon came and looked him up. OS, SIS and SS maintaining the all night vigil outside that emergency facility!

Next morning Dad (1) was to be moved to the intensive care unit/“ICU” and life support. Towards the afternoon he passed away, with OS just making it to his room after he had been summoned to it. As he walked in he was told Dad (1) going fast, upon entering the room as he looked at the monitor the line went flat in front of his eyes. He patted Dad’s (1), rubbery, inert cheeks, recalling he had left without speaking to anyone in the end.

When OS and SIS returned home, they were to find OS’s home office rifled, turned upside down and so utterly vandalized; AJ’s doing. He burglarized liberally from the rest of the homestead too, beyond OS’s papers stolen. This was to be his third so, the second one earlier prevented by SIS returning home before he could abscond and stopping him from leaving with his “loot” so to speak. The first one, of-course, soon after he had been ejected and had just started Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), discussed above/supra.

Not only something very wrong with AJ, but an integral part of so much wrong with America, out there, as a whole. America just does not know how to be serious anymore, in too, too many quarters by now. Its permissiveness its bane, to be its death in the end! AJ’s inability to stop his hurtling self, a rooted part of America’s own lack of knowhow with respect to how to apply its brakes, So burgeoning insanity flourishes and gets worse, AJ should have known better having grown up in India, where the very first life teaching, restraint, only restraint and even more restraint. Giving “green light” everywhere a “red light” in order, a sure fire recipe for only going “poof”!

AJ invited to the funeral. Dr. Cannon paid rare homage by attending, a strange friendship had formed between this relatively young man and Dad (1), a highly reserved and old British style “stiff upper lip”  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. type of commodity. Dad (1) was a right down good, though sometimes weak, man, who did not deserve some, at leady one, of his children. The highlight of the event, a protrusion/bump, brought out by the chemicals used to “prepare” him, noticed, on one of his temples.

It served to “explain” the coma he inexplicable slipped into. OS and SIS only know it had something to do with AJ’s endeavored clandestine and forced visits with Dad (1), and SS. Something else AJ did on these visits, to be spoken of in sequence below/infra, to shed partial light on this matter, but they were never to really find out how/what from Dad (1) died ever so abruptly. Only their suspicions linger on, even so many years later. And, their lasting, comprehensive and justified, disgust of AJ, naturally.

One of Dad’s (1) brothers was, contrastingly, to send a condolence letter to OS, worthy of enshrining in some way for all to see and read. OS went alone to India to complete Dad’s (1) final rites on the banks of the river Ganges, on the way with good omen encountering, at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, KLM planes dubbed “Ganges” and “Vision of Asia”. In the holy city of Haridwar, in two minutes received the names of eight of his sequential ancestors, on his father’s side, from the family’s ancestry book (as done for all other Indian families too) maintained there, on the banks of the Ganges. Recorded the names of Dad’s (1) three sons, but SIS’s name, meant to be recorded with the family she gets married into, not to be taken in here.

Back in America, SS to have his massive breakdown! It was not merely losing a parent 1, 2, 3, 4, (1, 2, 3, 4) but he had been with Dad (1) the longest, during his recent illness had gone through a whole lot with only Dad (1) by his side for the most part. The long illness having already impacted both his physical and mental health, while AJ “fiddled” and neglected the Indian household viciously those long years, Dad’s (1) passing was a blow registered on already “softened” and vulnerable faculties.

For his treatment he started attending, on a daycare basis, what was then called the Englewood Mental Health Center/“ECMC” later “evolving” into the Vantage Health System/“Vantage”, at 93 West Palisade Avenue, Englewood, NJ 07631, with quite scuzzy looking quarters along the main throughway of Englewood, NJ’s main market place. His tumble so mean the end of OS’s plans to go back working on Wall Street, he continued to work for himself from home.

The family had just bought their own home nearby, just before OS and SIS left on their overseas trip. A two family, single level, house, expressly for Dad’s (1) benefit! So he could access his own private garden, without having to negotiate any staircases. … He was never to move into it, passing unexpectedly for whatever reason he did.

ECMC/Vantage was, then, run by this stentorian woman, Darlene Felgner/“DF”, who the family’s experience was to find to be a highly questionable, even corrupt entity! SS was treated by one Dr. Boyajian/“Dr. B”, originally from Armenia, who practiced medicine aided by a healthy dose of good old common sense, reserve and restraint! Unlike the kind of highly aggressive, charging, cookie-cutter styled, tests and drugs filled, no chance given for the body to heal on its own alongside, … kind of medicine practiced in too many quarters in America.

Dr. B prescribed Risperdal as medication for SS, but even more importantly ordered a parallel, imperative regimen of one-on-one therapy with him. For good measure even included family in the therapy sessions. Good and the latest psychiatry insisting on medication invariably coupled with individual, reinforced therapy, plus also the involvement of family necessarily as well. Both OS and SIS would sit in on SS’s therapy sessions very often; OS more regularly, since SIS had school to attend.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. SS’s counselors were something else, indifferent and lax. Either because of personal nature or had too many charges to handle. There were other difficulties, which had more to do with the idiotic way that American runs along so many channels. SS would sneak out to smoke cigarettes, clearly not conducive to his clinical health and treatment. OS and SIS would ask the counselors to keep an eye on to stop him, but they would quote SS’s First Amendment Rights back to the family.

Especially, where nicotine clearly interfered with and undermined his clinical treatment, related health and ability to get well, quoting the bar of SS’s constitutional rights to the family an obvious attempt to evade duty accommodating personal convenience. There seemed to be too many patients being handled by each counselor, it seem to the family.

Further, too much co-mingling of patients with different levels of illness and disability, for proper individual attention and therapy to be possible in the charge of present counselors. But most of all were all these rules, including laws, not very sensibly conceived in the first place and then in application further not very sensibly applied. Too, too often such application used to either evade duty or to protect/provide cover for the institution. Rather than serve the best and optimal interests of the patients. Speaking to the counselors, including DF and other administrative staff, but excluding Dr. Boyajian!

However, despite all these troubling factors present, SS’s family, as elaborately reasonable people, held their peace at all times. So as not to create any undue ripples, as long as SS was, on the whole, receiving acceptable treatment! After all, this was the local community facility, usually handicapped by less than fully available and supplied resources. OS and SIS prepared to wait and, continue making their assessment of Vantage over some decent time.

One day, the “family” called in by SS’s counselor, one Maryam Khansari/“MK”. As is the custom in the health industry, indeed any institutional inquisition, there were two people present on Vantage to meet with OS and SIS. Coming right out of left field, OS and SIS were cross-examined about abusing SS at home. They answered the questions put them reasonably, but were also outraged at the topical stage. When they queried the counselors as to what had occasioned that day’s platform, the two on the other side only demurred. Hiding behind the old standby, they could not disclose on account of SS’s privacy rights.

OS in particular no novice at all that goes on out there in society, He was well aware of the patient (elderly, mentally handicapped, … other vulnerable(s) and dependant on others) abuse that goes on various kind of assisted care facilities all the time. Of overzealous, vigilante variety, driven and passionately over-the-top do-gooder types, … pernicious healthcare people, who in one way or another get-off or because they are straight corrupt thrive on eliminating families, separating family and family member-patients for all kinds of nefarious ends.

He was alive to patient’s privacy rights routinely used to protect institutions themselves through stonewalling any kind of outside look in, inquiry, … while in fact, actually, outraging patient’s rights, persona, … whatever else of theirs they can lay their hands on. Even of judges and courts involved in related abuse, corruption, … without heart, caution, care to judicial ethics. … In the book authors compiling, enough examples, of each of these scenarios, given, highlighted

So, coming home from that very troubling meeting, OS warned SS to be careful and scrupulously on guard! Always! Come home and scrupulously tell the family everything that happened with him at Vantage any given day. Most of all if anything serious happens on Vantage’s premises, to call OS/SIS immediately and consult! If anyone tried to take him anywhere, refuse to go until he had given himself the chance, without fail, to call and speak to OS (or SIS)F-I-R-S-T.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. America did not arrive at its current state, of super charged and exploding, corruption overnight. It has been building towards it for a long time now, thirty years at least. First, the human or citizen character corrupted in too, too many numbers. Then business, politics, sports, … every facet of national life, … including human and health care also sent tumbling into a cesspool expanse.

One particular day, soon after, OS was sitting working at his desk in office at home, when he receives a phone call. It is the “eminent” DF at the other end. Tells SS has been taken to the hospital. OS at first thinks SS hurt. When he asks what injury sustained by SS, she just does not answer. When he asks what hospital, she says Bergen Pines (now Bergen Regional Medical Center/“BRMC”), located at 230 East Ridgewood Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652, (201-967-4000), the known local abomination and outrage. Where people died, committed suicide!

When OS asks DF why SS taken to BRMC (1), out comes the old song and dance about being constrained by SS’s privacy rights from saying any more, then her abrupt and unilateral ring off! As soon as OS had heard “privacy rights” and witnessed ducking behind it, he knew some big hanky-panky afoot. Otherwise, not only was DF overbearing and curt, unmannerly and bullying, pushy and taunting, gross and crass, … on the phone, but also with an unmistakable hint of positively enjoying herself solid.

As the family was to get to know her even better ahead, this one unmistakably to be found a downright combustible, malevolent, rabid, corrupt, disorderly, egotistical, charged, relentless, spiteful, vengeful, … woman, who did not shrink from zealously applying all the abundance of this rich negative vein to her holier-than -thou escapades either. One of so, too many people the family was to find manning healthcare positions in Bergen County, NJ (1), who had no business being even remotely allowed anywhere near anything to do with taking care of people, particularly the vulnerable who by first definitions have to rely on others. Nasty, very nasty piece of work, this DF of Vantage! And the place, simply swimming with her ilk!

The family went to BRMC (1) with an attorney, Steven M. Greenberg. Even with an attorney in tow, BRMC’s (1) corruption and stonewalling obvious! These institutions forever well versed in the art and science of such, foul, tactics. We talk, in America, about “Iron Curtains” with respect to communist and autocratic regimes in other countries; we have enough such bulwarks and abominations here in America, with mushrooming corruption, itself! Family and Greenberg told SS was medically unfit to be disturbed, once again recognizable language designed to fetidly stall and obstruct.

The problem of course, milked by all crooks, people unable, at the very outset, to be able to easily afford attorney services! Then attorneys, concerned about malpractice, obliged to tip-toe around a great many issues. Greenberg having to tell the family unless SS could be reached to contact and “hire” him directly, not much he could do to represent SS, SS’s predicament. Precisely what BRMC (1) going for, blocking SS’s contact scrupulously from the outside world, just by itself indicative of piping mischief afoot. The healthcare industry, including the insurance business, teeming with corruption today!

The next morning when the family went to see SS, strategically without Greenberg, there was a notation at the front-desk itself not to let OS and SIS in. “SS did not want to see them!” (sic), as they were quoted and told. The plot thickens, BRMC’s (1) tactics betraying itself bare! For, there was no way SS would say that, N-E-V-E-R! Never, never!

Particularly to seeing OS, never! He trusted OS even more than Dad (1). OS, who had sacrificed/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) for the family, the only one who done anything and everything for the family. In many senses he was closer to OS than his Dad (1), very close since the latter’s passing. AJ, now that would be different,  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. He could not abide AJ, did not want to see him for the rest of his days. He had said so repeatedly, with particular bite, all the times. Just as he had repeatedly attested to his undying vote, if you like, for OS! Plus, SS was a solid and unshakable family man! BRMC (1) playing this tactic, of shutting the door in the family’s face so, could not have given itself away more evidently.

A fortnight went by, without OS and SIS being able to break through directly to SS. They just did not know how and where to contact SS personally. In that interim they wrote a strong letter to the BRMC (1) CEO, letters to their Congressman and Senators. No one to make any mistake, BRMC (1) and its ilk did such things routinely, too often. Call it vigilantism, call it over-zeal, call it outright corruption, … call it anything, such unlawful things happen and are done routinely across America.

At the end of that fortnight, the family by chance was to come in possession of a stray telephone number at BRMC (1), not knowing at all what it was or where it would ring. They dialed, someone picked up, they asked for SS and there he was talking to them. All by pure accident, all of a sudden! Providential!?!

They asked SS to call up Greenberg’s office and “hire” him as his attorney. The alacrity with which he did same, ready testimony he was never taken of his own free will. Indeed, handily abducted, as more information trickling out was to demonstrate unequivocally (see below/infra). BRMC (1) jarred loose by these developments, whatever was the effect of the family’s writing(s) to its CEO and their representatives in Washington D.C.

A meeting was scheduled for a few days later almost immediately. OS and SIS went to it with a panel of their witnesses, Greenberg did not even accompany them. BRMC (1) was represented by a panel of staff, including SS’s ward doctor, Dr. Lauren Laporta and his good-for-nothing social worker. Then present too, the two Vantage crooks, DF and MK. All this contact with Vantage and BRMC (1) to leave a single lasting impression on the family, not healthcare agencies at work but only rackets. Great, looming and ugly racket operations!

Dr. Laporta started the proceedings with some ponderous performance making, in demeanor and sounding alike. OS interrupted to quiz, where SS was, why he was not present!?! To be told he would be there “in due course”; OS refusing to let the meeting go on without SS produced first and promptly. So, SS let in!

Before anything could resume, SS voluntarily piping in without ado and on-the-spot, he wanted to forthwith go home. The entire, classic, crux to the related corruption, gag the patient somehow and by any means, then, against his/her will effectively, do what one pleases, pursuing ulterior agenda(s), to his/her detriment. Nothing more needed saying, the meeting was plumb over. SS wanted to go home.

Dr. Laporta could do no else but to order his summary release, while DF and MK, in front of everyone, vociferously vexing her armpits to keep SS per force at BRMC (1). Laporta could only wave them away, almost swatting, as if they maybe annoying flies buzzing. DF and MK were at best vigilante crooks, but crooks nonetheless. In the family’s estimation more crooks than the underlying reasons for acting corrupt or excessively or over-zealously … holier-than-thou, donning “do-gooder” garbs!

Capable of stooping to anything in their pursuit, after all the integrity of the pursuit process contaminated to matter too. Dangerous people to have in any care circumstance or position, too and much too many such predators lurking all over, through our healthcare corridors, facilities, duty rosters, … One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12¸13, 14/14, 15) depictions in ways a pale copy of what stalks out there in the present now!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. So, over DF and MK’s continuing corruption, Dr. Laporta compelled to discharge SS. Stated he needed to have an exit interview, by himself, OS could have said “No”, had SS say “No”, … but let it go, so as to leave no procedure short-circuited and have it come back to bite SS in any, unforeseen or weird or crazy or … way later. It took some time, but OS and SIS took SS home with them that morning.

The first thing SS spoke to, on the way home itself, was about the incorrigibles pressurizing him even in the just concluded exit-interview not to go home. The rest of the, horrendous, story to come out between SS talking at length at home and his file(s), from both Vantage and BRMC (1), summoned very shortly after he returned home.

The whole sordid episode had been triggered, remotely from the UK by no other than AJ. Reads like a veritable crime novel. In the first place, during AJ’s intended clandestine visit with Dad (1) and AJ, when OS and SIS were away abroad, he was to secure a term Power of Attorney each, favoring him, from both Dad (1) and SS. He had Dad’s (1), who could not travel to NYC and no one came to him per SS, instrument notarized by JN, without Dad (1) being there.

SS, he took to NYC on the pretext of treating him to lunch there, then called JN, who met them in the lobby of his Law Firm’s Park Avenue office building , ahead. Right there in the lobby, JN notarized SS’s instrument, after AJ had sternly asked SS to sign it, but without reading it. SS never got any lunch on that day. SS never mentioned any of these matters to OS and SIS, forgetting them in the process of Dad’s (1) passing as soon as OS and SIS returned from abroad, until he was reminded upon being quizzed by OS and SIS. They had found copies of the two instruments in the SS’s file(s) received from Vantage and BRMC (1).

Otherwise, the family suspects and surmises that Dad (1) was somehow injured resisting AJ’s attempts to get his signatures on the pre-prepared, term, Power of Attorneys he had brought with him for his and SS’s signatures. We will never know what actually happened, but this certainly makes a all points closed sense.

AJ had met Dr. Cannon at Dad’s (1) funeral/ After Dad’s (1) passing, OS and SIS had taken SS to the doctor after he had injured himself. During which visit Dr. Cannon had learnt from them of SS’s mental breakdown and where he was receiving treatment. AJ stalking/1, 2, 3 the family as ever, had called the doctor, who unthinkingly and inadvertently gave away SS’s Vantage location to AJ. OS and SIS received personal confirmation of same from Dr. Cannon, who apologized for so betraying SS’s privacy, to AJ.

Next, AJ contacted Vantage, falsely telling them SS was being abused at home by OS and SIS. Faxing the two Power Attorneys he held from UK, as proof of his right to figure in SS’s affairs. The likes of DF and MK dangerous not only because they were corrupt, but also on account of being rank stupid. When SS lived in NJ with OS and SIS, did it not occur to them how AJ, in far off UK, held SS’s attorney powers???????? Moreover, did no red-flags go off in their heads observing AJ acting in studious on-the- sly???????? The corruption of vigilantism and holier than thou aspects too powerful for them to resist, the only sensible conclusion left to make!

This is how they came to invite OS and SIS in to discuss the “abuse” issue. In the papers received from Vantage and BRMC (1), OS and SIS found not a shred of any physical evidence gathered by either institution so substantiating the alleged abuse. None, nada! Just proceeding blindly and recklessly on AJ’s averments, probably because he was an attorney! Their file(s) not even to show they had ever talked to SS himself, to even secure his corroboration. Otherwise, SS had to be the first complaining party in law.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. DF and MK had stalked and pestered Dr. B for months and months, all unknown to OS and SIS contemporaneously, for signing off on removing SS from OS and SIS’s home. He refused strenuously for over the extended period of nine months, knowing OS and SIS personally and well from their close, inextricable, concerned and constant involvement in SS’s treatment.

Dr. B was to retire on a Friday in December of that year. On the following Monday, Vantage’s crooked DF and MK securing his successor’s signatures, abducted SS the same afternoon. SS had asked to call home to speak to OS, not only was he refused but misleadingly told Vantage had already spoken to him … Naked daylight abduction and irregularities, no “Iron Curtain” similar disappearances in America???????? Hardly better!?!

DF-MK and AJ had still not had enough, not yet satiated with their “mischief making” meal(s)! Sent Adult Protective Services/“APS” (Maria Aberasturi/“MA”)/ “APS-MA”, after the family, the palpably innocents OS and SIS.

When the APS-MA representative visited the family-SS at their home and asked for interviewing, further interviewing him by himself and off-the-premises, they could have declined but did not. Never did, in fact the representative to commend OS and SIS for their elaborate co-operation. Then, she was to share that her office had received the underlying call from AJ himself, quoting the DF-MK names together with their location at Vantage. She further stated being perplexed, in the call AJ had promised to follow-up with incontrovertible evidence in support of his-DF-MK’s combined complaint. She was more than perplexed in fact, for far from returning with the promised evidence, he simply disappeared into thin air! She had contacted/called on DF-MK, they had no such incontrovertible or any other kind of evidence, either!

Obviously, this story of broad daylight abduction, possible in good old and “squeal clean” America, far from over! A second installment and repeat, more vicious and dysfunctional, awaits us, as captured in the segment to follow immediately below/infra. Otherwise, even without the benefit of the story being told within, enough Americans already know, especially in the post-2008 era, what a sizzling cauldron of corruption America has catapulted itself into in our times. Some even saying, something very evil about it all! But, surely it is an America, at the very least very twisted, tainted, truculent, torrid, temperamental, testy, toxic, tumultuous, timorous, … For cowardice breeds corruption, only to have it birth even greater cowardice in turn! In that never ending spiral downwards, called searching one’s depths, all the way to discovering the buried cesspool!

(VIII) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 6: Through AJ’s (and NJ’s) Second abduction of SS

In the ensuing years, SS to attend a succession of daycare facilities! Their significance two-fold! In the first place, to revel the practice of turfing/“turfing”(To turf -verb: to find any excuse to refer a patient to a different department or team; 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). A term the family was introduced to by Dr. Xavier Amador, who has spoken often as to the very regular, routine and widespread practice of turfing mentally handicapped patients. In the second, to establish the family accused of abusing SS only when AJ in evidence, in tandem with Vantage and BRMC (1) in the past and again with BRMC (1) to come (see below/infra).

The upshot of the first point of significance above, OS and SIS to successively observe SS being uselessly turfed, from one institution to the next, in these next three-four years spoken of. As soon as reached any crisis, off he was palmed off to another institution. He complained bitterly about these places not just

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. doing anything for him, nothing. This was the family’s independent observations and assessment too. No one really interested in getting him well, but just keep in the system, chugging along, as a revenue source. SS and the family not even sure their diagnosis, of schizophrenia, correct and well founded,

The old schema of having patients work in some productive capacity had been discarded, those “work farms” long since” closed. Sanjay’s illness had started with being allowed to go to work on a career, taken to America to finish his studies and bend to some productive pursuits. He had chaffed at the delay in same happening, thanks to AJ’s frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5), narcissism and all the rest of the tumult further hoisted on the family.

SS first fretting intense, to send himself into physical illness, the length, intensity and tenor of which to take a severe toll of his mental faculties too! Leaving him vulnerable to his collapse upon Dad (1) passing! He just wanted to get well enough to get on with the business of his life, not to be trapped as a guinea pig by the system looking to protect its income stream ad infinitum at his expense! There was no therapy in his treatment protocol anywhere, far from individual (and reinforced) not really any meaningful group either.

What he had were his caretakers merely checking boxes for their show of compliance, but supplying no real or cogent therapy. OS and SIS had no capacity to afford him, super expensive, private treatment, what he was getting was all the public ”dole” route was going to provide. In the end, his treatment deficiencies, year after year, themselves became his bogey. The family tried speaking to his caretakers about putting him to some productive work for healthy self-esteem and concurrent salutary effect, even on a volunteer basis, as the best therapy possible. But no one to listen, SS continued to be treated as a “lifer”, meant to be merely kept in the system interminably.

Not that anyone said anything like that, it was just apparent from SS’s daily regimen. Of doing little more than spending the day at his daycare(s) being fed, then returned home in the afternoon! Some vague and weak activities, if they were even formally held to be any therapy treatment. Talking to his staff and doctors produced nothing but circular talk, sooner or later to only result in turfing. In other words, year upon year SS sinking, out of sheer disappointment and the weight of piling years going waste getting heavier with passing time! The void within him, ever expanding, to grow bigger and still only bigger! But, nobody cared, no one had the time for individual attention and therapy afforded him. The system itself had become the major problem, in other words.

At the end of those three-and-a-half years or so, it all began cracking and headed for a crash, SS suddenly beginning to manifest strange behavior. Taking to compulsive eating, as if trying to fill some void! Starting slow, it picked up pace, he was then looking for food incessantly, all day long. Using sharp and dangerous instruments to go after cans of food, ingesting them raw! If he could lay his hands on alcohol, same gone to; without him showing any signs of intoxication, at all! Next came, shoplifting, food and always only food, on shopping trips with the family. Then, raiding the kitchen at his daycare, in between official meal times! Not far behind, shoplifting again, when he and other patients accompanied staff periodically, grocery shopping for their daycare. Bringing up the kicker in the rear, with, all, this chase given food and eating, he began losing weight on a rapid clip, drastically at the same time.

The family spoke to her caretakers and doctors, way early and at the very outset. When the symptoms first appeared! Typical bureaucratic lethargy and apathy, all to be had in response! Next corroboration SS was making raids on the daycare kitchen in between meals. Still further, corroboration he was shoplifting, food, while accompanying staff to the grocery store. … Nothing more! The family even suggested, early, temporary institutionalization. For it was going berserk managing him, staying ahead of all the ways he was endangering himself.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Ingesting huge quantities of alcohol, without showing any intoxication; so, the home “bar” put under lock and key. Using all kinds of jagged instruments, to open cans of food constantly; the home pantry also went under lock and key. Being quite restless and edgy, all the time! Insomnia! Shoplifting food! Continuing to shed weight at a troubling clip! … Nothing but feet shuffling from his caretakers! The standard, inane and imbecilic, refrain, cannot do anything until he actually hurts himself. Three very long months, from August to October of the year, to go by just so, spinning empty wheels.

The family, a very willing and caring (1) family, besides itself! SIS had graduated, with her Masters in International Banking and Finance three years earlier and gone to work in Investment Banking. OS unable to work, as he did as it is from home, with the upheaval of SS’s illness first keeping him totally tied to home to receive him when he returned from daycare in the afternoon and later with the onset of his crisis.

SIS herself was forever having to quit work in NYC to rush home constantly, with this or that pertaining to SS. Eventually to quit to begin working with OS; now even with both working so, neither able to work properly in the face of SS’s burgeoning crisis. OS for years had been burnt at both ends, by AJ, first the frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5) to upset the applecart and then all the other shenanigans, so he could not even work properly in order to tackle the mess precipitated by the toppled applecart. Now SIS thrust, sucked into … the same intractable situation, as the domino effect gathered pace to overtake, overwhelm the family all together. The special, first generation immigrant status of the family, never to help this situation!

Three months gone, one day on a grocery shopping trip SS shoplifted once too often and the ship owner decided to press charges. Bang comes a call home to the family, from the daycare. No one takes responsibility for anything these days, anymore! What was the family supposed to do, it told the daycare!?! “You are supposed to be the professionals, will not do anything to help SS …!”, it said in continuation. The family had no power to stop the grocery shop owner from initiating his contemplated, legal/criminal/misdemeanor action.

Then, upon finding itself in some kind of legal jeopardy, the daycare acted. Agreeing to transfer SS, temporarily the family was assured, to BRMC (1). It was, straight and unvarnished, turfing, for jumping ahead, they were not to be agreeable about taking him back. At any rate, for now, the family permitted SS to be taken to BRMC (1), despite its past unhappy experience with it/rather Bergen Pines, in the intervening, four or so, years since SS’s first abduction, latter had been sold to new, private, management and reported in the press to have been revamped, restructured, …

It was a relief to the family. SS should be better cared for and treated at BRMC (1), than at his limited daycare, even though it had its doubts. If for no other reason than, only personal funding could guarantee SS the best available treatment, but also on account of the horrible reputation Bergen Pines had assembled in the community for years, it was not totally sold on BRMC (1) being any great transformation. Still, OS and SIS also looked for some respite for themselves, to put their personal house in order. In tatters and serious disrepair, on account of their attention and time being seriously preempted by SS’s illness bearing chronic!

It should not have held out any such hope, either for SS or itself, for BRMC (1) to turn out to be a mere extension of Bergen Pines, as feared. In fact, the family was to find itself even more beleaguered, as a consequence further distanced from its own work, than before. BRMC (1) might advertise itself on its premises as the “Biggest behavioral healthcare provider of its kind in Bergen County and NJ (paraphrased)”, but for SS and his family it only turned out to be the biggest healthcare hoax, crook, … operating in state, as far as they could tell about “the biggest”  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. No sooner had SS arrived on its premises, BRMC (1) started off from where it had left off four years ago. The family being told, SS’s problem stemming from family starving him at home! Mighty and spontaneously dense, family told BRMC (1) doctors they did not make sense. The family did eat small portions at home, as has been their custom since India, but SS had been eating such portions at home in America too, for the past five years. Why would he begin having his disorder, suddenly now, starting three months earlier?

Moreover, five days of the week, he imbibed two of his three meals at his daycare, where certainly he was having American, if not Texas, sized portions and meals. It just did not make any sense, the BRMC (1) doctors told unequivocally, there was simply no basis to conclude any “starvation” diet to SS and to predicate/rest his disorder on same, However, this was to remain BRMC’s (1), clutch arrived and easy- sitting, diagnosis. All of it! Great science and psychiatry from the billboard declaimed and self described “Biggest behavioral … in Bergen County and NJ (paraphrased)”. The family suggested SS was wrestling with his career-vacuum related void, trying to stiff it shut with food. At least this made sense, on the face too, but whether these BRMC (1) doctors bit into it or not, who knows?

Then SS being physically abused at home came up, which the family thinks brought up for good measure, from four years ago, when the “starvation” accusation did not seem to stick. The family asked to see proof, but SS not produced. This accusation was to be made uniformly in the two tears to come, without any physical evidence ever to be produced. Ever! Not even during the litigation to come, two years hence, indeed this issue to be mentioned in the opening papers but never pursued, even in passing, through the rest of the proceedings at bar . SS never, ever, corroborated it, It was a pore decoy, merely to harass the family.

For now, the family reminded SS had been brought directly from his day care. Brought to BRMC (1) pursuant to the grocery shop owner having threatened to press charges upon SS’s nth shoplifting episode there! Could it be, he was “roughed up” either at the shop or even the daycare? At one of his previous daycares he had been once “roughed up” by one of his fellow patients, the daycare not to be even aware of the incident, until the family noticed his injuries at home later that day and alerted it the next day!

Thus, the idiocy (1) stopped, for now, this session of accusations and harassment of the family by BRMC (1) staff doctors. Unbelievable! Something one does not expect integral part of any healthcare facility. Incidentally, the old Dr. Laporta again SS’s doctor, another landmark of things beginning from where they left off approximately four years ago. To her credit, she tried to be semi-reasonable in her approach to things, so the family supposed it was all, the general environment at BRMC (1), which she could not fight across by herself.

BRMC (1) doctors also decided to bilk him up, primarily with very high calorie milk shakes. The family to go along with such fattening of the calf! It was a straight, thick-minded solution, but still not any incisive and sure-footed medical practice. Feeding the body blind, but no psychiatry addressing the problem of the mind! More like hack medicine, no more!

Corruption stops only when some one stops it, rarely on its own! Turfing is a form of vicious corruption, endless in the life of any patient subject to it. Accordingly, a fattened SS, was held ready to be turfed a few short weeks later. No answer(s) as to the disorder that had brought him to BRMC (1), no answer(s) as to his larger problem(s), no cogent idea given as to any well laid out treatment plan for him which did not resemble endless, apathetic, at best semi-formatted, lingering, slow death like, … incarceration uselessly within the “system”, no commitment to supply him vigorous, reinforced, individual, dedicated  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. therapy as repeatedly asked for, nothing more than meandering, vague, tick-off the check list, meaningless, … variety of even loose “group therapy” itself, …

All the signs of his having been marked, written-off without even trying, as lifelong revenue stream for the “system” there for all to see. No designed “exit strategy”, if you like, made known or visible for him. Five years in the “system”, no one with any designed, discernible plan for him to be restored as a productive, any member of the outside society. Once in, forever in. was that it? … If BRMC (1), the “Biggest” this and that in the state could not talk any intelligent, any prognosis for him at all, then who else? Was it to be all about milking the public welfare system ad infinitum deploying poor SS? Others too!?!

As such, the family asked BRMC (1) for a formal “Diagnostic Lay Out and Treatment Plan”/“DL&TP”, (1) per SS’s elementary medical rights deserving, laying out a thought out diagnosis instead of mere .idle speculation and a comprehensive treatment plan to go with it. If BRMC (1), the “Biggest” this and that … of the state, could not do it, who else could!?! An unmixed DL&TP (1) so that the “system” could be held responsible and accountable, going forward! Estopped from simply jerking him and his treatment around, malingering over it, … turfing him to his death.

Thus began the face-off, which was to lead to BRMC’s (1) fabricated (1, 2, 3) litigation initiated two years later, SS’s abduction upon his unlawful segregation from his family as is and atop in order to hide, for the “system” to protect itself, from all the hanky-panky it tendered therein.

In the October of the year (2001) that SS entered BRMC (1), the February prior one day when the family and SS returned home in the evening, there was a call from their next door neighbors, for SIS. Not just neighbors, but their tenants in fact too! Mrs. and Mr. Evelyn and Dick Idzenga/“Mrs. I” and “Mr. I”! It was Mrs. I calling SIS, wanting her to come over to the other side immediately. When SIS pleaded immediate inability, for having just returned home, Mrs. I confided she had AJ in her living room.

AJ had put Mrs. I to getting SIS over by herself on to the other side. Mr. I was a nice, quiet man, in his late 80s and of WWII German occupation of his hometown in Amsterdam vintage. Mrs. I, somewhat younger than her husband, a quarrelsome type (even and most of all with her docile husband), the busybody of wherever she happened to be at anytime, had spent her childhood in a Japanese concentration camp out of her family’s business location in Indonesia/the Dutch Indies.

Instead, OS spoke to AJ on the phone, first asking him to just buzz-off! When he persisted wanting to see the family, OS relented only to get him out of the Idzenga’s side. Since he wanted to stay for dinner, OS had him dismiss the limousine, yes the omnipresent and potent limousine, waiting at the curb in front of the house. OS would drop him off, back at his hotel in the City, himself.

AJ had come to help, because the family’s mortgage was in trouble, feigning concern while OS well knew it was another opportune crowbar trying to get back into the family. But, first he took AJ’s head apart for breaking into the family’s credit reports, violating the family’s privacy. He hee-hawed, hummed, … what else could he do but so acknowledge his unlawful pursuits so? There was not much time to discuss anything else at length, so email addresses were exchanged to carry same on later.

AJ fed dinner and then dropped off at his hotel, in the vicinity of 8th Avenue and 50th Street (very near Cravath’s NYC based headquarters). In fact, OS remarked, to AJ sitting in the back, they were in the vicinity of the Cravath offices, AJ’s studious silence in return confirming what the family had heard, over the grapevine, about his falling out with his first Law firm out of Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6). AJ sitting in the back with SS, was being sickly sweet to him. No surprise to anyone; AJ just did not know how to be  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. genuine! He was there only for himself, the hankering to return to the family was not for the family’s sake.

In the ensuing weeks, he and OS held dialogue via emails. AJ trying to play cute as ever! OS firm, AJ had to sign on to future participation in the JV (1) operations in writing plus restitute the family for past damages. OS told AJ of being alive the latter, as the damage to the family mounted and AJ getting older, he was getting concerned about his afterlife. Fact that AJ deleted his email right after, confirmed this had hit its mark, tellingly. Not that he did not know here was doing gross wrong, but was born too weal to do the right thing in the given circumstances. Beyond the family, how America got into his hair-raising, monumental .troubles too.

Returning to our sequential story, first, BRMC (1) tried to place SS out and away, against his and the family wishes. Tries to do so behind the family’s back, still against SS’s wishes! Ganging up on him isolated from the family, on the sly. To protect himself, SS issues a “directive” for the family to handle his affairs, all decision making with respect to his medical matters as well. BRMC (1), despite fact the directive was signed in front of the hospital staff, claims it illegal for not being notarized. Pish-tosh, of course!

A notary public on the premises denied SS and his family for the purpose, on the prima facie disingenuous claim, meant only for hospital use. SS just had to be stopped from issuing his directive, the family stopped from looking in. It is standard practice, to endeavor holding exclusive control over the patient, to better manage the institution’s risk profile with. As in wield patient privacy rights to block both, people from looking in and the institution having to reveal anything to the outside world. … It is a well perfected racket!

In February 2002, specifically over the weekend of February 23-24, 2002, SS, on his weekend visit home, was to tell OS and SIS that AJ had called him from UK and had even made a visit at BRMC (1), allowed against his wishes by the staff. Simultaneously, Mr. I told the family, same time or thereabouts, Mrs. I, intrigue prone and the local social busybody, had been in touch with AJ in the UK, recently even telling him SS was at BRMC (1)! This was the straw that broke the camel’s back, Mr. I, having admonished Mrs. I in all the preceding months not to divulge anything to AJ, now just had to tell OS and SIS what was going on.

When AJ had made his uninvited visit the previous February, 2001, of course not finding the family home had waited on the Idzenga’s side. Before he moved over to the family side, once it returned home, he had arranged for Mrs. I to act as a listening post for him vis-a-vis the family.

SS came home to the family every weekend, as formal part of his clinical therapy. The family would pick him up Friday evening and return him to BRMC (1) each Sunday evening; with an extremely heavy heart, goes without saying. This Sunday evening – February 24, 2002, when they dropped him off, took up the matter of AJ and his telephone calls being kept away from SS, per his wishes most of all. BRMC (1) denied AJ had called or visited SS. Yet, SS’s medical files speaking to the contrary (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

This is also the last entry, known to the family, recording AJ stalking/1, 2, 3 SS at BRMC (1), And the hospital; prevaricated with respect to it too. Simultaneously, in retaliation, it/Dr. Laporta cancelled SS’s weekend visits home (imperative and integral to his clinical treatment). Same is recorded at (1), as the doctor canceling on date March 6, 2002, immediately thereafter. Drums of SS being abused at home by OS and SIS beaten yet again, as trumped up accusations to retaliate against the family by cancelling SS’s weekend “passes” home! Every time OS and BRMC (1) got together, such charges surfaced. Only when these two corrupt agencies (in the first abduction Vantage included too) came together, never otherwise.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. These are not clean healthcare agencies, given to pursuits more akin to those of criminal enterprises. Earlier in 2002, when BRMC (1) tried to force place SS, one of the agencies involved was Dover Woods. Refusing to take SS because he had a “directive” in place! All these healthcare outfits will, of-course, accept a court ordered guardianships, because they cannot say “no” there> But, will unlawfully discriminate against patient ordered assignments, because they would rather not have anyone looking in, over their shoulders, from the outside, lest they are opened up any malpractice risk.

In fact, in the same time period, DF of Vantage stated to the family that while the institution accepted court ordered guardianships, it did not patient ordered directives and powers of attorney. Setting up a prima facie case of legal discrimination, it would seem. It also appears that after his abduction, SS was placed with a Vantage group home (1, 2) in Ridgefield Park, NJ, a slideshow picture of which appears on its website.

The family was to keep a running account of BRMC’s (1) corruption across months in this period, in 2002, filing a formal complaint with the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations/“JCAHO”. We have all seen the business of regulating Wall Street, all weak, insipid and semi-collaborative exertions by the very agencies charged as watchdogs. The same with JCAHO, ahead to be also seen with the NJ Division of Mental Health Services’/“DMHS” work! Still others too, including its courts, it simply teems with copious corruption! Everyone loosey-goosey or in cahoots or in collaboration or … with each other, from both side of the aisle! Such things particularly biting and vicious in New Jersey/“NJ”(1), a/k/a as the “pit of corruption” in America!

Having cancelled SS’s weekend visits home, with no cause or authority do so, in February, they were not to be restored until August. There were no complaints from SS, in fact robust assertions to the contrary. Sheer high-handedness from BRMC (1), for ulterior and nefarious purpose! Either to back off from so waxing illegal or get a court order, if it was going to so outrage SS-his family, violate their rights, … with such length of persistent corruption. On the other hand, AJ was allowed to vex SS, with BRMC’s (1) ready rope allowed hum, to pedal his own corruption, disrupting SS’s treatment. By his unwanted advances foisted, harassing SS’s other elementary rights as well.

SS kept complaining about AJ’s harassment, OS and SIS telling him repeatedly to stand his ground asking him to “cease and desist”! Not take his calls, not come to the phone, if he did not want to take them. Refuse to see him, when he forced himself on him with BRMC’s (1) cooperation and connivance. The hospital, dispensing with having him sign himself in, so that the family would not catch him-it! However, SS kept telling the family he was afraid of AJ’s legal credentials; AJ having told SS he would sue if SS did not speak to him. No amount of the family telling SS, AJ could simply not sue on those grounds or force SS to interact with him would convince the former. Unsophisticated in this area, he just could shake his fear of being so sued or say “no” not to AJ, but really his legal credentials.

As AJ’s harassment intensified, for he was forever increasing his pressure to break from the family and which SS no way wanted to or would do, SS was assisted by the family to sue AJ for harassing for him. Somehow, the case ended up in Family court, instead of the general Civil Division. AJ deputized a NJ attorney to have the action dismissed for wrong venue. SS and the family did not renew or have it shifted to the general Civil Division, calculating AJ , sobered, would “cease and desist” in the future.

As to the parallel criminal complaint, AJ had same dismissed too, by faxing a copy of his, American, passport from the UK, showing he had not traveled to this country since February 2001, when he had visited the family/the Idzengas by accident. This still did not rule out his telephonic harassment, why case

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. never found out. Probably cronyism, but neither SS nor the family, focused on getting SS well, really did not care about litigating, as long as AJ was to stop his harassment ahead.

Otherwise, the family knew AJ had become a [dual] citizen of the UK, through SC, since February 2001 was traveling on his British passport. He traveled to America at least once a month, the family knew, working for an American Law firm. AJ had misled an American court, by design, … SS and the family wanted to focus on the constructive things they were after. America was crazy enough on its own, without SS and his family adding to same at their behest.

In the Two and a Half Men – Release The Dogs (Season 4 Episode 8), the character Alan says paying two alimonies, he would probably have to “turn tricks” to send his TV son (Jake) to college at current astronomical costs, even though he is unfit for it, for a piece of worthless diploma, which Jake will have to convert into a paper hat to work at a fast-food joint, from where he would be promptly fired for stealing french-fries from a customer’s take-out bag! A version of the crazy, crazy America we live in now.

The same episode also speaks of a, crazy, America with “pills” for almost every conceivable human activity! Speaks too about the “family”/show’s psychiatrist having a ATM machine in her office waiting room, to ensure prompt cash payments from her patients. Indeed, the entire premise of the sitcom is to capture abundantly dysfunctional America at its crazy, twisted, disgusting, … worst (1, 2, 3). It is in this very insane, dysfunctional America that SS was abducted by America’s pit of corruption in NJ (1), over ten years ago beginning July 25, 2003.

Even the three young ladies “taken” by Ariel Castro around the time SS was taken too, have managed to escape, but with SS yet to be restored to his family, NJ (1) a worse abductor than Ariel Castro (even he has managed to escape in a manner). SS’s detention by now almost as long as the one served by the longest held prisoner(s) at Guantanamo Bay. Ariel Castro’s sentence ranged to life plus 1,000 years, what sentence should be pronounced upon NJ (1) for abducting and detaining a utterly innocent SS? Separated from his family, unlawfully, for covering up NJ’s (1) own crimes, entirely out of self-serving design.

As stated above/supra, SS’s, clinical treatment imperative, weekend visits home with the family were cancelled, when BRMC (1) had no jurisdiction or reason beyond blackmailing the family, forcing it to take SS away, to do so, in February 2002. Not to be restored until August 2002. During this period, SS, working with the family, so compelled to prepare and issue a comprehensive Power of Attorney/“POA” (1) favoring the family. Transferring the management of all his affairs to it on the outside, the better to fight for his rights more effectively so. When on the inside, BRMC (1) teeming with stubborn and runaway corruption, disaffecting him monumentally.

When SS had earlier issued his directive, one of the tactics deployed by BRMC (1), beyond all those already discussed above/supra, was to endeavor isolating him on its premises and so lean on his to revoke that directive. Today’s healthcare agencies will routinely do just about anything to keep and block any scrutiny from the outside, as part of a very active and affirmative design to manage its risk-profile effectively. We have already, repeatedly, mentioned how they twist patient privacy rights around to their benefit similarly, working them cogently to the patient’s handy-dandy detriment. Not just healthcare givers, but insurance companies in the allied industry, simply gagging on any and all kinds of corruption, for profits and other self-serving protection nefariously arranged/gained.

As such, SS’s POA (1) was prepared with a special feature provision and insertion, the instrument formally providing for his ability to take back his powers delegated so , not at will as normally ordered, but subject to his being able to do so only in consultation with the family/OS-SIS and together with them,  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Not on his own, by himself. A nifty provision, so deferring his right to take back his delegated powers on his own, as a bulwark protection against anyone coercing him, isolated, to take advantage of him for self- serving design, as BRMC (1) had already done numerously. It also afforded the family comfort, nor only in terms of having SS himself copiously protected, but whenever an unprotected SS was hurt, it had to expend extra/vastly greater time, energy, money having him/ the precipitated situation treated/reversed- repaired than if he were impeccably secured preventing such injury in the very first place.

It was a perfectly sound and legal provision, for SS comprehensively unfettered, under the American Constitution, to delegate his rights and powers as he pleased/saw fit and to the best/optimal orchestration for the purpose of enjoying them, having himself protected, … No one could have any say so anywhere inside SS’s personal domain, not even the courts! In this instance, the blighted NJ (1) courts! It was a closed circle arrangement, restricted only to the strict and impenetrable Privity, as a consequence, forged between SS and his family, alone! Once again, not even available to the NJ (1) courts for piercing in anyway!

The provision not to give rise to any Public Policy objection(s) or action, absent cogent pleading(s) and showing of fraud/1 (2-3. 4-5) and/or abuse on the part of the family executing it. It in no way tripped any provision(s) of the Thirteenth Amendment , where by involuntary servitude could be even remotely concluded. In the first place, the underlying arrangement predicated upon SS voluntarily entering it. Secondly, the original purpose and the subsequent execution of the provision copiously benign, protecting SS from all lurking predators. Of which lately, America producing all too many, not excluding the courts and particularly the NJ (1) courts themselves!

To forget any aspersions of involuntary servitude attaching, absent robust pleading(s)-showing of fraud/1 (2-3. 4-5) and/or abuse no where even vanilla servitude possible to conclude. Authors quote copious case law (see below/infra) showing this was not even any enslavement arrangement as contemplated by the Thirteenth Amendment originally and as SCOTUS developed its legal definition, scope, contours, … landscape, practical history, map as precedent(s) down the years.

Yet, the trial court (see below/infra), in the body of the supremely corrupt, except for the authors’ largely permitted good mannered pass utterly insult worthy, Former (/recalled(?)) Judge Gerald C. Escala (10 Main Street, # 504, Hackensack, NJ. 07601 - (201)-527-2635), was to prejudicially, on account of being moved by the extra-judicial consideration of needing to serve its paymaster, in NJ (1), and NJ’s (1) super- duper special interest, in BRMC (1)), and wrongly find SS’s POA (1) violating the Thirteenth Amendment (sic). Indeed, fact that his adjudication was as conclusory as any/he could make it and he noticeably/strenuously leap-frogged over the fine distinction, between voluntary and involuntary, distinction(s), codified extravagantly in related case-law history, tell us he clearly knew what he was issuing so was prima facie arbitrary and bogus.

Fact that SS was abducted, then has been detained and kept opaque-severed from his family for the past decade, also testifies/points, boldly and robustly, in that very same direction. First, these powers that be, knowing SS’s POA (1) to be perfectly valid/kosher in law, were concerned the family would re-issue it despite the court’s, prejudiced and arbitrary, ruling; the litigation record (see below/infra) will show, a no less corrupt than anyone else on the opposition’s side and very suspiciously appointed, Guardian Ad Litem, one Ira C. Kaplan-Ira C. Kaplan Law Offices “IK” (190 Moore St, # 430, Hackensack, NJ 07601 - (201) 457-9090), had belabored this very point to, the Superior Court of NJ/Bergen County/“SCNJ_BC” Judge, Escala more than casually.

Secondly, beyond Escala’s hanky-panky, prejudiced and arbitrary adjudication(s), other opposition parties had uncorked a whole bevy of heavy-duty corrupt acts brazenly all through at bar, not excluding  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. fabricated (1, 2, 3) documents which could be proved to be so. The family/OS, additionally, had created an extensive and threadbare record of all this corruption, including challenging Escala’s extra-judicial escapades aplenty well nigh to his face. So many of those fabrications to be instantly exposed, as soon as SS reunited with his family!

Thus, the length, breadth and quantum of brazen corruption that took place most freely, covering Escala and all opposition parties, came to become a necessary reason for abducting SS, for nothing more fundamental than personal protection sought by all these parties. The qualitative quotient of this corruption by this point measures the length of time for which SS has already been kept, viz. ten years plus, to be continued to be kept away from the family in the future, too!

As advance notice, then perhaps not to come as any surprise at all, AJ to be involved, corruptly. in this litigation too, as expected forever advancing the consummate coward’s “on the sly”! One, who having had his fill, then out and about for spoiling others’ proverbial meal (Panchatantra - Tale of the Camel and the Jackal 1, 2)! First defrauding/1 (2-3. 4-5) and then inventing forced justifications for it, he was also maintain OS getting “too important” for the family’s good and thus needing to be ganged up against by the rest of the family acting together. … It was one hell of a performance, this litigation, by an entire, consolidated, cowardly clan, so to speak.

SS’s POA (1) was prepared professionally, with the help of attorney Adele Rebell/“AR” of the Bergen County Mental Health Law Project/“MHLP” (1, 2). MHLP (327 E Ridgewood Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652-4819 - (201) 634-2760), overall part of the Bergen County Department of Health Services/ “BCDHS” (One Bergen County Plaza, Fourth (4th) Floor, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601), which itself summed up to the Bergen County Executive’s Office/“BCEO”(1, 2, 3, 4), at that point the Bergen County Executive/“BCE” Dennis McNerney/“DM”.

MHLP, located just across East Ridgewood Avenue from BRMC (1), effectively serving the latter’s patients for the most part. Lead by Ernest Villa (“EV”)! AR very different from the insidious EV and the other attorney Harry Katz/“HK”! HK by far the worst of this bunch and a thoroughly unscrupulous wretch, summarily beneath contempt. Initially, while dealing, only, with AR, SS and his family not even aware of, sleaze-ball, HK’s existence. That he worked at MHLP too! The family “hiring” MHLP, AR, before SS brought in, just to clarify this sequence.

AR, after some preliminary discussion(s) with SS and the family, drafted SS’s POA (1) by herself, incorporating the special feature, deferring the “take back of delegated powers” at will, normal provision, and holding it deferential to collective action by SS in privity with OS-SIS. She carefully dotted all her “i”s and crossed her “t”s, interviewing SS by himself about his personal acquiesce to all the provisions of his POA (1), before having him sign it and her notarizing it, to give it its full and proper issue effect.

In the lead up to this issuance of the POA (1), around August 1, 2002, once MHLP-AR “hired”, it had the effect of BRMC (1) letting SS come home for his weekend visits home. However, even with AR’s advent, BRMC (1) did not stop conspiring to obstruct formation of the POA (1). When AR and OS-SIS went to see SS in his ward at BRMC (1), latter raised mindless arguments MHLP-AR “hired” by OS-SIS, not SS. As if it had any business speaking to SS’s personal affairs. AR and OS-SIS decided to withdraw from the ward on that day, merely, strategically not wanting to cause any ripples.

Thereafter, AR asked for SS to be let out, during the week, to visit her at her office, after SS personally designated AR his attorney. BRMC (1), well aware MHLP was open only Monday-Friday, would not let him out, even though it, once again, it had no jurisdiction over SS’s personal affairs. How he conducted  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. same. So, AR had to come in to work on a weekend, when SS was home with OS-SIS on his “weekend pass”. How corrupt America’s healthcare industry, including the insurance industry, has become, came out vividly, loud and clear in 2009, during the long, drawn out process attending upon the passage of the Affordable Care Act/“ACA”-“Obamacare”. How predatory and crooked indeed they all had become!

Issuance of the POA (1) was to have no effect at all! So brazen and corruption bold our healthcare institutions, in America, now, the law meant to be flagrantly violated, ignored, … BRMC (1) would claim in words adhering to the letter of the POA (1), in actuality, ignoring it, the hospital did what it pleased. It had the money to outflank most, if not all, of its patients. It had in-state political clout, as a NJ (1) special interest object. As OS-SIS were also to find out ahead, it had the state watchdog, DMHS, firmly pocketed, … No one behaves with the recklessness that BRMC (1) behaved, unless it is assured of the leverage of money, political connections, … et al., firmly buttonholed.

BRMC (1) listened to nothing OS-SIS “ordered” speaking as SS, based on the POA (1). The DL&TP (1) not produced. AJ, distracting SS’s treatment, not stopped. SS not given any individual and dedicated, reinforced, therapy! SS’s weight ballooning pursuant to his obsessive-compulsive eating, SS himself reporting multiple helping/sitting allowed him, … BRMC (1) giving him neither therapy for his disorder nor even carving out decently limited portions for him. The staff just too lazy and unwilling to provide proper personal attention to him, perfectly willing to endanger his health so,

Claimed he went out for walks, which were just limited, irregular Sunday strolls across the hospital lawns. Claimed he went to the gym, when SS reported he did not, in any case there was no accompanying supervision, as to whether he exercised there at all. Claimed too, his medication contributing, when he was still at home and taking medication too, OS-SIS watching his dietary and exercising habits had him well within the American Medical Association’s/“AMA” weight guidelines (1, 2) for his height. …

One chart showed a safe weight of 164-184 pounds for a large framed 5’ 11” male, SS’s weight hovering past 200, at 200-210 pounds consistently. The second chart showing “overweight” at 180 pounds and “obese” past 200 for a 5’ 10” male. While also blandly claiming SS not overweight, BRMC (1) would produce no yardstick for its assessment so. Sheer apathy and inattention towards patients!

By mid-2003 (just before the origination by BRMC (1) of its fabricated (1, 2, 3) litigation and subsequent abduction), by when SS was obsessive-compulsively going to bed at 7 PM (right after dinner), still eating obsessive-compulsively, was withdrawn and staying in his room most of the day, had started to experience serious cognitive (unable to understand what he was reading and watching on TV) difficulties, …(Dr. Laporta had left the hospital by then, one Dr. Primak/“Dr. P”, Dr. Ko/“Dr. K” in charge) … yet BRMC (1) ignored OS-SIS’s demands to attend to and help SS. Nothing done, the doctors and his social worker, as SS cogently communicated to OS-SIS, busy forcibly sitting his down and dictating content to him, to write and sign, to forge fabricated (1, 2, 3) documents out of him, for the litigation just ahead …

This is a medical system so badly corrupted, predatory, SS’s abduction alone should prove it, is anything but any healthcare system. Besides being a racket, full of tactics more reminiscent of a criminal syndicate than anything else. ALL, spinning way out of control! Patients not meant to be treated properly and made productive members of society, but to be just tinkered with for being retained as long-term and endless revenue streams.

By October 2002, SS had been at BRMC (1) for a year, being tinkered with and still no DL&TP (1), which he was entitled to by right. Except, BRMC (1) wedded to its own risk-management more than care for its patients! Already, BRMC (1) had accumulated more than enough malpractice points! More than exposed the underbelly of the American healthcare system!  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. BRMC (1) then asked for a super-conference with OS-SIS, perfectly aware of running out of all first-cut foul tactics. Obviously concerned about raising the ante on SS and OS-SIS, not without risks to its own self! OS and SIS agreed to it, but only on the condition the hospital’s Head of Administration, the one orchestrating all the foul jerking around of SS-his family, be personally present. BRMC (1) agreeing to her production, attendance.

But of-course, BRMC (1) just did not know how to play it straight. Its Head of Administration ducked out, OS-SIS somehow not surprised. Instead, its internal counsel making an appearance, SS and the family with no notice to bring counsel at its end! So, this was to be an intimidation session, counsel and Dr. Laporta led the charge. Straight, ungloved, demand for placing, really turfing, SS. OS-SIS duly lobbed back with their demand for the DL&TP (1), the law of the POA (1) obeyed, even before SS transitioned out given proper (individual and reinforced therapy, ... et al.) at BRMC (1) itself, his endangerment – weight and other related – stopped, …

Dr. Laporta gave her inane arguments that SS not overweight (without providing any supporting yardstick) and a consequence of his medication, both of which countered handily by OS-SIS. Then she came up with something even more loaded, since SS’s stay funded by Medicare (public funding), he was not entitled to individual therapy. OS-SIS informing her, the last time they had checked applicable law, source funding having nothing to do with anything but the proper, full and optimal treatment to be given at all times. Lest the caregiver be cited for “discrimination”!

As it is, BRMC (1) being paid neatly $200,000/month for SS, no amount to sneeze at, at all. Why American healthcare, grossly spoilt and avaricious too, was as dysfunctional as anything else malfunctioning in America.

As such, the meeting produced nothing. Only because BRMC (1) continuing to insist upon shortchanging SS’s medical and other rights. The two parties agreeing to meet again to continue working through, but BRMC (1) to be too predatory of habits set to play/stay honorable for any length of time, at all.

Suddenly, its blackmail was back on, SS being abused at home on his weekend visits revived. No proof, no showing. His visits home, may the author(s) remind the reader again: integral to his clinical treatment, terminated once more! With SS continuing to deny anything like it happening and demanding his visits home! This time, BRMC (1) betraying itself as it could not have before.

Far from ever showing OS-SIS any evidence of such claimed abuse, BRMC (1) did not even summon AR to witness anything. Neither at the time of the claimed examination of SS when he was returned to the hospital the previous Sunday evening, at the end of his last weekend visit home, nor the following morning or ever. Precisely because there was no injury (or injuries), ever; the whole enterprise bogus and mere mirage erection to blackmail, yet again! Predatory America, American healthcare, at work again!

It was just too pat, besides! BRMC (1) did not get its way at the just concluded meeting with the family, so the screws to go back on again. As simple as that! No fuss no muss, the hospital was more than used to executing such tactics over a long time, resembling a criminal syndicate as such than any upstanding healthcare institution! American Corruption, Inc.! BRMC (1) could put, or omit, anything it pleased into SS’s record at the hospital and did, did not mean all the self-serving stuff it placed therein T-R-U-E. Verifiably true!

BRMC (1) claimed SS did not want to go home on his weekend visits home to the family, handily refuted by its own record-keeping in SS’s files (1, 2, 3, 4). So headstrong was this institution, this go around, it  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. even moved two police (/town) jurisdictions in this connection, the one where it itself was located and the other where the family’s home. Both jurisdictions handily turning it down, for the simple reason, no abuse having taken place, SS would neither corroborate nor file complaint. Likewise, BRMC (1) would also approach APS-MA, being turned down by that institution-individual for the same reason.

Yet, it would not release SS for his weekend visits home, dancing around it and being maliciously bull headed about it. Reason why later, in the fabricated (1, 2, 3) litigation it was to launch ahead, too it did not pursue this matter there. For one because it was a bogus predicate, for another one of its principal tactics in court was to comprehensively-consummately suppress (1, 2, 3) SS’s production and so, otherwise, gag him tight-shut; without SS it could not pursue this cause, because it was never its to pursue independent of SS.

AR demanded restoration of SS’s visits home, BRMC’s (1) corrupt gander raised to “full blast” turning her down too. When the law was all on SS’s side, an index of this hospital’s twisted nature, bearing.

AR left with no option but to sue BRMC’s (1). She prepared an “Order to Show Cause” filing, OS-SIS met with her just before the holidays to go over it with her in detail. At the meeting she told them that MHLP-EV was vehemently opposed to her filing. As such, her outrage at BRMC’s (1) dalliances with SS’s rights so strong, she was prepared to go ahead in court against her boss’s (EV) wishes. EV of course moved by raw cronyism in being opposed to BRMC (1), so AR confirmed to OS-SIS.

She expressed herself utterly exasperated and turned-off by MHLP-EV’s corruption, cronyism and everything else (/politics) driven. Of never doing its job as mandated watchdog over institutional NJ (1) for the vulnerable patients! Merely, playing politics all the time, favoring institutional NJ (1) to the detriment of the patient class it was set-op to protect. OS-SIS parting from AR with her firm and unequivocal intimation, her “Order to Show Cause” would be filed first thing in the New Year (/2003) and as soon as the County (/Bergen County) returned from its Christmas and New Year vacation!

In the New Year, the first thing to happen was the installation of a new County Executive/BCE, from the family’s perspective, the none to palatable, DM. The family was to get to know him ahead, by his public reputation, as quite a vigorous political animal! When OS-SIS called AR in the New Year, someone in the office to tell them the place was temporarily closed, going through a personnel restructuring on account of the ascension of the new BCE.

As it was to turn out, the entire restructuring to comprise AR’s, abrupt, departure! It did not take OS- SIS too long to realize that her “departure” a pure, political, maneuver to stop the suit she planned to file for SS against BRMC (1). MHLP was understaffed as it is, AR had told OS-SIS just a week or so ago in the previous year (/December 2002). EV only handled MHLP’s administrative work, there was “one other” attorney beside her, as AR had informed, pleading “the place” heavily backlogged.

An overstaffed MHLP, thus, could not be any reason for AR being asked to leave. As BCE, DM automatically sat on BRMC’s (1) Managing Board, it and EV must have moved in a hurry to have her removed before she filed suit against BRMC’s (1) “first thing in the New Year”. Otherwise, this could not have been any high priority item, for restructuring, in DM’s new, incoming administration. No sooner than it had come in!

Soon enough OS-SIS told, HK would be handling SS related matters at MHLP. HK not only telling them he would not be filing AR’s suit against BRMC (1), but also that he would not be speaking to them, since SS not “them” his client. Almost immediately, he was to abundantly show, it was not even SS who was his client, but only BRMC (1) alone. OS-SIS’s attempts, further, to lodge a complaint, against MHLP-HK, at  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. the BCEO (1, 2, 3, 4) going totally unattended, falling on deaf ears. AR was definitely fired for moving to file suit for SS against BRMC (1), OS-SIS can imagine her refusing to back-off before the newly minted administration too. It was all cronyism and foul/corrupt politics at work.

Super vile HK was never to even make any pretense of representing SS, openly and brazenly come out swinging and batting only for BRMC (1). No holds barred, straight down the line. He was even to, straight out too, adjudge SS’s POA (1) unlawful, no reason given and “no warming up in the bullpen or nuthin”.

Did not even blink, corruption so deeply rooted in his bones, when OS-SIS inquired whether same meant MHLP , then and since AR worked there when she shaped this POA (1), culpable for malpractice!?! When BCE DM/BCEO (1, 2, 3, 4) backing these shenanigans, NJ (1) special interest BRMC (1) to be protected, … why would not Escala bring his best corrupt/prejudicing game to the bench against OS-SIS, why would this shyster, HK, worry about walking gingerly while slinging all his abundant sleaze around!?!

Further proof that MHLP-EV-HK up to unadulterated corruption and upon orders, AR removed only for stopping the suit against BRMC (1) she was moved by deep conviction to pursue on its obvious merits, … very soon into the New Year, not only did BRMC (1) continue persisting with not reversing to let SS resume his weekend visits home, but it renewed, with certain robust execution, its unilateral efforts again to begin turfing him out again. So much so, it started to issue threats to remove his to a shelter, making sure OS-SIS heard about this, for maximum blackmail effect. Clearly, this was a new campaign, filled with corruption, now encouraged by having lined up the County formally behind itself.

OS-SIS wrote to Governor Jim McGreevy, who wrote back promptly and under his own signatures! He was to begin by educating SS and OS-SIS as to the kind of hot-bed of corruption NJ (1) has been going all the way back to World War II. How same complicated his job immeasurably … Then, he informed, he had forwarded SS’s case to his Commissioner (an African-American lady, whose name not recallable at this point) of DMHS, whose office would have the NJ (1) DMHS area office get in touch with the family. Eventually, one Chuck Nussbaum/“CN” from the Northern NJ (1) area office was to contact the family, as promised by the Governor.

SS’s turfing, included BRMC’s (1) threats to dump him in a shelter, stopped forthwith, as a result of this contact with the Governor’s office. However, the crooks at BRMC (1), MHLP-EV-HK, AJ hiding in the wings, … were Teflon incorrigible, prepared to go to any length of corruption for their nefarious cause.

SS was to call the family one day, saying he had just gone thorough an ordeal with the scumbag HK. He had come to BRMC (1) with a pre-prepared revocation of SS’s POA (1), with BRMC’s (1) connivance cornered SS in a room there. Issued SS an ultimatum, he would not be allowed to leave the room unless he signed the revocation. Thugs, outright thugs, … in America’s healthcare, legal, … “you name it” profession, all summarily belonging behind bars, for life! Including, J-U-D-G-E-S! All hulking cowards, ganging up on a vulnerable, mentally struggling individual, with more courage in his little finger than they had in their entire rotten carcass, isolated from his family promptly on the premises.

Anyone but the ultimate in cowardice, which HK on account of reeking of corruption from every pore of his being decidedly was, would shrink from such wretched undertaking. One seeping all the way, into the soul, rots it out to shreds! It is not by any accident that America is in its current, monumentally, troubled straits. Having gone corrupt in too, too many places, it has, consequentially, gone plumb cowardly in all those places, … to set into motion that giant wheel that alternates incremental corruption with incremental cowardice in a never ending cycle to certain doom.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. SS resisted HK for as long as he thought fit, then strategically signing the paper, in order to send the low- life in the room with him packing and on his way, promptly called the family. Even though SS’s POA (1) demanded no one was to contact him without the family on any matter pertaining to its provisions, BRMC’s (1) and HK conspired to do just that very unlawful act. The POA (1) expressly provided that it could not be revoked merely on SS’s revocation alone, yet BRMC’s (1) and HK sought same illegally. …

The revocation obtained by HK clearly meaningless, without OS and/or SIS’s countersignatures. Stull, in abundant precaution, OS-SIS visited SS with a witness the next day and had SS issue a revocation of the revocation HK, wielding muscular hooliganism not unlike AJ’s lifelong pusillanimity given to issuing, had just coerced from SS.

The high point of this visit by OS-SIS with SS was BRMC (1), in the incarnation of the present social worker, Tom Zacharias/“TZ” (1), telling them, after hearing from the hospital administration, SS on that day was no longer mentally competent to sign the instant’s revocation of HK’s POA (1) revocation procured just the day (or two) before. SS was mentally competent a day (or two) before, but slipped out of it just that very day, when he was signing a document not convenient to BRMC (1) and its lackeys. Any wonder America in its convulsive mess, when oafs like these running it!?! Such mighty intellect(s), who do not even know, how to run a minor con game successfully!

