LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA Wednesday, 3 March, 1982 Time - 2:00 p.m. PRIVATE BILLS: (11) Hon. Messrs. Adam, Desjardins, Hon. Mrs. Hem OPENING PRAYER by Mr. Speaker. phill, Hon. Mr. Schroeder, Mr. Ashton, Mrs. Ham mond, Messrs, Harper, Hyde, Malinowski, Sherman, MR. SPEAKER, Hon. D. James Walding (St. Vital): Steen. Presenting Petitions ... Reading and Receiving Petitions ... INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: (11) Hon. Messrs. Cowan, Kostyra, Schroeder, Hon. PRESENTING REPORTS BY STANDING Mrs. Smith, Messrs. Blake, Enns, Mercier, Nordman, AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES Ms. Phillips, Messrs, Scott, Storie. MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Attorney-General. STATUTORY REGULATIONS AND ORDERS: (11) Hon. Mr. Penner, Messrs. Bucklaschuk, Carroll, Ms. HON. ROLAND PENNER (Fort Rouge): Mr. Speaker, Dolin, Messrs. Fox, Graham, Harper, Kovnats, I beg to present the First Report of the Special Com McKenzie, Mrs. Oleson, Ms. Phillips. mittee of Seven Persons appointed to prepare a list of members of the Standing Committees ordered by the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: (11) House. Hon. Mr. Cowan, Hon. Mrs. Smith, Hon. Mr. Uskiw, Messrs. Ashton, Brown, Ms. Dolin, Messrs. Filmon, MR CLERK, Jack Reeves: Your Special Committee of Johnston, Lecuyer, McKenzie, Scott. Seven Persons, appointed to prepare a list of members of the Standing Committees ordered by the House RULES OF THE HOUSE: (8) beg leave to present the following as their First Hon. Mr. Penner, Messrs. Anstett, Corrin, Fox, Gra Report: ham, Kovnats, Ransom, Santos. Your Committee prepared the following list of All of which is respectfully submitted. members to compose the Standing Committees ordered by the House: MR. PENNER: I move, seconded by the Honourable Member for Turtle Mountain that the Report of the PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS: (11) Comm ittee be received.
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