Cut in Taxes Feimti' Revest and the Aaaaa- Made at Nassau Establishing Aination of President Syl> Multinationid Polaris Mis­ ▼Ahus Olympid

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Cut in Taxes Feimti' Revest and the Aaaaa- Made at Nassau Establishing Aination of President Syl> Multinationid Polaris Mis­ ▼Ahus Olympid DUly Nat Prcrit SHi XI. I N t 1 0 ,8 9 5 »««»• AWit I * t OM kM im tOL.LXXXIl,N 0.88 (rOUBTBlBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1M 8 PRICE FIVE CENlit France Bars ms ^D ining In N '-D efen se u a a , Ti>r> (a p ) — a itr u g ^ for iMdonhlp of thU PARIS (AP) ^ President ttoy West African country Chdrles de Gaulle skid today appearct) to be dovrioping to> France cannot Join the Brit­ oay In the wake of a eor< ish > Aiherican agreement Cut in Taxes feimti' revest and the aaaaa- made at Nassau establishing aination of President Syl> multinationid Polaris mis­ ▼ahus Olympid. sile for^. > — — i Two men emerged ea poeiUde De Gaulle, epoaklng to hia first Meade e< a new govemment—foiv Aewa conference aince last May, n>er. Premleir Nlootae Orumtaky, responded to a question on wheth­ 4S, and Idriaaoo Antoine Meatehl, er PVanoe might a co ^ President His Message Reflects ST. a former oppoattloo leader in Kennedy’s offer of l^larls mia- th s T b eo AflMDiStafe sUea: A mUtary revolutlonery com' "1 do not believe that anyone mittee tkat engineered the Sunday thinks that we can subscribe to Relaxing of Tension coup reportedly MMMmlad to Oni- the accotds of the Bahamas.” nltaky.yA t«otlier-m*law of the De GauUe said the U.B. offer Blain praetdant to return from to France following the pre- exae in- iwlghhocing Dahomey to Christmas Kaasau agreement had WASHINGTON (A P)— President Kennedy called on Con­ form a . government. no curreot Importance to France' gress today for speedy action to spread a $13.5-billion tax Bumon apraad that MeatcM and added; cut over three years and to achieve in time “ a balanced full- waa already hack in Lome from ”We will build and employ our­ anile In Onana, vdiieh alao hoc. employment economy.” Proposed reforms would recover J3.6 selves our own atomic force. billion of the lost revenue. dera Togo.'* Re had been eccuaed “ 1 have several tlmaa indicated hy tlie Obnnpio government of pUbUcly P’rench policy on defense Greeted by a minute and a half standing ovation when he aiding fniled p<dlacal comqitm. and the armament im cb PYpnee appeared before members in the jammed House chamber, tore. feels necessary for her own de­ Kennedy began his State of the Union message at 12:33 Meatciii,' a BWwdt • educated fense. I repeat that France in­ XpBlem'and former oivU aerv^ tends to have her own national p.m., and told the lawmakers— and the nation via television had beenjirreated in IBOO for con* and radio— ^that the state of the Union is good: “The reces­ ioy. He went to Qhena after . ..Ih Washington, the White House sion is behind us.” rel/eaae, in ntid-1901. declined immediate comment on Noting “ the seeds of internal disintegration” within the r (Inform anta in neighboring Dn* De Ggulle’a rejection of the multl- Communist camp, he said “ steady progress has been made homey aaid both Meatohi and nattonal Polaris missile force. ChnmUeky had arrived in Lom e, D e Gaulle conceded that in building a world of order.” but there waa no official confir* modem tlmea no nation can con­ But the President added solemnly: matton. Radio Lome broadcaat duct a world war on ita own and “We cannot be saitsfied to rest here. This is the side <rf the aeiuraaoea that calm had bwpfli went on .-V ’ ' . hill, not the top. The mere absence of war is not peace. The Impoaedt and that Togo would The need to have allies goes apect Ita foreign treanea.) without saying. -But to have alao mere ahs^ce of recession is not growth. We have made a Ounned down on the atreet out. the free mspositlan of one’s self beginning^—but we have only begun.” aide the U.B. Bmbaaey early 8un> and to keep It is alao a necessity Even before he got a chance tof --------- 11 4m day, Olymplo apnaranUy waa the for a great people.” voice it, Kennedy’s call for anAM in.