Simultaneously, OS-SIS discharged MHLP-EV-HK, SS calling them separately to discharge them directly, to leave no loose ends about it at all left untied. In abundant precaution and care! Fact that MHLP-EV-HK continued to stalk and forcibly him, prima facie disobedience of state law governing rules for attorney conduct for practicing in-state. In fact, this slate of rules expressly including a specific and dedicated prohibition for such in-state practicing attorneys to steer well clear of foisting themselves on mentally handicapped/challenged individuals.

No act of courage involved anywhere in all this, such brazen conduct merely serving to confirm, over and over again, these people had the carte blanche and foul backing of the BCE DM/BCEO (1, 2, 3, 4), itself confident of buttonholing the County justice system, in Hackensack, NJ. Something that was to be proven true in the not so distant future, in the form of the equally cowardly and foul Escala! Corruption can never, never produce courage. Only cowardice, then more corruption/hooliganism, then more cowardice in turn, then … America just does not have any integrity of courage, self respect, character, … left to stop itself, its corruption anywhere.

Meanwhile CN, having established first contact and promising to revert shortly, had not been heard from for weeks. He was not to be found very reliable ahead either, in fact no less corrupt than the rest! BRMC’s (1) utter bunny too. He, representing DMHS, was supposed to be the watchdog, but was all loosey-goosey with the very people he was supposed to watch and monitor. Why should this be any different, do we not see ineffectual monitoring of Wall Street by the watchdogs appointed to regulate and keep it on the straight and narrow!?!

OS-SIS had to chase after CN for weeks, before he made himself available again. It is really sad, all the corruption and all the people not doing their job well at all in America these days. When Governor Corzine came into office, he had to radically overhaul the NJ Division of Youth and Family Services/ “DYFS”, in whose care too many children had been dying/getting hurt just before.

OS-SIS had written to Jon Corzine, just prior and when he was still NJ Senator in Washington, about Escala playing the fool with their family in court. Too many people just do not have the self-respect and courage to take on difficult but important assignments, which they would rather side-step. So, Senator  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Corzine wrote back to the family instructing it, something it needed no education in, on the Constitutional principles of the “separation of powers”, in order to avoid intervening.

Obviously, Senator Corzine, was conveniently overlooking the “checks and balances”/1, 2, 3 provisions of the same Constitution, because it would have meant his having to get involved. As the North Carolina legislature did in a similar case involving that state’s court and wrong done to a party, who happened to be Indian too (1, 2).

This was CN’s performance, when he had been contacted by the office of the NJ (1) Commissioner for DMHS, the line going backwards from there to Governor McGreevey. Imagine what he might have been like if he had been contacted directly by the family, absent the Commissioner and Governor. Since October 2002 and with mid year 2003 approaching, it was over nine months since SS’s clinical treatment imperative weekend visits home, arbitrarily and without jurisdiction, jammed by BRMC (1) brazenly pedaling blackmail nakedly. Here was CN too dragging his feet and playing cronyism on the side of institutional NJ (1), NJ’s (1) special interest BRMC (1).

Prodding and pushing CN, the family had thought back in October 2001 when SS had gone into BRMC (1) its life would be made easier enough to at least to attend to its personal affairs, a meeting was arranged between the family and BRMC (1) for Friday, July 11, 2003 (or thereabouts). This meeting was a no-starter from the outset, because SS not produced, an old tick by some of the oldest crooks in their business of dirty gamesmanship. OS-SIS refused to stay unless SS produced, so the meeting adjourned to July 18, 2003 (or thereabouts) next week.

However, OS-SIS met some new people on BRMC’s (1) sordid team that day. People, who were to prove themselves ahead as dirty that team was to field uniformly. Thomas Stegbauer/“Stegbauer”, a Minnesotan but no, upstanding, Hubert Humphrey, as BRMC’s (1) V.P. of Administration! An outside attorney, Cynthia Cappell/“CC” (1, 2), with abysmal professional performance to make ahead and otherwise the best adjective which could be applied to her rhyming with “itch” once, then “itch” a second time too! CN, why he has to be held on BRMC’s (1) too, to come out right away below/infra! … These were to prove themselves as some very soiled and sordid homo sapiens, America in its deep trouble on account of their ilk, type! CC (1, 2)

Outside before the July 18, 2003 (or thereabouts) meetings, as soon as SS saw the family, he came over to join it, to stay with OS-SIS until it was time to go in for the meeting. As everyone filed in, SS was lost in the entering throng and shuffle. NOW THE READER IS INVITED TO WATCH AND OBSERVE AMERICA’S HOARY CORRUPTION AT WORK, IN SLOW MOTION. It is worth studying closely, for it is the stuff of which its current upheaval monumental, all, made up of!

Inside in the room, as OS and SIS seated themselves, in adjacent chairs, they were to notice SS sitting way on the other side of the room and table, in a seat next to the sleaze-ball HK. While entering the room, HK had latched on to SS’s elbow and steered him to a seat beside him. It was a prelude showcasing of how SS would be gagged, suppressed (1, 2, 3) and controlled, as due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11- 12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) to be so hijacked, in the litigation that lay directly ahead. Otherwise, it was an attempt by the scumbag HK to take proprietary control and charge, as a predatory measure, of SS, with OS and SIS sitting right there in the room. After he and MHLP-EV had already been formally discharged by SS himself and OS-SIS separately, pursuant to their POA (1) derived powers.

OS stood up, asking SS to come sit next to him. HK endeavored to hold SS down where he sat, but latter shook the other off and deposited himself in a chair next to OS, on the other side from where SIS was sitting next to OS. HK got up to take the seat on the other side of SS, how much more stalking/1, 2, 3 of a  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. mentally challenged person could be carried out by any NJ (1) attorney, running contrary to NJ’s (1) rules of conduct strenuously prohibiting same. While all this going on, not only Stegbauer, CC (1, 2), … watching in conspiratorial silence, but DMHS’s CN too! They were all in on this, HK merely acting as their, frontend, hatchet-man!

OS was to then exchange seats with OS, so that he was situated between him and SIS. After dealing with HK’s sleaze on the phone, this was OS-SIS’s introduction to him in person. Now finding himself uncomfortable sitting right next to OS, he was to get up and move several seats away from the other. This man so far gone, describing him even as beneath contempt a very mild description of his serpent, yet Bergen County trusting him around its highly vulnerable population in the mentally handicapped patients at BRMC (1) and elsewhere in the county.

Next OS turned his attention to having HK removed from the room. Inquiring what he was doing there when MHLP-EV-HK had been formally discharged by SS-OS-SIS alike!?! Stegbauer then tried to take a high stepping tone and bluster with OS, who made it, unequivocally, clear that no meeting could proceed on until HK heaved out. So, HK, given his marching orders!

But, a hound-dog does not know how to give up. Even as he shaped to leave, HK abruptly turned to OS and SIS, to demand AJ’s address in the UK from them! OS’s ears cocked up immediately, for he knew AJ had always been hiding in the wings for the past two years or so. This was merely a ruse, he promptly sensed, to spring AJ out into the open, while providing him an alibi simultaneously. To dispel he had been hiding in the wings all this while, yanking him out into the open based on exacting his UK address from OS and SIS!

But yank him out for what, flashed through OS’s mind, but he could not deal with same just then, He looked around, very slowly, particularly at Stegbauer, CC (1, 2), CN, all three had the same expression on their faces, with the mouth ever so slightly open in expectation hanging on whether OS (or SIS) would provide AJ’s address in the UK. Most of all then OS knew CN (of the state watchdog DMHS) was in on the conspiracy with BRMC (1) and its entire bad lot. OS and SIS, of course SS too, were to answer HK by ignoring him in palpable silence.

As HK left, CC (1, 2) from the other side of the room got up to and mumbling incoherently left too, not to come back again. In the litigation ahead, OS was to find papers signed by HK and dated that day; CC (1, 2), thus, leaving the room then in order to procure those very same signatures from HK Litigation being plotted by BRMC (1), even as the meeting and its negotiations in process. CN of DMHS also bound to have been alive to all this, bad-faith, plotting going on, but never warned the SS-OS-SIS or dissuade BRMC (1) for doing the right thing.

As soon as HK and CC (1, 2) had vacated the room, an obviously upset Stegbauer, directing himself at OS, expressed exception at the latter’s, as he dubbed it, “antics”. Offering to throw OS off the premises, if anymore repeated. CN, sitting Buddha silent when the real “[irregular] antics” only by the BRMC (1) crooked crowd going on and still with all the body language of being firmly in the other camp alone, suddenly joined in, very animatedly, behind Stegbauer. OS was to inform both Stegbauer and CN, he sure would like to see them do same and advised them to “cease and desist” making any threats. Corrupt cowards back away very swiftly indeed.

Next Stegbauer, with CN piping behind him, wanted to know who the gentleman (Paul (Pahlaj) Chhabria/“Paul”; there as an outside witness for the family) accompanying the family was!?! CC (1, 2) had already tried to quiz the family about Paul outside, pretending she was doing so in order to protect SS’s privacy abundantly. To be told by SS’s family, it was perfectly capable of protecting SS’s privacy  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. better than anyone and without anyone’s help! It was the same old trick, using SS’s privacy rights to their own benefit and to SS’s detriment.

The family told Stegbauer, with him his sidekick CN (of DMHS and thus required to protect NJ’s (1) citizens, not its institutional special interests to the detriment of those citizens), as long as SS was all right with Paul’s presence at the meeting, Stegbauer & Co. had no need to be concerned with who, why, … Paul there. Obviously, Stegbauer and even CN playing crooked were concerned, for reasons obvious, about outside parties being present in the room.

Stegbauer was to persist with his interrogation, wanting to know whether Paul was an attorney, a line of inquiry with which he only exposed himself to the limits. The family was to answer with a question, inquiring from Stegbauer whether he had given the family prior notice before inserting CC (1, 2), had he taken permission from SS (and his privacy rights) before bringing her into his affairs?

The worst in predatory America at work here! Eventually, BRMC (1) was to agree, to providing a DL&TP (1) and restoring SS’s weekend visits home. However, OS-SIS, were not convinced of any bonafides here. Too much hanky-panky had gone on, till the very last, the “capitulation” had came too pat and too sudden! … Still, they were utterly surprised when BRMC’s (1) fabricated (1, 2, 3) litigation came, for who would expect someone with its utterly foul record to dare approach the bar? Somehow SS and his family had not expected American justice to have gone so rotten, as it turned out in Escala’s court; somehow even with its political connections, the family felt BRMC (1) would not want its filthy record to become any matter of public knowledge.

After the meeting, the family hung around long enough for SS to get ready for his weekend visit home with them. When he returned, he brought along the DL&TP (1) letter, issued by Sonia Krupey, BRMC’s Program Director.The contents were absolute and useless nonsense, but OS-SIS, thrilled to be taking SS home after nearly ten months, for just then decided to set aside this DL&TP (1) matter. To be taken up in due course with BRMC (1) and others again.

SS was given the most marvelous weekend he yet had in America, over this weekend, of July 19-20th, 2003, at home with OS-SIS. On Sunday night, he was dropped back off at BRMC (1). Since, he was so anxious, to be home again the next weekend, he told OS-SIS he would complete formalities for it first thing the next, Monday, morning! He called home in the forenoon of July 21st, to say he had duly secured the “pass” for his next weekend’s visit home.

On Thursday morning, July 24th, (2003), SS called, from BRMC (1), in high panic and upset state, saying his weekend visit home had been cancelled. OS-SIS asked him, if he knew ‘why’, if he had asked ‘why’. …!?! “No” and “no” from Sanjay. … OS-SIS tried calming him, telling him they would find out what was going on. They put in a few insistent calls into SS’s social worker, TZ before he called back. To tell the family, SS’s visit home had been cancelled because he was abused again on his previous trip (weekend of July 19-20th, 2003, just gone by) home. When OS-SIS then asked, why was he given an okay on Monday, TZ quickly tried to change his tune, by saying SS himself did not want to go/visit home?!

All through this exchange, TZ was extremely edgy, pulling to get off the phone throughout. His discomfort thick and heavy, even coming across the phone so! When OS-SIS told him, he was making no sense and was simply talking “tommyrot” under the circumstances, he abruptly rung off.

OS and SIS decided they would visit the hospital the next day, letting SS know they would be doing so. In the evening, SS called again, saying Dr. K and TZ had shut themselves in a closed room with him all afternoon, dictating content to him to forcibly write and then sign. These documents were to appear in  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. BRMC’s (1) fabricated (1, 2, 3) litigation just ahead, as purporting to show SS wanting to overthrow his POA (1), accusing his family of this and that, wanting to sever from OS-SIS, wanting AJ back in his life, … since all of which fabricated (1, 2, 3), no way for SS to be handed back to the family even at the end of the litigation coming. But, for right then, OS-SIS told SS they would be visiting the hospital the next morning.

Next morning Friday, (July 25, 2003), when OS-SIS called SS before leaving home, he was no where to be found. TZ not to be found either! OS-SIS left numerous messages at BRMC (1) Administration, no call back. … Nothing like this had ever happened before, even with all the nonsense that BRMC (1) had been churning for the past two years. OS-SIS decided to wait to hear from someone at the hospital, before leaving; particularly hear back from SS.

SS called around 3:00PM to say he had been forcibly taken/coerced to go to HK’s office at MHLP, to make a deposition style statement, with multiple BRMC (1) staff (TZ and other) and EV present. If SS had indeed gone over to the other side, as BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) were to shortly claim in court, why this deposition style transcript preparation for him? Who has ever heard of deposing people on their own side, except perhaps a “hostile” witness, which was no case here?

This was, prima facie, a crude set-up coercing SS to say all kinds of things against himself in writing, then later suppress (1, 2, 3) his production and testimony in court, gagging and preventing him from rebutting all that he had been forced to say on paper for the court. Of course, could not be done without a pre- arranged favorable judicial bench, willing to bend due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15- FM, 17-18), conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13), … rules, secured (Escala); no big shakes for a county or state to arrange at all.

The point with those trying to be too clever-by-half, they invariably, sooner or later, end up shooting themselves in the foot. In this “deposition” coerced out of SS, presiding crook HK, in a portfolio of questions posed and to which SS required to provide answers given him by his abductors, missed spotting one critical question SS answered honestly and truly, not o dictation. When asked whether during the making of his POA (1), he had understood its contents, agreed with its contents and signed the instrument of his own volition, SS had provided a resounding “Y-E-S” as his answer.

SS also reported that he was also compelled to take a call from AJ, calling from UK, say to him, he wanted AJ to participate in his affairs! Dead give away; no way would SS ever sever from family (particularly OS) and no way would he agree to deal with AJ of his own free will! No way! This was why HK, before being ejected out of the July 18th, 2003 meeting, was demanding AJ’s address in the UK from the family. To set up an alibi to spring AJ out into the open, as OS had suspected on-the-spot on that day itself.

So, here was evidence AJ had been hiding in the wings all of the previous two years, harassing SS as the latter had reported to the family. During the litigation, OS repeatedly challenged the shyster CC (1, 2) to explain how AJ suddenly excavated out of thin air between July 18th and this July 25th, 2003, SHE COULD/WOULD NEVER ANSWER! Q.E.D!

No way would SS have given the crooks, of his free will, any of the writing coerced out of him for BRMC’s (1) patently fabricated (1, 2, 3) action at bar! As his statement given Paul, dated July 29th. 2003 (not 2002) also demonstrates.

OS-SIS told SS not to be upset, they will handle matters. They had hardly put the phone down, when someone called back from BRMC (1) (or CC’s (1, 2) office) to say a suit had been filed that day against  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. OS-SIS and all BRMC (1) staff off limits to them/OS-SIS. Before latter could ask anything, the cradle at the other end dropped in its resting place. Typical cowards!

SS was told immediately. Kept abreast, copiously, ahead! … All this detail, somewhat minute, essential to demonstrate the corruption that occurred, its scale and complexion, … Otherwise, OS-SIS made sure of entering, all the turns and twists of the opposition, Escala, … everyone’s corruption, into the record. Diligently, carefully and in certain copious detail! The more these parties corrupted, the more devoted their campaign to at least key in a full blown and extensive record. OS-SIS’s facts and arguments, merits contested, were to remain singularly undisputed by the opposition throughout.

CC’s (1, 2) would dare not put anything on paper in response to OS-SIS going after her for knowingly bringing fabricated (1, 2, 3) action(s) to the bar. Never ever filed any answering papers, what she filed affirmatively herself mediocre to incompetent, fabricated (1, 2, 3), … She made some weak protests in the nature of “ad hominem” attacks, but when OS-SIS read her the riot act with respect to law(s) of defamation (truth being a spontaneous defense), she retreated. The *itch!

OS-SIS were to have these parties so mired and tied-up in knots, they quite reliably learnt over the grapevine BRMC (1) fired Stegbauer for taking enclosed matters to court and then standing on fabrications alone. Likewise, Escala tried to bridle in fake fashion, endeavoring to impress-intimidate by accusing OS-SIS of disrespecting the court/him, but they simply held firm to their repeated demands for his recusal.

Before we launch into the litigation section, as just immediately below/infra, the story within is a quintessential American story of our times, full of corruption, towering human dysfunction, dripping in predatory excess, toxic to the very touch, … American business, politics, law, … pertinent values, all gone to pot, most of all because the underlying “human commodity” gone awfully sloppy at one end and utterly berserk at the other! Open season for …!

All SS was looking for was someone, who could help, to LISTEN, but see where things taken by those not to behave sensibly, with restraint and free of the fever of being ruled by some branch of avarice!?! Then, who indeed the “crazy” one, SS or America!?!


This “Case 1” is the SS related litigation, the one we are really concerned with. The next “Case 2”, relating to the family’s home, pertinent on account of (a) the vicious and punitive corruption Escala brought forth here, for OS-SIS standing up to him in case 1 and (b) the continuing high standards of corruption advanced by opposition parties/their attorneys in this action. Both cases very strong contenders for premier slices of America Corruption, Inc. Minute details given only to capture the full flavor of this luxurious fiesta of American corruption.

Right out at the opening bell itself CC (1, 2) earned her title, of b*tch! Once the family received CC (1, 2)/ BRMC’s (1) Order to Show Cause and complaint, around the 28th or 29th instant, learnt of the preliminary hearing for the 30th or 31st, a mere 2 or three days later. CC’s (1, 2) papers were marked, by name, to then Judge Marguerite T. Simon/“Simon”(1), Head of the Chancery Division.

The family, under the circumstances, asked CC (1, 2) for a week’s adjournment of the preliminary hearing; she was to ask the family for an undertaking to vanish permanently from SS’s life, as her price

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. for agreeing to the requested adjournment. American corruption on display at its very best! Can the family be blamed for finding her for rhyming with *ITCH (pardon)!?!

Otherwise, since Simon (1), no less corrupt, degraded than CC (1, 2), was away on her honeymoon, the case ended up in Escala’s lap/court. With Simon, he made up the, two judge, Chancery Division.

CC’s (1, 2) suit/“BRMC-(1)_suit” was dripping with fabrications, brought to the bar so knowingly, Documents coerced out of SS on July 24th, 2003, with Dr. K and TZ dictating and coercing, figured prominently. As did his coerced “deposition” from July 25th, 2003 morning in HK’s office! … sandcastle erections anywhere except in Escala’s heavily prejudiced court … Then there was the piece de resistance, AJ’s cowardly affidavit falsely accusing the family/OS-SIS of abusing SS! … A regular rat pack, not the Sinatra fun- seeking type either, festival!

“… And, finally, the court is made up of lawyers: Nobody wants to think about lawyers, who, whether conservative or liberal, tend just to obstruct and befoul.” - How to Knock Off a Justice or Two (1, 2)

These were all actual sewer rats, sorry to say, AJ the supreme one for targeting the family, especially when the shoe firmly on his own foot. He stood on another’s shoulder to vault over and across, never reached back to pull the rest/others up with him, never put his shoulder to the family JV (1) wheel, … indeed shut the door behind him on others, as FLOTUS particularly would put it. See also what Justice Sonia Sotomayor has to say on this issue: 1, 2.

AJ’s hooliganism is no one’s courage or manhood! America’s current state no and no one’s civilization!

Escala’s court was at first an unexpected farce, then an expected one all the way to the end! When he became entirely predictable, he was to be at the height of his corruption,

There is no other way to characterize this case but as ready-made travesty of justice. Borne of designed corruption by Escala from the bench!. Conceived and executed in infamy, predicated upon CC’s (1, 2) audacious fabrications knowingly brought to the bar, it was adjudicated dripping with visible corruption designed nakedly by Escala to suit a NJ (1) special and high profile interest, in BRMC (1).

AJ’s predisposed prejudice was apparent from the very outset. Perhaps emboldened by the family’s Pro Se status, he was uniformly audacious and obvious of his considerable extra-judicial agenda from the bench. Indeed, crudely showing his hand so all through. There is no way to mistake Escala as the most potent predator stalking/1, 2, 3 and disaffecting SS and his rights, once the underlying litigation was underway. Escala’s transparency being a protruding insult to the family’s intelligence!

Otherwise, his orgy of due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) suppression (1, 2, 3) and alienation as dastardly as anything to be seen anywhere!Surpassed only by the obscene display of undisguised subversion of justice dished out lavishly by his arbitrary adjudication(s) in the end!

At the opening hearing, on July 31, 2003 or thereabouts, Escala opened his dastardly innings, indiscriminately granting temporary restraints on the operating effect of SS’s POA (1), against established case law/precedent. Patermoster v Schuster, 296 N.J. Super 544 (1, 2) states unequivocally:

Temporary Relief/ “TRO” (1) must be withheld when legal right(s) underlying plaintiff’s claim is unsettled.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Preliminary Injunctions/“PRO” (1) cannot ensue where all underlying facts are controverted, as the case within.

Fact that SS was on no docket at this first hearing, by itself was enough that no TRO (1) should have been granted. After all, his rights were at issue and if he is not on any docket, then no TRO (1) could ensue/ Otherwise, BRMC (1) had to sue SS (not OS and/or SIS), simply because his POA (1) was at issue. Thus, Escala patently wrong in issuing TRO (1): no Guardian Ad Litem/“GAL”/IK should have been appointed, OS-SIS not have been restrained, Escala should not have said he was not going to get into SS’s treatment matters (when same were at the crux of these injunctive issues and indeed the entire controversy within), he should not have relied on the conclusory statements of BRMC (1) doctors SS was being caused irreparable harm because of BRMC’s (1) restrictive environment but called for independent experts (acceptable to OS-SIS),…

The real reason for delay in SS being discharged from BRMC (1) was first turfing, then its own failure to accept SS’s POA (1) and issue SS a DL&TP (1) he was entitled to by right. Not OS or SIS, but Escala’s own corruption and cowardice from the bench (politically serving its paymaster, NJ (1)), BRMC (1) and its co-conspirators, responsible for short-shrifting SS’s rights. OS and SIS not restrained, BRMC (1) compelled.

No showing of fraud/1 (2-3. 4-5) and/or abuse by OS-SIS, why restraints on them and GAL/IK appointed? Why was SS not presented in court to speak for himself (not just here, but vehemently and copiously suppressed (1, 2, 3) all through)? Escala himself certified SS competent and well! SS had no issue with OS-SIS ever. BRMC (1) without standing to ask for GAL …

The real reason why BRMC (1)/CC’s (1, 2) would not sue SS was, it would have meant releasing SS from its grasp, to spill all the beans on all their fabrications and speak contrary to what they were representing his wishes to be. … A regular bitch of an insidious campaign at work!

And boy, were the facts controverted!, for the PRO’s (1)consideration. SS did not want to be discharged from BRMC (1) without a DL&TP (1) and did not want to exit his POA (1), as the documents, manufactured by Dr. K and TZ dictating and coercing SS on July 24th, 2003 (or thereabouts) and knowingly filed at bar by CC’s (1, 2), claimed he did. As the “deposition” style document manufactured in HK’s office the AM of July 25th, 2003 claimed too. AJ’s affidavit was false! … OS and SIS contested all the material facts with bearing on the request for a PRO (1). No PRO (1) should have ensued either.

They stressed to Escala the opposition’s entire foundations of facts forged and fabricated (1, 2, 3) brazenly, SS brought in to testify would clarify, clear same without any problem at all. They also stressed that BRMC (1) was suing the wrong party, needing to sue SS (whose POA (1) was being objected to) and not OS-SIS. Moreover, BRMC (1) out of order, suing on SS’s behalf, since it bore an adversarial/conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) bearing relationship with SS.

When OS and SIS retuned home from this hearing, there was a message from SS on their answering machine. Left in high panic: “Where are you, where are you!?!” When OS-SIS called and spoke to him, he told them he had spoken to TZ about attending that day’s hearing, in order to tell Escala he had authorized no one to move the courts on his behalf for A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G! TZ had refused to facilitate his/SS’s attending court.

While OS-SIS still talking to SS so, there was a sudden/abrupt exclamation from SS and then a loud argument with someone in the background! Then sounds of a scuffle, then SS’s voice receding, … before the phone clicked off. SS trussed up and hauled off so, thanks to Escala’s truculent and indefensible TRO  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. (1). Just the previous day or so/July 29, 2003, SS had called in a statement to Paul, saying things similar to all that he had just said on the phone, which OS-SIS had presented to the rogue Escala in court that day.

DID ANY OF THIS LOOK LIKE HE HAD PROBLEMS WITH HIS POA (1) AND WANTED IT OVERTURNED, WANTED TO BREAK WITH OS-SIS, … the rest of what the BRMC (1)- CC’s (1, 2) crooks saying on his behalf as his wishes (while holding him captive and gagging/suppressing (1, 2, 3) him silly), but actually only theirs! This is the kind of scheme being rolled out in Escala’s court with his ready connivance, diabolical yet transparent and trigger easy to spot! JUST IMAGINE THIS, S-E-E-D-Y, STATE OF EVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE, IN OUR TIMES!

Even for the second hearing (on August 31st, 2003 or thereabouts), SS still not properly on any docket! Opposition did not cure related deficiencies at all in the intervening month since the first hearing. Though BRMC (1)-CC (1, 2)-MHLP coerced a complaint showing SS, captive and coerced, suing OS, SIS and BRMC (1) under a separate docket.

Just to get SS on ‘a”, ‘some’ docket! Yet, this was not the required and inescapable BRMC (1) suing SS, whose POA (1) was at issue. Moreover, this complaint/docket/““SS”_suit”, which was really and not at all SS’s action anyway but BRMC (1)-CC (1, 2)-MHLP coercing a captive SS to issue one for purposes- wishes not SS’s either but actually only their own, pleaded the same five causes of action, only as to OS and SIS, as the earlier BRMC-(1)_suit (BRMC (1) v OS, SIS). However, not by pleading these “five” within the four corners of “SS”_suit (SS v BRMC (1), OS, SIS) but by pointing to them, external to itself, in BRMC-(1)_suit. Thus, making it insufficient as a matter of law, spontaneously dismissible on the spot!

As to BRMC (1), this “SS”_suit, pleaded no causes of action at all, merely setting up an unacceptable “dummy null” face-off between SS and BRMC (1), as no substitute for BRMC (1) needing to inescapably sue SS, amending BRMC-(1)_suit. As such, both BRMC-(1)_suit and “SS”_suit needing to be sua sponte dismissed by Escala, towards which OS-SIS even filed an [unopposed] motion to dismiss summarily, at the very outset.

All these, heavy-duty, convulsion/corruption just to avoid BRMC (1) suing SS, merely to avoid having to cut SS loose imperatively as a consequence. Otherwise combining/merging BRMC-(1)_suit (BRMC (1) v OS, SIS) and “SS”_suit (SS v BRMC (1), OS, SIS) had the weird and anomalous effect of BRMC (1) on the same and opposing side from OS-SIS at the same time, … as an acceptable asymmetry?!

Escala in not dismissing “SS”_suit sua sponte at the very outset, was to be deployed by him to proliferate corruption intra-proceedings for an entire year, before dismissing it in the end. And here is the kicker of corruption galore and freewheeling, even then he dismissed this “SS”_suit, for insufficiency, only as to BRMC (1), but not OS- SIS! How does any bench do that, how can Escala summarily dismiss an action, for legal insufficiency, as to some defendant(s) and not others???????? CAN THERE BE ANY GREATER PROOF OF Escala’s, READY-WITTED AND DESIGNED, PREJUIDICE, CORRUPTION, EXTRA-JUDICIAL AGENDA, ARBITRARY FOOTPRINT(S), …????????

Once more, Escala too went and allowed these apparently, palpably strange, twisted and unlawful pathways was to avoid having BRMC (1) sue SS, replacing OS-SIS, in turn to side-step BRMC (1) et al. having to cut SS loose. Thereby, have him expose all the fabrications that the {wrong] side he was supporting had brought brazenly to the bar; precisely emboldened by favorably pre-assured them by Simon, Escala, the Bergen County, NJ (1) Chancery Division! Even without all this, on account of their opposition to SS’s POA (1), and BRMC (1), MHLP, … bore obvious conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) with SS!  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. GAL/IK improperly appointed! MHLP prohibited from representing SS, by both the TRO (1) and PRO (1) alike, yet HK allowed to attend all meetings right to the very end! GAL/IK and MHLP/HK go gunning for OS-SIS as heavy-handed hoodlums, while OS-SIS questionably restrained from any contact with them!?! … Whatever the case maybe, all the weird stuff being allowed to proliferate, CC (1, 2) - BRMC (1) running the whole opposition shown, over OS-SIS’s protests of the presence of conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13), due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17- 18) failures coming out of the ears in all directions, SS’s interests and rights being represented by NO ONE at all, ….

Was Escala running a bonafide legal/judicial action at bar or a soap-opera, worse still, if not The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, A whorehouse in Hackensack, NJ!?! Just take a gander at all that Escala, frivolously, restrained in his little loosey-goosey handiwork of a PRO (1)! Rubberstamping CC (1, 2) - BRMC (1), hook, like and sinker, pedaling unvarnished street level mucky-muck, as far removed from anything resembling the Rule of Law/1-2 (3-4-5-6 7, 8-9-10-11,-12-13-14-15) or the business of justice. Justice simply subverted by connivance and design!

Moreover, no showing, of abuse or fraud/1 (2-3. 4-5), made to disqualify OS and SIS from holding SS’s powers under the POA (1). CC (1, 2) tried to argue OS and SIS’s interested in SS’s negligible SSI, which Escala was to shoot down on his own as patently ridiculous. OS and SIS spent ten times more per month on SS than his SSI worth/amount! The ever fabricating CC (1, 2) even invented purely fictional trust accounts for SS in OS and SIS’s handling, even calling for the imposition of a “constructive trust”, to make same look real before Escala. Even sent her goons (GAL/IK and MHLP/HK) to intimidate OS and SIS into surrendering related information (non-existent), while, knowingly, working a patent ruse!

OS and SIS had to take the battle hammer and tongs, to this far-gone opposition, before its/mainly CC’s (1, 2) escalating intimidation tactics stopped. They had to turn the tables around by putting these crooked parties themselves squarely in the docket. After all the world’s jerking around of OS-SIS, when they caught hold of her tail, she was to go wailing to daddy Escala about ad hominem attacks! Only to be taught a refresher course in the legal definition of “defamation: truth as an absolute defense to it, by OS- SIS.

When there was no showing of any fraud/1 (2-3. 4-5) or abuse on the part of OS and SIS, there was no reason or need for appointing a GAL, IK! One of CC’s (1, 2) other “causes of action” was for Escala to appoint MHLP as SS’s attorneys, when both BRMC (1) and MHLP, in opposing his POA (1), bore ready made conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) with SS. Plus they were all holding him captive, all gagged and suppressed (1, 2, 3) back on BRMC’s (1) premises! due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) and conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) failures galore! CC (1, 2) running the entire opposition effort, was a prima facie bogus representation of SS’s rights and interests. No representation!

The idea of all this was to bamboozle and intimidate OS and SIS, erect a fortress, of MHLP as SS’s attorneys (even though they had been discharged by OS-SIS as well as SS) and the GAL/IK controlled as his go-between, to gag, suppress (1, 2, 3) and abduct him right there in Escala’s court. Sever him emphatically from OS-SIS, his only true champions! … Thus, leave his interests and rights, while the opposition co-conspirators, allowed to speak for SS all the way, representing what they wanted as SS’s wishes (sic). … Except they had not expected OS-SIS to put up the very competent, robust and “carry it back to them” fight they did, which put a kink in their dirty works.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Except at this first hearing (on July 31st, 2003 or thereabouts), Escala not knowing OS and SIS’s legal skills, cast a die which would come back to haunt him, but of course he made SS and OS-SIS pay for it (with SS’s now decade long and still counting abduction). By advancing to all his hanky-panky on that very first day/hearing, Escala found himself in a trap of his own making. By the time he found OS-SIS competent in court, though he placed some brakes on himself, basically he had already set his, dirty, course.

So, like the besmirched opposition, he was to spend the rest of the litigation trying to extricate himself, while also pushing the dirty works he was committed to from the very outset. This is what accounts for all the messy events this litigation littered with. Had he been noticed of OS-SIS’s legal acumen from the get go, he would probably have finessed his corruption better, making it less angular and protruding. Less obvious, even though the amount of corruption shoveled by the opposition and Escala combined, hard to disguise under all circumstances.

BRMC-(1)_suit ultimately tabled five “causes of action:

Injunctive Relief: Already discussed above/supra, TRO (1) and PRO (1). Patermoster v Schuster, 296 N.J. Super 544 (1, 2) telling clearly Escala should have ensued. In fact BRMC-(1)_suit sua sponte dismissed since SS, not OS-SIS, needing to be sued; “SS”_suit because same was insufficient as a matter of law, had been coerced out of SS held captive – which needed to be verified by having SS produced and testifying in court (under due cross-examination), this suit having given OS-SIS even greater [legal] powers to have SS deposed and testifying personally (in the TRO (1) and by accepting this action, Escala had found him competent to attend court), …

Declaring the POA invalid: The POA (1) existing in strict privity between SS and OS- SIS! No role in there for anyone, not even for Escala, to interfere in anyway/ In fact, the opposition and Escala, by so interfering, for respective and joint, ulterior motives, the ones who actually toyed with SS’s rights and interests, monumentally. By imposing their own, foul, needs, to bespoil SS’s rights and interests. Letting their narcissism work to his enormous detriment! … Soiling and indeed desecrating the Constitution hugely, in the process, too! No one to unilaterally enter SS’s sanctified private domain or pierce the existing privity!

Yes, BRMC (1), anyone else able to move, for such invalidation, on [genuine] grounds of public policy. However, the, public policy, case the crook Escala made in his final judgment/adjudication (1), a spontaneously faulty and scurrilous one. While we will discuss and argue this more fully below/infra, let it be briefly stated here, the Thirteenth Amendment permits both “servitude” and “voluntary servitude”, what it frowns upon is only “involuntary servitude”(see: final judgment/adjudication (1)). Moreover, the relationship between SS and OS-SIS, within the larger confines of a family context, as further defined by the POA (1) pertinent relationship decidedly does not meet any criteria of [legal] servitude per se either. Escala (and the NJ Appellate Court/“SCNJ_AD” (1), as well) cannot invent his (their) own definition of “[legal] servitude” to suit their arbitrary and corrupt purposes, meant to serve and satisfy their paymaster, NJ (1). SCOTUS has a lengthy and comprehensive case law profile (to be highlighted below/infra) defining what constitutes “[legal] servitude”, what Escala and the SCNJ_AD (1) homespun for their extra-judicial agenda of the instant is not it. They should not have proceeded without

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. consulting and adopting same, but of-course they would, since a scam and hoary corruption alone was what they had sighted, deciding this matter.

BRMC (1) could not ask for this//no standing, in SS’s pure private domain, based on BRMC-(1)_suit/anything. Otherwise, could not either, for bearing an undeniable conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) laden/dripping relationship with SS. Besides, this action worthy of sua sponte dismissal, based on SS needing to replace OS-SIS as defendant on the docket, all these, five, “causes of action’, individually and severally, dismissible on the merits, …. “SS”_suit inoperative and in-actionable, insufficient as a matter of law, could not proceed (even if amended) without SS produced and testifying!

Compelling an Accounting: Escala himself, sua sponte, shot CC’s (1, 2) claims, of SS’s paltry SSI being any sound motivation and incentive for OS-SIS to want to hang on to SS’s POA (1) powers, right out of the sky. OS-SIS holding some actual trust accounts belonging to SS was sheer fabrication and fiction, even though Escala provided for it in PRO (1), this issue was a non-starter, from the outset and throughout, too, Once, OS and SIS had soundly thrashed and beaten back CC’s (1, 2), GAL/IK and MHLP/HK, goons, both the opposition and Escala dropped this issue post haste. Let it die, untouched, where it stood, defeated! Thus, there was, strong and affirmative, showing to be made as to no fraud/1 (2-3. 4-5) or abuse possible to ascribe to OS and/or SIS in operating SS’s powers under the POA (1)! Defeating any need for any GAL/IK, who should not have been appointed in the first place, at this juncture dismissed. Likewise, where there was never any need for appointing MHLP/HK as SS’s attorneys, they had already been discharged, based on their conflicted status vis-a-vis SS they were disqualified at the starting line itself, … now, with OS and SIS proven qualified to represent (yet Escala was never to remove the restraints put on them by both the TRO (1) and PRO (1)), more than ever a case for not only not allowing MHLP/HK to be SS’s attorneys, but actually booting these parties from attending the given proceedings.

BRMC (1) could not ask for this//no standing, in SS’s pure private domain, based on BRMC-(1)_suit/anything. Otherwise, could not either, for bearing an undeniable conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) laden/dripping relationship with SS. Besides, this action worthy of sua sponte dismissal, based on SS needing to replace OS-SIS as defendant on the docket, all these, five, “causes of action’, individually and severally, dismissible on the merits, …. “SS”_suit inoperative and in-actionable, insufficient as a matter of law, could not proceed (even if amended) without SS produced and testifying!

Creation of a Constructive Trust: See “Compelling an Accounting”, above/supra.

Recognizing MHLP for representing SS: In both the TRO (1) and PRO (1), Escala sua sponte denied this. Though MHLP/HK still allowed to attend the proceedings (what happened to BRMC (1)- CC (1, 2)’s concern (sic) and agitation (sic) for SS’s privacy rights?)????????

BRMC (1) could not ask for this//no standing, in SS’s pure private domain, based on BRMC-(1)_suit/anything. Otherwise, could not either, for bearing an undeniable conflict of interest/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) laden/dripping relationship with SS. Besides, this action worthy of sua sponte dismissal, based on SS needing to replace OS-SIS as defendant on the docket, all these, five, “causes of action’, individually and severally,  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. dismissible on the merits, …. “SS”_suit inoperative and in-actionable, insufficient as a matter of law, could not proceed (even if amended) without SS produced and testifying!

GAL/IK at this, second (1), hearing, was solidly in the opposition’s camp, one sensibly concludes upon Escala’s prompting or example …! Judges in American courts can exercise enormous control and sway over attorneys before them, unlike elsewhere, e,g, the UK. He promised to have SS in court, at this second (1), hearing, but abruptly reneged just the day before. Leaving OS-SIS with no time at alternatives!

At the hearing (1), he sat with the opposition block, on the other side of the aisle. Before this hearing (1), OS-SIS had met him in his office, but then did not speak to them. Would not look in their direction, deliberately avoiding …! The whole thing with all the appearances of having been, affirmatively, buttonholed, tight shut! So much for America, the land of the free, political “curtains” only in other countries …! This was the American legal system and justice on display, at its corrupt best …!

All the hanky-panky going on, corruption at SS’s expense, IK did not object to any of it, ONCE! When later, OS-SIS were to take his corruption to task, in their filed pleadings, he was to go so defensive as to reveal their assessment true. So defensive as to begin “talking” gibberish! Since, he had no well known Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) to his name to quote, offered having done some stray coursework at Columbia Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) as his defense! As if attending a major Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) was an acceptable defense whether one prone to corruption or not!?!

GAL/IK was the one, who at this hearing (1) told Escala, standing-up, SS and OS-SIS could not be allowed to reunite! His reasons, given, offering the best clue openly provided, as to why SS abducted and now detained for ten plus years. Tells Escala, if OS-SIS so allowed, they are bound t reinstate SS’s POA (1), even if Escala, strikes same down. Also, the best evidence yet, Escala, and the opposition et al. perfectly informed SS’s POA (1) perfectly valid in law. People giving themselves away in unguarded moments! Judges and other legal professionals not to be concerned so, if they believed and held SS’s POA (1) actually invalid in law.

IK was also to parrot, verbatim, to Escala something inane AJ used to say to the family any opportunity he got. Unable to find anything really wrong with OS-SIS’s handling of SS, he would say, promoting his misplaced agenda against the family when the shoe was on the other foot, they were wrong in advocating “discipline” to SS. This was as much forced quibbling, as it was an excuse to be given himself, for abandoning the “discipline” of his legal, JV (1), duties.

The “inane” part is significant, the opposition pedaling AJ’s inane gibberish a measurement of how deeply involved it was with him and vice versa! Indeed , OS-SIS quite sure AJ the one who gave the idea of severing SS from the family, an ancient pursuit of his upon being, justifiably, tossed out of the family. Not to reform himself, but to go to such lengths of misconduct and even insanity!

Otherwise, discipline was precisely what SS, as well as AJ, needed. SS agreed, he knew his mental problems came from not having made himself mentally tough to negotiate disappointment and adversity successfully, even though AJ’s frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5) causing undue delay in SS’s affairs receiving timely handling, AJ of course knew better too, he was, with his inanities, merely milking America’s highly permissive, spoilt, entitled/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6), … culture, in order to continue defrauding/1 (2-3. 4-5) his JV (1), duties, pushing his misplaced agenda and designs of attrition against the family!

Both AJ and SS were physically messy and undisciplined too, as in AJ given to dropping clothes where taken off, highly disorderly study and works table(s), … the whole gamut, where OS-SIS went the other day. … At any rate, deploying AJ’s inane sayings GAL/IK signaled how deeply the opposition involved  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. with AJ, how far prepared to go by way of adopting his rancid campaign, against the family, to its own advantage. As AJ’s pursuits of breaking up the family (using his younger siblings as pawns in his deranged existence, without helping them in anyway either) suited the predatory opposition’s coincidental plans to anyhow sever SS from his family for doing its will with him …!

GAL/IK combining with MHLP/HK, was to act as a goon and intimidating thug, posing to get information from OS-SIS about trust accounts belonging to SS they knew perfectly well did not exist, pursuing “constructive trust” matters based in the residual only on SS’s SSI, ....! All pure bull**** (pardon), in other words, but Escala giving it credence, … actual legs to stand on (sic)? Until OS-SIS to take up a big-stick, even to the rogue Escala, no one to S-T-O-P trying to simply intimidate SS’s family into going away. …

When OS-SIS first complained to Escala about all the corruption afoot, at that point not including him yet, he had the unmitigated temerity to tell them: “As officers of the law, they [CC (1, 2), MHLP/HK, GAL/IK,…] were inherently incapable of corruption!” (sic). OS-SIS could not help reminding him Richard Milhous Nixon was an [top Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6); Duke; otherwise he also turned down Harvard College for Whittier College in account of family responsibility] attorney, Spiro Theodore Agnew (who, incidentally, attended Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) in the evenings/nights, which AJ asked to do too) one too, as were William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton [from Yale Law] who were “involved” in the Whitewater controversy, All the impeachment investigations of United States Federal Judges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11),…

Escala’s court a regular “Vomitorium”, as coined in the Two And A Half Men - Season: 4 Episode: 15 - My Damn Stalker (1), Later in one of the, upcoming, Case Management Conferences, Escala, frustrated at not being allowed an easy passage for his corrupt disposition of the litigation at hand by face off with OS- SIS showing competent legal skills, was even to say “This case will decide my legacy on the bench (paraphrased)!”(1, 2)! An obvious reference and oblique admission to all his corruption being freely tendered, by way of concern and acknowledgement OS-SIS were going to expose it all bare.

It is a function of CC’s (1, 2) advanced capacity for unadulterated corruption, she obviously used her inside track with Simon (to whom her earliest filings were personally marked) and Escala (who got the case only because Simon was on her honeymoon and was to shortly thereafter resign/retire, leaving him heading the Bergen County, NJ (1) Superior Court Chancery Division), that she would refer to SS’s perfectly legal SS’s POA (1) “a moral and legal outrage (paraphrased)” in her opening papers at bar.

Why she needed to be found rhyming with “itch” itch (1, 2)! When Escala was sweating bullets and expressing elevated concerns about his legacy on the bench! When even the super rogue and wretched MHLP/HK compelled to acknowledge and concede OS-SIS and their court/legal performance “highly smart and exceptional”!

When CC (1, 2) herself waxing less than mediocrity to start with, found herself so terrified/petrified of OS-SIS’s pleadings/argued merits, she would not dispute them at all, would not even file any opposing papers at all at any time, ran for the hills refusing to join issue with them anywhere, anytime, any how, making a beeline for Escala complaining/whining of OS-SIS’s “ad hominem” stock taken of her when only just before she had been oozing distilled hoodlum intimidation tactics showered/rained on OS-SIS (including trying to crowbar their permanent disappearance from SS’s life as a criminal’s price for a few day’s adjournment to the opening hearing, … When GAL/IK, immediately following the PRO (1) hearing was to accost OS-SIS in the courthouse parking lot outside, to say he wanted them to stay scrupulously distanced and away from him!....

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. These were all cowards, hulking and supercilious cowards! How do we know that? By the size of their runaway corruption! Pussy, pusillanimous cowards! Study of AJ’s, extensively, worthless example and life having made us all gigantic experts and authority figures on this subject of corruption and cowardice going hand-in-hand forever. Never to be decoupled, because they were opposite sides of the same coin, There to be not even any fleeting doubt or reservation, Escala a mighty, mighty cowardly warrior, on behalf of the seething corruption that he occupied exhaustively, too! Corruption does nothing but breed cowardice, cowardice to deliver us nowhere except only into the arms of corruption alone.

What Escala and the opposition enacted relatedly in a courtroom at the Superior Court of NJ (Bergen County Vicinage), 2003 to 2004,, a microcosm of contemporary dysfunctional America at large gone berserk, which was to shortly discharge, scattershot and in all directions like the familiar mushroom cloud more germane to an atomic outburst, in the meltdown which opened up in September 2008 and continues to reverberate to this day. Corruption home to stay, roost in America, making a cozy nest within its folds for the long haul! Of too, too many small and cowardly types, to America’s dismay, consternation and detriment!

SS’s abduction eerily similar to the “Sean Goldman” case! Whereas, cumulatively NJ (1) the abductor in the enclosed case and the maternal Brazilian family in Sean’s case, whereas NJ,, USA (1) courts corrupting the Rule of Law/1-2 (3-4-5-6 7, 8-9-10-11,-12-13-14-15) and perverting justice in one case and Brazilian in the other, … essentially they are similar cases. Rule of Law/1-2 (3-4-5-6 7, 8-9-10-11,-12-13- 14-15) and justice subverted not just by the interested parties, but ultimately by the extra-judicial willingness of the courts serving only those, powerful, interests!

Both involve long term detention of the party concerned by brute force and corrupt will, In the end, break through in Sean’s case realized through public exposure and pressure, including the US State Department and even the White House.

No category of corruption left unturned in the case within. On hearing days, while waiting, CC (1, 2) to be found constantly accessing Escala’s chambers, brazenly in the open and full view of OS-SIS, taken as uninformed lay people and country bumpkin. While they could, even without attending Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), on personal-private scholarship and an instinct for the law, teach the best of admitted attorneys a thing or two about it. No attempt at any boast, but such natural feel for the law presupposes a certain rigorous general honesty and penchant for fair-play in life! Duly aided by a sense of self respect and personal integrity which does not bend to expediency! …

As such, not only CC (1, 2) seeking ex parte contact with Escala, but the slippery latter constantly allowing it. OS-SIS received constant feelings, through the litigation, CC (1, 2) uniformly having such prohibited contact, plotting with Escala. Nothing they could strictly put their fingers on, yet they were also to take note of concrete instances. While Escala reserved high fluted lectures for OS-SIS, not only on this specific subject but the general, elevated, tenor within which law needing to be practiced.

He too took OS-SIS for fools and/or the uninformed, for he also conducted his corruption in full, open, view of them. Not until OS-SIS exhibited their sophistication and insistently climbed on to his dastardly back for recusing back, did he withdraw relatedly and then too while throwing temper tantrums galore in frustration, administering undeserved tongue lashings gratuitously to OS-SIS that properly belonged deservingly only for his own sorry and twisted hide. Author(s) within will relate those “concrete instances” of ex parte misconduct by Escala, even the NJ Appellate Court/SCNJ_AD (1), at appropriate junctures below/infra.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. OS-SIS, in their answer/“SS-OS-SIS_Answer” to BRMC-(1)_suit duly included counterclaims, spelling out the entire body of BRMC’s (1), pre-litigation, corruption, amounting to malpractice and more. Included the fabricating misconduct support (SS coerced by Dr. K and TZ manufacturing documents suitable to the opposition) in bringing BRMC-(1)_suit to the bar. The swine Escala was either to pretend being unaware or just completely ignore all of OS-SIS’s filings throughout, even though plainly unopposed and undisputed by the opposition, Escala himself could and did not [dare] ever join issue with, …

He was to at one point, context forgotten, to state “I am not going to get into any of the issues pertaining to SS’s treatment (paraphrased)”, when those issues were at the heart of the controversy pertinent!?! After he issued his crooked PRO (1), out of hand ordering SS’s release from BRMC (1) without holding trial, when OS-SIS put his feet to the fire relatedly and inquired about his sense, point to holding trial when he had already so “let the horse out of the stable”, he merely looked back silently within an owlish, buffoon of an expression on his face.

Other tactics used by him, acting as a very poor “old hockey fake-out” but still deploying of the “oldest trick(s) in the book”, to avoid tackling SS-OS-SIS’s irresistible merits was to sweepingly, in sheer conclusory fashion, label their pleadings vague, incomprehensible, rambling, irrelevant, bloviated, prolific, … For one, Escala was told their papers were prolific, if they were, only because OS-SIS had to preserve everyone’s (Escala, the opposition, … others’ alike) lengthy spate and rash of corruption on the record. However, this piece of copious corruption incarnate had nothing at all to say about the “ten” ton weighing and profusely fabricated (1, 2, 3) bulk of unadulterated refuse CC (1, 2) had filed as her opening gambit, craven and fraudulent/1 (2-3. 4-5), at bar, no P-R-O-L-I-F-I-C occurring to him or figuring in him otherwise loaded vocabulary! This was the very kind of object that the adjective for whom the adjective shyster invented, very purposefully!

Otherwise, the law required of Escala to sift through the pleadings, without making any excuses, to locate SS-OS-SIS’s merits, which were in fact obvious, apparent and irresistible on their face! Lastly, if SS-OS- SIS’s pleadings, arguments, merits frivolous as Escala seeming to imply, why did he not ever formally dismiss them sua sponte!?! But of course, he dare not, would have meant making his prejudice even more apparent than he had already made it, more than abundantly.

SS-OS-SIS_Answer was also deployed to endeavor flushing AJ out. CC (1, 2) would, indeed could, not explain how he was abruptly, with super-speed, excavated between July 18th and July 25th, 2003, in time to supply his false affidavit(s) against OS-SIS and play other hanky-panky in the open!?! Thus, SS-OS- SIS_Answer not only asked he/his corruption be joined as a necessary party to the proceedings, but without referencing the family’s suit in NY against him his present, aggravated and advanced, misconduct be used to order him back to his JV (1) duties. The idea was if he used arguments of Collateral Estoppel and Res Judicata to fend off same, SS-OS-SIS to argue his continued misconduct against the family so shocking as to deny him those benefits, of interjecting those, Collateral Estoppel and Res Judicata, defenses.

No doubt, only this part of SS-OS-SIS’s strategy, rather far fetched, but between flushing him out and putting him on the defensive, something to go by vis-a-vis him. As an, aggressive, defensive measure pertaining to him, if you like!

Similarly, “SS”_suit was answered/“OS-SIS_Answer” to, by way of stressing its inherent insufficiency as a matter of law, issued based on SS coerced in comprehensive captivity actually by the opposition (of- course excluding SS) and not by SS, could not be allowed to proceed a moment further without SS being personally examined in court as to its authenticity, … Escala, once more, making himself totally oblivious  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. to its existence, simply glossing over it/OS-SIS_Answer in toto and entirely! American justice on roll out! American corruption vividly on display!

Escala could never see anything ever on SS-OS-SIS’s side. His sua sponte reserved only for blocking justice deserved by them. He could not see their merits within the “bloviations s et al,”, could label their filings prejudicially so, … but he could see their, justified, rendering of his and the opposition’s corruption and prejudicially label same “objectionable”, … Escala’s entire handling biased and rigged, through and through! Among other things, bearing OS-SIS a grudge, for standing up to him; what else could they do in the face of his intransigent corruption!?! His tyranny and oppression, abusing his power (1, 2), discretion, …! Deliberately miscarrying justice deserved clearly by SS-OS-SIS!

Once OS-SIS had bumped into a long-term employee in the elevator of the Superior Court of NJ (Bergen County Vicinage) courthouse, who spoke to them, at some length, of the pompous and self-important airs of judges as not a problem merely for the litigants, but in some ways even worse off for the court employees, day in and day out. What was the movie “And Justice For All”, all about?

“The film includes a well-known scene in which Pacino's character shouts, ‘You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!’” - And Justice For All

He was not to see (sic) fact CC (1, 2) tried to trade a few day’s adjournment to the first hearing for the family vanishing permanently from SS’s life, all the goon like stalking/1, 2, 3 and intimidation GAL/IK and MHLP/HK were to subject OS-SIS to and in search of SS trust related information they knew did not exist, fabricated (1, 2, 3) documents CC (1, 2) knowingly brought to the bar, … Escala is a regular, con skilled, Molly Flanders/“MF”!

Belongs behind bars, for multiple lifetimes, conning people and justice from the bench, far worse than any con conducted on the streets! The MF a despicable, low lying, dishonorable, self and other abusing, chicken-craven coward , as a social predator and pariah! Who would oppress and traumatize people he was deputed, mandated to protect. Contemptible, as beyond the reach of even minimalistic human calling! Hides behind his robes to do the devil’s work! Black robes not to define him, but rather only his preferred blackguard nature! This was indeed a small, small “man”, insignificant in his worthless existence and calling betrayed alike!

Frank Schaffer wants to tell us: Why is the USA Screwed – Maybe Forever? (1) One way he expresses himself topically:

“When personal responsibility and private taboos crumble on the one hand, and when public responsibility and taboos crumble on the other hand, the mix becomes toxic. Everyone is into what works for ‘me’ but not what works for ‘us.’” - Why is the USA Screwed – Maybe Forever? (1)

America’s contemporary dysfunction is best measured in terms of how much of it and the resultant casualty is out there, the sheer bulk of it all. There is individual misconduct, then collectively there is the medical or healthcare related, political, corporate, judicial, attorney,… no aspect of American life and operations untainted by some form of, heavy-duty corruption.

Escala’s devil was no ordinary player, no accidental corruption his subversion of justice! He tried to manipulate OS-SIS psychology, by telling them, current times so messed up and standing on their head, for all the frivolous litigation Americans went for … While same rather true, OS-SIS were bit about to  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. let him get away with labeling their, largely defensive, litigation anything of that sort. Escala knew, at some point more than knew, … yet also did not want to know … in OS-SIS he was not dealing with people who could not think for themselves, did not know what they were doing, …

Otherwise, he was oblivious to the rigorous thinking capacity and background of scholarship they came from. As scions of the Indian Administrative and Foreign Service, as products of intense scholarship from India and its tough educational rearing which in America has already been left abegging in the wake of its declining educational standards, … none of this by way of boast or somehow posing India as in anyway superior … but to inform only, he had no capacity to put one over OS-SIS in anyway whatsoever. No capability to mislead them at all, stalking/1, 2, 3 his foul extra-judicial agenda.

OS-SIS want him to know, all over again a decade later, they were forever on to him, his low-down pursuits! All, his skunk! … Escala was up to such consummate, exhaustive and sole corruption alone he wanted to keep it contained as far as he could! Manage his risks relatedly. Hence, his tactic(s) and strategy to somehow get OS-SIS to “just go away”, on their own!

It was the same with CC (1, 2), also acutely conscious of leading with unvarnished corruption alone; why she tried to barter a few days adjournment to the first hearing for OS-SIS “voluntarily” vanishing from SS’s life forever! Why she deployed the GAL/IK and MHLP/HK goon tandem to endeavor intimidating them “away and gone”. Escala tried many maneuvers (see: above/supra and below/infra) to so “get rid off” OS-SIS, “shake them off”, … such bent to manipulate their psychology merely one of many, beside his partner-in-crime CC (1, 2) et al. The unmitigated and hulking slime, scum of a human being, filthy judge yo be reserved in queue only behind! Escala to exceed all bounds of judicial impunity!

OS-SIS cogently disputed and refuted every minute disingenuity, fabrication, … every … that alone filled her ten ton bulk of opening filings, CC (1, 2), far from joining issue either with SS-OS-SIS’s defenses or affirmative claims, was obviously apparent being fighting shy of filing any response papers in the litigation, E-V-E-R! Quite evident she was petrified of attempting same, even remotely, for fear of putting her law license to consequent jeopardy.

So pervasive her fabrications, knowingly before the bar! So total and exclusive her reliance on disingenuity! So brazen her frauds/1 (2-3. 4-5) upon the court, which Escala turned a total blind eye to and indeed something she would not have as daringly attempted had she not been pre-assured of Simon- Escala’s prejudice! … Why SS, capable of spontaneously exposing her to her certain “death” if reunited with OS-SIS, just had to be abducted “for good”!

Whereas Case 2 below/infra, even though subject-wise had little (except OS-SIS were to lose their home because of SS’s illness related preoccupations and BRMC (1), this first litigation related corruption) to do with this Case 1, yet in terms of Escala’s heightened (if same possible at all) corruption, meant to punish OS-SIS for standing up to him in this first litigation, there, same forms a yardstick for measuring the size and audacity of his corruption here in this present case. Eventually CC (1, 2) and Escala accumulated so much corruption, covering up preceding layers, that the end, exit could only be super piled on corruption alone!

Where Escala started out (see below/infra) speaking of and promising due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9- 10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18), once he too had piled on huge quantities of corruption himself, same was to become a total casualty, for self-protection, in his handling too. Such comprehensive denial of all due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) was foremost to take the shape of SS’s production, testimony, … having to be suppressed (1, 2, 3) cold in its tracks! CC (1, 2), who came to the

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. bar knowingly with fabricated (1, 2, 3) documentation, entered this litigation prepared and vehemently designed not to produce SS, under no circumstances.

Indeed, her brazen reliance on such fabrications integrally presupposed, from the outset, not to ever produce SS, even as her audacity corrupting in free-wheeling fashion rested on the pre-assurance of Simon-Escala’s prejudice. Eventually, Escala too was to reach the same juncture, fairly quickly, beyond which producing SS became personally hazardous for his own self as well! … As such, SS was never to be produced, … due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) made an utter casualty in these proceedings under discussion currently.

Escala did not say no to OS-SIS’s demand(s) for deposing SS, most inescapably deserved by right on account of “SS”_suit but no less by BRMC-(1)_suit too, he would first merely side-step responding, … eventually he began to hide from, endeavoring to save face, them all together. A list of hundred interrogatories sent CC (1, 2), brazenly and even jauntily responded to by typing “Interrogatories not couched properly, cannot be answered so” hundred times in conclusory fashion so. Escala playing the same games over OS-SIS’s demand(s) for compelling CC (1, 2) to respond properly, as he did with the issue of producing SS … Could anything be more subversive, also R-E-V-E-A-L-I-N-G!

In this manner matters passed on to the First Case Management Conference, of late December 2003. In the back-ground and away from the court OS-SIS simultaneously losing their home! Otherwise, if everything in this Case 1 had so far gone only the way of distilled corruption pushed meaningfully in one direction only, what indeed to expect from this Case Management Conference # 1???????? More American J-U-S-T-I-C-E to be showcased in a moment, a-la-carte the Escala twist! America Corruption, Inc. watermarked, embossed, sealed and authenticated! Exuding the full flavor of American insanity, latest and the most up-to-date vintage!

However, before gracing this conference, a small interlude! An interesting and instructive detour! Bound to entertain too! Priceless American wickedness and decadence on display!

SIS happened to drop off, serve, court documents on CC (1, 2). The only time personally, at her former office (@ 27 Main Street, # 306, Hackensack, NJ 07601-7081). When she inquired after CC (1, 2) at the front desk, with the receptionist, as to the latter’s whereabouts and availability, SIS told the other closeted with a client and could not be disturbed. Yet, this receptionist went into double-check with CC (1, 2) whether to accept the papers being served by SIS.

The next thing, CC (1, 2) came bounding out to the reception area, barefoot and breathless. Obviously, jumping at the opportunity of having SIS, without OS present! On a mission similar to the one Mrs. I had accepted from AJ, when he came visiting the family, out of the blue, in NJ sometime in February, 2001. When Mrs. I, calling, had asked SIS over to her side! In easily entered intrigue, in order to facilitate, upon his asking, a chance for AJ to speak to SIS without OS present! First Mrs. I and now (/then) CC (1, 2) bent to dastardly undertakings, acting as AJ’s hatchet-agent.

Only CC (1, 2)’s designs far more insidious and invidious than any Mrs. I could have held, executed. While she might have been, on the face, acting/watching out for AJ’s hegemony and foul agenda against the family, it was really the ulterior purpose of exploiting it, wretchedly, to her client’s(/BRMC (1)) advantage she was gunning for.

She was to tell SIS, AJ cared for her … SIS, first disgusted with her interfering deep into the family’s personal/private affairs (of-course outraged at AJ’s cowardice, lack of all propriety, low brow, … despite having been raised properly in the family), then piqued and annoyed by her gauche familiarity, then also  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. repulsed by her core depravity, … gave her withering look to the accompaniment of “Fine way he has of showing it!” Thereafter, a few choice words for CC’s (1, 2) own obscene existence, but without resorting to any vulgarity deserved by the low-life other …

Properly chastised, CC (1, 2) tried to make some-kind of recovery, by trying to give SIS advice on how the latter could save her home. Suggesting court intervention in staying foreclosure proceedings/sheriff’s auction sale … SIS even more irked at such gratuitous liberties taken, CC (1, 2) pretending to overlook her own direct contribution in precipitating that mess, … icily cut her off with “Do not presuppose to know enough law to teach us any!”, before turning on her heels for the exit door out of the place

America has to seriously re-examine specifically, beyond a re-visit with its society’s general value-system underpinnings, what they are teaching people in its Law School(s)l/1-2 (3-4-5-6) Former, Wisconsin Senator, Russ Feingold, already outraged at the Bush administration’s national security policies, feeling further disturbed at the newly installed Obama Administration’s refusal to prosecute related illegalities stated “‘Part of what troubles me are the lawyers – we should see their law school degrees - …’ … Feingold viewed investigations and, perhaps, prosecutions as a key tool to restoring America's moral standing. … ‘It is truly horrifying and unforgivable that anybody operating under the auspices of the United States of America had involvement in any of this,’ …” (1, 2, 3).

“What's so 'good' about business students flocking to finance because 'that's where the money is'? What's so good about them putting all their energy and ingenuity into concocting new ways to gamble with other people's money, instead of creating something beneficial to society?

What's so 'good' about law students flocking to corporate law because 'that's where the money is'? What's so good about them putting all their energy and creativity into helping major corporations cheat the government, their workers, their consumers, and the general public out of what is rightfully theirs?

The greed-worshippers have so distorted American values that selfishness is considered a virtue, while any sort of generosity, altruism, or concern for the welfare of the many is considered 'communism'!” - Why Free-Market Capitalism Will Follow Communism Into the Trash-Heap of History (1, 2)

The December, 2003 Case Management Conference was to be the biggest “clown affair”, farce yet! While everyone waited, CC (1, 2) repeatedly making trips to Escala’s Chambers, not even bothering to disguise her ex parte contact with the joke of a bench being dealt with.

What trial, as signaled by the staging of this conference, indeed was Escala headed towards? He had already, unlawfully, restrained the POA (1) in advance of the trial, to let the horse out of the barn by allowing SS to be transferred out of BRMC (1) (issue at the core of the controversy) and without any DL&TP (1) leaving him wide open to endless turfing for the rest of his days.

In its opening papers (the “ten” ton fabricated (1, 2, 3) abomination), BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) had admitted that the average stay for a patient at BRMC (1) was “forty-five days” and SS had already spent a year and nine months there, by July 2003. Making it seem as if this was OS-SIS’s fault, not actually as it was only BRMC’s (1): the “forty-five days” intimation (as if medical treatment could be so measured in terms of quantified, number of days) a confession of the industry’s highly objectionable and malpractice  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. suggesting turfing habits, its refusal to give SS individual and reinforced therapy on the grounds that he was a Medicare patient, discriminating against his POA (1) (not accepting it, while accepting court ordered guardianships), refusing to issue SS his rightful DL&TP (1), …

Ad hominem attacks, a worse fate deserved by them on earth and reserved up in the heavens for such unspeakable sleaze!?! America is a meltdown waiting to happen, next time a real honest to God original one. A ticking time bomb! A pent up volcano, itching to explode! … All the insanity swirling around in the country, including the loony tunes the story within too, if is not reliable Indian smoke signals then what else are they?

