SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT TOUR CB21 16, PLACE DE L’IRIS 92040 PARIS LA DÉFENSE CEDEX, FRANCE TEL +33 (0)1 58 81 20 00 WWW.SUEZ-ENVIRONNEMENT.COM PRESS RELEASE Paris, 27 November 2014 SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT WELCOMES SYCTOM ’S ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DECISION TO AWARD IT THE DESIGN -BUILD -OPERATE CONTRACT FOR THE ENERGY -FROM -WASTE RECOVERY FACILITY AT IVRY -PARIS XIII SYCTOM, the consortium in charge of treating and recovering the waste of 84 Ile-de-France districts, has announced that the contract to design, build and operate the energy-from-waste recovery facility at IVRY-PARIS XIII has been awarded to the consortium headed by SUEZ Environnement and its subsidiary SITA. 1 This contract is worth a total €1.8 billion over its 23-year lifetime, half of it going to SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT. 2 A symbol of urban ecology, the future facility will harness the best technologies to turn waste into new resources and will be at the cutting edge of environmental performance. Having managed the facility since 2011, SITA will continue to operate the existing plant before starting work with its partners. SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT and its subsidiary SITA are delighted with this contract award decision. SUEZ Environnement Press Contact: Isabelle Herrier Naufle Tel: +33 1 58 81 55 62
[email protected] Analysts/Investors Contact: Tel: + 33 1 58 81 24 05 ABOUT SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT Natural resources are not infinite. SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT (Paris: SEV, Brussels: SEVB) and its subsidiaries are committed to meeting the challenge of protecting resources by providing innovative solutions to millions of people and to industries on a daily basis.