- only oaaualty of the faat>paced He declared it would not be use­ creasingly Intimate North Atlan­ revolt Gunfire waa heard in the tlonal figurk on the world aoena.” ful for France to buy Polaris tic ’Treaty Organization, with Itz Highlights of Text atreeta around 3 a.m . The 6D-yeai> The London-educated Olympio missiles from the United States own nuclear force and stronger Old preatdent’a bullet-riddled body was the only African bdad of state since’ it does not have submarines conventional arms was jolted by WASHINGTON (AP)—Here are waa found outalde the unlocked with a command of both Bngllah to launch the missiles or nuclear President Charles de Gaulle of textual highlights of Prestdent embaaay n te at dawn. and’ French, and he also knew wartieads to attach to the xnla- France. Kennedy's State of the Union The body.waa taken into the some German. GOa language skills sUee. De Gaulle told a Paris news message today to Cfongress: He added, however, that U cmiference BYance cannot join the Havhig witnessed in recent' embawur. toder Olympio'a fhmlly earned bbU'hh iinfluenaal poaitli FMaident Kennedy, his wiiMen apeecdi before him, dcUvera bis State cf the Union addrees today to a rem oved I t in African councils. France some day does have the Britlsh-American agreement to es­ months a heightened respect for submarinae and nuclear warheads Joint session of the CongrcM assenibled In the dtanfoer of the House of Representatives. (AP tablish a multination Polaris mis­ our national purpose and pow er- KOat ef the other .membera of Togo, a country of 1% million F h o to fa x ). hia goveniment were arreated. people, is about the stse. of West “perhaps 'we will have our own sile force. He said he will build having seen the courageous calm Ihey were reported uduurmed Virginia.' It was a French U.N. m issiles.” his own atomic force. of a imited people in a perilous hour—and ha'vlng observed a and held at a military camp out- protectorate when It gained in­ De Gaulle said he was not re­ Firemen CoUide at Pole Despite this there was an air aide Lom e. dependence in I960. Before World fusing technical or strategic co- of festivity in the Capitol, height­ steady improvement in the op- Olympio visited the United iteration, but that he felt the UN Demands Supreme G>urt ened by a bright sunshiny day, as porti^ties and well-being , of our War I it waa a German colony PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) •tatee on an ald-aoeUng mlaaloo The main opposition to Olym- Branch and British poeltlaiui were tbe President delivered a mes citizens—I can report to you that laat Karoh and PrOeident Ken­ different now on nuclear matters. —Nothing stops a Providence sage reflecting some degree of I the state of this old but youthful Surrender of fireman rushing to a fire un­ Bars Law on nedy praiaed Um aa **an axcep- (Oontlimed tm Page Seven) Britain has aeeepted the Polaris lessening of International tensions Unhm, In the 176th year at less it’s another fireman. and a modestly rising ectmomy at Ufe, is good. Firemen Joseph Favall and hom e. Rebel Holdout Eldwin Andrade leaped for the NAACP Cai^s Congress genwally gave cau­ Blit we cannot be satiafied to hi 'uifol:' i - nucleiur same brass pole in a station tious approval to his proposal to rest here. This is the aide the * qontrol. Sunday, ’niey collided heril- WASKONGTON (AP)—’The Su­ pump new energy into the econ­ hill, not the top. The mere Slayiiig o f .Olympii om' B’avaU had to go to a hos- prem e Ckwrt struck down today a omy with a $6-mlllon reductlcn in absence of war is not peace. The Virginia'law vdifch the National 1968 as a beginning on the biggest mere absence of recession’ is not es 16 close a cut on the eye­ Association for the Advancement aggregate tax cut. in history. Of growth. We have mada-a begto>i “Hhy jMttld tta Moise Tehombe brow. Andrade was unscathed. of Colored People said had curbed Uie $u:6 billion, individuals would nlng—but we have 'Mly b e f^ mlaillM froBi Amarfoa eiirrender Ui stronghold of face Its participation in litigation et $11 bQUoii and eotporatlons U.N. attack. raci^ discrimination. Sle remainder. I am convinced that the ensot.’ I ofi Phga Five) Diplomatic informants said they Five justices- supported the BSverylxidy, it appeared, would ment this year of tax 'reducticn believed tbe Katanga president Senate Set majority opinion. 'Three—Justices like to cut taxes. But how much and tax reform overshadows all AM A P MHHB AMAUTBIB fand yet it Ahidea them. Through­ was rallying his followers tor a John M. Harlan, Tom C. Clark and by vdiat method remained other domestic pro|)lems in this ^ tXAMLMF MBIIBJDB : out Africa, a class of angry young last-ditch stand to try to hold what questions to be decided. Congress. For we cannot lead for MlHTOB>B KOTB - - Btaniey Mel- and Potter ’Stewart — dissented. men Is growing. remained of his secessionist do­ To Wage Fight Justice Byron D. White concurred The President asked Congress long the cause of peace and free­ eier, now a member of the Waah- During his regime, Which be­ S ta te New s main. to lower the present spread of 20 dom, if we ever cease to set the Ingtoo AP staff, intervlewsd Togo in part and dissented in part.

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