P T1 A.TyC.AArt'


To be presented at the Annual General Meeting held on 28th August 1995

OFFICIALS 1994 -95 Patron The Right Honorable The Lord Mayor of Adelaide H. NINIO ESO.

Vice -Patron The Chairman SACA. Cricket Committee B. WILSON ESQ.

President S.T. LANE ESC.

Vice -President B.S. FRY ESQ.

Chairman R.W. WIGLEY ESQ.

Honorary Treasurer J.D. HYAMS ESQ.

Board of Management R.W. WIGLEY (Chairman), R.K. COLE (Vice -Chairman), J.D. HYAMS (Treasurer) R.W. BALL, N.W. KEEN, R.J. WILES, M. VINCI




General Manager G.T. GOULTER ESQ.



The role of the President of the Adelaide Turf Cricket Association is not a particularly onerous

one if the administration of the Association is proceeding smoothly and I am,pleased'to be able to report that under the sound Chairmanship of Bob Wigley, the Committee has again this season performed very creditably and efficiently in providing one of the largest and finest cricket environments for players in the country.

Much"of the credit must also go to Gerry Goulter únder whose management things just continue to happen. Ultimately there can be no greater measure of efficiency and performance., My thanks are extended to him on, behalf -of all connected with Túrf Cricket.

Getting enough umpires continues to be a problem despite the best efforts of those administering the Umpires Association. But that does not deter those who are involved from making á very

valuable contribution to the success of the Association. In return, I know that the umpires enjoy their contact with the majority of the players and there is also great camaraderie amongst the umpires themselves.

The one day competition continues to grow in popujarity. The attraction of that will no doubt create its own challenges for the Association as will the introduction next seasoq of the Premier Grade with its emphasis on the quality of club facilities, administration and discipline. Hopefully that will also add to the reputation of what is already a well regarded Associatiön.

Junior cricket is obviously in good hands. The quality of the players coming through the ranks is an indication of that, as is the emphasis that is placed on the proper mahner in which the game is played. The Associ'ationis very fortunate to have such good people at this level of administration.

Secretaries and committees of management at all the clubs also play an essential role and players should never take'those dedicated people fdr grantèQ,

Overall the, 1994/95 season has been a successful one and we all look forward to the challenges of next season.


I have pleasure in submitting for consideration the Sixty-second Annual Report of the Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated a report, as General Manager, that covers the affairs and the continual growth of the Association.

A total of 45 Clubs participated, who fielded 130 Turf (two day teams), 31 Turf (one day teams), and 21 Junior teams. A grand total of 17 grades with 182 teams.

The Association again had a successful programme of Inter-Association matches at various age levels against the S.A. Cricket Association and the Para Districts Cricket Association.

The Association extends their thanks and appreciation to all business houses who helped by advertising in our Programme Handbook, and tits; they may be rewarded for their hqlpful.assistance. ADMINISTRATION The Association was again honoured-to have as our Patron, the Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Mr Henry Ninio and we thank him for his support.

To Mr Brian Wilson, Chairman of the S.A.C.A. Cricket Committee, we thank him for his continued support as Vice- Patron of AT.C.A. Inc.

ÏNr Simon Lane, President and Mr Barry Fry, Vice-President corìtinuéd (heir support and interest in the direction the aséociatiorï is taking. We thank them for their services to this Association. Delegates meetings were held regularly during ìhe season and were well attended. The Association and Delegates were appreciative of the facilities made available by Payneham Cricket Club.

The Board of Management met on 12 occasions under the Chairmanship of Mr Bob Wigley. Members of thë Board spent many hours in and out of meetings for the advancement of the association. The association is grateful for their achieverdents in another véry busy year.

The continued support and co-operation the Association rèceived from the S.A. Cricket Association is greatly appreciated, especially from David Johnston thé Cricket Operations Manager, Harvey Jolly the Development Managér and Grant Wyman Director of Coaching, which is continuing to bring both associations to a closer understanding which is beneficial to the overall cricket scene. STATISTICS

Season 1994 -95 statistics were: 4374 Players were registered. 1218 Players never played a match. 221 Clearances were granted. The association received the grand sum of $13,57050 in fines Which" is one statistic the association can do without andclubs can not be prdud of. 14 Players were awarded 15 year Player Life Membership. 7 Players were awarded 25 ypar Player Life Membership. UMPIRES

The number of umpires available was on par with the previous season. I can not foresee howrre will over achieve the numbers we require. As players retire from the game, the last thing that they want to do is take up umpiring.

All sport§ are suffering 'from the same problems, I wonder if they reflect tiack to fhb Years they played the game and the cheek and abuse they have given that they do not wish to put up with it themselves.

Barry Droegemueller in his first year as Coach carried out his duties to a high ,degree of efficiency, ably acking him was Mr Bob Ball and also Mr Don Moffat. Barry has been re- appointed for the forthcoming season'

The Umpires Association is going through some changes tò their organisation which will, in the longterm, be beneficial in creating a working environment between both associations. With regular meetings during the season, tIfey have played a major part towards keeping the umpires interested. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS

The social side of the Association was mainly the presentation evenings and Past Players luncheon.

The Junior evening was held through the courtesy of Pooraka Cricket Club with the use of their clubrooms and facilities. Over 100 in attendance made up of juniors and their parents.

The Senior presentation dinner was held through the courtesy of Woodville North Ferryden Park Cricket Club at Ferryden Park. 174 members and guests attended to honour the Premiers, trophy winners and recipients of Playing Life Membership certificates.

The Past Players Association luncheon was held at Rob Roy Hotel, Adelaide with a larger attendance than previous years. 38 Past Players and partners were in attendance. The increase in numbers was created because more clubs supplied names. It just shows that with some co-operation, this is a function that will succeed. Those in attendance enjoyed a very good dinner and plenty of reminiscing of past glories. SPONSORSHIP I, This year the Association conthued to r§ceive grand súppórtllrtough'sponsorships received from Foundation S.A., Brock Partners Real Estate and Kookaburra Sports. For the first time Rowe & Jarman Sports became a major sponsor with their cricket ball sponsorship frorn Which 24 club§ benefitted. To thèse foúr companies - we appreciate your support

FOUNDATION S.A. renewed their sponsorship for a further three year period for the promotion of junior cricket. Money from this sponsorship "again reduced thë costs to clubs fielding junior teams.

BROCK PARTNERS REAL ESTATE, throughttr Michael Brock continued their sponsorship of the Brock Partners Knock Out Cup for the tenth successive year.

KOOKABURRA SPORTS donated cricket balls for all inter- associationsnatches, "A" & "B" grade finals and all mitches in the Brock Partners Cup. Presented cricket shirts with association rego to all players in the U/23 team: plus a bonus on every top grade ball purchased by clubs.

ROWE & JARMAN SPORTS gave each club a $50 voucher with each dozen cricket balls purchased through the association. HIGHLLGI{TS

Playing an overseas touring team Gymkhana Cricket Club Shah Jamal 'Lalioie and winning. This was the second time that our association has played a team from another country, the first being from New Zealand. The finalization'bf the criteria and Commitment by clubs for ndhìination intb the'nbw Premier Grade and the drafting of the new Premier Grade for season 1995/96.

The overwhelming success of the 0055 telephone number system for premiership points and positions, plus cancellations caused b'y bad weather. The regular meetings,between associations with the Intention of reforming the Cricket Union of South Australia. Nine associations are attending and showing-interest, they are the A.T.C.A., SALA., Adelaide & Suburban, Para Districts, Independent Central, S.A. Churches, Hills, S.A. Women's and Southern Cricket, Associations. This was instigated by the A :T.C.A. resulting from a visit to Melbourne by the General Manager. Bob Wigley is Chairman, Bob Ball Minute Secretary and yours1ruly as Co-ordinator. The success of this union should foster betterrelationships between all Associations and for the future of cricket in South Australia.

The popularity of the "One Day" competition increasing to three grades and in the forthcoming season to four.

Sponsoring and organising a Junior Clinic in the Western suburbs which was well attended. The success of this clinic has encouraged the Board of Management to have one in the Northern and Southern suburbs ,during the 1995/96 season.

Attending the Á.G.M. of The Victorian Sub District Cricket Association to witness Colin Shipley's list evening in office as President in August. Then being invited by the Victorian Cricket Association, who flew me over, for the Presentation Evening at the M.C.G. for Colin in November.

The amount of work undertaken and completed by the Board of Management with its seven members was outstanding. CONCLUSION The Adelaide Turf moves into another era in season 1995/96. It will be interesting to watch the progress of the new innovations being put into operation.

A major sponsor has to be found for the new Premier Grade, this is now a top priority project.

The success of the Cricket Union which will be a great achievement for cricket in South Australia.

The continuing success of our Forward Planning Committee taking us into the year 2000 with progressive ideas. Stephen Sykes who has been appointed the Association Cricket Coach has a vital role of lifting the performances of all our association representative teams to achieve success in the West End Cup and Inter -Association matches plus an improvement in the standard of our underage players.


Last season again proved most successful, -both on the field with some super cricket performances and off the field with Clubs and the Association being supported by a myriad of supporters.

A.T.C.A. promoted fixtures at both junior and senior levels,with the enjoyment of cricket and the development of the game being the main aims. Richmond Clarence Park, after a most successful minor round, outplayed other contenders to-win the A.1 flag. Grange finished :'runners up" in the Aïl'grade arid were worthy winners of the Brock Partners Limited Overs competition. Fitting results to two very well administered clubs. Other highlights`included victories over the touring Pakistan team, Lahore Gymkhana Shah-Jamal and Para Districts Association in the annual Masters game. Nick Wundke from Brighton won the A.1, cricketer of the year trophy`with some outstanding'efforts with the bat. "

Whilst we did experience many highlights, standards did deteriorate in a number of areas. Qur West End Cup representatives worked manfully but found themselves' overwhelmed from time to time. Many of dur senior players failed to make themselves available for this prestigious competition. Although we have very strong administration support for our Junior program, we did in general, struggle to maintain acceptable standards: the main problem being the lack of player numbers caused in part by the large squads and subsequent player drain to S.A.C.A. clubs. We will however continue with our support of and do pledge to maintain and increase programs to boost our impetus.

Other trouble areas include continuing problems with player behaviour, a general deterioration of player dress standards and a new problem, tampering with . The Board is currently implementing updated policies to toughen up and impose increased penalties where appropriate.

A special thank you must go to members of the Board who gave tirelessly of their time. Gerry Goulter as General Manager continues to provide super support along with our endless band of sub -committee supporters. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of our umpires. Umpires Coach, Barry Droegemueller has now welded a very solid than. AN.C.A. continues to acknowledge the support given by our sponsors. Major contributions by Brock Partners.Real Estate, Foundation SA, Kookaburra Sports and Roweiand Jarman Sports Store are greatly appreciated.

Last season's presentations were held at Pooraka (Juniors) and FerrydenPark (Seniors). Bgth were most supcessful catering for award presentations. Attendances were healthy and included members of the A.TC.A. Executive and

Board. I would also like to acknowledge the attendance of Mr Alf Marlow (our oldest Life Member) and Mr Reg Duffy(after a long illness)!

Future planning has been most intense over the last year. With the advent of the new "Premier Grade ", there has been a whole host of considerations including sponsorships, ovals policies, rules/formats etc. In addition, the eight. major cricket associations in Adelaide have formed a union and as part of their charter are endeavouring to foster cricket to the benefit 9f all South Australians. Some of these aspects include providing a united front towards liaising with local government associations, a united approach toward in particular the development of Junior cricket in Adelaide, the facilitation of common administration systems and 'many other aspects of a general and minor nature.

What's happening in the coming year? ATC A. hosts the Victorian Sub-District Association (let's go for a big result) West End Cup (we're looking for lots more support). The new Premier Grade (a new exciting better standard of cricket). A.TC.A. Juniors - we are,implementing updated playing rules, will continue to provide low costs to clubs and are implementing improved coaching clinics and seminars. Increased sponsorships (to help clubs fight off higher costs).

I wish clubs all the best for a super 1995 -96 season!


Members: R.W. Ball (Chairperson), D.W. Moffat, K. Greenwood, -R.H. Spence! B.G. Droegemueller.

The Laws of Cricket state that "before the toss for the innings two (2) umpires shall be appointed, one (1) for each end to control the game ". This rather simple prerequisite is the prime objective of the Umpires Appointment Committee; who in conjunction with the Umpire's Coach is responsible for the development and training of Umpires,within the A.IC:A.

Cricket demands that umpires must have a sound knowledge of the game and the Laws of Cricket, have clear dye sight, keen hearing,.dven temperament, stamina, integrity andability to remain unmoved under all circumstances. Based on theseíacts it's relatively easy to understand why cricket associations are confronted with the traditional problem of having insufficient` numbers for the season's requirements.

This'season the A.T.C.A..commencedthe year with 63 registered members which included 6 individuals who were commencidg their first year of umpiring in an official capacity. Whilst this number-was less than the Committee had planned those individuals who took up their positions did so knowing that they.had recently successfully completed a training program and that they had the backing of a skillful and respected Umpire's Coach. Mr Barry Droegemuellerwas appointed as the A.T.C.A: sdimpireCoach to design and implement training programs which give individuals exposure to.the finer points of umpiring and enhance their respective understanding`of the Laws of Cricket. The task confronting Barry will, without doubt, take some time to fully implement, but with his

enthusiasm and,dddication I have no doubt he will succeed. I believe the standard of umpiring within the AT.C.A. generally to tie of a very acceptable standard, but that is ñôt,fo Say we' should adopt a complacent- approacff.'

The appointment of umpires to matches is to a large degree ranked in alignment with information forwarded to the áppointmedts'panel. In this regárd'capfalds Uwe it to the derde - and umpires generally to be frank, honest and constructivdin their comments. On the ether hang nothing will undermine the morale4f an umpire quicker than the practice of players trying to find fault with ever %thing they do. The net effect of this chn be^garged by the numb& of umpires who retire from the game each season. Players have a duty to assist umpires to make correct judgements and not take part in intimidatory mass appeals.

Special appreciation must go to Mr Don Moffat, an old colleague of mine and long standing Chairman and member of the Umpire's Committee who recently announced his retir¢ment`Arom the adminitstrative affairs of the association.

In closing, I would on behalf of Don and Barry like to,extend our thanks to all the club officials, team captains and umpires for contributing to the success of the season end especial tharlks to all thedeIrÇdiviähals who volunteered their services to umpire, in the semi finals., r 't

, ROBERT -W. BALL Chairperson



Impresenting this, my first report as the Umpires Coach óf the Adelaide Turf Cricket Association, I wish to acknowledge the support'of the Bbard'o*Mana

There were 60 registered umpires and an averagq of 52 officiating eachSaturday. We had six first year umpires who with the regulars of, last season performed at a generally high standard which was most satisfying from my point of view. J G Unfortunately, on average 13 Club Captains failed to send irr reports on umpires each match. These reports assist in assessing umpires performances although there are some Captains who believe the reports are not read or acted upon.

The lack of umpires is always of concern and with the possibility,that there are a number of players retiring qr perhaps, not quite able to make the grade as players, may be they would consider having a go at umpiring. Clubs are also asked to encourage those players who are consìddring giving the game away, to take up umpiring. The more umpires we have the, more games are covered, and the more pressure, is applied to perforgt through the grades.,

The Umpires School will probably be conducted in August/September' and everybody Is welcbme to attend and expand their knowledge of the laws of our unique game of cricket. o

In closing, I wish to thank Bob Ball and Don Moffat for their assistance and efforts in 1994/95 and, look forward to the 1995/96 season following my re-appointment.


Members: R.K. Cole, B.S:,Fry,'A. Perkins,S.W. Sykes & B. Chatlens. The 1994/95 season held many new challenges for this committed. The season started in August with 5 weeks of pre- season coaching for U/14's and U/16's at the Adelaide Oval Indoor Centre. Boys from all clubs with junior teams were invited and with an average attendance of 30 boys per session it proved a very worthwhile project, many of these boys went on to represent the Association in matches against the S.A.C.A. and Para Districts Cricket Association with very good results. Last season for the first time, the A.C.A. was invited to take part in the S.A.C.A. West.End Cup. Our results were not really up to expectations and the one match in which our batting performed well we had the bad luck to meet Ben Johnson of Adelaide C.C. (before his Sheffield Shield debut) in scintillating form. The association fielded representative teams in U/14's, U/16's, U/16's, U/23's, Seniors andMasters competitions. A total of more than 10 matches being played of whcih more than half were against S.A.C.A. teams or Clubs. This exposure to the top cricketers in our state can only in the long term lead to an improverhent in our association's players abilities.

I would like to take this opportunity to THANK all players who represented our association in.these matches, also the players who attended the practice sessions for their enthusiasm and good behaviour, both at practice and representative matches.

From a selection point of view, we would like to see all players in all grades make themselves available for association matches and accept selection in these teams as the honour that it really is.

in conclusion, I would like to thank my fellow committee members Barry Fry, Tony Perkins, Steve Sykes and Brett Challens for the many hours they put in visiting club matches, practice sessions, managing teams and selection meetings. THANK YOU GEtITLEMEN FOR A JOB WELL DONE,

ROBIN K. COLE Chairman


Members:,N.W. Keen (Chairman), R.H. Spence, G. Altree, R.C. Gill & J. Mead.

The 1994 -95 season had junior teams competing in divisions of U/16 and U /14. Richmond Clarence Park fielded an U/14 team for the first time. The Underage competition consisted of 22 teams with twelve (12) participating in the U/16 division with ten (10) in the U/14 division. The finals in both grades were keenly contested with Brighton Successful in the U/16 grade while Gaza won the U/14 grade. Modbury were runner up in both competitions. Inter Association matches were played in both age groups against S.AC A and Para Districts, scoreboards of these matches are contained in this report.

Following the Club visitation programme in early 1994, initiatives resulting from this programme were implemented during season 1994/95.

A very important plus for all Clubs with Juríior teams was the surpplyiñg of all match balls for the minor round.

A workshop seminar was conducted at Ferryden Park on Sunday October 23rd 1994. Keynote speakers Included Ian Wallace and Tim Hoffmann (Coaching Skills), Barry Droegemueller (Laws of Cricket)^and Gerry Goulter, (Administration). Sincere thanks to these gentlemen. Whilst the numbers attending was disappointing, the content and information provided by all participants was of an excellent standard. This was an opportunity for all Clubs, in particular those witlf'Juniors, to understand the basis for developing our Juniors for thb benefit of tricker in South Australia. Special thanks to Woodville North/ Ferryden Park Cricket Club fo their support. Additional Clinics and workshops are proposed for the forthcoming season trust all clubs and interested parties will take the opportunity to participate and support.

During February a survey was conducted by way of a questionnaire to a wide range of registered Junior Players within the Association. Thanks we recorded for participants who responded. The results are being analysed during the winter recess with a view to incorporate the findings in next season's programme.

Th,ese four initiatives were made possible by the great support of Foundation SA.

A successful Junior Presentation night was held at Pooraka on April 28th 1995. Premiership Shields and Individual awards were presented, including the Myer Cricket Club Perpetual trophies and Foundation SA "Special Award" to all members of the Brighton U/16 premiership team. To these great sponsors we express our sincere thanks. Our appreciation to the Pooraka Cricket Club for again hosting a very enjoyable evening and congratulations to the compere, Roger Spence.

In conclusion, the success of any committee is the dedication and quality of its members. I was privileged to be supported by a great team, held many meetings and will continue to meet at any time to initiate programmes to the support for the development of Junior Players and their Clubs. A very rewarding season, it is our aim to continue our drive for the future of all young potential to have the opportunity to participate.


Members: R.J. Wiles, K. Greenwood, C. Moore.

Once again this year the Commissioner has taken a hard line against all players who have fronted the tribunal during the season. Of great concern during the past season has been the reporting of players for physical assaults on each otherand of continual abuse of umpires.

Thus each person found guilty of these reports have been dealt with most severely and cannot, and will not, receive any sympathy whatsoever from the Commissioner.

Once again, I musi stress the point that Captains must be in control of their teams and that Clubs must appoint people who are capable and willing to control their players at all times.

With the start of a new era within the Adelaide Turf Cricket Association, I trust that the clubs bdcome much more professional in their approach to dress standards and player behaviour in all grades, not just those controlled by association umpires.

Just remember that one misdemeanor in a lower grade can place the whole Club in jeopardy of a huge fine or whatever the Board of Management ofthe A.C.A. sees fit. This has happened to one of our major Clubs, so I am pbinting this out that we, as an association, are willing to take the necessary action to'stamp out the behaviour that spoils our great game.

ROBEß1' J. WILES Chairman


Members: M. Vinci (Chairman), K.J. Duke, A. Perkins. Season 199495 was a very interesting year with regards to standard of ovals, pitches and facilities within A.T.C.A. Early in the season, most pitches and ovals were of a comparatively high standard, but as the dry weather set in, several clubs' inadequacies were shown up. Even some of our premier grounds had a dry brown look about them.

Good cricket pitches'require müch'time and money to product-As-the cost, both labour and water escalate; cricket alulis will need to rein [flora efficiently to both survive and prosper. Maybe duplicating use of best facilities on Sundays may produce more income for no further expenditure i.e. possibility of a grade or two for Sunday play!

This'year many complaints were noticed on the A.T.C.A. ground report forms. They ranged from very poor reports on pitch standards and poor oval marking to the most common complaint of little or no drinks or afternoon tea and often locked toilet facilities. This is unacceptable in ATCA. May i also remind a couple of clubs concerned,Rhat changing ovals from that nominated in A.T.C.A. program handbook requires prior notification to General Manager and not just merely pulling opposition and umpires aside on Saturday afternoon.

Finals ovals and pitches were generally of a very good standard, although in March as weather gets coldèr, the usé of excess water especially late in pitch preparation does not sit well on dewy mornings!

The coming season will have an A.TC.A. by-law in place regarding operational scoreboards at "A' grade grounds and Premier grade clubs will be required to have sightscreens. Let's Improve our facilities which should improve our cricket and our enjoyment of the game.



The,financial result for the year ended 31st May 1995 was a deficiency of $1,854 (1994 surplus of $8,852) before abnormal items.

