THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD, BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Veterans Home pays tribute to victims of Sept. 11 attacks BY DONNA RHODES Hampshire Veterans’ It was a day that united Chaplain David Clark
[email protected] Home in Tilton. the country, bringing of the Resident Council TILTON — “Their On the 15th anniversa- everyone together. and the Pledge of Alle- sacrifices shall not be ry of the Sept. 11 attacks “It was an act meant giance led by Sergeant- in vain. Let us always on the World Trade Cen- to cause confusion in at-Arms Richard Milya- remember. Let us nev- ter and the Pentagon, the United States of ro. er forget,” said Army and the thwarted fourth America, but what hap- Bill Bertholdt, presi- veteran Thomas Wiley, attack when civilians pened is, it caused more dent of the council, also State Commander of aboard United Airlines resolve among Ameri- had several observa- the American Legion Flight 93 crashed it into cans,” he said. tions about that dark Department of New a field in Shanksville, The residents of day in American histo- Hampshire during last Penn., Wiley said there NHVH began their trib- ry. He noted that plans Sunday’s Patriot Day was one thing special he ute last Sunday morning to build the 110-story Observance at the New recalls about that day. with an invocation by SEE TRIBUTE, PAGE A15 Van Tassel resigns from Sanbornton Select Board BY DONNA RHODES
[email protected] He said he is sad to to come first and he just board time to seek let- SANBORNTON — step down as a selectmen can’t continue to do both ters of interest from Sanbornton Selectman and wished he could at at the level of commit- those who would like to DONNA RHODES Johnny Van Tassel re- least finish his term, ment they each require fill the remainder of his Thomas Wiley, State Commander of the American Legion gretfully submitted his which ends next March.