“Can we radically transmute? Can we change? Do we really want to change? Are we going to change or are we going to just get back on the train and let it take us wherever it goes? We need to build new tracks, cleaner trains and return to a time of sacrifice and fortitude and grace and beauty. All aboard...?” A Fish Called Denial (1, 2, 3)

“A few years ago, I heard Gloria Steinem give a talk entitled "Leaps of Consciousness." The point that resonated most with me was the idea that it's time for this country to move from the Declaration of Independence toward a Declaration of Interdependence. … I've thought a lot about interdependence in the last few weeks, and it's clearer than ever that all of us on this planet will either swim, or sink, together.… She did it because it was the right thing to do.” - Yes You Can (1, 2)

At the December, 2003 Case Management Conference, Escala pointedly would not produce SS to speak for himself in court, despite finding him competent to do so and freely acknowledging that the family was inescapably entitled to the due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) of examining him in court. Allowing CC and her wicked cohorts to enact their fraud(s)/1 (2-3. 4-5) upon SS and the court alike simultaneously. While, going so far as to say, if Zacarias Moussaoui entitled to all due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) under American law and justice, then OS-SIS decidedly entitled!?!

Just prior to this Conference, Escala refused to accept, in an ever widening display of his tainted judicial integrity, a discrete complaint (“suit_MHLP/HK/EV”) that the family had filed against MHLP/HK/EV. Even though its source and causes were firmly related/connected to the BRMC-(1)_suit and “SS”_suit proceedings already in his handling. In a display of aggressive/aggravating judicial indiscipline and failure, also refusing to give the mandatory explanation for punting in law-unto-self fashion so! BRMC- (1)_suit, full of CC’s (1, 2) known fabrications, “SS”_suit, obviously coerced out of SS held in all-sided captivity and suppression and ab initio insufficient as a matter of law, he would accept blindfolded and alacrity, but not suit_MHLP/HK/EV and simply because it was filed by SS-OS-SIS, against parties supported by his extra-judicial agenda?

Even going with Escala's loaded and prejudiced adjudication(s), finding SS's POA (1) invalid, MHLP guilty of malpractice. For it was MHLP/AR who had prepared that POA (1)!

Playacting, at the conference, Escala expressed being unaware that the family had filed a counter- complaint against BRMC (1) (/BRMC-(1)_suit) et al. (apart from MHLP covered discretely in the affirmative suit_MHLP/HK/EV). He was so immersed in merely tilting the case in favor of BRMC (1) (NJ (1) in actuality, taken as BRMC’s (1) partner and the latter the former’s special interest constituency}, he was to repeatedly also betray that he never even bothered to properly read the

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. papers/pleadings filed by the family, OVER AND OVER AGAIN ESCALA BETRAYED HIS EXTRA- JUDICIAL AGENDA HELD, nakedly while interacting with the family!

He constantly pitched into the family, unleashing a vitriolic and toxic tongue lashing at it. Severe and very severe, while sitting a few feet away from the family at this conference! At the same time interacting very cordially and even in intimate (loosey goosey and thick) terms with the opposition lawyers present. Despite being aware of his obvious prejudice held, the family could not make sense of this immediately, Slowly it gathered, Escala felt trapped. He had dived headlong into prejudicing the case openly, not expecting the Pro Se family to resist and give the highly competent combat it did, then spot him dead accurate too.

Escala paying for his own sins so to speak, but taking it out on the family, for nothing more than that it was unexpectedly standing up to his corruption with competent legal exactitude and formidable substance. He had hoped to scare and railroad it into submission, carrying out all his hanky-panky smoothly. He had expected the family to succumb and combust spontaneously before his “August” and looming perch atop his bench, frightened and petrified alone in court without any legal counsel beside it, as so many lay people do at the mere mention of court appearance.

He had banked on the family not understanding either court civil procedure or comprehending his orders. He had assumed that it could not supply the intricate legal thought required for the brand of combat at hand. He was also to surprise himself finding that it could see through to his corrupt pursuits with the utmost of ease and facility. He simply had not counted on the family’s love for SS as a means to generate a very real and stout push back against his corruption carried out in the most impune, impure manner possible, in tandem with all the opposition parties.

In other words, Escala felt very naked and exposed in his extra-judicial handiwork to that point. Needing the family to capitulate and go away, so that he would not have to extend his corruption and expose himself still further, he so attempted to coerce and scare the family into abandoning SS arbitrarily, to Escala’s relief. .Not at all unlike the equally wretched CC (1, 2) bent also to decoupling SS, by any means possible, from his family for obvious ulterior motives.

When the family far from capitulating before any of all this early trickery, legal corruption as in Escala’s two orders (TRO and PRO) above/supra dripping lustily with justice and due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18)subverted by active design, intimidation as in stalking/1, 2, 3 it with threats to supply the whereabouts of SS’s fictional trust accounts, … instead came back offering formidable combat, in advance of further corruption to be impressed, Escala was left at this conference trying to destabilize the family with face-to-face verbal abuse shot gushingly and liberally at and all over them. No matter what the issue, no matter what the family said or not, … he gratuitously poured and heaped hot lava in ungloved fashion on them, in stark contrast to the undeserved kids gloves elaborately assumed for pampering the nefarious opposition.

What Escala, perfectly informed and conscious/aware, was presiding over was designed subversion and travesty of justice. Mock proceedings and a kangaroo court, actively erected as a dress-up that never fooled the family once or in the least; SS was supposed to be present at both the hearings in the past, but was deliberately and strategically suppressed as an unmistakable gagging device. predatory prowling by parties concerned! Law and justice bent to suit nefarious purposes straight up!

First BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) et al, including MHLP/, take him captive, because they could not either intimidate or befool him into towing their line clearly detrimental to all his rights-and interests. So, in the  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. lexicon of their nefarious antecedents, his person has to be abducted with impunity in broad daylight; then they refuse to produce him in court, bucking inescapable due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12- 13-14-15-FM, 17-18). Predatory, more predatory and only predatory disposals! When law and justice went the way of street criminality!

Escala had already let the horse out of the barn, by allowing SS to be discharged, unlawfully, without any DL&TP (1) at the very outset and ahead of the necessary full blown trial! With equal deceit, he declared he was not going to go into the details of SS’s treatment, which tellingly was the equivalent of saying for a murder trial that all disposition of the deceased body would be copiously excluded. With all his parol exertions extolling the virtues of due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) within any judicial proceeding, he never produced an obviously captive SS for the ongoing hearings-conferences, never actually ordered his availability for deposition or the trial supposed to take place ahead, never compelled proper response from CC (1, 2) to the family’s interrogatories or punished her for toying with them most frivolously, …

The vehemence with which opposition parties, throughout the litigation, resisted SS’s production, is a “writing in the sky” variety of looming, unmistakable and compelling clue, evidence as to the corruption afoot in what that opposition, uniformly, doing. Unadulterated and exclusive corruption leading this litigation, as conducted by these sordid parties and then the foul Escala layering his own impure coat(s) atop! If any part of this litigation had anything at all to do with SS’s own wishes, he would have been produced in the utmost of facile fashion. Precisely because none of these were his own wishes, he had to be suppressed!

Conversely too, since he was suppressed with anal (pardon) insistence and vehemence, it follows and flows naturally, logically the litigation at hand was not in the least of his wishes, seeking. The vehemence so intense, at this Conference, GAL/IK was to suggest he maybe deposed, allowed to testify, … for SS!?! Could anything be more revealing as to where SS’s wishes really lay, the certainty of GAL/IK’s personal corruption, … how ridiculously off-base, loaded this suggestion was! How the potency of this departure from what the due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) rules meant to accomplish, a clear statement of the corruption all abroad in the litigation within!

If OS-SIS had not been so utterly aggrieve, they would have been amused at this state of American justice, reduced to sheer comedy, entire comical proportions. Not even any, lingering, modicum of concern for self-respect with any of these parties, American Shamelessness/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32) in full blown evidence. As if others, OS-SIS, could not read or tell the implications of this wild suggestion, how desperate opposition parties were to suppress SS. How petrified of being exposed if anyway SS reunited with OS-SIS! How crooked America law and justice could be.

Escala freely pouring hot anger, lava on OS-SIS, while simultaneously elaborately coddling opposition parties right there too, could just not be missed either! Not merely because the contrast so striking, but even more because the corrupt parties being well received while the innocent parties given step-motherly or fatherly treatment. Actually, it was his frustrations speaking inexorably. It was the old story, Escala would not direct his anger, properly, at himself, so OS-SIS to be, gratuitously be made scapegoats of his cowardice.

Once again, he wanted OS-SIS to go away voluntarily, abandoning SS, so that he would not have to go on corrupting the action(s) at bar. Thus, continue putting himself to greater and still greater jeopardy! Pedaling heavy-duty petulance and towering salvos fired at OS-SIS, childishly (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Escala on one of these occasions was to utter his now famous “This case will decide my legacy on the  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. bench (paraphrased)!”(1, 2)! His conduct mirroring CC’s (1, 2) debauchery endeavoring to trade a few days adjournment to the first hearing for OS-SIS voluntarily moving permanently out of SS’s life!?!

CORRUPTION THY NAME IS AMERICA or AMERICA THY NAME IS CORRUPTION! This country now teems with heavy-duty corruption and sleaze, depravity and decadence in too, too many sickeningly deranged and degenerate hands-minds and quarters. Never more unspeakable, wretched, dastardly and craven,… than CC (1, 2), Escala, … the entire, despicable and contemptible, coterie in their tow. Never more unprincipled and impure than the entire bunch of opposition parties (including, very firmly the no less, super, rogue and MF Escala).

Atoo H. Sakhrani/“Atoo_HS”, whose mortgage related matter Escala had allegedly corrupted, sued (in 2005; 1) the judge relatedly. Including, during the pendancy of this suit (1) held the judge’s house in Tenafly, NJ under Lis Pendens notice! The matter was tried outside Bergen County, NJ (1), resolving fair trial considerations, in next door Passaic County, NJ (1) by one Judge Graziano. Escala represented by Stuart Rabner, NJ (1) Attorney General! Atoo_HS, in personal conversation with OS-SIS, alleged he had a personal conversation with Stuart Rabner, who had allegedly acknowledged that representing Escala was not part of his normal duties, but eventually that is how the state “political cookie crumbles”!

In both, the trial and appellate proceedings, it would seem the core merits never really pierced, Escala’s exoneration largely decided on the basis of judicial immunity/N.J.S.A. 59:3-2 in a certain summary manner. Atoo_HS also initiated impeachment proceedings (1, 2, 3) against Escala, in the NJ (1) Legislature, around October 2005, but then Escala proceeded on mandatory retirement, at age 70, on February 24, 2006. Why such a judge was recalled to the bench (1, 2), January 2011, is beyond any sensible person’s comprehension and may be referred only to NJ (1), the “pit of corruption{‘s}” way of doing business!

Atoo_HS also told OS-SIS that he allegedly had agreement with a NJ (1) TV station to air his story. At the eleventh hour, same was allegedly cancelled, Atoo_HS believing opposing parties leaned on the station to effect, accomplish same, the cancellation!

A NJ (1) elder, Sharon Gregg, alleging in a public posting on the web (1, 2), accused Escala of participating in the looting of her inheritance of her father’s estate. Escala (1) was also accused of possibly having, post retirement, hiring discussions with Herten, Burstein, Sheridan, Cevasco, Bottinelli, Litt & Harz LLC/“Herten” (merged with Archer & Greiner PC on May 2, 2011) in 2005-2006 while trying a case (DeNike v. Cupo, BER-C-194-03) where Herten figured for the winning plaintiff (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The NJ Supreme Court merely administered a meaningless rap on the knuckles to Escala, in terms of the “appearance of impropriety”(1).

Escala desecrated the Constitution! He has implicated himself with his own words! He possesses a dubious reputation around NJ (1), on account of the amount of questionable conduct out there. This was, is no ordinary scoundrel at all, he has been preying on people from the bench for a long time. Fact that he has not been bailed before, perhaps not so much a function of his being innocent, but rather that we operate in the “pit of corruption NJ (1)!Otherwise, even if in all the above/supra matters highlighted Escala actually innocent, he is decidedly guilty of misconduct in the case storied within.

At the December 2003 Conference the swine tried any and every device to mislead OS-SIS, including telling them outright they had no case. The problem, for him, was they were not at all dependent on him for assessing the merits of the case within. Even while speaking, hypothetically, of producing SS, he accompanied same with open handed threats of curtailing their cross-examination! An oblique reference to his extra-judicial agenda held, as if saying and in fact saying OS-SIS were barking up a futile tree  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. having SS produced. Even if produced, he, Escala, was going to exert his damnedest to deny them getting what they wanted to get from SS.

OS-SIS were not shy about asking Escala aggressively what conduct of theirs would warrant his, Escala, so intervening and curtailing them? Why would he issue and announce such strictures in advance as he was doing? Suppress due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) in this manner, after rigmaroling it enough already, as before!?! He got OS-SIS’s message so, perfectly, yet he did not, for he had an external agenda to serve! OS-SIS were relentless about demanding SS’s production, telling Escala they would agree to no advance to trial without SS deposed, then produced for testifying P-E-R-S-O-N-A- L-L-Y in court.

They also put Escala’s feet to the fire with respect to what he had meant by having SS released in advance of trial, leaving really what to be decided on that occasion? What he meant by “not to get into the mechanics of SS’s treatment”, when same lay at the heart of the underlying controversy? What could be the legal meaning to, sense in restraining their powers under the POA (1) in advance of a trial meant to decide its validity? What precisely did he mean by “attorneys and judges, as officers of the court, were intrinsically incapable of corruption? What indeed was he doing?… As Escala’s agitation grew in the face of such direct confrontation, he only grew angrier still, but rolling back on berating OS-SIS wild!

He also grew increasingly irrational, in his convulsive thrashing even asked OS-SIS if they would be agreeable to his holding an impromptu trial on the spot? An impromptu trial on the spot!?! OS-SIS bent over confused and at a loss. How could he even ask something like this, was this a court of law or Escala’s personal comedy club? Plus, had not they just finishing belaboring, at considerable length, to him they would not participate in any trial that did not first produce SS, per inescapable due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) ensured?

Escala was suffering in the throes of the trap he had sprung on himself. He had no discretionary powers in terms of denying due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) to OS-SIS. Doing so would put himself outside the purview of judicial immunity assured him by N.J.S.A. 59:3-2. He did not want to escalate his corruption, when OS-SIS had noticed they were not to be easily fooled. Not when they also served notice on him that they were prepared to confront his misconduct frontally. Worse still, prepared to make a copious record of all the corruption swirling insanely through the length and breadth of this litigation’s full span!

Be that as it may, by suggesting an impromptu trial on the spot, Escala knew he had betrayed himself monumentally one more time. Together with the GAL/IK, also betraying himself bare, suggesting that he be deposed and allowed to testify for SS, a nexus of not only very weird legal events taking place simultaneously, but one also constituting the lengths to which these corrupting parties prepared to go to suppress SS.W-H-Y!?! Why the vehemence? Such vehemence!?! The proverbial, anal (pardon) vehemence!?! What were they all afraid SS would expose?

The attitude towards mental illness in this country, attention paid towards treatment and wellness for those suffering in this manner, is shockingly abysmal:

“[Former Rep. (RI-D). Patrick] Kennedy said improving treatment -- and ultimately, perception -- of mentally ill Americans is a civil rights issue.

‘I want people to understand these are not these evil, bad people," Dart said. "They're people who have made mistakes in their lives and they're people that, but by the grace of God, could be us.’” - State's Largest Mental Health Facility Is A Jail  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Escala’s court, as the bastion, dripping corruption, otherwise a hoary joke! Reduction of American justice in this manner, down to such abject and comical proportions!?! But before that, how can any of us feel big or courageous ill-serving the handicapped, vulnerable? God’s children first, foremost! Why Children of a Lesser God resonated with the people, indeed why God is invoked in the same breath as any infirmity of this earth! Sometimes glorified, but at other times perhaps only chastised!

I found Him in the shining of the stars, I marked Him in the flowering of His fields, But in His ways with men I find Him not. I waged His wars, and now I pass and die. O me! for why is all around us here As if some lesser god had made the world, … - Alfred Lord Tennyson's "Idylls of the King."

OS-SIS were to also raise the issue of the statement SS gave to Paul for the court back on July 29, 2003, wherein he had clearly and unequivocally identified documents produced at bar by BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) as coerced out of him and fabricated, … Escala flippantly replying SS had the right to change his mind, but was left floundering when OS-SIS shot back and retorted with “Is that the reason why so much vehemence from opposing parties in not producing him in court … fear he might change his mind back in the other direction!?!” Otherwise, OS-SIS merely pressing incessant, SS simply had to be produced. Escala with no discretionary powers to deny prescribed due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14- 15-FM, 17-18)!

This, if it were not bearing such serious matters then utterly comedic, Conference ended on a somewhat upswing note, with Escala issuing an oral order for SS to be produced at the following Case Management Conference, scheduled for early February, 2004. He even bulked it by requiring BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) would have to produce a medical certificate if SS not produced so, which could have been a clever “exit” provision for those parties, but OS-SIS only took this development as a positive note.

No doubt Escala was afraid of not producing SS, even as he was now afraid producing him too! BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) afraid of producing him as he would not only expose his true wishes (contrary to what BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) representing them to be) but also reveal how he had been coerced into producing fabricated documents for BRMC (1)/CC’s (1, 2) ill conceived litigation. GAL/IK wanting to suppress SS because, all, that he was reporting to the court as SS’s wishes was not at all the conversation SS having with him. MHLP/HK, who was not even supposed to be there at all and indistinguishably enmeshed with BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) opposed for the same reason(s) as BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2).

As Escala left the Conference at its termination, the decent and well mannered OS-SIS, mostly for form sake still, threw a “thank you” at his retreating back! This was for his hosting function, out of respect for institutional justice, even some bits of sympathy for an older man in his thrashing personal turmoil though of his own corrupt making, then for ordering SS’s production for the next conference, … Escala, just about to vanish through a door into his Chambers adjoining, turned his neck and with a piercing malevolent look locked on OS-SIS spat out “No, you are not!”

The incredible and hulking sob (pardon), he himself the one playing havoc with SS, OS-SIS, their entire family life, … he should have the temerity to feel sorry for himself, so!?! Did he really think OS-SIS owed him courtesy, in some make-believe and weird world of his mental conjuring, to simply walk away from

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. SS’s life forever, just so that he could now cover his tracks, made by his gratuitous and ill-advised prior corruption, in facile fashion????????

America now is a super predatory society, country, for all its superficial signposts of being a F-R-E-E abode! Of late all we see is, too much, of American citizens trying to devour fellow citizens! Otherwise, places for handicapped, vulnerable people, always a favorite hunting ground for such poachers. Those who lead with viciously controlling other people, on the slightest pretext! We have already dealt, above/supra, with depictions in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12¸13, 14/14, 15)! Then there is a similar depiction in one of the episodes of the “Jeffersons” (1, 2, 3)!

Then there is the scary and dark control exercised on women, the minds of people (1/12) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) within the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints/“FLDS”’s fold! … Goes on and on! … AJ the worst predator of all, ever, for he targeted and victimized the family for his private and misplaced agenda, vengeance. He was supposed to have helped SS get established in America, instead not only did he cause his illness, in the insanity of his mindless pursuits delivered him into the predatory hands of corrupt strangers.

AJ, who has lived his entire life in supersized fear and pusillanimity, trying to prove his macho via the route of distilled hooliganism. Pressing even his legal license in the service of his gushing licentiousness! … In the process misinterpreting real/true courage, Unable to distinguish between courage and hooliganism or being able to distinguish too, but uncaring (1) about it! If he could not produce courage, then generating hooliganism be it …!

Conduct in sharp contrast to OS-SIS’s copious, selfless, sacrifices for SS, which foul NJ (1) would dare defile and commit sacrilege to call abuse of him in some incomprehensible way. They gave their career and life to care for him, so criticism of their conduct by a rabid society, which has forgotten what sacrifice/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6), family and having heart for another all about, outright laughable, even misplaced and cheeky audacity! OS-SIS were getting into so much trouble personally taking care of SS, nothing selfish could have been driving them even remotely, as the opposition, most disingenuously, claimed in their blatantly conjured up litigation! Escala’s House of justice a cabal, a House of ill-repute! America with its value-system dissipated a House of horrors!

There is something very wrong with Bergen County, NJ (1)! With its law enforcement, it would seem! With its court system, Superior Court! Just take a look at: “Developmentally disabled man jailed for allegedly shoplifting.”(1, 2, 3)! Otherwise, something very wrong with America as a whole!

SS had been kept in forced detention and a suppressed state, in America no less, “… the land of the free …” By this time, in December 2003, already for five long months! So held captive, by an American hospital/BRMC (1) no less too, so that its campaign of self-serving corruption and fabrications, especially pertaining to hijacking SS’s core and fundamental rights brazenly, could not be challenged by him in open court and at the point of due process/1, 2 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-FM, 17-18) duly safe- kept/upheld!

This is our unrecognizable America today and at home, who are we then to lecture others on human rights and righteousness around the globe? What Iron Curtain do we in America dare speak of, in the face of such American Curtain operating at home itself!?! Let us not forget all this free-flowing, naked and abundant debauchery going on in front of America’s judicial system in corruption incarnate NJ (1) state!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. It is well known “… This is what pedophiles, predators do. They isolate them from family.”(1). In the case within, the filthy crook Escala was a willing predator and criminal while occupying an American judicial bench, to say nothing of three NJ Appellate Court/SCNJ_AD (1) judges to come later. A whole coterie of others, from the, so aptly advertised corrupt, state of NJ (1), figuring centrally too!

In this interim period leading to the second case management conference (scheduled for February 2004), the family filed two summary judgment motions to dismiss BRMC-(1)_suit and “SS”_suit (“SJM1” and “SJM2”respectively). All of BRMC’s (1) causes were non-starters, as already discussed above/supra, save one. This one, to move on the grounds of public policy, was unavailable too upon failure to show any fraud or abuse by family in handling powers delegated it by SS’s POA (1).

“SS”_suit was dismissible for being prima facie insufficient as a matter of law. To the extent it did purport to assert t the same five so-called causes of action, again it was deserving of sua sponte dismissal, for all the same reasons as BRMC-(1)_suit was. Yet, the benched crook Escala was to simply shut-ignore SJM1 and SJM2 too, as he did anything and everything SS-OS-SIS filed. Yet, he was to dismiss this “SS”_suit, with accelerated and no-pause alacrity, on CC’s (1, 2) motion. Further, dismissing it, on grounds of insufficiency, as to BRMC (1), but not OS-SIS; how indeed can this be!?!?!?!? Could anything be more corrupt?

Could anything be more revealing of Escala’s corruption, behind that of the opposition parties!?! And this not the only instance where these parties, Escala included and combined, gave out such tall and obvious signs of their designed corruption; notching unmistakable betrayal of themselves!

Even the provision that under the terms of the instrument SS could not revoke the POA (1) on his own and without OS-SIS’s permission/recommendation, meant only to combat predatory coercion by the likes of BRMC (1) to get him to revoke his POA (1) against his wishes, was a voluntary act not covered by Thirteenth Amendment prohibitions. Further, there was no relationship established between SS and OS- SIS under the POA (1) likely to lead to Thirteenth Amendment prohibitions. As such, no arrangement of legal or any other kind of servitude, ever contemplated, established or executed. Thus, neither the concept of servitude nor indeed the Thirteenth Amendment controlled the case ab initio.

No where does the Thirteenth Amendment prohibit servitude, which would be voluntary servitude. Otherwise, we would have no maids, waitresses, … so many kinds of menial and near menial work situations. Otherwise, the provisions of the POA (1) did not establish any kind of “servant” relationship between engaging parties. There was not even the remotest hint of anything resembling “servitude”, taken as “the state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful” in the contemplation of and definition by American law, present anywhere therein. Just a family arrangement, voluntarily entered into by SS and continuously desired by him, for the protection of a vulnerable member with already prior history of being constantly hit upon by outside predators to his detriment. …

If SS wanted to be lazy, apathetic, indifferent, … and forever too, … to let someone manage and run his life for him, no one, not even the law, with any unilateral license/public policy permission to object to same. Public policy could not step in without showing of any abuse or fraud by those holding powers for another. No such showing at all within. That SS was being held back, by OS-SIS, in the restrictive environment of BRMC (1) far too long, no where rises to any level defining such “abuse or fraud”. …

Moreover, it was never verified in court, ever and with the necessary legal precision, SS himself wanted to be discharged from BRMC (1); surely he could not subject his own self to objectionable “servitude”. Furthermore, SS stay at BRMC (1) was unduly extended, not by any device of either SS or OS-SIS, but

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. by BRMC’s (1) resort to, unlawful, turfing followed by refusal to produce SS’s rightful DL&TP (1). The real reasons that Escala’s politics, extra-judicial agenda, corruption, … not prepared to access!

SS perfectly positioned, under the American Constitution, to defer any of his rights to anyone, for any reason and for any length of time, … without being objected to or censored, abridged, … by any source within society, … including any court or judge! Absolutely free so, SS, anyone in America, with respect to their rights [voluntarily] delegated, assigned, … deferred! ONLY THOSE SERVING IN ANYWAY TO CURTAIL THIS/SUCH FULL SWAY OF JURISDICTION OVER ONE’S OWN RIGHTS-PERSONAL DOMAIN, as was BRMC (1)/CC’s (1, 2), Escala’s, … corruption, guilty of invalid legal/constitutional conduct.

Thus, it was not the POA (1) which was invalid in law, but rather the corrupt conduct (/adjudications) of BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2), Escala,… endeavoring to limit/limiting SS’s control over his rights/personal domain by reading, upon political corruption, a non-existent public policy right to scrutinize and interfere within same (final judgment/adjudication (1))???????? No such public policy right exists anywhere!

No abuse or fraud concluded on OS-SIS’s part, so no public policy intervention possible. No one else’s rights violated by POA’s (1) provision, whereby SS deferred his take back of same deferral rights to OS- SIS (SS has free rights to voluntarily put himself in that “involuntary” situation which really makes it voluntary, … absent fraud and/or abuse same cannot be objected to for being so “voluntarily involuntary and as such only voluntary”), so public policy cannot intervene once more. ... No basis was established anywhere for the NJ courts to intervene in anyway!

We will carry out this discussion in a fuller way at the end, suffice it to say here that this provision was also meant as bulwark against Escala’s own corruption invalidating SS’s POA (1) unlawfully, to make way for BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) to poach on his rights, all the way to abducting even his person for the past decade … an act assuming criminal proportions, with Escala having knowingly abetted and been an accessory to it! The law might have given SS the right to take back his deferred rights the same way as he had deferred them, but the Constitution also gives him the right to waive that “right to take back”…, just as he might waive away his Miranda rights or Fifth Amendment rights or any other natural or statutorily granted rights …!

As Mr. Patrick Kennedy is quoted saying above/supra , improving treatment of the mentally ill is a civil rights issue! What Escala, BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) et al. in fact did was themselves, in a corrupt orgy, violate SS’s civil rights… in more ways than one! Escala, even at the height of his corruption, did not have the gumption to conclude “involuntary servitude”, which could not be concluded anyway, since he never had the right legal/Thirteenth Amendment concept of “servitude” itself. Moreover, Escala no where actually concludes any involuntary servitude, on the contrary very deliberately circles/circuits around it! Eventually, even if the topical provision of the POA (1) were, hypothetically, rightly concluded to be any kind of truly legal servitude, same is not, no where, no way prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment.

“According to J. David Cox, head of the American Federation of Government Employees, the largest federal employee union, the looming government shutdown would amount to "involuntary servitude" for federal workers who continue clocking in even if government operations go unfunded by Congress.” - Shutdown Means 'Involuntary Servitude' For Federal Workers: Union Chief

AJ, had viciously neglected SS and Dad (1), for years, when their affairs were in his handling. Suddenly, as soon as OS-SIS rescue them from his sorry and uncaring (1) clutches, AJ is interested in them, all the  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. way to stalking/1, 2, 3 them, on the sly (as he had done with SIS in years gone by and recently through the *itch (1, 2) rhyming CC (1, 2)) until Dad (1) prematurely killed and SS abducted as told, being told within.

AJ’s entire brief of pursuits hardly what any real and genuine “manhood” made of, more reminiscent of hooliganism and rank cowardice. No form of corruption ever any sign of courage (1, 2)! AJ resembles Bernie Madoff nor just in terms of the latter’s psychopathy (1), but even in other terms! AJ did not ruin the family just so, he obviously has deep psychological problems!

No one does the kind of damage he has done just so! He had such, psychological, vulnerabilities starting out, which made him susceptible to America’s current dysfunctional value-system, to emerge into the distilled monster which willfully savaged and ravaged the family. Some of his problems have been directly identified in the story within, others more complex and difficult to unravel, part of the age old “what came first: chicken or egg?” - syndrome!

For him to first defraud the family, then subject it to all the gratuitous inflictions relayed within, as if the shoe was on the other foot, the makings of deep psychological and mental disorder, not unlike the mentally challenged state of all those Americans who took America down, as viciously and cavalierly as did AJ the family, in our times. AJ, very decidedly and definitely, part of the same swamp and cesspool that toxic America has come to rest at and become (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))in those very same times of ours’.

“Congressional Republicans have gone directly from conservatism to fanaticism without any intervening period of sanity.” - Why the Upcoming Shutdowns and Defaults Are Symptoms of a Deeper Republican Malady

The other players in the story within, from Escala to CC (1, 2) to …, cut out of the very same, cowardly corrupt, cloth! There is just no way to be corrupt and not be cowardly! Just no way! If the courage to ‘stop from corrupting’ is not working, to be able to S-T-O-P oneself from doing anything that should not be done, … then only cowardice, as the flip-side to courage, obtains, rules! This is where too much of America, too much of pivotal America, … resides today, why we are in so much, towering and monumental, trouble here at home within the four corners of our geography! …

Why AJ has behaved the way he has, even though he had a different upbringing and was raised in a different, more secure value-system in India (where personal grace and serving others given premium). Instead of being a champion of his family, he turned a rotten corner in America, to consider defrauding and blackmailing family, to be the signpost, pedaling his elusive “manhood”, for all predatory America in our times!

Why the other “Hall of Shame” inductees of our story within all the very same predators and pariahs who saw, some kind of dubious, honor in taking down America, willfully and wantonly, to define our very sorry times! Why SS was abducted and has been detained for the past decade and more! Woe to our, dysfunctional and draconian, times gratuitous!

It is evident, the immigrating family JV’s (1) investment, in AJ, stank to high heaven! Returning nothing, on the other hand incrementally costing dearly! Lost hopelessly within the folds of AJ’s cowardice, craven and castrated corruption! AJ, who proved himself as crooked and psychopathic as Bernie Madoff! Associating with cult (1) teachings how he must have gravitated towards his psychopathy, ‘type of psychopathy”(1), too!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Presenting AJ as within, in his full sickening resplendence, is to profile the mind-set, anatomy of the American predator(s) who murdered America in our times, even as AJ himself eviscerated/ disemboweled the family concurrently. He represents, informs and occupies/embodies the corroding sickness of our times in America, which destroys and kills everything in its wake.

He is a carrier of the dementia virulence that proliferates and abounds around the country today to its rippling detriment in such places as on Wall Street and around Corporate America, in the halls of Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., too many seats of state government around the country, … sundry institutional and individual America indistinguishably. He is the immigrant version of the native value- system handicapped marauder, more fanatical as every convert always tends to be!

These predators, AJ included copiously, are real, degenerate monsters! In the abundance of their dysfunctions, topped by ensuing cowardice, all such carrion and carrying vermin, devouring animals! Such “Pigs at the Trough”, literally and figuratively alike!

“The moment is long overdue for us to become moral and worthy ancestors”

Even though, we may or may not agree with Mr. Peter G, Peterson’s campaign to force-feed the reduction of the national deficit, on a certain immediate and accelerated path, especially perhaps at cost to the social protection of the suffering classes, his autobiographical views on the context of money in life … is laudatory. If we, as “ancestors”, will not serve to upkeep the true moorings of our society, then who or what are we to expect from the younger people, upcoming generations!?!

OS, in a short time of less than a decade, of back-breaking and solitary, enterprise and application labor, gave the family such superior, solid foundation in America. AJ, the Americanized convert and unmitigated swine, in the next thirty years, of unremitting and unrelenting, debauchery, vaporized it in an orgy of personal inadequacies and disorderly misplaced malice applied willfully atop! Spoilt, blackmail, selfish

AJ, acting as the scion of the, spoilt and selfish, American milieu, looted and destroyed the family, by first absconding with its critical investment in him, then layering a misplaced campaign of assault and attrition further on top which included stalking/1, 2, 3, blackmail, … If Ted Cruz reminds Bill Maher of Miley Cyrus (1, 2), then AJ reminds the family of same too!

Miley Cyrus, sticking her tongue out all the time and twerking with “excessive and crazy” frequency lately, went quite “berserk” at the recent VMA presentations in 2013. However, though she has been heavily censored, criticized in the media, public, our interest within refers to the lyrics to her song “We want to do what we want!”(1, 2, 3).

“We want to do what we want” is a phrase that captures American attitude to freedom, in its highly explosive, toxic and dangerous incarnation of having been totally stripped off its “responsibility” component. As such, coming without any “boundaries” attached to it at all. The root cause of American demise in our times!

Disturbing as Miley Cyrus’s entire train of behavior is, but then young people have always been known to behave in many kinds of extreme and rebellious ways. Once again, even as the irresponsible brand of

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. freedom showcased by Miley and her peers is troubling, what is truly cause for concern here is this strain of practiced freedom has become the generally accepted modus operandi in America now,

In other words, same is no longer restricted to young people practicing such “religion” discretely during their rebellious years, but rather the adult population of America swears by it for routinely the entire term of their lives, the long haul. “Freedom” without responsibility, unbounded, should be a worse worry in this country than a nuclear armed Iran exploding a device overhead across American skies! Where all of America’s present troubles, gushing away, steadfastly coming from. AJ is the product of precisely such American scheme of things. As well as our other “Hall of Shame” inductees of this story”!

Freedom unchecked, is such an unerring self-destructing/destructive weapon, American adults should know same well!?! Not even after so much water under the bridge, since 2008, far from soberly toning/dialing down all their toxic conduct, `America’s pointed adult-brigade has been getting more and still more brazen about it all.

AJ’s blackmail, following Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), as aggravated misconduct, was predicated upon the family/JV (1) needing him so inevitably that all his frauds would be forthwith forgiven. Whether any truth existed therein or not, OS-SIS/the family/JV (1) knew an unreformed AJ would always be more trouble than benefit inside than outside. Yet, in close to thirty years since 1984, AJ has not been able to overcome himself. The hallmark of singular and extraordinary weak man!

This situation no different from the GOP wing of the House of Representatives bent, in September, 2013, to blackmailing POTUS, certain he and the Senate will capitulate in order to avoid a government shutdown (1, 2). It is the very same, AJ’s parallel story! Same genre of misconduct, by the same type of Teflon incorrigible cowards, on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. too!

Evident from fact AJ has not been able to cure himself since 1984, while watching and causing the family/JV (1) irreparable damage uniformly throughout this period, his weak ways of no ordinary strain at all. A creature, who would seek a woman so totally and utterly devoid of any and all personal qualifications, better to control her soundly, has to be a remarkably weak entity in his own assessment. A hooligan coward in the assessment of others!

AJ was to tell a person known, in common, to the family also, he was “seeing” a “British lady”, purposely hiding her Pakistani origins and referring to her British citizenship. Hides her, because he is soundly ashamed of her and more than of his cowardly ways! In the court papers, he had the *itch (1, 2) rhyming CC (1, 2)) say the family was opposed to the woman in question because she was Muslim, which sounds very much like so much crazy talk about Muslims that comes from the American Right, GOP/the Tea Party.

A family that taught him the courage of egalitarianism, gave him the broadmindedness and education which goes with it, could not object to anyone being Muslim or anything else. The family only opposed to AJ and the man he could never be ever in his miserable life, his effort to involve it in his cowardly pursuits. The family never taught him cowardice, was not going to be part of any kind of cowardice he pedaled, advanced or tried to involve it in. No part of any of his muck and mire!

Otherwise, family by first definitions is synonym for courage! The very thought of it to evoke heaving courage! In India and in America, all over the world! … Except for the item strapped, sapped AJ and his ilk, whose insecurities and ensuing castrated “manhood” only produced recurring cowardice like curdled milk, hooliganism at best.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. “…The kind of people you want [your children] to be. Their triumphs at school, their awkward gestures of affection, their demonstrations of moral courage and fairness and goodwill! … So, the thing to do, Mrs. Garvin, is to muster all your faith and your energy, your courage, whatever you have and plunge headlong into the demanding, difficult, but the most fulfilling and wonderful job in the world. …” - Margaret Anderson (Father Knows Best: 1954-60) FULL VERSION (1, 2) Episode: "Margaret Disowns Her Family", Season 3-Episode 35; - OAD: 05/22/1957)

Americans are just beginning to find out about the left turn their “culture” and “value system took in our times, something immigrants and others from the outside have known about for a very long time. The sadistic tendencies AJ has shown he imbibed giving full rein to his weak character in America’s highly permissive and cowardly milieu, environment that makes up its contemporary dysfunctional state acute (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27). The idiocy galore (1) a highly insecure America is today! How an insecure AJ only became super insecure, sadistic and idiotic in America!

What happened to America of our ancestors (1, 2, 3)!?! Are big brothers and family really as bad as AJ’s load but utterly unconvincing brief would have us believe (1, 2, 3, 4)!?! AJ provides a penetrating, laser like look into contemporary dysfunctional America. Alongside, Bernie Madoff, … the likes et al.!

A creature who would use his sick brother, whose lifelong illness he first caused himself, as a pawn in his misplaced and dirty fight, of a weak, weak, one, to the point of arranging his abduction, could not sink any further into his hopeless infirmity. This was the same man who could also find, in the abundance of his weak character, the willingness and will to excel in Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6), while SS lay dying in neglect and illness of AJ’s own making. We are talking major degeneracy jeer. Supreme personal degradation, … which only distilled and sublime weakness can produce. AJ is just such a “man”, of grievous weakness and pusillanimity.

He caused Dad’s (1) untimely death, so dastardly an act, its full details unknown to-date! … He is so hopeless, for being eternally weak before weakness itself. So weak he could not even resist defrauding the very hand which fed him. So weak, there is no misconduct beneath his contemptuous hide, as amply demonstrated abundantly within. So weak, infirmity has dogged him all over, both his physical and mental health, erupting dysfunction in every facet of his life.

No part of his life to be left untouched and uncontaminated. So virulent/raging and pernicious, pervading and intertwined,… even the very embers of his miserably craven existence, is incapable of being deciphered in terms of any of its “chicken or egg first” trail. On the physical side it manifested itself in terms of exploding ulcers. On the mental side, it gave rise to sexual doubts at one end and centrifugal psychopathy (1) acute at the other.

Hedonistic appetites insatiable in search of relief from being invariably peeled apart from and jaded by life, fear forever flying as sparks off the grinding wheel! No amount of security ever to be enough, stuck at the mercy of gnawing insecurity with bottomless depths and never ending rub. … On and on it went, all the species and colors of incessant anxious existence to be entertained and given full passage by AJ.

The older he grew, the weaker and worse he grew, … for he never ever grew any sinew to resist or repel anything. It was always the easy path of succumbing and giving in, to make matters successively worse by so uniformly feeding the burgeoning fire. How he came to torch the family! How he could never put out the raging fires within him, very simply he never sent for the fire-brigade/department, never even tried. Too weak to fight back against any of his weaknesses, once more! Not even love of family gave him any  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. strength, too weak to fight anywhere it was much easier to give up love of family instead. Do we have some true index, measure of how weak indeed AJ’s sorry existence on this earth!

AJ so weak spoilt and narcissistic, he could not keep equity even within family (1) circumstances!?! AJ’s “Breaking Bad”, though without and in fact contrary to Walter White’s motive of helping family (1), now has him in deep and second layer hiding since discovery in 2008 of his employment at EBRD!

“What if these players left college early to chase their professional sports dream? Like Paul, many of these players make the decision for family and financial reasons. A decision no one can blame them for -- the money is there and their family needs it.” - A Tribute to Paul Oliver, From a Former Teammate (1)

Obviously, AJ now under deep cover running, lapping himself, from his culpability arranging SS’s abduction, where he has always been running from himself, all his life! If the House of Representatives, in the hands of the present breed of GOP/Tea Party (1), precipitating the unconscionable government shutdown (1, 2), is the House of Turds, then AJ is definitely the very same terrorist-turd too! And, vice- versa! A regular and honest to God Boehner boner maker!

These are people, so, wretched as to be sublimely devoid of all vestiges of elementary and common humanity, hence the epithet “Turds”! Those who will deny others, society their, its ration of humanity, beyond losing their human aspects to their own detriment on earth, will be further judged harshly high above too.

One of OS’s B’school classmates, a real sales go-getter was to say to OS, he could not even conceive of immigrating to another country, the very petrified him! And here was OS attempting immigration to America, one of the most competitive places on earth, with an entire family veritably lodged on its back. Could be no more exclusively mounted on his back alone, given how hopeless AJ was to turn out only forever!

Returning to the sequential narrative, Clearly, BRMC-(1)_suit was not fit to survive for any briefest of moments, the unopposed and never time enlarged/extended SJM1 motion practice needed to be granted sua sponte by Escala, duly and spontaneously in OS-SIS-SS favor. Fact that he did not, in fact, never acted on this motion practice at all, only serving to establish his corruption with increasing clarity and certainty.

The underlying denial of due process evident and supreme, an undeniable predicate for reversal on Appeal! Fact SCNJ_AD (1) did not, likewise constituting the clear and unmixed stamp of its otherwise evident corruption too!

“SS”_suit, similarly also was prima facie invalid under the law, most of all for insufficiency and then for all the defects pointed out above/supra for BRMC-(1)_suit. The former not only had the predators coercing SS, held captive, into signing this spurious complaint against the family, which he would have promptly exposed had he not been vehemently suppressed. Further, it never enunciating its causes within it four-corners had merely pointed to all of BRMC-(1)_suit’s causes as its own. SJM2 deserved to be immediately granted too by Escala, sua sponte and post-haste as well!

But of-course, he never did. At least, not until the very end and after he had used it, unlawfully, to soundly corrupt matters through-and-through, then too, readily, upon BRMC (1)/CC’s (1, 2) motion practice and only to protect those parties, arbitrarily extricating them. Otherwise, dismissing this “SS”_suit, for insufficiency, but as to BRMC (1) only and not OS-SIS!????????! How does anyone do  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. same, legitimately? Dismiss a complaint for legal insufficiency, but only as to some defendants and not others? … The answer in all cases, supplying distilled and unmistakable C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N!?!

Escala acted as no ordinary swine all through these proceedings, though the sheer audacity,-magnitude, … of his corruption meant he would have to leave indisputable, ownership, foot-prints, unmistakably, in the snow! He was to, in consummate law-unto-self arbitrary and extra-judicial agenda bearing fashion similarly, also to totally refuse to process at all OS-SIS-SS’s counter-complaint (“suit_BRMC-(1)”) against BRMC (1) filed with its answer to BRMC-(1)_suit, process at all consolidating suit_MHLP/HK/EV though he had no problem accepting the coerced “SS”_suit without full proper legal verification of it as being of SS’s actual authorship, …

First he refused to accept suit_MHLP/HK/EV directly in the Chancery Division, even though matters therein with inextricable bearing on matters he was already handling, albeit corruptly, by way of the fabricated BRMC-(1)_suit, even more drastically coerced and fabricated “SS”_suit while holding SS captive in full view of the dredge by-product, the slimy scum, Escala.

Then when, again, OS-SIS-SS compelled to file this suit_MHLP/HK/EV in the Law Division, refusing to consolidate same and irresponsibly proliferating litigation …! In the Law Division, MHLP/Bergen County, NJ (1) deploying tax-payer funds frivolously to hire the expensive Hackensack attorneys, corruptly against tax-payers OS-SIS[-SS], Breslin & Breslin (“B&B”), who put up the most moronic defense possible.

OS-SIS-SS suspect merely for form sake, pre-assured of arbitrary and prejudiced support from the bench, in SCNJ_BC Judge Elijah Miller (“Miller”), once again catering to ultimate paymaster NJ (1). And then, of-course, there were no real defenses available to MHLP/HK/EV at all! OS-SIS-SS filed consolidation motions (“CNM3” and “CNM4”) in both the Chancery/Escala and Law/Miller Divisions. Both Escala and Miller merely sitting on these motions, not acting on and glossing over them, with open/naked and audacious, corruption!

The family filed a motion (“SJM5”) for grant of summary judgment to it of suit_MHLP. Not surprisingly, MHLP never opposed it and Miller just sat on it. As with Escala, Miller just stonewalled the family, very significantly in both cases the two judges simply never adjudicated any of these motions made by the family. As if afraid to put anything to paper, protective of MHLP and its co-conspirators, all paymaster NJ’s either special interests (as in BRMC (1) case) or employees (most of the rest of the predators) Like . BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2), MHLP/B&B petrified of putting anything to paper, a sure-shot sign of self-realized guilt and culpability!

Escala, was also to sit on another motion filed by the family, formally charging opposition attorneys with heavy-duty corruption et al. and asking for sanctions against them by way of suitable deterrent (“ATTM6”)! Really, this was also a way to test Escala, himself, formally examine his judicial integrity and honesty in the case. As such, besides suit_BRMC-(1), the family filed, SJM1, SJM2, suit_MHLP/HK/EV, CNM3, CNM4, SJM5, ATTM6, as standalone “complaints, never attended to in the least by either Escala, or Miller.

Ten years later, so to speak, Escala and Miller, still, sitting on all these matters, scrupulously unattended. The state of American justice in our times, drenched in distilled corruption. OS-SIS-SS’s motions returnable within 28 days and full-fledged complaints within 30 days, per applicable Court’s Rules for Civil Procedure/“CPLR”. Once more, no response ever filed by either BRMC (1)/CC (1, 2) et al. or MHLP/B&B. No application for enlargement of time ever made by either, otherwise ever granted. The family even filed brief formal motions for default awards deserved by it on this entire body of motion  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. practice. Preceded and followed it up with oral motions to Escala and Miller. … Yet, they never granted any of them to SS and the family, never acted on any of them ever!?! …

Over a point of law with Miller, having to do with interlocutory applications and which authors within cannot recall from memory presently, the family had to even move the SCNJ_AD (1). SCNJ_AD’s (1)adjudication in return was so clearly wrong, the family began to realize that even that higher court was moved by the political considerations of the case alone, namely protecting paymaster NJ (1). The politics of the case!

Anything OS-SIS-SS filed, Escala simply sat on, without processing, explaining, … with audacious, brazen, … unilateral, arbitrary, … dispatch. Either pretending, at the next following Case Management Conference, he was not aware of those filings, … never enlarging time for the underlying practice, never requiring any joinder by the opposition, … simply and expediently not acting on any of them, straightforward glossing over them in toto!

When other areas of life in America now harbor large pools of persistent sharks and predators, why would the American justice system want to be left behind, in the sport!?! A great many judges and justices may be full of pompous airs about their self-importance, but eventually they come from the same social pool of muddied value-system waters.

If they corrupt, then they belong to the soiled segment of that pool which has no courage and no self- respect, no matter all that sense of false self-importance and ego. AJ may try all he likes endeavoring to pass off his hooliganism for courage, no one is biting, buying that snake oil! A mule, donkey or an ass cannot be passed for any pedigreed horse or even just a horse. At least, “all the people cannot be fooled all the time”!

These are all social whores, Escala showed his true colors when, caught by the family with his hand in the cookie jar so to speak, he pusillanimously, promptly, fell to dodging face-to-face encounters with OS-SIS. The SCNJ_AD (1) no less lacking, indeed fact that they rarely have to suffer such face-to-face contact with parties makes their job of similarly corrupting away intrinsically facile.

Closing this segment, let Peggy Noonan, and others with her, have the last word/say on what afflicts America across the board in our times. Then watch her in particular dive right into the politics of entrenched partisanship, right alongside and after. These heavy duty and set American predators, too many and too loose amidst us now, are sucking the lifeblood out of the innocent lives of the ordinary citizens, oppressing, terrorizing and subjecting them to tyranny gratuitously. These billboards and denizens of the “tumor of the [American] soul”!

There is no other way to put it, the highly dysfunctional AJ, Escala, the rest of the enclosed “Hall of Shame” inductees, … are all inveterate social whores and pariahs, something firm and lasting needing to be done about them. For love of God and country!

The high point of the, second, Case Management Conference (of February 2004), sham of an event, indeed the entire litigation proceeding, was CC (1, 2) and her sordid band asking Escala to allow GAL/IK to be deposed instead of SS himself!?! A NEW LOW IN DECEIT TAKEN TO ITS LIMITS TO UNDERMININE DUE PROCESS AND THE RULE OF LAW!

These are the true colors of the new, contemporary, America of our times. Rabidly predatory, but most densely and daftly only managing to cannibalize itself! How much merit could there be in wittingly

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. shooting the self in the foot? What could be the point to being too clever by half only to end up managing to cut one self? …

Otherwise, we glimpse GAL/IK’s undeniable corruption yet again, for he is ready for this escapade, indeed enthusiastically selling it to Escala, … How many episodic, anecdotal, … examples needed to show due process subject to free-wheeling hijack, designed and deliberate massacre!?! How much aggregate showing needing to be made that corruption and only distilled corruption afoot, controlling the litigation at point within!?!

Who amongst the opposition and Escala ensconced firmly at the center of, all, the cesspool going-ons, free of the gushing corruption!?! Why this, a*** vehemence in not permitting SS to speak for himself, not producing him!?! If not because, SS would speak against this opposition, belie and expose the fabricated brief it brought knowingly to the bar!?! Could there be any doubt at all about this? Could there be any other reason at all?

Why else was Escala twisting, like a pretzel, in the wind, fulminating and thrashing around as a fresh fish out of water, stuck pig!?! Why, why and why!?! People of America, take a long hard gander at American justice in our times! A country’s justice system that is supposed the last bastion preserving it from no holds barred anarchy, before a nation crumbles into pieces and dust!

GAL/IK to stand in for SS for deposition and court appearance purposes!?! The predators even daring to uncover this off-the-wall and unheard of way-to-go!?1 How much desperation does such a bizarre, ludicrous, creative and high gambit reveal and expose!?! Who at all could not, cannot see through it, promptly?

Of-course, there was no way for Escala to grant this application, even though he might have wanted to. However, only because of the family’s vigilance and legal expertise/knowledge made known, had effectively cut him off at the pass by this point! Of-course in ultimate desperation he might do anything, corrupt, at all! But, for the most part he was on stern notice he may not flirt without running the risk of being spotted by OS-SIS! None of this to, by any stretch, to mean he was going to abandon his corruption for the opposition/NJ (1) or not inject more of it, in order to endeavor breaking out of the trap laid for himself by his very own hands.

The family at its end had solemnly promised itself that if it could not stop the onslaught of Escala’s gigantic corruption, it would minimally formally make it all part of the record for sure. And it copiously did, it still exists in the public records, as verification for the story being told within, with great attention to and in vast detail.

Never once did the opposition say at this conference that SS was not medically fit to be available to the court, nor did they produce any medical certificate to any such effect. Indeed, revealingly they meant to gloss over this subject maintaining studious silence with respect to it. But, it did not produce SS either, did not again! Escala himself walking away, as only a total and unmitigated whore would, from requiring the opposition from producing that medical certificate of his December 2003 oral order.

Forget the opposition, Escala himself glossing over all these matters. It was all a ready case of “anything goes” with him too, a disease spreading purposefully now in America. To the family’s reminders about such a medical certificate needing to be produced, he would not even produce any response. What could the Pro Se family do, other than go to cumbersome pursuit such as moving the media and public, initiate a demand for disciplinary action against Escala, sue him, … some of which actions all together pointless.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. None of them capable of delivering any immediate and prompt solution(s) for Escala’s persistent and intransigent corruption!

SS’s abduction, prolonged detention, NJ’s (1) sustained stonewalling to keep his location opaque from OS-SIS, an even stronger scent of a strand of corruption which began more than a decade ago. If NJ (1) can be so vehement about keeping SS from reuniting with OS-SIS, it must really be petrified of being exposed; in its own estimation its crimes monumentally horrendous!

Bad as AJ’s conduct, the one which bought his Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) and subsequent career at such horrific price/cost to the family, NJ’s (1) misconduct so no less ghastly, outstandingly degenerate and dastardly. If such things are normal to America, any surprise this country in its horrendous troubles? Would it then be wrong or exaggerated to find America a horrible cesspool? The world laughs at it now, most recently for the idiocy (1) of its federal government shutdown (1, 2) by design.

We worry in this country about terrorists, our government spies on us rather robustly in its wake. AJ, Escala,“Hall of Shame” inductees, … many others within the four-corners of our national geography too, … are indubitable terrorists as well. What bulwark have we erected against them, those who erode, corrode and take down America faster than any foreign terrorists ever could?

What defenses have we raised against ourselves, our very own propensity to destroy from within, our Teflon strength incorrigibilities, our capacity for self immolation, cannibalization, …? … American can ill afford to have its head buried in the sand, take any Panglossian viewpoint, … about its own wretched and incendiary character!

SS’s, long standing, historical parole statements and actual conduct, readily and stoutly, belie what the debauch opposition representing his “latest”, suddenly somersaulting, views and inclinations to be, while bearing obvious conflict of interest vis-a-vis him and holding him in unlawful captivity. Escala, of all people, blocking him his due process leeway from the bench, while talking glibly about his own POA (1) shortchanging his rights (sic) and striking it down on downright untenable grounds! The MF so and so, son of a gun, …!

This was a very crude scheme, not merely abducting SS’s person, but before that his civil rights, copiously! Most objectionably by the bench squatting slime Escala! Who cannot figure out that CC’s (1, 2) forked tongue was speaking BRMC (1) suiting agenda, disingenuously labeled, a gagged, suppressed and held back SS’s wishes …!?! Crude, most transparently crude and contrived! Utterly unconvincing!

If Escala and the SCNJ_AD (1) think their equally crude device, in the final judgment, of erecting a non- existent public policy right to find the POA (1) invalid (sic) for promoting nothing but lawful “servitude” at worst, fools anyone at all, for any length of time at all, ... then they have been sniffing paint! Or, perhaps, they know same really not to be the case, know the POA (1) perfectly valid, … which would explain why they decamped with SS’s person and won’t let go off him even past a decade. Could that be a measure of their culpability, in their own minds!?!

This is what we are supposed to believe is a Constitutionally configured America!?! The Gipper, the 40th President’s, … “shining [America] on the hill”!?! AMERICA THE WHOLLY OWNED PREDATORY!?! Ultimately, an America of shysters and rogue judges! Corruption as a national pastime at par with NFL football and now as American as apple pie!?! …

What is this American “exceptionalism”, anyway a meaningless decoy anywhere and amongst any people in the world talking about themselves, we keep getting puffed up, ballooned over, unless we are talking  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. about being exceptional at churning our copious corruption!?! Unless we are speaking to our adeptness now at shooting ourselves in the foot or acting rank insane (1, 2, 3) to our own detriment! Making a spectacle of ourselves, having the world laugh at us (1)!… If we love this country, we will be its worst critic, now when things have really gone very wrong, in order to really begin fixing things instead of merely taking empty airs.

AJ could do all that he has done and still retain the desire and will to live, not only having wiped out the family but to live in ignominy!?! A life of deceit and degradation, distemper, cowardice, dishonor, …!?! Unholy proportions!?! America and “those” Americans too!?! There is a 1930s and 40s America described in “To Kill A Mocking Bird” apart from the race issues:

“During his first five years in Maycomb, Atticus practiced economy more than anything, for several years thereafter he unvested his earnings in his brother’s education. John Hale Finch was ten years younger than my father, and chose to study medicine at a time when cotton was not worth growing; but after getting Uncle Jack started, Atticus derived reasonable income from the law.

… ‘You’re starting off on the wrong foot in every way, my dear. Hold out your hand.’

I thought [Miss Caroline] was going to spit in it, which was the only reason anybody in Maycomb held out his hand. It was a time honored method of sealing oral contracts. Wondering what bargain we had made, I turned to the class for an answer, but the class looked back at me in puzzlement. Miss Caroline picked up her ruler, gave me half a dozen quick pats, then told me to stand in the corner. …” - Jean Louise “Scout” Finch (To Kill A Mocking Bird – 1960)

“How to spot a scoundrel” speaks of “What subtle, unintended signs might one detect in that initial, face- to-face interaction, to boost the odds of choosing a solid relationship and rejecting a dicey one? … Again and again, it was a cluster of four cues: hand touching, face touching, crossing arms, and leaning away. None of these cues foretold deceit by itself, but together they transformed into a highly accurate signal.” In rogue Escala’s case, the first two were not noticed because it was really not watching out for non- verbal cues, but particularly at the management conferences there was enough of arms crossing at and leaning away by him from the family. Most of all, otherwise, it was his gratuitous, undeserved tongue lashings administered the family which gave him away!

Misbehaving is a core American pastime now, in the age of predatory national life pursuits. Fellow cannibalization! Long before the national GOP thought up the blackmail of a government shutdown (1, 2) to beat ACA/Obamacare to death, AJ followed up his frauds on the family with the blackmail of readmission to the family as the price of funding the JV (1) with funds which by legal definition the JV’s. Even SS’s abduction, as far as he is concerned, the very same, blackmail, crowbar! All this, substituting investing in family, what could be more unholy of and on this earth!????????!

The problem with settling with a blackmailer, it is a known no-solution. For he/she will misbehave over and over again in the future too! Indeed, giving into a blackmailer a certain invitation to have him/her repeat. It is a weapon of the weak and cowardly supreme, upright conduct impossible to expect from such people, ever. They will only let down over and over again! …

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Other giveaways were Escala’s cozy sidling up to the opposition attorneys, as the sleaziest bunch of brigands ever assembled under a single roof. Of conversing with them with elaborate courtesy, familiarity and benign disposition, while turning to bark at the family every time he so turned towards it. The corrupt judges and attorneys depicted within is the face of that very bankrupt America that in the resplendence of its cowardly existence, borne of extreme value-system deprivation, continuously gnaws at and devours the country’s vitals. This America’s filth now, in an ever widening stain afflicting its fabric of its core life.

While Escala and the other low-life, opposition, male assemblage in the room was as sleazy as only true sleaze could be, the accelerated race to the bottom, however, spearheaded by a woman, the sheer no consequence and beneath contempt CC (1, 2)! One, whose whiny pusillanimity, even dared complaint about ad hominem attacks on her. She did so, assured of Escala’s guaranteed sympathetic ear, there is a, whole, lot of such crony cover going around these days, more than ever! Even SCOTUS heavily invested (1, 2) in the business of corruption or “corruption”!

Otherwise, a woman so corrupt as this one, like justice system corrupted is a death knell for the country in question women corrupted a death knell for any society as we know it. The likes of rhymes with *itch (1, 2) CC (1, 2) is just such a menace for our society here in America!

Spilling the contagion of corruption and insanity, with rippling impact all over the landscape as the sign of our times, is no way to serve America or show any love for it. It is a disease that spreads like wildfire, if not discriminatingly and muscularly controlled at the base, as it has not been. As cowardly capitulation before corruption first rears its ugly head, subsequently it turns into a vicious cycle of feeding off of itself. Complications from the first generation of corruption reinforces cowardice and weakens courage further, to give rise to the next generation of cover-up and corruption, … so the cycle keeps turning to ultimately produce the uncontrollable forest fire.

So it has been with AJ, the perpetual coward, causing the family continuous damage for the past thirty year. Escala and the opposition coterie, likewise, started small and ended up mushrooming it all the way to the point of abducting SS for undeserved self-preservation. The path of corruption is an addictive slippery slope. As it mounts, human capacity to resist wears off in inverse proportion.

Reverting to the events of the February 2004 management conference, in between administering OS-SIS gratuitous and undeserved tongue lashings, the self-vexed Escala, in his convulsive state, was to betray his ex parte contact with AJ, whom he would not join as a necessary party. Trying to get OS-SIS to capitulate, abandon SS cold in other words and simply go away, now that underestimating OS-SIS he had trapped and tied himself in knots, he was to parrot, verbatim just as GAL/IK had done another, one of AJ’s inanities given often the family: “SS is neither your spouse or child that you should fight for him so doggedly!” Escala quoting AJ verbatim so!

If this utterance had not been utterly inane, it would be harder to say Escala was quoting AJ and not being an independent author of the same comment. As if people only fight for spouses and children, not other near and done ones!?!?!?!? Escala and AJ, in another sense trying to dupe OS-SIS, endeavoring to suggest legality only recognized a fight for spouses and children, not other relatives (sic). Even in that way, a premise so ridiculous, Escala could not have coincidentally come up with it independently, He was in, ex parte, contact with AJ, in the backdrop, which as we have already seen was some kind of specialty of AJ’s! As it is of all crooked people and pursuits!

Otherwise, AJ himself had invented this inanity in circumstances similar to which Escala found himself in too. AJ knew or had found out he could not fool, coerce, … OS or SIS into renewing relations with him  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. on his loaded and unacceptable terms. So, desperate for family contact, he looked to taking advantage of SS, in his vulnerable state, by hook or crook! But, he had to get rid of OS-SIS, standing in protection of SS, who was otherwise even more bitingly opposed to AJ for having caused all his serious troubles, so our poured his, none too persuasive, inanity of the instant.

Escala too in the same dilemma! SS he had already, corruptly and unlawfully, segregated from OS-SIS, abusing his power wielded in the most shocking and objectionable extra-judicial manner. Then, like AJ, how to shake-off OS-SIS! Just as with BRMC (1), AJ was in the very thick of things, hiding in the wings, the same with case involving Escala and his sullied “court”, rather a bare courtroom which could not be court absent the business of law and justice present squarely! It would not surprise OS-SIS at all, AJ was the one who first pitched and planted the idea of snatching SS, to BRMC (1), by going to court, thereafter providing Escala with similar, twisted and cowardly, advisory and assistance too!

It is to be remembered, AJ’s insecurities and cowardice as a lifelong phenomenon had given him more than abundant time to polish up all his deceitful and twisted ways. Not to exercise self-control to stay on the straight and narrow, but to control others willfully. Neglecting Dad (1) and SS, throwing mere pittance at them and keeping them in his control for personal purposes! Imbibing an utterly unqualified woman, better to control her through comprehensive dependency! Cutting SS off from OS-SIS and abducting him, as a way to control him given the former’s decisive disinclination for AJ!

Pursuits of the weak and cowardly, the corruption of predatory control and all corruption! It is precisely with people like AJ that the constructive aspects of individualism got distorted into all that makes for the ugly and narcissistic, sharing became increasingly foreign to the human race, not (1) caring (1) became the way to go, … Hence, it is not at all difficult to conclude Escala, all the “Hall of Shame” inductees, … their likes spontaneously as cowards supreme. All the man-made mischief being hatched and unleashed in America today is bound to lead to some horrifically catastrophic events, out of which alone now will emerge great and lasting wisdom “… of the people, by the people and for the [American] people …”.

It was also at this Conference Escala suggested an impromptu trial, as if the proceedings at hand were a great, casual, joke and festival for him. The inveterate epitomy of cowardly corruption! After an entire session of personal squirming and tongue whipping OS-SIS gratuitously, back-pedaling on producing SS and reneging even on having the opposition produce the ordered medical-certificate, wrestling specifically with OS-SIS over “proceeding to trial” without SS deposed and/or to be produced for testifying personally in court, … in the end he, most shamelessly/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33), corruptly, vulgarly, “arbitrarily, unreasonably, capriciously”, and also desperately, suggests this, impromptu, trial, most facetiously indeed! Of-course he received a resounding “NO” from OS-SIS!

OS-SIS were not about to let him get by without having ensured themselves their inescapable right to deposition, access to SS, … other due process in law. Escala merely wanting to go through the motions of recording a trial having occurred, OS-SIS already knew what his post-trial adjudication to look like. For Escala, except for saving his own skin from the vice like grip of self-entrapment, as if the entire proceedings were a light joke. As if his mind already made-up, he merely wanted to go through the motions of wrapping up the case that in having to corrupt through-and-through, over and over again, to his considerable consternation, he was exposing himself bare. As if he could not wait to have the matter behind him. As if he wanted to super-accelerate through to shake-off something haunting his dreams and daily existence. As if …

Escala pressed the family with hard vehemence to allow the impromptu trial to take place right there and then, foregoing all the intervening due process formalities. In an attempt to brainwash the family, much  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. in the same way as politicians mislead to get ill-equipped voters to vote against their best interest, AJ in the arrogance of legal credentials and assuming OS-SIS were country hicks as to their grasp of the law and related procedure, without elaborating he tried convincing the family that nothing would be gained through the deposition et al. process.