Total income decreased by $3,320, principally due to a reduction in Foundation SA sponsorship receipts. Total expenditure increased by $7,386, principally due to a significant increase in junior development expenses.

During the year, the sub -committee reviewed the investment portfolio to bring it more into line with the Board of Management's preferred weighting of income -producing, rather than growth assets. This review will be on- going, and transactions will be entered into when the Board considers the timing to be appropriate.

The Board faces challenges to maintain the Association's healthy net asset position of $94,033, and I look forward to contributing to these tasks.

J.D. HYAMS Chairman Á6ELAIDÉ TURF' CRICKET ABSOCIATIÓN 'INCORPORATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MAY 1995 Nob 1891 198$ ACCUMULATED SURPLUS Opening Balance 104,880 92,878 Surplus/(Deficiency) for the year (10,847) 12,004 Represented by:- 94,033 104,880 CURRENT ASSETS Cash at Bank and on Hand 6,380 13,841 Cash on Deposit 11,488 1,412 Investment in cash -based securities - at cost and market value 24,881 20,771 Receivables - gqffiliated clubs 3 978 813 Receivables - dthe/ 1,051 790 Stock on hand 7,165 5,182

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 51,921 , 42,809 NON CURRENT ASSETS Investment In shares - at cost 11,847 12,814 (Market value: 1995 $30,084, 1994 545,570) Investment in cash -based securities 50,788 50,299 (market value: 1995 $51,524; 1994 $51,849) Plant 2 3,965, 2,492 TOTAL NON -CURRENT ASSETS , 66,400 65,605 TOTAL ASSETS 118,321 108,414 Less: - CURRENT LIABILITIES Sundry creditors 2,974 1,343 Provision for employee entitlements 4 2,308 2,191

Provision for interstate association matches 5 5,000 - Provision for junior development costs 6 13,016 - TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 23,298 3,534 NON -CURRENT LIABILITIES Provision for employee entitlements '4 990 TOTAL NON -CURRENT LIABILITIES 990 TOTAL LIABILITIES 24,288 3,534 NET ASSÈfè S94,b33 $104,880

STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MAY 1995 Note 1995q -1994 INCOME 5 5 Receipts from cluis - affiliation 41,605 42,204 Receipts from clubs - fines 13,814 8,054 Receipts from sponsors 10000 20,000 Interest 4,304 ' 4,941 Dividends 2,351 2,131 Advertising 3,675 4,100 Social activities 2,629 x2,400 Telephone - 0055 facility 1,201 Sundry 1,352 421 80,931 EXPENDITURE ' 84,251 Annual leave (net increase) 117 2,384 Audit fee, 1,225 1,225 Bank fees 395 278 Diminution in investment 1,350 Depreciation 952 1,204 Doubtful debts 488 - Fringe benefits tax 612 Insurance 1,403 1,308 Junior development 14,539 3,924 Long service leave (net increase) 990 Postage and general 1,803 3,679 Printing and stationery 12,394 11,055 Publicity 136 Rent 3,313 4,219 Salary & honoraria 34,857 32,827 Senior coaching/association matches 1,263 2,848 Shields and trophies 1,833 '2,986 Social activities 3,083 3,531 Sundry 1,088 382 Superannuation 1,172 846 Telephone 988 162 Umpires 470 1,055 82,785 75,399 SURPLUS/(DEFICIENCY) BEFORE ABNORMAL ITEMS (1,854) 8,852 ABNORMAL ITEMS: Net profit on sale of investments 9,023 3,152 Provision for Interstate association matches 5 (5,000) Unearned income 6 (13,016 SURPLUS/(DEFICIENCY) FOR THE YEAR S(10,847) 12,004 AFTER ABNORMAL ITEMS ADELAIDE TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED STATEMENT OF CASH 'FLOWS FOR.THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MAY 1995 1995 1994 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES á $ Receipts from clubs 54,765 51,065 Receipts from sponsors 10,000 20,000 Receipts from others 10,902 9,052 Interest received 4;349 4,104 Payments to suppliers andemployee (80,958) (89,043) NET CASH (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES (942) (4,822) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of shares 11,513 4,943 ProcEeds from sale of cash -based securities 8,557 Withdrawals (deposits) of dish-based securities (14,110) 4,353 Payment for purchase of plant and equipment (2,425) (167) NET CASH PROVIDED BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES 3,535 9,129 NET INCREASE IN CASH HELD 2,593 4,307 Cash ai beginning of,year 15,253 10,946 CASH AT END OF FINANCIAL YEAR 17,846 15,253 ECONÇJLIATION OF NET CASH USED IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES TO THE SURPLUS /(DEFICIT) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 'NET CASH (USED INpOPERATING ACTIVITIES (942) (4,822) Profit on sale of investments 9,023 3,152 Depreciation (952) (1,204 Diminution in investment (1,3503 Inórease/(decrease) in receivables - affiliated clubs 653 (696) 'Increase /(decrease) in receivables - sundry 261 (111) Increase m stock on hand 1,983 4,500 Increase in Investment In cash -based securities 369 837 Decrease /(increase) In sundry creditors (1,631) 482 ,(Increase) m provision for employee entitlements (3,298) (2,191 Payment of employee entitlements 2,191 13,407 ) (Increase in provision for doubtful debts (488 - (Increase in provision for interstate association match costs (5,000 (Increase in provision for Junior development costs (13,016 SURPLUS/(DEFICIENCY) FOR FINANCIAL YEAR (10,847) 12,004


1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES GENERAL: These financciJal statements have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accoimtiñg Standards and the provisions of the Associations constitution. HISTORICAL COST CONVENTION: These financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the historical cost convention, and except where stated, do not take into account changing money values or current valuations of noncurrent assets. STOCK ON HAND:'Stock has been valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Stock on hand at balance dater was valued using the specific Identification method. DEPRECIATION OF FIXED ASSETS: Fixed assets are depreciated as follows: - historical cost is tt)e base value for depreciation; - rates of depreciation are determined according to the estimated useful life of the items, using the prime cost method. INCOME TAX: The Association is exempt from income tax under the provision of Section 23(g) of the Income Tax Assessment Act. CASH: For the purposesof the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash at bank and current amounts on deposit which are integral to the cash management function and are not subject to a term facility. EMPLOYEE ENTITLEMENTS: Provision'is made for the Association's liability for employee entitlements arising from services rendered bÿ employees to balance date. Employee entitlements expected to be settled within one year together with entitlements arising from wages and salaries, annual leave and sick leave which will be settled after one year, have been measured at their nominal amount. Other employee entitlements payable later than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those entitlements. Contributions are made by the Association to superannuation funds on behalf of employees and are chargäd as expenses when incurred. 2 FIXED ASSETS 1995 1994 $ $ Office Equipment 9,634 7,209 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (5,669) 14,717) 3,965 2,492 3 RECEIVABLES - AFFILIATED CLUBS Amounts owing by clubs t466 813 Less: Provision for doubtful debts (488) - 978 813 4 PROVISION FOR EMPLOYEE ENTITLEMENTS CURRENT Provision for Annual Leave 2,308 2,191 NON -CURRENT Provision for Long Service Leave 990 Total Provision for Employee Entitlements 3,298 2,191 5 PROVISION FOR INTERSTATE ASSOCIATION MATCHES Biannually, representative teams of the Association will play matches against teams from ihterstate cricket associations. It is the Association's policy that the cost of these matches is provided for in advance. 6 UNEARNED INCOME The Association receives sponsorship grants from Foundation SA. Under the terms of the sponsorship agreement, these grants are to be utilised for the development of junior cricket. It is the Association's policy that grants received will be recognised as Income in the income and expenditure statement as the funds are utilised for junior cricket development. The unspent portion of these grants will be recognised as a liability of the Association. The amount of unspent sponsorship grants as at 31st May 1995 was $13,016. This represents a change in accounting policy. The amount of unspent sponsorship grants as at 31st May, 1994 was $24,652, which was not recognised as a liability in the 1994 financial statements. 7 The following persons held positions on the Board of Management during the financial year ended 31st May, 1995: R.W. Wlgley, R.K. Cole, J.D. Hyams, R.W. Ball, N.W. Keen, M. Vinci and R.J. Wiles. The aggregate amount of remuneration received or receivable, directly or indirectly, for the year ended 31st May, 1995 (including salaries, wages, fees and honorariums) from the Association by the above persons in connection with the administration of the Association, amounted to $3,550 (1994 $3,150). The aggregate amount paid during the year ended 31 May, 1995 to a superannuation plan by the Association in respect of the above persons amounted to $Nil (1994 SNil).


In the opinion of the Board Members of Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated; (a) the accompanying profit and loss statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows and notes attached thereto, are drawn up so as to present fairly the results of the Association for the financial year ended 31st May, 1995 and the state of affairs of the Association at 31st May, 1995; and, (b) at the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Association will be able to pay Its debts as and when they fall due.

Signed this 2nd day of August, 1995 In accordance with a resolution of the Board Members.


SCOPE: We have audited the financial report of Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated for the financial year ended 31st May, 1995, comprising the balance, sheet, statement of income and expenditure, statement of cash flows and the notes attached thereto.The,Management Committep are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial report and the information contained therein. We have conducted an independent audit of the financial report In order to express an opinion pnit to the members of Adelaide-Turf Cricket Association Incorporated., Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to próvide reasonable assurance as to whether the financial report Is free of material misstatement. Our procedures Included examination, on a testbasis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures In the financial report, and the evaluation of accounting poticied and significant accounting 95timates. These proceduresandVe been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in áll material respects, the financial report Is presented fairly In accordance with Accounting Standards and 'other mandatory professional reporting requirements (Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views) and relevant statutory and other requirements, so as to present a view which is consistent with our understanding of the Association's financial position, the results of its operations and its cash flows.. The audit opinioq expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis. QUALIFICATION: Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated has recognised as expenditure a provision for future interstate association matches. As at balance date this expenditure had not been incurred. This is a departure from Australian Accounting Standard AAS 1 "Profit and Loss or other Operating Statements ". The total provision for future interstate association matches, provided for but not Incurred as,at 31st, May, 1995 was $5,000. In our opinion, this expenditure should be recognised in the year in which it is incurred. Had this been done, the deficiency for the'year after abnormal items would be $(5,847), accumulated surplus $99,033 and total liabilities $19,288. QUALIFIED AUDIT OPINION: In our opinion, except for the' effects on the financial report of the matter referred to in the qualification paragraph, the financial report presents fairly in accordárjce with applicable Accounting Standards and other mandatory professionatreporting requirements and elevant statutory and other requirements, the financial' position of Adelaide Turf Cricket 'Association Incorporated at 318t May, 1995, and the, results of Its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended.

EDWARDS MARSHALL & CO. Chartered Accountants


Adelaide South Australia

Dated 2nd August'1995

TREASURER'S STATgMENT In my opinion, the,f¿nancial report, comprising the Balance Sheet, Statement of Income & Expenditure, Statemen(of Cash Flows and the notes attached thereto, have been prepared so as to present fairly the financial position of Adelaide Turf Cricket Associationincorporeted as at 31stMay, 1995, and the results of Its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended.

The financial statements depart from Australian Accounting Standard AAS 1 "Profit and Loss or other Operating Statement4f' in that the Association's Board of Management has decided to provide for future costs of Interstate association matches. Except for this departure, the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable Australian accounting standards and the provisions of the AsspClation's constitution.

J.D. HYAMS Treasurer


GRADE SHIELD .-PREMIER 0 " CAPTAIN SECRETARY Al. Pryor Richmond Clarence Park R.B. Colwell G.E. Stevenson 'A.2 Manuell Flinders University 1.8, Cok A. Lee AS Millard Old Ignatians' K."McCárthy E. Davies A.4 Powell E.TS.A. S.J. Goode 'Sil. WilSon -Shaw B.1 Marlow Payneham G.R. Wesley K.J. Duke B.2 Klose!Webb Woodville North /Ferryden Park RT. Holmes Mrs G!J. Chenoweth C A.TC.U.A. Richmond Clarence Park S.J. Knight G.E. Stevenson D Pywell S.H.O.C.. B. Hannus M. Hynes E Wellington, Penfield A.C. Watson Mrs K. Dale. F Hayman .Woodville South L.W.Doyle Mrs D. Sims G Bartlett , Pooraka W.J, Hasch Mrs K. Hickey H Ewing Para Hills RJ..O'Donnell L.A.. Capet 5.A Acraman Grange D.J. Fry, D.W..Gum 5.B Hull Kensington District H.G. Chapman A.D. Rice 5.0 Carman Adelaide High O,8. G ». Taylor P. Volkov U /16 Carne Brighton' 'D. Hocking G. Whittakér U/14 Camp Gaza C Ladhams P. Greer



BATTING 500 Runs Minimum CLUB GRADE RUNS C. Ladhams U/14 932 A.J. Ralhman4 Adelaide High 0.5'. 5.0 925 M. Healey Brighton 4/14 770 P. Courage Brighton U/16 769 N. Wundke Brighton A.1 758 D.L. Mashford Pooraka U/16 736 D.J. Gelven Gaza U/14 690' A.S. Moore Richmond Clarence Park "F" 646 R. Collins Torrens Valley A.3 646 J.C. Pearce S.H.O.C. AS 640 H. MacKay Brighton U/16 634 D.R. Cook Richmond Clarence Park A.1 619 M. Prider Pembroke O.S. A.4 609 D.L. Hillen Gepps Cross U/16 606 R. Holliday University of S.A. A.4 568 D.J. Griffiths Modbury U/16 555 D. Vertudaches Modbury U/16 552 M.C. Riddle Hope Valley A.2 550 D.G. Anderson Ingle Farm District A.1 542 N. Shadiac Edwardstown & Old Concordians U/14 542 S.A. Hine Grange 5.A 542 W. Millard Pulteney 0.S. A.2 541 G.M. Stagg' Richmond Clarence Park A.1 '526 P.G: Box' Para Hills ' A.3 526 K.M. Frick Rostrevor O.C. A.2 518 D.J. Seekamp Grange A.1 515 A.I. Mackie Payneham U/16 514 M.C. Duthie Modbury AS 512 S. Hárby Rostrevor O.C. 5.B 508 D.A. Conroy Walkerville 5.A 505 P.J. Smith Gepps Cross U/16 505 R.J. Haby Grange "C" 503 S.W. Visser Grange 5.A 500 BOWLING 50 Wickets Minimum WKTS C. Ladhams Gaza U/14 85 J. Rogerson Modbury A.2 58 D. Hoare Edwardstown & Old Concordians "H" 57 INTER -STATE ASSOCIATION GAMES DETAILS RELATING TO A.T.C.A. v V.S.D.C.A. MATCHES

1963 Coburg Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 5/320 d AT.C.A. 184 & 5/46 1964 Hawthorn S.A. V.S.D.C.A. 387 d AT.C.A. 7/295 1966 Coburg Vic. V.S.D.GA. 142 d ATC.A. 139 1967 Myer S.A. A.TC.A. 215 & 2/74 d VS.D.C.A. 112 & 175 1969 Waverley Vic. VS.D.C.A. 219 & 1113 d AT.C.A. 113 & 112 1970 Unley S.A. V.S.D.C.A. 8/275 d AT.GA. 241 1971 Brighton Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 7/322 d A.T.C.A. 112 & 0/115 1972 Unley S.A. V.S.D.C.A. 9/248 d A.T.GA. 142 & 1/71 1973 Waverley Vic. AIMA. 276 d VS.D.C.A. 199 1974 Brighton S.A. VS. D.C.A. 267 d MICA. 157 1975 Moorabin Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 257 d ATGA. 101 1976 Brighton S.A. VS.D.C.A. 4/136 d A.T.C.A. 129 1977 Geelong Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 162 d AT.GA. 155 & 3/135 1978 Payneham S.A. A.T.C.A. 360 d V.S.D.C.A. 195 & 0/35 1979 Box Hill Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 236 & 3/185 d AT.C.A. 109 & 1/98 1980 Brighton S.A. A.T.C.A. 131 & 8/170 d VS.D.C.A. 161 & 109 1981 Sunshine Vic. ATCA. 8/262 d V.S.D.C,A. 214 1982 Brighton S.A. A.T.C.A. 208 d V.S.D.C.A. 108 & 3/53 1983 Moorabin Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 7/334 d AT.C.A. 176 1984 Brighton S.A. MICA. 5/348 d V.S.D.C.A. 8/346 1985 Coburg Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 262 & 0/84 d A.T.C.A. 132 & 213 1986 Walkerville S.A. V.S.D.C.A. 356 d ATC.A. 186 & 3/100 1987 Coburg Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 231 d A.T.C.A. 205 1988 Payneham Oval, S.A. A.T.C.A. 303 d V.S.D.C.A. 249 1989 Moorabbin Oval, Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 242 d A.T.C.A. 115 & 5/102 1990 Payneham Oval, S.A. V.S.D.CA. 282 d A.T.C.A. 275 & 3/168 1992 Noble Park Oval, Vic. V.S.D.C.A. 8/239 d A.T.C.A. 236

A.T.C.A. POSITIONS AT END OF SEASON 1994 -95 GRADE A.1 Played Points GRADE A.4 Played Points Richmond Clarence Park (P & M.P) 11 133.39 University of S.A. (M.P) 11 144.86 Brighton 11 121.97 Greenacres (9.U) 11 135.57 Grange (R.U) 11 112.37 Pembroke Old Scholars 11 133.44 Walkerville 11 110.45 Electricity Trust of S.A. (P) 11 97.40 Ingle Farm District 11 107.91 Adelaide University 11 75.28 St Peters Old Collegians 11 94.62 Adelaide Deaf 11 47.13 Payneham 11 93.51 Unley 11 93.29 Gaza 11 78.66 Gepps Cross 11 78.52 Marion 11 76.29 GRADE B.1 Woodville North /Ferryden Park 11 75.97 Payneham (P. & M.P.) 11 142.37 Grange 11 122.22 GRADE A.2 Richmond Clarence Park (R.U) 11 116.21 Fulham (M.P) 11 121.51 Pooraka 11 115.44 Woodville South (R.U) 11 118.67 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 11 112.36 Flinders Park 11 117.63 Gepps Cross 11 112.21 Flinders University (P) 11 115.18 Brighton 11 101.20 Hope Valley 11 115.05 St Peters Old Collegians 11 88.75 Pooraka 11 108.58 Adelaide High Old Scholars 11 77.75 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 11 106.12 Ingle Farm District 11 76.10 Rostrevor Old Collegians 11 93.58 Hope Valley 11 68.38 Prince Alfred Old Collegians 11 92.78 Prince Alfred Old Collegians 11 42.21 Adelaide High Old Scholars 11 87.25 Pulteney Old Scholars 11 73.07 Old Scotch 11 68.63

GRADE A.3 GRADE B.2 Para Hills (M.P) 11 127.39 Woodville Nth /Ferryden Pk (P. & M.P) 11 150.54 Torrens Valley (R.U) 11 126.43 Flinders Park 11 129.48 Modbury 11 119.12 Flinders Univerrsity (R.U) 11 122.63 Old Ignatians (P) 11 110.86 Unley 11 117.29 Woodville Rechabite 11 109.19 Marion 11 112.32 Kilburn 11 107.91 Walkerville 11 104.91 Penfield 11 106.45 Woodville Rechabite 11 93.87 Sacred Heart Old Collegians 11 105.51 Woodville South 11 90.06 St Michaels Old Scholars Hindmarsh 11 96,18 Fulham 11 88.41 Immanuel Old Scholars 11 78.66 Gaza 11 74.75 Old Collegians 11 75,98 Pulteney Old Scholars 11 58.51 Glenunga 11 70.21 Old Collegians 11 49.39 GRADE "C" Played Points ONE DAY COMPETITION Played Points Payneham (R.0 & M.P) 11 161.06 Brighton 11 118.53 GRADE 5.A Richmond Clarence Park (P) 11 116.76 Sturt District (R.0 & M.P) 17 194.71 Grange 11 111.79 Grange (P) 17 190.49 St Peters Old Collegians 11 100.13 Adelaide University 17 170.65 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 11 96.20 Richmond Clarence Park 17 147.69 Torrens Valley 11 96.16 Walkerville 17 135.51 St Michaels O.S. Hindmarsh 11 90.11 Ingle Farm District 17 130.05 Pooraka 11 88.14 Old Ignatians 17 114.80 Rostrevor Old Collegians 11 63.67 Brighton 17 113.99 Unley 11 61.71 Flinders University 17 113.67 Flinders University 11 56.31 Flinders Park 17 95.59 Woodville North /Ferryden Park 17 43.76

GRADE "D" Sacred Heart Old Collegians (P & M.P) 11 145.04 Brighton (R.U) 11 130.20 GRADE 5.8 Modbury 11 121.31 Kensington District (P & M.P) 18 197.07 Para Hills 11 107.27 Rostrevor Old Collegians (R.U) 18 186.44 Payneham 11 98.24 Elders 18 175.83 Gepps Cross 11 97.01 Woodville South 18 158.90 University of S.A. 11 89.53 Adelaide University 18 134.68 Richmond Clarence Park 11 85.84 Gepps Cross 18 108.55 Old Scotch 11 79.45 Prince Alfred Old Collegians 18 108.39 Grange 11 66.43 Old Collegians 18 106.33 Woodville North /Ferryden Park 11 65.97 Pembroke Old Scholars 18 72.20 Pembroke Old Scholars 11 63.04 Marion 18 62.30

GRADE "E" Adelaide High O.S. (M.P & R.U) 11 123.23 GRADE 5.0 Penfield (P) 11 118.86 Adelaide High Old Scholars (P & M.P) 18 213.44 Hope Valley 11 109.31 Elders (R.U) 18 186.00 Glenunga 11 107.23 Penfield 18 174.19 Kilburn 11 105.69 Para Hills 18 142.31 Marion 11 83.61 Torrens Valley 18 138.94 Fulham 11 81.07 Rostrevor Old Collegians 18 106.65 St Peters Old Collegians 11 68.49 Gaza 18 90.63 Ingle Farm District 11 67.66 Old Ignatians 18 89.78 Adelaide University 11 54.25 Fulham 18 79.90 Immanuel Old Scholars 11 35.58 Woodville Rechabite 18 69.26

