Ank Register Volume Lxvix, No
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ANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVIX, NO. 11. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1946. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO ll Gold Wrist Watch Eisner Company To Preach His JCP & L Treasurer Present Race Prizes Gift To Rector River Plaza Roads At tbe close of last Sunday morn- Has Jobs Open j Final Sermons Ing's service at St. John's, chapel. At M.B.C. Dance Little Sliver, Rev. Robert H. An- For 160 Veterans At St. George's Resurfaced Gtatii derson received a gold wrist watch in appreciation of his tbree years of service at tbe chapel. New Program For Rev. H. Fairfield Butt, Janet Boynton Is Awarded The gift was presented by Dan- Edwin H. Brasch Pays $1,400 iel S. Weigand on behalf of the ves- G. I.'s Now In III, Will Say Farewell Good Sportsmanship Trophy try and congregation and carried To McDowell Firm For Work with it their very best wishes. A Full Operation To Rumson Sunday large bouquet of gladioli was sent Highlighting the presentation ol As the result of an Investigation jor portion of the county's roft&i to Mrs. Anderson by members of Slgmund Eisner company planta prizes won In the Monmouth Boat Rev. H. Falrfleld Butt, Jd, 'rec- by The Register, Edwin H. Brasch work, had completed a the altar guild. in Red Bank, Freehold, Keansburg club season's sailboat races, which tor of St. George's-by-the-Rlver, will of Nutswamp road, Middletown made job at River Plaza. Mr,; Highlands Asks The rector has assumed his new and South Amlboy have immediate took place Monday night at a danc hold his final service in Rumson township, Monmouth county rood Parkes knew nothing about duties at Trinity Episcopal church, openings for 160 World war 2 vet- given tbe eklppera and crews a next Sunday, September 8. There supervisor, called at The Register use of county men and equipment g Red Bank, and will conduct bis erans who can qualify under the O. the clubhouse, was awarding of tb Jersey Central will be a service of Holy Commun- Office Tuesday and displayed his on the job, and could cast no light first services Sunday in his new I Bill of Rights for participation Good Sportsmanahlp trophy to ion at 8 a. m. The Sunday-school personal check for $1,419.09, which on who was going to pay for parish. He was formerly curate at in their practical On-the-Job Train- Janet Boynton, 16«y ear-old daugh- will meet at 9:30 a. m. In the ha claimed was in payment for re work. Continue Survey St. James church, Long Branch, ing course in power sewing ma- ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bnrrltl church and morning prayer and surfacing about a mile of streets at Ho said that now that it ] and vicar of St. John's chapel. chine operation. The new On-the- Boynton of Colt's Neck. sermon will be at 11 a. m. River Plaza, a community in Mld- been called to his ^attention, Job Training program is open to dletown township just across Hub- Thl, trophy, sponsored by citi- The subject of the sermon* by the county would surely not pay Will Participate non-veterans as well but first pref- bard's bridge from Red Bank. zens of Red Bank, Is a perpetual rector next Sunday will be entitled the work. He also promised to look: { erence Is given to all ex-service- one, and Its winner each year Is In Freehold Sidewalks Asked "The Question," on the text from He left for The Register's files a into the matter thoroughly, and 3 men and ex-servicewomen. Micah 6:8, "What Doth the Lord receipted bill purporting to be for would have some answers for ' decided by the vote, of the junior JACKSON T. MURPHY •kippers. Although this was Janct'i Erosion Talks The On-the-Job Training course Require of Thee?" It Is hoped that the work done at River Plaza by Register the following day. At Shrewsbury has been Inaugurated at alj four all of the friends and members of Fred McDowell, a contractor ol tint year at the tiller of a Come Announcement was made today The next morning he called, plants, and Is specifically designed St. George's will be present to bid Neptune. The bill was for the Im- explained that everything see named Bashful, the young sklpp« In an effort to speed up their pro- of the appointment of Jackson T. for veterans and approved by tbe the rector farewell. provement of Foster, Carpenter, to be under control. He said never became diacouraged when be posed plan of modernising street Children's Safely Murphy of Westslde avenue, Red Hubbard, Applegate, Manning, ' craft was not up among the