Franciscan Vocation of St. Anthony of Padua
This year marks the Eighth three on the Annunciation, three on the Centenary of the “Franciscan Purification, and one on the Assumption. vocation of St. Anthony of Padua” These are numbered among his Sermones Mariales. as Pope Francis remarked in his Besides these, however, we find references to the letter to Carlos Trovarelli, Minister Blessed Virgin Mary in many of his Sunday and General of the Friars Minor Feast Day sermons, especially in his sermon for the Conventual commemorating this event, Third Sunday of Lent, which says: “Blessed is the dated February 15, 2020. womb that bore thee, and the breasts that nursed On January 16, 1220, the young Augustinian thee” (Luke 11:27). Canon Regular, Fernando Martins de Bulhões, on These are known as his Sermones Dominicales hearing of the martyrdom of five Franciscans in [Sunday sermons]. Among his Sermones Solemnitatum Morocco, decided to enter the Franciscan Order or Sanctorales [Sermons for Solemnities or Feasts] and became known to the world as Anthony of there are four other sermons or outlines for the Padua. Purification, and six additional outlines for the feast Anthony died on June 13, 1231, at the Poor Clare of the Annunciation. monastery at Arcella (now part of Padua), aged 35, Furthermore, all the sermons on the mysteries of and was canonized by Pope Gregory IX on May our Lord’s life highlight Mary; for example, his 30, 1232, at Spoleto, Italy, less than one year after sermons for the Feasts of the Nativity of our Lord, his death. of the Epiphany, and of the Resurrection.
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