GRADE "F" Woodville South (P & M.P) 11 133.94 Modbury (R.U) 11 131.34 Richmond Clarence Park 11 123.08 Unley 11 117.26 Old Ignatians 11 107.03 Walkerville 11 105.96 Prince Alfred Old Collegians 11 80.99 Torrens Valley 11 59.55 UNDERAGE COMPETITION Greenacres 11 50.49 Pulteney Old Scholars 11 9.79 GRADE U /16 Brighton (P & M.P) 10 134.15 Pooraka Green 10 132.10 GRADE "G" Modbury (R.U) 10 108.38 Pooraka (P & M.P) 11 133 54 Marion 10 91.93 Payneham 11 122.51 Gepps Cross 10 87.11 Woodville Rechabite (R.U) 11 120.40 Payneham 10 85.96 Sacred Heart Old Collegians 11 108.83 Woodville Rechabite 10 83.26 Richmond Clarence Park 11 106.04 Pooraka Gold 10 80.60 Grange 11 89.65 Hope Valley 10 72.52 Adelaide High Old Scholars 11 85.96 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 10 70.87 Penfield 11 84.45 Fulham 10 58.24 Hope Valley 11 59.99 Fulham 11 38.76 GRADE U/14 Gaza (P & M.P) 11 180.68 GRADE "H" Modbury (R.U) 11 148.10 Para Hills (P & M.P) 11 152.35 Brighton 11 116.66 Edwardstown & Old Concordians (R.U) 11 108.69 Payneham 11 111.70 Marion 11 103.10 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 11 107.30 Payneham 11 103.10 Pooraka 11 92.86 University of S.A. 11 87.35 Grange 11 87.04 Modbury 11 86.19 Richmond Clarence Park 11 74.37 Unley 11 77.02 Hope Valley 11 59.87 Flinders Park 11 74.13 Marion 11 -4.80 TROPHY WINNERS President's Trophies - Donated by S.T. Lane Grade A.1 Batting - N. Wundke Brighton - 747 runs Grade A.1 Bowling - T.J. Dansie Walkerville - 33* wickets Brock Partners Real Estate Trophies Grade A.1 Batting - N. Wundke Brighton Grade A.1 Bowling - T.J. Dansie Walkerville "Sidney W. Shepherdson" Memorial Trophy - Donated by Mrs. D. Shepherdson "A" Grade Competition Best Allround Performance - N. Wundke Brighton Colin Forrest Trophy - Donated by A.TC.A. Inc. Most Promising U/23 Player - W.J. Brooks Greenacres J.U. Jantke Fielding Trophy - Donated by A.T.C.A. Inc. (Grade A.1 Umpires Votes) - S.D. Heaps Payneham N.W. Keen Wicketkeeping Trophy - Donated by N.W. Keen (Grades A.1 & A.2 only) -R Leonello Woodville North /Ferryden Park Myer Cricket Club Trust Fund Perpetual Trophies: "Harold Walker Trophy" - Batting U/16 Inter -Association - C. Plumeier - Woodville Rechabites "Tom Klose Trophy" - Bowling U /16 Inter -Association - N.J. Lehmann- Pooraka "Lockie Trevorrow Trophy" - Bowling U114 Inter -Association - M. Healey - Brighton "Ron Linklatter Trophy" - Batting U/14 Inter -Association - C. Ladhams - Gaza "Bob Roxby Trophy" - Best Allround Performance U /16 - D.L. Mashford- Pooraka Green

AN.C.A. BATTING TROPHIES A.T.C.A. BOWLING TROPHIES GRADE BATSMAN CLUB RUNS GRADE BOWLER CLUB WKTS A.2 M.C. Riddle Hope Valley 550 A.2 A.J. Diener Rostrevor O.C. 35 A.3 J.C. Pearce S.H.O.C. 640 A.3 J. Rogerson Modbury 55 A.4 R Holliday Uni of S.A. 554 A.4 W.J. Gibb Pembroke O.S. 36 B.1 M.J. Schmidt E & O.C. 491 B.1 S.M. Lester Pooraka 31 B.2 S. Long Fulham 443 B.2 D. Hill W.N. F.P. 35 "C" R.J. Haby Grange 488 "C" R.A. Bowyer Unley 28 "D" T. Moio Uni of S.A. 442 "D" S.J. Quinn Modbury 32 "E" T.J. Reddin Adelaide Uni 358 "E" B.G. Radan Hope Valley 36 "F" A.S. Moore R.C.P. 646 "F" P.M. Lempens Modbury 28 "G" R. Pepe R.C.P. 398 "G" K. Edgecomb Adelaide High O.S. 44 B.P. Sobels E & O.C. 429 "H" D. Hoare E & O.C. 45

ONE DAY COMPETITION 5.A D.A. Conroy Walkerville 505 5.A C.A. McPhedran Ingle Farm Dist 24

5.8 S. Harby Rostrevor O.C. 454 5.B J.P. Angerson Pembroke O.S. 29 5.0 A.J. Rathmann Adelaide High O.S. 822 5.0 A. Longdon Elders 34


U /16 D.L. Mashford Pooraka Green 722 U /16 T.H. Stewart E & O.C. 36 U/14 C. Ladhams Gaza 845 U/14 C. Ladhams Gaza 70 (') Denotes trophy awarded on average as there was a tie. PREMIERSHIP WINNERS FROM 1932 -33 TO 1994 -95

PRYOR SHIELD (1) 1965 -66 Brighton 1971 -72 Elizabeth District GRADE "D" GRADE A.1 196687 Kelvinator 1972 -73 Woodville Rechabites 1977 -78 Immanuel O.S. 1932-33 Hawthorn 1967-68 S.P.O.C. 1973 -74 Post -Tel Institute 1978 -79 Rostrevor O.C. 1933-34 P.A.O.C. 1968-69 Grange 1974-75 Old Scotch GRADE B.1 1934-35 Prince Alfred College 1969-70 Baulderstone 1975 -76 Grange 1979 -80 Post-Tel 1935-36 Hawthorn 1970-71 K.O.C.A. 1976 -77 Bank of Adelaide 1980-81 Post -Tel 1936 -37 East Tartans Colts 1971-72 Old Scotch 1981 -82 Brighton 1937 -38 Hawthorn 1972-73 S.P.O.C. 1977 -78 Grange 1982 -83 Grange 1938 -39 Woodville 1973 -74 S.P.O.C. 1978-79 S.P.O.C. 1983 -84 Grange 1939 -40 Goodwood 1974 -75 Flinders Park 1984 -85 Brighton 1975-76 P.A.O.C. GRADE A.4 1939-40 East Torrens 1979-80 Ingle Farm District 1985 -86 Walkerville 194041 Payneham 1976-77 Pulteney O.S. 1986 -87 Brighton 1977-78 Clarence Park 1980-81 Gepps Cross 1941 -42 St. Peters College 1981-82 Rosewater 1987-88 Brighton 194243 Sturt 1978 -79 Woodville North 1988-89 Brighton 1979 -80 Para Hills 1982-83 Rostrevor O.C. 1943-44 Woodville 1983-84 E.T.S.A. 1989 -90 Richmond 1980 -81 D. R. C.S.I. 1944-45 Woodville 1984-85 Athelstone 1990-91 Woodville North 1945 -46 G.M. Hoidens 1981 -82 Post -Tel 1991 -92 Grange 1982-83 Modbury 1985-86 Western Districts 1946-47 Stun 1986-87 West Lakes 1992 -93 Richmond 1947 -48 Payneham 1983-84 Gaza 1993-94 Richmond Clarence Pk 1984-85 Ferryden Park 1987 -88 Elders 1948-49 Brighton 1988.89 1994-95 Payneham 1985 -86 Rostrevor O.C. S.A.I.T. 1949-50 Stud 1989 -90 Para Hills 1950-51 Sturt 1986-87 Richmond 1987-88 Ingle Farm District 1990 -91 S.H.O.C. 1951 -52 Stud 1991 -92 Flinders Park 1952 -53 Stud 1988 -89 Woodville North 1989 -90 Ingle Farm District 1992 -93 Kilburn KLOSE -WEBB SHIELD (7) 1953 -54 Stud 1993 1990 -91 Pulteney O.S. -94 Immanuel O.S. GRADE A.7 1954 -55 Myer 1994-95 E.T.S.A. 1955 -56 Stud 1991 -92 Clarence Park 1962 -63 Payneham 1956 -57 Myer 1992 -93 Unley 1963-64 Glenelg Stragglers 1957-58 Brighton 1993 -94 Grange 1984-65 Commercial Bank 1958 -59 Railway 1994 -95 Flinders University ACRAMAN SHIELD (5) 1965-66 Adelaide 1959-60 Brighton GRADE A.5 1966-67 S.P.O.C. 1960-61 Myer MILLARD SHIELD (3) 1959-60 Clarence Park 1967-68 Post -Tel Institute 1961-62 Brighton GRADE A.3 1960-61 Glenelg Stragglers 1968-69 Bank of Adelaide 1962-63 Edwardstown 1956 -57 S.P.O.C. 1961-62 Kilburn 1969 -70 Clarence Park 1963 -64 Edwardstown 1957 -58 Edwardstown 1962-63 East Parade 1970 -71 Flinders Park 1964-65 Brighton 1958 -59 Burnside 1963-64 S.H.O.C. 1971 -72 Walkerville 1965-66 Clarence Park 1959-60 Kensington 1964-65 Post-Tel Institute 1972 -73 Prospect 1966-67 Brighton 1960-61. W.R.E.I. 1965 -66 Glenelg 1973 -74 Fulham 1967-68 Richmond 1961-62 Prospect 1966 -67 Grange 1974 -75 Pulteney O.S. 1968 -69 Richmond 1962 -63 Kilburn 1967 -68 P.A.O.C. 1975 -78 K.O.C.A. 1969 -70 Kilburn 1963-64 Glenelg 1968 -69 Marion 1976 -77 Rostrevor O.C. 1970 -71 Payneham 1964-65 Savings Bank 1969 -70 Old Scotch GRADE "E" 1971 -72 Payneham 1965-66 Kelvinator 1970 -71 Carmel Court 1977 -78 Stud C.A.E. 1972 -73 S.P.O.C. 1966-67 Brighton 1971 -72 Post -Tel Institute 1978 -79 Old Collegians 1972 -73 Old Scotch 1973 -74 Clarence Park 1967-68 East Parade GRADE B2 1974 -75 Woodville North 1968-69 Prospect 1973-74 East Torrens 1974-75 Clarence Park 1979 -80 Kilburn 1975 -76 Brighton 1969 -70 W.R.E.I. 1980 Woodville 1975 -76 Bank of Adelaide -81 North 1976 -77 P.A.O.C. 1970-71 Old Scotch 1981-82 Modbury 1976 -77 Gaza 1977-78 Brighton 1971 -72 Savings Bank of S.A. 1982 -83 Gepps Cross 1978 -79 Grange 1972 -73 GRADE "C" 1983-84 Modbury 1979-80 Payneham 1973 -74 Flinders Park 1977 -78 Grange 1984-85 Pembroke O.S. 1974 1980-81 Tea Tree Gully -75 Woodville South 1978 -79 Grange 1985-86 Gaza 1981 -82 Payneham 1975 -76 Hope Valley GRADE A.5 198887 P.A.O.C. /Rostrevor O.0 1982-83 1976 -77 Walkerville Walkerville 1979 -80 Pooraka 1987-88 Modbury 1977 -78 1983 -84 S.P.O.C. Gaza 1980-81 Glenunga 1988-89 Edwardstown 1978 -79 Woodville 1984-85 Gaza South 1981 -82 Kensington 1989-90 Woodville North 1985-86 Walkerville 1979-80 Elizabeth Turf 1982 -83 Adelaide High O.S. 1990-91 Gaza 1986-87 Payneham 1980-81 Modbury 1983 -84 Tubemakers 1991 -92 Pulteney O.S. 1987.88 1981 -82 Pooraka Gaza 1984 -85 S.M.O.S.H. 1992-93 Gepps Cross 1988 -89 Gaza 1982 -83 Ferryden Park 1985 -86 Prospect District 1993-94 Ed stown & Old C'dians 1989 -90 Gaza 1983 -84 Rostrevor O.C. 1986 -87 Adelaide University 1994-95 W'ville Nth / Ferryden Pk Woodville 1984 -85 E.T.S.A. 1990 -91 North 1987 -88 Southern Districts 1991 -92 Payneham 1985 -86 Woodville Rechabites 1988 -89 Glenunga 1992 -93 Gaza 1986-87 Teachers College 1993 -94 Ingle Farm District 1987-88 Pulteney O.S. GRADE 5.A ONE DAY 1994 -95 Richmond Clarence Pk 1988-89 Pembroke O.S. 1993-94 Adelaide University A.T.C.U.A. SHIELD (8) 1989 -90 Fulham 1994-95 Grange GRADE A.8 MANUELL SHIELD (2) 1990-91 Old Scotch 1964 -65 Clarence Park GRADE A.2 1991 -92 Pembroke O.S. 1965 -66 Kilburn 1946-47 Col. Light Gardens 1992 -93 Pooraka MARLOW SHIELD (6) 1966-67 Old Ignatlans 1947-48 Clarence Park 1993 -94 Flinders Park GRADE AS 1967-68 Richmond 1948 -49 Stud No. 1 1994 -95 Old Ignatlans 1960-61 W.R.E.I. 1968-69 Elizabeth Districts 1949 -50 Col. Light Gardens 1961-62 Edwardstown 1969 -70 Post -Tel Institute 1950-51 Kelvinator POWELL SHIELD (4) 1962 -63 Woodville 1970 -71 Woodville Rechabites 1951 -52 Myer GRADE A.4 1963 -64 Myer GRADE A.8 GREEN 1952 -53 Payneham 1958-59 Henley and Grange 1964 -65 Glenelg 1971 -72 Adelaide 1953 -54 Glenelg 1959 -60 I.C.I. 1965 -66 Payneham GRADE A.8 GOLD 1954 -55 Payneham 1960-61 Prospect 1966 -67 Teachers College 1971 -72 Para Hills 1955 -56 Elder Smith 1961 -62 Kilburn 1967 -68 Grange 1956 -57 Richmond 1962-63 R.A.A.F. 1968-69 Elizabeth District GRADE A.8 1957 -58 Kelvinator 1963-64 Henley and Grange 1969 -70 Flinders Uni. 1972-73 S.H.O.C. 1958-59 Edwardstown 1964-65 Prospect 1970-71 Woodville Rechabites 1973-74 Old Collegians 1959 -60 K.O.C.A. 1965-66 S.A. Rubber Mills 1971 -72 Royal Park 1974-75 East Torrens 1960-61 K.O.C.A. 1966-67 Richmond 1972 -73 Para Hills 1975-76 Tea Tree Gully 1961 -62 Kelvinator 1967-68 Grange 1973-74 Edwardstown 1976-77 Immanuel O.S. 1962 -83 Baulderstone 1968-69 Old Ignatians 1974-75 Hope Valley GRADE "F" 1963 -64 Elders G.M. 1969-70 Elizabeth North 1975 -76 Gaza 1977 -78 Para Hills 1964 -65 K.O.C.A. 1970-71 Woodville North 1976 -77 Grange 1978-79 S.A.I.T. GRADE "C' 1978 -79 Semaphore Park GRADE "G" BLUF 1987 -88 Salisbury District 1988 -89 Payneham 1979 -80 S.P.O.C. GRADE " F" 1980 -81 Glenunga 1980 -81 Grange 1979 -80 Old Scotch GRADE "I "' 1989 -90 Fulham 1981 -82 Gepps Cross Woodville Rechabites 1990-91 Edwardstown D'ìstrict GRADE V' GOLD 1981 -82 1982 -83 Grange 1991 -92 Edwardstown District 1980 -81 Old Collegians 1982 -83 Flinders Park 1983 -84 S.P.O.C., 1983 -84 Fulham 1992 -93 Edwardstown & O.C. 1984 -85 S.P.O.C. GRADE " F" 1984 -85 St. John Ambulance 1993 -94 Marion 1985.88 S.P.O.C. 1981 -82 Adelaide University 1985 -86 Hope Valley 1994 -95 Brighton 1986-87 Hope Valley 1982 -83 Prospect District 1986 -87 Gaza 1987 -88 Unley 1983 -84 Pooraka 1987 -88 Rostrevor O.C. 1988 -89 - Payneham 1984-85 Adelaide University 1988-89 S.H.O.C. 1985 West Lakes 1989 -9G S.P.O.C. -86 1989 -90 Coles/Myer GUNN SHIELD (l9) 1990 -91 Payneham 1986-87 Rostrevor O.C. 1990-91 Old Collegians 1991 -92 Adelaide University 1987-88, Rostrevor O.C. 1991 -92 Flinders Park GRADE U /18 BLUE 1992 -93 Marion 1988 -89 Elizabeth District 1992 -93 S.H.O.C. 1979 -80 Pooraka Old Collegians 1980 -81 Walkervllle 1993 -94 Payneham 5.6 ONE DAY 1990-91 Hope Valley GRADE 1981 -82 Gaza, 1994-95 Richmond Clarence Pk Richmond Clarence P S.H.O.C. 1993 -94 k 1982 -83, Grange Kensington District PYWELL SHIELD (9) isszss E.T.S.A. 1994-95 1983 -84 Fulham GRADE A.9 1993 -94 Penfield RAWES SHIELD (5) 1984 -85 Fulham 1994-95 Woodville South 1985 -86 Richmond 1968-69 Clarence Park. GRADE 13 BLUE -70 1986 -87 Woodville North 1969 Richmond 1978 -79 Woodville South 1970 -71 Woodville District BARTL ETT SHIELD (12) 1987 -88 Brighton 1971 -72 Woodville South GRADE "G" RED 1989 -90 Gepps Cross GRADE 412 1979 -80 Semaphore Park 1992 -93 Walkerville 1972 -73 Para Hills 1973 -74 Ingle Ferm,DiFtrict 1973 -74 Ferryden Park. 197475 Grenfell Mall GRADE "G" GREEN Pulteney 1974-75 'Woodville'North. 197376 Savings Bank of S.A. 1980-81 O.S. 1975 -76 Immanuel O.S., 1976-77 Richmond GRADE "J" ,1976-77 Unley'Hlgh O.S. GRADÈ ..J: 1981 -82 Flinders University CAMP'SHIELD (20) GRADE "G" 1982 -83 Pembroke O.S. 1977-78 Flinders Park GRADE U/14 1977 -78 W.R.E.I. 1983 -84 Brighton 1978-79, Immanuel O.S. -72 Grange-{Navy) 1978 -79 Ingle Farm 1987 -88 Pulteney O.S. 1971 GRADE' 'G" GOLDG 1972 -73 Clarence Park GRADE "D" 1988 -89 Southern Districts 1979 -80 Bri 9 OL Walkerville 1973 -74 Walkerville 1979 -80 Grange 1989 -90 Brighton GRADE " F" BLUE - 1992 -93 S.M.O.S.H. 197475 1980 -81 Brighton 1975 -76 Adelaide Dist. (Red) 1980 -81 Brighton 1981-82 Old Ignatians CARMAN SHIELD (16) 1978 -77 Adelaide Dish (Red) 1982-83 Woodville South GRADEI 1977 -78 Hope Valley GRADE 13CREEN 1983-84 Ferryden Park .1981-82 Adelaide Hlgh O.S. 1978 -79 Edwardstown District 1984-85 Rostrevor O.C. 1982 -83 Adelaide Uni. 1978 -79 Walkerville 1985 -86 Prospect District 1983-84 Richmond GRADE 13 GOLD GRADE U/14 GOLD 1988 -87 Old Scotch 1984 -85 Glenunga 1979 -80 S.P.O.C. 1979-80 Edwardstown District 1987 -88 Gepps'Cr 1985 -88 Gange 1980 -81 Fulham 1988 -89 Rostrevor O.C., 1986 -87 Clarence Park 198142 Athelstone GRADE'{? /16 GREEN 1980-81 proadvievl 1989 -90, Welt Läkes 1987-88 Fulham 1982-83 Rosewater 9 1990r 91; vS.M.O.S.H. 1988-89 S.M.O.S.H. 1983-84 S.P.O.C, GRADE U/14 GOLD 1991 -92 Payneham 1989.90 Ingle Farm District 1984-85 Hope Valley 1980 -81 Edv(ards$own District 1992-93 Modbury 1990 -91 S.H.O.C. 1985-66 Ingle Faim District GRADE U/14 BLUE & O.C. High 1993 -94 Ed'stown 1991 -92 Adelaide O.S. 1986-87 Modbury 1980-81 Athelstone' 1994-95 Sacred Heart O.C. 1992 -93 Woodville Rechabites 1987 -88 Woodville North 199394 Richmontl Clarence Pk 1988-89 'Woodville North GRADE U/14 WELLINGTON SHIELD (10) 99495 Pooraka- 1989-90 Woodville North. 1981r82 Fulham GRADE 4.10 1990.91 West Lakes GRADE U/14 GOLD 1972-73 Walkerville EWING SHIELD (13) 1991 -92 Woodville South 1982-83 Modbury, 1973-74 1992-93 Pooraka 1983-84 Ingle Farm district 1975-76 HopeOld natian GRADE 13 BLUE 1993-94 'Ferryden Park 1984-85 Ingle Farm District 1975-76 Old Ignatiansns 1976-77 Grange 1985 -86 Payneham 1977 -78 Para Hills GRADE 5.0 1976-77 S.A.I.T. Adelaide High Old Scholars 1986-87 Salisbury District GRADE "H" GRADE "K" 1987 -88 Tea Tree Gully District 1977 -78 Old Scotch 197879 Adelaide Deaf HACKETT SHIELD (17) 1988 -89 Pooraka 1978-79 Rosewater GRADE "G" BLUE GRADE U/16 GOLD 1989 -90 Brighton 1979-80 Athelstone 1977 -78 Sturi District 1990 -91 Grange GRADE "E" 1991 -92 Brighton GRADE GOLD 197379 Brighton 1979-80 Brighton "G" 1992-93 Pooraka 1980-81 Old Ignatians 1980-81 Old Scotch GRADE 13 BLUE 1993 -94 Gaza 1981 -82 Ingle Farm GRADE "H" 1979-80 Ingle Farm District 1994-95 Gaza 1982 -83 Brighton 1981 -82 Tea Tree Gully 1980.81 Ingle Farm District 1983 -84 Unley 1982-83 Para Hills 1981 -82 Modbury 1984 -85 Athelstone 1983 -84 Sturt District 1982 -83 East Torrens District 1985 -86 Adelaide Uni. 1984-85 Grange 1983 -84 Hope Valley 198887 S.P.O.C. 1985-86 Rostrevor O.C. 198485 Gaza DUKE SHIELD (21) 1987-88 S.A.I.T. 1986 -87 Gaza 1985 -86 Gaza GRADE U /16 BLUE 1988 -89 West Lakes 1987-88 Gaza 1988 -87 Pooraka 1977-78 Kensington District 1989 -90 S.M.O.S.H. 1988-89 Pulteney O.S. 1987 -88 Modbury 1978-79 Hope Valley 1990 -91 Brighton Valley 1988-89 S.A.I.T. Hope 13 GREEN 1991 -92 Richmond 1990 -91 Woodville North 1989 -90 Ferryden Park GRADE 1979 -80 Para Hills 1992 -93 Edwardstown & O.C. 1991 -92 Pulteney O.S. 1990-91 S.M.O.S.H. 1980 -81 Athelstone 1993 -94 Sacred Heart O.C. 1992 -93 Old Collegians 1991 -92 S.M.O.S.H, 1994-95 Penfield 1993 -94 Elders GRADE U/14 BLUE 1994 -95 Para Hills CARNE SHIELD (18) 1982 -83 Glenelg District & HAYMAN SHIELD (11) GRADE U /16 GOLD Edwardstown District District GRADE All (14) 1979 -80 Adelaide District 1983-84 Glenelg 1972-73 Bedford Park T.C. HULL SHIELD 1980-81 Payneham 1984-85 Edwardstown District 1973-74 Old Ignatians GRADE 13 GOLD 1981-82 Edwardstown District 1985 -86 Edwardstown District 1974-75 Gaza 1976 -77 Flinders Park 1982-83 Payneham 1986 -87 Adelaide District 1975-76 Tea Tree Gully 1977 -78 Para Hills 198344 Payneham 1987 -88 Edwardstown District 1976 -77 E.T.S.A. 197879 Para Hills 1984-85 Ingle Farm District 1988-89 Gaza GRADE "I" GRADE "G" GREEN 1985 -86 Ingle Farm District 1989 -90 Walkerville 1977 -78 Flinders Uni. 1979-80 Adelaide Uni. 1988-87 Payneham 1992 -93 Marion J.U. JANTKE TROPHY 1989 -90 M. Breton, Ferryden Párk 1985-86 J. Athanasiou, Gaza 1987 -88 D.W. Martin, Payneham GRADE A.1 1990-91 S. Hill, Woodville North 1986-87 G. Trimboli, Pooraka 1988-89 A. Turnbull, Payneham 942-43 J.Todd, Woodville 1991 -92 S. Hill, Woodville North 1987 -88 D. Nelson, Pooraka 1989-90 P. Smith, Gepps Cross 943-44 J.Todd, Woodville 1992 -93 R.P. Fanning, Richmond 1988-89 T. Bailey, Eliz. Dist. 1990 -91 I. Abbasov, Payneham 944-45-J.Todd, Woodville 1993-94 N. Nawana, Unley 1989-90 C. Pocock, Mprion 1991 -92 D.S. Hall, Payneham 94546 ' 1994 -95 S.D. Heaps, Payneham 1990-91 A.J. Watson, Richmond 1992-93 P. Kuhlmann %Brighton 946-47 1991-92 J.P. Brookes, Pembroke OS 1993-94 S. Hardy, Marion 947-48 A.Fisher, Savings Bank A.T.CA TROPHY 1992 -93 S.K. Sykes, Flinders Uni 1994-95 N.J. Lehmann, Pooraka 948-49 A.Fisher, Savings Bank (Hard Grade) 1993-94 B.G. Massey, Ingle Farm 949-50 1960-61 M.Clements, Clarence Pk 1994 -95 W.J.'Brooks, Greenacres R. LINKLATTER TROPHY 950.51 J.Dixon, S.P.O.C. 1981-62 R.Litchlield, Burnside BATTING U/14 INTER- ASSOCIATION 95152 J.Clarke, Stud 1962.63 R.Haese, Richmond S.W. SHEPHENSON 1983-84 B. Smith, Grange 95253 M.Ewens, Payneham 1963-64 G.Errington, Ed'stown MEMORIAL TROPHY 1984-85 S. Graelz Ingle Farm 95354 D.Hackett, Clarence- Pk_ 1964-65 J.English, Glenelg Stragg "A" GRADE BEST ALLROUND 1985.88 D.J.'Niemann, Grange 95455 R.Ewens, Kelvinator 1965-66 A.Drysdale, Richmond PERFORMANCE 198687 M. Pike, Ingle Faim B.Rosenbauer, Burnside 1967-68 R.Selth, Clarence Park 1990-91 A.J. Watson, Richmond 1987-88 M. Avon, Adelaide Dist 955 -56 J.Dixon, S.P.O.C. 196869 A.Smdh, Richmond 1991-92 P.T. Muggleton, Wkgrville 1988-89 J. Gluyas, Brighton, 95857 D.Hooper, Payneham 1969 -70 B.Kearsley, Clarence Pk 1992-93 G.M?Stagg, Clarencq Pk 1989.90 S. Smith, Pooraka 957 -58 D.HooperrPayneham 1970-71 G.Howell, Marion 1993-94 N.R. Maloney, Gepps Cross 1990-91 M. Courage; Brighton D.Hackett, Clarence Park 1971 -72 T.Giamelis, Grentell Mall 1994-95 N. Wundke, Brighton 1991 -92 K. Brokensha, Brighton 958-59 D.Hooper; Payneham 1972-73 D.Cooney, Hope Valley 1992-93 M. Slavon, Fitzroy Jun. D.Potts, Myer (This trophy has been discontinued) N.W. KEEN TROPHY 1993-94 K.D. McGregor, Grange 959-60 R.Sparrow, Payneham "A" GRADE WICKET KEEPING 1994-95 C. Ladhitms, Gaza 960-61 D.Hooper, Payneham BROCK PARTNERS 1991 -92 D.P. Elchner, Ed'stown H.Walker, Myer KNOCK OUT CUP 1992-93 J. Costanzo, Para Hills L TREVORROW TROPHY 96152 R.Ewens, KeNinator 1985-86 Ferryden Park 1993:94 J. Costanzo, Para Hills BOWLING U/14 962-63 R.Ewens, Kelvinator 1986 -87 Walkerville 1994-95 P. Leonello, W.N.F.P. INTER -ASSOCIATION 963-64 K.Parry, Baulderstone 1987 -88 Gaza 1983-84 S. Niemann, Grange 964-65 D.Williams, Payneham 1988-89 Edwardstown SECRETARY OF THE YEAR AWARD 1984 -85 D. Murphy, Ingle Farm 96556 B.Wells, Kilburn 1989-90 Gaza - 1992-93 C. Stavrinou, Pooraka 1985-86 D.W. Martin, Payneham 966-67 B.Morgan, Tubemakers 1990.91 Clarence Park 1993-94 C. Smith, Grange 1988-87 M. Clark,^East Torrens 987.68 D.Williams, Payneham 1991 -92 Gaza 1994-95 D.W. Gum, Grange 1987 -88 K. Field, Edwardstown J.Foole, Railway 1992 -93 Unley 1988-89 J. DeConno, Gaza 968-69 P.Parry, Payneham 1993-94 Woodville North H. WALKER TROPHY 1989-90 A.S. Reid, Walkerville 969-70 B.Wells, Richmond 1994-95 Grange BATTING U /16 INTER- ASSOCIATION 1990-91 M.D. Reid, Walkerville 970-71 B.Munro, Richmond 1983-84 D. Davies, Glenelgg,Dist. 1991 -92 S. Hicks, Brighton 971 -72 B.Munro, Richmond COLIN FORREST TROPHY 1984-85 D.K. Parry, Payneham 1992 -93 A.D. Lee, Gaza 972-73 C.Arthur, Elders G.M. MOST PROMISING U/23 PLAYER 1985-86 M. Brown, Pooraka 1993-94 'C. Ladhams, Gaza 973-74 S.T.Lane,S.P.O.C.- 1969-70 M. Pavalich, Grange 198687 C. Tragakis, Payneham 1994-95 M. Healey, Brighton 974-75 M.Young, Old Scotch 1970-71 J. Rogers, P.AO.C, 1987-88 D. Rowe, Payneham 975-76 G.Ouinn, Post -Tel r 1971-72 C.M. Fanning, S.P.O.C. 1988-89 D. Rowe, Payneham R. ROXBY TROPHY " 976-77 G.Flelke, Edwardstown G. Thomson, Eliz. Dist. 1969-90 AJ.MacDonald, Gepps Cross U /16 BEST ALLROUND 977-78 G.Fielke, Edwardstown, 1972 -73 C.M. Fanning, S.P.O.C. 1990-91 I. Woods, Edwardstown PERFORMANCE 978-79 S.T.Lane, S.P.O.C. 1973-74 D. Rady, Brighton 1991 -92 D. Pipicella, Ed'stown 1983-84 M. Bruggerman, Marion 979-80 S.T.Lane, S.P.O.C. 1974-75 R. Phillips, Old Scotch 1992-93, A.J. Alderson, Marlon 1984-85 R. Ahern, Gepps Cross 980-81 R.Sewer, Grange 1975-76 B.W. Friend, Brighton 1993-94 All Abdullah, Gaza 1985-86 M.J. Slmdson, Modbury 981 -82 D.Taylor, Para Hills 1976-77 B. Freer, Richmond 1994-95 C. Plumeier, Woodville Rech 1986 -87 D. Murphy, Ingle Farm 982-83 I.M.BBarnes, Brighton 1977 -78 G. Cathro, Brighton 1987-88 A. Pope, Edwardstown 983-84 &Dempster; Ed/stown 1978-79 T.R. Stokes, W'dvllle Nth T. KLOSE TROPHY' 1988-89 M. Horsnell, Payneham 984-85 A.Chesters, Grange 1979-80 M. Powell, T.T. Gully BOWUNG U /16 1989-90 S. Young, Modbury R.G.Chenoweth, Gaza 1980-81 B. Freer, Richmond INTER-ASSOCIATION 1990-91 K. Rawlings, Fulham 985-86 D.Williams, Payneham 1981-82 S.J. Nettle, Richmond 1983-84 R. Ahern, Gepps Cross 1991-92 D.W. Hibbard, Edglown 986-87 R.A.Fraser, Payneham 1982-83 C.P. Moulds, Payneham 1984-85 S. Niemann, Grange 1992-93 P.M. Lempens, Modbury 987-88 S.Sims, Gaza - 1983-84 A.J. Gordon, Eliz. Dist. 198586 G. Clark, Payneham 1993-94 S. Huddy, Brighton 988-89 G. Lauder,:Gaza 1984-85 A.J. Gordon, Eliz. Dist. 1986-87 C. Stewart, Ingle Farm 1994-95 D.L. Mashford, Pooraka SEASON'S PERFORMANCES 1994 -95 Unbinding Finals)