He threatened to severely curtail SS’s examination in court, pretending in pursuit of SS’s protection; as if he, especially his worthless cowardly and corrupt hide, a better champion of SS’s welfare and interests. The scummy MF, son of a so and so, craven churl, … devoid of all self-respect, honor, stature, redeeming human aspects, reason to be seen as anything except beneath contempt and of-course minima C-O-U-R- A-G-E! He even tried telling the family that it was wasting the court’s time, hinting same to be punishable in law. …

Of course Escala was directly serving his paymaster, in NJ (1) and its special interest in BRMC (1), pursuant to which not only did he prejudicially tilt adjudication for the wrong party/parties but paved the way for the tyranny of the state (1) to abduct SS. In order to protect everyone’s hide, from nothing more unfounded and unacceptable than the consequences of their own proactive corruption!

As such, Escala’s twisted, extra-judicial motives conspired to viciously misuse his powers from the bench to unlawfully hand SS over to a set of unmitigated predators that included AJ as the eternal low-life forever handicapped by courage sworn to remain foreign to him for all times! Escala and the others low- lives no less, courage crippled, deprived no less either.

This inanity quoted verbatim by Escala, in an equally inane manner, duplicates GAL/IK’s performance of similarly parroting loaded absurdities of AJ’s insane political agenda. CC (1, 2) too known for freely accessing AJ’s misplaced agenda, to opportunistically advance her nefarious pursuits at the bar, undertaken on behalf of NJ (1) notoriously known as the ‘pit of corruption’ (1)! Strong proof, as EXTRINSIC AND CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence, of the hanky-panky indisputably afoot with respect to the story being told within!

The family complained strenuously, extensively and pointedly to Escala about all the misconduct of all the opposing lawyers (CC (1, 2), MHLP/HK, GAL/IK and AJ), including MHLP/HK’s thug like role in play even before the onset of the litigation, To which Escala gave the telling response: As officer(s) of the law, he(they) were intrinsically incapable of corruption (paraphrased) (1)! Could anything be more revealing of Escala’s counterfeit bonafides? The family happily and quizzically reminded Escala of Nixon (John Dean, John Ehrlichman, John Mitchell, G. Gordon Liddy, …) and Watergate, Senator Harrison A. Williams, Senator Bob Packwood, Senator Robert Torricelli, F. Lee Bailey, … (1, 2). It heroically resisted the temptation of pointing its finger at Escala to his face!

A thoroughly odious and corrupt man, this Gerald C. Escala! Beyond his professional make-up, no question that he has to be a resoundingly foul and vile human being. Notwithstanding his putrid and loathsome antecedents, as depicted, he was allowed to proceed to a full 70 years indexed/tenured retirement in 2006. Even worse, recalled to the bench again in 2011. This is the face of NJ’s (1) judicial system, once more its notoriety, as the ‘pit of corruption’ (1) in America, hanging out for all to see.

Over the strong protests of the family, objecting strenuously to Escala’s stalling tactics and loaded acts of useless postponements doing nothing, he scheduled the next conference for June 2004. He was deciding nothing at all and could give no reason for this long lob into the future. Nothing with respect to a trial God only knew was to be about, he also made no provision to secure the family the inescapably required deposition and other due process.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The imperative access to SS, his production and proper restoration to the family! Restoration as is, for having been taken and separated from it pursuant to the most questionable design, and as dictated by a myriad of legal imperatives belonging to the litigation underway. Obviously, this lob by Escala was to allow for abundant time to somehow “bring SS around”, failing which ample time at his disposal to unravel/defuse the trap he had managed, being too clever by half, to entangle himself in. All he was to eventually come up with was the highly contrived final judgment, which along with a slew of other, defensive, tactics, were all together to serve only to expose him further, bare!

He made no provisions to speak to adjudicating the overdue family motions SJM1, SJM2, CNM3, SJM5 and ATTM6, nor faulted the opposition for being in legal default with respect to same, for neither having answered in time nor applied for any enlargement of time. Nor did Escala enlarge on his own motion, sua sponte! This is how justice is perverted and subverted, where the sovereign (/NJ (1)) has to be protected. CONVERTING A JUDICIAL MATTER ENTIRELY INTO A POLITICAL ONE! Even in our courts. Even by our judges. Both at the lower (/SCNJ_BC) and the appellate (/SCNJ_AD (1)) levels!

There is no shame/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) to be considered. No scruples. No integrity. No courage. … There is just the call of expediency answered with direct plunge into unmixed corruption in an increasingly imperfect world of our very creation and affirmative seeking, one way or another. On sin ridden earth! No other option even considered. No intervening sieve ever inserted. Prompt and reflexive cross-over directly to malfeasance, the costly bane of our times and society!

Escala was plainly just playing games. This then the state of justice in the corruption bound and infested America of our times! Of our making! Where if people can be abducted by our judicial system itself, where could freedom and the Constitution really be in vogue anywhere in this land? Escala without a doubt a copiously precocious and advanced scoundrel, yet it is even more than just him malfunctioning, when our justice system can be so easily, readily and comprehensively subverted. Personal and Institutional values alike a complete and far reaching casualty so, no wonder America in our times on such a slippery slide and race to the bottom! These are the limpid footprints of our contemporary standing and fate, unless purposefully averted in quick measure.

The story within is just not one unto itself and with any limited motive, but is also meant to illuminate what is happening in America as a whole. It clearly serves as a microcosm of what is happening all over larger America. America’s S-H-A-M-E runs much larger, deeper than its human trafficking dilemma denominated corruption covered in this article. It encompasses a value system crisis so acute, if not addressed promptly will take it down as swiftly as did AJ, Escala,… et al.’s corruption the family! It is a deadly virus that, nurtured by incorrigibility, devours lustily at home in America now.

Fear the insecure and weak, for they can wreak havoc as nothing else. And they do not come any weaker, and corrupt, than AJ! He learnt the principles of, inequitable, entitlement/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6) here in America, India of the 1970s and earlier was too “underdeveloped” for most people there to even dream of reacting in any entitled/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6) manner. Then too, it was OS’s dream, “can do” spirit, drive, persistence to get any job done, ambition for AJ that put the latter in the Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), no part of his clueless and insecure self; one then supposes it was OS’s fault AJ picked up the destructive American value system there (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and on Wall Street!????????! One of those unintended consequences!????????! …

But, it was always only AJ who did the American dirty, no one else in the family, perhaps because CYT told him to abandon and jettison the family, to be, individualistically, selfish, … his upbringing from India never taught him that, OS, by example and word, never taught him anything like that! He went  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. corrupt, because he was weak and cowardly, as do most people who take such paths in life. To do the right thing takes courage, to stand up for something, the right thing is most meaningful when it is/was the most difficult to do (1).

There is no shame/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) in poverty, only in dishonor! Money makes not (1, 2, 3, 4) either! In To Kill A Mocking Bird – 1960, the character Jean Louise “Scout” Finch speaks of, the simplicity of, a butter and sugar on toast sandwich, what happened to that America? No jam! Even though there was jam at home in India, the siblings in the story within will, can all remember such frequent sandwiches growing up!?! This is real life! Integrity (“Dharam and Imaan” in Hindi and to AJ’s indigenous self) is real life! Bad enough Americans now cheat fellow citizens, AJ graduated straight to defrauding family and then thumping his chest about it!?! … Where does debauchery end?

CYT, who studied at Wellesley and the Columbia Business School on American money as she herself informed others, would then make fun of them as clueless people before Asian capacity to run circles around them! She even received the benefit of being a double minority much sort in her time, not just for school admission purposes, but also for gaining facile entry first into Banker’s Trust, later the same organization where AJ, OS worked and got to know her. Her times were not just those that saw “women’s lib” take off, but also coinciding with POTUS Nixon seeking closer relations with China.

It would appear, she never learnt to be grateful, after gaining advantages based on American largesse, not only pivoted around to bad mouth them as, naïve and artless, … thus chumps, … but also acquired the entitlement/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6) disease from them, the full blown disease to all appearances. AJ later to walk the same path, we know influenced by her among other untoward sources, only instead of unloading on America (and Corporate America) as in CYT’s “jilted” case, his favorite target the family!

Avarice, in both of them, springing from easy and indiscriminate “Americanization”, a very fashionable thing to do with many, perhaps too many immigrants and visitors, to this country! The easy shedding of indigenous values, in personal insecurity to distance themselves from where/whence they came and to acquire the persona of American glitter, projections of success, money, power, easy but shallow demands of watching out only for the self, …

To be somebody else important to their insecurities, turning “American” so altogether free of any challenge! After all, it required nothing more than embracing easy sitting virtues, including abusing freedom, without resistance, aggressively and licentiously,…! Then converts are always more fanatical than the natives.

For all her abundant pretensions of being principled, CYT to OS, and even AJ’s longstanding averments, was law-unto-self, opportunistic, arrogantly and verbosely given to chicanery but ultimately too clever by half, … AJ, the pinnacle of insecurity laced cruelty, of-course, conveying himself to the extreme of turning sadistic, causing lasting damage to the family in misplaced fashion and devouring without so much as a belch!

Cheating has become a way of life in too many quarters and corners of America, not excluding within our mental health care industry! Adults messing up their psychology by the way they now live while a problem unto itself, assumes tragic proportions when it manifests and replicates in their children! People given to increasing ranting and other signs of social “insanity” no accidental events in our contemporary life now tending to overflow so! In America we now no longer believe in practically doing anything together, so unable to be ‘strong together” our aggregate strength stands sapped and depleted!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The underpinnings of our healthcare system, are so badly twisted in America, our people are dying, as a consequence, of all its imperfections, yet some, too many of us will not even give the ACA/Obamacare a fighting chance! America is more and more becoming home to predatory employment, which summarily tramples underfoot the rights of the employed so severely as to be labeled the “dark underbelly of the fastest growing job sectors”!

Beyond the foreign-policy centric definitions of “American exceptionalism” or lack thereof, themselves highly complex and jumbled, set-up as the contrast between isolationism and its opposite(s), there is a whole world of value-system, character, education preparedness, … where America at home can hardly be found “exceptional” of old, if that in itself was any reality at all either! American democracy (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) continues to labor under mounting threat(s), particularly as it now stands under the specter of McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) as an expansion on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010)’s erosion of campaign finance, limits.

American Capitalism (1, 2) and business no longer contributes to the local society, but takes from, predatorily sucks it hollow. If American politics, particularly in the incarnation of the GOP, as the “Ghastly Old Party” or Grisly or Grotesque or Gruesome or …, has been hell bent on cannibalizing its own middle class voters and now each other within its rank(s) of fellow politicians, why would it not devour the rest of America too!?!

A financial crisis birthed in America which threatens to create a “Lost Generation” not just in-country but around the globe! And now a, suicidal and kamikaze, government shutdown (1, 2), which even party members say is GOP created and should not have been (1)! Other corruption rages on, as government regulatory agencies arrange soft landing(s) for known corporate villains (1)! A former mayor of Detroit, who “robbed the City … when it was at its most desperate”, received a 28 year term for aggravated corruption!

While, even as Arianna Huffington spoke to her “Third Metric” as the true index and measure of success, Joe Klein informed us of how the baby-boomers (1) ruined “Government” for all of us in America! How indeed is one supposed to stay sane in these insane times? When widespread delusion drives intense “insanity” (1) and dysfunction in America? Consider the absurdity, which is America today, while the National Parks are closed, the Zoo is open (1)!?!

Ben Carson continues to make his super bizarre and outlandish statements (1, 2), keeping pace with the likes of Louis Gohmert (1), Steve King (1), Michelle Bachmann (1), Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin (1, 2), Allen West (1), Joe the Plumber, … Fox “Entertainment” News (1)! Politico thinks the great tragedy is not the American people facing Apocalyptic events, one way or another, over and over again now, but that POTUS keeps reminding us of the “sky falling” and raining down on us as the makings of “Apocalyptic Fatigue”! Judicial activism or “corruption”, running rampant, needing to be “addressed”, checked!” “Sacrifice betrayed” or death-benefits for the families of the fallen, even delayed for any length of time, as a consequence of the shutdown (1, 2), the politics of the shutdown (1, 2), constitute no happy pointers for America’s future.

Would it be far fetched to portray “mad dogs” have taken over America, at least the GOP!?!?! Would it then also be wrong to refer to the GOP as the “Banana Republicans”, other and self destructive alike, seriously question the 15 minutes of fame in the sun sought for themselves by the likes of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Darrell Issa, …?

Suicides amongst French farmers has spiked of late, on account of the drawn out economic distress in Europe, here in America what to be said then about those who would lower devastating pain and  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. suffering, gratuitously, on so many Americans for mere misplaced and insane political posturing, tactic, strategy, …!?!?! Experience alone tell us, giving in to, cowardly, bullies, extortionists, … like the present day GOP, AJ, …is only an invitation to escalation, more chaos and damage caused by them!

Since we are finding ourselves unable to manage our affairs properly in America now, would it even be so outrageous a lark applying to the Queen in England for some advice and guidance!?!?! Why does it not occur to these home-grown predators, everyone is a conservative and a liberal in varying mixes at once, not to be anything but American before anything else, refrain least of all from being I-D-I-O-T-S for themselves, …!?!?! Reason why Bill Maher calls Michelle M. Bachmann and Antonin G. Scalia “The Exact Same Idiot”! Any surprise the Brits find America pathetic, elsewhere in Europe people making other embarrassing comments. (1, 2, 3).

Every human and social story is about the value system that supported and galvanized that individual, social entity’s actions, life! AJ was the product of a society from India where taking care of family beyond merely just aged parents, apart from the his imperatives of contractual and legal duties, was a cultural given, religion and above all the ever, absolute right and equitable thing to do (1, 2, 3, 4), of doing the right thing when it was the most difficult to do!

Similarly, CYT, being Chinese Singaporean and who was informed of the Indian culture from Singapore as well, knew these principles very well too and of the Sud family operating JV (1), while willfully stoking AJ to abandon family and his, legal and moral, duties within it, against the grain of elementary life sobriety! Likewise, Americans, including Ben Carson (1), need to make themselves aware that 29 US states have laws on their books mandating care taken of parents by children!

“A handful of countries, such as India, France and Ukraine, require adult children to financially support their parents, mandating what was once a cultural given. Similar laws are in place in 29 U.S. states, Puerto Rico and most of Canada, though they are little known and rarely enforced because government funds help support the old. In Singapore, parents can sue their adult children for an allowance; those who fail to comply can face six months in jail.

In China, where aid is scarce and family loyalty is a cornerstone of society, more than 1,000 parents have already sued their children for financial support over the last 15 years. But in December, the government went further, and amended its elder care law to require that children also support their parents emotionally. Children who don't visit their parents can be taken to court — by mom and dad.” - In Aging China, Woman Sues Children For Care

This contemporary world is in the throes of its big-time, hurtling trouble(s) precisely because while going on line it went off principles. Too many AJ’s, CYT’s, Ben Carson’s (1), … stalking good sense and sobriety to the detriment of surefooted, steady, all around, … progress and well being registered, protected.

No premium on modest but risk free horizons, watching out for everyone at once, … only disjointed constituencies pulling in different, self-serving, directions, getting away with whatever anyone can, stunts, narcissism and partisanship firmly at the steering wheel, forced arguments instead of objective viewpoint(s) the order of the day everywhere, adults “running the show” bent on juvenile stonewalling and obstructionism than rising above themselves to carry on the business of state … Newt Gingrich

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. arguing on Face The Nation October 13, 2013), since Congress has a 60 year history of contentious operations, shutting the government down justified, convoluted at best but really perversity all the way.

Exactly how and what OS running and trying to accomplish within the JV (1) operatic auspices! Faced with having to accomplish a great deal with very thin and highly tenuous resources, the only way to go, slow, plodding, surefooted, … hitting every successive progress-mark on the nose methodically for minimum wastage, excessive expenditure of preciously scarce resources. Making every unit of available resources count to maximum effect! …Requires not only honest, hands-on, vigilant, organized, … but hold, courageous and wise management. Provided by OS to the JV (1), without missing a beat or causing any mishaps. An onerous, loaded and responsible job, where peoples’ very lives hanging on the quality of such management proffered!

Where in America do we, today, have any management of responsibility and care, when its disposable resources wearing thin too in the sea of debt it too swims in as the, family, JV (1)? AJ should have spoken for Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) when considering Fletcher, attending the former instead of the latter, with just a year’s incremental investment. Could a struggling immigrant, with two more siblings to educate and standing atop OS as a sibling, not a parent, with his own life in front of him, really afford having AJ collecting four college degrees in the resulting uneven fashion. His Columbia (1) degree already a luxury afforded him by OS!…

AJ plainly simply spoilt/1/ 2, 3, 4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and entitled/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6), had no compunctions about riding free on his OS’s head and siblings’ lives, why he is still alive today having butchered his family. Why he could excel at Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6) while SS fighting for his life as a consequence of circumstances of AJ’s very, cowardly, creation!

How he could run away with OS’s very dear investment in him within the context of the JV (1) auspices! How he could keep all his considerable income, made possible for him by OS, for his own, hedonistic, indulgence(s) exclusively, without any twinge at all …! The output of a depraved and sadistic soul, where the entity had by design killed all humanity in himself!

It is a performance mirroring all aspects of the American 1%ers, who in driving the rest of the country into the arms of pulsating and throbbing bankruptcy, feel no pangs bothering them at all. The soul smothered, stilled and murdered for the benefit of owning more green pieces of paper than they can ever expect to spend on themselves in a single lifetime!

These grotesque creatures are not even humanoids, human they clearly are not by any stretch at all! All the corruption being seen and experienced in America, in our times, is at the hands of those cowards who traded away their humanity for aspects of the nether world! Such troubles, as the family has encountered, not to come by without monumental “human”/man-made degeneracy. America’s troubles extraordinaire, likewise, of no ordinary source generation either!

In this interim period, following the conclusion of the second Case Management Conference in February 2004 and leading to Escala’s prima facie doctored final adjudication (August 2004), Escala betrayed his foul antecedents and pursuits in an even more obvious and aggressive fashion. As if he no longer cared at all who knew of his mission to prejudice given matters with active design, he all together abandoned all pretense of dispensing justice within. This was also roughly the period where Case 2 (see below/infra) also fatefully fell into his lap. Both cases were to run concurrently for a time, with Escala prejudicing and punishing the family even more tyrannically in Case 2.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Very evidently, Escala distinctly part of the same cowardly and castrated breed, ilk as the degenerate, dastardly AJ, too many others in America today! Otherwise, America turning imbecile, downright hot and heavy, before our very eyes, which, borrowing from Bill Maher leaves too many others “the very same idiot[(s)]”(1, 2. 3). Between such widespread propensity for corruption and insistence upon acting utterly dense, America being royally ill-served in our times! The family itself creamed cold in the hands of one such American creation, the immigrant AJ, who took his, convert’s, fanaticism all the way to not even excepting family!

Indeed, America in on the path of self-destruction (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Search ), what seems to be a death-wish! But, what is also true, those who destroy, will destroy themselves first!

“Fourth, self-interest leaves our fragile mental apparatus, evolved for the African savannah, at the mercy of Madison Avenue. To put it more bluntly, our sense of self- interest, unless part of a large value system, is easily transmuted into a hopelessly addictive form of consumerism.

For these reasons, successful capitalism has never rested on a moral base of self-interest, but rather on the practice of self-interest embedded in a larger set of values.

The greatest capitalist of the second half of the 19th century, Andrew Carnegie developed his Gospel of Wealth, according to which the great wealth of the entrepreneur was not personal property but a trust for society.” - Self-interest, without morals, leads to capitalism's ... - Blogs - FT.com

“One could only damage oneself through the harm one did to others. One could never get directly at oneself.” - Jean-Paul Sartre (Quotes About Self Destruction (34 quotes) - Goodreads)

It is valid, legitimate to inquire of all those dysfunctional components of our society today, as in the present Tea Party infested GOP, “What planet do you really inhabit?” (1) The American Right has indeed strayed and lurched as irresponsibly as it can be done, to mindless and deranged extremes.

Where and when the healthcare industry has taken to “sketchy practices”, that society is in trouble! Where and when [senior] attorneys have taken to using drugs (1), that society is in monumental trouble! Where when national politicians have gone off the deep end, no brainer this would be the GOP-Tea Party folks, that society is super-duper redouble! … AJ in America is the inheritor of this brand and level of dysfunction, between 2002-2003 when he was orchestrating SS’s abduction, he seems to have time on his hands having been made redundant by his law firm in London, UK! Nothing is sacred anymore in America now!

What if America Ends With a Whimper? With all the aggregate dysfunction around today, there are also wise “singular voices”, wanting to do things for themselves the nation refuses to do for them, wanting no part of the over-arching insanity stampeding this nation in our times! Teachers in North Carolina gladly opting out, with so much of the state government stalking them viciously since the beginning of 2013 particularly! … Americans more than a little fed-up, even Rielle Hunter stepping forward, in a distilled moment, to apologize profusely for, her own, selfishness!  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Healthcare rollout, an “excruciating embarrassment”! Housing bubbles predicted in the near future. Raped teenager shunned by the community! Beyond what all our eyes see around us, an Apple advertisement sums up all that is wrong with our culture! Some call this country “America the half beautiful” only! If the native population suffering so intensely, imagine the lot of the handicapped immigrant population on any number of levels!?! The religious right having turned a massive fraud! … WHO will save the country?

Watching all the swirling insanity, some have the courage to confront and ask “How dare you?”, but stopping short at which not to suffice. There is so much filth turned on high and to boil (1) in America, it is hard to comprehend to what purpose and end!?! Income inequality running off at the mouth, amuck (1) even in this country now! A place getting creepy to creepier each passing time tick! We live in a world where a small tax on the medical devices industry holds the potential to upend corners of the world economy!

As Senator Bernie Sanders never tires of speaking to the rank unfairness of this country’s budget sought to be balanced exclusively on the backs of the poor and disadvantaged, adding to the misery pre- arranged for them. A raving and ranting man called Glenn Beck wants us to in some way “push our kids against the wall” in order to teach them about God!?! Charles Rangel feeling obliged to compare the Tea Party mayhem making to the pursuits of the Confederates some 150 years earlier! Aaron Swartz’s long- arm, as if reaching across from the Great Beyond, serving to make journalistic work safer in terms of source protection, in turn promoting the cause of liberty, as threatened in our times, also safely preserved.

GOP Senators saying “providing Abu Anas al-Libi the same [legal] rights as Americans is ‘despicable.’”, does not auger well for the state of due process adherence, already headed the way of mush, and any sound leadership example setting for the world by America. Many people in this country continue to play “soft” with even gun-control laws already on the books, besides opposing sensible additional legislation needed.

Restraint, as a self and other protecting, virtue is no longer practiced in America to any meaningful degree by too many Americans falling critically short, ignoring the sober advice of Father Knows Best (Man With A Plan)! We have to query the sense and label of private sector employment, when living wage denial in that sector translates to the public sector heavily subsidizing (1) such work!

Walmart first knowingly and against good sense lets food stamp recipients charge exorbitantly on debit cards, with no limits on account of a systems glitch, then actually expects the government program to honor the excess charges so allowed without verifying balances on the phone per prescribed procedure for just such an eventuality!?! One reason for high healthcare costs in America settles on CEO compensation, particularly as it bears no correlation to positive outcomes!

The Government shutdown in October 2013, beyond its obvious financial impact, also registered a critical hamper to the administration of law and order, the business of justice, in this age of persisting terrorist hazards. While even white collar crime continues to routinely rear its ugly head, as America see- saws on the edge of a default apocalypse!

A SCOTUS justice now repeatedly flirts with a form of race “baiting”, around the edges. In another corner, Americans “clueless about” their history and civics, the country’s educational standards in tatters! Ann Coulter (1) continues pedaling her grotesquely twisted ignorance and shallowness, flighty

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. misery caused the people! Others in the genre still frolicking frivolously, seeing ghosts of Hitler in POTUS and calling for his impeachment without ever revealing the articles thereof!

In the entire sordid mix and saga of America in our times, the gem and article of integrity gets occasionally highlighted too. However, the stories of the persisting failure of the Rule of Law should concern and interest us far more. Fact calls emanating out of the GOP itself, questioning the sanity of the party members in Congress, particularly the House of Representatives, worthy of notice.

The utterly shallow way we live in America now, only makes for cowardly aspects and insecurity galore generated in us, freely and profusely. While there are certain bad elements amongst all groups, illegal immigrants and native born Americans alike, on the whole immigrants contribute billions to the American economy in the form of operating small business and in fact America proves more harmful to them, than the other way around, in terms of all the local bad habits they pick up here, as did AJ, just to inform and educate Dennis Michael Lynch’s severe misconceptions!

Even if America makes its bond payments, stopping other bills, absent the debt limit raised and all core bills paif the country risks being downgraded and punished otherwise as a precursor to panic in the world financial markets, is the shape and size of the topically consequential, underlying national dysfunction! The secret surveillance, FISA, court, which is known to approave, rather “rubber stamp”, 99% of the government’s “requested” warrants, now claiming that same number is closer to 75% still constitutes no acceptable safeguard threshold of the privacy and freedom of American citizens!

Why cannot America, American Business and brand of capitalism (1, 2), as well as general life, distracted, understand a simple and direct, operating principle: Stop Building a Business -- Start Building a Culture:

“Success in business is as much about knowing what to do more of, as it is about what to do less of. I find that the key to achieving extraordinary results often lies in having the clarity of mind during key inflection points to know what you need to keep versus what you need to discard -- or what growth guru, Verne Harnish, calls the ‘Stop doing list.’

Things like values, culture, vision, discipline, a well-articulated plan, and traditions are important aspects of building a business that often get lost in the shuffle or replaced by much more exciting things, often known as distractions. Distractions in business are like sheep in wolves' clothing. The challenge with distractions is that they sometimes come disguised as strategy -- they look and sound great, you fall in love with them, and they appear to be important and beneficial. But in reality, they are the second deadliest of all evils in business (the first being greed), because they take you off course, redirect valuable resources, and leave you confused as to why you failed to achieve your intended results.” Stop Building a Business -- Start Building a Culture

Too many Americans just not grateful for what they have in this country, need to be sent to see people’s lives in other countries or even certain stark part of this country itself, to requisitely sober up. How many reasons can we count why American politics has become an apocalyptic mess?

People, presumnably in their bewildered state, seem to be rediscovering the need to believe in something elevated, the “big jelly”, an energy or “power source”, their spiritusl side (1, 2) without necessarily the religious component, … more and more people, otherwise, turning atheist!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. “When [Bill de Blasio] began campaigning, he said, ‘There was the not-unsurprising countercharge from some corners, starting with our own mayor, that it was divisive in some way, or class struggle in some way, to talk about inequality.’

But he said he has since heard something quite different, both from New York's middle class and its wealthy.

De Blasio related the experience of listening to a supporter in the real estate industry introduce him at an event Thursday. The real estate leader said he at first felt ‘uncomfortable’ with de Blasio's talk of inequality, until he thought about his own grandfather, an immigrant who worked his way up with menial jobs.

‘He thought about what if his grandfather had experienced that lack of opportunity prevalent today,’ de Blasio said. ‘And so it became very personal for him in an unusual fashion, and I think this debate is causing a reexamination for a lot of people. That moment last night crystallized for me that maybe people need that little transcendent moment, where it becomes more personal.’” - NYC Mayoral Front-Runner Hopes Wealthy Have 'Transcendent Moment' (1)

The government shutdown and associated debt ceiling abomination has been labeled “Dysfunction Junction”, which may as well be applied to Washington and America as a whole. There is so much dysfunction (1, 2) flowing around within our, freee-wheeling and out-of-contol, society, political insanity (1, 2) in the Capital itself comes as no surprise at all.

“The Republican elite caught a ride on the tiger. But the tiger got sick of waiting for the gazelles it was promised. So the tiger ate its master and now here we are.” - How The GOP Slowly Went Insane

“The divide between rich and poor isn’t just growing in America’s bank accounts”, but as a physical phenomenon in the form of “dying middle-class” neighorhoods”, as a “segregated society” along those lines. We lead such charged, indiscriminate, headlong, unmindful, unnatural, … life style(s) in America, everyone is driving themselves insane chasing mindless ghosts and lifeless material goods, including money as in avarice and voracious greed, we have put to jeopardy even our medical progessionals, whose “burnout” can and does costs undue lives.

America as a whole, it would seem, going through the Mischa Barton like personal episode and nightmare, which she has described as a full-blown breakdown, a tough spot of enormous pressure, an event compounding on her, a perfect storm, … upon the probable heels of over taxing herself in some way or ways. She has, learning from her crisis experience, slowed down, focused on her health attentively, made herself stronger, … none of them bad recommendations for the rest of hurtling, off the rails, … America, in respective ways, either!

Scott Walker in his book, "Unintimidated: A Governor's Story and a Nation's Challenge", is as wrong as can be about any number of things: free-market solutions without the introduced tempering and balance of social justice features is distilled poison which is killing America even before Walker’s own eyes too, Paul Ryan is one of the most toxic and dangerous people for America on par with Walker himself, Walher’s “R” stands for nothing more or less than “Retrograde” or “Retarded” or “Rabid” or “Ribald”

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. or anything along those lines! America’s elected represebtatives, there seems to be a general consensus, constitute the greatest and gravest danger to America, its economy today!

If not out of the dysfunctional American society and milieu of our times, where do “deranged” and toxic people like Michelle Bachmann (1) and Steve King (1) come from, both incidentally with that “R” label and team identification on their backs? Lawrence Rosenthal in his detailed paper and policy brief "The Tea Party, the government shutdown, and Obamacare" traces the Tea Party wing of the “R”’s “scorcged earth” approach and rampage to a zero-sum attitude, akin to Robert Bork finding “unsurpassed ugliness” in the Civil Rights Act’s premise of holding a black person’s right to be served superior to the owner’s rights to refuse service, combining with the reading of the Constitution in the ame way as the reading of the Bible’s inerrant word, blending populism and Koch Brother’s free-market absolutism. as the inheritots of the New Deal opposition, into a Teflon stubborn and raging idealogy.

Spoilt/1/ 2, 3, 4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and entitled/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6), too many Americans, behaving as unmitigated ingrates, forget, ignore and/or remain uninformed of the stagerring number of people, around the world and even America, live as slaves, in crushing poverty, … exhibiting Anthony Weiner’s, self-confessed, “empty, soulless vessel” bound nature and proclivities! Yet, there are also plenaty of soulful and caring Americans, true members of humankind, revealing themselves each day!

Unfortumately, somehow, these days we seem to see and hear more of Harry Reid’s “not playing with full deck”, Mr. Big’s “racist” GOP, Tom DeLay’s Ted Cruz (1, 2) heroworshiping “Real Americans” who could not be more unreal,... However, there are really no winners ever in any such reckoning, where America the ultimate loser or “winner” with an asterisk giantsized!

CEO compensation, at 20 times to averge/typical employee salary in 1965 is now around 300 times, in the dace of disclosure and transpatency of this ratio has only ballooned further up in the past several years, requiring a business wide discipline needing to ne imposed, from within and/or without, based on fiercer tackling and sounder basis, such as compensation valuation methodologies justified, application of the tempering effect of social justice and sobriety principles, … as part of a nationwide value system correction. With such events as HSBC just fined $2.46 billion and JP Morgan a still bigger, whopping $13 billion taking place all over, what CEO integrity or excellence could realistically exist, in the objective, to warrant the obscene and unholy amounts they are paid these days!?!

Anything going right in America today, even the ACA/Obamacare roll out stuck at the malfunction of its website sign-on operations! America just got its first gimpse into the inside workings of the so-called non- profits, whose secret operation having brough in a flood of dark money into our elections revealed yet another area of servere malfunction in America.

Adult America’s severely dysfunctional attitude towards money is bound to have an adverse effect on our children’s approach to it, eventhough Rachel Stacks (1, 2, 3, 4) somewhat misguided still, on the whole, maintains a fairly balanced approach to life. While millions struggling merely for basics on a steep rise, the super-rich playing with increasingly frivolous toys is a vision and view of our world growing markedly decadent on a grotesquely twisted, dysfunctional and unholy trajectory!

To know 1890s America is to know today’s America as more than de ja vu, insider trading then legitimate for making most of Andrew Carnegie’s fortune under generally accepted principles of “the survival of the fittest”, President Grover Cleveland believed federal aid "weakens the sturdiness of the national character", Cornelius Vanderbilt built the royal doghouse “The Breakers” in Newport, RI as if mocking the unfit, … an age when the “fit [punch] drunk on Darwin”! In heavily striking irony the “lazy, spoilt, and [incompetent]” children of one of the world’s richest women potentially threaten her empite.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. “Of the advanced economies, America has some of the worst disparities in incomes and opportunities, with devastating macroeconomic consequences”, while at the same time “countries like Chile, Mexico, Greece, Turkey and Hungary managed to reduce (in some cases very high) income inequality (1) significantly, suggesting that inequality is a product of political and not merely macroeconomic forces.” Twitter, about to go public, is the latest to set up a tax haven in Ireland at attorneys Matheson Ormby Prentice and in the Cayman Islands at the notorious Ugland House, which President Obama gas descrined as “either the biggest building in the world or the biggest tax scam in the world”.

With all kinds of unilateral, predatory, … practices proliferating in America, Walmart made an employee redundant for helping a woman being assaulted in the store’s parking lot, restoring him only when the media got wind of the story. In a time when guns-rights people have been going right over the top too, a rally outside the Alamo openly carryied against the grain of tradition not to stage so at the memorial and ordinance prohibiting firearm carriage locally!

Redskins’ running back Alfred Morris’ personal story, revolving around his keeping himself grounded with awareness of where he came from, of coming from a family where values were affirmatively instilled, … becomes an automatic and instant bible for our sorry times. At the other end of the spectrum lies SAC Capital getting ready to pay $1-2 bullion in penalties, settling with the SEC, for alleged insider trading irregularities.

Even though attributed to the none too clean Paul LePage himself, the Federal Government shutdown quote “There's no monopoly on stupidity” in Washington pretty much encapsulates the underlying event. Individual and collective America has to exercise a rigorous regime of active vigilance and intervention, if America as we have known it is not to be lost to all of us for good anytime!

How far and long can America continue to pay for the consequences of value-system deficiences and naked, wild-west whoring, before it is forced to sink to its knees!?! Even a, dying, child, Trevor Sims of Louisiana, knows humility, selflessness, helping others (1), … elements of true life value system foundations, which eludes adult America bery badly indeed.

All this, means, Amweica now is weak, fields a very weak character. The players in the story within are all also these very weak people, there is no other way to describe or explain their weakness for corruption and inability to stand up to it.

The assessment within is no idle depiction of an American judge (and justice) in our times. Escala, as also others figuring in the opposition, true slime and scum, bottom-of-the-barrel in human pickings even in times when the value-system profile of so (and too) many in America, excavating subterranean depths, does not even come close to breaking ground above their heads.

Stature of so many no taller than of the pavement above the road! Rodents welcome where these creatures would not make the same or any invitation list. Even doubled down sleaze takes a day off now- and-then! All godliness stops at their doorway! What else is the potentially high octane skid-on-steroids that America appears poised upon indicative of, if not of being eaten alive from the inside so, by so many vermin? These are truly terrible times in America, the real tragedy that it is man-made.

During this current interim, between the end of the February 2004 conference and the next lobbed to July, it became increasingly clear that Escala had gone into this unjustifiably prolonged recess only in order to plot his final predatory assault on the law and justice (/the merits) of the case. For the past six months and more

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. he had labored to find a cover for his corruption, some even half-baked legal nail or legitimate looking trickery to hang it all on.

However, while the family could not stop his corruption, given especially the rubber-stamping corruption of the SCNJ_AD yet to come, it could copiously record it all, exposing him bare. And this, it did, which stuck miserably in Escala’s craw and was the source of all his frustrated but misplaced ire, considerable fulmination. He could not quite control OS and SIS in the same manner he was used to controlling lawyers appearing before him, especially those regularly and repeatedly.

It was not at all pleasant for the family, raised on the belief that justice was truly served at least in America and American courts, to see Escala’s nakedly uncorked butchery so. It had not yet had the benefit, either, of the 2008 economic meltdown events, in the aftermath of which so much of the nation wide corruption percolating just beneath the surface was revealed to all Americans.

Among it attorney misconduct (1) in business, politics, … The erosion of personal values in American society in the last several decades as reflected within this country’s legal community is the scariest contemporary event in its life, for, once again, whence goes the judiciary of a nation goes the country too!

CC (1, 2) made no effort at all to answer the family’s motions, none at all! Not even any pretense! Why would she, when she had Escala tucked as deep in her pockets as she did? No application for enlargement of time either, obviously Escala lodged so deep in her pockets and she had no cogent defense within her fabricated outing before the bar!

She did not want to betray the force of the family’s merits and her utter bankruptcy, at once, by tendering any writing at all, Escala himself should have granted those motions sua sponte and post haste past the end of January 2004 return dates going abegging at CC’s (1, 2) end, would have if were in the least bit on tha up and up!

In this manner, the family’s merits decisively undisputed across the length and breadth of the litigation. CC (1, 2) dare not even attempt to answer the family’s motions. Escala diving for the straightforward expediency of simply ignoring the family’s entire motion, affirmative and counter complaint practice, …! In A-M-E-R-I-C-A, SS abducted outright, his opaque detention by now more than a horrendous decade long!

Could anything be more transparent and revealing, loaded, …? Are these not ready-made aspects of unadulterated corruption, of justice brazenly subverted by design? Measure of America spinning on its head and in free fall decline!?! The sun setting on this country, wanting to do so peremptorilyslamming down the lid on it!?!

All these people who did not, even remotely, treat Lady Justice well, never treated her well at all, deserve to be brought before her in the docket.Obligingly, when they have been asking for nothing else!

Just as happiness is a state of mind, integrity too is a state of clarity, purpose and of being. A realized state of self! A state of channeling personal distillation(s)! A state of standing still for discovery! A state of giving self, receiving permission! A state uf unshackling the self! A state of bending away from the ugly for light! A stste of acknowledgement and acceptance! A state of exercising choice! A state of having wisdom a chance! A state of restraint! A state of personal upliftment and fulfillment! … A state of discovering true life truth(s)!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. "I decided I would never ever again spend my lifetime chasing money," he said in the TEDx talk he gave this past August. "At that very moment, my purpose became extremely clear... I believe we are here for two purposes, to serve and to love." -- A Concussion Changed This Man's Life

Where corruption itself is reprehensible, what to be said about such blatant and robust corruption, of the most glaring audacity and twisted tenor, as exhibited by Escala and all the other Hall of Shamers? Bad as American dysfunction is, it is getting and being made worse. Value system failure in America now scales the stratosphere, the country sinks a little more in the quicksand each passing day, yet there are not even the beginnings of sobriety, as it becomes synonymous with around -the-clock, major league DYSFUNCTION! For the comprehensive rottenness of the few too many, the rest of the America’s, relatively innocent and innocent, citizenship cadre have to suffer grievously in helpless tow.

All such bandits and outlaws to be seen in the image of Escala and all the other dedivated outliers (or vice versa), operating way outside any mainstream of decency, restraint, comity, … self monitoring or management. With passage of time, it only became even more than ever obvious that a conspiracy was virulently in progress, from the very outset, between Escala’s soiled bench and CC (1, 2) et al’s hulking debauchery! The demise of even American justice in our Age of Corruption on ready display, more than enough to draw the ire of citizens concerned about the erosion of the Rule of Law/1-2 (3-4-5-6 7, 8-9-10- 11,-12-13-14-15) in this country,

Escala and CC (1, 2) et al. working in subversive tandem as, depicted could not have betrayed their tainted pursuits any better. The former plumb sitting on the family’s entire motion and complaint practice unopposed and past the due/return date(s), while the latter, blithely assured of Escala’s extra judicial cover provided, far from filing any opposition (or even the formality of any perfunctory joinder) should not even bother filing for any enlargement of time!?!

We now see such capacity and audacity for unbridled corruption all across America, belying it as a developed nation on the merits (1) any longer. UNLESS THIS COUNTRY DRASTICALLY & PROPERLY REFORMS ITS, DOG-EAT- DOG AND “PIGS AT THE TROUGH” VALUES (1, 2), there is no real recovery to be had. No truly good results to be realized. When the malady lies deep within us, demurring and tinkering at the surface cannot yield optimal returns and actual turnaround.

Escala was supposed to enter default summary judgments in the family’s favor as soon as the return dates had passed. Not sit on them for six months through June 2004, then too fail to attend to them and simply shut down the litigation willfully finding for the opposition in a display of obviously bogus adjudication. This was a public court of law that Escala was supposed to be running on popular trust, not a racket within some personal fiefdom of his own.

This was not a performance that should have entitled him to continue occupying his bench for another two years through 2006, upon a, seventy year, mandatory retirement tenure. Much less be recalled to the bench again in 2011!?!

This interim period, stretching across four or so months, was then an inexplicably long forward lob only for Escala to see if he could come up with some way to cover his tracks. Prejudice OS-SIS-SS, but without giving the naked appearance of doing so! The family had tied his brazen corruption in such abd so many knots, around his filthy neck, Escala felt he needed such an extended span to attempt detangling himself successfully in this manner.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Writing this account, so many years later, still makes the family cringe recalling this pygmies’ utter lack of self, since Escala never showed the wherewithal to arrest his corruption at any point and save advertising himself as a self esteem equipped adult in name, fiction only. Though towards the end he did broadcast himself, not in reformation but only to hide, as being fighting shy of meeting the family face-to- face, the soliloquy of those squarely caught with their hands inside the cookie jar! By that terminus approaching point, the family’s filings were charging Escala very openly, exhaustively and robustly indeed.

Between February-June 2004, the family filed repeated motions demanding the summary judgments that it deserved palpably on the merits. Escala’s deafening silence in response, handily contrary to the CPLR, yet another major footprint in the sand betraying his purely corrupt pursuits from atop an American judicial bench! Judges are inescapably required to respond one way or another, but Escala’s corruption so obvious, open and exposed, just like CC (1, 2) he was downright reticent about committing himself to writing unless he absolutely had to do so to discharge his corrupt assignment assumed.

Since both Escala and CC (1, 2) were botth perfectly aware of their respective corruption by design, leaving behind a paper trail of their nefarious activities was the last thing they want to do. It was bad enough that their subversive pursuits could be spotted most easily and promptly even from afar, for having been run directly up the flagpole in the full splendor of their see-through nudity, but why unduly expand self incriminating and implicating evidence?

Besides, just as CC (1, 2) et al. had no real arguments, merits with which to answer the family’s motion and complaint practice, Escala also had no direct means to dismiss it with either! Of course his extra-judicial agenda had no intention of granting same anyway, hence the long interlude to plot, instal a safe and successful cover-up, exit plan! What a testimony to human degradation, gut churning and wrenching orgy subverting justice, disturbing picture of faith belied, sorry story of our values defiled and courage denied, … toxic assault directed at the very foundations of our society and civilization in America!

We have already spoken briefly above of Escala and Case 2 in this, interim, segment itself. Escala’s judicial improprieties, gigantic and obvious, were made even more incapable of being mistaken in this second case involving the family that he unfortunately also came to preside over, for a time simultaneously.

His prejudice in this first case was so vicious and virulent that he could not help exporting resident venom to the other, showing himself to be even more vicious, indeed positively malicious, there. For no reason other than recriminating for the family standing on its merits and rights, strenuously opposing his extra-judicial agenda in the first!

It was a high seething, but totally misplaced, anger against the family that Escala took across with a vengeance into the second matter, to make his adjudication there exponentially rotten and punitive. Both cases aggregating to designed tyranny lowered by NJ (1) State on an innocent local family!

The issue of our current character, which includes the implications of all the wrong things we emphasize, is on no one’s tongue really, even though it is at the heart of all our problems. Reforming ourselves, as such, not even in queue of things as any high pririoty on our “To Do” list.

By the time the June 17, 2004 Management Conference date rolled around, the travesty of justice presided over by Escala was so palpably obvious and reaching for the sky, it could only be exceeded by its escalating installments yet to emanate from him ahead. His conduct so outrageous and audacity to subvert so egregious, should draw raised eye brows even in our Age of Corruption!  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Soon enough even all the pretense making would be thrown aside, replaced by the most naked audacity which could be found for corruption on high steroids. It is testimony to the abiding tenacity of the family’s undeniable merits, despite the four months between Fenruary-June 2004 and a year in aggregate taken, Escala could not come up with any suitable bail to hang his corruption suitably disguised on.

It is in these circumstances he was to produce his final judgment, so full of, ready-made, holes, as to put Swiss cheese to spontaneouls shame/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33), sink any tangible boat! Escala’s final judgment a fraud on steroids against his own judicial bench, the court!

Escala, CC’s (1, 2) uniformly fabricated, deficient and defective performance uniformly through SS abducted en bloc and ad infinitum, frontal view and exposure of the corruption drenched abomination and unspeakable outrage that was American “justice” in Escala’s cowardly, rogue, despicable, pimping for NJ (1), sleaze infested, … courtroom, never court! Why Escala took to dodging face-to-face, eventually all contact with the family. … Why particularly in 2008 AJ, hiding anyway and upon being discovered working at EBRD (see “Aftermath” section below/infra) promptly decamped to go into deeper hiding!

The family’s contention that the law of the case imperatively demanded entry of default judgments ending the litigation in SS-the family’s favor was clearly well dounded and warranted. It deserved summary cancellation of the June 17, 2004 Management Conference, towards such a finale!

CC’s (1, 2) filings at bar plainly and entirely fabricated, subequent performance before Escala an exact zilch and even less, … there just could not be any other conclusion. What Escala presided over here and CC (1, 2) pursued was an orgy, predatory rape most of all of justice, even the institutional business of justice as a grotesquely twisted and corrupt enterprise through and therong!

Escala who had his grandson’s portrait hanging in the corridor leading to his Chambers, fell in that child’s eyes by the stoop of his cowardly and low-lying pursuits. What kind of ill wind is it that blows across America in our times, does this woebegone excuse for a human being carry no Grandfather’s SHAME/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33)?

Every business but the business of truth and justice represented in Escala’s foul courtroom (1)!?! That basic and essential honesty!?!

“But it is the judge who … abides by the rule of law who is to be admired and respected and should be chosen (appointed) to serve.” - Judicial Elections - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Someone should bell and ask Escala placed in the docket? Who told him that sitting on a judicial bench was about being a jumbo sized predator and monster, stalking citizenry he was commissioned to protect? And consequently, be a pea sized nobody of an entity, of immense cowardly and degenerate proportions? Who would believe he could never see one solitary piece of merit in the family’s corner, which only smacks of contrivance and disingenuity galore.

As such, in writing to Escala a little ahead of June 17, 2004, asking whether he proposed doing the right thing by granting its motion and complaint practice as required of him, the family also inquired whether he proposed holding that date’s scheduled, but entirely unnecessary, conference? Never receiving any response from him, the family was misled into not appearing at the date’s Management Conference.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. He had throughout maintained ex parte contact with the vile opposition attorneys, even non-parties to the litigation. He had been turning away from the truth and justice steadfastly too. Why would he not welcome an ex parte Management Conference too? Otherwise, under the circumstances, he was required by Civil Procedure, the law to cancel and reschedule.

Moreover, Escala was not overly enthralled about having to interact with the family and its resistance accorded his wide open corruption, but same nowhere to translate into conduction ex parte proceedings!?! He was also impeccably informed the family was perfectly on to his extra judicial agenda and all its incorrigible colors.

Not only was he incensed with the family for not backing down to allow his release from his self-inflicted trap, he had the false pride wanting to avoid it but no real self respect to do the right thing. By this stage, he was also burning the family, in sheer retaliation cross-pollinated from this case, most intensely indeed across in Case 2.

Imagine the chutzpah of this degenerate, himself wrongs the family first and then punishes it again for not taking that beating quietly, submissively!?! AJ did exactly the same to the family and with the same expectations, there must be a topical disease going around America these days, together with the many other ailments too.

Thus, there was an endless string of strong, EXTRINSIC AND CIRCUMSTANTIAL, evidence produced by the guilty parties, in fact even simultaneous to the timing of their misdeeds, showing not only the hanky-panky indisputably afoot but of their own full awareness of leading exclusively with designed corruption through-and through. Escala simply made up his own rules, suiting his own political agenda floated from a judicial bench, as he went along.

The more brazen he had to be to advance his nefarious activities, the more nakedly he broadcast his flirting with all that he was not supposed to do. Much that is not all right with the state of Denmark, to the Bard’s dismay!

So he held the conference on June 17, 2004, in its disallowed ex parte format. Otherwise, given the unbending and incorrigible nature of Escala’s extra-judicial agenda within, not being present at another loaded Case Management Conference, corrupt, doctored and laced with foregone implications, effectively could not have been any incremental loss to the family.

His final adjudication that lay directly ahead, the tainted contents of which the family could fully predict in advance, was to be more of the same in the known prejudicing and justice subverting direction. These were no judicial proceedings, Escala was running an unmixed and unmitigate, racket!

We mow live in a vicious stalking/1, 2, 3 and predatory culture, replete with the cowardice of those who would stoop to it. Not for nothing we may know it by the, rhyming, proper label of ‘Vulture Culture’.

And, this is exactly what Escala and those others with him did, pick and prey on the handicapped SS. Even his family, exploiting its financial situation, of the very making of AJ’s frauds compounded by SS’s illness, preventing it from being able to employ counsel for the critical litigation within.

In Pennsylvania’s former Governor Rendell’s vernacular, AJ, Escala, CC, BRMC, … are all W-U-S-S-E-S (1, 2), for leading America’s core values astray. And we are speaking of no machismo laced foolish bravado either, the one, kind which bred AJ’s cowardly hooliganism and is really only predatory engagement with  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. tactically spotted, identified weak adversary, but the capacity for courage to do the right thing, even when it was the most difficult to do.

There is a quality to true courage. It is never loud, indeed forever retiring on the other hand. If it is about muscles, then only that single mental muscle deployed to weigh and consider what is right on the way to providing the impetus of conviction to perform it. It does not scatter before fear, takes sensible account of its source factors. It does not bend to it, but rather strives to overcome it in measured terms. Most of all it does not blunder forward headlong in unresolved fashion reacting to it, for that is not only personal foolishness but also comes bearing the seeds of cowardly hooliganism, bullying, blackmail, … other kin to predatory license.

America’s current floundering state is not any accident, it is most foolishly man-made upon disaster courted and invited with open arms into the home. There is just no way to put garbage in and then expect anything but garbage out. If America and Americans think that it is possible to find success through licentious and unjust means, the verdict on that is already before them. With only more to come, befriending incorrigibility.

It cannot be forgotten that the story within has to do with the American healthcare business (1, 2, 3, 4). Then, also with the American justice system - FAMILY COURT & Child Protective Services/“CPS” (1)! As it is, both are without easy reach of ordinary citizens. If the kind of corruption described within is then layered atop, what is left intact in this country? Education (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11) is now also not easily accessible to Americans. There is a reason why Denmark is held the Happiest Country on earth!

The rampant corruption in America (1) today, it seems, spans across everything, almost as an out of control disease. Even science being extravagantly corrupted! An American mental health expert, of forty years standing, finds/concludes the country’s mental health state is “dire”, in terms of the exploitation Americans subject each other to now, lack of mutual respect and caring carried, lack of responsibility that people have in/bring to their relationships, unwillingness to see others prosper and bew well, …!

This expert sees all such dysfunction rooted in and emanating out of a lack of self respect, care and love. Referes to something, akin to “Murphy’s Law”, called “Keldwin’s Law”, which she goes by in her mental health practice. This “Law’ postulates people can, will give only what they have to give.

As such, people who are not self caring and respecting, simply, cannot treat others with care or respect either. Follows vice versa too! She sees, such, sociopathic behavior, defined as other people disconnectedly viwed as commodity for exploitation, on a rise to “fascist: proportions in contemporary America.

This gives us another, formal medical, underpinning as to AJ’s immensely predatory and destructive, dysfunctional, state. As an enormously insecure entity, retention by him of low self respect and personal esteem translates to his carnivorous footprint for others, even the family. Much the same to be said of all our “Hall of Shame” inductees, as well as of all those, cowardly, Americans who corrupt to erode their country to its, runaway, detriment in our times!

Corruption by CPS, shown topically above/supra, to be found particularly twisted and widespread at once in the given mix of justice and courts centered corruption! Precisely the kind of, designed and sizzling, corruption SS and the family too faced in the story within. Clearly corruption in Mental Health America, by evidence, is no less bountiful and cutting, no less emblematic of our dreadfully sorry times (1)

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The most basic needs of life increasingly out of easy reach of people in contemporaryAmerica to start with, then same further harassed by gratuitous corruption of the magnitude detailed within. Is this the America anyone would want to wave anywhere? Consider the predatory pursuits of an outfit called Accretive Health Inc, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), is this what America has reduced itself to, a vast predatory wasteland where citizens prey on each other viciously now? Is this anything that can be held up as any “care system”? Any nation worth speaking of!?!

America is in the vortex of serious dysfunction, disrepair and doldrums on any number of fronts today. Sighted and targeted upon being placed within its, very own, crosshairs. Painting its decline and demise (1) with its own broad brush, cannibalism! Tethering on the lip of a long falloff, which if it had any sense it would backoff from!

Scholars like Noam Chomsky (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ) have been speaking out for years against the American dysfunction and excesses, only to be side-lined and even blacklisted. Well meaning criticism and warnings ignored, taken as anti national interest loaded. When it was always given as concerned warning, urging the nation to be on guard against its own worst self! Against its own worst pursuits and policies!

Unwanted critics are like parents whose advice and recommendations are never palatable to their children, until the actual catastrophe hits. Critics like Chomsky (1, 2, 3, 4) afterall speak in the language of national interest, with no ulterior agenda to promote.

The ruling elite may normally not find it palatable, concerned only with their own, self-serving, narrow interests, but with America entering the actual unraveling state in the past quite a few years surely should be easier for it to see the writing on the wall. Should make valid criticism more palatable!

It is decidedly a time of reckoning for America’s ruling elite, as continuing to ignore real national interest under the guise and pretense of serving it while padding self-interest alone comes to roost home for them as well. Whether it is this elite or fascist orgamization, who prefer to point finhers not at themselves or this elite, but would rather make scapegoats of the middle and the working class, now that the income gap is obviously wrecking the economy for everyone without any exception, heed will be paid to creating middle and working class based demand again in this country.

Brakes will be applied to “imperialism” related runoffs out of the national treasury, all the runaway malfeasance at home, …, our elite will learn to deal in reality, truth and of doing the right things again. The life it will save to include its very own too, the elite! America can simply not go on as it is, without soomer than later incurring the fate the U.S.S.R. ran into in 1991.

Standing at a podium in his usual brown corduroy sport jacket, he laces his lectures with biting sarcasm toward corporate malefactors, warmongers and their sycophants among intellectual and media elites. But with regular folks, he's a model of gentleness and compassion that might make Eugene Debs envious. Noam Chomsky Continues to Inspire

Howard Zinn (1, 2) is another scholar, voice enjoining restraint and sobriety on America. Externally and domestically, alike! Chalmers Johnson (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) has discussed the decay and decline of America in the context of the demise of the Roman Empire, justifying this line of analysis on the derivation of the American Constitution, democratic and Repulican form of government from the Roman model.

Recently Rush Limbaugh, seemingly in the abundance of ignorance of Marxism that obtains in America (1), was sweepingly critical of the Pope’s own bland criticism (1, 2) of unfettered capitalism (1, 2), in terms of the straight tyrranny of unleashing heavy-duty inequality, poverty on the world’s masses and urging renewal of

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Christian principles, as Marxism promoted. The Pope in responding, calling Marxism wrong and declaring he knew a lot of good Marxists, however, does not reveal whether he is really conversant with Marxian (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) economic treatise or not. Otherwise, even POTUS staked out common ground with the Pope on these issues.

It is quite evident that there is widespread lack of understanding and ignorance of socialism in America. One prime reason is the heavy duty currency of disinformation and propaganda foisted pointedly by the ruling Capitalist elite on the masses, in order to maintain the economic supremacy it has already gained over the rest of the country. A bill of goods sold to the people! However, this in no way excuses the American masses from staying ignorant, relying on successful Capitalist class at the top for their education on topical matters.

Who can forget the elderly lady in Florida, of 2009-10 vintage, who did not want the government touching or running her Medicare benefits!?! The one who refused to believe even when informed that Medicare was intrinsically a government program and had always been so!?!

Do the American poor understand that in the current environment their asking for jobs and the reduction of inequality-poverty are socialist demands? The social security, unemployment insurance programs and the 12 million plus jobs program of the 1930s was a true blue socialist enterprise.

The GI Bill at the end of World War II too. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society experiment in the 1960s, which gave the people Medicare,, Medicaid, The Food Stamp, welfare, higher education, … programs, too. American “Capitalist” history is full of government subsidies, various other preferred treatment, even periodic and strategic nationalizations, … other forms of social protections, without which its Capitalistic structures would never have survived, to rape, for the top heavy and benefitting profit, the very people who made national capitalism (1, 2) possible; not even including the last super-lavish bailouts of 2009-2009. .

When Walmart hiring at its bottom rungs relies on enrolling that staff into the Food Stamp program, its netting of Capitalist surplus is so augmented on socialist stilts. Is the ignorance of the very same Americans aware that the collective decision making of corporate Board of Directors for distributing corporate surplus or profit, including bonuses to management,, has always been so collective in its decision making and socialist in its distribution amongst the affluent classes?

The Insurance industry, in its very intrinsic conceptual form and purpose a collective enterprise for delivering socialized benefits, has been allowed to become an unadulterated and runaway rapacious enterpise besides an American healthcare system no less grotesque and brimming with predatory dysfunction on the unaffordable factor front. All corporate operations socialist in nature, workers pulling together towards producing and selling the same products or products, the detour towards capitalism (1, 2) inserted only in the end while distributing profits.

The armed-forces is a socialistic enterprise. Indeed, the government is the single biggest employer in America, single niggest buyer of industrial output, in so many cases the only buyer. So much so, it is near possible to close army bases in the country, because no Senator wants any base ever closed in his or her state. The government commands the high tech research sector near fully, with the internet first developed within the Pentagon and released mainly for private consumption only when it failed to meet the originally envisioned military use.

Our family lives and friendships are socialistic in construct and utility alike. Our choice of democracy betrays our socialist preferences. All our team sports, pursuits together, though corrupted by the obscenity of capitalist excesses, are socialist assemblies towards a common purpose; even individual sports require the assembly of an opposition. Our banks practice syndication of loans, if we can spcially “distribute” risk in such socialisy fashiom, why do we not distribute income or in Marxian (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) terms the surplus in democratic fashion?  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Likewise, we distribute risk by diversifying our investment portfolios across a society of corporate instruments and pool such instruments into an integrated mutual fund schema.We take advantage of the economies of scale of mass production and sale to yank down the price of a new product to make it affordable for the masses as the strategy of lucrative volume business.

We even have employee owned businesses in America itself, arranged through ESOP ownerships and other joint ownership configurations. We have home ownership through co-operative, condominium, … schemes. The concept of masstransporation, carry socialistic overtones and substance. Malls and strip or mini malls with socialist features relied upon. The 24/7 711 type of businesses predicated upon round-the-clock mass convenience principles.

Henry Ford applied and perfected the efficiency of the assembly line concept for mass production of affordable cars. Our roads are commonly owned and usede. As are our airports! Bus terminals and rail road stations!

Our police officers, anticipating any hairy situation, call up for backup. We have “Neighborhood Watch” systems in place. We put into place the “Amber Alert” device and through the “America’s Most Wanted” program enrolled the public’s help in our crime management enterprise.

We pray together socially, evety religion of this earth above all preaches the brotherhood of humans, community, family, … of taking care of each other. We picnic together in common parks. Our “high rise” construction scheme, one which economizes on horizontal land occupations and consumption, rest on socialistic concepts. We share air and waterways around ourselves jointly held.

Our lottery programs are distinct socialistic ventures. The internet is a great global social network. The orchestra plays together. We belong to clubs together. To the same country together! … Will be taken to the cemetery by others acting together.

Both “Public” and “Private” made up of people, popular denominatios. If a small group of people working together can still be designated “private”, large groups of people working together should at least not raise the specter, as it does, arbitrarily and discriminatingly, of alarm in America, everytime the concepts of “Public” and “Private” are weighed in the light of super, irrationally scary “Socialism” versus the very endearing “Capitalism”(1, 2) with all its predatory effects handily glossed over, ignored.

Socialism is all around us even in America. The American people fail to understand what “Socialism” really is, because they have always been familiar only with capitalism (1, 2) jutting out amidst them and because they allow the tuling elite to brainwash them while they will simply not take the trouble of thinking clearly and for their own selves. Too busy chasing capitalism’s (1, 2) cousins consumerism and materialism, too retiscent to exert thinking for themselves. All the same reasons why they are too indifferent to bother knowing and understanding their own country well!! Its history and present alike: political, social, economic, … et al. …

Socialism is all around us and always has been, but Americans in willful ignorance too stubborn and incorrigible to exert to understand it, anything properly. No one is advocating anything but retaining Capitalism (1, 2), but with its predatory footprint and wings suitably expunged, clipped. Why was economic inequality in America allowed to go amuck as and as much as it has been? What is wrong with equity and justice, liberation and freedom from exploitation, … held in premium by all core socialistic thought as necessary cornerstone for any desirable economic system.

The Mondragon Corporation experiment, begun in 1956, in Spain is example of an endeavor to marry the advantages of Capitalism (1, 2) with those of Socialism. To what extent it has been successful in eradicating  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. all the ills of Capitalism (1, 2) is not the question to be asked, but rather that it signals the willingness of the people involved to innovate and evolve towards a “better” system.

Its premium lies in not remaining inert with Capitalism (1, 2) but being kinetic to tame it “incrementally”. This kinetic process begins with being open-minded at any starting line. Informed! Willing to innovate and implement the new!

No one denies the benefits of incentive, but the tendency towards excess and unfettered corruption has to be held in safe check. Discussing socialism is not tantamount to plotting the demise of capitalism (1, 2), does not automatically translate to the latter. Speaking out against unfettered capitalism (1, 2) is not gunning for the overthrow of capitalism (1, 2). It is almost self evident and aviomatic that the toxic acidity of unfettered capitalism (1, 2) needs alkaline treatment as much as any episode of biological acid-reflux does.

A constructive criticism of unfettered capitalism (1, 2), as such, should not produce the reflexive ignorant reactions of Marxism, sweepingly understood as the scourge of socialism, in Americans. Some of whom, in the ruling elite, who have to generate a self-serving agenda, others, particularly in the working and lower middle class, who form the blind following that cannot even spot themselves acting against themselbes/

Thus, the core Marxist tenets (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) have nothing to do with socialism or communism, merely constituting an analytical framework for delineating the precise location of the agent provocateur(s) within capitalism (1, 2). Very simply Marx’s analysis (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) spotting the problem as “surplus (or profit)” bound, in how capitalist surplus is, exploitively, created by first definitions as a consequence of paying less than what it produces to “labor power” as wages and with no reservation for fair sharing or participation in the “distribution of the surplus” in the end.

Marx (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) may have predicted capitalism’s “evolutionary” transition, rooted in historical materialism,, advanceing technology and productive forces, into socialism, then communism, Capitalism inevitably morphing into “a society in which classes and the state are no longer present, and there is access abundance to final goods, and thus distribution is based on to each according to his need.”

However, at no time did he recommend or advocate any arbitrary ushering in of either socialism or communism. Maintaining that he did is the misleading and propagandist work of the capitalist elite, accepting same the misled state of those ignorant masses simply refusing to inform and think for themselves.

Professor Richard D. Wolff, in addition to his tutorials on Marxian Economics (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), has also written and lectured extensively on the [2007-08] “Economic Crisis and Globalization” (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). His perspective obviously different from that of “Academics Who Defend Wall St. Also Get Paid By Wall St”. While Professor Wolff addresses the crisis from the academic platform of economic theory and history, which includes an unevitable critique of capitalism, journalists such as Matt Taibbi give us brutal exposes of a more immediate nature.

However, Chris Hedges (A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) is the one who gives us the most comprehensive account of what ails America today. Dealt in both extensive historical span of perspective and the vertical plunge into the depths of component pieces! Chris, as a honest broker covering his subject matter is unsurpassed, without parallel in identifying with it. In his public speaking and appearances his anger, at what has been done to America and the American people, palpable and often enough visible as raw as can be. Recalling his father and what he taught Chris, by way of social justice and care, this eternally beholden son not above tears and tears in public.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Even as the first part of Chris’ work deals with the analytical framework for how and why America came to rest where it rests very uncomfortably today. the second part is channeled through what he calls contemporary America’s sacrifice zones, four of which he has visited and whose plight he has documented graphically, with Joe Sacco, in his “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt”. Camden NJ residents, workers in the fruit produce groves of Immokalee, Florida, the people of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, the inhabitants of Appalacian coal country in Southern West Virginia as in Welch, WV. Other American sacrifice zones we know of are Detroit, MI (1), Gary, IN (1), Flint, MI (1, 2), … Emergence of the Corporate State always means the emergence of the Security State, Karl Polanyi had warned us in his “The Great Transformation” (1944).Financial systems have always devolved, without heavy government control, into a mafia Capitalism (1, 2) and mafia Political System. All traditional standards and beliefs are shattered in a severe economic crisis. The moral order is turned upside-down, the honest and industrious are wiped out, while gangsters, profiteers and speculators walk away with millions.

