Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-20) Modeling Topical Relevance for Multi-Turn Dialogue Generation Hainan Zhang2∗ , Yanyan Lan14y , Liang Pang14 , Hongshen Chen2 , Zhuoye Ding2 and Dawei Yin4 1CAS Key Lab of Network Data Science and Technology, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, Beijing, China, Beijing, China 4University of Chinese Academy of Sciences fzhanghainan6,chenhongshen,
[email protected], flanyanyan,
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract context1 `},(吗?(Hello) context2 有什么问题我可以.¨b? (What can I do for you?) FÁM价了,我要3请保价 Topic drift is a common phenomenon in multi-turn context3 (The product price has dropped. I want a low-price.) dialogue. Therefore, an ideal dialogue generation }的,这边.¨3请,FÁ已Ï60了'? context4 models should be able to capture the topic informa- (Ok, I will apply for you. Have you received the product?) 东西60了发h不(一w吗? tion of each context, detect the relevant context, and context5 (I have received the product without the invoice together.) produce appropriate responses accordingly. How- 开w5P发h不会随'Äú context6 ever, existing models usually use word or sentence (The electronic invoice will not be shipped with the goods.) level similarities to detect the relevant contexts, current context /发我®±吗?(Is it sent to my email?) /的,请¨Ð供®±0@,5P发h24小时Äú。 which fail to well capture the topical level rele- response (Yes, please provide your email address, vance. In this paper, we propose a new model, we will send the electronic invoices in 24 hours.) named STAR-BTM, to tackle this problem. Firstly, the Biterm Topic Model is pre-trained on the whole Table 1: The example from the customer services dataset.