BATTING Inns H.S Avg Aga GRADE B.1 M.J. Schmidt, E & 0.C. 10 155' 61.3 491 GRADE A.1 J.C. Lee, Grange 10 113 52.6 474 N. Wundke, Brighton 12 153 68.9 758 R. Celebrla,J'ooraka 12 152' 52.3 471 D.R. Cook, R.C.P. 10 132 68.7 619 A. Edwards, E & O.C. 14 67 38.0 458 D.G. Anderson, Ingle Farm Dist 12 205' 54.2 542 R.W. Rutter, Payneham 11 97' 70.0 420 G.M. Stagg, R.C.P. 11 131' 65.7 526, N. Daniel, R.C.P. 12 72 37.0 408 D.J. Seekaropp. Grange 12 111' 51.5, 515 S. Thomson, R.C.P. 13 128' 42.4 382 S. Brennan, Unley 14 87 38.3 498 M.O. Wills. P.A.O.C. 13 109 31.7 381 D.W. Farrell, Walkervllle 13 115' 49.8 498 I.L. Clarke, Grange 12 77 39.2 353 K.J. Payne, R.C.P. 11 163 43.6 480 W.A. Margltich, Payneham 11 107 38.7 349 P. Tonic, Grange 14 126 39.9 479 K.A. Morrison, Ingle Farm Diet 14 74' 25.0 326 J.P. Barker, W.N.F.P. 10 119 44.8 44B W.A. Browne, R.C.P. 11 45 29.3 323 M.J. O'Shea; Payneham 15 71 40.6 447 W.G. Potts, R.C.P. 11 91 38.3 307 1A.W. Sinclair, S.P.O.C. 13 105' 43.6 436 A. Seams, Gepps Cross 7 112' 50.3 302 P.M. Judd, Payneham 13 103' 35.5 426 R. Brokensha. Brighton 6 123' 75.5 302 N.R. Maloney, Grange 12 90 33.0 397 J.F. Ahern, Gepps Cross 11 96 34.7 382 K. Reid, Walkervllle 12 80 31.6 380 B.G. Massey. Ingle Farm Dist 8 159 53.1 372 A.J. Hlnchcli8, S.P.O.C. 11 102' 46.1 369 GRADE B.2 S.P. Rowe, Ingle Farm Dist 15 102' 27.8 362 S. Long, Fulham 11 64 49 :2 443 A.J. Baker, Ingle Farm Dist 10 119' 44.6 357 D.A. Barker, W.N.F.P. 13 141 35.3 424 C.R. Campbell, Marion 12 71 29.4 324 C.J. Hinter, W.N.F.P. 11 114' 41.8 418 R.L. Day, Payneham 13 51 24.8 323 B.S. Sellers, Flinders University 12 101' 37.9 417" A. Rowe, Marlon 14 89 24.5 319 B. Priest, Flinders University 6 158 69.1 415 G.R. Lauder, Gaza 9 82 35.3 318 R.W. Wiglrey. Walkerville 11 100 39.8 359 W. Meeker, W.N.F.P. 10 109' 35.1 316 N. Peach, Flinders Perk 7 135' 68.2 341 P. Haynes, R.C.P. 10 81 34,7 313 T. Luter, Woodville South 6 137 55.1 331 J. Benton, S.P.O.C. 11 61 30.3 303 G.M. Gow, Woodville Rechabite 8 88 40.0 320 P.A. kiosk., Grange 11 8B 33.3 300 B. Trigonls, Flinders Park 12 72 26.0 313 D. Wiles, W.N.F.P. 6 110 51.3 308 C. Hogan, W.N.F.P. 15 111' 30.5 305 GRADE A.2 M. Creech, Pulteney O.S. 14 55 23.2 302 M.C. Riddle, Hope Valley 14 129 45.8 550 W. Millard, Pulteney O.S. 12 115 45.0 541 K.M. Frick, Rostrevor O.C. 13 110 39.8 518 S.P. Manner, E & O.C. 13 85 37.7 491 GRADE "C" J.R. Hooper, Puheney O.S. 12 139 44.4 489 R.J. Heby, Grange 10 106 55.8 503 R.G. Chenoweth, Woodville South 13 81 42.2 465 L.W. Foley, Payneham 11 73 55.2 387 P.C. Roberts, Fulham 11 92' 47.6 429 P L Argent, R.C.Pn 10 132' 55.0 385 L. Hennessy, Woodville South 11 108 39.0 429 har, D.J. Charles, Grange 9 124' 341 J. Jones, A.H.O.S. 12 207 37.3 411 42.6 T.R. Chrree, E & O.C. 13 89 35.0 336 S.G. Wisdom, Flinders Unlvero 14 106 34.0 408 hY J.R. Christensen, S.P.O.C. 11 100' 35.0 315 J.S. Tucker, ad Scotch 11 80 36.5 402 Knight, R.C.P. 11 90 382 306 FA. Swale, Pulteney O.S. 13 135 28.2 367 R.. C.I. MuRparren, Torrens Valley 4 147 ]5 5 302 M.D. Dickson, Woodville South 12 69' 35.0 350 P.J. Morris, P.A.O.C. 10 77' 42.8 343 J.A. Galline. Hope Valley 13 87 30.8 339 A.C. O'Dea, Pulteney O.S. 11 117 29.9 329 A.P. Curtis, E & O.C. 9 129 38.1 325 GRADE "D" A.J. Fowler, Flinders University 13 81 32.1 321 J.L. McInnes. S.H.O.C. 8 129 57.1 457 J.N. Grdovic, A.H.O.S. 10 89 35.2 317 T. Molo, U.S.A. 9 117' 63.1 442 A.J. Dignan, Fulham 11 66 31.1 311 T.M. Harrison, Old Scotch 9 185 48.8 440 I.S. Cox, Flinders University 16 50 20.2 304 M.A. Lane, Modbury 10 136 47.8 383 C.L. Tuckwell, Flinders Park 11 71 27.5 303 S.J. Quinn, Modbury 12 120 37.5 375 J.D. Morrissey, S.H.O.C. 10 94 33.5 ' 335 T.R.'McDondugh, Modbury 13 60 27.0 325 GRADE A3 JA. Stockt, Para Hills 11 80 29.0 319 R. Collins, Torrens Valley 13 138 53.8 646 J. Mackle ,'S.H.O.C. 8 72 43.2 303 J.C. Pearce, 5.H.0 0. 14 124 53.3 MO S.W. Cowden, Grange 8 95 42.8 300 P.G. Box, Para Hips 13 83 52.6 526 M.C. Duthie, Modbury 15' 107 39.3 512 P. Petrohilos, Torrens Valley ' 9 100' 70.2' 492 S. Cleave, Old Collegians 14 154 35.01 455 M. Elliott, Penfield 11 92 40.2' 443 GRADE "E" J.A. Aubert, Woodville Rechabite 13 105 38.0 433 S.W. Koo, 5 122 120.7,,., 382 K. McCarthy, Old Ignallans 12 104 34.3 412 T.J. Reddin, Adelaide University 11 78' 39.7 358 B.J. Smith, Para Hills 15 53 35.4 390 A.E. Hartman, A.H 0.5 12 91 43.0' 344 T.J. Gagliardi, Glenunga 13 107 31.8 382 P.G. Grocke, 5 H.0 0. 11 90 38.1 381 B.M. Nicholls. Old Ignatians 12 108' 37.9 379 D.R. Woolcock, Modbury 14 83 31.5 378 GRADE G.S. Threadgold, Penfield 11 94 36.7 367 "F" A.S. Moore. R.C.P. R. Telvana, S.M.O.S.H. 15 83 33.2 366 133 64.6 646 S.J. Simpson, Kilburn 12 74 33.1 385 A.K. Olsson, P.A.O.C. 150 69.7 488 R. Driver, Modbury 16 54 25.6 359 N. Caruson, Woodville South 134 39.2 353 Hyama, T.A. Hinder, Kilburn 12 67' 31.9 351 J.E. Unley 60 31.2 344 C.D. Whiteman, OM Ignatiana 9 103 43.7 350 AP. Twoiftree, Woodville South 110 45.5 319 I.T. Cooling. R.C.P. M. Marciniak, Kilburn 12 77 31.1 343 100' 43.2 303 J.L. Tonkin, Modbury 13 90 25.7 335 D. Kadow, Greenacres 101' 42.8 300 B.S. Cunningham, Glenunge 13 61 27.6 332 P.M. Schultz, Old Collegians 15 103 24.6 321 M.D. Galliford, Modbury 17 78' 21.2 319 A.D. Wiskich, Old Collegians 14 71 24.4 318 GRADE "G" Allan Williams, Torrens Valley 12 58 28.2 315 R. Pepe, R.C.P. 10 167' 49.7 398 J.S. Cart, Kilburn 13 83' 25.4 305 P.W. Allan, A.H.O.S. 10 102' 65.5 393 B.D. Morkunas, Old Ignatian 11 91 30.3 303 K. Plumeier, Woodville Rechabltes 15 62 29.9 389

GRADE A.4 M. Prider, Pembroke 0.5. 13 92 50.7 609 P. Holliday, U.S.A. 14 107 43.5 566 GRADE "H" , W.J. Brooks, Greenacres 13 70 34.4. 448 P.S. RAmaey, Para Hills 13 108 40.9 491 KA Piles, U.S.A. 13 100 35.7 429 B.P.'Sobela, E & O.C. 15 107 34.5 483 M.J. Harrison, E.T.S.A. 18 131 24.9 424 D. Hoare, E & O.C. 14 96 32.2 419 B. Campbell, U.S.A 12 69' 37.4 412 S. Rlminglon, E & O.C. 9 80 51.1 409' P.E. Sheppard, Adelaide Deaf. 16 92 30.8 401 D.A. Williams, Payneham 9 90 42.1 379 P. Bagley, E.T.S.A. 16 92 22.9 321 P.J. Rlmington, E & O.C. 11 82' 41.1 370 A. Fotheringhem, Pembroke O.S. 13 78 24.6 320 W.M. Toovey, Pare Hills 13 73 32.1 354 W. Robb, Greenacres 13 91 25.5 306 Jason Moritz, Pare Hills 5 88 60.2 301 ONE DAY SECTION UNDERAGE SECTION