Touted benefits of globalization have been exposed as a lie. Lowering of residency requirements for coporations is an invitation to massive tax evasion. Globalization has turned into the norm, because only large corporations can access its advantages, the people bear its disadvantages alone. Decline of the middle class, the very basis of national democracy, is somehow seen as the inevitable result of progress. Income deprivation to the middle class, forcing their households to rely on multiple family income, dismissed callously as the punishment for not keeping up. … Chris paints a very troubling, but accurate, picture of contemporary America.

According to Chris, the ruling elite know the economy is not coming back, hence the buldup of the national security and surveillance appratus (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). The current dystopian state of America funds parallels in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. Sheldon Wolin describing the emerging form of government in America as Inverted Totalitarianism, speaks, in his. Democracy Incorporated, of access to cheap credit and mass produced consumerism as gorms of political pacification. Cheap credit having vanished and consumer goods no longer cheap as before, American life is moving into the “Oceana” state, where most, 85%, of Americans are proles hanging on by their finger nails.

Chris sued the US Federal Government over section 10:21 of the National Defense Authorization Act , which allows American armed forces to detain suspected people, not exempting American national, without the full sway of the due process protections of the fourth amenedment. Particularly troubling, the amorphous term “substantially support” for describing acts of possible terrorist suspects. The nebulous term “associated forces” to describe suspected supportive terrorist organization. The vague term “till the end of hostilities”, to fix the duration of detention! …

Chris quotes Polanyi (1) in finding unfettered capitalism to be a revolutionary force, based on its capacity to turn everything into a commodity, for exploitation. According nothing any intrinsix value, only monetary value for vicious gouging! Human beings, the natural world, … all targets so, until milked mercilessly to exhaustion or collapse. For profit and unrelenting pursuit of personal enrichment held insatiable. Built within which are the seeds insane of other and self destruction and annihilation.

In “Death of the Liberal Class”, quoting Karl Popper, from The Open Society and its Enemies, Chris notes that most people who are attracted to power are either mediocre (Obama) or venal (Bush).Likewise, quoting the Hatvard Historian Charles Maier, from “Among Empires”,“He weaves a dense political and economic analysis into what is a fundamentally narrative account. In this account, he

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. describes US development from an empire of production to an empire of consumption. … Will America be able to reinvent itself again or will the empire of consumption ultimately consume itself?”

Speculators were hung in the 17th century America, yet in today’s “Griftopia”, according to Matt Taibbi, with two sets of rules in currency, not one banker, white collar criminal at the top has been prosecuted (1) despite the man-made horrors of horrors we know 2008’s “Great Recession” to be. At the other end, Chris identifies an American society, unable to speak truth to power, utterly illusioned and nursing the most permicious belief it can have everything it wants without reality ever entering its sonsciousness as any impediment in the eleast.

Compounding the beavy duty corruption of the ruling elite hell bent on raping the nation state senseless, is a citizenry in America given to, infantile, magical thinking. Refusing to deal in brass tacks, it would rather fuzzily abd self-delufingly focus on “happiness”, “digging deep within its respective selves”, “grasping its true exceptionalism”, Jesus, … When the gap between illusion and reality pops, people turn to demi-gods, a savior, moral renewal, new glory, … further mirage!

The American Right, in the incarnation of the blighted Tea Party, the first off the mark in this desperate enterpise! Letting off misplaced steam, never aimed at the self, descends on all kinds of vulnerables as scapregoats – subtle dark coded racism (1), overt bile against Muslims, hatred of undocumented workers, homophobia, celebration of the language of violence, extolling their “gun culture”, … anger towards liberals.

The American Left will likely follow suit in due course, in its, own, way! Signposts of a disintegrating society, on a fast trot descent! The Roman Empire showed the same signs on its way down and out. All Empires do in the end, the same footprint as they unravel on the way to their respective final implosion.

The corporate state in Amercica, instead of reacting rationally, chose to forcefully shutdown the Occupy/“OWS”movement. Staying tone deaf and out of touch, as Versailles and the Forbidden City did in their respective histories, Chris argues that this has been the response of all ruling elites that have taken their nation state Empires down and out.

He strongly supported the non-violent, non Black-Block, wing of the OWS as a genuine people’s movement. He would rather have seen Wahington D.C. respond forgiving all student debt, initiating a massive jobs programs particularly for the under 25, placing a moratorium on all foreclosures, … even unpack a “Medicare for All” type of healthcare system for the country.

He points to Wolin‘s conclusion, in Democracy Incorporated, that the New Deal’s greatest accomplishment was in saving capitalism from itself in America. As such, he reminds us, in his “Death of the Liberal Class”, that the classic role of the liberal class was the centrist one of serving as a release valve to capitalism’s excesses building the pressure of all kinds of inequities, economic and a consequence other, in society.

Thus, Roosevelt and the New Deal features, most immediately the massive public sector jobs program for 12 million decked by the “Great Depression”, helped to restore some balance back in the direction of the people, persuading at least a sufficient part of the capital class itself to pony-up for the renedy. The last Empire to suffer its, over and out, demise was no other than America’s erstwhile cold-war adversary, the Soviet U.S.S.R., not so long ago in 1991.

Chalmers Johnson (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) spots three crowning factors for the U.S.S.R. Empire’s takeout stumble Extreme economic rigidit y, imperial overstretch and inability to reform. The American Empire shows all  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. these symptoms of atrophying and approaching rigor mortis similarly in ample measure. Hence the assessment of many experts that America’s slide may already be fargone, too late in the day for any meaningful rescue if it comes at all. An assessment which Chris concurs in.

A case of the toothpaste effect, once out cannot be put back in. Otherwise, as in evolution not ever to work backwards! Chalmers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) invokes the erroneous legend of the “saber-toothed tiger”, in evolution were cats without being of the tiger family, but the legend once out has stayed that way. He likes to caricature America’s forward future as the Godess Nemesis poised to take down its hubris and arrogance!

Chris, besides the Oceana parallels, also takes the aid of the imagery of ”Moby Dick”, as a prescient study and projection of what American values and activities have become. Pointedly as they relate to the loaded propensity for self destruction, annihilation. Likens America today to the doomed ship “Pequod”, American citizens to the Pequod crew and Ahab to our nation’s tyrannical and oppressive corporate state and ruling elite!. Ahab, who describes himself as “My means are sane, my motive and object “MAD”!

In theological terms, Chris posits, American corporate systems are forces of death, reaching their dysfunctional worst and peak in our times, scavenging and pillaging to net the dystopia we live in the America of the first and second decade of the 21st century. Asserts contemporary values are not American values, but rather corporate values in rampant currency.

The more these very dark forces suck the American people dry the more they also degrade the traditional mechanism by which the people were educated, informed and empowered. Chris presents a connected, historical, perspective and narrative, which serves to explain both: how the American people bankrupted and their means to resist blunted cold at the same. Relates this seamless story of the American citizenry rendered powerless in both these cruscial and critical ways by these first decades of the 21st century.

Very clearly the political establishment in America is near exhaustively and paralyrically beholden to their corporate “masters”. However, unfettered capitalism (1, 2) and accompanying runaway greed, not only kills others aa in America’s working masses, even the middle class in sequence, but as a vicious disease locates within it the seeds of its own destruction. The destruction of the capitalist elite tnemselves eventually too!

So, in a parallel universe, it will take stock also of the likes of AJ and CYT, who in greed and hubris too imbibing those wicked corporate values brought the demise of an utterly innocent immigrating family, themselves too! Vermin, who in Ivy League Schools (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and Wall Street/corporate America, learnt only to be spoilt-entitled/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6) on the way to becoming virulent social predators and law-unto-self pariahs. One so lawless despite attending Columbia Law School (1), bot to uphold law, justice and equity, bot wreck havoc to them all within the auspices of family no less.

Indeed, all those who figure within the topical Hall of Shame entitled only to being found all the same cowardly and wicked social vermin, predators, … par excellence! Worthy of being spontaneously weeded out sternly as the most unfit and unwanted social pariahs!

Both AJ and CYT viewing their badly sought after “Americanization” in terms of breathlessly acquiring the local “corporate values”; for execution with over-the-top fervor, of an already unfettered and excessive strain of values, as the invariable footprint of any new convert(s). Where new converts have a throbbing and urgent need to prove their new credentials in order to belong and be accepted post haste, it is really only the weak of character who will rush indiscriminately to belong to and meet the initiation requirements of something wicked.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. AJ we independently know to be a weak character for the ages, CYT must also be concluded one on the sheer span and weight of her, long and heavy, wicked pursuits partenering AJ with ease and even alacrity. Those who can be irresponsible, wicked and cruel to others, no mistake to be made about it, are weak entities somehow straining to mask their vulnerabilities by predatorily bullying and prevailing over others.

Since true courage cannot be their recourse and weaponry, their hunting grounds adorned with preying on those weaker than themselves, acting with stealth and subterfuge, … other tactics of the nether. They tend to pedal hoolihanism as the genuine article courage, but, all, the world knows their ballyhoo!

The saga of AJ’s callow and cowardly existence is extravagantly showcased, already, above/supra and all over. No sooner had he finished using the family, he bolted defrauding it viciously. This was also at a time of OS/JV (1)/family’s loci of maximum encumberance and pivotal reach for essential operating stability in America! By the time he finished law school (1), it had been rendered weaker and unsteadier still, while not merely handling the vital life settling aspects of members but buried under impossible debt peonage.

Debt, necessary for family education and other support, in a striving immigrating family! One which had grown impossible only under AJ’s irresponsibilities, frauds and of forever bolting before all adversity, life itself! Running from his JV (1), legal, duties too. Compounded further by acquiring American “corporate values”, as he also grew spoilt-entitled/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6), answerable to unfettered greed vocation as it emerged in full blown fashion in 1980s America.

Thus, not only was OS left holding, alone, a structure that always needed four sturdy legs, the topical enterprise was also endemically handicapped by its hands being tied behind its back on account of its members, SIS and SS most pertinently, still lacking the necessary immigrant status, their green-card(s). The JV (1) could not be in a more precaeious suspension, standing not merely with its back facing a sheer drop at the edge of a precipice, but with its hands tied behind its back too!

It was OS/JV (1)/family in this swaying state that AJ, beyond his opening frauds, further subjected to self-serving assaults in the form of gratuitous guerilla warfare, blackmail, …, when the shoe was always on his foot alone, incessantly for all the time since 1984! Could anything be more cowardly, brimming with raw hooliganism!?! Any small wonder the family was inevitably totally-but-totally knocked off, eventually, any marginal footing it held onto desperately for a long time by dint of nothing more than the sheer will of OS’s stubbrn rearguard fight alone?

AJ, this devourer of family and the beneficiary of CYT’s devout championing head-over-heels, defrauded for law school (1) in order to be a free-wheeling law-breakers and to wield his legal license as a weapon of licentious instrumentation. Motivated only by distilled greed, which began consuming America in barreling high relief in the 1980s, he made a beeline for corporate law after his law studies(1).

The public sector not even sighted ever, even in passing. Not even lip service paid to it, in conversation with OS/the family from the outset it was always only the corporate law sector. It was the stalking of naked money-making through and through, terms like serving justice or the rule of law, anything elevated in that strain, never passed his lips or entered his vocabulary remotely. The family raped violently for the purest of avaricious motives.

He had learnt well at the feet of his classmates, who besides harking for affluent families were too chicken to enter life and marked as much time as they could hiding on college campuses after campuses, not excluding law school (1) premises. Could any as yet immigrating family, with the two youngest  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. children/siblings yet to attend college at all, really afford to spare an older child/sibling for four college degrees, three of them in America?

Bad as spoilt-entitled/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6) habits would clearly be even for any American born, where would AJ come off competing in that arena as an immigrant? In fact vying to surpass the native born in that department? Not even on a father’s head, but a sibling/OS’s? A ready index of truly how corruption and dysfunction even flowing down from the ruling elite at the top. If their wealth is not to trickle down, their malaise decidedly headed south. Even to the recently arrived and susceptible immigrants, AJ and CYT’s overzeal would certainly aeem pointed that way, in direction and intensity alike.

Chris in an interview with Bill Moyers on July 20, 2012 (1, 2) constructed American citizenry’s own complicity in letting itself down as follows:

“This sort of notion that the corporate value of greed is good. I mean, these deformed values have sort of seeped down within the society at large. And they’re corporate values, they’re not American values

I mean, American values were effectively destroyed by Madison Avenue when, after world war one, it began to instill consumption as a kind of inner compulsion. But old values of thrift, of self-effacement, or hard work were replaced with this cult of the “self”, this hedonism.

And in that sense, you know, we have become complicit, because we’ve accepted this as a kind of natural law. And the acceptance of this kind of behavior, and even the celebration of it is going to ultimately trigger our demise. Not only as a culture, not only as a country, but finally as a species that exists, you know, on planet Earth.” - Chris Hedges *Transcript of interbiew”

Professor Wolff (1, 2, 3, 4), likewise, speaking to the same subject had the following to say:

“Lastly, this history of rising wahes in America contributed to a veru profound idealogy, which is stronger in the united States than most other countries. And I don’t know what to call it, but I will call it ‘consumerism”. It is the notion that what life is about is consumption. There is a joke that I am sureyou have all heard, ‘Life is a game, the person who has the most stuff in his garage ehrn uou die, WINS. Accumulate! Have a nice house! Have a nice big house! Have two houses! Have a car! Have two of them! Accumulate! Have a kitchen with every gadget imaginable! Have your basement with boxes of appliances you have never unpacked! If you have a white refrigerator, get rid of it and get a avocado [colored] refrigerator! Right!?! Have a machine that grinds your coffee as well as cooks it! … etc … Right!?! It’s a society in which consumption becomes an incredible value. Its … I am going to exaggerate … I am exaggerating because you will see where this foes, but I am not exaggerating by much. It’s a society in which human beings begin to measure their own worth in terms of consumption. ‘W am am important person because I drive that car! I live in that neighborhood! I take my vacation over there! Look at the outfit I am wearing! Look at the restaurant I am dining in! … etc, etc …’ I AM, as every advertisement you have seen says, ‘I am a rolex man’ … or whatever! That is, I literally become the things I can acquire! ‘I am successful’ … meaning …’look at all the stuff I got!’ Iys a society in which you are willing to do all kinds of things if the payoff is more stuff. If you ask people what kind of job they want, most Americans answer in ways they will not describe the work they will do, but rather describe the income they will get.’’I have a good job’ usually means a  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. well paying one.Not good in terms of how I interact with other people I work with, not good in terms of the social usefulness of the work I do, not good in terms of the experience it has for me as a … its how much money ‘I make’. And that in turn is important, because “I can buy’ with the money! That’s important because it menas people think like that, they think about consumtion. Consumtion is crucial for them. Americans accept working conditions that are in many ways more pressured, more sped up … speed us … very high intensity and when you ask them … the few who understand it … why are you working at a apce which other people in advanced countries would not accept … why do you do it? For those few who understand it that is the case … which it is by the way, in case you do not know … the answer is … for the knowledheable American … ‘I want that amount of stiff! I want that! Americans work …for example today … 20% more hours a year than Europeans. On the average! Do you understand that? Fore every five hours a European works, an American works six. In a lifetime! Its amazing! Americans work their a**es off to accumulate money to take … when they have enough … a trip to France and Italy, where they admire the pace of life. That’s what they do! They come back and say those are a marvelous people! They fo out to dinner at seven and they come home at eleven! And they like to sit there for hours! ‘I don’t do that!’ I gobble coleslaw while working at the computer! ‘Well, that’s what I do, that’s what I do! That why my keyboard is all glueeee’ Right!?! Americans have a hard time thinking, for example, of the following … that it might be important, if you are troubled in your life, to transform the work experience. Might be more important for you than to get another ten bucks an hour! The work experience, the thing you do give days a week, pretty much from the time you get up in the morning, cause you are getting ready to go to work, to the time you get home in the evening after you have travelled from your place of work, … you put it together, that is the overwhelming bulk of your lifetime! The lot of the time you are not dead, you are living! But we accept as a people, work conditions that are absolutely atrocious, … time, pressure, speed, machinery we have to manage and so on … because that issue has not been a concern of the American worker … really hasn’t … the Americans are concerned ‘how much am I going to get paid at the end of that day? And I’ll take my pleasure in consumption! I;; suffer the work experience to have the consumer experience!’The work experience is negative. The consumer experience is not just the positive, it is the measure of your worth, your success, your importance, what you have achieved in your life! It is a clear measure for everyone else and for you too! Okay, why is this so important? In order to make that point clear, … (Professor Wolff plunges into the graph comparing American wages versus productivity 1820 to 1970 to ‘the present’)” Professor Richard D. Wolff (58:00-1:06:00)

Professor Wolff,’s analytical exposition, framing the 2008 “Economic Crisis” (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), is based upon relaying the Economic History of the United States. Centered upon explaining the unprecedented, 150 year long, rise in [real] wages, continuously next in parallel between 1820 through 1970 or so (1, 2). Productivity rose (see: Charlie Chaplin’s – Modern Times (1936); Frederick W. Taylor: 1, 2) on an average of 2% per year, while real wages around 1.25% per annum throughout this period.

An every steady stream of immigration from Europe and left wing pressure kept these wages up, as a pioneer nation grew mainly in Industrial development and might from the end of the Industrial Revolution in 1820-1840. Ahead of Europe which had to change from the feudal agrarian economy much slower than America moved at once by no such handicap of having to shift gears and the impetus of a pioneering spirit.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. A pioneering enterprisie, which, in the 19th century, included the “Westward Expansion”! The American worker was content to leave the mechanics of production and capitalism to the employer capitalist, as long as he could enjoy a cinstantly increasing real wage experience, where new henerations did better than their predecessor continuously for those 150 years from 1820-1970.

Out of this unique history was born the unique American attitude of being “consumerism” driven, as an outcome of work objectified mainly for its income derivation and income itself translated in terms of commodification, as industrial expansion and creativity exploded across the land. Factors of mass production were perfected and the variety of industrial goods produced mushroomed under creativity assiduously applied to both production engineering and product invention alike.

Consumerism came to make a cozy and central nest in the American psyche.The notion of American ingenuity and exceptionalism, of “the blessed land” and “the chosen people”, … came to take firm root. The special impetus that the post World War II era was to give only to America, further extended this and other similar folklore, as this nation emerged out of the “Great Depression” in a certain singurly muscular fashion!

In the aftermath of World War II, “consumerism” and “materialism”, with it a near religious and indiscriminate devotion to even galloping or unfettered capitalism, increasingly made an entrenched home in America. Eventually Binge, Casino, Vulture, Insane,… Capitalism came to enter the American consciousness and vernacular, the GOP became the political standard bearer and unapologetic cheerleader of the so called stratosphere bound 1%ers, those in the public who simply did not know better and still with glitter in their eyes for shiny objects continued to support such a grossly wayward GOP without being alive to acting against their besy interests, …

The thirty years, from 1970 or so, leading upto the “Great Recession” of 2007-08 and beyond, stylized by the earlier millionaires turning billionaires, a time of the emergence of obscene corporate bonuses, reckless and supranatural corporate activities, …. Professor Wolff disposes in the end as the era which saw stagnating real wages stuck back in the1970s as one side of the coin and insanely gushing corporate profits the other. Giving rise five years past 2008 incorrigibly to a “jobless recovery”, a soaring stock-market consummately delinked from the main economy.

Professor Wolff explains the phenomenon of the stagnation of real American wages beginning the 1970s in terms of the introduction of computer technology and outsourcing creating huge and mounting labor redundancies on the one hand, immigration and the entry of women creating only accelerating over supply at the other. American capitalism set to take off for the moon, go, as they say it apesh**, insane!

Coping mechanisms deployed, in the intervening time between 1970 and now, by the American masses left high and dry so, comprised sending multiple family mwmbers (the wife and ecen kids) out to work on an imperative nasis, borrowing heavily and incessantly to close the gap but without soberly shedding the addiction to the cult of “consumerism”, … Unfortunately, it is just not those at the top caught up in the web of indulgent capitalist excesses raping fellow Americans below them accumulating obscene and inequitable amounts of wealth, but those below themselves caught up too living lives of indulgence answering to “consumerism” rum rampant when they can no longer afford it, particularly after 1970!

So, this insane binge spans and permeates the whole American society, defying elementary equity at the top and sobriety in all the places below. The primary fault lies in lack of restraint, boundaries allowed and exercised. Capitalism ultimately fails to measure up, socialism and communism in turn too, for this very character reason(s), as opposed to any systems related failures per se first.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Why even at a time of such financial distress and inequality, as stalks the American landscape today, enough mass of Americans would still remain unwilling to stand up to the scourge of unfettered capitalism, has to be a major head scratcher? Half the country still supports the GOP, of the affluent class, and allows itself to be distracted by fringe issues agitated by that party precisely to keep as much of the popular country as possible so beguiled, handily away from finding out who and what really lies at the square root of their dire financial straits.

Hobnobbing and running with the disease causing agent is hardly anyway to cure any disease. The American people cannot have unfettered capitalism, be it the predatory assault from the ruling elite and/or the ravages of their own blind “consumerism” kind, and have their economic distress lifted too; no way to eat and have their cake too. There is a price to be paid for capitalism allowed to run anuck and supercharged greed held to the bosom in tight embrace that refuses to let go, no surprise Americans are paying that dear price through the nose in our times today.

Americans will have to be strong unto themselves and in opposing the predatory ruling elite, in order to find their way out of the predicament and jam. They will have to stop being weak themselves, in opposing those who oppress them know these others as being intrinsically weak people. No person of any true mettle ever acquiesces to stooping to bully, exploit and/or unjustly benefit off another; especially not iff those weaker. AJ we clearly know to be such an abiding and insecure person, concludably even CYT though we know less about her than we do about the former.

Those in the ruling elite clamor for unfettered capitalism because they sit on top of the heap; had they been otherwise and struggling deep down snared within the lower classes, in the abundance of their miserable craven nature they would be ahead of one and all calling for socialism all the way to demanding redistribution of income ushered in pronto.Much like Manny Kremer, who reveled in the “Friendship is Friendship, Business is Business” brand of operating philosophy at the dishing-out end, only to cry foul at the top of his lungs no sooner was he placed at its receiving end.

AJ, having played a major role in SS’s 2003 abduction, hides assiduously now as the consummate and hulking coward he has been kmown to be from every phase of his ;ife. Including from his blusterous hoolifanism phase, wgicg he has tried to pass off as the gebuine article courage. He promptly bolted from EBRD in 2008, as soon as he founf out family friends had located him working there in 2008. Much in the same way he bolted from New Delhi in the mid-1990s, as soon as OS arrived there, fearing the latter’s wrath for having viciously neglected Dad (1) and SS for years on end.

Much as he was poised to bolt home to India after finishing Columbia College (1), had OS not held him back and diaper raised him into his American career, AJ would never have lived to defraud the family to its demise as he did. Such were the aspects of this craven creature, who CYT supported and advanced hook, line and sinker, what does that tell us about CYT herself?

We face, in America today, an exploding student loan crisis to the aggregate tune of a trillion dollars. Millions of American students unable to pay back their student loans by this time in the first and second decade of the 21st century! And AJ expected, while allowing his frauds to unlawfully excuse him bare, OS to be able to carry the burden of the educational debt for him/AJ, SIS, potentially SS ahead, plus deficit financing for supporting the general JV.(1)-family, in India and America, all by himself!?!

While OS/the family/the JV (1) handicapped by all the uniquw limitations of immigrants, anounting to both hands tied behind the back while continuously standing on the edge of precipice falloff. It was the special situation of operating while hogtied that had OS/the family/the JV (1) in tidal waters back in the

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. 1980s itself, by the beinning of the 21st century all working and middle class Americans in that very same, washed away and adrift, boat, straits!

Even though the authot(s) obviously did not know CYT as well as they did AJ, they knew her well enough as a close family friend as well as a work colleague. Otherwise, most of her key character and underlying event(s) related revelations coming from her own mouth, utterances.

She is an intensely class conscious elite minded social creature from Singapore and Chinese ancestry. She looked down her nose at others, treating especially those working for or serving her with imperious disdain. As such, jerked retail sales clerks something terrible. Would even enter stores pointedly to merely toy with such staff just for the thrill of it all!

Similarly, she would, just for the hell of it, hassle people who worked for her on Wall Street. Dress them down in order to feel important herself! Administer public tongue lashing(s) to them! These antics would be constantly heard about on the official grapevine by everyone. In addition, she would talk about these incidents to OS at lunch in terms of “these nincompoops”, lunches she would call for insistently at the eleventh hour usually whenever she was in distress, knowing he would never say no to her as a close friend and near family.

Once she viviously accosted a Latino subordinate/colleague, who turning the tables on CYT, simply taling her apart! Terribly wounded, she called OS for lunch the same afternoon, in order to near-teadfully find comfort from him over “these horrible and undisciplined upstarts”. Of-course, OS was to hear third party accounts of the incident over the grapevine, OS knew CYT and her high-handed ways well, so he was not surprised to have the grapevine unanimously hold her to be the culprit gratuitous bully.

She herself told OS she was a below average, music major, student at Wellesley, one day while volubly expounding on the subject of “academics being no measure of a person’s real intellect and ability” Yet, she got into the Columbia Business School. Later into the Banker’s Trust executive training program, following her schooling, which otherwise was a very poor cousin to the ones offered at Citibank and Chase.

It was not difficult for those in the know-how to figure out CYT had benefitted from affirmative action accommodation(s) at all her schools and perhaps at least her first job. Otherwise, she was clearly aware of her “advantage” as a double minority, based on being Chinese and a woman, Had no compunctions about wielding it readily too. Anytime confronted with the risk of dismissal she would beat Human Reources on the head by way of issuing threats to sue, then boast of her audacity so openly to OS at their very next lunch sit-down.

In similar fashion, she would speak of her affirmative action intensive full funding receipts for attending Wellesley and Columbia Business School in utterly law unto-self terms too. Even as on the one hand “Americanizing “ herself was a feather she covetedly sought, she also considered Americans inferior to her. Particularly American directness before her Aisan capacity for guile, as she would put it! Hence, her “What could be better than taking the money they were foolish enough to give and them slam them too!”

This vitriol in reaction to what she was experiencing working at an American corporation. Given to showmanship and appearance, incessantly playacting the role of a hot-shot, high flying corporate executive, more than producing real hard work, by the time of this utterance to OS she was fielding heavy headwinds in her career and multiple dates with Human Resources on the cusp of being severed.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Obviously embittered, no amount of raving and ranting against corporate America was enough for her. First facing career stagnation, later near severance episodes!

How she came to proactively press AJ and OS insistently to quit Wall Street, based on her own family experiences back with her father in Singapore accompanied with a liberal dose of narcissistic advocacy to throw family overboard to watch out only for oneself. OS of course could never be swayed, but the ever skittish AJ quite another matter.

Yet, CYT never abandoned her immediate family in America and never left her job voluntarily until she had installed replacement arrangements in place first. She ultimately left Wall Street at the point of being found out for padding her T&E priveleges, trips to Chicago, IL visiting her mother-in-law labeled as business trips.

She herself told OS about it, endeavoring to preemptively diffuse it, knowing he was bound to hear about it across the office grapevine, as he did. OS knew she was not above padding her T&E, for on many occasions on his day off having met her as a friendly companion for her depression driven day long shopping spree outings around Manhattan, she would call her Secretary in office to inform she would not be coming to her office on account of spending the day wuth a client.

She would proactively tell OS of her her business area, the Western Hemisphere, doing fantastically well on account of her, forgetting he monitored the performance metrics of their bank’s global business performance metrics. OS would in friendly kindness not contradict her, but this is the kind of bullsh** that goes on a aplenty in corporate America aplenty all the time.

Around the time she was caught padding her T&E account, with the help of her brother back in Singapore she was fortunate enough to timely land a very lucrative independent contracting assignment. And here she was covertly helping AJ defraud his own siblings, spoil member relations within that family!

Full of hubris as she was about her Asian capacity to beguile, she overlooked remembering OS was Asian too. Whether guile was a special Asian “gift” or not, he understood and could see through all the subtle layers of the Asian character as well as anyone who had grown up there!

As such, he perectly understood her habits of doing small favors for others in order to extract big favors out of them, whether this was part of her Asian character or the “Americanized” one imbibed in this country. Once he got whiff of what she was doing behind the scenes, it did not take him very long at all to figure out what she was up to with AJ.

Imagine the extent of her twisted nature, recruiting OS and SIS too help her with the care of her mother- in-law, while all the time covertly assisting AJ consolidate his frauds.Once found out by OS and SIS, revealing the bull-headed and law-unto-self extent of her brief for AJ, by declaring her staunch support for AJ’s inane and responsibility shirking criticism that OS went overboard in vouchsafing for SIS’s safert!?!

Wellesley’s much vaunted finishing school aspects never taught CYT it was summarily and utterly gauche interfering in another family’s affairs. Nor did her Asian upbringing either, where sin proper Asian circles she would be made an instantaneous outcast for doing so.

Even though her husband brought her to OS and SIS’s home to apologize for her rousing trangressions against the latter’s family, she came without stubbornly ever actually apologizinf. Instead, she retired to a  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. secluded and dark corner of the premises, to cry hot and bitter tears at having been exposed at her downright dirty undertakings.

Much later, she was to come, with her husband Jerry, to court on AJ’s side, bombastically and desperately looking for sanctions to be levied against OS. It was a time of high relish and expectation for her, a way of getting back at OS for exposing her wrongdoing. However, she had to leave with a whimper. AJ and her were never to get any debilitating amount they were looking to saddle OS/the family/the JV (1)/punitively with, only, the warranted, small technical amount was assessed.

A word or tow about Jerry. He is as decent and ethical as you can hope anyone to be, very principled, fair minded and respectful of others. Yet, mild mannered and weak, one who strenuously avoids tackling prickly situations! He brought CYT over to OS and SIS’s home to apologize, but without getting her to actually do so. This was certainly not a man, even if he thought same was warranted, to get her to pay the family for damages she figured with AJ to inflict upon it with lifelong implications.

Perhaps no one, in similar situation, capable of willingly speaking, beyond empty oral apologies, with cold hard restitution for damage caused! Be that as it may, however, no mistaking CYT’s identification, upon strongly impressed conviction, with AJ’s frauds as the right thing to do in the name of narcissistic imperatives and of owing nothing to anyone in life. Morally and/or legally!

She channeled her personal disappointments and disillusionments with her corporate career, brought on by her placing greater emphasis on sheer appearance rather than on good old solid hard working habits, into, in her mind, “delivering” AJ from the ravages of that kind of professional life. In that sense she was also the champion of unfettered and unheeled “personal freedom”, the licentotous and free-floating kind that has brought enormous grief to America in the shape of all kinds of unfettered excesses.

Thus, enjoy vicariously through AJ’s leaving Wall Street, something she desperately wanted to do herself but practically was not willing to do in her own case without suitable alternatives presenting themselves. A case of firing, most irresponsibly, off another’s shoulder or fishing in another’s troubled waters of one’s very own creation or ...

Leading to another’s damage, she was not prepared to risk or incur herself. So, she incited and she incited AJ to leave, having started it no sooner has he joined, until his intrinsic skittish nature got the better of him. Of course her very central complicity, in no way any exoneration at all of AJ himself!

The 1980s was the beginning of a period of high responsibility in America, including or set in the infantile behavior of certain sections of the American adult population now well known to everyone and still continuing incorrigibly. AJ and CYT, as new converts within the scope of the process of getting “Americanized” via the conduit of Ivy League Schools (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and corporate America/Wall Street, just had to be more fanatical than the fargone natives themselves.

Commencement for Business School graduatesin those 1980s included the ritual of tossing dollar bills in the air, sugnalling worship at the altar of raw and distilled capitalism. People on college campuses expressed disinterest in “serious” relationships, either a code for whatever “suits me” or of not even knowing what they really meant by it!

It was the time when the “Gipper”in the White House brought “supply-side” economics front and center with all its false promises of “trickle down” wealth effect. Ushering in an era of astronomical corporate profits and individual wealth accumulation, on the heels of runaway associated greed, high crimes and misdemeanors by anyone who could get away with whatever, almost anything.-  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. All kinds of uncircumscribed irresponsibility came to flourish! Progressively raging inequality for the masses came to carve out a well dug out abode amidst us. America set on an accelerated path towards the precipice and eventual demise, unless purposefully stopped. A mission really calling upon Americans to reform themselves, really stop themselves rather than entailing anything external to themselves needing to be stopped!

It was pure greed, unjust self enrichment, not to be shared with anyone else that stood behind AJ’s insane frauds and subsequent mayhem uncorked targeting the family. CYT similarly no less money and all that goes with it comsumed and driven, all those bankrupt elements of current day American feverish and cycloning intense chase making in misplaced fashion.

AJ did not come by defrauding family no less just like that, by the same token CYT did not come to being smack in the middle of his no-no(s) just by stray accident either. There is the weight of a screwed-up values system behind it, an excessive focus on the self to the utter exclusion of the duty of care and responsibility to others. Whether same the output of deep-seated personal life insecurity or of simply washing away with the dysfunctional social currencies of the day in an indiscriminate and headlong fahion conveniently or both, it is reprehensible and indicative of a nether region way of life!

Anyway, the likes of AJ and CYT either mirror or squately represent a, rabid and rampant, contemporary social currency in America, so deformed, virulent and heated as to have destroyed the soundness of the nation’s entire economic standing. AJ and CYT’s predatory prancing but only destroyed a single family, yet no less significant and disturbing! Whether AJ, CYT and/or the present aggregated American ethos that which devours fellow-others any sign of human progress or ascension to any advanced civilization.

During Reagam’s Presidency there was for a time a heavy shift towards undergranduate majoring in business, accounting and finance, … the so-called “practical” majors. The commodification of education, if you like! Numbers of college graduates in bulk making a bee-line for Wall Street and corporate America, began increasing noticeably! Entire classes or at least very learge bumbers of them, especially from top-schools, moving so with repeated frequency in he years!

An Asian-American high-schooler, to the best of the authors’ recollection during Bush ‘41’s Presidency, received a national medal for bravey, marking his act of having saved someone from drowning. Asked what he proposed doing for his life career, he informed the media of his plans of reaching Wall Street. In the ensuing years, having attended Yale, he duly made his was to a trading-desk in downtown Manhattan.

Contacted again by the media, he spoke of expecting to be making a quarter of a million dollars/per annum in two years time. Whether he made it to that mark or not, two years later he was headed for jail for insider-trading. What people in earlier America did not expect to be making in a life time of working, young ywenty years olds beginning 1980s were shooting to make in just a couple to years. It was the neginning of the “rot” that brought this nation to the shores of the events that eupted, with global resonance, by 2007-08!

Erich Segal’s “Love Story” reported, in the early 1970s one who topped his class at Harvard Law School, of-course provided he was also a WASP, commanded a salary of $11, 800/per annum with a top-tiered New York law firm. As late as 1977 and even a little later the starting salary of a top school MBA liable to be closer to $15,000 than $20,000/per annum. At a time when Ivy Laegue tuition was as yet still under $5,000/per annum and no car in America had as yet broken the $10, 000 barrier rather remotely.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. By the 1980s, salaries for lawyers suddenly begam exploding, per hour billing rates climbing a steep obscene curve! A general hum and buzz of big money earnings began occupying the marketsphere in America!

It was in this heating-up streetsphere that an immigrant named AJ caught this local greed-bug and together with succumbing as well to the biting narcissism that was also beginning to overtake as the normative social behavior of choice, a family defrauding entity gathered new and obscene birth. All history, of discriminating, balanced and cultured upbringing from India, expunged in the blink of an eye as if it were.

The Spanish author and novelist, Carlos Ruiz Zafón , speaks of

“… [his latest trilogy plus ome more in the works] a metaphor not just for forgotten nooks, but for forgotten ideas, forgotten people, for … for memory, for forgotten memory, Ithink there is something in our times which is the destruction of memory, the erasure, sometimes the deliberate erasure of the past. I have always said that people are what thet remember, we arewhat we remember and the less we remember the less we are because we are not able to understand where are coming from, therefore, we don’t know where we are going. And I am also very interested by the idea … and to me the symmetry of forgotten books, this great labrynth, this fantastic sanctuary of books, where beauty and knowledge and science and ideas and language are treasured … is a metaphor for all these things that make us human. And … and sometimes we tend to forget in favor of things that are urgent but far less important. And I wanted to make a point out of that.” - Meet the Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Fomer Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, most scathing of the U.S Congress, found it irrwsponsible for placing “self … before country.”:

“Gates' comments come in his memoir “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War.’

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates set off shock waves in Washington with accounts from his upcoming memoir, in which he unleashes blistering criticism of Congress and his former colleagues in the Obama administration.

… the former defense secretary said none of the difficulties he had with the executive branch ‘compared with the pain of dealing with Congress,’ a body he describes as phony, self-centered and narrow-minded.

‘Congress is best viewed from a distance – the farther the better – because up close, it is truly ugly,’ Gates wrote in a piece in the Wall Street Journal, which was adapted from his book.

‘I saw most of Congress as uncivil, incompetent at fulfilling their basic constitutional responsibilities (such as timely appropriations), micromanagerial, parochial, hypocritical, egotistical, thin-skinned and prone to put self (and re-election) before country.’” - Duty: Robert Gates

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Another commentary on our times comes by way an article reveolving around Dan Snyder, rhe owner of the Washington Redskins football team:

“The story of that little favor wonderfully (if depressingly) encapsulates the essential character of our times, in which average people who play by the rules are made to suffer by the blithe manipulation of those rules by the people at the top.” - Smokey and the Bandit

Chris (Hedges) also speaks of Amercan ailment, in terms of “The cult of the self”.

“Well, they have the individuals who live within [the sacrifice zones] have no power. The political system is bought off, the judicial system is bought off, the law enforcement system services the interests of power, they have been rendered powerless. You see that in the coal fields of Southern West Virginia.

And you're talking third or fourth generation of people trapped in these internal colonies. They can't get out, they can't get credit. And what that does to your dignity, your self- esteem, your sense of self-worth.

It's all gone. Nothing remains. And that's why it's such a stark example of what we've done to ourselves, without realizing that the manufacturing base of any country is absolutely vital to its health. Not only in terms of its economic, but in terms of its, you know, the cohesion of a society because it gives employment.

Greed. It's greed over human life. And it's the willingness on the part of people who seek personal enrichment to destroy other human beings. That's a common thread. We, in that biblical term, we forgot our neighbor. And because we forgot our neighbor in Pine Ridge, because we forgot our neighbor in Camden, in Southern West Virginia, in the produce fields, these forces have now turned on us. They went first, and we're next. And that's--

It's, you know these corporations know only one word, and that's more. And because the mechanisms of governance can no longer control them, there is nothing now within the formal mechanisms of power to stop them from the creating, essentially, a corporate oligarchic state

I mean, American values were effectively destroyed by Madison Avenue when, after world war one, it began to instill consumption as a kind of inner compulsion. But old values of thrift, of self-effacement, or hard work were replaced with this cult of the “self”, this hedonism.

And in that sense, you know, we have become complicit, because we’ve accepted this as a kind of natural law. And the acceptance of this kind of behavior, and even the celebration

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. of it is going to ultimately trigger our demise. Not only as a culture, not only as a country, but finally as a species that exists, you know, on planet Earth.

Well, because the exploitation of human beings is always accompanied by the exploitation of natural resources, without any thought given to sustainability. I mean, the amount of chemicals and pesticides that are used on the produce in Florida is just terrifying.

… And it's, again, it's all for short-term profit at long-term expense.

So the, you know, the very forces that we document in this book are the same forces that are responsible for destroying the ecosystem itself. We are watching these corporate forces, which are supranational. They have no loyalty to the nation state at all, reconfigure the global economy into a form of neo-feudalism. We are rapidly becoming an oligarchic state with an incredibly wealthy class of overlords.

Sheldon Wolin writes about this in ‘Democracy Incorporated’ into what I would call, what he calls inverted totalitarianism, whereby it's not classical totalitarianism, it doesn't find its expression through a demagogue or a charismatic leader, but through the anonymity of the corporate state that purports to pay fealty to electoral politics, the Constitution, the iconography and language of American patriotism, and yet internally have seized all of the levers of power. This is what it means when lobbyists write all of our legislation, or when they stack the Supreme Court with people who serve the interests of corporations. And it's to render the citizen impotent.

I think it began after World War I. You know, Dwight McDonald writes about how after World War I, American society became enveloped in what he called the psychosis of permanent war, where in the name of anti-Communism, we could effectively banish anyone within the society who questioned power in a serious kind of way.

And of course, we destroyed populist and radical movements, which have always broadened democracy within American society, it's something Howard Zinn wrote quite powerfully about in ‘A People's History of the United States.’ It has been a long struggle, whether it's the abolitionist movement that fought slavery, whether it's the suffragists for women's rights, the labor movement, or the civil rights movement. And these forces have the ability to essentially destroy those movements, including labor unions, which made the middle class possible in this country. And have rendered us powerless. And-

… But you know, as my friend, Father Daniel Berrigan says, you know, ‘We're called to do the good, or at least the good insofar as we can determine it. And then we have to let it go.’ Faith is the belief that it goes somewhere.

Goldman Sachs is an institution that worships death, the forces of Thanatos, of greed, of exploitation, of destruction.

That was personal for me. Goldman Sachs runs one of the largest commodities index in the world. And I've spent 20 years in places like Africa, and I know what happens when wheat prices increase by 100 percent. Children starve. …

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. And you know, the people who die in famines were usually elderly and children. …

Well, it's moral fragmentation. I mean, they blind themselves to what they do all day long, and they define themselves as good human beings by other criteria, because they're a good father or a good husband or because they go to church. But it is that human trait to engage in what I would have to describe as a system of evil. And yet, look at it as just a job.

No. Because you know, the people who actually run the commodities index are very tiny, elite, and extremely wealthy group. And they're highly compensated. These people make hundreds of thousands, often millions of dollars a year. And most of us don't make that. And that personal enrichment, I think, is a powerful inducement to ignore their complicity in what is clearly a crime against other human beings.

Well, that doesn't matter. I did what I had to do. I did what I believed I should've done. And faith is a belief that it does make a difference, even if all of the empirical signs around you point otherwise. I think that fundamentally is what faith is about. And I'm not a very good Christian anymore. But I retain enough of my Christian heritage and my seminary training to still believe that.

… Well, because when you spend that long on the outer reaches of empire, you understand the cruelty of empire, what Conrad calls, ‘The horror, the horror.’ And the lies that we tell ourselves about what is done in our name. Whether that's in Gaza, whether that's in Iraq, whether that's in Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, El Salvador, I mean, there's a long list.

And when you come back from the outer reaches of empire, you are, and I think, you know, many combat veterans feel this who come back, you're forever alienated. And you to speak a very unpleasant truth about who we are, a truth that most people don't want to hear. And yet I think to hold that truth in and to remain silent and not to speak that truth destroys you.

That it's better to get up and speak it even as you correctly point out, you know that Goldman Sachs, you know, everyone at Goldman Sachs gets up the next morning and does it. I mean, this was also true as a war correspondent. I mean, the Serbs would kill.

They'd block all the roads into the village, we'd walk in with our satellite phones, we'd file it, we never believe they weren't going to do it again the next day. But somehow not to chronicle it, not to take the risks to report it, was to be complicit in that killing. And I think that same kind of thought goes into what's happening here.

… And I think the really great journalists, like the great preachers, care fundamentally about truth. And truth and news are not the same thing.

And the really great reporters, and I've seen them, you know, in all sorts of news organizations, are management headaches because they care about truth at the expense of their own career.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. But you know, large institutions like ‘The New York Times' attract huge numbers of careerists like any other large institutions, the Church of course, being no exception. And those are the people who are willing to take moral shortcuts to promote themselves within that institution.

And when somebody becomes a headache, even if they may agree with them, even if they may know that they are speaking a truth, and it puts their career in jeopardy-- they will push them out or silence them.

So I think that one can take sides, and Orwell becomes the kind of model for this. But one can never not tell the truth. And I've often written stories that are not particularly flattering. And there's much in this book about people in Pine Ridge or Camden, you know, that is not flattering. I mean, we're interviewing people that are drug addicts and this kind of stuff. And—

So we're not, you know, the lie of omission is still a lie. But I don't think any foreign correspondent who covers war, whether it was in Bosnia or whether it was in Sarajevo can be indifferent to the tremendous human suffering before them and not want that human suffering to stop.

I don't think I paid a price, I think I would've paid a price for staying in. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. You know, I was pushed out of ‘The New York Times’ because I was publicly denouncing the invasion of Iraq. And again, it comes down to that necessity to speak a truth, or at least the truth as far as you can discern it.

But my career was never the point. I didn't drive down Mount Igman into Sarajevo when it was being hit with 2,000 shells a day because it was good for my career. I went there because what was happening was a crime against humanity. And as a reporter, I wanted to be there to chronicle it.

I think journalism is essential. I think it's essential. … hat's what we're really losing with journalism. Yes, you know, commercial journalism, there were things they wouldn't write about. You know, as Schanberg says, ‘The power of great newspapers like ‘The Times’ is that at least it's stopped things from getting worse.’ I think that's right.

And yet, you know, as Paul Tillich writes about, you know, ‘Institutions are always inherently demonic, including the Church.’ And you cannot finally serve the interests of those institutions. That for those who seek the moral life, there will always come a time in which they have to defy even institutions they care about if they are able to retain that moral core. And in essence, what, you know, ‘The New York Times,’ or other institutions were asking is that I muzzle myself.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. … And I retreat, like so many people in my book, into faith. And a belief that resistance and fighting for life is meaningful even if all of the outward signs around us deny that possibility.

Faith in that fighting for the sanctity of life is always worth it. Because you know, if we don't fight, then we are finished. Then we signed our own death sentence. And Camus writes about this in ‘The Rebel,’ that I think resistance becomes a kind of way of protecting our own worth as an individual, our own dignity, our own self-respect. And I think resistance does always leave open the possibility of change. And if we don't resist, then we've essentially extinguished that hope. …” - Chris Hedges *Transcript of interbiew”

We see CEOs making obscene amounts of salaries plus bonuses. Actors, athletes, media personalities, … astronomical and sheer out of the ballpark sums. Even without accounting for the palpable inequity of the simply staggering number of people in devastating poverty at the other end of the spectrum, such stratospherically rich fare spells inevitable decadent hell ahead.

With such flighty debauchery swirling lavishly all around, why would not our new captive recruits, AJ and CYT, in convert overrun handily outstrip the natives!?! By nailing family and friends themselves no less! AJ who became a son of America in the 1980s, its toxic value system that taxes this nation’s reality and haunts its dreams today; the son it would appear of an American cult(s) too! As for CYT, who knows what propelled her journey in the direction it should not have gone either.

After the “Gilded Age” of the 1920s came the Great Depression in just 1929! This time around it will all be far worse. The excesses this time far more egregious! Last time there was no impossible national debt. The natural world, as Chris refers to it, had not stood near-exhausted as it is now. America’s economy was not at the maturation point then it is now, with little residual room to simply grow out of its current problems.

Global competition was not arrayed against America as now, further cramping its ability to simply break out and open out of its shackles today. As Chris (A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 45, 46) reports and argues, the liberal institution, that served to bring about incremental change in favor of the masses and soften te excesses of capitalism, having all been decimated by agents of the corporate state and “Empire” gave left no mechanisms in place to effect a safe recovery. … It took America really well past the aftermath of World War II to recover from the Great Depression, especially considering all the incorrigibility and even otherwise much much longer to get out of the present mishap and conundrum.

'The Difference Between Failure And Success Is Perseverance', perhaps with Lady Luck’s liberal dose of her magical dust sprinled our way. But the perseverance was only OS’s. AJ’s frauds only opportunistically ran away with the loot, all that OS alone had created. AJ and CYT merely reflections of the sordid side of America, which their likes most deliberately embraced as the source of their operating creed.

America today is a giant ball of unholy dysfunction! Noam Chomsky adjusdges U.S. Politics now as 'Pure Savagery':

“Author and activist Noam Chomsky said that the congressional controversy over extending unemployment benefits is evidence that American politics has descended into madness.”

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. This country is crawling with the “blithering idiots” that change/global warming deniers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) are! We do not feed all our children in America, charity is fine but by itself is no where close to sufficient; ‘if another country was found doing this to our kids, we'd be at war'.

Many an American dysfunctional brain is on the steroid drug known as “money”, that seedy populace of its suffering from the disease known as “affluenza” (1)! Not merely the case of the drinking and driving rich kid who was leniently let go by a court on account of it, but the likes of AJ and CYT squarely as well.

Capitalism (1) with all its intrinsic shortcomings, under its American, unfettered (The Great Transformation (1944) – Karl Polanyi), version and brand, has turned into free for all and no holds barred, market or rather street, prostitution and whoring. Markets were not supposed to be allowed to operate as if pimps at the wheel, rules and discipline were supposed to have been imposed to keep them from degenerating into conduits for trafficking in the sludge of unprincipled behavior and human exploitation.

The sports spectavles of contemporary America, replete with captive audiences and the iconography of an image based, visual culture, eerily resembles the decadence of the Roman Colosseum’s grand spectacular entertainment (1. 2), particularly as it continued to degrade with the approaching end of that empire! American sports that is riddled with the corruption of unfettered capitalism (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) too.

The NFL doubling ticket prices at the source, pretending same done to and would hold down price hikes in the secondary market. Spokesman for the ticket outlets in the secondary market admitting their obscene and out-of-reach hiked prices unfair, but in matter of fact manner blaming it on “capitalism”!

Sports stadiums around America really being fuunded by tax-payers in the millions, while billionaire franchise owners enjoyed that bounty of public sector credits, subsidization, … welfare for the corporate and affluent class; the NFL itself, with annual revenues in the vicinity of $20 million/per annum, set-up as a non-profit to enjoy a tax-free status. Sports related messaging constructed as a high art and science, to psychologically move them to part with their money for merchandise they do not need, may not even want otherwise and can really not afford realistically.

New York City increasingly defined by takeover by the 1%er class, even as Bloomberg leaves their median income in 2010 has shot up from $452,000 in 1990 to $716,000. The top 20% now accounts for more than half of the earnings made by New Yorkers.

Since millionaires now make up the majority of our Congress (1), it does not require any gebius to figure out “whose interests legislators are really [likely to protecti] as they seek to address questions of inequality and need,…” In another context “Many climate scientists say Americans are … weenies who forgot what a truly cold winter is like.”

New Jersey’s reputation, as the “pit of corruption”, received fresh sustenance and celebrity recently in the form of the Chris Christie scandal, as the Huffingtom Post blared “'SOPRANOS' MAKES NJ COMEBACK!” (1, 2) And Jon Stewart lamented “As a guy who grew up in New Jersey, I'm embarrassed. I'm ashamed of the state I grew up [in]. Political payback through traffic congestion? To see New Jersey sink to such a piss-poor, third-rate quality of corruption ... this is New Jersey. A state renowned for its piss-rich, first-rate quality of corruption!”

"That is some old-school New Jersey corruption!" Stewart said. - 'That's A Nice City. It'd Be A Shame If Something Happened To It'

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Christie has been hit with a citizens’ lawsuit over this bridge related scandal. Likewise, New Jersey deserves to be sued for all that it visited upon, in high corruption, upon the family in the enclosed story.

There is not just the “Hall of Shame” of the story within, but a GOP “Walk of Shame”,…! The family Of the unarmed teen, Ramarley Graham, killed in his own home by the NYPD is still searching for justice, as are so many other Americans not excluding the family within, but justice is now a rare commodity in America.

Fifty Years later, it's hard to say if the war on poverty has been anu kind of real and meaningful success! Similarly, labor unions assisted and other capacity of the masses to effect a liberal redress of their ever slipping circumstances continues to, steadily and inevitably, degrade in the same period of time. Where are they to go for relief? If not, on their own, to the streets waging direct engagement with the corrupt and corrupting powers that be!?!

Even bwfore the OWS movement more recently, there were the Seattle protests in 1999 (1, 2, 3), against the dark side of globalization and proving themselves prescient on the nose in the years since. So much water under the bridge since, accelerating after the 2007-08 breakdowncrisis, yet the corporate culture remains incorrigibly gross in the relentless service of capitalism overwound.

The Federal Reserve by applying to the financial inductry lobbyists to recommend personnel for its staffing needs, committing the cardinal sin implicit in reaching for foxes for guarding the henhouse. Privatizing prisons another sin beginning to boomerang on America (1, 2) in practically no time!

A good enugh point as any to insert a history of money in American politics, better to see galloping capitalism in the nude! Better to see how little or rather nothing the Americans now know about living the good life, the beattiful life or la vita bella!

We have all heard about Detroit, MI and what has happened to it, but do we know even more, perhaps the most, apocalyptic city in America today is Flint, MI, as possible reminder where the rest of the nation headed too in short order!?! The lower classes have been mercilessly used to flog capitalism any which way it could be, including since the Creel Commission’s advent, on the threshold of entering World War I, to engineer mass fear -hysteria and “manufacture consent” that ultimately gave rise, in the post World War II era, to the formality of the “Military-Industrial Complex” and the everlasting painted specter of war, retained as a permanent engine at the core for powering the, capitalism intensive, Americna economy towards continuously plucked profits, rich veins of profiteering for the select few forever at various kinds of cost to the vast majority.

It was unruly capitalism mentality that had Applebees (and others) charging $375/person for a 2013-14 New Year’s Eve spot in Times Square, as a summary rip-off enterprise that seems to define the spirit and substance of contemporary America in terms of high predatory gear of the farthest license dangerously given freedom and free-market expression. Wall Street’s speculative activities thrives even on a “nexus of commerce and academia”, rendered all the more sleazy for not even sparing food commodities and thereby making world hunger further worse.

After running up a state of the most horrendous inequality in America itself, we have erected new and incremental things needing to be done for our rescue as a nation interconnected, which too are not getting done as we persist to find ourselves incorrigible and preoccupied with our silly fringe distractions. While America continues to unrvavel silently in the background, as Macy’s laysoff 2,500 proplr, K-mart and Sears disheveled mark their troubles, J.C. Penney (1, 2)provided no details for its holidays sales for the end of 2013, …  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. In the midst of man-made excess driven timmense problems, American politics far from reserving sobriety and a tackling protocol, given to enacting a dimwit-headed “circus of crazy” and “comedy feat”. The GOP in high relief having stepped up their war on “war on poverty” with freshly minted contrived ammunition, emoughdusfunction already!

Chris (1, 2, 3) sees the American oligarcgic state as already fairly well advanced, further viewing the IMF and World Ban,k in their incarnation as extensions of the US Treasury, to be as complicit in promoting the interests of the American global Empire. This is amply demonstrated by the World Bank’s “wildly irresponsible” recent role im the deadly Honduras conflict.

"Above all, we aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlements and World Bank." - Chris Hedges: On Civil Disobedience & What Is Capitalism

“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.” - Quote by Chris Hedges

“Kaushik Basu believes strongly that good moral qualities are essential for growth and development within the economy. Honesty, trustworthiness and integrity are important qualities that need to be inculcated in an individual for personal development as well as within the society for development. Basu also feels the need to promote quality thinking in government and public debate”. - Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist, World Bank (September 2012-)

Beyond an existing healthcare system, numerously riddled with endemic corruption, already hopelessly out-of-control and ineffective, ACA in being written by the insurance and drug industries not allowed to go as far as it needed to go in order to form any sufficient fix and even after its enactment attacked by incessant innuendo, propaganda (1). Asperger’s coverage related shortcoming not the only hole in a system grotesquely disfigured by licentious free market forces.

The emergence of the sharing economy signals the end of the dream economy, though ushering in the wisdom economy at the same time too! The people’s own Congress, wielding idealogical austerity, mowed them down mercilessly in 2013!

People in America have been so impoverished (1, 2, 3), between the knockout blow of the initial recessionary downturn and subsequent mindless gamesmanship with government relief features (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), they cannot even afford to access the Dollar Store’s heavily discounted prices. No matter American politiciams, particularly in the GOP camp, corruptly set-up the poor (1) as the explanation for America’s troubles, genuinely deserving people are being thrust into hard poverty by the predatory manner in which this country is being run.

“Stop and frisk” isn’t just a reality in New York City, new data shows how police target African Americans on highways across America. Other robust assaults too on civil liberties, unhappily opens-up the possiblieity to make dire predictions for the future.

America sinking into the morass of reliance on widespread temporary work, which apart from being sporadic, insecure in being outright dangerous and unregulated, resembles Third or Developing World

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. proportions. Individual and family financial situations rendered so tenuous and precarious, those Americans who can, under the circustances forced to be thankful forhaving no children to fend for.

More than one in ten Americans working full time today are still poor, brcause estimatedly one in four private-sector jobs in the U.S. now pays less than $10 per. We have the economy that does this, which in our times produces a jobless recovery, because the country’s economic elite create market-place bubbles and crashes they result in, which hurts everyone but themselves.

As impunity pursuant to affluenza (1) and privilege derived power runs amuck to rule unchecked in America, popular freedom and opportunity correspondingly chokes on impossible narrow and constricted pathways or as if it were blood-vessels left open for the rest of the bulk of the citizenry to operate through As unto the very end even tax loopholes too are milked scrupulously for exorbitant plunder, only desperate scraps left for the rest of the American populace, who, as an aside, in aggregate still manage to be the biggest gas guzzlers on the planet.

Nothing wrong with charity beginning at home,except when it begins and ends only with a wealthy home, way too much of which transpiring in America of our present. The most telling and consequential adverse effect of affluenza (1) emerges in the form of subversion of the rule of law and justice itself, for whence goes the judiciary of a nation goes the country too!

The Sunday shows on January 12, 2014, full of “Bridgegate” (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), Robert Gate’s recent book (1), … had no time or place for covering the travails of 300,000 people in West Virginia (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), venue for one of Chris’s “sacrifice zones”, without safe drinking water or climate change (1) or the plight of the longterm jobless facing expired extended unemployment benefits or .... America’s attention, in key political quarters, is reserved for the 1% of the 1%, who with $1.7 billion in aggregate campaign contributions in 2012 made up nearly one-third of the $6 billion spent in that year’s elections.

Five yeara past the 2007-08 crisis, no high level executive has ever been prosecuted, amidst weak excuses for not doin g so which only depicts a softening of American values and will when in the 1980s any number od them were out of the davings and Laons misconduct. We live in such mixed up times that Walmart not only distributes food-stamp application forms while hiring its employees, at below living wages, but it sells OWS paraphenelia in its stores for revenue and profit.

Proliferating and flourishing predatory for-profit colleges creating fake jobs, in order to attract taxpayer funded students with false advertisement about their placement sinews and meet their own accrediton requirements ai the same time, is one of the more pernicious scams occupying modern American streets. Then further corruption, channeled through lobbyist deployment, hiring high-powered attorneys to navigate successfully through the court system, campaign contributions to key politicians, …, resorted to stymie, frustrate and stop the government from regulating their industry.

In an America gone veritably berserk, medical diagnosis driven by the profiteering desires insatiable of the drug industry has for instance “The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder … itself become hyperactive, with doctors handing out too many pills, ads creating unrealistic expectations and drug companies downplaying side effects …” The media reports its own version of American insanity, identifying it in terms of the year 2013 witnessing “… the most titanic clash between media and government in living memory.” (1).

In order to understand the lunacy of the rich, why the Waltons or Kochs or …. cannot be satisfied with their billions and must have more, still more, more again, …, it needs to be realized they are fear gripped,  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. frightened to the point of being sixk and diseased, insecure, cowardly, psychotic, even prychopathic at times, … given to using money accumulation to off*set, tame their demons. Today we also see the increasing incidence of police over reaction and action (1, 2), which Chris caricatures in terms of the insanity of war-zone like mentality and deployment of paramilitary forces, unleashed by the fascist state on the civilian population.

In the pantheon of dysfunctions and dysfunctional events mushrooming in America of our times, there were more than two dozen college campuses related shootings in 2013. Maria Shriver, reporting in 2014, documents “In an era when women have solidified their position as half of the U.S. workforce and a whopping two-thirds of the primary or co-breadwinners in American families, the reality is that … one out of three women is a doctor's bill, a late paycheck, or a broken-down car away from economic ruin.”

But Wall Street poised to win again, as the Federal Reserve is reportedly preparing to punt on the issue of resticting banks from the lucrative business of trading in physical commodities (1) in another American showing of excessive personal latitude taken generally in this country by most, in grant by the government too much freedom for special interests and often too little to the masses. The FBI reports in early 2014 that Wall Street traders “may be manipulating a key derivatives market and front running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac” in order to so make profit on trades that may themselves be lefitimate.

Carl Sagan more than 20 years ago spoke to the importance of science not only as a body of knowledge powering our modern world that we inescapably need to understand, not only does it teach us the skeptical way of thinking facing the naturak world that unlocks our scientific discoveries, but simultaneously also trains our general approach to knowledge and skepticism before polirical power we need for being better citizens pursuing an all round better country delivered ourselves. Vast ignorance visible in our people today and bankruptcy in our political leadership betrays this very lack of adequate education, which manifests itself in our backward looking national budget being seriously stripped off optimal funding for scientific research (1) in 2013-14.

Yet, riding high on the vapors of the indigenous brand of capitalism, America has enough largesse and flair for wrongdoing to pamper, in sheer and rampant discrimination to boot, its CEOs to obscenity. There is so much corruption circulating around, in the context of our Congress we have to examine it in the dual compartments of “individual” “v institutional”, our fortunes in America presciently appearing so droopy, we have to consider moving to Finland in order to find the American dream (1).

Intra-industry mutual back scratching intensive “Bank Of The Year” award to Goldman Sachs by International Financing Review (“IFR”) is just that exchange of meaningless accolades, when corporate America must stand in the docket accused of social-conscience glaringly lacked. As such, IFR’s Bank Of Year 2013 needs to be really highlighted for profiting from their trading appearing to hike up food prices, being sued for allegedly inflating Aluminium prices through anti-conpetitive conduct, ,,,

Why would not, the perennial whiner, Jamie Dimon find it “really, really painful” to have the public be attentive to JPMorgan scamdals!?! While 1.3 million longterm unemployed, who had lost their benefits at year-end 2013, unraveled, the Semate deadlocked among other things over procedure and separately Mitch McConnel is reported to have chuckled on TV at the prospects of the extension bill failing to pass in Congress.

“That's bullshit. You're not gonna do nothing like that. I'll tell you what you're gonna do! You're gonna get a job. That's what you're gonna do. You're gonna get a little job - some job a convict can get ... Iike scraping off trays at a cafeteria or cleaning out toilets. And you're gonna hold on to that job like gold ... because it is gold! Let me tell you, Jack. That is  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. gold. You listening to me? And when that man walks in at the end of the day ... and he comes to see how you done ... you ain't gonna look in his eyes. You're gonna look at the floor ... because you don't wanna see that fear in his eyes ... when you jump up and grab his face and slam him to the floor ... and make him scream and cry for his life. So you look right at the floor, Jack. Pay attention to this, motherf***er. And then he's gonna look around the room - see how you done. And he's gonna say, ‘Oh, you missed a little spot over there. Jeez, you didn't get this one here. What about this little bitty spot?’ And you're gonna suck all that pain inside you ... and you're gonna clean that spot. And you're gonna clean that spot ... until you get that shining clean. And on Friday, you'll pick up your paycheck. And if you could do that ... you could be president of Chase Manhattan - corporations. If you could do that.” – Ruaway Train (1985), dialogue

Mitt Romney (1) talked a lot of nonsense during his campaign topped by the “47%er” theories, he is still talking it by asserting success is entirely within personal control, as the product of enterprise and hard work, in order to justify his wealth being all well deserved and no part of it ascribable to the stacks of muscular inherent advantages he stood atop at the starting gate itself, sell GOP “voodoo” economics full of “supply side* and “trickle-down” fairy dust that is known to have never worked, … To say nothing of the extravagabt “welfare” the affluent class benefits from in terms of government largesse to their class.

It is not Mitt Romney who is to be admired, used to draw inspiration from, needing to be talked about and held aloft, … but that homeless person we bumped into on the streets of America. If we are to forever remain sane and sound, it is sactifice and selflessness (1) we have to treasure, the farther away from self given the greater its dripping merit.

The world has been a dirty place for a long time but getting dirtier, as long ago as 1976 Kissinger gave the Empire’s green signal to the Argentine junta to wage a dirty war on is own people. As long ago as the early 1960s the American Right Wing had issued a WANTED sign for JFK, whose contents readily recognizable, in language and intent, in the contest of today’s dirtier politics.

Poverty and inequality in America having acquired such acute, even dire proportions, on the 50th anniversary of LBJ’s “War on Poverty” Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee have called for “hearings to discuss ways to reduce poverty.” GOP lawmakers in particular are on serious notice not to play politics with extending benefits for the longterm unemployed in 2014, as enough of their constituents are involved too.

Recent research shows humans may not be the most “intelligent” animals on planet earth, human intelligence not necessarily superior to that of other animals. No amimal species kills its own as does the human species and particularly in America (1, 2, 3).

America’s psychopathic economy “has such an unequal distribution of wealth … that it's in the league of corrupt underdeveloped countries, no longer in the league of the developed nations, according to the latest edition of the world's most thorough study of wealth-distribution.” To recognize any entity capable of delivering such a psychopathic sucker-punch, one has to know what signs to look for in advance.