leader New Jersey State Department of Rev. Butt takes up his new du- Bank, as treasurer of the Jersey Mr. Brasch, had undertaken lighting, the Highlands council Education and tbe Veterans' Ad- Newman and George streets- and_ road job as a personal benefaction^ and always showed a one spirit of Tuesday night decided to write to la Basis Of Request ties as rector of Christ Church, Central Power & Light company, ministration. The On-the-Job Train- Baltimore, on the following Sunday, May court in River Plaza. Mc- for residents of River Plaza, wh" sportsmanship In competition with tbe Jersey Central Power 4 Light succeeding Robert- R. Bolllngcr, re- Dowell charged $850.28 for furnish- older and more experienced mem- Parents In the Patterson avenue ing program offers to veterans a September IS. In this church bis signed. Mr. Murphy has been sta- la In the fifth Mlddletown Sleetli company to continue their^ survey definite training in a job with a ing, delivering and applying 6,845 district, of which Mr. Brasch }(g bers of the sailing group. of the borough's lighting problem. section of Shrewsbury attended the 9:30 o'clock service is broadcast tistician of the company since 1925 future. While training under the over one of the local stations in gallons of asphaltic oil at 9% cents the nominal Republican leader.,;. The awards were presented by A. It Is hoped that the survey, meeting of the Shrewsbury borough and last year he was appointed as- a gallon, and $843.50 for furnishing, new program the veteran will re- Baltimore. Rev. Butt and his fam- When queried further on the P*$jU T. MacVeagh and Kenneth R. which was started last week, will mayor and council Tuesday night, sistant secretary. delivering and applying 241 tons of ceive from Sigmund Eisner com- ily expect to move to their new ject, he explained that this was not?, Smith, co-chairmen of the regatta be continued within tbe next two while their spokesman, Charles J- Mr. MuTphy began his utility car- crushed blue stone at $3.50 a ton. pany the standard wage scale for a home In Roland Park, Baltimore, normal practice, and he did no committee, assisted by Chester A. weeks and at the conclusion of the Markham of Alameda court, asked eer in 1816 with the Public Service Five per cent discount waa allowed the town fathers to institute ac- learner, plus a subsistence allow- the early part of next week. know what the intentions had been;! Apy, chairman of the prize com- Inspection by the company tbe bor- company of New Jersey at Red bringing the total to $1,419.09. r tion which would result In side- ance from the Federal government previously, but he could assure "' '' . mlttee. ough stands ready to meet com- There will be no immediate Bank. His training was In the ac- walks on the wMt side of Broad of $85 a month for veterans with- The thoroughfares completely re- Register that the county would notS pany officials and discuss Immedi- change in the services at St. counting section and he continued Prize winners also Included tin street, from Thomas street to the out dependents, add $90 a month surfaced with aephaltic oil and pay for the job. He went on t~ ', following: ate action. George's as Rev. George A. Robert- in that position until the Jersey opposite side of White street.' for those having dependents. The shaw will begin his rectorship there Central acquired the Red Bank crushed blue stone Include Man- ther to say that he wouldn't Benjamin L. Atwater perpetual Tbe borough has shown its In- ning, Applegate. Carpenter, New- such a thing, but If Mr. BrascSi Because school reopens Monday, length of time during which the September 15. Rev. Butt has been property from Public Service and trophy, Marie J. Irwln; Willis A. terest in the beach erosion prob- veteran will receive subsistence al- man, George, Foster strePts and wanted to curry favor with his conjr| lem, common to all shore areas, the residents were anxious to have rector of St. George's since June 15, he was transferred to the general Clayton perpetual trophy, Leslie R. lowance la 24 weeks. office as statistician. May court Hubbard avenue, a stituents that way, it waa his !d«y by accepting an Invitation of the sidewalks constructed so that chil- 1941, when he came to the parish ' Stewart, Jr.; Clayton diver dish to dren would not be required to cross county road, is also listed in Mc- and his money. As to the use ot| Jerry JeroUunon for Sneakboxw board of freeholders to attend a When the sum of the veteran's after being chaplain at the U. S. He is a member of the Red Bank Dowell's bill.