GRADE 5.A GRADE IJ /16 S.A. Hine, Grange 14 159 41.6 542 P. Courage, Brighton 11 215 96.1 769 D.A. Conroy. Walkerville 12 81 56.1 505 D.. Mash ford, Pooraka 13 103' 73.6 736 S.W. Visser, Grange 14 101 41.6 500 H. MacKay, Brighton 13 122' 63.4 634 M.S. Hayden Sturt District 11 89 42.0 420 D.L. Hilton, Gepps Cross 13 224 46.6 606 PI Lawrence, W.N.F.P. 8 109 51.5 412 D.J. Griffiths, Modbury 11 181' 69.3 555 D.P. Watson, Adelaide University 12 119' 40.9 409 D. Vertudachas, Modbury 12 188 50.1 552 P.A. Flynn, Adelaide University 12 106 36.8 405 A.I. Mackie, Payneham 10 175' 64.2 514 A.S. Watson, Adelaide University 10 91' 40.4 364 P.J. Smith, Gapes Gloss 13 103 38.8 505 R.E. Phillips,`Sturt District 10 121 33.8 338 R.B. Way, Woodville Rechabke 14 80' 39.0 468 D. Finch, BdgMon 11 54 32.3 323 C. Plumeler, Woodville Rechablte 14 88 31.8 448 R.A. Fraser, Stud District 8 92 53.7 322 R. Glowik, Hope Valley 13 127' 39.8 438 B.C. Millar, R.C.P. 6 72 50.5 303 C.D. Gilbert, Pooraka 13 118' 48.2 434 C. Maddaika, Marion 11 79 32.5 358 GRADE 5.B S. Scragg, Pooraka 17 64 22.0 353 S. Herby, Rostrevor,O.C. 11 111' 63.5 508 M. Ellis, Marlon 12 70' 36.8 332 P.J. Andrew, Roetrevor O.C. 12 76 48.4 484 A. Burns, Marion 13 102 29.5 325 C.E. Pasch, Adelaide University 12 91 46.5 419 T.H. Stewart, E 8 O.C. 10 132 31.8 318 A.N. Winter, P.A.O.C. 10 104 44.5 401 J. Arbon, Gepps Cross 9 80 45.2 317 P.A. Critchley, Rostrevor O.C. 11 74' 47.8 383 V. Maroulis, Payneham 13 54 25.5 307 W.M. Darling, Kensington District 11 67' 75.8 379 J.A. Axon, Pooraka 17 49 18.7 300 D. Brogden, Rostrevor O.C. 12 67 42.0 378 M. Rylands, Eiders 15 76 24.8 372 GRADE U //14 J.L. Sloan, Eiders 14 83 26.4 370 C. Ladhams, Gaza 17 245' 84.7 932 J.P. Anderson. Pembroke O.S. 16 77 25.7 360 M. Healey, Brighton 14 211' 59.2 770 S.T. Edwards, Adelaide University 12 78 30.0 360 D.J. Gelven, Gaza 13 180 62.7 690 D.P. Mapstone, Elders 12 71 35.5 355 N. Shadlac, E 8 O.C. 13 145 45.1' 542 M.R. Brebner, Kensington District 10 74' 44.0 352 D. Jendy, Grange 15 91' 45.3 499 P.A. Howson, Eiders 14 84 27.2 327 S.J. Virgo, Payneham 11 135 36.6 403 A. Smith, Adelaide University 7 92 65.4 327 M.D. Ainslie, Grange 15 68' 32.5 391 G.C. Sims. Elders 14 79 24.4' 318 D.A. Despott, Pooraka 12 63 29.5 355 G. McRedmond, R.C.P. 12 93 43.3 347 GRADE 5.0 A.D. Sykes, Modbury 14 86 27.5 331 A.J. Rathmann, A.H.O.S. 16 172 71.1 925 R.S. Tonkin, R.C.P. 11 128 29.1 321 C. Moriarty, Rostrevor O.C. 12 144 36.5 402 B.M. McKay, Modbury 14 62 22.5' 316 G.M. Hughes, A.H.O.S. 14 106 29.3 381 GJ. Clark, A.H.O.S. 17 61 24.1 362 P. Rathmann, Aft as. 16 60 20.3 326 A. Rayment, Para Hills 14 63 22.7 318 S. Trade's, Elders 16 41 19.8 317 P.J. Northeast, Eiders 10 97 30.5 305


S.D. Heaps, Payneham 37 N. Narval, Grange 17 S.P. O'rien, Gaza 13 R. Poole, W.N.F.P. 36 N. Nawana, Unley 17 P.W. Rossiter, Marion 13 A.W. Sinclair, S.P.O.C. 33 R.J. Abode, W.N.F.P. 16 A.T. Davidson, Unley 12 D. Jacobs, Grange 28 R.L. Day, Payneham 16 K. Katdare, Unley 11 M. Wilson, 'Brighton 28 S.P. Rawe, Ingle Farm Dist. 15 G. Brlerley, Gepps Cross 10 E. Graham -Vanderbyl, Walkerville 27 R. Eime, Brighton 14 A.J. Gordon, Gepps Cross 10 A. Garrick, Marion 26 N. Wray, R.C.P. 14 B.G. Massey, Ingle Farm Dist. 10 S. Hill, W.N.F.P. 22 A.J. Baker, Ingle Farm Dist. 13 J.A. Matthias, S.P.O.C. 10 J.T. Daunt, Gaza 19 D.R. Betterman, Payneham 13 B. Mordaunt, Gepps Cross 10 S. Whitehouse, Grange 19 M.N. Daunt, Gaza 13 J.P. Walshaw, Grange 10 I: Jaggard, R.C.P. 17 A.J. Hinchcliff, S.P.O.C. 13 C.B. Joyce, S.P.O.C. 17 M.J. Neville, Gaza 13

Winner of "J.U. Jantke" Trophy: S.D. HEEPS - PAYNEHAM


P. Leonello, W.N.F.P. 71 L. Hennessy, Woodville South 58 A.P. Nafin, Walkerville 41 S.P. Moore, Fulham 69 M.B. Golley, Brighton 53 J.F. Ahern, Gepps Cross 39 L.M. O'Connell, Grange 69 T.T. Birchell, S.P.O.C. 51 W. Lipsett, Hope Valley 39 D. Harvey, E & O.C. 66 D.G. Anderson, Ingle Farm Dist. 49 S. Brennan, Unley 28 D.W. Crouch, Rostrevor O.C. 65 E. Pontife; P.A.O.C. 49 M.A. Foster, Flinders Park 27 M.R. Bitmead, A.H.O.S. 63 C.A. Phillips, Flinders University 46 D.J. Lee, R.C.P. 24 D.M. Nelson, Pooraka 63 R. Sykes, Pulteney O.S. 43 J. Pascoe, Old Scotch 23 S.J. Corcoran, Payneham 60 C.R. Campbell, Marion 42 P.A. Woon, Old Scotch 23 G.R. Lauder, Gaza 60 P. Stewart, R.C.P. 42

Winner of "NW. Keen" Trophy: P. LEONELLO - WOODVILLE NORTH/FERRYDEN PARK INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCES BATTING - CENTURIES GRADE A.1 Rn Opponents GRADE B.2 Rnd Opponents A.W. Sinclair, S.P.O.C. 105' Marion C. Hinter, W.N./F.P. 114' 1 Flinders Unl N. Wundke, Brighton 127 Unley C. Hogan, W.M. /F.P, 111' 2 Woodville Rech S.R. Kuiper, Unley 108 Brighton D. Wiles, W.N. /F.P. 110 2 Woodville Rech N,R. Plummer, Unley 103 Brighton A. Langdon, Flinders Uni 109 4 Gaza D.R. Cook, R.C.P. 106 Payneham 8. Sellers, Flinders Uni 101' 4 Gaza P. Tokic, Grange 126 Unley D. Barker, W.N. /F.P. 141 4 Woodville South D.J. Seekamp; Grange 103 Unley R. King, Unley 111 4 Fulham P. Tokic, Grange 105 Gaza A. Neville, Gaza 103 5 Fulham D,G. Anderson, Ingle Farm 205' Payneham P. Milde, W.N. /F.P. 102 5 Marion A.W. Sinclair, S.P.O:C. 104' Ingle Farm B. Murphy, Unley 100' 5 Woodville Rech P.M. Judd, Payneham 103' Grange R.W. Wigley, Walkerville 100 5 Flinders Park D.J. Seekamp, Grange 111' Payneham T. Luter, Woodville South 137 6 Pulteney O.S. D.W. Farrell, Welkerville 101 Unley N. Pesch, Flinders Park 135' 6 Woodville Rech A.J. Hinchcliff, 5P.O.C. 102' Walkerville B. Priest, Flinders Uni 158 7 Old Collegians B.G. Massey, Ingle Farm 159 Gepps Cross N Pesch, Flinders Park 108 9 Pulteney O.S. A.J. Baker, Ingle Farm 119' Gepps Cross N. Nawana, Unley 101 10 Pulteney O.S. S. NIB, W.N. /F.P. 108 Payneham I.J. Robertson, Flinders Uni 147 11 Woodville South D,R. Cook, R.C.P. 106 Ingle Farm B. Priest, Flinders Uni 118 F W.N. /F.P, N. Wundke, Brighton 153 Walkerville S,P. Rewe, Ingle Farm 102' Walkerville G.M. Stagg, R.C.P. 131' Gaza GRADE "C" A. Bosman, Rostrevor 1 D. Jacobs, Grange 102 S.P.O.C. O.C. 101 Flinders Uni S. Scannell, Brighton D.W. Farrell, WelkeWile 115' W.N. /F.P. 168 Flinders Uni D. J.P. Barker, W.NJF.P. 115 Walkerville Charles, Grange 124' Rostrevor O.C. S. Huddy, Brighton 103' K.J. Payne, R.C.P: 163 SI Walkerville Rostrevor O.C. J. Merrell, Grange G.M. Stagg, R.C.P. 108 S/ Walkerville 107' Flinders Uni D.R. Cook, R.C.P. 132 Grange R. Haby, Grange 106 Flinders Uni A. Curtis, E & ac. 153 R.C.P. J. Christensen, S.P.O.C. 100' S.M.O.S.H. GRADE A.2 R. Sadden, Brighton 108 Payneham T.J. Sandery, Pooraka 104' 1 Pulteney O,S. C. McSporran, Torrens Valley 117 Unleyy D.W. Crouch, Rostrevor O.C. 137 2 Pulteneeyy O.S. A. Kailos, Payneham 103 S.P.O.C, A.C. O'Dea, Pulteney O.S. 117 4 C. McSporran, Torrens Valley 147 S.H. L. Hennessy, Woodville South 108 5 Old Scotch P. Argent, R.C.P. 132' Rostrevor D.C. W. Millard, Pulteney O.S. 114 5 Flinders Uni K. McGuiness, R.C.P. 102 S/ Brighton R.T. Christensen, Woodville South 101' 6 Flinders Park A. Leikas, Flinders Park 102 6 Woodville South J,R. Hooper, Pulteney O.S. 114 7 Woodville South GRADE "D" S.G. Wisdom, Flinders Uni 106 7 Pooraka T. Molo, U.S.A. 117' 1 R.C.P. S.K. Sykes, Hinders Unl 118 7 Pooraka R. Smith, Grange 126' 1 Payneham W. 115 9 Flinders Park R. Dopson, Brighton 125 4 Para Hills KC. Riddle, Hope Valley 129 9 E 8 O.C. C. Zadow, Modbury 112' 4 Pembroke O,S. J.R. Hooper, Pulteney O,S. 139 10 E 8 O.C. M. Harrison, Old Scotch 165 4 W.M. /F.P. F.A. Swale, Pulteney O.S. 135 10 E 8 O.C. I. Fleetwood, Old Scotch 148 4 W.M. /F.P. AP. Curtis, E & O.C. 129 10 Pulteneeyy O.S. S. Kay, S.H.O.C. 141 4 Gepps Cross M.C. Riddle, Hope Valley 111 11 C. L. Owen, R.C.P. 150 6 W.N./F.P. K.M. Frick, Rostrevor O.C. 110 11 E & O.C. J. McInnes, S.H.O.C. 129 7 R.C.P. J. Jones, A.H.O.S. 207 11 Pulteney O.S. S. Quinn, Modbury 120 7 Gepps Cross J. McInnes, S.H.O.C. 102 9 W.N. /F.P, GRADE A.3 M. Lane, Modbury 136 10 W.N. /F.P. T. Dougan, Brighton 117' 10 Grange K. McCarthy, Old Ignatians 104 2 Para Hills J. McInnes, S.H.O.C. 127 11 Old Scotch S. Cleave, Old Collegians 154 2 S.H.O.C. P. Petrohilos, Torrens Valley 100 2 Glekun a M.C. Duthie, Modbury 107 2 Woodville Rech GRADE "E" T.J. Gagliardi, Glenunga 100' 4 Kilburn A. Bros, Kilburn 103' 6 Marion C.D. Whiteman, Old Ignatlens 103 4 S.M.O.S.H. S. Martin, Kilburn 100' 8 Penfield A. Carey, Old Ignatlens 105 5 Modbury G. Cameron, Marlon 104 9 Ingle Farm D.J, Cluse, Penfield 111 6 Torrens Valley S. Khoo, A.H.O,S, 122 11 Ingle Farm R. Collins, Torrens Valley 139 6 Penfield S. Khoo, A.H.O.S. 104' S/F Glenunga M,S. Huddlestone, Immanuel O.S. 108 6 Kilburn J.C. Pearce, S.H.O.C. 124 7 Immanuel O.S. "F" D. Gigney, S.H.O.C. 114' 7 Immanuel O,S. GRADE A. Moore, R.C.P. 133 K.P. Dohnt, S.M.O.S.H. 100 7 Torrens Valley Greenkres J. Brenner, Walkerville J.A. Aubert, Woodville Rech 105 9 Old Ignatians 126 Torrens Valley A. Olsson, P.A.O.C. J.C. Pearce, S.H.O.C. 100 9 Kilburn 150 Torrens Valley P. Kretschmer, P.M. Schultz, Old Collegians 103 10 Kilburn Woodville South 116 Greenacres D. Mason, Walkerville 108' R.C.P. D. Zollo, Old Collegians 125' Pulteney O.S. GRADE A.4 P. Boylan, Old Ignatians 102' Unley S.R. Larsson, Greenacres 102 1 E.T.S.A. A. Moore, R.C.P. 121 Old Ignatians S.P. Jolly, Adelaide Uni 113 3 Greenacres M. Johnson, P.A.O.C. 106' Greenacres P. Holliday, U.S.A. 107 4 E.T.S.A. K. Stevens, Greenacres 112' 1 Unley T. Rowley, Pembroke O,S. 137 4 Greenacres T. Cooling, R C,P. 100' 1 O,C. P.J. Molloy, U.S.A. 101' 5 Greenacres N. Caruso, Woodville South 134 1 Torrens Valley M.J. Harrison, E.T.S.A. 131 7 Greenacres A. Moore, R.C.P. 102 1 Modbury KA. Piles, U.S.A. 100 10 Adelaide Uni D. Kadow, Greenacres 101' 1 Old Ignatians P. Krupka, Old Ignatians 109' 1 Greenacres GRADE B.1 A. Tweihree, Woodville South 110 S/ Unley T.Patrick, S.P.O.C. 01 2 P.A.O.C. B. Mordaunt, Gepps Cross 45 2 Ingle Farm GRADE A. Cook, Gepps Cross 19 2 Ingle Farm "G" P. Allan, 102' 4 Grange N. Dollery, Ingle Farm 00 2 Gepps Cross &rms. D. Shaw, Pooraka 100 6 A.H.c7,S, M. Wills, P.A.O.C. 09 4 Payneham J. Cook, Payneham 120 S. Thomson, R.C.P. 28' 4 S.P.O.C. 6 Woodville Rech D. Fletcher, Grange 123 7 Woodville Mach B. Mordaunt, Gepps Cross 09 4 Ax as. A. Trezona, Pooraka 127' 9 A. Beames, Gepps Cross 12' 5 P.A.O.C. S.H.O.C, J. Kelton, S.H.O.C. 10 R.C.P. J. Peters, E & O.C. 00 6 P.A.O.C. 156' R. Pepe, R.C.P. 167' 11 A.H.O.S. R. Calabria. Pooraka 52' 9 S.P.O.C. R. Brokensha, Brighton 10' 9 P.A.O.C. J. Lee, Grange 13 10 Ingle Farm GRADE "H" M.J. Schmidt, E & O,C. 55' 11 R.C.P. B. Sobels, E & O.C. 107 5 US A. R. Brokensha, Brighton 23' 11 Ingle Farm, P. Sampson, Flinders Park 103' 8 Unly W. Margltich, Payneham 07 S/F Pooraka P. Ramsay, Para Hills 108 S/F Payneham ONE DAY COMPETITION UNDERAGE SECTION

GRADE 5.A Rnd Opponents GRADE U /16 Rn Opponents D. Watson, Adelaide Uni 119' 5 Old Ignatians S. Stoleman, Modbury 401 Woodville Rech R. Hutton, Stun District 102 7 W.N. /F.P. D. Vertudaches, Modbury 132 Woodville Rech P. Tubbs, R.C.P. 155' 8 W.N. /F.P. D. Mashford, Pooraka Green 103' Woodville Rech P. Lawrence, W.N. /F.P. 109 9 Brighton C. Gilbert, Pooraka Green 118' Woodville Rech S. Hine, Grange 107' 12 Brighton P. Courage, Brighton 205' Payneham S. Amos, Ingle Farm 153' 12 Old Ignatians D. Venudaches, Modbury 166 Gepps Cross S. Visser, Grange 101 13 Stun District D. Hillen, Gepps Cross 224 Modbury P. Lawrence, W.N. /F.P. 109 14 Ingle Farm R. Glowik, Hope Valley 127' Payneham R. Phillips, Stun District 121 14 Adelaide Uni D. Hillen, Gepps Cross 104 Pooraka Gold M. Hill, R.C.P. 110' 15 Flinders Uni A. Burns, Marlon 102 1 Gepps Cross P. Flynn, Adelaide Uni 106 15 Walkerville D. Griffiths, Modbury 101' 1 Pooraka Gold M. Twomey, Stun District 171' 16 Flinders Uni S. Williams, Woodville Rech 101' 1 Fulham R. Collis, Stun District 102' 17 Flinders Uni P. Courage, Brighton 215 1 Hope Valley S. Hine, Grange 159 18 Flinders Uni A. Mackie, Payneham 175' 1 E 8 O.C. D. Griffiths, Modbury 181' 11 Payneham GRADE 5.B P. Smith, Gepps Cross 103 11 Brighton B. McKee, Gepps Cross 114 3 Elders T. Stewart, E & O.C. 132 11 Fulham S. Herby, Rostrevor O.C. 111' 6 Gepps Cross B. MacKay, Brighton 122' S/F Marion S. Hopkinson, Old Collegians 146 10 Pembroke O.S. S. Harby, Rostrevor O.C. 103' 12 Adelaide Uni GRADE U /14 A. Cook, Gepps Cross 125 14 Rostrevor O.C. C. Ladhams, Gaza 144' R.C.P. A. Winter, P.A.O C. 104' 14 Woodville South S. Virgo, Payneham 135 Grange M. Healy, Brighton 142 E 8 O.C. GRADE 5.0 N. Shadiac, E & O.C. 145 Grange G. Hughes, A.H.O.S. 106 3 Woodville Rech C. Ladhams, Gaza 105' Hope Valley A. Rathmann, A.H.O.S. 116 9 Para Hills J. Phillipou, Grange 100 R.C.P. C. Platten, Rostrevor O.C. 106 12 Fulham D. Gelven, Gaza 138' Marion A. Ellis, Para Hills 105' 13 Woodville Rech C. Ladhams,.Gaza 245' Grange S. Scott, Para Hills 100' 13 Woodville Rech M. Healy, Brighton, 211' R.C.P. A. Rathmann, A.H.O.S. 103' 13 Torrens Valley D. Gelven, Gaza 180 Pooraka J. McMahon, Gaza 132' 13 Rostrevor O.C. M. Healy, Brighton 160 11 Hope Valley L. Piscioneri, Woodville Rech 112' 16 Gaza D. Gelven, Gaza 137 11 E 8 O.C. A. Rathmann, A.H.O.S. 172 16 Rostrevor O.C. A. Rathmann, A.H.O.S. 124' 17 Old Ignatians M.J. Fienemann, Old Ignatians 108' 18 Fulham

BOWLING Dyers Mdns Runs Ave. Agg. Oyera Mdns Runs Ave. Agg. K. Edgecomb, A.H.O.S. 231.1 69 634 14.4 44 GRADE A.1 J. Boyce, Woodville Rechabite 157.3 44 387 10.1 38 T.J. Dante, Walkervllle 245.2 54 738 21.7 34 M. Ludwig, A.H.O.S. 170.5 33 519 14.4 36 D.C. Heysen, S.P.O.C. 208 29 783 23.7 33 S.J. Toohey, 5.H.O.C. 196 so 513 16.0 32 C. Walton, Brighton 186 27 629 20.2 31 M.T. McCarthy, Pooraka 169 39 411 13.2 31 GRADE A.2 GRADE "H" M B. Harrison, Woodville South 328.4 88 788 19 6 40 D. Hoare, E & O.C. 277.1 88 540 9.4 57 A.N. Klitogiannia, Fulham 193.1 46 467 13.3 35 A.R. Payne, Unley 180 40 474 14.3 33 A.J. Diener, Rostrevor O.C. 188 36 610 17.4 35

GRADE A.3 J Rogerson. Modbury 264 67 788 13.5 58 O.L. Heyzer, S.M.O.S.H. 226.3 45 624 13.5 46 S. Richards, Old Collegians 222 as 756 16.8 45 ONE DAY SECTION 164,1 398 11.7 34 P.G. Box.; Para Hills 53 GRADE 5.A A.J. Williams. Torrent Valley 205.5 40 622 20.0 31 S.A. Hine, Grange 109.3 32 276 9.2 30 GRADE A.4 GRADE 5.0 W.J. Gibb, Pembroke O.S. 196.5 75 470 11.7 40 A. Longdon, Elders 143 32 393 10.8 37 F.P. Ballard, Greenacres 180.5 40 473 14.3 33 A Cameron, Gaza R.A. James, U.S.A. 128.2 l8 457 14.2 32 129 17 396 13.2 30 W.J. Brooks, Greenacres 167 24 530 16.5 32 A Savage. Greenacres 202.2 49 585 18.2 32