“… The number of people being hurt by the mafia are much less, as brutal as it is and they're murdered. Many, many, many more people are being hurt by the misdemeanors of, not just this gang, but so much that goes on in Wall Street. It seems like every day there's another hedge fund guy -- I can't even keep track of them anymore. It's very symbolic of some severe problems, and certainly we know that people like this brought us down in this

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. terrible economic crash.” - Thelma Schoonmaker (Editor Thelma Schoonmaker On 'Wolf Of Wall Street,' Burning 'Goodfellas' & Continuity Errors)

“… [‘The Wolf of Wall Street’] has been accused of glorifying the excessive lifestyle Belfort led, which star Leonardo DiCaprio, who plays Belfort, has compared to ‘Caligula.’” - Why 'Goodfellas' Is A Curse For Martin Scorsese

“… What do we mean by character? We mean simply the power to refrain. The power to say I could do this, but I am not going to do this. And … when we talk about failure of character I don’t think we are being puritanical or unfair to think of it in that context. …”- Adam Gopnik (Charlie Rose show, January 15, 2014)

On July 17, 2014’s Good Morning America, after covering the news of L.A. Dodger pitcher Clayton Kershaw’s seven year, $215 million conrtract (1), Josh Elliot says something to the effect “Way to go, Clayton …!” Whether Josh was being sarcastic or egging on America’s warped and runaway capitalism based values, the author s within could not really tell.

However, if the latter, it is precisely what is wrong with America and why it is in as much trouble as it is today. This blind worship of the mighty dollar, its no holds barred installation as God Almighty Himself that even He does not want happening, … which outlandish excess, sans all proportion, sobriety and boundaries, lies at the nub of this country’s ascension on the path to ruination.

If money is the lingua franca of America now, no surprise, shadowy, “dark money” targeting all elections in America (1) now is standard modus operandi. Corporate America also bent to preventing the formation of, breaking up the existence, …. of labor unions, peremptorily stamping employee rights underfoot; the GOP turning the clock back on exustung labor law.

A five year old in Omaha, Ne, having breakfast in her home, was killed in January 2014 by a stray bullet from a shooting on the street outside, a frequent enough occurrence in gun toting America (1, 2). Yet, those like Ted Nugent remain as steadfast and even rabid, as ever, in their support of gum carriage by the populace and the NRA.

“’A man -- or whoever it was - going around, driving around with a gun, shooting a 14- year-old on a bicycle ...’ he trailed off. ‘What has the world come to? What has life come to?’” - 14-Year-Old Gunned Down While Riding Her Bicycle

There are schools in America that still bear the names of white supremacists from an otherwise bygone America at least in its most naked and raw incarnation. Righteous online mobs stalking the internet today perhaps outwardly at least as menacing as the racism (1) of those times!

Calling Mitt Romney’s (1) bluff about hard-work alone being the straight “Highway to Heaven” is a fellow American whose bone breaking hard work only took him as far as the “Working Poor”! Stories of young and recent graduates toiling away at hopless jobs in restaurants, coffee shops, department stores, … now abound, atill better off than their counterparts without any degree.

“Nearly Half Of Americans Grasp The First Amendment About As Well As Sarah Palin Does.” Probably the same half believes God plays an active role in Super Bowls.

Cowardly and “spin” addicted corporations, who have trouble facing up to the moral consequences of their actions and would rather insipidly dissociate themselves, at HSBC recently came up with the  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. bizzare euphuism “You’re Demised” for “You’re Fired”!?! In the now highly dysfunctional American work place, particularly in the relatively poorer “red” states, people end up voting against their own best economic interests, not only distracted by fringe social and cultural issues, but in a desperate job market more immediatedly moved by mortal fear (1) of antagonizing employers and rocking the boat.

Democracy itself is beimg seriously eroded in favor of continuing to tilt the playing field the corporate way and to the detriment of the masses, as voter I.D. laws with discriminatory consequences are sought in North Carolina and elsewhere under the pretext of arresting fraud. As state political monopolies are sought to be erected, in the more permissive environment now above all by funneling “dark money” into states from all over the country!

In looking at developing nations, it becomes clear that neither democratic political systems nor international aid to governments and non-profits for delivering civil abd political rights first, … needed, but rather economic and social rights or “Capitalism for Human Rights” ahead by way of investment for self empowering economic development amidst the masses, a lesson to be retained by developed nations for themselves, as the key to continuing economic success preserved, too. Just as disability can be a powerful enriching classroom, the unfettered capitalism of developed nations can learn sober wisdom from how economic success comes to the developed world on the horns of investment forever in all the people of the land.

The rich and educated, related research shows, are more liable to believe that wealth correlates or equates to virtue, resulting in all the consequences that would flow in society from such deeply flawed springboards. Spend an enlightened evening with Robert Reich (1) instead, at Simon Fraser University’s (“SFU”) Public Square lecture, in British Columbia (“BC”), Canada, on Equitable, Sustainable Shared Prosperity: Community Common Action, Pooled Resources And Social Justice Solving Income Inequality (1) …”

“... SFU Public Square is a producr of SFU’s vision to be Canada’s most community engaged Research University; that vision makes it our goal for SFU to be BC’s Public Square for enlightenment and dialogue on key public issues, to be the institution to which the community looks for education, for discussion and for solutions. … A Public Square is forum for democracy, a place to gain information, to voice one’s views about the pressing issues of the day, as well as to listen to the views of others. … If we hope to succeed in an increasingly competitive global economy, we must devote less time and effort to exposing our divisions and venting our differences and more time to identifying mutual interests and reacbing shared solutions. What JFK said of America and its allies in 1961 might well be said about us today ‘United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures , divided there is little we can do for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.’ With that mind we have resolved this week to seek commom ground upon which British Columbians might begin to construct an economic agenda that fostered prosperity, equity and sustainability. No small challenge! The good news is there is growing recognitipn that those three values are not only intertwined but they are also inter- dependent. … We are united in one belief that we cannot achieve real prosperity by degrading our natural beauty or passing environmental costs on to future generations. Similarly, an increasing number of British Columbians are concerned that rising inequality and declining social mobility threaten proseperity. As Robert Reich reports is bappening in the United States, Just last week the BC business council issued a report calling for a BC agenda for shared prosperity. An agenda predicated on the belief that a robust econmy requires a vibrant middle class, and that business will gain support for measures to create wealth only if all British Columbians are convinced that they will share in that bounty. And  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. ofcourse … and ofcourse, we all understand that our province’s capacity to address problems … are tied to our ability to generate wealth. Thus, if ever there were a time to seek a shared strategy for a more prosperous, equitable and sustainable BC, that time must surely be now. … Our ambition is to embrace the benefits of collaboration over confrontation, by seeking common ground … common ground we hope to harness energies that would otherwise be dissipated in opposing each other and through this process discover not only that we are better placed to achieve individual goals but they were better placed as a province to thrive on the world’s stage, I must say I particularly look forward to Robert Reich’s perspective on this, in part because the depth of his concern for the negative impacts of inequality is matched by the strength of his conviction in the positive power of education to generate wealth, increased social mobility and ensure prosperity in an increasingly competitive global knowledge economy. It’s a belief I hope all British Columbians can unite around.” … - President & Vice-Chancellor Andrew Petter, SFU, Introducing Robert Reich

Thus, the family JV (1) was nothing imported from Mars, should have been inescapably enforced by the American courts. Except that America and Americans live on planet earth as if they belong to an alien planet and culture, subscribing to a value system that is its own castle in the stratosphere. As if the consequences of earthly wrongdoing are not to attach to them, trip them. It and they can worship narcissism and Ayn Rand without paying the price prescribed in nature for it. For breaking rules with impunity and incorrigibilit!…

Baby Boomer generation judges in America presided over the family’s JV (1) governed suit against AJ- CYT, how could they be really expected to understand shared prosperity and pooled resources concepts, when their generation was all about the self? Yet, they could too, if they were only willing to think through and past their false Gods.

Then, American justice is not about justice, but administrative rules first. Pivoting on rules to a degree that the overriding demands of justice submerged too often! Hence, the emphasis on technical tactics in the practice of American litigation, too many cases decided in that manner. Expediency of efficient processing of queue becomes the master over the substantive matter of ensuring justice.

In our times, the scourge of corruption, outright corruption, further erodes, deep down to the vitals. When the rest of American life defaced and defiled by corruption, why would not American justice take a back seat? Why would Escala and other judges the family had to deal with be the exception? When millions of Americans in the economic system have been sacrifices in the rising trend of corruption in the past thirty years, what is one more family as the one in the story within?

So much for AJ’s vile, craven, beneath contempt and indefensible frauds upon family no less, wiping out the meaning of sanctity from this earth. For CYT, betraying her own culture from Singapore too, who surpassed even Wall Street’s values in its depths of sunken depravity and sheer obscenity, advocating with heavy emphatic underscore family and family responsibility, indeed decency itself, was meant to be ditched, deprived, depleted, defrauded, dodged, deflected, discombobulated, disenfranchised, denuded, dissipared, degraded, debased, decked, dispatched, dislodged, … in favor of Almightynarcissism and the Almighty dollar gathered unto one’s own dissolute bosom exclusively.

AJ just had to be disenchanted from family duty, because Ayn Rand and/or her own family history had compelled CYT to do so. AJ, thus, had to be saved from himself, from his cultural training imbibed in India, … converted to America’s debauch contemporary values which, beyond the family within, have taken devastating and lasting stock also of this country as a whole itself.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. CYT simply had to spread and populate the Gospel and cult of narcissism, proliferate, because it was such a holy gift to mankind!?! AJ simply had to submit to it, because he did not have any single dense bone in his body!?!

Nick Adams, described as an Australian pholosopher and author, in his book “American Boomerang” and an interview with Elixabeth Hasselbeck on Fox gave out his definition of what it means to be a “man”. Nothing could be more wrong and shallow, with all due respects to Mr. Adams.

He speaks of "Wimps and wussies deliver mediocrity, and men win, … And what America’s always been about is winning." American Boomerang “has been endorsed by both Col. Allen West and Governor Mike Huckabee.”, which maybe telling. And he has been described “conservative”, based upon reading of revirws of his works by the American conservative unverse, he appears entitely cut out of the same superficial, jingoistic, flag waving, cheerleading, women discounting, bible waving, intellectual pursuit opposing, … bankruptcy that American conservatism, GOP, Tea-Party, … has, in hook, line and sinker fashion, mindlessly sunk into.

Even though the family knows AJ to be of liberal thought, his definition of “manhood” in terms of pedaling undistinguished, undiluted, raw, … aggression and even hooliganism seems to dovetail with the views of the contemporary American Right on the subject. Indeed, such a vision of what a man maybe masks the prevalence of deep personal insecurity being unsuccessfully disguised. At least without question in AJ’s, known to the family better than perhaps he knows himself, case!

Misplaced aggression and hooliganism cannot be found “being a man”, just as corporations cannot be found to be people and perhaps not until Texas executes a corporation. Mr. Adams’ views on “manhood”, also resemble those, already well known one’s, of Allen West, stylized in terms of a strutting military demeanor and attitudes, gun totting, doing “manly” sports, beer drinking, motorcycle riding, chest thrusting and thumping, walking with a swagger, wearing ankle and cowboy boots, swashbuckling, … in other words, stiched entirely around externalities to the utter disregard of all internal features, what testosterone supposed to represent and signify.

AJ too at one time took to maintaining an appearance modality based on a denim outfit and ankle boots. Otherwise, he equates his “manliness” to carrying ever cocked aggression on his sleeves, … betraying all the signs of not only, desperately and unsuccessfully, attempting to hide raging insecurities immediately underneath, but also having been misled and wrongly trained by some cult like source.

Mr. Adams claims that American men, their macho if you like, have somehow been “de-clawed” by the rise of feminism, which of-course leads to the spontaneous query what kind of real men would be threatened by the other sex’s mere attainment of personal resolution and identity. What manner of men could we be talking about and how formidable could their macho be if all it took was gender equality to knock them off like bowling pins????????

A trifle thin Mr. Adams’s entire premise and bulwark in this regard, the same to be said of his float that demonizing “masculinity” against the backdrop of the advent of feminism promptly dethroned theur macho? Knowing AJ as well as we do, we are intimately conversant he chose to pointedly “go” with a woman patently devoid of any accomplishments only because he was insecurity personified, magnified!

Real men or women are not intimidated by another’s empowerment, but rather re-doubly boosted by it. We also know that AJ’s frauds and other “paper tiger” sponsored mayhem in the family was also a function of the very same utterly insecure and craven make-up.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Only bullies are threatened by another’s strength, neither real men nor women! Only such Teflon incorrigibles make silly deflecting noises about another’s muscle, as such more explicitly than implicitly be calling for that other’s self-sponsored submissive surrender in order that they may be able to successfully wield their weak muscles to control and subjugate.

Mr. Adams’s talk of American exceptionalism is also highly misplaced and a total eyewash. Especially, when he sells it in terms of the same drum-beat of testosterone laced bully and macho! Myths about past glory and conquest! The American Empire’s historical misdeeds!

American economic and associated might was not secured by any testosterone running through its budy fabric. If it was so exceptional and macho, why did it bully the defenceless Afro-American as a slave for multiple centuries? So exceptional, why did it run foul of things to give rise to the Great Depression in 1929?

Rescued partly by Roosevelt’s New Deal salvaging capitalism on the trigger of formidable liberal working class movements of those years erecting high opposition to the marauding capitalists of that age. Balance of the rescue came on the wings of the unique break of World War II, fought in Europe and other global lands distant removed from America’s home soil and it could become that war’s armament supplier without disturbance from the geographically far-off situated enemies.

In the aftermath of World War II this wartime industry was to become the headstart for peace time industrial build-up and prosperity, then too in an environment of scant competition from the rest of the world lying in literal down to the ground ruins. Otherwise, it was the same working class liberal organizations, still muscular, whose gimlet eye and vigilant striving for their class that presided over the post war investment in education, infra-structure, further factors of production, … to give rise to the greatest expansion of the middle class in human history and accompanying prosperity, between 1946 and 1975 or so.

Nothing exceptional about any of this, America managed a good run in this period, with some lucky historical breaks and some down to earth honest industry that was sensible, of taking advantage of special opportunities that came its way, without being anything exceptional in anyway. There was nothing exceptional in the “red scare” campaign that also came right after World War II, supplanting Wilson’s pre and post World War I tactics of “managing consent” amongst the people, really aimed at taking down those liberal working class organizations: the socialist and communist parties, trade unions, …. and all the like.

The red-scare was also used to inordinately expand the war industry, as the cold war became the pivot to develop the mammoth and ever grinding “military industrial complex”, which President Eisenhower was the first to warn Americans about. Since the end of the cold war in the early 1990s, coinciding with the breaup of the Soviet Union in 1991, this industrial complex has kept itself going looking for new wars and incurring domestic expenditures that could have gone more properly to meet the American people directly rescuing their lot in deficit, arrears.

For after mid-1970 or so, the “American Dream” began to recede at an ever accelerating clip for the people of this country, not to stop to this day. There was nothing exceptional at all about the value system that overtook sections of the American population ready to devour and cannibalize the rest. The shameful man-made inequality (1) that resides in America today is someone’s eternal shame and judgment dossier in the afterlife. Such men could hardly be found macho, such women neither for not

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. being of the male persuasion and for the same cowardice shown as their male counterpasrts in an horrendous crime.

Mr. Adams is barking up an entire wrong tree, manliness and womanliness alike come from the strength of personal character alone in all cases. A people’s history is not about some chunky and outlandish slogans or stunts churned out, a long yarn spin or rolled out.

That issue of character is embedded in the “Just say no!” admonition that Bill Belichick served out to his team for their visit to Mile High Stadium for the AFC Title game on January 19, 2014. As has already been covered above/supra, it lies in the “power to refrain”, as enunciated by Adam Gopnik (Charlie Rose show, January 15, 2014).

Americans have had a long dalliance with freedom taken to an excess, too, endlessly carried to licentious proportions. Unfettered capitalism, check! Overeating to obesity and diabetes, check! Cell phone, texting while driving, check! Google glasses on the bridge of the nose and driving, check!

SCOTUS pushing the envelope on campaign finance in the wrong direction all the way to “corporations are people too”, check! The GOP led House voting on repealing the ACA for mere form sake for the 39th time and counting, check! Wall Street past 2008 back to the same old tricks, check! CEO obscene bonuses galloping along as ever too, check!

Dow-Jones, handily detached from the main economy, soaring and merrily sailing past 16,000, check! Guns and still more guns, irrespective of any number of gun crimes, check! Endless assault on the natural world by undaunted corporate greed and callousness, check! Pointed hits on the playing field still in vogue, no matter more and more stories of concussion consequeces emerging, check!

Before 2008 the richest 400 American households commanded more national wealth (1) than the bottom 150 million Americans (1), the lopsided distribution escalating sfter 2008 now notches 95% of wealth now going to those 400 units, check! The scourge of lobbying continues clipping along, check! The revolving door between the public and private sectors continues revolving unchanged, check! Circuiting existing regulations and impeding the formation of new regulations critically needed goes on unabated, check!

Assault on the social safety net proceeds on in unrelenting fashion, check! Gas guzzling consumption trots along rather unmindfully without any real alternatives deeeloped, check! There are many more examples …, but we are not here to develop an exhaustive lost, an indication ought to be enough to the intelligent. … This fact, of overdoing their freedoms, privacy of course has nothing to do with the NSA (1, 2) and the Snowden matter, the American people are spot on in asking for transparently proper balance needing to be stuck between the government’s duty to protect them competently and preservation of their sanctified privacy rights.

Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell adjudged America’s leaders W-U-S-S-E-S (1, 2), otherwise as a whole “A Nation Of Wusses!”. Mr. Adams’ American Boomerang speaks tof the same theme in terms of “Wimps and Wussies”. Other’s caricature American leadership based on the “ass**** effect”(1, 2)! … However, while the ordinary hard working and fairly well grounded American can be faulted for not keeping enough of an eye on his and her civics, in an affluent nation unthinkingly interpreting his and her rights too liberally and exercising their freedoms to an excess n some areas of their personal domain, … it is really among the top eschelons that America’s Wimps and Wussies have incarnated to send this country skittling like a pinball that knows no tomorrow.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. However, the wussification and wimpification of these eschelons span both sexes in American leadership today, with the obvious implication that such women could not have so “gone soft” on account of the rise of “Feminism”. Even if we were to assume that American male leadership the one in large measure that went limp, it is only on account of their values going limp first. Not because of any counter-testosterone effect, advent of feminism instigated and led!

Practicing corruption has the effect of turning people cowardly, in natural law if you like. Beating up on and exploiting others weaker, is indeed the core definition of cowardice. Trading in one’s character for the license to bully others is the very act of applying for cowardice. Burning fellow Americans viciously, thrusting them into the arms of hopeless poverty and the nation as a whole into unprecedented inequality and economic impossibilities is an act of supreme affirmative cowardice by unvarnished cowards.

Not reining in their insatiable greed (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20), as a “power to refrain” not exercised, is personal character assassination (Adam Gopnik - Charlie Rose show, January 15, 2014) and act of supreme cowardice, the source of America’s topical “wussification and wimpification”. No hand of any decoys, such as the advent of feminism, …, can be asserted muddying up the waters.

Pure, simple and straight case of character deformation on the way to making a coward of the self and nation at the same time! All the same reasons why AJ and CYT, as Ivy-League and Wall Street spoilt and bred, hulking cowards and culpable as well!

Any surprise, then, America is such a spontaneous and throbbing scandal in our times. Whether we subscribe to the “refractory period” theory of self-control or “shifting of priorities” one, truly mature people and societies have a zone of core character wherein lie areas of action across which “what one wants to do” is never, never allowed to supplant “what one has to or must not do”. Over which boundaries never crossed, character never allowed to crack, excuses never permitted to invade, … as a basic definition of adult proportions! No wusses or wimps manufactured or entertained in this universe.

Without any disrespect intended at all to Mr. Adams, but his attempts to advance the excuse of blaming feminism for the wussification and wimpification of the American male could itself be found an act of cowardice. While becoming calloused can be a force for positive action, to the extent it also bears becoming shameless it is susceptible to uncorking wrong action.

Accordingly, Mr. Adams has to account not just for the “winning instinct”, but how and for what any win is envisioned and procured! Thus, a win conceived in rapacious greed and for the unequal rape of helpless working class fellow Americans no element of any form of courage; needless foreign adventures at the expense of the same home crowd not either.

As for the Australian prediction of an American Boomerang and second century of world domination, it will not be on the springboard of any testosterone laced bluster of the kind Mr. Adams and any American jingoism may insist upon forging. If it is to happen, American exceptionalism will have to be true unto self, looking to its real source in the working class to power it once more as in 1946-75. Real American character will have to lead and sustain it again, neither testosterone nor the corrupt, thieving ruling elite can be entrusted with a job as responsible and challenging as staying on top will be in the 21st century.

America no longer has the global field all to itself as it did in 1946, different again from that year in its manufacturing base being next to nothing now, multiple nations at the very least formidable trade competitors today, … Keeping the kind of value system this country keeps in our times, producing too

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. many corrupt cowards like assorted Wall Street and corporate types, in its political cadre, … as the sick AJ, CYT, … will not do it for all the testosterone in the world!

Go anywhere in America now, sadly falling standards and heavy dysfunction layered with Teflon strength incorrigibility is all there is to be seen in high relief. No foundation upon which America, under the “forward button”, to appear in any encouraging or promising light; not without a stern dose of personal reformation undertaken first.

Actor Don Cheadle, speaking on his involvement with the “South Sudan Crisis”, complained of his difficulties in getting coverage for the issue in an American media, busy covering such, tabloid, subjects as Justin Bieber’s egg chucking escapade. A second Chris Christie scandal (1, 2, 3) has emerged in New Jersey (1, 2), carrying on its reputation as the pit of corruption and giving our media further field day!

“That is some old-school New Jersey corruption!” [Jon] Stewart said. - 'That's A Nice City. It'd Be A Shame If Something Happened To It'

What should anyone make of America now celebrating “Martian Luther King” (1) each January!?! Truly with all due respects to Richard Sherman’s (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) most commendable accomplishments out of southern Los Angeles and Stanford University, but his outburst and rant, following the NFC championship game on January 19, 2014, without making too fine a point of it has to be found simply unacceptable and part of too much of spoilt, undisciplined, law-unto-self, straining at the leash, personal permissiveness, freedom abusing, … America!

Small wonder, “Hands down, no word grates on Americans more than ‘whatever,’ a public opinion survey says.” an utterance signalling dismissive rudeness, a put down to some extent, … while signifying the speaker’s lack of care, respect, … for others, personal discipline, boundaries, restraint. There is much too much intolerance of other races, nationals, religions, life-styles, political parties, … in entrenched segments of America for anyone’s good, the future extrication, progress and success of this country.

Predatory wage theft, particularly of defensive and vulmeranle immigrants, part of the raging predatory culture that racing, threatens to overtake and engulf America cold now. Predatory America threatening homeless people with action for vagrancy, loitering,, … etc., without adequate predicate, also a parcel of the same excessive aggression on the rise in contemporary times.

“GlaxoSmithKline will stop paying doctors for promoting its drugs and scrap prescription targets for its marketing staff - a first for an industry battling scandals over its sales practices and a challenge for its peers to follow suit.” There is much, much more, that is wrong with the American healthcare system, which spends more per capita amongst its peers except Switzerland, which has a very small population base.

Tte case, Lawrence E. Jaffe Pension Plan v. Household International, Inc., et al. (HSBC), abundantly illustrates that thr Financial Crises of 2007-08 was not due to “the government ‘forcing’ banks to lend to poor people”, but “in reality … the subprime bubble exploded because financial companies and banks were in a mad rush to get as many iffy borrowers into loans as quickly as possible …[so they could make] assloads of money doing so.” Later BofA and others were to, further, secretly stymie homeowners under the pretense of operating the government’s Home Affordable Modififation Program/“HAMP”.

America as a highly charged self-indulging and freedom pushed excessively kind of society is addicted to so many “vices”, as in drugs for a start. Even addiction to porn fraught with the dangers of desensitization and further impetus to push the envelope in headlong fashion!  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The character of exerxising self restraint over time seems to have become utterly foreign to Americans, Donald Trump’s sheer inability to hold his mouth in check just such a prime example. Did he have to tell us again he maybe running for the Presidency in 2016, after so many past empty sorties few believe anything he says on this subject either and then there are many who just do not care for his perpetual self-promoting buffoonery anyway?

Life ultimately at its core is a serious business, calls for a multitude of all around wisdom to negotiate deftly and safely through it. Most particularly and invariably in regard to our perspective about money and how we guard against all its corrupting powers, capacity!

Lack of personal inhibition or ability to refrain has become the subject of formal scientific research, in the context of serial killing psychopathy, including weighing the rarified concept of “evil” and focusing on the frontal lobe as the seat of restraint to be exercised. Studying “evil” in the context of Caligula and Nero, recalling the “Fall of the Roman Empire”, after which the general structures of the American Republic fashioned/forged and specific features enshrined in its Constitution.

The super charged lives we lead in America calls for specials skills developed for dealing with the resulting stress and anger taken out on the innocent, otherwise those least positioned to resist us. Among other crazy things done in America is “Black Friday” on the day after Thanksgiving, “when we honor unchecked aggression, rampant consumerism and the ancient tradition of door busting …”, which too could do with and benefit from our ability to develop self-restraining competence.

There is so much to be done, special needs children requiring special assistance, … yet we play so much frivolous fool and grizzly games in America. Yet adults, the GOP, most perniciously the likes of Rick Perry in Texas, playing a long con on its people and depriving them of good, safe, adequate public servixes.

“The end result will almost surely be fewer people in Republican-leaning states getting health insurance. And this is a familiar pattern. As a general rule, income supports and public services in red states are a lot less generous than they are in the blue states. Conservatives consider this a virtue—because, among other things, it means those states can get away with lower taxes. That’s certainly true. But exposing more people to financial hardship because of illness, making it harder for them to get medical care—those things extract a price, too.” - The Republican Health Care Long Con

“… in Nashville, [TN] the state legislature held hearings this week on ‘policing for profit,’ the catchy name the libertarian public interest law firm the Institute for Justice has given to the practice of civil asset forfeiture.”, where police stops “can quickly devolve into shakedown operations” in effect and is a predatory pursuit prevalent elsewhere in America too. US Representative Steve Stockman (R-Texas) has filed his required financial disclosures late, which have prompted leading questions, the business listed as the source of his income not to be found in any public records, …

To date 168 Presidential nonimees have been filibustered/blocked in the history of the United States, the current simply out of control GOP has jammed 82 of President Obama’s nominees alone. It is the same flippant and toxic GOP in our times, which by according implicit support to the likes of, the “talk radio troll” and “garbage” manufacturing, Rush Limbaugh, promotes so much of the free-wheeling, rampant trouble now snapping invariable at America’s heels.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. By refusing to divest from the fossil fuel industry, Harvard and Brown Universities fail American society, as so many other “institutions of business and government continue to” to do so as well. The state of Virginia is well aware of its mental health service gaps to individuals and the accompanying crisis, alerted by “a panel charged with investigating the April 2007 shooting massacre at Virginia Tech” well ahead of the Gus Deeds’ incident, involving his “[stabbing] his father, Virginia state Sen. Creigh Deeds, and [then] fatally [shooting] himself,”

“At a time when institutions of business and government continue to fail society, two of our leading academic institutions missed the opportunity to provide essential moral leadership on the most pressing challenge ever faced in the history of human civilization.” - Harvard and Brown Fail Moral Leadership Exam

McDonald’s employee personal wellness website/video encouraging its, mostly part time – hourly low waged – sick, holiday, vacation, …time, healthcare deprived-…, employers to take time-off, stay healthy, eat healthy, manage stress, sleep well undistracted/unfazed by money worries, take not one but two vacations to reduce risk of heart attack into half, apply for food-stamps and Medicaid, het a second job and turn off the heat to make end meet, … seems mocking, rubbing salt into raw wounds and gratuitously callous, cruel., as well as utterly insane. Otherwise, apart from the obvious hardship of the $7.25/hour pay rate, the desperation of a current job acceptance rate at Walmart (presumably at McDonald’s, … too) of only 2.69% is lower than the berth acceptance of 5.79% at Stanford and 5.69% at Harvard, whatever such a comparison means.

Mike Foley, a Democratic state representative in Ohio, had a very concerned reaction ti workers having to work on Thanksgiving day in 2013 and plans to sponsor a bill, he even knows will probably go nowhere,, to make retailer think twice about repeating such hollow tribute to capitalism (1, 2) in 2014. On the opposite end is Seam Hannity, who has been robustly fouling up the airwaves from Fox for years, predictably thinking only of himself protests New York’s high taxes in favor of moving to a southern state with no taxes, as if all that manycare to listen to what he has to say or where one such as him is going!

Canada’s outrageous Kevin O’Leary with his obcene worship of unfettered capitalism certainly something to leer at perhaps, especially when young people today feel being left far, far behind no sooner than they have begun their lives. Glenn Beck now, looking back, regrets having done things to “tear the country apart”, Kevin O’Leary and others too will one day come to regret their irresponsible conduct.

Google glasses in use while driving is insane, now a new Google App (1) “for the wearable technology, lets you watch -- and record -- yourself having sex from all angles and even ‘see what your partner can see,’ the app’s website claims.” Bot to be any prude, but a cursory, behind the scenes, look at recruiting for the modeling industry reveals a disturbing picture of the sheer heart-breakingly shallow, crass, demeaning, objectifying …, “body” targeting and pedaling, way in which young girls are selected, recruited and readied for what in front of the camera later, for all its glamor, reverence, worship, …, is still a fairly soulless, quite exploitive, bereft of any great aesthetic elevation, money motivated, soaked and driven … profession.

Andrew Forrest, chairman and founder of Fortescue Metals Group, also the founder of Davos Annual Meeting, asserts that slavery exists and abounds all over the globe. Particularly since the world, America most of all, showing deep and widespread signs of “insanity”, mental health, not just for our economic but first for our social well being, should be our uppermost priority today.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. At the 2014 World Economic Forum or the Davos Meeting, with its overarching theme piously stated as “The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business.”, there is a lot of talk about work/life balance, moral obligation to use given resources to the benefit of all, a “Statue of Responsibility” needed right next to the “Statue of Liberty”, the pressing need for the incredibly corrupted political and business world to move into the right action urgently, real purpose of business to serve society rather than shareholders first, …but one cannot help wondering how much follow up and implementation likely to occur once everyone returns home!?! These are troubled times when the “Arab Spring Gives Way To Military Winter” (1) in Egypt, where arrested protesters reportedly can be told “You will never see life again.”

While local government gets things done and “cities are where hope meets the street.” (1), a do nothing American Congress playing political games only earns ever falling approval numbers. If a severely autistic young man can turn a special knack into a productive small business, what is wrong with our national politicians on Capitol Hill?

What does it say about the reasonability of American society when college costs today are literally way off the charts? Any more than cursory look, more than any light scratch at the foreclosure crisis and its aftermath promptly reveals how badly unglued and spinning out of control America indeed is just beneath the surface.

In a society going sharply predatory on an ever intense basis, the White House concerned about college sexual assault epidemic (1), in the military, … Aggressive stalking and nabbing of personal data particularly of the young by business advertisers abother footprint of our modern predatory society, causing great unease amongst the parent class.

McDonalds in France is suspected of avoiding taxes in that country on a whopping 2.2 billion euros of income and though the company denies aby wronf doing, such complaints against multinational firms has been on the rise of late in an environment where they, high net worth individuals are known to actively pursue shelter strategies by accessing tax-haven jurisdictions. Dennis Naily, Chairman of PwC International, in an article speaks all about “CEOs hav[ing] successfully guided their companies through recession …” make them fit for the future, without so much as referencing the corporate culture of obscene executive remuneration structures, that has bred widespread economic inequality, …

Whatever the merits of the debate finding Edward Snowden a traitor versus a patriot, Senator Diane Feinstein and Representative Mike Roger’s recent attempts to resurrect for the American people the old “red scare” specter (1) was an unqualified stretch case of a bridge too far for any successful sale. What indeed is our political system coming to, with a Congress “… of the Millionaires, By the Millionaires, and for the Millionaires”, thereby “insulated from the real-world economic experiences of its citizens” and “who are unlikely to ever feel [their] … anguish … terror … themselves”.

Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus (1), not merely talks but by true to world action has shown it is possible to reconcile selfishness and selflessness, integrate social justice with business motives, in effect balance capitalism (1, 2) and socialism in effect - afterall Marxian (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) analysis arose out of capitalism’s (1, 2) imperfections, the mission to make it work justly and not eradicate it. “In a message to more than 2,500 participants at the [2014] annual World Economic Forum, [Pope Francis] urged industrialists and bankers to promote inclusive prosperity, saying ‘I ask you to ensure that humanity is served by wealth and not ruled by it.’”

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. One set of “facts” on happiness lists action pursuant to “it's better to give than receive” as a primary key for unlocking it. Another set of “signs” indicating human happiness speaks to “You’ve gotten your ‘affluenza’ shot.” and “You want others to share in your happiness.”

Besides cost and quality of college education in America, job prospects for young people (1, 2) staying stubbornly in the double digits range is a double-barreled assault on a class obviously the country’s future. Business leaders in Europe asking for greater government investment, including in the area of youth training and education (1, 2), contrary to the call at least in certain chronically obstructing segments of American leadership, not excluding significant parts of the business sector, for deep spending cuts and deficit reduction .

Congressman Steve Pears probably just meant to say that families should have a cooperative operating mode in which necessary decision making finality should not ever get obstructed, to the extent let “submission” of women come out as his stated belief maybe in the same genre as AJ’s insecurities pointedly picking a woman with no qualifications whatsoever and being known for violence at home to the point of wielding a butcher knife to demand permission for Law School. A great many weak and cowardly men, sometimes women too, out there act out their fragilities by instituting domination most often in the form of personally pathetic and other dangerous, predatory domestic violence.

Dr. Coby Cosgrove, CEO of the Cleveland Clinic, maybe broadly right in saying that healthcare problems abound around the world, but the American case, of capitalism (1, 2) bred greed based corruption layered thick atop, poses a unique and singular monkey-wrench monumental like nowhere else. Mark Bertolini, the CEO of Aetna Health Insurance (1, 2), after two deeply personal run-ins with the American healthcare system, “came to believe that a health care system should be built around the individual's needs, not the system's or the company's.”

To read about and watch, under ten, young Trenton Cochran’s care for his handicapped younger sister Lindsay, to the point of being willing to take a bullet for her and profess his life would be nothing without her, is to say the least uplifting and then there is full grown in size AJ arranging SS’s abduction. Tunisian Mohammed Ikbel waged a robust public media campaign to get his handicapped brother Hamza, misled and brain-washed into joining the fighting in Syria, back home, the family within also bent to a similar task within for getting SS restored to it.

Civil liberties are under massive assault in America now, an independent executive branch review board concluding that the National Security Agency/NSA’s long-running program to collect billions of Americans’ phone records to be illegal and needing to end is but one glimpse of such heavy-set invasion. Apart from this general and sweeping data gathering, Verizon alone reveals, in the post Snowden era, having received and filled 320,000 specific requests from law enforcement sources for customer data in 2013.

Our very corrupt and troubled times desperately need unassuming and honest people to lead the world without fanfare towards substance and meaningful rescue. We already have one such in place, in the incarnation of the, quiet and simple living, Pontiff Francis, who in a very short time has sought to set the world right on a flurry of preliminary issues.

Social democracy was easier to bring to the successful economies of Scandinavia on account of racial homogeneity, far more challenging to establish in the far more heterogeneous America and yet we have to continue to strive for it boldly. GOP opposition (1) to government aid to the poor some will argue are based on historical racial attitudes exploited for the purpose while perpetuating racism ubder the radar too, as borne out by what Ian Haney Lopez refers to as “dog-whistle” politics, Reagan using the story of  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. the “Chicago welfare queen” to attack poor people and poverty, Lee Atwater admitting the epithet “n*****” was replaced post 1968 by abstract and coded racial references for denying the poor, “mainstream media shows poor blacks when it talks about welfare cheats and poor whites when they talk about the ‘working poor.’”,…

The 2014 State of the Union just done with, we can return to identifying the South and the Rust Belt particularly with the lowest levels of economic mobility (1) in a nationwide shift towards widened inequality in the past multiple decades. American wage earners in the droves now routinely live under the extended terror of their families likely starving at any turn around the corner.

Since Citizens United v FEC’s advent not only has dark money been audaciously flowing into our political space but inordinate efforts have been underway to keep tracking of same densely opaque in the field, now Congress is codifying such suppression into law, as evidenced by the small print provisions of the latest budget in early2014. We are the problem ourselves in America, analysis shows real poverty in America cannot be palmed off on diverting external factors like immigration or internally lazy unproductive poor Americans siphoning off the coubtry;s wealth.

“The acronym VUCA … it is increasingly clear … applies to all aspects of our lives today. … Increasingly, business has found itself in the eye of this storm, mistrusted by large sections of society and seen, with some justification, as part of the problem and not part of the solution to many of today's challenges. … Permissible growth in the future has to be based on sustainable and equitable models.” CEOs can no longer be caveman, after the fashion of Honeywell CEO David Cote, then expect either societies around them or even their own businesses to survive in any desirable shape or form.

American business and the American CEO, caught in the warp of unfettered capitalism (1, 2), most of all, has to get off the high horse of its/his inner bully for infinite growth that physics itself cannot sell successfully as any realistic idea and profit mongering at unsustainable social cost that nature itself rebels against most strenuously indeed. When inequality simply boiling over in America, wage growth at an impossible fifty year low, …, cannot be seen as threatening all business growth and profit extraction, it should be time for a change in the business model in the calculation of all save the straight incompetent or the distilled gambler.

Matters have spiraled so far down in America, insanely breaking every rule of sensible living and then juvenile time spent playing all manner of silly games, the window for “fighting the real battle” for self rescue and preservation narrows alarmingly across small increments of time urgency. The gold plated inequality gap of the new gilded age in America threatens the lower classes alone only temporarily, it is certain to reach up to upset the applecart increasingly at the top too in due course at the present scheme of persisting with the corrupt and inequitable.

“Just as income inequality has skyrocketed in the past 30 years, so, too, has the inequality of the campaign marketplace … the top 0.01 percent of campaign donors -- one percent of the one percent – contribute[ing] more than 40 percent of all the money spent in the 2012 elections …” only a double- barreled ominous sign for America’s none too promising future. “If the Koch brothers’ political operation seemed ambitious in 2010 or 2012, wait for what’s in store for 2014 and beyond … [t]he billionaire industrialists …[poised] … to raise millions of dollars for efforts to shape the political landscape for years to come”, with that further seal this country’s fate disastrously.

“Without footage of [low-paid workers’ (1)] mass walkouts hitting the news, it isn't so obvious that Washington's elite[, including President Obama’s 2014 SOTU,] would now be talking in earnest about the growing gap between the McDonald's executive, who makes $8.75 million a year, and the McDonald's  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. cashier, who makes $8.25 an hour.” “Corporations are cashing in [also] on” the immigrant population earmarked for detention and deportation, internationally involving first the American, British, Australian, markets and lately Greece, Spain examining this for-profit private market that has seen some of the worst instances of ghastly abuse and mistreatment of humans, where human rights seem to mean less and less in a world appearing going insane on itself.

Corporations, including Bank executives at the 2014 Davos, talking blithely, yet vacantly, about economic growth as the crowning antidote to current income inequality is only old self-serving snake-oil talk, without a better formula to share the “surplus” to the tune of at least a guaranteed living wage, affordable education, accessible healthcare, … just more of the past smooth con job. Otherwise, American banks, like the American nuclear arsenal, still carry enough historical toxic assets on their books to blow the world apart many times over.

American Tech companies hold one-third of the non-financial corporate cash holdings, with Apple leading at ten percent versua the tech lead at five percent in 2009, as a consequence of dividend payout pinching and more insidiously on account of keeping profits abroad in order to avoid paying US taxes. Ten American cities are liable to be even less affordable in 2014.

All the world needs a wake up call, take to a “mission … to positively influence the allocation of capital, make money by doing good, … If we can change the culture in finance, we will change the world.” After losing their business and home during the 2008 crisis an American family of four bought a few hundred square foot of land and built a house all for cash, so turned off by financial stress borne they have vowed never to use credit ever again.

Our rotted world today desperately needs wisdom and ship loads of it in a hurry, Arianna Huffington leads one shaft of it with her “Third Metrics” initiatives, focusing on “Health is Wealth” illuminations at Davos 2014. Good parenting is another sanity that appears to concern people across the globe increasingly in our contemporary world seeming to disintegrate and go into slow motion insanity before our very eyes.

What kind of fevered world do we live in when the hottest political campaign trend in GOP America is to raffle off AR-15 assault guns, undeterred by the spate of shootings simultaneously making the rounds on American college campuses? Bill Maher speaking the wisdom of the ages very accurately points out “Democrats have to start being the party that redefines toughness into restraint, … It's not toughness Republican [‘manliness’] love, it's bullying.", conjuring up for the reader within AJ’s very own false footprint too.

We, our rather shallow business talk particularly, speaks quite glibly about tech connectivity as the reshaping determinant of our world, studded with “digital enterprise”, “where connectivity is king”, “as the building block of the technical value chain”, … , when it is the nurturing and connection between the right content, of human values, we ought to be possessed of. Preoccupied with developing the material world for delivering to our children, by not setting appropriate boundaries we are handicapping them breeding a culture of entitlement, spoiling ease and plaything distractions, … misguidedly sapping opportunity for them to learn grit, perseverance, determination, motivation, resiliency, selflessness, conscientiousness, self-confidence, responsibility, … the spirit to try and try aghain, …sense of identity, drive and purpose, … how to lose gracefully, … never to take anything for granted, … all the very values we actually want them to have.

“This is not just an Arab issue. Swedish psychiatrist, David Eberhard, talks about the Scandinavian trend … In America, Madeline Levine, author of The Price of Privilege, seeks  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. solutions to the litany of problems afflicting the upper-middle classes, citing ‘25 percent of kids with symptoms of anxiety and depression; ... 31 percent of college students being alcohol abusers; ... and 17 percent of kids self-mutilating at the Ivy Leagues.’ China's … raises fears of the rise of a generation of "little emperors," defined more by narcissism, risk-aversion and entitlement than by the traditional Confucian ethics …” - Every Parent's Dilemma: Helping Young People by Not Giving Them Too Much

Jamie Dimon given a raise on the close heels of JP MorganChase severely fined for multiple instances of wrongdoing, spontaneously belies the general social dictum, even in the present day corruption spewing America, “Crime Does Not Pay!” (1, 2, 3, 4). At the other end of the spectrum, not just Walmart workers routinely, a college adjunct professor also having to rely on food-stamps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8) in today’s star spangled America!

“[William K.] Black, who is now a lot economics professor, is understandably disturbed by the fact that there has not been a single prosecution of the major Wall Street executive over the much larger scandals which led to the 2008 financial crisis.

Black observed this week that the bank's fraud proceeds ‘went largely to the senior officers and directors of JPM, Bear, and WaMu in the form of bonuses.’ The Board's behavior can therefore be seen as a divvying up of criminal booty, whatever the personal involvement of the Board members themselves.” - Crime Doesn't Pay? JPMorgan Chase Begs to Differ

It is not just whining and insecure Jamie Dimon who cannot take the justified criticism of his class as predators, but venture capitalist and self confessed peacock Thomas Perkins (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) saw fit recently to cravenly tantrum about public outrage at 1%er plundering by comparing it to Nazi anti- semitism and even Kristallnacht. Mr. Perkins would do well to acquaint himself with the current state of the rights of indigenous people within the ambit of the mining industry, which despite the adoption by the United Nations of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in a whopping 90% of the 52 resource extraction corporations, that work, engage with such original natives, no clear policy respecting their rights exists within a historical narrative “[which has seen] too much rape and pillage as a legacy of … corporate [players].”

Welcome to Thirld World America: (1) “In a first, working-age people now make up the majority in U.S. households that rely on food stamps - a switch from a few years ago, when children and the elderly were the main recipients.” So much water has gone under the bridge the wrong way, yet there is no propotional hue and cry in the country; working class Americans are too paralyzed with fear to take on the vulture business class, the student class which usually leads and channels the thrust for social change itself in such terrible shape and very tentative about rocking the boat too, an American public highly cynical about government and any possibility for reform, …

America has, to its unforgiving detriment, forgotten in too many segments of its population the real virtues to be taken from education, to be brought into a marriage, … indeed to be taken and brought to all living and life, sacrifice, tolerance, passion, understanding, … the ability to be adjusted, conscientious and sympathetic, … to be removed from the default setting which holds the self at the center of the universe and forever willing to give others the benefit of the doubt. There is no greater truth than someone’s life just as it actually played out, with all its “colors, smells, and sensations”, pure in all its “frankness”, “beautiful-ugly” at the same time, perfect even in all its imperfectness, … courageous as long as it squarely and purposefully owned up to its worst shortcomings.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Misconduct in the American military not restricted merely to the younger and lower order cadre, but its brass behaving badly also dogging hot and heavy recently, together has not been any image maker for these armed forces. Far better and inspiring character by a ten year old born without arms, who overcoming plays trumpet with his toes.

Never before now in the past thirty years have so many Americans been out of work and not even looking, creating a cadre of the long term unemployed that is not only problematic for the economy but highly consequential in terms of the terrible toll taken of the people so affected by way of their body, mind and future ability to function effectively.ravaged as a result of fielding high levels of stress over prolonged period of time. Yet, “In an era of soaring income inequality, stagnant wage growth and a dismal job market,” the GOP while in 2013-14 just beginning to even acknowledge the existence of all these acute problems is still playing politics, spin games and stunts with the subject, of seriously rising poverty in America, to the tune of at least a dozen myths propogared with respect to it.

The hot new political craze, multiple responses to SOTU beyond the single official and designated one, fathered by GOPers and in our corruption boom times as an obvious another way to campaign, fundraise. Even though constrained by an existing agreement SCOTUS had to rule unanimously in favor of United States Steel Corp.and against the steelworkers, there is no denying the five conservative justices are active caretakers of corporate interests and order as rarely seen before.

“[T]he [recent] 43-page indictment … of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell … [more than easily demonstrates] rising income inequality [in America] is deliberate, not an accidental slip of some clumsy invisible hand of the market.” Herman Cain, Newt Ginfrich amd Mike Huckabee are “not just cashing in on their [political] candidacies the way some predecessors have, by translating increased visibility to higher speaking fees, more generous book advances, extra board appointments, …, [collectively they] are pioneering a new, more direct method for post-campaign buckraking, [hawking sketchy products with] total immunity to shame”

Ohio bleeding manufacturing jobs for thirty years without anything being done about it and also registering such stagnating population growth rates as to be down to 18 electoral votes from a high of 26 is the face of American decline some believe irresistible, inevitable at least in part. “The return of growth in the United States, Japan and Europe masks festering problems”, asymmetrical recovery across the entire spectrum, stark youth unemployment everywhere, skills shortage, rising inequality, disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street as in America, fears of deflation in Europe, measures in developing economoes adversely impacting the emerging economies, … “dampen[ing] any hubris in Davos [2014]”

Common sense seems somehow to be in acute short supply in our bewildered times roday, Unilever CEO Paul Polman who finds it “just ridiculous to expect the government to solve … [major problems like climate change and world hunger] alone.” People unable to intelligently reconcile science and faith as in evolution and creationism, … to their comfort, make sensible wellness decisions (1) as in getting sufficient sleep, integrating walking into their normal lives for a seamless exervixe regimen, …

As America sinks before our very eyes from man made malaise, is there anyone left to sound the alarm loud enough, where is American courage, “Where are the brave ones?”, … “Verizon's and AT&T's current state and federal plan, called the "IP transition," is nothing more than another way to game the system by telling the regulators what they want to hear”, it is about market takeover in an uncompetitive environment rigged for pure profit, breaching even capitalism’s (1, 2) assumptions of free-market modus operandi, via forcing customers on to new technologies with greater upselling potential and opportunity.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Narcissism (1), a key product sizably which disaffected America’s dysfunctional operating life in our times and a key contributing factor to its demise, is not something whose flow can be regulated or controlled in the same way as water routed through the pinch of a tap apparatus. Just as those who are not other respecting are not self respecting either, those who turn on others turn on themselves as well … the American Empire through its ducts of predatory, spoilt, entitled, narcissistic, rights without responsibility, best of all worlds, shameless, cowardly, … brand of behavior has turned on itself in the most vicious way possible and it now even shows in the results produced far and wide.

“Narcissism is not extra-large self-esteem. It represents a pathological regression of personality that impacts the sufferer's entire life. The narcissist is a deeply wounded egotist who seeks glory because of an underlying lack of self-love. Narcissistic people feel empty unless other people supply them with admiration. Narcissists lack self-insight, empathy and emotional maturity: all key qualities of a leader who gets things done.” - History Lesson: No, Narcissism Does Not Benefit Leadership

“And then there's Jesus. For the last three years of his life, he contributed nothing to the economy as an itinerant preacher subsisting on the generosity of others. In the worldview that divides us into the 47 percent and the 53 percent, Jesus Christ himself would be classified as an irresponsible freeloader.

God help us if that's what we truly believe.” - When Empire Turns on Itself

Being an independent contractor or for that matter even being employed at minimum wage maybe better than being unemployed or better still than the long term unemployed, but not only do these workers work without extra or overtime pay, no health benefits, sans benefits of union representation and collective bargaining, … independent contractors work 60 or 70 hours/week and are also deprived of unemployment insurance, Social Security contributions, workers compensation coverage, to make up a highly predatory and unsavory work rnvitonmrny in America. What happens at the World Economic Forum/“WEF”is merely a Davos disconnect.

“How can th[o]se … [so-called] leaders [assembling in Davvos each year], the vast majority of whom have little direct experience with economic hardship, have any idea what to do about [poverty]? A one-hour radically chic sensitivity session is not likely [to] change a corporate ethos in which the world is ruled rather than served by wealth.” - Davos Disconnects

“This unassuming house in Cheyenne, Wyoming might look like any other neighborhood home, but behind its brick walls and well-manicured lawn sit [mail boxes as} the ‘corporate suites’ of over 2,000 shell companies ... [where r]eporters are calling this house ‘the Cayman Islands on the Great Plains,’” While Americans`are drawing and spending down their savings (1), personal and/or retirement, to survive in the tumult unleashed by all kinds of corporate misconduct.

Despite “Moby-Dick, [having] been used as an exemplar of unhinged American power … [t]he really scary characters[, the true “terror of our age,” as Noam Chomsky called them collectively nearly 50 years ago,] are our soberest politicians, scholars, journalists, professionals, and managers, men and women (though mostly men) who imagine themselves as morally serious, and then enable the wars, devastate the planet, and rationalize the atrocities. American politics has become so immoderate and even toxic, “[i]f [snyone] want[s] a compelling story about our national political life” he/she should look at, study the upcoming, 2014, elections in the 21st congressional district for North Country in upstate New York.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. It is highly tempting and some have even suggested the President use the upcoming SOTU, in 2014, to unequivocally “unmask” the GOP for their purely personal scorched earth policy of “oppos[ng] everything he does (aka, ‘all-things-Obama’), even if they previously favored it, or even proposed it themselves ... [bering] quite literally, willing to hurt, injure or even destroy the lives of the American people just to make the President look bad.” The crumblig state of the union (1, 2), ignored by the straightline obstructionist bent of the GOP, beyond the quite literal disrepair of the physical state of the nation’s infrastructure extends to persisting economic disrepair, grotesque income inequality, …

Jaylen Phillips, son of Denver Broncos defensive end Shaun Phillips, in an uplifting and perspective setting text to his father, reminded everyone there are more important things in life than the Super Bowl. Likewise, “Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning, a powerful [1946] psychological memoir and meditation on the author's experience at Auschwitz, argu[ing] that meaning, not success or happiness, is the driving pursuit of human life”.is the kind of inspirational, values imparting, messaging needed in America, more than ever, today.

Annabel Park, a child of the divide in her country of birth from the shadow of the Korean War 60 years ago, inspired to study the deep American divide of our times set about traveling America to study it first hand and find disaster, catastrophic proportioned conditions during polling at the Rive Ooaks precinct (with the biffest African American voter population in the country) in Prince William County, VA, intense visceral alienation from others on the part of gun rights advocates in Mewtown, CT, African Americans in Selma, AL still carrying the scars of slavery and the voting rights movement related cruelties from the 1960s, scars on descendants of the Confederacy divorcing them in the South forever from the vanquishing and belittling North, North Carolina as ground zero “for the struggle between the Old South and New South.”, … historical fissions only accentuated by the current flurry of extraordinary stress in the country. Governor Brownback’s Kansas stands divided unto itself on account of the state turning surreal and into a circus around the principles of the separation of church and state audaciously subverted, beneath Christian piety carried on sleeves “truthfulness or honesty” readily and nakedly sacrificed in favor of bare-knuckle politics,…

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” - If I Can't Accept You at Your Worst, Then Maybe You Should Stop Being So Horrible

“Out of all the profundities ever uttered, what does it say about our society that THIS [ABOVE] is the quote we've decided to take to heart?” According to someone who was at Davos 2014, three observations maybe made about the overarching mood and attitude of the gathered there: they are full of “mindfulness” but only self-servingingly, seek “hotspots” of energy on a self-organizibg basis nut only self-servingly, all like the 1914 “sleepwalkers” with a profound disconnect as to “the real impact of their decision making on” their respective countries and the globe.

As escalating violence erupts in post-withdrawal Iraq, whether America wants to look the other way or not “[o]ne might think that a place that cost more than a trillion dollars, tens of thousands of casualties, killed more than 100,000 Iraqis, and sullied the good name of the United States has a claim on the nation's attention.” “The National Security Agency depends on huge computers that guzzle electricity in the service of the surveillance state …”, opposition “[o]rganizers have begun to push for action by state legislatures to impede the electric, water and other services that sustain the NSA's (1) secretive outposts.”

“For humanity to grow and change, we need to breach our individual and collective inner sanctums ... [w]e need to become truly conscious ... [w]e can continue to fiddle with the edges of our awareness ... [o]r  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. we can delve into the nitty-gritty of our own reactivity and responses, lay bare their origins and examine their consequences ... [a]nd for this, we need ruthless self-honesty …” We have to learn to stand in other people’s shoes … we have to become mindful by truly understanding what mindfulness is really all about.

Beyond the high tab of college tuition, capitalism‘s (1, 2) insatiable tentacles have also sleazed the cost of text books for students, which have jumped three times the rate of inflation in the past decade in America. One might as well study abroad in Paris (1), with its access to any number of charming book stores and much, much more by way of “the people, the art, the culture, …”

America, so lost by its mad, singular pursuit of riches and the material world, has utterly misplaced and upended its perspective on sane existence, so its wildly divorcing population would do well to listen to Judge Toler who seems to have acquired her own wisdom on the subject by thoughtfully learning from her own life as well as the lives of all those who appeared before her in divorce court. Whether learning from the scriptures or at the feet of life itself directly, finding all those nuggets of distilled truth, wisdom presupposes the brutal honesty of being able to be true unto the self in a manner that is in no way subjective and in every way objective, detached and standing-apart, receptive to being accountable to the call of all that is beyond the dead-weight of only the self and selfish.

“’The state of our union is strong,’ President Obama will tell the country tonight, echoing a sentiment shared by nearly every executive before him …” while the true picture or real state of the union comprising “[t]he number of workers living in poverty exploded during the Great Recession and its aftermath, as people were hobbled by part-time work, temporary employment and the disproportionate growth of low-wage jobs.” Likewise, what really wrong with our healthcare system to be spotted in hospitals charging $18 for 2 alka-selzer tablets, $21 for a single aspirin tablet, $1,800 plus for a single night’s stay, … galloping capitalism (1, 2) on its insane clip!

"My name is Jordan Belfort. The year I turned 26 I made $49 million dollars which really pissed me off because it was 3 shy of a million a week.", captures America’s cult of “more is never enough” in The Wolf Of Wall Street, “]t]he nearly three hour-long epic … packed with scene-after-scene of some of the greatest debauchery caught on film” about the real life “highs” of a 1990s penny-stock trading “swindler” (1). Then there was the America of Pete Seger (1), who passed in early 2014, as “the most enduring voices to come out of the civil resistance of the 1960s, where protest songs like ‘We Shall Overcome’, ‘Turn! Turn! Turn!’ and ‘The Hammer Song’ became anthems for a generation.”

The dollar five that Henry Ford paid his workers for an eight hour day equates to a fifteen dollar an hour rate now hundreds years later, still the GOP makes fictitious dire predictions of the world coming to an end over raising the minimum wage to ten dollars plus change when absent “high wages” and “low prices” Ford had predicted a real end to our economic system. The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, fraught with the “potential to undermine environmental, public health and labor standards, as well as ship U.S. jobs overseas”, yet the White House “has been urging Congress to use its ‘fast-track authority’ to sign off on the still-unfinished deal between 12 Pacific nations.”

World business and other leaders have been issuing forth a great many what may be called moral and ethical “confessionals” and “devotionals” at Bavos 2014, but it remains to be seen how many and much of those same will be actually be implemented once everyone returns home to their respective “battlefields!?! Meanswhile Predident Obama, in his latest SOTU, having laid the marker(s) for go-it- alone executive action(s), “sidestep[ing] Congress ‘whenever and wherever’ necessary to narrow economic disparities between rich and poor.”, also remains subject to how many and much he can do, will be realistically be allowed to do.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Bridgewater Associates hedge fund’s Ray Dalio’s video on “How The Economic Machine Works,” may serve the wealthy and the world of business, but in failing to modulate for the rest and “How not to create blistering widespread inequality”remains a rigged apparatus with limited universal utility and value. Otherwise a recent “study confirms money turns left-wingers into stingy right-wingers.”

The character Rose in the sitcom “Two And A Half Men” is known to have quipped that the proper name for stalking/1, 2, 3 is really “boundaries challenged, where 3.4 million are stalked each year in the U.S. and pushing the envelope on keeping boundaries at an all time high among America’s favorite pastimes. As such, it should come as no surpeise to anyone the “Rooftop Skateboarding” is an incredibly dangerous activity amongst the Brooklyn, N.Y. youth these days.

America’s insanity for excess is captured in “Foods That’ll Take You Straight To France” meaning one thing and “Foods That’ll Take You Straight Back To America” quite another, in the health wrecking fest of Donut Burgers, Deep Fried Twinkies, the “Jersey Breakfast”, KFC Double Down, Sloppy Joes, Heart Attack Grill’s Bypass Burger(s). … Who indeed is insane in America, Peter Schiff (1) or those “mentally retarded” Americans who according to him being worth a paltry $2 an hour forms the basis for doing away with the minimum wage so that “individuals [c]ould be free to accept jobs at whatever pay they're able to get”?

When for $26 billion more a year, where America drops a cool $25 billion annually on gold, we could educate every child in the world by 2015, $190 billion a year, where that amount is lost in annual revenues to American offshore tax dodgers, the number of people without access to clean water could be cut in half globally, $44 billion a year, where Americans spent $46.5 billion alone during the 2013 holiday season, world hunger could be ended completely, … what nation working to insane proportions in this “world … rife with poverty and senseless inequality”? Consider the news station in Atlanta, GA that deployed an insane 25 people on screen at one time to report it was really cold!?!

In an early 2014 Gallup poll, “[c]learly, selfish fears swept concerns on the Republican side, whereas concerns for others (and especially the weak) swept concerns on the Democratic side”, in specific terms setting up the difference between psychopathy and compassion across the two parties. Iowa politician Chad Brown, Nevada Lieutenant Governor Sue Wagner, … others have left the GOP (1) for its pursuit of extremes and forsaking support for the rights of all Americans exclusively protecting the interests of rich, white people alone.

Even if it is only perceived xenophobia, expressed bluntly further only on the fringes of the GOP ranks, … that lies at the heart of its opposition to any new immigration legislation occurring in short order, fact that the vein of racism evidently runs wide is enough to make the GOP the rogue party it has become in our times for any number of other reasons as well too. Laura Ingram think English is “in decline” in America because of Mexican “jingoism”, Darrel Issa waxing “cynical and diabolical” in his quest to demolish the Postal Service, Donald Trump now harnessing the New York gubernatorial race for pointless attention-getting, Jerry Springer cannot understand why anyone would hate President Obama, Ann Coulter simply unable to stop raving about Hispanics “wrecking the country”, … “There ain’t no sanity clause,” as Chico Marx told Groucho.

Even on skid row the sentiment held closest is to be “seen as people”, something that stands belittled, diminished and bemused in American politics, economics and social gravitation today. When “during a time of near record-level food insecurity” SNAP or the Food Stamp program is cut so drastically, or even at all, as to leave Walmart’s bottom line adversely affected, something is very wrong in the kingdom of Demark.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The dysfunction of entitled and licentious behavior gone amuck that the free-wheeling cult of affluence and greed has unleashed far and wide in America is perhaps botably captured by the story of Carolyn Warmus (1). Add to that the hubris of the well performing legal community and we have the equally outrageous, sick Beth Carpenter (1) story.

“We have a serious money addiction problem in our society, and despite how insidious this addiction can be, we not only fail to recognize it as an addiction - we actively encourage it. … Being addicted to money poses unique problems because we live in a culture that celebrates the accumulation of wealth. … We even define success in financial terms: The more money you have, the more successful you are. Our society's endorsement of wealth addiction makes it even harder to break away and live a life based on what really matters. … For wealth addicts, no amount of money is ever enough.”

It is as if too wide a swath of America no longer simply knows how to distinguish right from wrong, too many of its new fangled concepts of what constitutes right and permissible dubious. There is something copiously wrong with a country where the food stamp budget can be cut so severely, mercilessly as to render shopping at Walmart impossible, Cheney would even dare think it is aceeptable to publicly admit military spending ought to be given higher priority than feeding needy Americans at home!?!

This country now lacks basic living sobriety, proportion and tooting in a very serious way, going outlandish in every manner possible. Should iy be alright in America for “ … about 68 million Americans -- more than a quarter of all households – [to] have no checking or savings account and … [be] underserved by the banking system[;] … [c]ollectively, these households [have to] spen[d] about $89 billion in 2012 on interest and fees for non-bank financial services like payday loans and check cashing, which works out to an average of $2,412 per household.”?

The “revolving door” continues to spin merrily away, as people still move rather freely between public sector jobs and lobbying or public and private sector employment, … undermining legislation tilted towards special interests upon nothing more fundamental than the spontaneously incendiary corrupting power of money as agency for such influence pedaling. At the other end, not only have the lower classes been bulldozed into unprecedented poverty and inequality as a whole, corporate America, robustly ignoring the rule of law, stoops to even muscle workers to work overtime without pay.

In order to tell the core story within properly, it is necessary, if not imperative, to paint and deconstruct, as above, Life in these United States of ours during the past thirty years and upto the current point in the 21st century. It is a bewildering story of a people having gone predatory unto themselves, sinking into the morass and cesspool of unimaginable personal value system decline and wilderness.

As such, it should come as no surprise to any one that AJ, CYT,…’s penchant for accelerated personal Americanization has all been a story of making a bee line for unprincipled and dastardly destinations. An operating life based on that which is purely expedient, narcissistic, of being spoilt, entitled, Best of All Worlds oriented, greedy, rights but no duties intensive, … ultimately a protocol and culture that spells throbbing shamelessness.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Current television and popular entertainment, as always, reflects where American society too resides today. It is reminiscent of Chris Hedges depiction of a decadent and declining America, as its people to be found lost and oblibious, immersed in an image based culture that prevents them from really knowing what is really going on around and happening to them.

Not only print media seeming to be on its way out on account of the online sources of information, but consumers in America otherwise less attentive to the written word and less interested in keeping themselves informed through those means. Indeed, there is an acute attention span deficiency and aversion for detail, in our age of television sound bites. Between consuners too slothful to make the effort and the powers-that-be only too willing to keep the masses distracted, uninformed, ignorant we have an American public widely amendable to being readily confused, flummoxed, misled, … even against its own best interests.

By around 2000 local television news was all tabloid, in the next decade network news went that way as well. It is painful to watch Good Morning America/“GMA” or the evening news with Diane Sawyer, … today. Tabloid content and style, more entertainment than news! A far cry from Walter Cronkite on CBS, sober proportions not too long ago! Otherwise, it is sheer misrepresentation to call almost any news in America as “World News”, when it hardly ever covers anything outside or unconnected with America/

The weekly news shows have lost their bite too, anchored as they are quite uselessly off partisan and squabbling guests. Talking heads! So called “Pundits” and “experts”! Ever since media took to being businesses, rather than being primarily focused on the integrity of their professional function, it has steadily degenerated to its current morph of dollars concerned entertainment, even circus if you like.

Entertainment itself has tanked to reality shows, heavily accented with crime dramas, meaningless talk shows galore, sleazy advice shows, … an endless parade of the underbelly of humanity one way or another. Part of this depiction moved by the content of what American society has become in our times, the rest predicated upon the shallow, titillating, gory, … mindless, flighty and bankrupt alone that the American public has taken to demanding.

Whether the American people like it or not, accept it or not, … our society now in this country is dangerously dysfunctional, on a widespread scale! Flirting with highly self destructive proportions, one may even say possessing of a death wish. Just the number of things wrong with and within it! Just the sheer bulk of its people “behaving badly”, one way or another! …

What American politicians and business leaders could no longer hide, no matter that after the 2008 economic crisis they were expected to sober up, they brazened upto it. As such, Wall Street has since continued business-as-usual, eventhough no longer able to keep it under wraps. The GOP opted to openly display it stood unabashedly for the 1%ers hook, line and sinker in the aftermath to the 2008 events. AJ too, perceiving the family to be helpless on the ropes, waged his war of attrition on it fully showing his hand. What us gberally referred to as “with impunity”.

