Third International Workshop on Chronic Kidney Diseases of Uncertain/Non-Traditional Etiology in Mesoamerica and Other Regions
Report From the Third International Workshop on Chronic Kidney Diseases of Uncertain/Non-Traditional Etiology in Mesoamerica and Other Regions March 20-22, 2019 San José, Costa Rica Workshop organized by: Consortium for the Epidemic of Nephropathy in Central America and Mexico (CENCAM), National Institutes of Health: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), and World Health Organization Regional Offices: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and South-East Asia Regional Office (SEARO) Workshop organizing committee (in alphabetical order): Daniel Brooks (CENCAM), Ricardo Correa-Rotter (CENCAM), Jennifer Crowe (CENCAM), Marvin González-Quiroz (CENCAM), Kristina Jakobsson (CENCAM), Bonnie Joubert (NIEHS), Paul Kimmel (NIDDK), Ty Lawson (NIEHS), Susan Mendley (NIDDK), Brittany Trottier (NIEHS) Technical Series SALTRA Central American Program for Health, Work, and Environment (SALTRA) 616.61 T14r Third International Workshop on Chronic Kidney Diseases of Uncertain/Non-Ttraditional Etiology in Mesoamerica and Other Regions (2019 Mar. 20-22: San José, Costa Rica) Report from the Third International Workshop on Chronic Kidney Diseases of Uncertain/Non-Traditional Etiology in Mesoamerica and Other Regions Editors: Jennifer L. Crowe, Bonnie R. Joubert, Daniel R. Brooks – Heredia, C.R.: SALTRA/IRET- UNA, 2020. 118 páginas: ilustraciones a color, fotografía. (Serie Salud; Trabajo y Ambiente; n° 36). Publicado también con la serie: Informe técnicos IRET, n° 38 ISBN 978-9968-924-35-1 1. RIÑONES, 2. ENFERMEDADES, 3. NEFROLOGIA, 4. EPIDEMIOLOGIA, 5. FISIOPATOLOGÍA, 6. ENFERMEDADES DEL APARATO URINARIO, 7. PLAGUICIDAS, 8. TRABAJO, 9. AGRICULTURA, 10. ENFERMEDADES OCUPACIONALES, 11. MESOAMÉRICA I. Crowe, Jennifer, editor, II.
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