GRADE B.1 S.M. Lester, Pooraka 201 50 549 16.1 34 UNDERAGE SECTION

GRADE B.2 GRADE U /16 D. Hill, W.N.F.P. 205 53 447 10.3 43 M. Simons, Brighton 181.5 50 419 10.7 39 M. Grescb, Pulteney O S. 156.2 30 587 17.7 33 T.H. Stewart, E 8 O.C. 162 2 37 427 11.8 36 M.T Lardner, Unley 153.3 51 332 11.0 30 C. Plumeler,Woodville Rechabite 135 29 314 9.2 34 D.J. Mead, Modbury 222.3 49 819 19.3 32 GRADE "C" O.C. Lynch, Hope Valley 149.3 22 463 15.4 30 B. Elliott. Grange 102.1 25 295 9.5 31 GRADE U/14 GRADE "D" C. Ladhams, Gaza 223.2 68 487 5.7 85 S.J. Quinn, Modbury 115.3 29 313 9.7 32 D.J. Gelven, Gaza 143 45 313 7.1 44 M. Healey, Brighton 209.1 43 542 12.3 44 GRADE "E" D Jandy, Grange 207.1 33 606 14.4 42 B.G. Radan, Hope Valley 1871 34 560 12.1 46 M.D. Ainslie, Grange 204.2 37 569 15.8 36 P.R. Lane, Penfield 1764 50 402 13.4 30 D.A. Despoil, Pooraka 154.1 27 410 11.7 35 S.M. Newton, Pooraka 159 20 475 13.5 35 GRADE "F" M.L. Humphries, Modbury 172.4 67 236 7.3 32 P.M. Lempens, Modbury 179.3 51 378 9.6 39 P.A. Tucker, Modbury 139.1 33 314 9.8 32 J.R. Biggs, Woodville South 169.3 57 322 10.3 31 B.M. McKay, Modbury 156.4 54 270 9.0 30 BOWLING 10 OR MORE WICKETS PER MATCH

GRADE A.1 Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents GRADE U /16 Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents S. McKenzie. S.P.O.C. 10 125 10 Gepps Cross M. Simons, Brighton 12 52 2 Fulham D.J. Mead, Modbury 10 49 6 Hope Valley GRADE A.3 N.J. Lehmann, Pooraka Green 12 71 7 Hope Valley R.J. Miller, Glenunga 11 116 5 S.M.O.S.H. J. Rogerson, Modbury 14 122 10 S.M.O.S.H. GRADE U/14 B.R. Birchall, Woodville Rech 10 81 11 S.M.O.S.H. C. Ladhams, Gaza 13 34 2 R.C.P. C. Ladhams, Gaza 10 30 4 Hope Valley GRADE A.4 C. Ladhams, Gaza 12 23 6 Marion W.J. Gibb, Pembroke O.S. 10 56 5 Adelaide Deaf M.D. Ainslie, Grange 12 57 7 Pooraka O.J. Gelven, Gaza 10 46 7 Brighton GRADE B.1 C. Ladhams, Gaza 10 75 F Modbury D.M. Curtin, Payneham 10 133 2 E & O.C. J.A. Jacobs, Payneham 10 106 5 Ingle Farm

GRADE "C" B. Elliott, Grange 11 78 11 Pooraka GRADE "E" M.A. Richter, Glenunga 10 60 4 Kilburn J. Grant, Marlon 11 74 8 S.P.O.C. B.G. Radan, Hope Valley 10 89 S/F Penfield GRADE "G" M. Ludwig. A.H.O.S. 12 107 9 Hope Valley

BOWLING 7 OR MORE WICKETS IN AN INNINGS GRADE "G" Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents GRADE A.1 Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents K. Edgecomb, A.H.O.S. 7 29 7 Fulham J.A. Leeflang, Walkerville 7 70 5 Gepps Cross M. Ludwig, A.H.O.S. 8 61 9 Hope Valley T.J. Sargent, R.C.P. 7 31 7 Marion M.T. McCarthy, Pooraka 8 36 9 S.H.O.C. S. McKenzie, S.P.O.C. 7 66 10 Gepps gross K. Edgecomb, A.H.O.S. 8 42 10 Penfield J. Boyce, Woodville Rech 7 44 S/F Payneham GRADE A.2 R. Lukosius, Fulham 7 53 1 P.A.O.C. GRADE "H" A.J. Diener, Rostrevor O.C. 7 59 2 Pulteney O.S. D. Hoare, E & O.C. 7 64 0. Para Hills T.R. Kerr, Woodville South 7 117 7 Pulteney 0S. I.W. Scott, Payneham 9 50 6 U.S.A. G. Sandercock, Rostrevor O.C. 8 26 8 P.A.O.C. D. Hoare, E & O.C. 8 23 S/F Marion S. Moss, Flinders Uni 7 60 8 Flinders Park M.B. Trebilcock, Marion 7 43 S/F E & O.C. M.S. Broadhurst, Flinders Uni 7 26 11 Woodville South A.N. Klitogiannis, Fulham 7 34 S/F Flinders Uni ONE DAY COMPETITION GRADE A.3 GRADE 5.A D.L. Heyzer, S.M.O.S.H. 8 90 5 Glenunga C. Thorne, Old Ignatians 7 27 2 Flinders Park R.J. Miller, Glenunga 7 79 5 S.M.O..H. P.G. Box, Para Hills 8 52 6 S.M.O.S.H. GRADE 5.B J. Rogerson, Modbury 7 59 10 S.M.O.S.H. D. Hewitt, Elders 7 31 14 Marion J. Rogerson, Modbury 7 63 10 S.M.O.S.H. C. Mapstone, Elders 7 31 16 Adelaide Uni H.H. Smith, Old ignatians 7 46 11 Penfield G. Weisbrodt, Woodville South 7 20 16 Gepps Cross B.R. Birchall, Woodville Rech 7 37 11 S.M.O.S.H. C Mauston!. Elders 7 27 17 Old Collegians

GRADE A.4 GRADE 5.0 R.A. James, Unit of S.A. 7 41 9 E.T.S.A. C.V. Zammit, Torrens Valley 7 10 1 Penfield W.J. Gibb, Pembroke O.S. 7 48 11 Adelaide Deaf M. Whiteley, Penfield 7 9 3 Torrens Valley GRADE B.1 UNDERAGE SECTION M. Verrall, R.C.P. 7 45 4 S.P.O.C. J.A. Jacobs, Payneham 7 53 5 Ingle Farm GRADE U /16 S.M. Lester, Pooraka 7 43 6 Ingle Farm M. Simons, Brighton 7 28 2 Fulham R. Superina, Brighton 8 35 11 Ingle Farm C. Plumeier, Woodville Rech 8 61 11 Hope Valley

GRADE B.2 GRADE U /14 T.P. Daviess, Woodville South 7 45 Gaza C. Ladhams, Gaza 8 29 2 R.C.P. D. Hill, W.N.F.P. 7 26 Woodville Rech C. Ladhams. Gaza 9 35 5 Modbury S. Moss, Flinders Uni 7 59 Gaza C. Ladhams, Gaza 8 19 6 Marion R.W. Wigley, Walkerville 7 53 Gaza D.A. Despoti, Pooraka 7 27 7 Grange Todd Maddern, Flinders Uni 7 73 Marion M. Healey, Brighton 7 48 7 Gaza A.W. Edgar, Flinders Park 8 26 Pulteney O.S. M. Healey, Brighton 7 67 9 R.C.P. D.T. Walsh, Flinders Uni 7 56 Woodville South S. Scragg, Pooraka 7 38 9 Modbury S.C. Vanstone, Woodville Rech 9 65 Gaza K.L. Brown, Flinders 7 29 Uni 5/ Flinders Park HAT -TRICKS Grade Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents D. Hill, W.N.F.P. 7 53 Flinders Uni D.J. Garvin, Hope Valley "G" 6 36 4 Fulham C. Ladhams, Gaza U /14 9 35 5 Modbury GRADE "C" A.N. Klitogiannis, Fulham A.2 4 19 6 Pulteney O.S. B. Elliott, Grange 7 37 11 Pooraka D.J. Mead, Modbury U /16 5 11 6 Hope Valley A.J. Diener, Rostrevor O.0 A.2 4 18 7 A.H.O.S. GRADE "D" D. Gelven, Gaza U/14 4 32 7 Brighton 76 W.J. Rankin, R.C.P. 7 2 Brighton K.A. O'Leary , Modbury "H" 4 36 10 U.S.A. G. Williams, Pembroke O.S. 7 40 6 Grange B.R. Birchall, Woodville Rech A.3 7 37 11 S.M.O.S.H. S.J. Quinn, Modbury 7 73 10 W.N.F.P. J.P. Angerson, Pembroke O.S. 5.B 4 28 13 Gepps Cross G. Probert, Elders 5.A 6 16 14 Torrens Valley GRADE "E" J. Meiksans, Rostrevor O.C. 5.B 4 15 14 Gepps Cross J. Grant, Marion 8 38 8 S.P.O.C. G. Weisbrodt, Woodville South 5.B 7 20 16 Gepps Cross B.G. Radan, Hope Valley 7 33 S/F Penfield C.J. Childs, Penfield 5.0 3 9 17 Rostrevor O.C.

GRADE "F" P.M. Lempens, Modbury 7 27 7 P.A.O.C. P.F. O'Callaghan, Unley 7 21 10 Greenecres P.M. Lempens, Modbury 7 48 F Woodville South SEMI -FINAL MATCHES 1994 -95

GRADE A.1 GRADE "C" GOODWOOD OVAL DEVITT OVAL Richmond Clarence Park 6/473 def Walkerville 196 Payneham 205 def Grange 169 R.CP.: K. Payne 163, G. Stagg 108, M. Verrall 47', Payneham: D. Phillips 35', B. Skurrie 6/61. P. Haynes 35, T. Sargent 4/40. Grange: R. Giglio 54, B. Elliott 6/59, G. Bagshaw 3/49. Walkerville: Graham -Van Der Byl 55, D. Farrell 48', BRIGHTON NO. 2 OVAL T. Dante 36, Carr A. 5/88. Richmond Clarence Park 7/262 def Brighton 200 BRIGHTON OVAL R.CP.: K. McGuiness 102, L. Owen 47, S. Knight 32, Grange 3/130 def Brighton 113 J. Pike 4/48, A. Stockley 3/44. Grange: P. Hoste 77', N. Maloney 3/30. Brighton: B. Friend 72, A. Moore 45. Brighton: P. Edwards 40', C Walton 3/47.

GRADE A.2 GRADE "D" COLLINS RESERVE SACRED HEART COLLEGE OVAL Flinders Uni 135 & 43/1 def Fulham 54 S.HO.C. 266 del Para Hills 138 Flinders Uni: I. Cox 42, S. Sykes 31', Stewart-Joenson 6/20, S.H.O.C.: S. McGahan 57, B. Eime 51', S. Moroney 44, A. Flower 3/11. B. Miller 5/70. Fulham: A. Klitogiannis 7/34. Para Hills: G. Cliff 4/48, R. Bennett 4/74. LEDGER RESERVE BLAIR ATHOL RESERVE Woodville South 263 def Flinders Park 165. Brighton 9/152 def Modbury 132 Woodville Sth: L. Hennessy 96, R. Chenoweth 36, T. Kerr 35, Brighton: R. Kastelan 37', P. Warnes 4/28. M. Harrison 4/88. Modbury: C. Zadow 40, R. Sparks 3/27. Flinders Park: D. Crawford 53 & 3/34, R Newman 6/29.

GRADE A.3 PRICE RESERVE GRADE-"E" Old Ignatians139 & 138/1 def Para Hills 131 RAILWAYS OVAL Old Ignatians: C Whiteman 46', B. Morkunas 41 & 36', Adelaide High O.S. 6/194 def Glenunga 185 G. Ryan 58', T. Sheridan 4/39, T. Cornelius 3/27, A.H.O.S.: S. Khoo 104', N. Wilson 36', C Gannon 3/23, H. Smith 3/51. Glenunga: S. Coultas 44'. Para Hills: P. Box 47 & 6/59, S. Horn 45, D. Caldwell 3/37. PENFIELD NO. 1 OVAL TORRENS VALLEY OVAL Penfield 131 & 7/79 def Hope Valley 100 & 109 Torrens Valley 226 def Modbury 209 Penfield: A. Watson 40, J. Ellul 3/17, P. Lane 3/23 & 3/40, Torrens Valley: P. Martin 50, R. Collins 38, R Petroholis 37, S. Adams 4/26, M. Langdon 6/28. A. Williams 37 & 6/62, B. Culph 3/85. Hope Valley. B. Reid 40, a Radon 7/33 & 3/56, K. Radan 3/15. Modbury: J. Tonkin 85, M. Underwood 43, M. Galliford 4/38, J. Rogerson 3/73.

GRADE A.4 GRADE "F" UNIVERSITY OF S.A. OVAL KINGSWOOD OVAL E.TS.A. 4/138 def University of S.A. 135 Woodville South 9/303 def Unley 106 110, 48, E.T.S.A.: R. Roberts 31' & 3/38, M. Huddy 30', T. Goode 4/23. Woodville Sth: A. Twelftree R Kretschmer U.S.A.: a Campbell 47, C. Freeman 45. G. Weisbrodt 5/21. J. Biggs 4/30. Unley: P. Whittaker 3/37. L.J. LEWIS RESERVE Greenacres 8/214 def Pembroke O.S. 204 MODBURY OVAL Greenacres: W. Brooks 47, 5. Larsson 42, W. Robb 42, Modbury 6/135 del Richmond Clarence Park 134 K. 39', P. Lempens & 4/44, F. Ballard 4/56. Modbury: O'Leary 39' Pembroke O.S.: M. Prlder 78, S. Chambers 47, W. Glob 4/45. P. Treloar 3/23. R.C.P.: T. Cooling 56, S. Fellows 4/32.

GRADE &1 PAYNEHAM OVAL Payneham 5/352 def Pooraka 271 GRADE "G" Payneham: W. Margitich 107, S. Dixey 66. P. Raymond 51, LINDBLOM RESERVE T. Goodwin 38, R. Rutter 35', A. Baker 32', a Curtin 4/63. Pooraka 7/240 def S.H.O.0 234 Pooraka: R. Calabria 70, D. Foster 56, S. Lester 45 & 3/112, Pooraka: B. Martin 74 & 4/55, W. Hasch 33'. T. Sandery 34, J. Walker 30 *. S.HO.C.: S. Toohey 76, J. Kelton 48, M. Gigney 30 & 3/44. GRANGE OVAL MATHESON RESERVE Richmond Clarence Park 4/208 def Grange 202 Woodville Rechabite 8/126 def Payneham 124 R.CP.: W. Potts 73', S. Thomson 47', A. Browne 41, Woodville Rech: S.'Fraser 44, J. Boyce 7/44. R. Scrutton 3/41. Payneham: I. Richards 63, J. Cook 3/11, M. Wilczek 3/28. Grange: S. Blades 59', J. Lee 43, L. Cook 43, D. Field 3/43.

GRADE 8.2 GRADE "H" STRATHMORE RESERVE Woodville North/Ferryden Park 230 def Unley 165 WALKERVILLE OVAL W.N.F.P.: D. Barker 63, P. Matthews 58, P. Holmes 35, Para Hills 8/344 def Payneham 235 R. Abode 541, P. Baker 4/32. Para Hills: P. Ramsay 108, W. Toohey 58, N. Eeles 48', Unley: D. Pasculli 80', M. Lardner 3/33, R. Brealey 3/37. R. Regej 38', D. Gleason 3/59. Payneham: A. Trenorden 97, S. Jain 33, D. Williams 3/47. FLINDERS PARK RESERVE Flinders University 208 del Minders Park 151 GLANDORE OVAL Flinders Uni: K. Brown 45' & 7/29, D. Brown 38, Edwardstown & Old Concordions 169 & 5/101 def Marion 73 J. McCormack 30. E & O.C.: S, Rimington 60, P. Rimington 36, T Wall 40'; Flinders Park: B. Trigonls 35, T. Austin 32, J. Oxlade 3/47, a D. Hoare 6/23, Featherby 3/61. Marlon: M. Trebilcock 7/43, M. Mugford 3/29. ONE DAY COMPETITION UNDERAGE SECTION GRADE SA GRADE U/16' WAITE OVAL MARION NO. 2 OVAL. Sturt District 4/107 del Richmònd Clarence Park 103 Brighton 3/217 def Marion 215 Sturt: R. Bartlett 4T, R. Coulis 4/28 Brighton: H. MacKay 122', P. Courage 69, M. Simons 4/31. R.CP.: B. Millar sa Marion: J. Burdon 82, C. Maddocks 75, L. Power 30. GRANGE NO. 2 OVAL LINDBLOM RESERVE NO. 2 OVAL Grange 172 def Adelaide University 138 Modbury 5/175 def Pooraka Green 173 Grange: S. Hine 66, S Nieman 42 8 4/27. Modbury: D. Griffiths 84, D. Vertudaches 52', S. Reid 4/35, Adelaide Uni: G. Howe 30, C. Owen 5/11. D. Mead 4/49.

GRADE 5.13 GRADE U/14 ROSTREVOR COLLEGE OVAL GREEIJACRES RESERVE Kensington District 8/140 del Woodville South 8/135 Gaza 117 def Payneham 101 Kensington: M. Brebner 62, S. Parkinson 4/25. Gaza: C. Ladhams 38 8 5/56, D. Gelvan 3/22. Woodville Sth: K. Curtis 4/15, R. Jones 3/36. Payneham: S. Virgo 34, B. Hill 3/34. McNALLY OVAL MODBURY H.S. Rostrevor O.C. 176 dei Elders 126 Modbury 9/229 def Brighton 130 Rostrevor O.C.: S. Herby 45, M. Rice 38', D. Brògden 35. Modbury: B. MacKay 62, M. Stevens 58, M. Humphries 3/16. Elders: D. Mapstone 50, S. Gosden 3/27, J. Sloan 3/33. Brighton: B. Roadknight 45', A. South 3/79.


ADELAIDE H.S. NO. 1 OVAL Adelaide High OS. 4/102 del Para Hills 100 Ai-1.0.8.: R. Rathmann 38, S Dawes 4/6. Para Hills: L. Krummel 3/42. PENFIELD NO. 2 OVAL Elders 9/141 def Penfield 110 Elders: O. Ferreira 43, A. Longdon 3/20. Penfield: S. Clayer 3/26, L. Matthews 3/39. FINAL ROOND MATCFES'19%-95 SEASON GRADE A.1 - WALKERVILLE OVAL, UMPIRES: D. FRENCH & K.GREEMIOOD


RICHOND CLARENCE PARK r 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R D.J.LEE Ct Jacobs Pillion 6 P.HAYNES L.B.W. Pillion 6 D.R.000K Ct & Bld Pillion 132 I JAGGARD Bowled Whitehouse. 3 K.J.PAYNE Ct & BLd Harris 50 G.M.STAGG Ct Tokic Pillion 20

S.J.WELLS Ct Narwal Whitehouse 6 9 3 1 28

M.VERRALL NOT OUT 25 20 1 4 55 T.J.SARGENT Bowled Pillion 3 22 4 2 53 M.P.HOGAN Bowled Whitehouse 2 6 3 - 14 R.B.COLWELL NOT OUT 7 24.3 11 2 38 Sundries 26 total 9 /286 GRANGE - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R P.TOKIC Bowled Verrall 26 P.A.HOSIE Bowled Sargent 6 N.R.MALONEY L.B.W. Sargent 52 6 2 - 15 D.J.SEEIOLMP Ct Hogan Wells 8 5 1 - 12 D.JACOBS Bowled Verrall 0

B.L.HARRIS Run Out 31 16 1 1 72 L.M.O'CONNELL Ct Jaggard Verrall 39 J.P.WALSHAW Ct Haynes Colwell 3 S.WHITEHOUSE Bowled Verrall 1 28 8 3 46 T.R.PILLION NOT OUT 8 25 1 5 72 N.NARWAL Ct Wells Colwell 4 8 1 - 27 Sundries 23 Total ¿01


WOODVILLE SOUTH - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R M.D.DICKSON Run Out 37 3 - 8 S.P.HARRISON Caught Stewart -Joensen 0 L.HENNESSY Caught Stewart -Joensen 34 R.G.CHENOWETH St Phillips Francis 58 T.R.KERR Caught Broadhurst 2 23 10 2 37 B.M.DODD Bowled Fowler 37 W.V.KELLY Run Out 6 M.B.HARRISON Caught Moss 4 31 8 2 71 R.T.CHRISTENSEN Run Out O 24.1 3 - 73 R.P.DUKE Bowled Moss 14 M.SIMS NOT WT O 6 1 - 9 Sundries 8 ota FLINDERS UNIVERSITY- 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R I.S.COX Caught M. B.Harrison 12 7 3 6 I. J. ROBERTSON Caught M.B.Harrison 19 S.G.WISDOM Caught Kerr 4 S.K.SYKES NOT OUT 89 S.VENTURA Caught Kerr 45



OLD IONATIANS - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R G.RYAN Caught Petçohi los 43 B.M.NICHOLLS Caught Culph 0 B.D.MORKUNAS L.B.W. Martin 91 K.McCARTHY Caught Titley 22 11 3 2 34 C.D.WHITEMAN Bowled A.J.Williams % M.L.GEORGE Caught A.J.Williams 59 D.D.ZOLLO NOT OUT 18

A.CAREY 5 - 1 21 T.J.CORNELIUS 18 4 - 49

T.J.SHERIDAN 11 1 1 40 H.H.SMITH 27.5 10 6 40 Sundries 6 iotal 6 /335

TORRENS VALLEY - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R C.J.MOYLE Caught Smith 4 A.WILLIAMS Caught Sheridan 38

P.PETROHILOS Caught Carey 56 15 8 1 36 P.J.MARTIN Caught Smith 49 17 2 1 74 R.COLLINS Caught Smith 17 4 - - 19 C.S.HONEYBONE L.B.W. McCarthy 0 D.D.HEAFT Caught Smith 1

A.TITLEY L.B.W. McCarthy 3 6 - 1 39 S.G.MESSNER Caught Smith 0

A.J.WILLIAMS LOT OUT 15 19 1 2 72 B.D.CULPH Caught Smith 1 27 1 1 92 Sundries 4 Total 18.