Otherwise, the scent of hiding is the hallmark of corruption in vogue, the preferred modus operandi of the wrong doing. Particularly after Citizen’s United v FEC (1) political America, most notably GOP operatives, have exerted with extraordinary vehemence to keep names, amount(s) of contribution, the entire trail of campaign donation opaque from the rest of the world. AJ conducted his entire enterprise contributing to SS’s abduction on the stealth, hid from the family in the U.K. before and after, when family “found” him working for EBRD in 2008 he promptly left his employment to go deeper under cover, …

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. CYT too carried out her nefarious topical interaction(s) with AJ on the sly, studiously shielding all such activities from OS and the family. Likewise, in the litigation leading to SS’s abduction, opposition parties strenuously suppressed his production, hid its sustained ex parte contact with Escala,…

Personal honor and integrity are of no context to such errant people. Self respect non existent. … Some cowards to begin with, only to slide further on that path following their dastardly deeds! Others setting themselves on the same path of reduction through cowardice the first time they succumbed and stooped to corruption. For there is no way to so capitulate and leave courage intact!

Through yielding to self indulgence, unfettered freedom(s), … appetities of various and all kinds, … American society in general has made itself pliable to dishonorable and craven ways on a widespread scale. All the corruption taking place and all the trouble America finds itself in today is not by accident, a society which largely operates without any prudent, close boundaries is, constantly and continuously, letting the “devil” pass through unimpeded so to speak!

If galloping self indulgence and narcissism is to be the controlling way of life in America, then predatory conduct and mutuality is bound to abound here as it obviously does. Why corporate America and Wall Street is hyper predatory at home! Why our politicians (1), (2) are super predatory! Why our now paramilitary shaped police over predatory! Why our streets so infested and mean! Why even our Justice system infected! … Why AJ, CYT,…, in the abundance of their “Americanization” sought on an accelerated basis, predatory so close even unto home! Why such a long list of predators in our Hall of Shame cadre within!

Why was Ron Howard complelled to decelop a series called “Arrested Development”, deploying the closeness of a hand held camera? Probably witnessing all the insanity which now is America in our times!

Maine GOP lawmaker, Lawrence Lockman, thinks and says if abortion is to be legal then men ought to be able to rape women!?! “[S]everal booking agents who have worked with political figures estimate that [Hillary Clinton’s] per-speech fee for private groups could range up to $250,000.”

The CEO of Modell’s Sporting Goods carried away by acting in “Undercover Boss” undetook a covert reconnaissance mission to his rival. Dick’s Sporting Good’s, store misrepresenting himself as the latter’s executive and incurring a civil conspiracy-tresspass lawsuit.In 2013 fourteen percent of Americans still believe AIDS might be God’s punishment for deviant sexual behavior.

Reacting to proposed legislation in Idaho to allow concealed weapons on college campuses, a local Professor is forced to ask, even if satirically, precisely “[w]hen may I shoot a student, [confronted with one disgruntled with my teaching]?” Not to be outdone, sighting expansion of gun rights, the Iowa House votes to legalize gun silencers!?!

American insanity succinctly constructed spells T-E-DN-U-G-E-N-T (1)! Further, it is worth taking a look at Center for Arizona Policy and Cathi Herrod’s deranged agenda and handiwork, which includes pushing state legislation “allow[ing] business owners to reject services to any individual on religious grounds” and vetoed by Governor Jan Brewer.

It seems there is simply no life sobriety left in America anymore, on the contrary it is just one big dysfunctional jungle and mess galore. An advanced society is supposed to radiate a certain measure of solidity and stability, borne and reflective of experience drawn and wizened wisdom, grace and poise. No  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. trace of steadiness, restraints and boundaries, sure footed ways, … any worthwhile example setting for others to be inspired by or follow. Just one long stutch of idiocy, frivolity, self-absorbtion, juvenile proportions, tumult, in fighting, … circus like performance making.

Especially when the chips are down, seasoned entities show a ready and spontaneous hand for coming together, girdling up, getting streamlined, being hard focused, … to fight the good and mighty rear guard action. Above all a steady head kept first! America, on the contrary, spends the past thirty years unleashing an acute predatory attack on its own economy and then the past five since the 2008 financial debacle going even more dysfunctional, haywire, acrimonious, partisan, disruptive, pandemonious, self destructive, … than ever before.

Between the folds New Jersey (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), rather its corruption remains incorrigible and steadfastly resilient. Super charged corruption an inalienable way of life, as natural and reflexive as breathing air, in the Garden State. Well and fully ingrained and integrated, deeply assimilated into its comfortable core! As difficult to give up as any potent drug and addiction to it!

“To say that corruption was a problem in the Garden State was an epic understatement - its political system might as well have been expressly designed to facilitate public fraud. The state’s official history is one of legendary self-dealers: … In most of the United States, the big political machines have been broken, or reduced to wheezing versions of their former selves. In New Jersey, though, they’ve endured like nowhere else. … The place still has bona fide bosses … a self-perpetuating cycle as reliable as photosynthesis.” - Chris Christie's Rise and Fall | New Republic

Escala is a supreme, unmitigated NJ scoundrel without question. His robeprobe profile and rating (1) unequivocally says nothing else. Consider the corrupt instance also of NJ (Monmouth County) Superior Court Judge Paul Escandon (1, 2, 3), sought for impeachment by multiple moms who “not only [have been] denied their due process rights but they'[ve] essentially [been] forced into poverty and [in] many cases [into] bankruptcy” by his family court. Even the NJ justice system bristles and resonates with heavy-duty corruption!

“Like Judge Paul Escandon, a number of judges are on the hot seat for being allegedly biased against mothers and ruling in the favor of fathers in divorce and custody proceedings. And whereas, in some cases, such rulings are warranted, in others, they are not.” - The High Price Mothers Pay When Filing For Divorce - Huffington Post

AJ’s corruption was bred in the entitled halls of his Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) schooling in America, the feverishly greedy (1) corridors of Wall Street financial houses of recklessness, those scurrilous passage-ways of the legal ptofession which xompels the public eberywhere to hold it in plumb low estimations, … This is not to imply he in anyway at all escapes personal responsibility for the shape of his sordid being or even that America alone must assume all the blame for how he turned out out in adult life that was actually never reached except in physical growth.

God alone knows there is serious corruption in India, including in its civil service cadres. The family within may not have been able to easily afford American tuition from India, where most of America itself is now hardpressed to do so, but its circumstances within India itself were more than just comfortable all the time.

As such, AJ grew up in a fairly affluent home there, attended exclusive British public schools, in St. Stephen’s attended India’s pre-eminent college, no less elitist than the American Ivy League(s) (1, 2, 3, 4,  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) or not overrun by highly spoilt kids, … in fact at one point preparing for the Indian Administrative/Foriegn Service (1) was decidedly in the pull and fetch of elitist aspirations. Only such shallow values were never encouraged, indeed affirmatively frowned upon, at home in the family.

A contemporary of OS in the Indian Foreign Service once spoke to him about being posted to Wasgingtom DC and then “jumping ship” in order to live in America. Another who went with him to college in America and later worked for Goldman Sachs spoke of Jon Corzine being incapable of corruption simply because the Governor of New Jersey (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) was independently wealthy!?! A measure of spoilt elitism! We see enough of the equation of wealth-the wealthy with virtue-the virtuous in the 1%ers’ shady America of self-cuddling and headlong wealth-worship we live in today!

Raj Rajaratnam managed to get himself 11 years in the slammer for insider trading, securities fraud. Rajat Gupta let himself get carried away in his own way to be “convicted in June 2012 on insider trading charges of four criminal felony counts of conspiracy and securities fraud.” … But of course, AJ holds the singularly unique elevation of being culpable for nothing less than the high crime of family fraud.

There was great emphasis on inculcating strong sense of social justice young people when OS and AJ were attending St. Stephen’s College in the 1970s, spoilt (1, 2, 3, 4) and elitist minded kids still abounded there. Likewise, in AJ’s high school, Delhi Public School as well. It seems, ultimately, nothing lasting of his father and older brother really rubbed off on AJ. He eventually only emerged into the wimpy excuse for a man that is a central thread of the core story within.

All of us who have had careers in the corporate world are probably well familiar with the quality of individuals who occupy the higher and highest echelons of the topical management cadres. Truly how many of them, perfectly good at beating up on and self righteously reading the riot act to their subordinates, are not merely moral midgets but clearly out and out cowards! People who spontaneously combust at the first spot of real afversity in their lives. When such setback maybe nothing more than the small burp of a career episode, which unlike most others they are more than well equipped to weather at least financially.

Courage comes only from right conduct and no place else. America’s affluent (1), who have raised Cain as rarely seen, scuttled a ship which has them on board too. Whatever may happen to others or the nation, they themselves are going no where either. Besides there is a sirect price to be apid for icorrigible corruption and cowardice!

America and Americans have to frontally accept their runaway failings, if this nation and its citizens to save themselves from themselves! New Jersey (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) residents recently protested a Dove advertisement highlighting the state’s reputation as “The Armpit Of America”, whether true or not in terms of its physical attributes is decidedly smack on the nose as far as its modus operandi concerned. New Jerseyites, for their own good, had better be bluntly accepting of this highly accurate verdict on their state staying forever drenched in hoary corruption..

Certiainly India and Indians are part of the world and the human race, susceptible to all consequent failings. Simply that since the 1980s America has been in the vortex of a particularly virulent and vicious strain of the corruption disease, which AJ was not equipped to resist. Horribly crippled as he always was with nagging low self esteem, pursuit of wealth in America at any cost, as a way to overcome same, became his Achilles heel. Moreover, he craved it as a way to access hedonistic pursuits in order, in his misplaced way of thinking, to quell his raging primal and other fears.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Not even in dastardly America, of our times, do people target family! Usually make it the recipient of their corruption! Therein lies the measure of how truly and exceptionally weak, an entity, AJ is! How helpless, and corrupt in that way itself, he is in terms of overcoming himself.

He has no compunction about OS opening doors for him, enabling him to discover his potential, … then rationalizing his way to being entirely self-made and throwing the family to the wolves. Using the very fact of being enabled to reach his potential and personal strength allowed to assemble, which he had no capacity to scale to on his own, to snake around to defraud and sting that very hand that so fed.

There is weakness and then there is weakness! There are dastardly proportions and then there are dastardly proportions! AJ’s weak ways in this manner to be spectacular and rarerst of the rare, for nothing less could have produced his debauchery of the unprecedented rock-back we have been familiarized with within. He is the same classic case of the individual America has taken to demanding no adult proportions, courage, honor, integrity, …, in altogether very large numbers, from.

Ultimately, AJ is a decided product of American insanity, verifiable by fact tuat in the first years after arriving from India he was not even remotely anything like the downright deranged debauch he exploded into by the 1980s. Otherwise, OS would certainly never have trusted and uplifted AJ in the manner he did. The potency of America’s dark and unrelenting lunacy is not to be underestimated one wee or fleeting bit, for it kills. As it has indeed slaughtered this country, at least crippled it silly for the very long haul!

AJ, without question, is a very “sick” person! Whether he has had a predisposition for the worst tentacles of the current American value system and its toxic manifestation(s) or not, there can be no doubt about this sweepingly contagious xultures’ deadly influence on him. Of this “cult” assuming a stranglehold over his inherently weak being. To make him forget all his year’s of formative upbringing, towards a balanced and reasonable life and life meaning, from India. To turn him into embracing the animal mentality of the American 1%er class, of marauding worship of money and sheer greed mongering.

A way of life and thinking where something external to the self entirely controls the personal being in vise like fashion, instead of the person sensibly controlling his/her externalisties. Where one is not consumed by such external factors as unjust self-enrichment to the predatory detriment of others, in the worst case scenario of family itself! To the detriment of the hand that fed, as the ultimate in life betrayal and fraud! … A way of sub human life passage, of animalistic proportions, appetites and values!

A life based on raw base mentalities, moved by a sense of acute narcissism, explosive avarice, the decadence of Entitlement, rights but no duties, a spoilt personal state, utter shamelessness, the best of all worlds duplicity, … It is possible for people fron good families and upbringing to go astray, horribly astray … happens all the time, more often than we dare admit to ourselves!

Many veer off so, into no man’s land, prior to ever joining productive life, education, work and career, meaningful family life, … some taking grotesque wrong turns even after entering mainstream and constructive libes. AJ happened to fall into the latter set, indeed he had often stated and confessed to OS that if he had himself experienced SS’s career setbacks he too could easily have lost his hold on his mental sanity too! Yet, AJ was to go on to, most dysfunctionally, be the primary and even sole shaper of SS’s demise so!?!

Unequivocally, AJ always had a very tenuous hold over his psyche, himself. Spooked by the smallest, every turn and twist of life, the adversities of life, … he was always a prime candidate for going off the deep end. But for OS comprehensively shaping, constructing and building his life, AJ on his own had no  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. capacity to take it anywhere far at all. Except for OS forever clearing the brush bare ahead of him, AJ would never have had his founding success in America, which he then, snaking around, he deployed to defraud the very hand that had copiously fed him.

Very simply AJ had an inherent soft psychology! Exceedingly poor coping mechanisms and abilities! How, despite all his formidable formative upbringing, he fell prey to all the susceptibilities of the modern American dysfunctionalities. Like Joshua Komisarjevsky, AJ had a photographic memory and advanced personal talents … it would seem he is also frighteningly sick” like Joshua too!

As Joshua’s defense attorney said of him to the judge, he needed to be watched, either the justice system would never see him [again] or he would come in as the worst criminal to pass through any justice system, … based on the “kind of mind” he had! Otherwise, a man with no obvious flags, despite a historical string of relatively petty offenses! Never a person revealing high mental abnormalities or the need for related interbention! …

AJ too with little self control and ability to S-T-O-P himself! He may not have murdered anyone, in the manner Joshua did, but he did outright destroy, without compunction, with callous disregard the lives of all his family members! Thus, AJ personifies evil and the darkness thereof in his, its own way. The sheer injustice of what he has wrought. He has been so inhumane in his treatment of F-A-M-I-L-Y, no less!

He has left such a trail of destruction for the family in his wake, utter, vast and irreparable damage. If he was not locked up all these years, he has deserved to be and should be now! For he will injure others, continue to do so, if he is not. In worse ways than he has disaffected people all his life, people in his own close circle. Quite mercilessly, without remorse when he has subject them to his repeated assaults. Hitting and reducing them in their very vitals. He appears having some incurably vicious bug in his head … which, as left festering all these past years, only makes him more lethal across time.

This disease of the entitled insatiable mind and being is akin to that Simon and Garfunkel silence which “like a cancer grows”. Its alchemy, set in a base of satiety forever defied and even forsaken, can only be a ready recipe for the malady and its adverse impact allowed, given affirmative spur. Incorrigible America in the aftermath of the 2008 economic meltdown bears testimony to such cause and effect, prevalence, burgeoning plague, … AJ hell bent on notching himself a true son of contemporary dysfunctional America was not about to arrest his headlong pursuits along well beaten bedeviled pathways routed through Ivy League schooling denominated notions of being entitled (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), Wall Street association inspired penchant for sleaxe, … indiscriminate soaking of the contemporary culture of American leadership and elite bending with truculence towards all things of the nether regions.

There is no issue, AJ is a very sick puppy! America a disturbingly sick society and country in too large a measure for anyone’s good or peace. AJ did not do the things he has done just like that, the family massacred at his hands just like that! Likewise, America in its throes in our times hust like that!

AJ, despite all of OS’s, direct and indirect, efforts and exhaustive contributions to the other’s life, has remained an entity nursing very deep, incurable low self esteem. The bane of all his extravagant dysfunctions erupting as they did, in turn at the root of all the irreparable havoc and obliteration he caused in the lives of his siblings, family!

Such etched low self esteem the cause of his throbbing, cutting and flaming narcissism! Whatever the genesis of such long plunging esteem, it also explains why he sought and secured a woman of no accomplishments whatsoever, by his and her confession(s) alike, as a vastly “inferior” and needy object he needed to control comprehensively. AJ’s version was by no means any denomination of healthy  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. narcissism! It was decidedly the, excessive, execrable kind that Elizabeth Luneback, the author of The Americanization of Narcissism (1, 2, 3, 4), referred to as pathological or malignant narcissism,

The very same train of psychology explains the emergence of his sadistic side, of his viciously biting the very hand(s) that had fed him, while and after attending Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6,),being uttermly callous to all the fallout for the family fron his nefarious frauds, packing his fraud(s) with a further misplaced reign of terror vicious making himself to be somekind of victim when clearly the shoe on the other foot, being impervious to SS’s deathly sickness of his very creation luxuriously excelling there, heartlessly neglcecting Dad and SS bitter even as he mindlessly indulged his hedonistic appetites as if there was no tomorrow, would not rest or sheath his insane romping(s) not even after killing Dad before his time, mercilessly used SS’s infirmity as a pawn in his deranged games abducting the other, … So much of it gratuitous, self serving and law-unto-self willful, mayhem at the expense of others, the family.

Even in our sorry times there are demonstrations of extravagant genorisity to strangers, given selflessly and then even anonymously, as proof positive of distilled good still lurking desperately in this heavily marred world of ours forever itching to toss the gauntlet as to how really we should be treating each other. Then there is AJ and his ilk too many, not even sparing of family in the abundance of his, downright flawed, “[The} Triple Package” and more!

Echart Tolle (1, 2, 3) speaks of the “the magnitude of the dysfunction in the collective consciousness [of our modern world]”, which “if … [it admits of] no shift in consciousness away from the dysfunctional, egoic state that generates all that insanity, then humans would most likely destroy themselves, or at least bring about a complete collapse of civilization.” Tolle even calls dysfunctional consciousness, unconsciousness.

Tolle speaks of every human possessive of two dimensions. The first thinking, where personal identity resides. The other is consciousness itself, the state or space where thinking takes place. The first comprising identifying the self with the output of the thinking mind, of living between the unsatisfying past and the petrifying future, being critical of self and/or others, complaining or berating self creating anxiety, worrying about future outcomes and uncertainty, … towards a regime of unhappiness and operating life unproductively predicated upon ensuing toxicity, dysfunction, insanity, … The other of aligning the self with its original, true and real article, consciousness or presence itself that we all are first.

The first is the reactive template. The other the proactive state of being. The first living by the sword of the ego or the egoice mind or the “obnoxious roommate” or the “voice in the head”(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). The first about the misery from “success”(1) defined per acquisition of money and power. The other about discovering and imcorporating what Arianna Huffington refers to as the third metric or leg of the stool towards achieving a balanced modicum of life.

The first of being mired in the whirlpool of earthly corruption. The other of acquiring escape velocity from same. The first as it is confusion, chaos and tumult. The other clarity, tranquility and an awkened sense of being alive. The first a state of slavisih bondage. The other of being in the driver’s seat. The first of living a lie. The other of being joined inextricably to universal truth(s).

The first dripping and replete with lowly sighted rationale to life. The other of emerging into a higher purpose, as authentic exceptionalism to boot. … Weighed down, corrupted by the retained sensory memory of past pain and convulsed about the uncertainties of the future, beguiled by the trappings of wealth and power sought weakly for its own sake and traumatized by the distress of perpetual personal insecurity, … living wholly in the material world scrupulously decoupled from any real spirituality and  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. immersed in only false religion in too many places, we today have an American society, populace and public square self-indulgently boiling and frothing, jointly and severally, to highly uninformed, dysfunctional, corrupt, … proportions.

The utter shallowness of such a traumatically dissatisfied and insecure bearing, itself the product of missing courage in the first place, unless cured to only exacerbate cowardice on an ever escalating chronic trajectory in turn. Then where is the wherewithal to change and stop the rot to come from, so America continues to, steadily and surely, inevitably spiral down and only still further down.

This is the story of contemporary America, AJ’s incorrigible story even more irresistibly so conceived in infamy. Infinitely powerfully so, for this is a creature insecure and cowardly as rare as to be ever seen. It is also the story of all the other corrupt cowards that make up our Hall of Shame within. There is simply no way to sink to the kind of plunging corruption they have all stooped to, displayed without being utterly devoid of every last vestige of any form or trace of courage; to be drained further, if at all possible, at the backend of misconduct.

America’s transformation towards Casino Capitalism unleasing unparalleled and asphyxiating inequality in the country on the anvil of galloping greed/1, 2 (3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) originated in the late 1970s and 1980s. AJ’s super-charged frauds at the command of incendiary narcissism and sizzzlingly electrified cupidity were uncorjed for delivery beginning in 1984. The disaffected parties in the first case were the family of fellow Americans. AJ too able to butcher family without compunction or pause.

The entire course of life for the rest of Americans has been irrevocably altered and uprooted in the most cavalier fashion and remorseless way possible. AJ too caused irreparable, blanketing and obliterating damage to the lives of all his siblings without so much as blinking to anywhere arrest his carnage laced highly loaded rampage.

One insanity spanning the malfeasance and irresponsibility of many and too many continues reverberating mightily America-wide in its muscular toll taken. Correspondingly lies AJ’s imitating and twin dimensioned insanity to the detriment of an innocent immigrant American family. Corporate America in our times, having benefitted from and thrived on liberal in-country incentives that have included the socialistic support of tax breaks and special interest legislation, then snaked around to outsource American jobs abroad, hold vast sums of profits offshore in order to avoid paying American taxes, since 2008 have sat on piles of cash without investing in America, taking a stranglehold of American politics with their money and using the SCOTUS 5 to “legitimize” no holds barred political contribution making have tilted American economics in their own exclusibve corner, … AJ too, after benefitting exhaustively from the family’s socialist JV.(1), quintessential Indian in cultural expression and still firmly legal in American law, at the receiving end, then like any other expedient cad and predator, upon the sway of those rooted in unprincipled opportunism and American style unbridled narcissism as in CYT, …, turned turtle to become the runaway priest of American brand individualism at the giving end.

AJ and all the other American predators of our times are nothing but supreme cowards in the abundance of their fraudulent and defrauding ways. Ultimately little insignificant excuses for the human race, low lifes on any totem pole. AJ who had to have an utterly unqualified woman, so he could be sure of being able to control her comprehensively. AJ who with selective design preyed on the weak again, in targeting SS for his abduction. AJ, as well the likes of CYT, who must operate their known mal-pursuits only on the sly. AJ who even deployed his law license licentiously as an instrument of oppression and tyranny. AJ who now strenuously hides, after slithering and skulking before, after engineering SS’s abduction in 2003. … AJ and all his ilk are nothing but subterranean rodents. Further AJ as an undeniable American  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. product of our times is, with all other like him, is not only a highly objectionable blot on the fabric of American life today but also its nemesis for certain doom at once.

Even if AJ constitutes the absolute bottom of the heap of products of contemporary American society, the Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) type educated bunch and Wall Street values influenced, there is enough evidence outside of him of across the board value system malaise in America. Across the board in terms of direct evidence of the entire menu of untoward value system features having taken hold and gained ascendancy in very large number for anyone’s good. Across the board in terms of “Ivy League types or Wall Streeters or … perpetuating specific kinds of counter-productive values.Across the board as it can be discerned by way of America as fast shinking ship or study from the effect end of things versus the causative end.

It is for that reason books like Amy Chua‘s “The Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mom” and “[The} Triple Package” have to be questioned and seriously challenged, wider America rightly indeed has. It would appea Amy did write her first book with the idea of selling the concept of Tiger Moms with high conviction and a vengeance, though to her credit she later, upon robust public reaction, softened her underlying stabnce.

A hard line on A+s and attending Ivy League Schools indeed is a religion amongst Asian families. Not merely strict and even harsh parenting to those Tiger Mom proportions, further even elitism and its cousin entitlement highly “prized” and closely held, however, unconsciously or not. Other parts of the world may also be so but authors being fromAsia know it is so all across the continent.

Tiger Moms and Dads may abound in Asia because of economics, the tight scale of opportunities available compelling intense competition certainly having a great deal to do with same. At the same time, these issues are also driven by the deeply etched caste system configurations and structures that describe nearly all Asian nationalities.

OS particularly ought to know, having reared all his siblings. He was extremely strict with all his siblings about excelling at their studies, duty to self, the family and upright conduct. However it was never anything like nothing less than only A+s. Certainly he pitched his siblings towards good schools, but never in any do or die terms. In SS’s case, OS was perfectly satisfied with the others’ choice of entrepreneurship, as long as same was pursued with the sobriety, seriousness and high industry it called for.

Amy’s choice of the phrase “Tiger Mom” seems telling, had she opted for something less biting as in “motivating Mom” she would have been more easily believable as to her Mom driven being about what Amy said she was post the furor over the initial release of her book . Further, no where does Amy speak of her Mom or herself as a mom cautioning and teaching their kids that the idea of attending Ivy League Schools et al. was not to turn elitist, entitled,…

It would also seem the relationship Amy and her Mom bear to the Phillipines is the very same one CYT bears to Sinfapore. And CYT was an unapologettic elitist easily spotted. Much of her law unto self ways a derivative of such snobbish and snooty, entitled, … procilivities. CYT balked at assisting SIS’s one-time proposed application to Wellesley, went into deep mourning when OS receiving super-accelerated promotions caught up to her title procured in many multiples of the time it took herself to attain same, … she simply could not abide others attaining any parity with her.

Amy writing and publishing “[The} Triple Package” would seem to further chrystalize a preoccupation with her kind of American success, perhaps the self itself. Even too impressed with herself and the way  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. she, her family has gone about “succeeding”. Truly successful people are first and foremost humility bound, if only because they understand perfectly that there may still be failure despite talent, constructive insecurity driven hardwork and discipline. Otherwise, what seems to be a subject matter obsession with Amy perhaps betrays a sense of personal superiority and indeed “[The} Triple Package”speaks of “inherent superiority” that elitism, sense of entitlement, … are made of!

The immigrant drive to succeed is well known, needs no special airing. Moreover, others can emulate it finding their own means of constructive and becoming self motivation. Nothing hidden to write home or in published books about for its own dedicated sake, unless meant to celebrate the self. Authors in this instance have included such and similar discussion within, but only in the associated context of telling another story.

Indeed, upon AJ uncorking his portfolio of wretched misconduct had been told by OS in no uncertain terms that he no longer deserved to reflect his educational qualifications, anyway attributable first to OS, on his resume. Attending good schools is not an invitation to acquire any superiority complex or arrogance, begin subscribing to elitism and assuming any notions of entitlement, but rather was an invitation only to the duty to uphold stratospheric standards of all around personal conduct, hence real merit, in society at large. Reflecting “social service” as an activity on one’s cv not meant for adding another bolstering feather strategically to one’s cap, but pursued originally upon genuine conviction about helping others as an integral duty assumed in life.

Real merit and excellence is never about the self, but rather only about contributing away from that corrupting self denominated focus. Authors well acquainted with Asian proclivities are obviously most well versed in its Indian sub-set, version if you like. Somehow there is abundance of one commodity in India, arrogance. There is the kind attributed to the likes of Jawharlal Nehru, V;K. Krishna Menon, K.P.S. Menor. T,N, Kaul, … explained variously in terms of arrogance of intellect, otherwise as defense mechanism arising out of past colonial experience, … An Indian-Australian’s peppered account of the character of the everyday Indian bears certain accuracy and names the failing of arrogance, once one gets past a somewhat rambling, caustic in spurts, incoherent in places, … critique.

Otherwise, AJ’s Stephenanian roots had given him abundant close exposure to elitist, entitled,… behavior, despite OS’s proactive example setting and of expressly discouraging same as counter to the real meaning of good education and successful life. Amy, apart for being wrong as Kanha Ho makes her out to be, is also distanced from any proper definition of success as impled and imputed in both her books discussed above/supra. It is hardly about grades, good schools, acquiring money or power, … but thriving personally and helping others to thrive. Indeed true successs is not at all about the self in terms of personal accomplishments, but how one deploys inherent and acquired assets alike to exhaustively do only that which makes real difference in personal life and other lives consolidated.

AJ was also part of the Indian Administrative/Foreign Service bound milieu, where the civil services (1) another formidable source of, fairly entrenched and girth heavy, arrogant, elitist, entitled, … attiude(s) to be accessed for learning by him. Then there seems to be the haughty arrogance of India’s educated class, with a know it all attitude not open to listening to anyone. Then political India is arrogant, according to indigenous sources! Indian Business School students are arrogant too!

There is even such a well known thing as Bengali arrogance. Indians themselves say the Indian rich and powerful are arrogant! They also say “India’s elite have a ferocious sense of entitlement”, aspects of the Banana Republic that America said to be and turning into! Abroad too (1) some and many Indians are found to be intensely arrogant! Then there is “America is the only country that has gone directly from

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. barbarism to decadence without the usual interval of civilization”, while “India went from abject humility to outright arrogance without the usual interval of healthy self-esteem.”

As such, AJ has been forever hooked into enough sources for acquiring an entitled voew of life, before and after making his transition to America … Though never showing it for a very long stretch, certainly OS never encouraged it and in fact cogently frowned upon to him, other siblings as the hallmark of short statured living.

On the contrary, if AJ showed any sustained and lastinf streak it was the one of marked insecure and diffident approach to life, which OS wrote off for the longest time as his over-staying growing pains. Low self-esteem and absent self-confidence his defining footprint in every facet of operating life. Why OS had to unlock and open every, corner-stone setting, door for him through the advent of his devasraring and debilitating frauds unleashed crippling the family itself. Indeed, even his Law career was a facile second storey built atop the founding structure bequeathed him by OS’s “blood, sweat and tears.”

It was a monumental betryal by AJ, snaking around to bite the very hand that had fed him ever so exhaustively. His pursuits no product of courage, but still always infamously conceived and executed predicated only upon weak timber obviously showing the tracks of hooliganism. Learning courage from cult (1) teachings never to be any successful formula and it shows. His mile wide weak yellow streaks, most prominently indeed.

AJ knows perfectly the wrong he did, even as he was doing it those many years back in 1984 itself! Still dressed in cowardice alone, he just does not have the wherewithal to retract and retrace! Still unable to overcome himself, produce anything other than weak tea. What he tries to pass off as the genuine article, still only insipid bluster akin to as they say “India [going] from abject humility to outright arrogance without the usual interval of healthy self-esteem.” In short, AJ never assumed the ingredients of authentic self-esteem, thee is no way for him to manufacture courage in himself.

Much the same can be said about other members of our Hall of Shame within, products of a decadent value system vine that has been growing fast and furious into a jungle in America for the past thirty years especially, towards eking out a nation’s slow but sure decline. If matters not arrested, certain demise. Likewise, over-the top gone rotten AJ is an American product, far more American than Indian it would seem.

It cannot be easily denied that declining American values since the late 1970s and 1980s that have ushered in this entire country’s headlong plunge towards demise, could have no problem at all wiping out the immigrant family within through the instrumentation of AJ having gone amuck too in its wake by the pregnant year of 1984, eerily reserved in advance for Orwellian complexioned dystopian events and societal fate. AJ could not have ascended to assaulting even family based on his Indian upbringing.

Not that family is not held important and even sanctified in America, but the dystopian current in this country since those late 1970s and 1980s has been so utterly twisted and potently strong that even such a formidable institution as family capable of being swept and swallowed in its wake. Posioning of underlying waters, by the fangs of biting narcissism, galloping greed/1, 2 (3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), hoary decadence of entitlement, …, so severe and sweeping, nothing holy with any chance of successfully escaping and surving.

Thus, weak and susceptible AJ faded, swallowed whole, into an America going and gone serioulsly murky by the early 1980s. He had become a time-stamped predator and whore too! America produces some

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. really horrible people now, too many for its own good! Literally and figurately blasphemous in the incorrigibible ]mis]deeds of too many from among them. … So, America convulses and suffers now!

This will happen when wealth is worshipped and greed/1, 2 (3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) extolled, Gordon Gekko celebrated! When notions of freedom allowed to run wild and amuck, with no sensible boundaries ever set. Such freedom itself snaking around to bite in the a**, as nature’s warning whistle to step-off and reconsider. … The only tragedy, innocent people also get hurt in the dust of the mayem raised by culprits and again as they are hauled up by Mother Nature!

Both CYT and AJ ready made products extreme of dated America of the fourth quarter of the 20th Century. In their effusiveness to get “Americanized” they obviously lost sight of discrimination and sobriety, as so many other immigrants do too . Perhaps affluence and greed/1, 2 (3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) were directly too beguiling for them, as it was for too many native Americans to the uttter detriment of all of the nation’s innocents as the only sorry occurence and byproduct. Though small solace,, the perpetrators, representing the culture of excess and license, not to go scott-free.

They too will suffer the tangible consequences of the nation’s common fortunes dimmed, personally and in terms of at least some part of their progeny left to negotiate hard circumstances within a .schema of diminished opportunities Otherwise their exclusive punishment may be subtle but painful nonetheless. “Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small.” Ayn Rand towards the end of end of her days was compelled to sign up for Social Security and Medicare, someone should point out to one more American idiot and life aspects ignoramus!

CYT and AJ have to be very weak people, as also all those shenanigans pulling native Americans, if they could capitulate so readily and then utterly before their tempetations towards heavy-set personal dysfunction and dystopia uncorked mainly for others. Such feeble creatures so, no where could they stop themselves on the way to turning the world upside down for so many others. So America bleeds away, the family within suffered similar bloodletting and is much further along on the road to ruin than America as yet is. America’s helm has to be stocked and stuffed silly with too many weak and cowardly people, it is the verdict of the choppy water it finds itself in today/

PUT UP A BANNER, as big a one as practicable, proclaiming America now is run by too many corruption prone cowards! Too many idiots, even outright deranged people, … who else knowingly commit self-inflicted injury, further with incorrigible replication!?! Leadership will not see injury caused fellow-Americans as self-injury too, even the larger public not wide enough awake to do anything about it oblivious real power lies with it alone. American material plenty and variety so enticing, resident value system currency today so undemanding, easy-sitting and itself so beguiling,… even numbers of immigrants on high-flame fire wittingly taking the easy greed/1, 2 (3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), entitlement, narcissism, … plunge and trip!

Corruption, and almost everything else too, given free wheeling gas is the order of business in America’s runaway permissive culture today, aka I-N-S-A-N-I-T-Y! “Rules are meeant to be broken!” the real national anthem of our times, in too many quarters. Income inequality to the degree it has been brought to America recently could never have happened without people who wanted it all themselves; likewise the good pupil AJ did not want to share at all even with family/siblings, no matter it/OS made him. The family. The family JV.(1)/OS gave, correction – handed on a platter, AJ’s footing in America to him, in return he took everyone’s footing out in the family as unceremoniously and callously as could be.

The family not even in trouble on account of what predatory America has recently done to so, so many Americans (1), but traceable directly to AJ, his scalding cowardice! Of-course indirectly it is predatory  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. and cowardly segment of America only, for AJ is an unmistakable product of that very, highly unsavory, America! OS in a short span, of less than a decade, hoisted the family into relative “stratosphere”, while AJ’s American production has spent the next three decimating it to bits. Elitism, as the agent of America’s bane, also so took stock of the family within at the sharp point of AJ’s correspondingly spawned dysfunction and cowardice. Elitism’s decadence of Entitlement/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6), … the entire menu of malfunction known to flow out of it almost invariably, not the leasr of which the regime of castrated cowardice that is the inheritance of all that is predatory pursuits on the anvil of acute narcissism.

As Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty First Century (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) “upend[ing] the global discussion on capitalism and inequality … relies on the most expansive income and wealth datasets ever compiled to identify a striking trend over more than 200 years: returns on capital grow faster than the regular economy, meaning that without some policy intervention, the rich get richer, and richer, and richer.”, economist Jason Furman counter-argues in a slow growth economy rate of return on capital falling even lower would push inequality towards contraction as well. Paul Krugman arguing for Piketty frets about oligarchs and oligarchy threatening America where it breathes and lives!

Wall Streeters, in the foul persona of private equity operators, are ripping investors off blind, even as they further strive to evict parts of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law provisions designed to exercise oversight over them. US Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen, while more readily acknowledging America unquestionably trending seriously the way of inequality, did not rule out either its political system squarely facing the definitional quandary of whether to still be adjudged a democracy versus already needing to be found an oligarchy!?!

It was not upon any idle departure from related solid ground that the values of the 1980s in America, pre-cursor to the next thirty plus years to date and still counting, produced such horrible, dysfunctional monsters and predators, … a few of any number on Wall Street and like places. The Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and like places, … as AJ, CYT, … the like. Bucking elementary and all sobriety. As fresh converts, some and many of the immigrants worse than the most advanced native born, originals. … One thing grossly wrong with America of our times!?!

People like AJ by themselves have changed the entire course of life of and for others, without so much as a bare repentant belch. In the abundance of their hulking cowardice, borne of the most suspect personal values and vice versa, AJ handily known as weak as weakness itself. He drove a truck through the lives of the family, just as those like him drove a still bigger one through the lives of nearly all the rest of their fellow Americans. More to point, he served to have the truck called the family’s core life driven right off the cliff, evoking POTUS Obama’s reference to those who drove America “into the ditch” in present times.

Fact that AJ was able to go on with his life, at all, after evaporating the family, testimony and testament to what a wretched creature he emerged to be in America, what type of those products we manufacture in America freely and aplenty now. Too plenty for this mother country’s comfort and well being at home! Not only did he do what he did in galloping greed/1, 2 (3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), narcissism, … but for the love of hedonism by his own unprompted confession. He had dubbed it “seeing life according to his own lights!?!”

Those who live even by the scantest of principles. would prefer to die than cause the remotest of injury to family. In India, for fathers, brothers, … there is no death worse than an unmarried daughter, sister, … but for America minted AJ defrauding the entire family comprehensively a mere walk in the park! Family, a mere bag of shells! This is what America is up for, all its AJ’s, CYT’s, … prowling to devour it  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. whole!. Up against, it’s a very deep-seated disease infestation, whose scourge has to be muscularly worked at, towards eradication before Ametica will ever be well again. Even begin being well again!

The story of Jason Bohn, a Columbia University graduate like AJ too, is instructive. Having killed Daniella Thomas, he tried to explain his Intermittent Explosive Disorder (1), if at all any clinical disorder beyond simple refusal to exercise any self-control in an self-indulgent and entitled society, in terms of his abandoned upbringing and anger (1) transferred onto others, everyone else. AJ tried to explain his own disorder (1) obliquely referring to being perhaps short-changed parentlal love by regularly making middle-child syndrome (1) claims, of having fielded hand-me-downs only in passing as a complaint transferred to resent OS ibehind-his-face, … as the explanation for his cuttingly low self esteem, of being drawn to his hedonism laced/laden way of “spotting life according to his own lights”, … ultimately his calculated frauds perpetrated on the family.

He was by no means short-shrifted parental love or attention. Though it can always be true, someone did not receive enough as desired or wanted. Within a household of multiple number of children, there can be no case made for exclusive love and attention, nor is it in anyway possible to be the first born by any mechanism of exercised personal choice. On the flip side, there is no way of denying OS received some years of exclusive parental focus as the first born, which in fact amounted to only two, for between OS and AJ there was another sister who was to later pass at three plus years of age. Further, AJ was uniformly sick, with one thing or another, for the first four years of his life, with parental attention all taken by him and if anyone suffered inattention during those years it was SS in his very first two. … Hand-me-downs for him were few and far in-between, though it is true OS received none.

Certainly Mom’s passing was traumatic, but then for everyone and most especially for SIS who was only a baby then to AJ’s (and SS’s) early double digits. OS of course past his teens, but in the normal course of things still of no age to assume any “parental” duties of any serious kind sensibly. Otherwise, Mom’s passing impacted him the most in certain ways, totally disrupting his college years in India, turning them on their head. In fact, he had been manfully handling adult duties long before that time, on account of Mom’s protracted illness and accompanying disability shouldering meaningful family duties since high school and its disruption too!

The year Mom died was also the year AJ had entered high school, with OS taking exclusive charge of him from then on. Otherwise, he had been taking care of all three siblings, fully and exclusively, during the day for many years prior! There was no neglect of AJ in the least, unless imputed in the “Land Of The Spoilt”(1/ 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). The utterly spoilt, moreover! The American brand of spoilt, at the top or head of the curve! …, in the end! OS had told AJ, often enough, to stop whinig about all of his middle- child syndrome (1) type of, hand-me-down soppy, … whining, If as the first born OS had enjoyed any priviliges based on the accident of birth, he also had to bear the front ramk brint of all knocks, sacrifices, … too!

As such, neither Jason Bohn nor AJ, nor CYT for that matter, with any leg at all to stand on. Life meant to be about "Genie ist Fleiss" or the "genius of industry", as in difficulty as a condition of success, the antagonist as our helper, ... all that goes with that kind of attitude, fortitude, certitude, … the makings of living with honor, courage, discipline, responsibility, empathy, integrity, … AJ’s frauds and devouring of family based on “The Call of Cowardice”,“The Call of Craven Corruptiom”,“The Calling Card of the ‘Castrated’ ”, …, no different from the way America has been consumed whole too.

Millions of people have been abused and/or unhappy and/or neglected and/or loveless and/or … childhoods, but grow up to be responsible, personal onus taking adults. It is the height of Jason Bohn and AJ, others like them, to take the life license to invent and find excuse in their personal backgrounds for  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. their adult misconduct. AJ even actively pressing his legal license, for giood meansure, into the mix, to escalate his oppression of others, the family. CYT, beyond the four corners of her own life, actively and robustly preaching, pushing, aiding and abetting, … the cause of family abandonment in favor of pointed join with practiced narcissism in the acute!?! So much for Ivy League (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) education and national leadership out of the Wall Street-Corporate diaspora!

It has been said, our mettle as a sound society is defined and tested by our ability to do the right thing when it was the most difficult to do! Says it all, with nothing to spare. Snapshots what has gone wrong with the world. Most particularly the good old United Srares of America, gone berserk in our tomes! People just will no l onger hold themselves accountable for anything they do, Neither the individual nor the collective America! Life in these United States of America of ours having turned, engineered into one big wild and whale of an whore affair!

Very simply AJ wanted to share only at the receiving end, but not at the giving! By now we easily recognize same as the counterfeit Best of All Worlds syndrome (1, 2, 3, 4), in a social schema bearing the footprints of accelerated decadence and decline coming to America. Already arrived and in full swing in fact, at least since the 1980s. So virulent as not only widely affecting the native population, but speedily immigrating populations as well. Not only AJ moving to America to establish same with marked register, but also CYT and many others like them. Decline of the Roman Empire moves viscerally into the mind’s eye, intermixed with our tears for America now.

It was also an odd way for AJ to set the cornerstone(s) of his manhood, predicated upon conduct laced with hooliganism! Founded upon imbibing from cult (1) teachings, possibly other questionable sources too. CYT’s gratuitous and vicariously motivated influence not to be forgotten or discounted in the least. The more wrong AJ has always known himself to be, more muscular and outlandish the torque he has applied on the family to let him have his straying ways. Compounded wrongdoing by him while biting the very hand that had fed him, undoubtedly clear advanced misconduct by him.

He could not ever hope to emulate OS’s performance in and contribution to family, but his Best of All Worlds bearings (1, 2, 3, 4) nevertheless wanted the respect OS implicitly commanded in the family. Fact he owed OS his entire founded life, which he could never hope to repay, in the abundance of his cowardly ways, became yet another reason for resenting the other. It interfered with the newly asserted pursuit to establish personal manhood in his mind, misplaced though the way he was going about it may have been. Targeting him viciously, the family became collateral damage in tow. This is how AJ came to layer his hooliganism atop his preceding frauds committed most rabidly against the family. All a matter of a terribly screwed up head and mind!

In short, AJ decided to take expedient advantage of the expedient value system currency of that emerged forcefully by the 1980s. As only a weakesy of the weak person will depart from all honor and integrity, he found it handily convenient in America to so summarily walk away from the giving end of matters, np matter he had already received the consideration end, to enact his frauds on the family. In the environment of the American milieu he not onlu found it easier to depart from the duty end of matters, but in fact found cogent sanction for sych duplicity supreme. To be a cad, a frudster even unto family.

The trouble at the giving and duty end were the prospects of having to sacrifice. No matter others’ prior sacrifices for him readily welcome, on his newly acquired one-way street. Duplicty and fraud was thick in the American air by the 1980s, the light sitting weight of any sense of honesty, honor, integrity, … Any yoke easy to shrug off, the rule of expediency well on its way. Selflessness was a foolish dirty word in the emerging lexicon. Where standing for something has always been the distinguishing haven of the truly strong, the operating language of thse sordid 1980s forward began telling us not to be beguiling and  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. deceptive to get ahead was to be feeble and dense. Standing good sense on its head beagan to be a way of life, lasting through today as all all Americans watch the GOP, particularly the Tea-Party cohorts, do so on the pivot and play of what is considered “clever” word-paly.

In those very 1980s, OS visiting an immigration attorney for hiring him, heard him, talking to another in some context, saying what better stratagem could there be in life than to sucker someone to pay for something as valuabale as one’s education. Needless to say OS never hired him! … The era of American debauchery, upon all time honored value system currency dispatched to the dogs, was ON full blast this decade onwards! America set on the path of decadence and decline, on a slippery downward trajectory of no tomorrow. No return!

Hiding is the hallmark of post misconduct refuge by cowards! As such, AJ now hides strenuously in the U.K. after orchestrating SS’s abduction, nearly eleven tears ago, in July 2003. CYT, after neither she nor her husband Jerry had any defense for her misconduct in a face-to-face with OS (and SIS) at his/their home around the early 1990s, has been hiding out too, in Mountainside, NJ, without spotting any responsibility to undo what she participated in, conducted most suspiciously amd deliberately on the strenuous sly (AJ too known for widely acting so, purposefully on the stealth), egged on to unleash on the family within.

The rogue Judge Escala also took to side-stepping face-to-face contact with the family as soon as it took to hauling him up for his frauds on the court from his bench. Likewise, [now Assignment]Judge Peter E. Doyne (CASE 2) dropped acting for Escala like a hot potato, despite declaring it a permanent substitution, as soon as the family went after him for blessing the fraudulent conveyance of its property to another! … CC (1, 2) given to acting with subterfuge, kept ex parte allowed by Escala, though had no similar facility to hide! …

American CEOs carry out their dastardly deeds hiding out facelessly in Executive Boardrooms, otherwise their enterprise to control power over political processes through lobbyists and doling out campaign finance money now in particular, thanks to the rght-wing majority of five within SCOTUS, in an infinitely more anonymous manner than ever before. American politicians, at the receiving end of campaign finance, equally opaque about what they receive from who, when! … The American surveillance state is all hush-hush and resistant to the most elementary disclosure(s) mandated by the Constitution. The obscurity factor in present day America marketedly ratcheted up in general, transparency a copious casualty on a widespread basis as a consequence.

American life, hell bent on living outside boundaries, means the spontaneous demise of all accountability. Indeed, such combustible fate attached to accountability is why transparency becoming a rarer and still rarer commodity in America of our times. It is the imperative path to promoting corruption and still more corruption. But, it is also a beeline for certain and inescapable destruction, which America has set with its own two good hands and a deranged mental faculty somewhere behind it. This can only mean one thing, America desiring suicide, itching to self-combust. Self-immolate, no two ways about it until there are visible signals of retreat from headlong dispatch towards unmitigated disaster! America cooks a recipe for gargantuan trouble fot itself now, without heed, evidence of any corrigibility showing anywhere so far.

Irrespective of the embedded chicken-or-egg first story, whether value-system collapse led to American cowardice or cowardice came first to trigger off the value-system run-off before the two began feeding-off each other in a perpetually alternating vicious cycle, the real point is America is already there. Value- system erosion is well advanced, corruption also entrenched and cowardice runs amuck! No question,

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. America in deep and deep, one-way, trouble. It only remains to be seen if good-sense will be excavated in time enough to engage the reverse gear and save the fast losing day!

After deriving his entire lifeblood from the family JV.(1), the same was suddenly too vague for AJ’s implementing taste at the giving end. After benefitting extravagantly as he did, it was only OS choosing to play Daddy to AJ and no JV.(1) legal agreement was ever in vogue. OS’s sacrifices and contributions minimized, when AJ himself could not even begin make any. He even tried putting some inconsequential dollar amount to OS’s contribution to the common cause, when depending on the sunject and criticality of the need a single dollar advanced could hold incalculable value … as in lifelong benefits secured for AJ of the most valuable kind!

… These, AJ’s kind of small statured people, too many “castrated” cowards, wretched weaklings, … running things in America today! Running it as crooked as can be, so why this country tops and bristles with all the trouble dogging it today. Corporate America thrives on all kinds of social welfare, welfare to the rich at the receiving end, then churning blazing Capitalism ducks every kind of social responsibility and duty! Any different from what AJ did to defraud the family, CYT zealously advocated and supported, in the most gratuitous, irresponsible, duplicitous and wrong way possible, knowing injury that would be caused another family but deceitfuly never executed herself to the detriment of her own …? AJ, CYT, … squarely representative of the corrupt value system currency and vein that gaining inexorable momentum in the past thirty years has led to the cesspool of an America that we all live in today.

In the America wide context, the underying problem two fold (1, 2). There is the venal pathology of the rich upfront, behind that is a shallow America public that culturally deifies wealth and makes oracles of the rich that there are not. Indeed, no one really is! Through saturated magery Americans have been beguiled into holding the wealthy as natural leaders, they do not “ … grasp internallywhat an oligarchic class is finally about and how venal … morally bankrupt [it is]!” As such Chris Hedges says “We need to recover the language of class warfare, to hrasp what is happening to us. We need to shatter this self delusion … The people who created the mess we are in were the best educated people in the country. Larry Summers … and others! The issue is not education, [it is] greed”

Chris Hedges stresses George Bush is a perfect examply of affirmative action for the rich in American society today. “ … it [is] not about intelligence or aptitude. … the poor get only one chance, … the wealthy get chance after chance … a “C” …. [gets you] to Yale [from Amdover] … and the Harvard Business School … AWOL from your National Guard unit … it does not really matter … you do not really even have a job until 40 … you become President of the United States! … particularly insidious … kow those small, tight elite, oligarchic circles [perpetuate] themselves and [promote] mediocrity … at the expense of the rest of us … how with money they game the system ….of course now we live in an oligarchic state where we have been rendered powerless! … The Judiciary, the Legislative, the Executive branches [are] all subservient to an oligarchic, Corporate, elite, ... press is owned by an oligarchic, Corporate, elite … which makes sure any critique of them is mever broadcast over the air waves!”

“It is very distasteful to see. … [case of F. Scott] Fitzgerals … that apocryphal exchange that didn’t take place … ‘The rich are different from us.’ … when you have that much money, then human beings become disposable, … even friends and family become disposable …” AJ promptly comes to mind! “ … when the rich take absolute power, then the citizens become disposable … which is in essence whats happened … there is a very callous indifference … these people and C. Wright Mills wrote about this in The Power Elite … they are utterly cut-off… yhe only people they meet who are members of the working class are those who work for them … they live in self-encased bubbles … they have no real contact with reality … they do not even fly on commercial airlines … and yet they have absolute power … become very dangerous, politically … because they are so out of touch … and they are able to retreat into their  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. enclaves … in the same way you saw in France under Louis XVI people retreating into Versailles or the end of the Chinese dynasty when everyone went to the Forbidden City … they will extract more and more and more , because they have no self imposed limits … without understanding the economic, political social consequences of what they are doing … half of the country now lives in poverty, including the working poor … or near poverty … what is the response … to physically shut down the {Occupy] encampments, suspend unemployment benefits, cut food stamps, … its crazy … what happens when you have an elite that is that unplugged, which our elite is … so they will oush and push and push, myopically … out of ignorance … until something erupts … and that is exactly where we are headed. … [childrem of the super rich] get sucked into the cult of the self, which the super rich manage to perpetuate at a rather nayseating level.” The, immigrant, likes of AJ and CYT get “sucked” in too, on nothing more fundamental than having attended Ivy League Schools and perhaps having additionally lived, worked within the reckless mania, poison of Wall Street. Especially people who not only have no self-control, but also no full shaped and formed self-identity! Sense of self and self-respect!

Although … Mindy Kaling couldn't quite put her finger on why she'd been asked to speak to the Harvard Law School class of 2014, the resulting Class Day speech was downright clever.

Kaling, a Dartmouth College alumna, did offer one single heartfelt observation: ‘Listen, let me tell you something. From where I stand, from an outsider's perspective, here's the truth: You are all nerds.’

While that may be one of the most honest descriptions of law school we've ever heard, yesterday's graduates shouldn't take it too hard. From the big data infrastructure of Silicon Valley to the dusty law libraries of Washington, one thing's clear: nerds run this world.

Here are a few other truths Kaling offered the new Juris Doctors:

‘I'm afraid a couple of you are probably evil -- that’s just the odds.’

‘Let’s be honest, Harvard Law is the best of the Harvard graduate programs. The Business School is full of crooks. The Divinity School is just a bunch of weird virgins. The School of Design is for European burnouts. And don’t get me started on the Kennedy School. What kind of a degree do you get from there? Public policy? Okay, right. You mean a masters in boring me to death at a dinner party. Let’s be honest. The Med School is just a bunch of nerdy Indians. I can say that, by the way.’

‘And now with this diploma in hand, most of you will go on to the noblest of pursuits, like helping a cable company acquire a telecom company. You will defend BP from birds. You will spend hours arguing that the well water was contaminated well before the fracking occurred. One of you will sort out the details of my pre-nup. A dozen of you will help me with my acrimonious divorce. And one of you will fall in love in the process.’” - Mindy Kaling Nails Harvard Law School In Just Four Words

Gore Vidal talked about the “total amorality” of the super-rich! Hedonism, narcissism, callousness, …! Total willingness for children of ordinary people to go to war to defend the American, their, way of life, of well nigh “racist” proportions! Their disdain for the working and even the middle class! They seem to inhabit another world! Notwithstanding their public faces and well publicized philanthrophy, their decadence behind closed doors. “… ruling ideas [of the super rich] are nothing more than ideal  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. expressions of the dominant material relationships” Chris Hedges insists and underscores in his 2013 article: Let’s Get This Class War Started.

The thirty years, since the 1970s, in whch the nation wide predators, which nclude our own set of Hall of Shamers within, devoured America, AJ disposed off the family on a parallel path. Further, deploying and unleashing the same set of insane values, their implications! Unfettered or Casino or Corrosive or … Capitalism, free-market or profit directed economics, greed, … Marx said was a revolutionary force. Revolutionary enough and forceful enough to unleadh massive economic inequality everytime, destroy a people and nation eventually evverytime! Destory a family in AJ’s instrumental hands!

On the other side of any predatory enterprise or evil, truth is a revolutionary forve too, why eveb in law it is held to be a perfect foil to accusations of defamation. Here is Michigan Catholic Priest Peter Doughherty’s truth:

“[Capitalism] is immoral. It is obscene. It is outrageous. … It is really radical evil. It is radically evil.” – Father Perter Dougherty in “Capitalism: A Love Story - Documentary”

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton (Archdiocese of Detroit) finds American Capitalism “… almost in its very nature something contrary to the Jesus who said ‘Blessed are the poor, woe to the rich (St. Luke’s Gospel)).’” Father Dick Preston of Flint, Michigan “Capitalism for me and many of us, at the present moment, is an evil. It is contrary to all that is good, it is contrary to the common good, it is contrary to compassion, it is contrary to all of the makot teligions. Capitalism is preciselt what the holy nooks, our holy books in particular, remind us is unjust. And in some form and fashion God will come down and eradicate [it] somehow. … Capitalism is wrong. And, therefore, has to be eliminated!”

Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont), calling himself a Democratic Socialist, states “Function of Government is to replresent middle income and working people, rather than just the wealthy and the powerful .. we have become very religious in worshipping greed. … we have to change our value system.” Chris Hedges, who attended Harvard Divinity School, reminds us that Hesus did not come down to make us rich!

Michael Moore at one time had wanted to be a priest, brcause the scriptures had taught him “The first shall be last, last shall be first. The rich man will have a very hardtime getting into heaven. We will be judged by how we treated the least amongst us, no people more important than the poor.? Since then, according to him, a lote of people had hijacked Jesus for locating “heaven on earth.’ (sic)! Hard to believe He came to ring the bell for the New York Stock Exchange!

Yet, affluent America have claimed Him for their own!?! Former Texas Senator Phil Gramm climbed the heights of blasphemy and disingenuity alike, spouting “Wall Street is the nerve center of American Capitalism, what Capitalism has done for the working people! For me it is a holy place!” Towards the end of his Preidency, President Fraklin D. Roosevelt had taken the radical step of proposing a second Bill of Rights.

“In our day, certain economic truths have becpme accepted as self evident. A second Bill of Rights under which a new basis for securityand prosperity can be established for all. Regardless of station or race or creed. Among these are the right to a useful and remunerative job, right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation. Right of every farmer to raise and sell his product at a return that will give his family a decent living. The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom, freedom from unfair competition and domination by monoplies at  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. home and abroad. Right of every family to a decent home, right to adequate medical care and the ooportunity to attain and enjoy good health. The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment.The right to a good education. All of these rights spell security and after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward in the implementation of these rights to new goals of human gappiness and well being. For unless there is security here at home, there cannot be lasting peace in the world.” – Predient Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “Second Bill of Rights”

Though this President would be dead in a little over a year without even seeing the end of World War II and there would be no enactment of his vision embedded in this noble declaration of intent, its irresistible and intrinsic value cannot be underestimated or interloped in the least.

“…We live in the richestcountry in the world. … We all deserve FDR’s dream. And it’s a crime that we do not have it. And we never will as long as we have a system that enriches the few at the expense of the many. Capitalism is an evil and you cannot regulate evil. You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people. And that something is called Democracy.” - Michael Moore, “Capitalism: A Love Story - Documentary”

It is a function of very rude, troubling and unaoidable reality that the greatest corruption in our society is not illegal, as in fraudulent vote counting, but legal, as in truckloands of money in our politics (1, 2, 3). What is happending in America today is the greatest betrayal of the working class, where the nation breathes and lives. Any wonder that America should be poised as close to the edge of the precipice as it is? There is runaway corruption in America, whether dysfunctional Ivy League nerds run this world by themselves or others!

“... And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies…”

“… Removing or preventing corrupting dependence by banking or royal influences would enable men to be equal in practice.” – Thomas Jefferson.

“Property monopolized or in the possession of a few is a curse to mankind.” – John Adams (1765).

“The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought into different degrees of activity, according to the different circumstances of civil society. … So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts. But the most common and durable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property. Those who hold, and those who are without property, have ever formed distinct interests in society.” – James Madison (1)

Professor Howard Zinn (1) summarized these thoughts of Madison as “Society consists of factions based on property”, contrasting them to Karl Marx’s obserations of “History is the history of class struggle.”

“Marx's theories about society, economics and politics – collectively known as Marxism – hold that human societies progress through class struggle: a conflict between an ownership class that controls production and a dispossessed labouring class that provides the labour  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. for production. He called capitalism the "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie," believing it to be run by the wealthy classes for their own benefit; and he predicted that, like previous socioeconomic systems, capitalism produced internal tensions which would lead to its self- destruction and replacement by a new system: socialism. …”

Professor Zinn, reminding us that James Madison spoke of “class struggle” long before (in the 1780s) Marx was even born, asks whether Americans would find it more acceptable to be called “Madisonians” instead of Marxists. Likewise, there is such horrendous ignorance about “socialism” in America, particularly since they were cogently and copiously brainswahed by the native “propaganda machine” wielding the handle of “Socialist” in the pronoun U.S.S.R. Thus leading Sarah Palin to whip her ralies by uttering “spcialism” in ominous tomes, in 2008 one older lafy in Florida strenuously demanding her Medicare be kept scrupulously protected from the Government’s meddling and incompetent hands!?! How much ignorance and propensity for being misled is enough?

Does anyone think in America, family is a socialistic or collective formation? Family, the one which the GOP and the Christian Right (1, 2) invoke in such reverential and holier-than-thou fashion all the time!?! Think, the police, our fire fighting departments, public education, our water delivery system(s), … indeed our entire insurance industry, though configured in business otherwise, are all expressions of socialism!?! Our Armed Forces, which again the GOP thumpa their chests about, while waiving small American flags in show of patriotism that is far incomplete, highly misplaced and critically short!

Professor Zinn (1), while appearing on CSPAN2 - Book TV, encountered two opposing views from callers into the program:

“Dr. Zinn, I am probably someone who … probably the only person calling today has an opposing view to you today.And I want to go back to socialism …. I absolutely oppose socialism all together for the simple fact that to make everything absolutely fair one must oppress the individual. … How is that different from feudalism in the past?” – Caller 1 from Columbus, Mississippi

“… I have to say the majority of stud you are saying is totally ridiculous. I mean number one most of the wars are fought by black, which is totally asinine. WW I and II fought by whites, the majority. Iraqi war I did not see one black fighter pilot that was shot down … let me say this too, in this country what made this country great was its technological advances , okay, … now I always hear this story when are the balck and Hispanics going to get their fairshare of the American dream? Well, thet’ll get it when they do their fair share of the scientific inventions, scientific dicoveries, they don’t do anything, why does it take a white guy to make something, hten he has to invest his own money in the coporation to make the coporation strong and then when it does get strong, you people like you come and say he has to give them their fair share of the country. They are not doing anything in this country, there are no great inventors … let me ask you this, how come you college professors, you deans, you always get up there, your like white male psychophants that are willing to patronize everybody in order to be popular. Why don’t you guys stand up and say, you know hwat, I am going to resign from my job and give it to a black man. How come you did not resign from your job and give it to a black man? If you are so much for diversity?” - Caller 2 from Las Vegas, Neveada

The answer to caller 1 is relatively simple, in terms of the Appellate task of balancing two important principles and finding a just resolution of the ascendancy of one or the other, Thus, universal healthcare for all through “redistribution” a higher principle than letting the rich go super-rich! And the right of  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. blacks to go anywhere they want like their white fellow citizens to trump any shopkeepers “right” to have only white customers come into his/her store.

In the second case, which was more of a barrage and rant full of what would appear to be white supremist emotions … even if not … blacks served in World War I and II, but were neither allowed to be depicted at the forefront nor permitted senior positions. Otherwise, Professor Zinn’s (1) reference, in speaking of blacks shouldering war burdens, was to more recent times and the current volunteer army. Where they have been figuring in disproportionate bumbers, on account of their persisting poverty still running thick and heavy.

Moreover, in so referencing the contemporary black experience, Professor Zinn (1) speaking of poor America. Poor America, of blacks and whites alike, now serving in disproportionate numbers in our armed forces. Likewise, the class struggle discussion spanning both the black and white burdened and exploited working class. In that sense, for the white elite poor white Americans to be viewed as economic n******, no different from blacks for callous economic and even other disregard.

As for the primacy of the white race having led America’s scientific discoveries and inventions, blacks kept in slavery, then segregation, still discriminated against in all kinds of ways, … can hardly be expected to have made contributions to the national scientific advancement, for that matter to anything. Nor the poor whites, in this ever exploitive and exploiting country! How conveniently caller 2 glosses over all such pertinent back ground, provides a clue as to why exploitation of and discrimination against the races in particular, the working class in general continues to persist hot and heavy to this day in America.

Leads to the obvious quesy: How ignorant and eyes wide shut do too many Americans have to be? Right wing propaganda (1) does more than its part in keeping the run of the mill America distracted, clueless and poised against its own best interest(s)! Joe the Plumber makes outrageous comments about his Second Amendment Constitutional Rights, while a father who lost his son in the University of (Santa Barbara) shootings in May 2014 screamed out and bellowed his pain in terms of “Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the N.R.A.” When will the American public stop being misled by all kinds of dysfunctional and insane movements?

Professor Zinn’s (1) highly versatile and well fanned out history, overcoming tailored history that the elites have assemnled to keep the masses clueless, speaks even of the Constitution as the construct of 55 white 18th century men of, for and by themselves alone. Remember the controversy and debate ove r the “ … all men are created equal …” segment of our Constitution!?! Blacks, native Indians, women, … the poor, …. Were purposely excluded from it! Imagine the supremacy of such a Constitution in the marshal of Justice Antonin Scalia’s darling “principles of Orginalism” brought to judicial interpretation(s)!?!

The economic struggle and disenfranchisement that the working class and the working poor face in America today. however acute it maybe, is no new chapter in the American history of two hundred plus years. Economic exploitation of the lower classes, government subsidy or welfare to the affluent classes, not excluding SCOTUS’s heavy tilt the same way too, is the usual and real story of America in high predatory relief.

If the masses anywhere enjoy benefits at all, it has been at the point of hard fought battles. Such as those waged during the Depression to get the “New Deal” from FDR, who confessed his great achievement so was to “save Capitalism”! Likewise, during the 1960s and LBJ’s administration, enfranshisement for blacks, Medicare, Medicaid, … were secured by the fighting Civil Rights movement. Nothing was ever given to the American lower classes willingly. Only upon an acute fight and then too only when the elite felt truly vulnerbable and at a total loss.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The American imperial history is no less distasteful and murky, driven by the same strain of economic exploitation and strangulation. In the Phillipines, Cuba, broadly all over South America, … Veitnam for its tin, timber and fisheries, … the middle east always for its oil, … By now, Imperial America, the Empire (1, 2, 3) is in serious decline, both at home and abroad. Theodore Rozsak in his book “World Beware”“… underscores … the U.S. is undergoing a radical transformation that has put it on the road to fascism.”, which is hardly any revelation except “… he IS the first to explain it to the rest of the world.”