GREENACRES - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R W.ROBB L.B.W. Moyle 21 D.KADOW Bowled Moyle 16 W.J.BROQ(S Caught Roberts 19 6 - - 27 S.R.LARSSON Caught Harrison. 22 C.TROWBRIDGE Bowled T.L.Goode 3 M.A.GILLINGS L.B.W. Harrison., 3 S.KADOW Bowled Harrison 8

A.SAVAGE' Caught Roberts 41 19.3 4 1 49

M.KNIGHT L.B.N. Harrison 0 8 1 1 13 T.J.BLOOM Caught Roberts 1 5 - 1 21

F.P.BALLARD NOT OUT 5 15 1 2 34 Sundries 10 Total 149

E.T.S.A. - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R P.CRISANTI Run Out 11 P.BAGLEY Bowled Ballard 14 M.J.HARRISON Bowled Savage 1 17 3 4 37 M.L.HUDDY Caught .Bloom 32 S.J.GOODE Caught Ballard 4 C.G.MOYLE L.B.W. Knight 65 8 4 2 19 R.I.R08ERTS NOT OUT 3 11.1 - 3 34 T.L.000DE 13 4 1 20 D.G.WOODFIELD NOT OUT 12 R.J.WILES 15 4 - 32 S.A.PERKINS Sundries 11 iotal 6/153 GRADE B.1 - PAYNEHAM OVAL UMPIRES: L,A.PILGRIN & E.B.6.RENNER CAPTAINS: 6.R:WASLET (PAYIEINM) & B.IIYLAND (RICHMOND' CL RBICE: PARK) RESULT: PAYLEHAN d!f 'RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK ON 1st INNING'S.

RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R S.P.MARSLAND Ct Curtin Jacobs 5 4 W.A.BROWNE Ct Foley Jacobs 5 N.DANIEL L.B.W. Curtin 25 14 .4 2 28 J.RANKIN Bowled Was ley 78 14.3 6 5 34 S. THOMSON Run Out 15 W.G.POTTS Ct Wilton Curtin 2 15 4 1 29 B.HYLAND L.B.W. Wasley 3 P.STEWART Ct Wilton Curtin 1 G.P.DAVIS Run Out 7 1 - - 3 N,WRAY Ct Raymond Curtin 1 19 4 1 46 P.G.SCUTTON NOT OUT 0 Sundries 4 Total 146

PAYNBIAM - 1st Inning's How out Bowler Total O M W R T.M.GOODWIN L.B.W. Wray '1 S.DIXEY Ct Thomson Potts 7 W.A.MARGITICH Ct Marsland Daniel 35 P.J.RAYMOND L.B.W. Rankin 8 A.J.WILTON L.B.W. Rankin 12 L.W.FOLEY Bowled Daniel 9 J.A.JACOBS Ct Browne Rankin 23 15 6 2 24 A.M.BAKER Ct Stewart Rankin 3 9 2 - 32 G.M.VINCENT NOT OUT 40 9 3 - 16 D.M.CURTIN Ct Hyland Rankin O 24.4 14 4 29 G.R.WASLEY NOT OUT 1 10 1 2 41 Sundries 8 Total 9/14!


WOODVILLE NORTH/FERRYDEN PARK - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R P.T.HOLMES Caught Lee 5 C.HOGAN Caught McCormack 10 P.MATTHEWS Caught K. L, Brown 55 5 - - 22 D.A.BARKER Caught McCormack 17 C.J.HINTER Caught K.L. Brown 50 D.WILES Bowled Todd Maddern 89 R.J.ABERLE Caught Lee 79 9 - - 29 S.R.SHEPLEY Bowled Todd Maddern 10. 15 2 2 50 D.HILL IDT OUT 10 22.5 6 7 53 P.M.BAKER NOT OUT 7 28 2 - 80 P.LANGENBERG 4 1 - 21 Sundries 11 Total 8/545

FLINDERS UNIVERSITY - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R C.I.RUDD Ct Matthews Hill 15 D.L.BROWN Ct Baker Shepley 66 B.PRIEST Ct & Bld Hill 118 6 1 - 24 B.S.SELLERS St Hogan Hill 13 D.T.WALSH Bowled Hill O 20 5 - 53 T.POLASEC Run Out 4 K.L.BROWN St Hogan Hill 10 23 6 2 62 S.J.McLAREN NOT OUT 19 J.G.McCORMACK Bowled Shepley 2 16 2 2 63 TODD MADDERN Ct Abele Hill 2 11 - 2 65 M.J.LEE Ct & BLd Hill O 13 1 2 70 Sundries 13 iotaL 2 GRADE IC" - TORRENS VALLEY SPORTS GROUND UMPIRES: B_6.DROSIIJELLER & N.J.PHILLIPS CAPTAINS: S.J.KNIBIT (RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK) & S.J. FA(R.LOER (PAYNBNM) RESULT: RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK def PAYNENAM ON 1st INNING'S.

PAYNEHAM - 1st Inning's How tut Bowler Total O M W R S.G.HILL Caught Maliniak 21 A.J.PICKERING Caught Pike 4 M.BORILLO Caught Emmel 35 A.KALLOS L.B.W. Maliniak 2 P.LUCE Bowled Emmel 4 N.J.PADLEY Caught Maliniak 2 14 7 3 14 C.D.LUCK Caught Owen 23 20 3 1 43 S.J.FAULXNER Bowled Pike 44 D.C.PHILLIPS Bowled Pike 8 15.4 7 2 25 B.M.SKURRIE Caught Stockley 13 27 9 1 44 P.Q.HOFFMANN NOT OUT 0 15 1 1 41 Sundries 18

Total 1 /4

RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R P.L.ARGENT Run Out 36 K.M.MCGUINESS Caught Hoffmann 21 A.MILLER Bowled Luck 14 A.EMMAL Bowled Phillips 32 12 2 2 42 L.OWEN Bowled Padley 4 8 2 1 25 S.J.KNIGHT NOT OUT 42 C.I.WALLACE Bowled Phillips 2 A.G.KNIGHT Caught Skurrie 0 S.T.MALINIAK Caught Padley 9 12 5 3 20 A.STOCKLEY Bowled Padley 2 9.5 1 1 34 J.A.PIKE LOT OUT 4 18 7 3 47 Sundries 11 total 9/1/1


S.H.O.C. - 1st Inning's How Out Bawler Total O M W R S.M.MORONEY L.B.W. Moore 30 M.ADAMSON Bowled Warnes 20 J.D.MORRISSY Ct & Bld Dougan 31 J.L.McINNES Bowled Warnes 32 26 6 3 45 J.MACKIE Bowled Lewis 64 S.C.McGAHAN Ct Smith Dougan 22 S.G.GORMAN L.B.N. Hunter 12 C.McASSEY L.B.W. Lewis 14 B.EIME Caught Moore 11 4 2 1 4 B.HANNUS Bowled Lewis 7 12 4 2 22 B.MILLER NOT OUT 2 18 4 4 58 Sundries 11 total 256

BRIGHTON - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R A.SMITH Ct Adamson McInnes 34 N. EGLINGTON Bowled -Hannus 9 P.KASTERLAN Ct Eime Hannus 11 G.SLATTERY L.B.W. McInnes 0 T.DOUGAN Ct Hannus Miller 13 13 - 2 36 D.W.LEWIS Bowled Hiller 37 23.3 4 3 50 A.J.MOORE Ct Hannus McInnes 10 23 4 2 66 R.DOPSON L.B.W. Miller 3 3 - - 13 H.M.CHESTER Bowled Miller 2 5 1 - 18 D.HUNTER Ct McGahan Eime 4 5 1 1 23 P.R.WARNES NOT OUT 0 15 6 2 40 Sundries 11 total 134 GRADE E - RAILWAY OVAL (ADELAIDE HIGH O.S.) UMPIRES: R.J.BAKER & V_R08LEY CAPTAINS: A.C.WATSON (PENFIELD) & T_S.HICKS (ADELAIDE HIGH OLD SCHOLARS) RESULT: PENFIELD def ADELAIDE HIGH CCD SCHOLARS ON 1st INNING'S

PENFIELD - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R S.D.ELMES Caught Wilson 9 A.C.WATSON Caught Wilson 4 A.GOTOVAC Caught Wilson 6 J.ELLUL Bowled Hicks 78 4 - 19 D.T.SHORT Caught Hartman 8 P.R.LANE L.B.W. Hartman 72 23 7 2 60 R.MERRIS L.B.W. Hicks 7 P.A.DESMOND Caught Hicks 8 27.2 9 4 45 G.S.EDEN Bowled Fenton 8 M.A.LANGDON NOT OUT 7 21 7 3 61 S.A.ADAMS Bowled Fenton 3 8 4 - 14 Sundries 33 iotaL 143

ADELAIDE HIGH 0.5. - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R G.L.NEV1LLE Caught Desmond 25 A.FENTON L.B.W. Lane 15 13.1 4 2 31 A.E.HARTMAN Bowled Lane 31 15 3 2 60 S. W. KW Caught Langdon 12 1 - - 4 M.STUCKEY Bowled Langdon 6 J.D.VIECELI Ct & Bld Desmond 58 N.B.WILSON Run Out 8 21 5 3 52 T.S.HICKS Bowled Langdon 22 19 4 3 36 P.D.MILNE Caught Desmond 0 4 2 - 7 C.KOSTAKIS Caught Desmond 3 9 3 - 24 C.M.GANNON NOT OUT 18 5 1 - 9 Sundries 15 Total 113


WOODVILLE SOUTH - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total 0 R W R G.ROBINSON Caught King 5 N.CARUSO Bowled Lempens 9 A.P.TWELFTREE Caught Lempens 9 4 1 - 12 P.J.KRETSCHMER L.B.W. Lempens 39 B.L.CONDUIT L.B.W. Lempens 0 T.FITZGERALD Bowled O'Leary 14 H.NAGI Caught O'Leary 0 J.R.BIGGS Caught Lempens 19 16 10 2 24 L.W.DOYLE Bowled Lempens 9 11.5 6 3 10 G.WEISBRODT L.B.W. Lempens 4 15 9 5 21

A.P.VESSEY NOT OUT 1 Sundries 20 iotal. 119

NODBURY - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R K.R.BIGNELL Caught Weisbrodt 2 M.R.SHAW Bowled "Weisbrodt 22 B.J.GRAINGER Caught Doyle 3 2 1 - 2 A.JARRETT Caught Biggs 11 R.HYDE Caught Weisbrodt 0 P.M.LEMPENS L.B.W. Doyle 12 29.2 9 7 48 S.D.BYRNE L.B.W. Biggs 0 K.A.O'LEARY L.B.W. Weisbrodt O 15 6 2 14 C.B.KING Caught Weisbrodt O 18 11 1 27 P.R.BWRD L.B.W. Doyle 17 8 - - 9 P.TRELOAR LOT OUT 0 6 1 - 15 Sundries 5 ota GRADE 'G' - LINDBLOM No.1 (POORAKA) UMPIRES: M.STANLEY & R.J.KELLY CAPTAINS: W. J.NASCH (POORNG) & I. C.PARHAN (WOODVILLE RECHABITE) RESULT. PooRAKA def WOODVILLE RECHABITE ON 1st INNING'S

PoeRAKA - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R D.R.SHAW L.B.W. Jahncock 1 T.R.NELSON Caught 4chncock 6

B.W.MARTIN Caught Boyce 8 27 10 1 35 M.RAYMOND Bowled Boyce 0 P.J.WOLTERS Caught Barnes 28 R.J.BRADSHAW Caught Fraser 24 W.J.HASCH Bowled Boyce 12

G.A.BURGESS L.B.W. Connor 19 4 1 - 6 G.CURTIS NOT OUT 20 M.T.McCARTHY Caught Boyce 6 33 14 5 44 D.TSOUFLIDIS Caught Connor 1 6 1 - 16 Sundries 9 total 34

WOODVILLE RECHABITE - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R K.PLUMEIER Run Out 3 D.J.BATT Bowled McCarthy 5 I.C.PARHAM Run Out 19 S.J.FRASER McCarthy 24 15 6 1 22 L.D.HEAVEN Bowled McCarthy 9 P. L. JOHNCOCK Bowled McCarthy 5 13 - 2 29

P.J.BARNES Run Out 1 15 6 1 23 B.PLUMEIER NOT OUT 7 B.W.LINNEY Bowled Martin 2 M.J.CONNOR Run Out 10 8.4 2 2 16 J.BOYCE Bowled McCarthy 8 23 8 4 41 Sundries 15 Total 1/4


E & 0.C. - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R S.RIMINGTON Caught O'Connor 19 5 1 1 14 B.P.SOBELS Caught EeLes 22 4 - - 12 T.H.STEWART L.B.W. Gleeson 34 4 3 - 3 P.J.RIMINGTON Caught Gleeson 31 T.J.WALL Caught Gleeson 0 1 - - 4 D.HOARE Caught Regej 1 27 5 4 58 S.M.WALL Caught Gleeson 0 J.M.GADKEAR Caught Regej 1 B.BRYSON NOT OUT 3 9 4 - 19

S.J.PAECH Stumped Regej 2 5 2 1 9

G.W.TUCKER Caught Gleeson 1 Sundries 6 T alot 120 PARA HILLS - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R J.MORITZ Caught Hoare 20

D.L.FREEMAN Caught - S :Rimington 10 G.C.FARMER Bowled Hoare 0 W.M.TOOVEY Caught Hoare 7 P.J.O'DONNELL NOT OUT 33 P.S.RAMSAY Caught Hoare 39

P.O'CONNOR L.B.W. Peach 0 11 3 1 16 R.B.REGEJ NOT OUT 10 12.2 3 3 18 A. P. MOO SEBRUGGER 7 2 - 14


GRANGE - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R R.K.SMITH Bowled Gregory 10 M.A.NICHOLLS Bowled Gregory 0 M.T.RYAN Run Out 75 S.A.HINE Ct Jennings Gregory 80 8.3 1 6 25 S.W.VISSER Ct Bartlett Gregory 10 9 1 2 23

S.D.NIEMANN Run Out 0 7 - 1 48 D.J.FRY NOT OUT 11 J.F.PECK NDT OUT 9 6 - 1 37 D.W.GUM A.P.O'CONNOR M.J.STARKEY 8 - - 28 Sundries 8 Total 6/LUS

STURI DISTRICT - 1st Inning' s How Out Bowler Total O M U R R.J.BARTLETT L.B.W. Hine 1 S.L.WALLACE Bowled Visser 1 R.E.PHILLIPS Ct & Bld Visser 11 M.S.HATDEN Ct Peck Hine 39 R.A.FRASER Bowled Niemann 65 2 - - 21 L.T:SHEPHERD Ct Hine Peck 18 R.H.COULLS Bowled Hine 9 9 - - 52 A.D.JENNINGS NOT OUT 9 2 - - 12 T.J.MYERS Bowled Hine 0 9 3 - 35 S.T.GREGORY Bowled Hine 0 9 2 4 25 J.E.HODGSON Ct Peck Hine 6 9 - - 53 Sundries 17 total 1(6


ROSTREVOR O.C. - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R S.HARBY Run Out 9 1 - - 1 D.BROGDEN Bowled Parkinson 15 P.J.ANDREW Ct Chapman Schramm 61 8 2 2 30 P.A.CRITCHLEY Bowled Schramm 44 G.P.GLOVER Run Out 10 9 2 1 48 A.J.RODGER Run Out 2 M.D.RICE Ct BrinsLey Slack 3 8 - 1 29 A.K.SYRUS Run Out 4 2 - 1 9 J.MEIKSANS NOT OUT 11 8 2 - 23 D.S.THOMAS Bowled Slack 0 P.M.SHACKLEFORD NOT OUT 3 3 - 1 25 Sundries 7 Total 9/169

KENSINGTON DISTRICT - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R M.R.BREBNER Caught Andrew 5 J.B.GRIFFIN Caught Andrew 1 S.J.DUNCAN Caught Rice 37 G.N.JARMAN Caught Glover 23 S.D.PARKINSON Caught Shackleford 33 9 2 1 64 P.F.BRINSLEY Caught Syrus 23 9 1 - 31 W.M.DARLING NOT OUT 35 4 - - 30 H.G.CHAPMAN NOT CUT 6 D. C. STE PH ENS G.B.SLACK 9 2 2 19 D. J.SCHRAMM 9 3 2 23 Sundries 7 Total 6/1N GRADE 5.0 - LEVELS (UNIVERSITY Of S.A.) N WIRE: H.J.CRONK CAPTAINS: G.J.TAYLOR (ADELAIDE HIGH OLD SCHOLARS) i S.TREDREA (ELDERS) RESULT: ADELAIDE HIGH OLD SCHOLARS del ELDERS BY 8 WICKETS

ELDERS - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler -Total O M W R B.T.PAECH Bowled M.L.Taylor 7 J.M.WALKER Caught M.L.Taylor 0 R.K.BURKE Bowled Scott 15 2 - - 3 R.W.HOWSON L.B.W. Sandford 15

S.TREDREA Bowled Sandford 1 0.FERREIRA Caught Sandford 6 4 7 3 14 M.LYNCH Bowled A.J.Rathsann' 20 9 1 - 30 R.J.KLOSE NOT OUT 15 9 2 1 19 A. LONGDCN Caught A. J. Rathaann 10 7 1 - 31 A.LAUBSCHER Bowled A. J. Rathaann 0

R. SARGEANT Bowled Dawes 1 5 - 1 36 Sundries 24 total 114

ADELAIDE HIGH O.S. - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R A.J.RATHMANN NOT OUT 85 5 - 3 17 P.BENNETT Bawled Sargeant 20 P.W.ALLAN L.B.V. Klose 2 G.J.CLARK NDT OUT 3 G.J.TAYLOR 9 3 - 12 M.A. TROTTER

P. SANDFORD 9 1 3 21 S. DAWES 3.1 - 1 18. S. SCOTT 6 - 1 26 H. L. TAYLOR 7 1 2 11 S. W. FRANK Sundries 14 Total d /1d4 GRADE U/16 - BRIGHTON OVAL No.2


BRIeI1ON - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R P.000RAGE Ct Wilson Reid 78 12 5 3 16 H.MacKAY Ct Wilson Reid 22 G - 1 15 A.MILNE Bowled D.J.Mead 15 D.HOCKING L.B.W. Vertudaches 21 C.SALTER Ct Mead Vertudaches 6 12 5 - 15 A.BATTYE L.B.W. D.J.Mead 1 12.2 4 1 16

S.000K Ct -Verity Reid 18 . S.MacKAY Bowled Reid 21 S.COATES Bowled D.J.Mead 1 S.COLLEGE NOT OUT 9 M.SIMONS Bowled D.J.Mead 1 15 4 3 25 Sundries 18 Total 211

NODBULY - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total QM WR S. STOLEMAN Ct College Courage 26 P. FITZGERALD Bowled Simons 5 D. J. MEAD Ct S.MacKay Simons 0 26 5 4 60 D. VERTUDACHES Ct S.MacKay Simons 13 13 - 2 50 A. MEAD L.B.W. Courage 7 8 2 - 15 C.WILSON Bowled Courage 9 2 - - 16 S.WHITE Run Out 19 T. CAMPOREALE L.B.N. H.MacKay 8 M. R. VARLEY Bowled Battye 0 4 - 15 S.A.REID NOT OUT 0 18.1 3 4 40 D.J.GRIFFITHS Absent Injured 0 Sundries 4 iota Y1


NOD9IRY 1st Inning's >- >¡ 2nd Inning's >- >¡ How Out Bowler Total O M W R How Out Bowler Total O M W R C. CURTMOYS Bowled C.Ladhams 0 Bowled Gelven 5 3 1 1 4 M. HUBBARD Bowled C.Ladhams 0 14 6 1 11 Ct Lang C.Ladhams 0 3 2 - 1

C.J.MAGNES Bowled Gelven 5 Ct Lang C.Ladhams 1 A.D.SYKES Bowled Gelven 4 3 - - 14 Bowled C.Ladhams 9 P.A.TUCKER Bowled C.Ladhams 4 9.5 2 2 22 Bowled Gelven 0 5 4 1 1

M.J.STEVFJ.S Bowled Gelven 1 3 1 1 6 Ct Gelven Burford 15 5 2 - 4 A.J.CONNOR Ct Burford C.Ladhams 3 Ct C.Ladhams Gelven 3 B.M.MCKAY Bowled C.Ladhams 26 14 2 - 24 Ct C.Ladhams Gelven 56 5 3 - 16 M.L.HUMPHRIES Bowled Gelven 6 11 4 1 18 Ct Mitchell Burford 12 9.3 3 1 14 M.P.GIBSON NOT OUT 5 4 1 3 5 Bowled C.Ladhams 0 3 - - 13 S.R.VARLEY Bowled C.Ladhams 0 NOT OUF 0 3 - 1 17 Sundries 12 Sundries 8 Total 66 Total 109

GAZA 1st Inning's > >¡ 2nd Inning's >- >1 How Out Bowler Total O M W R How Out Bowler Total O M W R L.ABELL Bowled Hubbard 1 Bowled Tucker 12 D.LANG Bowled Tucker 5 Ct Sykes Curthroys 21 D.J.GELVEN Run Out 46 14 3 4 23 Bowled Humphries 0 S 1 4 31 C.LADHAMS Ct Tucker Humphries 22 12.4 3 6 22 NOT OUT 27 10 2 4 53 A.LADHAMS Bowled Stevens 2 3 - - 11 C.I.DERMODY Ct Tucker Gibson 4 NOT OUT 1 A.PINNERI Run Out 2 J.FREDRICK Ct Magnes Gibson 7 S.MITCHELL Ct Sykes Gibson 3 C.BURFORD BowLWd Tucker 1 2 - 5 Ct McKay Varley 4 4 - 2 20 N.J.McMILLAN NOT OUT 0 Sundries 10 Sundries 11 Total 1US Total 4/76 BROCK PARTNERS COP - 1994 -95 This season was the tenth anniversary'of this competition and we-are very grateful to the Brock Partners Real Estate company for their continued support. Clubs who are selected to participate make every endeavour to win this prestigious trophy.