“Indeed, that is the primary audience and the primary purpose of his book. He lucidly attributes the transformation to a confluence of three forces: the corporate elite, the neoconservative intelligentsia, and the radical religious fundamentalists. Given the combined power of these three factions and the weakness of the liberal opposition, he has little faith that America can be saved from within. Instead, he hopes the international community of nations will come to America's rescue. To that end, World, Beware! is addressed to a broad international audience, giving it a special tenor unlike any of its many competitors.” - Gives a new slant to our creeping fascism by Emmanuel Goldstein (Customer Review) on April 19, 2006

“No man ought to own more property than needed for his livelihood, the rest, by right, belongs to the state.” – Benjamin Franklin (1)

“It's class warfare. My class is winning, but they shouldn't be.” – Warren Buffet (1)

It is the height of grossly twisted, facetious and shameless behavior by Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, when asked what he was doing for his 1.3 million low paying and food stamp collecting employees, to side-step saying, with his $9.56 million made last year, he was merely an “associate” too and “one of them”. A ready-made performance betraying the elite class really have no defense for their unspeakably unjust conduct, full of runaway greed and unchecked looting every which way they can.

As such rape of America, its working class and poor, persists incorrigibly, the masses do not seem to realize that very formidable, ultimate power lies with them. If they are willing to harness it for themselves and each other in their hurting constituency. If they are willing to come together to take their battle to the ever plundering elite. SOLIDARITY as their choice of weapon, ACTIVISM as their only available effective “game” so, happily something in their own controlling hands. Just waiting to be deployed, unleashed on the deserving so-called “rulers” of the land. When in a democrary, the people alone meant to be those tulers!

“The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labour...I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.” - Albert Einstein,"Why Socialism?", an essay originally published in the first issue of Monthly Review (May 1949)

“The owner of the means of production is in a position to purchase the labor power of the worker 9under the Capitalist system]. By using the means of production, the worker produces new goods which become the property of the capitalist. The essential point about this process is the relation between what the worker produces and what he is paid, both measured in terms of real value. In so far as the labor contract is free what the worker  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. receives is determined not by the real value of the goods he produces, but by his minimum needs and by the capitalists' requirements for labor power in relation to the number of workers competing for jobs. It is important to understand that even in theory the payment of the worker is not determined by the value of his product.” - Albert Einsteim - wikiquotes

One of Professor Zinn’s (1) call ins gave the following definitions of socialism: “Pooling resources to get the lowest cost for services [or the economies-of-scale] by having the largest leverage within a public court system for refress of grievances.” Who can say the family JV (1) within was in any way invalid and not enforcrable in an American court of law? Only in present day America gone berserk on decadent individualism, rather the Best of All Worlds (1, 2, 3, 4) duplicity as in AJ most pertinently, and Cowboy Capitalism (1, 2)! AJ, who grew up somewhere else, decidedly knew this validity, but so did the “administrative afjudication” trigger-happy American court system!

Otherwise, Socialism, communism, capitalism exist together within all economic systems. Europe, Canada Australia, evenhtough Capitalistic for the most pockets, have pockets of socialism sprinkled all over within them. As does America too in fact! Not the least of which sharing a cab in New York, any makor American city! All urban public transportation too. The suburban Mall concept as well! … How about Henry Ford’s celebrated “assembly line” operations!?! And Kshama Sawant, “probably the most ardent backer of an ambitious $15 minimum wage law that's expected to have national implications.”!?!

Just as our elite will not stand with the rest of their fellow Americans, AJ spurred by hedonistic greed defrauded and abandoned the family to which it owed both close moral and legal duty. Just as our elite are easily persuaded predators, AJ did not stop at even devouring family. Jusr as our elite weak, cowardly and licentious, AJ’s character also easily full of holes like swiss cheese. Just as our elite of the virulently dysfunctional narcissistic streak, AJ able to sacrifice family on the altar of unbridled pursuit of the self and self-serving with greased facility.… Our elite and AJ, alike, as if in full throttle exploration of psychopathic proportions!

Undoubtedly, there is a huge value system crisis in America, sapping it silly from the inside. Our elite do have the strength of caring for the entrapped masses, after having arranged such a fate for them indeed. AJ does not have the strength similarly to even care for family, but for whom he certainly would have been nothing in life. How weak does America’s elite in particular have to be, for America’s masses also have to muster their courage to stand up actively against their resounding exploitation and dispatch to nowhere, and how weak does AJ too has to be? It has to do with the underlying value system and ensuing character issues.

When there is obvious strength in working together, why would Americans be worshippers of rabid individualism going nowhere? It is not merely that the masses remain to suffer excruciatingly, if America declines the oligarchic elite hurt themselves simultaneously and eventually too. The consequences of short tunnel and term vision monumental and lasting, for those who are run down but also for the perpetrators. AJ should bite the very ahnd that fed him, he himself is not to go scott free either, bot going anywhere?

Indeed we do not live in a free market society in America, when Corporate Capitalism (1, 2) at the very inception distributes profits unfairly to the detriment of the working class. It is not even Capitalism in vogue, when socialism for the corporations is a uniform phenomenon and is only objected to when, where the masses stand to be helped by it. Then when risque Capitalism (1, 2) drives corporations into the ground, further socialism is excavated in the form of bailout(s) pertinent looting of the national Treasury!?! The American public has been kept fooled since inception, certainly since the beginning of the 20th century formality of overt propaganda (1, 2, 3) techiques deployed to manipulate them.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Who knows if AJ, as an educated individual, had been influenced by formal reading of American propaganda literatue or found his conversion just living within American society? Perhaps both, but certainly the later. Having benefitted comprehensively from the socialism of the family JV (1) at the receving end, for him to turtle at his duty or the giving end is at best the deceit of a Best of All Worlds (1, 2, 3, 4) convert and at worst the emergence of a budding psychopath.

Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) writes angrily about the rape of the working class throughout American history because, as he says, he truly cares about the mass of his fellow countryfolks. Professor Richard Wolff (1, 2, 3, 4, )has done yeomen service to our society, writing and speaking about Capitalism (1, 2) for the lay American’s need to know its pitfalls in order to self-protect in certain fully educated fashion.

Professor Ha Joon Chang (1) has done similar service putting the ills of Capitalism (1, 2) into perspective for our common consumption. Professor Noam Chomsky (1, 2) along similar lines explains Adam Smith’s “Vile Maxim” of “All for ourselves, and nothing for other people” which “… seems, in every age of the world, to have been the [ruling precept] of the masters of mankind” in terms of the socio-economic and socio-political tracks, in America and even globally, of our xurrent times.

AJ’s cheating cowardice too tailored similarly, all to himself and nothing for others! With the family context to boot, at the expense of immigrating siblings and no matter he himself was the entire product of family/OS’s industry, sacrifices, … in the prime, even iin the exclusive! There is an ill wind that blows across both mankind’s treacherous doings and their result for the rest today. AJ has to be the prime example of such debauchery at the handing out end because he stuck it to core family viciously, but what national elite’s have been doing to their national family is not much better or less egregious by far.

So Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) writes angry about the hapless politicians, gutless news media, gullinle population, shameless corporations, … Isiah and Elijah wrote angry so. Augustine said Hope has two beautiful baughters, anger and courage. Anger at the way things are and courage to see that they did not remain the way they are! Deep anger at injustice and human cruelty ultimately an expression of empathy and love. Since the venal footprint of the elite today is particularly foul and extensive, people need to band rogether and offer resistance with corresponding urgency.

Callousmess towards other human beings, according to Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) too, is about mutilated people somehow. Spiritually and emotionally maimed, as AJ would seem to be! As also the American neocons, for as Kafka stated, war is collective insanity! Nationalism is a disease, “… it’s about self-exaltation and the denigration of the other.”

That relationships which had a sacred quality to it made people fully whole … is the recitation of sanity. As such, for Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) coering war zones around the world and so living in a world gone mad, to enter into a local home in Sarajevo where relationships were intect was a deeply comforting experience. He could sleep like a baby as fuest in such a home. People in such homes had complete lives … did not have to seek meaning or indeity or fulfillment outside of their relationships present in their home!

People who are most attracted to war are those most incapable of love. That war and violence become a kind of substitute for their inability to love. Are we created to suffer, returns the answer is there any love that isn’t? When people love deeply, they suffer deeply too! However, such suffering is not to become any reason for not loving. For that is a recipe to asphyxiate the soul, commit spiritual and emotion suicide!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. It is clear from AJ’s ravaging of family, he is empty inside himself. Having killed his insides hollow! Clear also from the kind of woman he sought and for the reasons he sought her – to exercise predatory control over, in the abundance of his need, as a broken and drained human within himself, to find fulfillment in proving his “manhood” so. Follows he must have had prior doubts about that “manhood” and that he had no capacity to assert same in any real, true way.

So, he first defrauded the family to its crippling and irreparable damage. Then applied further coats, by way of blackmailing, bullying, … it, subjecting it to outright violence. Acting out, no holds barred! Posing as a victim, when the shoe was on the other foot! Oblivious of the damage he was doing to the lasting lives of his siblings! Since 1984, for thirty years, has not been able to retreat and rescue the family, who literally gave his acquired wherewithal life, at any point. Only thinking of himself and falsely feeling sorry for himself alone!

His abiding insecurities that which led him to question his “manhood” in the first place, no where did his faculties tell him his cure lay in his resolving those insecurities to bed. Instead, he elected to become a hulking thug and hooligan, as if the associated, faux, machismo was the real article and capable of even beginning to quell and quieten his insecurities.

On this path, all he ended up accomplishing was to bankrupt bare his capacity to love, hold on to healthy self-love included and stay sane. Retain true courage in himself! All wisdom also flees in the wake of such false footprints forged! Only love nurtures, not only the other, but the self too. Relationships cannot be demanded or otherwise taken forcibly, they have to be worked at and sweated for, sacrificed for, … like anything else of this world paid for, in the rarest of all currency that is love.

There is simply no way to inflict violence of any sort, pain, damage, … on another, without first slaughtering the emotional, spiritual, … self cold dead. Scooping the soul out for discard, to leave a meaningless shell of a human. For it is love that makes us human and sane, without its capacity the surviving shell mere lump of effectively inert carcass. For greed to become more important than people- humans, money more important than family, … one has to be dead inside, make a road-kill of oneself on the road of life! When AJ started dying or when he actually so died, but clearly he was dead by 1984.

America’s neocons narrowly, corporate “elite”, political “elite” particularly on the Right, Religious Right,… are likewise the walking dead, as fascist forces ranged against democratic human well being! Christian fundamentalism banishes love because it is about authority. Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) says it is “Jesus this and Jesus that” with them “… but when it comes to nailing something up on a courtroom it is Moses [, his Ten Commandments, not written by Jesus].” He says “if they want to nail the Beatitudes, [the core of the Christian message,]” he is all behind them!

First immigrants were easy prey to tripping up in America, now 99% of America en bloc? In 1994, Ann B. Davis, who played the devoted housekeeper Alice on the television sitcom “The Brady Bunch” had said, “Wouldn't we all love to have belonged to a perfect family, with brothers and sisters to lean on …?” … What is wrong with America, the most affluent nation on earth and yet scant care for each other amongst fellow-citizens? Perhaps it is so precisely because it is affluent as given!?!

Beyond the corporate elite, Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) says, American fundamentalists are heretics. Embracing the Gospel of Prosperity to fuse the iconography , language of Christianity with the iconography , language of the state is ready-made heresy. Just an utter perversion of the core message of the Christian gospel. It is hard to grasp why three years of Divinity School does not clarify Christianity’s central and radical message, of fighting for the needy and disposed, to so many graduates!?! Fundamental in any form, even fundamental secularism always fraught with loaded danger.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. It is the same disease as afflicts other popular domains in America. Christian practice, at least within the fundamental fold, has also become about the self, worship of the self, self exaltation, … Self worship, full of elevating the self, narrow priviliges and world view! Surveying a sense of moral superiority! …

Likewise, in the fascist corporate-state nexus, corporate forces having seized control of the political system, obliterating any kind of impediments of regulations, become a revolutionary force. However, with inbuilt aspects of its own inevitable self-annihilation, because it turns everything into a commodity, for exploitation until exhaustion or collapse! Meanwhile the “weimarization”(1, 2) of the American working class grinds on inexorably! A “corporate coup d’etat in slow motion” (John Ralston Saul, The Unconscious Civilization (1)) has occurred to a substantial degree already!

When liberal centers, who are not supposed to take power nut only oppose power, do not work and power is unresponsibe to the suffering of the people, according to Dostoyevsky’s Demons and Notes From The Underground, we enter an Age of Moral Nihilism. So unfettered Capitalism (1, 2), with the removal of liberal institutions and movements, takes hold as the revolutionary force that it has been repeatedly observed to be. Reducing everything into a commodity, Human beings become a commodity, the natural world becomes a commodity, … to be exploited until exhaustion or collapse, as Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) explains to us.

As a global neo-feudalistic state takes shape before our very eyes, American workers being told they have to complete in the global markets with Bangladeshi workers at 22 cents/hour or peison labor in China. AJ with the same toxic and bankrupt values imbibed also ushered in the weimarization (1, 2) of the family. A monster conceived in such pathetic, unsurpassed, incorrigible insecurity and weakness, simply unable to produce the genuine article could only muster the corruption of distilled hooliganism and undifferentiated aggression intended to be passed for courage.

Defrauding the family, he complained he had seen what family responsibility had done to OS and did not want to end up in the same place, deceitfully overlooking that it was not family responsibility per se that had taken the specified toll monumental of OS but AJ’s own vast and limitless infirmities, inability to grow up, failure to overcome himself, unwillingness to share the burden of responsibility that was both morally and legally squarely his too, …

Cowardly and insipid manhood is a signature of our times full of value system oblivion and bankruptcy, ensuing missing mettle, … with AJ’s depths clearly leading the pack. A time when too many men are not men, not really! AJ decededly not, not by any long shot. He gave castrated a new meaning.

Since America’s fascist rulers want the people distracted from the hell they are being shoved into, America being made into an illiterate society with the help of an image based culture. Besides being inclined as co-cospirators to stay accessed to the corridors of power, the media obliges in this dastardly enterprise because it is also good for business Cicero speaking of the Roman Arena describes Kardashian antics, preoccupation with Anthony Weiner’s boxer shorts events,… of another time. Investment of emotional and intellectual life in spectacle by the populace marks the twilight of empite in the offing every time.

Joseph Roth’s account of the decline and fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire similar to the end days of the Roman Empire (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward Gibbon), our current times as well. All totalitarian societies are image based. Vast amounts of images that saturate us in America today are controlled by corporations, public relations firms, … out airwaves awash in lies, we confuse how we are made to feel with an experience and a brand with an experience. The destruction of print is the  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. destruction of a world and public discourse based on verifiable fact, as we are misled by the bankruptcy of feel good imagery!

The rise of emotional media entities such as Fox News, Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 further elucidates, is really about teaching people to believe whatever they want to believe, that lies can be true, … There is a willful check-out and abdication by people when public discourse is no longer rooted in verifiable fact. As Hannah Arendt points out, then totalitarianism is inevitable! It is worse than the mere destruction of print, it is the changing of an entire discourse, essentially wrenching it away from reason towards emotion. Totalitarian societies do spectacle very, very well!

American academia no longer trains people to think. Humanities and classics departments being closed away profusely, with heavy favor going to Business Schools and other “vocational” type of fields of study, how are our young to learn how to think? Corporate vultures now sit on University trustee boards. College Presidents now glorified fund raisers!?! ... Thus, the corporate state, through such vocational training now teach American youngsters “what to think and do!”

It would seem literary writers now write to transform readers. Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) feels. There is academic onsession with literary criticism, which desevates people from what was sought to be conveyed by the author. … Our world in chaos all over, an approaching apocalypse seeming to await us over the short horizon. Joeseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” begins coming to mind!

It was Joseph Conrad I thought of when I read an article in The Nation magazine this month about white vigilante groups that rose up out of the chaos of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans to terrorize and murder blacks. It was Conrad I thought of when I saw the ominous statements by authorities, such as International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, warning of potential civil unrest in the United States as we funnel staggering sums of public funds upward to our bankrupt elites and leave our poor and working class destitute, hungry, without health care and locked out of their foreclosed homes. We fool ourselves into believing we are immune to the savagery and chaos of failed states. Take away the rigid social structure, let society continue to break down, and we become, like anyone else, brutes.

Conrad saw enough of the world as a sea captain to know the irredeemable corruption of humanity. – Chris Hedges (“Man Is a Cruel Animal”; Dec 22, 2008)

AJ is an American manufactured monster and best. Immigrants come here and some become “entitled” like whatever part of the native populace. AJ unequivocally went corrupt so! Wretchedly weak, too weak to overcome himself anywhere, he fell prey to all the value system shortcomings in America, to wreck the havoc and destruction he brought to the family forever. In Capitalism (1, 2), “It is important to understand that even in theory the payment of the worker is not determined by the value of his product.” - Albert Einsteim - wikiquotes.” Likewise, OS/the family JV (1) did all the work, sacrificing, investing, … but AJ fraudulently ran away with all the rewards … Seems to be the “American Way”, most especially these days!

“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know that you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” - "Courage Is Not a Man With a Gun in His Hand": Atticus Finch and the Open Carry Fad

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. For Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Wall Street is the “terrain of parasitic and criminal enterprise.” Gravitating to excess will always cause grief! Weak people will cheat, let others down and always cause trouble. … In the 17th century speculators were hung, now they run our economy and government … nerds run this world.!

“’The business has changed,’ she muses, ‘It is not as intellectually challenging as it used to be. It’s more like cage fighting. Long-term investment today means a month; mathematicians convince themselves they can quantify risk in their arcane products that no one can understand; and fee structures are out of line with investor returns. No wonder people are cynical about Wall Street.’” - The Real Reason Women Are Leaving Wall Street:Quartz

Goldman Sach’s gambling on commodity indexes and as a cosequence children going hungry, die in the Sudan, Africa!?! … Humanities education is supposed to be subversive, teach young people how to think … goes back to Socrates, meant to question assumptions and structures! Such departments are being closed progusley … our higher education becoming entirely vocational. Students are conditioned to be deferential to authority, capable in that narrow sense, completely supine before systems of authority! Funneled into trading floors, where they move people’s money around electronically 14 hours/day …

When rge 2008 conflagration took place, all that the people knew to do was “to save a dead system, to reinflate the a speculative economy by looting the U.S Treasury! In the largest transference of wealth upwards in history. There is a kind of idiocy to that perpetuated by an elite which has no check on their self enrichment.” (Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)). Reminds us of AJ’s abiding cowardice, in betraying family supremely, plunging for unjust self-enrichment!

If the U.S. had the courage to be vulnerable, after 9/11 they would have had the fortitutde to take advantage of the formidable sympathy for this country in the Muslim world and isolated the terrorists within their own societies. Muslims as nearly one had held the World Trade Center bombings as crimes against humanity commited in their name by the relatively few misguided terrorists!

Instead America chose to go to war, playing right into the hands of the terrorist cpre-calculus. These recent American wars otherwise wounded the soul of America.and ledt the nation much less safer for its weakness to wage war. Recredentialized and revitalized the terrorist groups. Killing on a massive scale and occupying Muslim land(s) and inflaming the Middle East. … Every generatiom has had to learn the tragedies of going to war for itself since Cain killed Abel. To have the courage to stay the hand of war! Needless war! … American proxy wars in the first decade of the 21st century having spread into Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, …

It is very hard to fight the myth because going to war is very seductive, precisely why refraining from it requires true bearing courage. Very seductive, at least the body bags start returning home in larger and still larger numbers! War in essence is about death, why it takes the experience of reaching a civilized state to stay plunging into wat. The courage to be bold enough to refrain, the heft of certain true wisdom not to succumb!

AJ has no respect for himself or his life, the only way anyone can have such scant respect for another’s life as he has shown for the family’s. He ran away and then has stayed away for 30 years, stealing and then staying absconded with the equity OS created/generated for the JV (1) family. Where hooliganism and raw, undifferentiated aggression prima facie is no modicum of any sort of courage at all, AJ unable to overcome himself, his runaway protocol of weakness layered by nothing but more weakness a further

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. giveaway of his true, pathetic, self. Why American prompt resort to war, facing infinitely weaker opponents to boot, is no suggestion of any courage or conviction thereof.

Carl von Clausewitz adjudges “War is politics by another means.”, which Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) strenuously disagrees with. For him war is about the destruction of all living systems, familial, environmental, social, political, economic, … Invoking Sigmund Freud, he finds it about “Thanatos” alone! It is about the death instinct, on which giddy ride people can not only embrace annihilation but finally self-annihilation!

The 2004 movie “Downfall”, depicting the final ten days of Adolf Hitler's reign over Nazi Germany in 1945 and the lead up to his final hour(s), pans death unto the very end now for those themselves who brought death and destruction for millions around the entire living world. A sword that invariably cuts both ways, as we know from every aspect of life extant. AJ cannot either destroy others without eventually destroying himself as well. He cannot be weak for others without being weak for himself forever either. … He cannot fake courage and be any less distanced from infirmity that which permits all forms of destructive consequences pass through unchallenged and unchecked!

Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) quoting Karl Marx reminds us [unfettered] Capitalism isa revolutionary force and carries within its intrinsic folds the seeds of its own destruction. One does not even need Marx to tell us that, common-sense and perhaps instinctive life tells us anything predatory, in addition to the capacity to devour others, retains an equal measure capacity to consume itself too. Expecially when all of see the effective footprints of capitalism, with out own eyes, in our times, this is driven gome very realistically into our cognitive cpnsciousness today. There maybe debate over how to refine capitalism for least destructive impact or replace it all together (1), but there is little disagreement about its potential for egregious destruction.

Student debt, as another muscular bane that American unfettered Capitalism has visited on its people, young people to boot, required some to override the silly social stigma of moving back with parents in order to liquidate their liability. Despite being immigrants and not having access to local sources of funding education, OS innovated, hustled and sacrificed to secure two superior American college degrees for AJ. Something he had no personal capacity to even begin envisioning, much less pursue and execute for himself. Was AJ grateful, gratitude is where life sobriety begins and is a commodity in acute short supply in spoilt/1/ 2, 3, 4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) America, to its utter detriment as we watch same unfolding before our very eyes today.

Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), who has covered wars around the world for years and years, is well conversant with the dark side of human nature. One which likes to destroy not merely things but other human beings themselves!How through fear whole populations can be rendered compliant to horrible acts of evil. Reminiscent of AJ gone berserk sighting something as close as family for extinction!

It is at times like these that lonely voices, speaking up and bearing witness (Vasily Grossman: Life and Fate) even at the cost of their lives, formulate acts of true human courage and integrity. So that life can go on, must go on, will anyway always go on organically and even at the point of human will pushing through all the dark clouds. Victor Frankl likewise speaks in Man's Search for Meaning to enduring human nature and spirit that overcomes to find import in life even after terrible suffering, encapsulated in his observation “What is to give light must endure burning.”

Virescit vulnere virtus (Courage grows strong at a wound) (1) was the motto of the Clan Stewart. It is also said that suffering can have a cleansing effect, soul cleansing! … Provided one has the attitude to learn from it – setback(s), adversity, ... However, even beyond that is the realization that life must and will go  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. on past failure, loss and suffering, is strong medicine to carry on forging positive constructs. For there is nothing more powerful and life affirming than love, kindness, fellowship, … especially in the midst of the sprawl of raging carnage and destruction. Attitude is the key, the willingness to find, existential, meaning in our works-deeds, experiences, even unavoidable suffering, …

This freedom or choice of attitude, however, has to be properly anchored:

“Freedom, however, is not the last word. Freedom is only part of the story and half of the truth. Freedom is but the negative aspect of the whole phenomenon whose positive aspect is responsibleness. In fact, freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness. That is why I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast.” - Victor Frankl: Man's Search for Meaning

America is in trouble precisely because of its excesses of freedom too far and veritably without responsibility, including the unleash of, unfettered, Capitalism (1, 2). Character is a decided issue for the American elite are decidedly venal, the American people unfortunately caught without liberal language and instutions intact to lead them into popular movements with no viable mechanism(s) whatsoever with which to fight back even for survival in their super grim circumstances.

AJ, having given up on ever finding his courage in life, decided to go venal too in America, chasing his hedonistic mush and shallowness at the expense of core footing needing to be found for his siblings in America. A performance as weak, sallow and corrupted as any to be found in human history, family history in particular where there could not be greater distance between his willingness to receive extravagantly but give back with specious poverty. Take so much and give back nothing! In the process doing some serious biting of the very hand that had fed him silly!

Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) has repeatedly seen the awesome power of love repeatedly, watching people looking for killed dear ones in war zones all over the world, The nobility of, all, resistance. Jan Palach who unfurled his sacrifice in Wenceslas Square in January 1969 (as also the still younger Jan Zajíc the very best month similarly), not so much to protest the Soviet occupation as to inspire the Czech people! Chris was present at the Magic Lantern Theatre in Prague during the Velvet Revolution (1989), with Václav Havel, Marta Kubisova, …, when the “Anthem of Defiance”, which kept the flame of freedom alive between 1968-1989, was poignantly sung

“When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.” - Wendell Berry: The Peace of Wild Things

While death is powerful, love if not more at least no less sinewy. When the level of carnage and destruction reaches certain crescendo, all facades are torn down. The world and its truths stripped down  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. naked. Chance for distilled courage to sprout and grow tall unimpeded, without being corrupted. “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high …” (1). With Wendell Berry’s anguished reach for the strength of the grace of the natural world, Marta Kubisova’s song of resistance, Rabindranath Tagore’s call for the heaven of freedom, there was also W.H. Auden’s “September 1, 1939” (1) on the eve of World War II.

Only someone utterly craven to the point of having no command over the self, as the our contemporary American elite, AJ, …, would succumb and fall to the depths of the predatory poaching that now define our current times. Courage requires the starch and brace of the will to do the right within which alone it is possible for it to germinate, flower and prosper. Moreover, the robust register to apply the brakes to ward off heading into any wrong alleys, be maryada and decent boundaries bound. The path of, venal and licentious, wrongdoing always downward and slippery sloping, is an obvious ready-made invitation to the weak, unwilling, … to embark on as the path of least resistance and great allure one way or another.

The very qualities celebrated in Corporate America, Reality TV, …, qualities of psychopaths! Superficial charm, self aggrandizement, manipulation (even of friends, family), incapacity for remorse, … win on “Survivor” fleeting fame and a little money. The same disease that fuels the insanity of Goldman Sachs, a criminal enterprise! Speculation is a disease. … This is a painting of today’s highly toxic and dysfunctional America!

The Occupy movement, a lone voice and carrier of sanity in a sea of sanity, made up of people who did not want to become corporate whores. Power elite is terrified of it because they know better than we, the general public, do – how rotten, corrupt, gamed the system is. Even our Universities infiltrated, are no longer about education but rather becoming corporate entities with corporate criminals sitting on trustee boards, college Presidents fund raisers intent only upon sucking up money from hedhe fund managers, … What the corporate state has done, cut Americans from each other and even from their own selves through “electronic” hallucigens. People sitting in front of computers isolated unto themselves, …

Starting a revolution, participating in a movement, … people understand, not in an intellectual but visceral, way they are not alone! All traditional mechanisms by which reform possible, no longer function. They have to be built anew. People have to be willing to join, band together. … Then results may not be promptly forthcoming, so high faith will have to be kept to continue persisting on. Believe that the good they do goes somewhere, even if tangible verification unavailable in the short run. Successful popular movements are for the abundantly courageous, those who will stay and keep coming back to the barricades.

American media, captive to the corporate state, all anaemic, useless and dying, as far as the popular cause goes. If it is not captive, with the print media replaced, degradation of traditional news media upon the rise of cable, … is now all about such mindless inanities as Charlie Sheen’s meltdown, Anthony Weiner’s boxers, … It is Cicero commenting all over again, covering contemporary spectacle, the tawdry content of the arena, …that which ends up poisoning the political and civil discourse, … hollowing ourselves from the inside … we are entranced by the trivial, nonsensical, rubbish, … crap as we verbalize so in America! America is, thus, very truly disconnected from reality!

Passive American consumers now routinely confuse a brand with an experience. As American marketing, honed across the entire span of the 20th century, beguiles, misleads, … the commons to keep our people so preoccupied away from focusing on the source cause of their seriously disenfrancgised state and associated suffering. Traditional political coverage now converted the carnival way. Media people are courtiers, hedonists of power, define success in journalism in terms of access to power, … newscasters are

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. no longer hournalists but celebrities. Why they make in the millions of dollars, no different from venal corporate CEOs. They talk the pretend language of “feel your pain” artifice.

Social networking sites are not about communications, but in corruption about self-presentation, buying into the disease of celebrity culture situated squarely in our midst. Part of our contemporary obsession with “magical thinking” or non-reality based belief system(s), heavily promoted by the Christian Right. What indeed is or has not been perverted or corrupted in present day America!?! Anything left authentic, free of “plastic surgery”, in America anymore?

The liberal class is very important in society, because, as the political center, it was always meant to function as a safety-valve to make possible incremental or piecemeal reform adressing large injustices and grievances refressed through the formal structures of power. Liberal institutions no longer protect core liberal values.

Those who do, Ralph Nader and his ilk, made pariahs. In the name of careerism, … working class values and needs have been compromised bare. Even Churches and consequently Christianity, the “last bastion(s) of non-market [and liberal] values” have been perverted in our time, so that when we say “Christian” in America today. Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) “whack jobs” spring to mind! Courage has become a huge, before and after, casualty in “Corruption USA, Inc.” that runs this country and our economy now.

Desperately needed moral voice(s) and force(s) lacking in today;s Aerica. Through his book “American Fascist! The Christian Right” Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) trying to reach out to this branch of the traditional liberal institutional framework. Hannah Arendt, through her work the “Origins of Totalitarianism”, makes distinction between propaganda and indoctrination!

Targeting people for “Bringing to Christ” or “Conversion in twenty minutes”, those recently beraved, unemployed, divorced, relocated to a new neighborhood… distressed or otherwise vulberable are deliberatelt sighted for the purpose. Cult (1) like tactics, as in going to people in groups of three used. Margaret Sanger in her “Cults in our Midst” speaks of these tactis in terms of “love bombing”! Lonely et al. people sought out, their contact(s) with traditional circle of friends and family severed, assigned with a “Discipler” so they do not back-slide, … We are not to gofget Christain heretics exist, more than ever now amongst us.

If this is what religion and Christianity have been reduced to in America, then upon what sanctity would not other facets of life be corrupted, bastardized, perverted. People like Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, …have seeded and inculcated the Christian Gospel with the worst aspects of American consumerism, militarism, self exaltation, … The idea that Jesus came to make us rich is sacrilegious! Christian radio and TV have hermetically sealed off tens of millions of Americans, feeding them frightening and misleading theology.When Americans tune into Joel Osteen, with his used car salesman smile, they are not getting authentic Christian knowledge, but amorphous garbage!

We have already spoken of AJ in terms of his exposure to American cult (1) teachings. We have also spoken in terms of SS being cut-off from his trusted circle of family and friends, by the corrupt machinery of the NJ (1) establishment, preparatory and on the way to his abduction. His and his family’s experiences in the story told within are no stray or stand-alone ones. They are part and parcel of America’s ongoing corruption everywhere across it in the common currency of the times we live in today within the four-corners of this country. The deeds of the malefactor(s) reflect same, their tactics reflect them too, … would it be wrong of us to conclude present day America to one big, bad and whore of a place!?!  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. AJ was supposed to protect SS, not work against him, have him abducted and even deny him the family’s protection. He was supposed to stand with the family as America needs to work together especially in today’s time of high crisis and abide by his JV (1),duties, not take wretched hedonistic plunges deep because America (and CYT) told him that was what life was about, the thing to do. AJ was more than well acquainted with the principles of “Shared Sacrifice” and “Collective Responsibility”, underpinning the internal workings of the family JV (1), from India, about its wisdom and real world relevance. Even as a product of his times and placing in America, AJ’s, lifelong, crimes particularly vile and without excuse at all. Without redemption in the least, as the pursuits of an unspeakably weak and foul creature!

These Christian cults (1) offer desperate people a world of magic, manipulating and alienating them even from themselves! They sever them from the reality based world which most of the totalitarian regimes do. Promise them a world of miracles, where God and Jesus willintervene … There is no way to have rational discussion with people who have lost touch with reality, amount to dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden! The “Creationism” museum in Kentucky, replicating the Farden of Eden depict dinosaurs with saddles!?!

Since dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden could not be carnivorous, visitors to the museum are told T-Rex’s nig-teeth were for opening cocovuts!?! Similarly, the question “How did dinosaurs get on Noah’s Ark?” answered by way of the offered creative explanation: “Only baby dinosaurs were put on the boat”!?! In any other room this would be funny and hilarious, at the museum it is terrifying. The economy has to be simply repaired, so that despair can be dissipated and people shored up against being midled by wild and mindless drivel. It is impossible to protect and keep an open society, when a despair ridden populace is so susceptible to the alternate world of myth and magic as the American is now.

Employees from public sector unions, the last haven from the onslaught of the corporate state. Only 12% of American workers unionized, mostly in the Public Sector. Attack on unions the last stroke against popular democracy. A campaign that has been going on purposefully since World War I.

Right to ask for decent working conditions is as far as we have utterly eroded public rights, as gar as we have fallen! Since was is good business, particularly the Iraq war has to be viewed through that lens. National interestis irrelevant, it is all about private greed and enrichment. Totalitarianism is already here, well on its way in America, class conflict as a leverage for change the only effective weapon available for people to wield. Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) is an anarchist in the tradition of the Julien Benda school or strain, not a Marxist (1). NJ (1) state in the context of the corruption comprehensively decorating the story within is the very same venal and venomous corporate state (Hall of Shame).

Those concerned with bedrock issues, such as freedon, equality, truth, justice, …. Have to stand apart from “taking power”, true correctives to American democracy came from those who never held political power – Liberty Party, slavery-suffrage-;labor-civil rights-… movements, … Albert Camus - “Renellion is a permanent state!” We now have ibscene tuition costs at American Universities, if something similar were to happen in France the student unions would shut the entire country down in no time!

Cowardice of the liberal class has forced them to forget that rebellion-resistance is built around a moral imperative (Howard Zinn’s FBI Files). The power of the moral witness can never be estimated! The moral life empowers us (Resurrection). “It is about sanctification, perpetuation and protection of life … overcoming fear, against forces of death. That is whar we forgot, acts of witness for those of us who care about the moral life create a kind of invisible presence that empowers us.” - Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. With the rise of the corporate state, always comes the rise of the security and surveillance state (“Top Secret America” by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin; 1, 2, 3) . A backrupt power elite, who holds reins of power in this country, govern through fraud and force. Once its flaws are exposed, force is all they have left. They will use it.

Sheldon Wolin (Democracy Incorporated (1))says, what has kept the populace passive is credit and access to cheap manufacryred goods. Credit is now gone, … if cheap manufactured goods were to also go, the corporate state will revert to classical, naked totalitarianism. But “they” will not stop! Too fargone to, if not Teflon committed.

Father Daniel Berrigan: “If voting were that effective, it would be illegal.” Emergence of third parties in America a tall likelihood, since the propaganda of the two national parties too potent and effective. The airwaves are controlled by the corporate state, internet access as yet unavailable to the entire masses. The range of debate and discourse seriously limited, spanning “The narcissism of minor difference.” (Sigmund Freud) (1), like Dorothy Parker’s comment about Katherine Hepburn’s acting pertinent emotions running from “A to B!”

There are frightening parallels between what Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) saw in Yugoslavia and the fragmentation of America underway now. War in Yugoslavia was not triggered by ancient ethnic hatreds, but the economic collapse of that country. The crisis “vomited up” people like Milosovich … who used the ensuing despair to find targets – whether Muslims, ethnic Criats, Albanians, … directing the rage at them. We have to recognize the reality as it is, accept the fire situation as givem.

Pollyannaish attitude(s), as Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) tells us, will lead us astray. Dangerous as it leaves us unable to protect ourselves adequately. Ann Coulter is dangerous like Milosovich, funny in a sick way … Our greatest danger comes not from Islamic terrorists but from totalitarian Capitalism (1, 2) at home.

“In celebrity culture, we destroy what we worship.” Michael Jackson’s “Caucasian death-mask” … caricature of how his commercial exploitation made him into a commodity. He became a product, one to be used, manipulated and sold. Our corporate state and culture intones moral nihilism. O.J,.Simpson, John Edwards, … too would seem to reflect “a tamer version of the same plot” and our own physical , as well as psychological disintegration. Ray Bradbury’s 1953“Fahrenheit 451” had projected a future dystopian America.

“The lurid drama of Michael Jackson’s personal life mesh[es] perfectly with the ongoing dramas on television, in movies and the news. News reports have become min-dramas, ... Jackson was a great show, deserving of a great finale! “Celebrity for profit” targets, in the hands of their vast array of puppetmasters, serve to enact entertainment that are expressions of our own yearnings, are reflexions of us in the extreme.Even as Michael’s “memorial service a variety show with a coffin”

“The stories that enthrall us … early fame, wild success and then a long, bizarre and macabre emotional train-wreck.” are Peter Pan like illusions of childish psychology held too long. Hence, a hankering for an uplifting maudlin form of popular entertainment. Chris Hedges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) thnders “Celebrity culture reduces all … fame is its own denominator … [life when spent as a celebrity] you have no idea who you are … yet we measure our lives by [aspiring to celebrity status]!?! We seek to be like them, we emulate their look and behavior, we escape the messiness of real life through the fantasy of their stardom. …”

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. “Americans have been conditioned to view themselves as marketable commodities, … objects like consumer products, [with no] intrinsic value … they must look fabulous and live on fabulous sets … [who must stay forever] young … must achieve notoriety and money or the illusion of it … to be a success and it does not matter how they get there. Celebrity culture licenses a dark voyeurism into other people’s humiliation, pain, weakness and betrayal, education, building community, honesty, transparency and sharing are qualities that will see you ridiculed and voted off any reality show. … and a chance at fleeting fame elect to disappear the unwanted. … In the final credits of the reality show … a picture of the woman expelled during the episode vanishes from the group portrait on the screen. Those cast aside become at least to the television audience non-persons. Celebrities that can no ;onger generate publicity, foog or bad, vanish. Life, these shows teach, is a brutal world of unadulterated competition and a constant quest for notoriety and attention. Our self-exaltation permits the humiliation of those who oppose us. Those who lose deserve to be erased. Those who fail, those who are deemed ugly, ignorant or poor, are belittled and mocked. Human veibgs are used, betrayed and discarded in a commodity culture, which is pretty much the story of Jackson’s life. The cukt of self, which Jackson embodied, dominates our culture.This cult has within it the classic traits of psychopaths, superficial cjarm, grandiosity and self-importance, a need for constant stimulation, a penchant for lying, deception and manipulation, and the incapacity for remorse or guilt. … This is … the ethic promoted by corporations, it is the ethic of unfettered Capitalism. Ir is the misguided belief that personal style and personal advancement, mistaken for individualism, are the same as democratic equality. It is the celebration of image over substance. We have the right in the cult of the self to get whatever we desire. We can do anything, even belittle and destroy those around us, including our friends to make money, to be happy and to become famour. Once fame and wealth are achieved, they become their own justification, their own morality, how one gets there is irrelevant an d it is this perverted ethic that gave us Wall Street bamkers and Investment houses that willfully trash the global economy, stole money from tens of million of small shareholders who had bought stock in these corporations for retirement or college, the heads of these corporations like the winners on a reality television program who lied and manipulated others to succeed, walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses and compensation. The ethic of Wall Street is the ethic of celebrity. But the tantalizing illusions offered by our consumer culture are vanishing as we head towards collapse. The ability of the corporate state to pacify the country by extending credit and providing cheap manyfactured goods to the masses is gone. The jobs we are shedding are not coming back, as Laurence Summers tacitly acknowledges when he talks of a ‘jobless recovery’.The belief that democracy lies in the choice between competing brands and the accumulation of vast sums of personal wealth at the expense of others has been exposed as a fraud. Freedom can np lomger be conflated with the free-market. Travails of the poor are rapidly becoming the travails of the middle class, … and class warfare once buried under the happy illusion that we were all going to enter an Age of Prosperity with unfettered Capitalism is returning with a vengeance. ” - Chris Hedges (1)

Lobbyists rather than elected representatives rule, corporate media controls everything and diverts us with trivia, celebrity gossip, … Economic activity in the hands of corporate power now rules American politics, the public is inoculated from seeing how orivate industry and the military-industrial complex continue plundering the country. Brand marketing is about creating happy consumers, duped into supporting and doingthings not in their interest. Our own interest!

The 2009 bailout, however “necessary” or “not”, ultimately a doomed effort to reinflate a bubble economy doredtalling catastrophe, has actually left American masses broke in a time of profound crisis.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. Pressure from the for-profit corporations continues to impede worker ability to organize into unions. Not for-profit healthcare remains outside the reach of American consumers. None of the upper echelon executives who caused the 2008 debacle have ever been prosecuted, for that matter not Bush ’43 era “criminals”. The security state has only mushroomed significantly with passing years. The passive public and consumers are being duped on an ever escalating curve.

The decline of the “American Empire began long beore the most current crisis, began more properly even before the expected Reagan era, when we shifted from an Empire of Production to an Empire of Consumption (Charles S. Maier) (1), on the heels of domestic oil production beginning its steady and inexorable decline definitely by the beginning of the 1970s. America, thus, began borrowing to sustain a level of cconsumption as well as an Empire it could no loger afford. It began to use force, especially in the Middle East, to feed our insatiable thirst for cheap oil and “the bill is now due (Chris Hedges (1)).

As such, America’s most danherous enemies are not Islamic terrorists, but those who sold su the perverted idealogy of the free-market Capitalism (1, 2) and Globalization. Real reform in America is no longer realistic, the Oil and Energy industry, Defense industry, … moved by self-interest and concerned about their billions in profits, would never allow it. Both the GOP and Democratic Party are beholden to corporate interests, from whom they have to source their campaign funding. Taking corporate money, of course, translates to doing corporate bidding in straightline fashion!

In our sound bite society in America today, reality no longer matters, if only because the public is either ill informed or at least incompletely informed. While everything is done for the corporate sector, once unemployment compensation runs out and with welfare benefits tanked at $143/month, in a jobless economy there is nothing available to break matters for the free falling ordinary citizen. Glass-Steagall is no longer available either to prevent speculators from hijacking the economy. … There is simply nothing and no real champion for the “little man” in today’s America gathering toxic, dysfunctional and predatory steam constantly!

Costs of America seriously turning oligarchic being paid by the people, “on the streets of our inner cities”, alone! Washington D.C. has become our Versailles or the Forbidden City! Courtiers, in the media and within our political class, abound, they are “hedonists of power” and serve no useful purpose to the nation, its people. An anaemic democracy is being replaced with a robust mational police state! Our for- profit healthcare industry, like the Defense industry, makes money from death and suffering! As America devolves in to a third world nation, “the elite will withdraw into heavily guarded gated communities … [the rest of us] will live in perpetual poverty, a state of neo-feudalism.” Current statistics, as a sub genre of science fiction, steadily employed strives to camouflage our economic decline, Chris Hedges (1) unequivocally stresses for our eyes to open to the actual reality on the ground for nearly all, disaffected, Americans.

FDR recognized the danger of unregulated Capitalism (1, 2):

“The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.

The second truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if its business system does not provide employment and produce and distribute goods in such a way as to sustain an acceptable standard of living. - Message to Congress titled: “Recommendations to Congress to curb monoplies and the concentration of Economic Power” (April 29, 1938) (1, 2, 3)  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. “Rise of the corporate state has grave political consequences, ... Anti trust laws do not only regulate and control the market-place, they serve as bulwarks to protect democracy.” Chris Hedges (1). The dangers of the security and surveillance state have been with us fot a long tie too, as long as towards the end of the Veitnam War and Watergate in the 1970s Senator Franck Church had raised very strong concerns about the loss of private rights in America.

“…that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left such is the capability to monitor everything— telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There would be no place to hide.

If this government ever became a tyrant, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know.” - Senator Franck Church (August 17, 1975)

Whereas in the 1970s the NSA was not authorized to spy on American citizens, today it is! Karl Polanyi’s 1944 work “The Great Transformation” laid out the devastating consequences, the Depressions, wars and Totalitarianism, that grow out of the so-called self-regulated free-market. He grasped that fascism … was rooted in a market society that refused to function. He warned that a financial system always devolved, without heavy government control, into a mafia Capitalism (1, 2) and mafia political system.

All traditional standards and beliefs are shattered in a severe economic crisis. The moral order is turned upside down. The honest and industrious are wiped out, while the gangsters, profiteers and speculators walk away with millions. The utopian belief in globalism means that the innate forces of economics and market-place, rather than human beings, should somehow guide our behavior.

The touted benefits of globalization have now been exposed as a lie. The lowering of national residency requirements for corporations is a tool for massive tax evasion. The idea of a global economic system has turned poverty into the norm. The decline of the middle class, the very basis of democracy is somehow seen as the inevitable result of progress.

The huge reductions of income to the working and lower middle class, and even parts of the middle class, forcing them to survive with more than one job per person, is callously dismissed as the punishment for not keeping up. The contrast between multi million dollar bonuses for corporate maangers and four job families has institutionalized the oligarchic state and staggering inequalities.

For two decades an elite consensus insisted that unsustainable Third-World debts would not be put aside … without betraying globalism’s essential principles and moral obligations which included unwavering respect for the sanctity of international contract, the philosopher John Ralston Saul wrote. It took the same people about two weeks to abandon sanctity and propose bad-debt reserve for their far larger debts in 2009.

A society that no longer recognizes that nature and human life has a sacred dimension, an intrinsic value beyond monetary value commits collective suicide. Such societies cannibalize themselves until they die. We face an environmental catastrophe that is linked to our economic catastrophe … (Chris Hedges (1)).

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. The family’s life was no where sacred to AJ, so he had no pause in cannibalizing it! He sucked up its extravagant help for establishing himself in America at superior earning capacity, then spat it out unceremoniously defrauding it cold. There can be no doubt, he, along with his likes in the incarnation of CYT, our Hall of Shamers, … are distinct products of contemporary America and it disgusting value system. As such, AJ, the architect of the biggest and most despicable con pulled in recent American annals. It has to be, since family was victimized, AJ (/CYT) being immigrants unquestionably knew better, underlying misconduct knowing and deliberate, damage and line of damage could be anticipated, obviously victim parties closely held, …

“… people surviving on wages near the federal minimum, as well as those struggling to even find a job … The responses voice the anxiety and exhaustion of living in the space between just getting by and watching your life collapse -- a gap so narrow that bringing toilet paper home from work can help make ends meet, while any unexpected expense can send you over the edge.” - This Is What Barely Making Ends Meet In America Sounds Like

Totalitarianism, George Orwell said, is not so much an Age of Faith but an Age of Schizophrenia! A society becomes totalitairam when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial, Orwell wrote. Power elite is impervious to the charade of democratic participation, irrespective of what the masses do it has its own opaque self-serving agenda and it operates the invisible internal levers of power silently to suit, accomplish same. Appealing to them, Orwell’s moral and intellectual trols or their better nature is pointless. Yet, mass culture continues to hoodwink us towards having faith in ourselves, our inner strength, our sense of being truly exceptional, our focused sense of being happy, God’s miracles, … all will turn out well!

This is nothing but cultural retreat into illusion. Whether “pedaled by psychologiests, Hollywood, Oprah or Christian preachers, it is a form of [diverting] magical thinking. It turns worthless mortgages and debt into wealth, it turns the destruction of manufacturing base into an opportunity for growth, … it turns a nation that wages illegal war and administers offshore penal colonies, where it openly practices torture into the greatest democracy on earth.” (Chris Hedges (1)). Alexander Herzen:“It is not our job to save a dying system but to replace it: We think we are the doctors. We are the disease."

“All resistance must recognize that the body politic in global Capitalism are dying, we have undergone in this country a coup d’etat and we have lost and they have won. Wr must not waste our energy trying to reform or appeal to it. This does not mean the end of resistance, it does mean very different forms of resistance. It means turning our energies towards building sustainable local communities to weather the coming crisis, since we will be unable to survive and resist without a cooperative effort.” - Chris Hedges (1)

We need our militant movements, destroyed and banished a while ago, today as never before. “American socirty, although it uses the same iconography and language to describe itself, has been radically transformed courtesy of liberal gullibility and unchecked corporatism. The working class has been wiped out, the economy is ruins, the imperial expansion is teetering on collapse … eco system degraded …”

How will America cope with its decline, remains an open question!?! Will we cling … will we heed those who are sober and rational, … will we radically transform our system into one that protects the common good, … it is imperative that … communities keep alive the intellectual and artistic trdaditions that make a civil society, humanism and the common good possible, … retain the moral code for generations to come, resistance will be reduced to small aometimes imperceptible acts of defiance, … music, art, poetry, journalism, literature, dance, the humanities, philosophy, history will be the bulwarks that will separate

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. those who remain human from those who become savages, … we stand on the cusp of one of the bleakest periods in human history, …

We live in times needing reistance to “collective flight into illusion, deflecting the moral questions arising from mounting social injustice, growing inequalities, costly imperial wars, economic collapse and political corruption. … A fantasy of celebrity culture is not designed only to entertain, it is [also] designed to drain us emotionally, confuse us about identity, nlame ourselves for our predicament, condition us to chase illusions of unachievable fame and happiness,and keep us from fighting back.” We have to turn away from the tawdry and tasteless spectacle that the corporate culture churns out to divert a dying culture from the bating wold at the gate Chris Hedges (1).

The Christiam left, Dwight McDonald, Albert Camus, The Frankfurt School, Thomas Adorno, … all believed there are moral imperatives worth fighting for even if the outcome looks bleak. Chris Hedges (1), quoting Cyrano de Bergerac: ‘Life is short and brief, in the end we all do not come to a hood end’, reminds us that there is high nobility in standing up to resisit for a cause with small chance of success. He invokes the life and struggles of Marek Adleman and his wife Alina Margolis, none of the participants in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ever thought they were going to win!

Chris (1) speaks of driving down Mount Igano into Sarajevo during the 1991-'95 conflict, 1992-1995 Siege of Sarajevo to bear moral witness to crimes, in order to keep alive the flame of human dignity and worth, not to win anything. He relates the killing by a mortar shell in Sarajevo of a cellist on the local symphony, the cellist’s brother, at the hour and spot of his brother’s death, thereafter took to playing the Bach Cantatas (1), every day, in evening ayyire and on his own cello, as a mark of such witnessing, protest and resistance. If there is an answer to that call of moral imperative, that moral commitment, then we can push through those dark valleys of despair, to keep fighting all night long that the slave spirituals speak of, … we can be truly free just as Chris (1) felt free leaving the New York Times having kept faith with his father’s principles imparting him.

AJ all his life has been too weak to be anything but the scumbag that he eventually emerged into for the rest of his days. Too weak to keep any moral compass in life! Even as an attorney, be able to even retain any legal compass. In fact submitted his law license to his thoroughly licentious existence, the former advanced to serve as an easy hand-maiden for the latter. By the insistence of his foul deeds affirmaticely cast, he himself proclaimed having nothing between his legs, stooped to give “castration” a new meaning his very own!

His logic, equating hooliganism with any kind of courage, to elude every and any elementally thinking entity. His utter inability to apply any brakes to himself in the least, to simply stupefy even the most profligate and undisciplined amongst us, who will have some record of restraint about them! Who told him that his outlandish excesses constituted being Americanized, even in an America with its current state of unravel and disrepair, only AJ himself can tell!?! The same to be said about CYT and all our Hall of Shamers too!

Just count all the number of ways in which AJ has forever broadcast his standing as a weak entity extraordinaire, undiluted and incorrigible. He started out so and has stayed unwavering so. But for OS he would never have emerged to excel in high school and go on to attend St. Stephen’s College. But for OS he would never have come to America, much less attend the Ivy League(s) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)! Apart from OS exclusively orchestrating his applications, making all the other surrounding arrangements for him invariably with the same exclusivity, OS also had to restrain AJ from bolting home to India. AJ who still cannot say boo to his own shadow!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. OS was also to arrange AJ’s founding employment in America, based on the shoring of which the latter was to find his critical footing in this country used in still persisting cowardice to snake back and around to sting the family in the rarest living examples of biting the very hand that had fed. Leading up to his frauds so perpetrated on the family, in the abundance of his awareness of his weak ways AJ was to embrace cult (1) teachings, hear this not even to bolster himself to play his expected adult and competent role in the family but to find the gumption to cheat family. It was his weak ways again that gave permission to defraud family!

AJ’s unrelenting weak psyche not only lead to his frail physical being, it would also appear to explain his sexual “malfunctions”, uncertainties and confusion! In his statee he could never be sure about anything about himself. Including to not wanting a woman with qualifications rivaling his, all the way to preferring one so utterly and clearly without any so he could control her unquestionably, sans all muss and fuss!

Every slippery slope of life beckoned him, AJ was a “sucker” for any and all of them. Convenience and expeditenycy to become his religion in every way and everywhere, as the easy path(s) of least resistance! Ayn Rand’s thinking and narcissism his prized and inseparable companions, because it was so much easier not to have to bother about other people. Yet, from the pervasive American “culture”, emulated indiscriminately by AJ in the name of expediency and easy virtue, we know there are no real disciples of “individualism”.

There are only practioners and addicts of the Best of All Worlds duplicity (1, 2, 3, 4), “individualism” only at the giving end but an ever unwavering willingness to dip into the pot of “collective” benefits or socialism at the receiving. Not to help parents, but to be first in line for a piece of their estate when they are gone! Past defrauding the family and while refusing to rejoin his JV.(1) duties, AJ in fact muscularly demanding of any and every kind of benefit he could procure from the family he himself had already flattened like the road runner coyote under the steamroller! Even Ayn Rand, in the end, descended to appliyfor her social welfare benefits!?!

Thus, AJ “succumbed” to every vice of contemporary America! Starting with hedonistic pursuits, taken to as if there was no tomorrow. What it actually was a disease of the mind again in the slippery-slope(s) prone AJ. Staying in decadently opulent hotel rooms, riding the stretchiest limousines he could find, … was not going to abate any of his, primal and/or other, fears pertaining to life extant and existential. This is not what rooted people mean when they speak of “seeing life with their own eyes”! This was only running in and from life, a never ending race that has not and will not ever end for AJ either!

If America today is spoilt/1/ 2, 3, 4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9), shamelessness/1. 2,(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32), avarice infested and stricken/1, 2 (3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), decadently entitled/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (6), juvenile (1/1A-1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), self indulgent (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9), rights clamoring combined with duties shirking/1, 2, 3, 4, discipline averse/1, 2, 3, 4, all responsibility shy/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … AJ had to be on all those slippery slides in the name of being and hurry to be “Americanized” taken as shallowly as can be! Because, among other things, the likes of CYT, Zeba, … had told him so, somehow shown him so ,…!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. <= Below: ‘yet to be finished’ =>

1. Case Management Conference of February 2004: Escala reneging on his earlier, oral, order (memorialized on the record), either SS produced or a medical certificate … At this conference strong evidence of ex parte contact with AJ/opposition … SS not produced … next Case Management Conference lobbed to July, 2004 (over OS-SIS’s strenuous protests) – to see if SS could still be “persuaded” to tow their line or come up with a “safe” way to shut-down the litigation while continuing to suppress SS. Since, SS could obviously not be persuaded to tow line, never produced in July either, no “safe” way to be found as exit either … so a crude, forced, arbitrary, … slam dunking of the case, showing open prejudice, prima facie untenable arguments in law/legal arguments … Final judgment to be refuted in detail.! On the way, window into quality of Escala’s corruption: How do you dismiss a complaint for fatal insufficiency as to some defendants and not others??????? How he never processed, at all, any of [SS]-OS-SIS’s complaints, motions, (including first refusing to accept suit_MHLP/HK/EV (defended by Hackensack Law Firm Breslin & Breslin) directly in Chancery, then again upon consolidation out of OS-SIS’s filing in the Law Division)… simply sitting on them and opposition allowed to get away with filing nothing (no answers to complaints/counterclaims or no rebuttal to motions), Escala repeatedly refusing [SS]-OS-SIS summary judgments on unopposed complaints, motions, … even awarded GAL/IK costs: $4,000 to OS-SIS (who had opposed this appointment as another scheme to separate SS and family in order to conduct designed corruption) and $1,000 to BRMC (1) (just a show to cover tracks, OS-SIS had exposed Escala so thoroughly he was afraid to tack the whole thing on OS-SIS, as he would have liked to/would have done otherwise – sure sign of corruption occurring, of parties knowing they were up to it by design, ...

2. Appellate Practice: NJ Appellate Court/SCNJ_AD (1) no less corrupt than Escala, merely rubber stamping him down the line, revealing politics on behalf of paymaster NJ (1) rather than justice again! Sure signs of ex parte contact with opposition parties. If Escala’s Final judgment for a moment and hypothetically taken as “out of incompetence”: fact SCNJ_AD (1) rubbed stamping Escala, with his faulty reasoning on constitutional limits to freedom (public policy can enter to intervene and meddle in personal domain where no one else’s rights being infringed, where holder of POA (1) powers of another can be censored absent any showing of abuse or fraud by those parties, …), the relationship between SS and OS-SIS via the POA (1) in anyway constituting any legal relationship involving “servitude”/a “servant” on one side, vanilla plain “servitude” (versus involuntary servitude) constituting a Constitutional/legal prohibition, … only shows both Escala and the SCNJ_AD (1) acting politically, corruptly, Lastly, SCNJ_AD (1) uses R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E) strategically as garbage dump (in the same manner as Escala hiding behind OS-SIS’s filing’s to be too prolific, … ) for OS-SIS’s undisputed, never even remotely joined issue with by the opposition, … merits. … Down the line C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N!

During this Appellate passage, SS managed to contact Paul at his store in Englewood, NJ! Twice, in person, at Paul’s store (in Englewood, NJ, down the block from Vantage), telling him to contact OS-SIS for him and asking them /OS-SIS to get him out of his “bondage”! This is how OS-SIS surmise, SS with Vantage … their Group Home in Ridgefield, NJ … These two incidents were mentioned in the Appellate practice underway, another reason why SCNJ_AD (1) known to be in full blown C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. SCNJ_AD (1) dumped these facts down the R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E), all purpose, garbage dump it was never intended to be, too.

On the contrary, SS was never to make another appearance at Paul’s store again!

Ultimately the greatest proof to ALL the C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N: SS had to be ABDUCTED, then scrupulously HIDDEN, … last 10+ years!????????!


1. To show the full extent of Escala’s corruption, victimizing SS-OS-SIS further, as carry-forward from CASE 1 and for OS-SIS standing up to him there. This case has to do with disposition of OS-SIS’s home … (CASE 2 Reference).

(IX) THE FAMILY IN AMERICA, Phase 7: The Aftermath to SS’s second abduction

This, Aftermath, segment, to be covered in 3 parts:

1. Sarah Mitchell (“SM”) of DRNJ/NJP&A, Trenton, NJ:


DRNJ/NJP&A was contacted, in January 2008, upon the recommendation of NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness! On sight meeting, in Trenton-NJ and in the shadows of SCNJ_AD (1)/Richard J. Hughes building, with social worker - given story orally and in writing! Worked with him for a few months, kept saying he was having difficulty with his management. Abruptly left (he was a retired person, doing this on a volunteer basis – probably left in disgust). OS-SIS contacted DRNJ/NJP&A director Sarah Mitchell (“SM”). She would first not answer OS-SIS’s e-mails, when they persisted, it was the same old trick from her too: due to SS’s privacy rights she could not disclose DRNJ/NJP&A’s “findings”. DRNJ/NJP&A is federally funded and operates under the auspices of the NJ (1) Governor’s office. OS-SIS could have demanded the results of these findings under FOIA. SS’s personal information may be private, but not any findings of DRNJ/NJP&A upon the requested investigation. Moreover,

2. AJ-CC (1, 2):


Around the same time as above, friends of OS-SIS researching for SS found out AJ was working as Special Counsel for European Bank for Reconstruction and Development/“EBRD” in London, UK. They were even able to locate his email address in office ([email protected]) and sent him a message inquiring "WHERE IS SANJAY?”

Soon after, OS-SIS received a letter, out of the blue, from rhymes with *itch (1, 2) CC (1, 2)! Now she was SS’s attorney, having messed with his POA (1), rights, person, life, … for the other wise and receiving a fat fee from BRMC (1) for doing so in late 2004, as soon as Escala’s corruption in the trial court complete with his so-called Final judgment. Immediately moving her practice to Hackensack, NJ’s swankiest building (which houses a swanky office for the NJ Appellate Court/SCNJ_AD (1) too), … without so much as any decent pause taken!

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. She (1, 2)was even AJ’s attorney now, in fact writing mainly on his behalf. According to Ms. rhymes with *itch (1, 2), AJ did not want anything to do with OS-SIS! Obviously, he can stalk and infiltrate anyone, anywhere, misusing his legal credentials to access their privacy for no reason at all, but others tracking him down through public records cannot contact him for legitimate reasons. Here it was not even OS-SIS doing do, only their friends on their own initiative. Naturally, AJ was concerned for his job, He was to quit EBRD soon after, go still deeper under cover! Not to behave honorably in life, but to procure things (/Law School/1-2 (3-4-5-6)) the wrong way, then try justifying same by bullying (/abducting, …) others, … do all kinds of crazy and insane things, while being an admitted attorney (so much again for Escala’s corrupt hypothesis of attorneys and officers of the law … being naturally incapable of corruption …), … then have to go into hiding! Worth it!?! Is it not better to B-E-H-A-V-E? … AJ so desperate to hide, despite not working at EBRD since 2008/anymore, he still, with designed illegality, gives their London/wrong address to the NY Appellate Court for renewing his NY license. What else does all this deep, vehement and purposeful hiding indicate, other than decided culpability!?!

The second part of rhymes with *itch’s (1, 2) reason for contacting OS-SIS was to misinform and decoy them as to a permanent injunction by Escala prohibited the family/OS-SIS from forever having no contact with SS. Without SS’s production no such discrete permanent injunction could issue! Here, it does not follow from the PRO turning “permanent” upon the issue of Final judgment. This Final judgment did not speak to or so/finally decide any of these issues, those pertaining to contact between SS and OS-SIS ...

No such permanent injunction exists, all designed endeavor to mislead OS-SIS, where they cannot be! Rhymes with *itch’s (1, 2) is thoroughbred corruption incarnate.



POTUS got involved while running for the White House in 2007-2008. Contacted Senator Menendez’s NJ (1) office, who promised then Senator Obama it would take necessary action to reunite OS-SIS and SS. Senator Menendez’s office in Newark then told OS-SIS to contact Lee Birkey (“LB”) of DMHS , Trenton, NJ. LB assured them he would revert latest in a week, informing too he had assured Senator Menendez’s office he would take care of the matter … Never reverted, then would not return the family’s calls, Senator Menendez’s office similarly went dead silent too … Senator Lautenberg’s office briefed too, OS- SIS not to make any headway there either! Obviously, political NJ (1) putting the shutters down!

OS-SIS , after these repeated NJ (1) 2008 incidents, convinced they had to move things from outside the state (1)! Otherwise, such purposeful and firm dropping of shutters to mean only one thing, NJ (1) feeling awfully vulnerable. Feeling so vulnerable to mean only one thing, it full knew (/knows) it was (/is) guilty of corruption, et al. … at various levels!

OS-SIS contacted the NJ (1) Star Ledger, the editor sent SIS a special Super-bowl edition of the paper for the NY Giants win early that year/2008, but could not help with the SS case, because he did not have any investigative journalism budget worth speaking of! There were a couple of PBS programs, who also pleaded not having enough investigative journalism budget … to do this story.

In keeping with realization, in order to find and be reunited with SS they will have to move things from outside NJ (1), OS-SIS kept in touch with, by them POTUS, Obama. His office told OS-SIS in 2008, on account of Senatorial courtesies then Senator Obama could not interfere within NJ’s (1) affairs. OS-SIS

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved. contacted the White House in August 2009, to be told POTUS would again look into the SS matter after the ACA-Obamacare legislation related mighty battle had been taken care of. OS-SIS waited four years to remind the White House, waiting for it to contact them and with all that POTUS facing at the point of Washington DC vicious, dysfunctional, … politics, did not have the heart to disturb. They wrote to POTUS again in June 2013 (1, 2), topically as the White House held a mental health symposium on the premises. Now, OS-SIS are waiting to complete their book and get their public campaign going in order to assist the White House help them in this matter. Presumably, the White House does not have the staff to process this case thoroughly as it needs to and be able to be of real help to OS-SIS, locating SS and be reunited with him. …

If this story shows anything, how easy it is to abduct someone in America, someone’s family member, someone’s handicapped family member, … In America! In America, folks! … Can be anyone’s family member!

“Vole, you have made a mockery of English Law. … The scales of justice may tip one way or another, but ultimately they balance out. You will pay for this!” Sir Wilfrid Robarts (Witness for the Prosecution - 1957)

It is so on this earth and especially so in the heavens! So, let it be said and so let it be written.

 Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved.  Copyright © 2013 OS and SIS. All rights reserved.