For the Second year A.D. Parkinson & Associates donated all "Koákáburra ' match balls for every match played in every round. We were blessed with good weather and little disruption, unlike the previous year and competition between clubs proved to be very keen. Prizes were once again awarded to the Winners, Runners -up and Player of the Match In the Grand Final with prizes also for the highest point scoring team in each round.

RESULTS ROUND 1. ROUND 2. Ingle'Farm 179 d E & O.C. 176 Grange 7/108 d Ingle Farm 104 R.C.P. 4/199 d W.N.F.P: 9/196 Walkerville "192 d R.C.P: 149 Gaza 9/155 d Woodville Sth 88 Payneham 4/122 d Gaza 121 Marion '8/193 d Unley 9/179 Brighton 7/176 d Marion 123 Brighton 186 d Pooraka 93 Payneham defeated S.P.O.C. on forfeit SEMI FINALS Walkerville 9/279 d Pulteney O.S. 107 Grange 4/241 d Brighton 9/221 Grange 8/223 d Gepps Cross 9/216 Payneham 6/137 d Walkerville 136 FINAL: Played at Payneham Oval on Sunday 19th February 1995 UMPIRES: K. Greenwood & D. French

GRANGE How Out Bowler Runs O M W Runs P. Tokic Caught Jacobs 33 P.A. Hosie Ct & Bld Jacobs 3 D.J. Seekamp Bowled Betterman 94 D. Jacobs Bowled Nolan 102 J. Karsten Bowled Nolan 21 7.3 - 1 49 L.M. O'Connell NOT OUT 8 B.L. Harris NOT OUT 2 10 1 1 49 S. Whitehouse Caught Betterman 20 10 1 1 41 n.R. Maloney 10 '2 44 T.R. Pillion (Capt) 5 35 N. Narwal 7 32 Sundries 11 TOTAL 6/294 (50 overs)

PAYNEHAM How Out Bowler Runs O M W Runs R.L. Day Caught Maloney 92 D.R. Betterman Run Out 52 10 2 99 S.D. Heaps Run Out 3 A.S. Foster Caught' Harris 28 B.L. Matheson Run Out 0 G. Wilson Caught' Whitehouse 21 7 - 37 P.M. Judd (Capt) Run Out 14 4 - - 26 M.J. O'Shea Not Out 27 D.J. VonEinem Caught Kersten 0 9 1 - 52 J.A. Jacobs Bowled Ma(oney ,4 10 1 2 35 D. Nolan Run Out 1 10 2 2 41 Sundries 28 TOTAL 270 (49.3 overs)

The TENTH Grand Final turned out to be a very high scoring game with Grange proving too good for the Payneham team who tried very hard to achieve a different result. Congratulations to both clubs for the spirit in which they played the game. The Final was hosted by the Payneham C.C. and as usual, Keith Duke and club's members did everything to ensure that this match was staged correctly as all games of cricket should be. Congratulations on another magnificent presentation.

At the end of the match Terry Goodwin (Brock Partners & Chairman of Payneham) presented the "Knock-Out Cup" to Grange, announced the Umpires choice for the winner of the "Player of the Match," a*ard - D. Jacobs of Grange and congratulated Payneham on being runners -up. The A.T.C.A. and all participating teams express their sincere thanks to BROCK PARTNERS, REAL ESTATE for their fine contribution and their continued support for this competition.

MICHAEL VINCI Chairman Brock Partners Sub -Committee INTER- A^sSQC IAATIOMWATCH ES ADELAIDE TURF C.A. y SOUTH AUSTRALIAN' C.A. PLAYED AT STRATHMORE RESERVE; FERRYDEN PARK ' 28th'& 29fh DECEMBER 1994 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN C.A. U/19 XII 9/305 defeated ADELAIDE TURF C.A. U/23 XII 215 A.T.C.A. U/23 XII B /Faced Mins How Out Bowler 121 119 L.M. O'Connell Grange Ct Stokes Birrell 40 M.S. MeLareri Pooraka St Martin Birrell 9 106 124 W.J. Brooks Greenacres Bowled Morgan 24 46 50 M.R. Kilmier Pooraka Bowled Goodwin 12 42 44 A. Beames Gepps Cross Ct Pickering Morgan 9 19 18 D.M. Nelson Pooraka Ct Pickering Morgan 46 52 A.J. MacDonald Gepps Cross L.B.W. Johnson 9 4 1 D. Easlea Pooraka Bowled Stokes o 122 122 R.J. McCloy Pooraka Not Out 50 20 24 W. Garrett Hopei Valley St Martin Birrell 5 8 9 N. Narwal Grange L.B.W. Stokes 1 27 49 S.J. Russell Adelaide H.O.S. Ct Goodwin Birrell 18 Sundries 30 TOTAL 215

Best Partnership: L.M. O'Connell (31) & W.J. Brooks (18') - 53 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/29, 2182, 3/103, 41107, 51123, 61126, 71126, 8/148, 91165, 10/167, 111215 S.A.C.A. BOWLING o In R Avg. M. Pickering 11 6 - 12 S. Goodwin 21 8 1 34 34.0 M. Stokes 25 7 2 54 27.0 B. Birrell 19.2 6 4 50 12.5 J. Morgan 17 4 3 35 11.7 G. Johnson 8 2 1 18 18.0

SACA. U/19 XII B /Faced Mins How Out Bowler 3 5 V. Lee Tea Tree Gully Run Out 2 205 203 G. Johnson Stun Ct MacDonald Narval 64 145 165 W. Bassett Kensington Ct Garrett Brooks 80 77 86 C. Davies Southern Dist. Ct Kilmier McCloy 42 55 86 S. Ellicott Prospect Ct Easlea Russell 27 13 18 J. Morgan Kensington Ct MacDonald Russell 6 64 77 T. Martin West Torrens Ct MgCloy Garrett 45 27 35 M. Stokes Tea Tree Gully Ct Easlea Garrett 12 16 23 B. Birrell Adelaide Ct O'Connell Beames 4 12 13 M. Pickering Tea Tree Gully Not Out' 6 3 2 S. Goodwin Sturt Not Out o A. McDonald Kensington Sundries 17 TOTAL 9/305

Best Partnerstrip: W. Bassett (80) & G. Johnson (50') - 137 runs Fall of Wickets: 1 /2, 2/139, 31161, 4/201, 5/222, 6/235, 7/273, 8/292, 9/300

A.T.C.A. BOWLING O M W R Avg. S.J. Russell 25 8 2 48 24.0 W. Garrett 13 1 2 35 17.5 D. Easlea '14 iJ - 53 N, Narval 26 9 1 64 64.0 R.J. McCloy 13 1 1 49 49.0 W.J. Brooks 12 2 1 40 40.0 A. Beames 1 1 1 0 0.0 D.M. Nelson 1 - - 5

Captain: A.T.C.A.: L1 R. Kilmier (Poorákal' Manager: A.T.C.A.: S.W. Sykes (Pooraka) Umpire: R. Williams (A.T.C.A.) Scorer: A.T.C.A.: G. Standish (Gepps Cross) A.T.C.A.i Man of the Match: R.J. McCloy (Pooraka) I NTER- ASSOCIATION _ MATCHES ADELAIDE' TURF C :A: vSÓUTHAUSTRALIAN-C.A. PLAYED AT MARION -OVAL 28th'& 29th DECEMBER 1994 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CA. U/17. 6/370 defeatdd ADELAIDE TURF C.A: U/18. 30 & 90

A.T.C.A. U/18 XII (1st Innings) (2nd Innings) B/F Mins How Out ,Bowler B/F Mins How Out Bowler 32 ß0 A. Baehnisch Marion Ct Porter Haines 8 8 9 Ct Creek Manuel 0 11 15 S. Constable Brighton Ct Stanton Haines 2 ,40 41 Ct Creek Johnston 1 22 30 S. Hicks ,Brighton Run Out 3 53 69 Ct Adcock Stanton 4 15 20 C.G. Herrmann W.N.F.P. Bowled Haines 0 69 80 Ct Damasi Haines 28 13 6 A. Kallos Payneham Caught' Porter 1 8 4 Bowled Porter 0 1 1 T. Osman Marion Ct Porter Haines 0 35 39 St Creek Porter 6 16 27 P. Karapas W.N.F.P. L.B.W: Stanton 6 38 46 Ct Westley Adcock 20 18 19 S. Hardy Marion St Creek Porter 0 46 52 Bowled Johnston 22 9 8 M. Williams Marion Caught Stanton 4 2 2 Ct Fraser Adcock 0 5 6 P. Kuhlmann Brighton Not Out 2 4 8 Ct Haines Adcock 0 1 1 D. Wakefield Marion Caught Porter 0

D. Vale + E & O.C. - 3 4 Not Out 0 Sundries 4 Sundries 9 TOTAL 30 TOTAL 90

Best Partnerships: A. Baehnisch (5) & S. Hicks (11 - 7 P. Karapas (22) & S. Hardy (221 - 45 Fall of Wickets: 1/5, 2/12, 3/14, 4/14, 5/14, 6/16, 7/22, 1/1, 2/3, 3/21, 4/25, 5/45, 6/45, 7/90, 8/24, 9/30, 10/30 8/90, 9/90, 10/90

S.AC.A. BOWLING OM W R Avg O M W R Avg C. Haines 9 4 4 8 2.0 5 2 1 4 4.0 M. Johnston 7 4 - 6 9 6 2 4 2.0 T. Porter 5.1 4 3 2 0.7 8 4 2 7 3.5 M.Stanton 4 1 2 10 5.0 4 2 1 15 15.0 A. Manuel 9 7 1 2 2.0 M. Damasi 9 - - 29 B. Westley 4 - - 21 N; Adcock 2.3 - 3 4 1.3

S.A.C.A. U/17 XIII B/F Mins How Out Bowler 23 43 L. Vincent Prospect Ct Kallos Kuhlmann 5 122 263 N. Adcock pturt Ct Vale Hardy 53 288 38 7. Fraser East Torrens Not Out 212 63 108 M. Bode `Glenelg Ct I4ermán Kuhlmann 22 20 162 M. Christophers Woodville Ct Wakefield Vale 0 59 11 B. Westley Adelaide L.B.W. Kuhlmann 17 30 17 M. Damasi Salisbury .Ct Hicks Hardy 22 10 36 J. Creek South East Not Out 9 M. Stanton East Torrens A. Manuel Southern Dist. C. Haines Elizabeth Dist. T. Porter Prospect M. Johnston Prospect Sundries 30 TOTAL 6/370

Best Partnership: N.Adcock (53) & T. Fraser (36') - 91 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/10, 2/111, 3/152, 4/181, 5/267, 6/338

A.T.C.A. BOWLING O' M W R Avg P. Kuhlmann 23 3 3 85 28.3 D. Wakefield 24 4 - 101 S. Hardy 18 3 2 64 32.0 S. Constable 18 4 - 40 D. Vale 10 - 1 46 46.0 C.G. Herrmann. 7 2 - 28 Captain: A. Kallos (Payneham) Managers: B. Challens (Marion) & A. Perkins (R.C.P.) Scorer: R. Davies (Marion) Umpires: A.J. Wells (A.T.C.A.) & B. Pritchard (S.A.C.A.) A.T.C.A.: Man of the Match: S. Hardy (Marion) INTER- ASSOCIATION MATCHES ADELAIDE TURF C.A:.vSOUTH-AUSTRALIAN C.A. PLAYED AT PARK 25 5th FEBRUARY 1995

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN C.A. U/15 7/186- defeated ADELAIDE TURF.C.A. U /16 125

A.T.C.A. U/16

How Out Bowler O M W R Avg T.H. Stewart E 8& O.C. Bowled R. Harris 7 2 - - 15 H. MacKay Brighton Run Out 4 3 1 1 14 14.0 D.L. Mashford Pooraka Not Out 54 3 - 2 18 9:0 C.- Plumeier Woodville Rech Bowled Newbury 12 5 - - 14 R.B. Way Woodville Rech Caught Newbury 7 3 - - 17 M.J. Barber Payneham Caught Frossinakis 2 3 1 1 15 15.0 C.D. Gilbert Pooraka Run Out 23

A. Burns Maribn L.B.W. Grey 0 7 - 1 21 21.0 N.J. Lehmann Pooraka Bowled Grey 0 9 2 2 28 14.0 S. Stoloman Modbury L.B.W. Grey 0 L. Coghill Pooraka Bowled Grey 0 10 2 - 17 C.R. Simons Brighton 3 1 - 14 D.J. Mead Modbury 2 - - 9 Sundries 15 TOTAL 125

Best Partnership: C. Plumeier (12) & D.L. Mashford (21') - 35 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/11, 2/16, 3/51, 4/67, 5/86, 6/119, 7/119, 8/125, 9/125, 10/125 Captain: R.B. Way (Woodville Rechabite) Manager: A. Perkins (Richmond Clarence Park) Umpire: D. Leonard (A.T.C.A.) Scorer: Adam Burns (Marion) A.T.C.A. Man of the Match: D.L. Mashford (Pooraka) S.A.C.A. Batting: D. Harris 11, S. Vartuli 26, J. Pearce 88, M. Frossinakis 9, T. Vickery 32, M. Quinn1, R. Harris 7', J. Gallagher 0, J. Newbury 0', C. McShane, L. Grey, A. Newland d.n.b. Sundries 12, Total 7/186. Bowling: C. McShane 0/25, L. Grey 4/17, R. Harris 1/9, J. Pearce 0 /10, A. Newland 0/17, J. Newbury 2/30, M. Frossinakis 1/7.


SOUTH AUSTRALIAN C.A. U/14 7/238 defeated ADELAIDE TURF CA. U/14 7/1'49

A.T.C.A. U/14 4 B/F Mins How Out Bowler O M W R Avg 5 6 N. Shadiac E & O.C. Bowled Thomas 0 5 2 D. Jandy Grange Bowled Borlase 0 5 - - 14 56 62 A.D. Sykes Modbury Ct Williams Rosser 22 31 40 C. Ladhams Gaza Bowled Hands 15 10 2 2 52 26.0 96 103 B. Roadknight Brighton Run Out 24 3 - - 26

63 63 D. Gelven Gaza Caught McGregor 54 10 2 . 2 25 12.5 26 45 M.D. Ainslie Grange Bowled Thomas 5 4 - - 14 22 24 S.J. Virgo Payneham Not Out 16 6 1 - 31 2 1 M. Healey Brighton Not Out 0 8 1 2 32 16.0 R.S. Tonkin R.C.P. 4 - 1 32 32.0 A.K. Mann Payneham Sundries 13 TOTAL 7/149

Best Partnership: D. Gelven (54) & B. Roadknight (13') - 73 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/0, 2/0, 3/34, 4/41, 5/114, 6/130, 7/149 S.A.C.A. Batting: L. Thiele 21, K.D. McGregor 1, A. Crook 12, S. Stoloman 42, B. Cameron 49, M. Rosser 76, S. Borlase 0, S. Williams 7', S. Hands 13', O. Thomas & J. Polulach d.n.b., Sundries 17, Total 7(238.

Bowling: Borlase 1/10, Thomas 2/24, Hands 1/22, Williams 0/10, Rosser 1 /16, Polulach 0/44, McGregor 1/18. Captain: C. Ladhams (Gaza) Manager: S.W. Sykes (Pooraka) Umpire: N.W. Keen (A.T.C.A.) Scorer: H. Ainslie (Grange) A.T.C.A. Man of the Match: D. Gelven (Gaza) UNDER - AGE - INTER- ASSOCIATION MATCHES ADELAIDE TURF" C.A. ir-PARA DISTRICTS' C.A. PLAYED AT PENFIELD OVALS COMPLEX, PENFIELD 19th FEBRUARY 1995 U/16 SECTION "COCA COLA BOTTLERS" SHIELD A.T.C.A. 6/134 defeated PARA DISTRICT.C.A. 131 A.T.C.A. 1J/16 B/F Mins How Out Bowler O M W R Avg 51 53 H. MacKay Brighton Caught Ozolins 23 2 - - 14 60 107 T.H. Stewart & O.C. Caught Stanzack 17 4 1 - 12 13 11 D.L. Mashford Pooraka Caught Childs 2 3 - - 16 8 7 M.J. Barber Payneham Caught Ozolins 1 68 65 C. Plumeier Woodville Rech. Bowled Oliver 47 4 1 1 18 18.0 35 57 R.B. Way. Woodville Rech. Not Out 29 1 - - 6 3 6 C.D. Gilbert Pooraka Run Out 1 13 18 N.J. Lehmann Pooraka Not Out 0 12 3 28 9.3 S. Stolcman Modbury D.J. Meád ' Modbury L. Coghill Pooraka 15.5 4 4 36 9.0 Sundries 14 TOTAL 6/134

Best Partnership: C. Plumeier (31) & R.B. Way (9 *) - 44 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/36, 2/42, 3/43, 4/67, 5/111, 6/126 RagA Batting: D. Jansen 14, A. Prosser 10, A. Ozolins 52, T. Kafkoudos 7, J. Oliver 23, D. Stanzack22', C. Childs 2, S. Bennet 0, D. Richardson 0, A. Fielding 0, S. Fielding 0, Sundries 1, Total 131. Bowling: Childs 1/23, Ozolins 2/36, Stanzack 1/27, Kafkoudos 0/9, Oliver 1/8, Richardson 0/23. Captain: R.B. Way (Woodville Rechabite) Manager: A. Perkins (Richmond Clarence Park) Umpires: M. Phillips (A.T.C.A.) & S. Ward (P.D.C.A.) Scorer: G. Standish (Gepps Cross) A.T.C.A.: Man of the Match: C.D. Gilbert (Pooraka) P.D.C.A.: Man of the Match: A. Ozolins (Salisbury West)

U/14 SECTION "BANK OF S.A." SHIELD A.T.C.A. 9/182 defeated PARA DISTRICTS C.A. 81 A.T.C.A. U/14 B/F Mins How Out Bowler 0 M W R Avg 5 7 D. Jandy Grange Bowled Johnston 0 10 11 N. Shadiac E & O.C. Bowled Keane 0 9 9 A.D. Sykes Modbury Bowled Johnston 0 6 8 M. Healey Brighton Bowled Keane 0 7.5 - 3 17 5.7 77 88 C. Ladhams Gaza Bowled. Britos 62 5 3 3 8 2.7 148 155 M.D. Ainslie Grange Cl Sewell Congdon 50 18 30 D. Gelven Gaza Run OuC' 21 8 2 9 26 43 A.K. Mann Payneham Ct Catfórd Sewell 13 9 8 M.L. Humphries Modbury Not Out 3 5 - 2 13 6.5 4 4 R.A. Hooper E & O.C. Bowled Sewell 4 5 1 2 9 4.5 Sundries 29 ' TOTAL 9/182 Best Partnership: C. Ladhams (62) & M.D. Ainslie (15') - 87 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 4/2, 5/89, 6/137, 7/175, 8/175, 9/182 P.D.C.A. Batting: B. Hancock 1, A. Britos 8, S. Sewell 4, A. Johnston 5, Ni. Kasianowicz 17, M. Catford 4, D. Keane 0, J. Congdon 25', G. Robert 0, M. Hunt 3, D. Sinclair 1, Sundries 13, Total 81. Bowling: Johnston 2/19, Keane 2/17, Kasianowicz 0/23, Hancock 0/23, Congdon 1/21, Britos 1/18, Robert 0/20, Sinclair 0/15, Sewell 2/15. Captain: C. Ladhams (Gaza) Manager: S.W. Sykes (Pooraka) Umpire: R..McPherson (A.T.C.A.) Scorer: K. Hickey (Pooraka) A.T.C.A.: Man of the Match: M.D. Ainslie (Grange) P.D.C.A.: Man of the Match: J. Congdon (Gawler Central) ADELAIDE TURF CA. v'P.ARA DISTRICTS'C.A, 'PLAYED. AT T-HE PADDOCKS, PARA HILLS. - ,( .12th FEBRUARY 1995 ADELAIDE TURF CA MASTERS 5/163 defeated PARA DISTRICTS C.A. MASTERS 7/160 A.T.C.A. MASTERS B/F Mins How Out 13dWler 't O. M W R Avg 137 170 R.W. Wigley Walkervilie Not Out 91 5 - - 20 38 41 I.A. Crilly Marion Caught Harder 10 10 5 - 32 19 29 T.A. Drummond Hope Valley Caught Coulter 17 35 37 G.L. Cook Hope Valley Çaught Grossman 27 2 - - 7 6 6 C.F. Moore Poorakp' Stumped Coulter 0 3 1' 1 15 15.0 28 34 R.J: Ha b'y Grange L.B.W. Partridge 6 9 18 S.J. Passmore Penfield Not Out 5 S.W. Sykes Pooraka 2 3 22 7.3 G.S. Eden Penfield S. Richards Old Collegians 8 1' - 19 J.T. Curtis Marion 10 2 2 21 10.5 Sundries 7 TOTAL 5/163 (44 Avers)

Best Partnership: G.L. book (27) & R.W. Wigley (26') - 56 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/25, 2/61, 3/117, 4/119, 5/143 P.D.C.A. Batting: J. Fielding 9, G. Coulter 23, R. Claxton 0, D. Perkins29, P. Turnbull 1,.J. Harder 0, M. Partridge 68 :, J. Grossmann 16, B. Moore 5', P. Haines & R. Eldridge d.n.b., Sundries 9, Total 7/160 (50 overs). Bowling: Grossmann 1/24, Partridge 1/13, Perkins 0/28, Harder 1/15, Coulter 2/31, Eldridge 0/28, Turnbull 029S Claxton,0/8; Haines 0/4. Captain: S.W. Sykes (Pooraka) Umpires: M. Pert (A.T.C.A.) & B. Watwon (P.D.C.A.) Scorer: G. Standish (Gaups Cross) A.T.C.A.: Man of the Match: R.W. Wipley ( Walkerville) P.D.C.A.: Man of the Match: M. Partridge (Salisbury North).

S.A.C.A. WEST END CUP COMPETITION. ADELAIDE TURF, C.A. y ADELAIDE DISTRICT PLAYED AT GOODWOOD OVAL, MILLSWOOD 11th DECEMBER 1994 ADELAIDE DISTRICT 3/236 "defeated A.T.C.A. 7/235 A.T.C.A. B/F Mins How Out Bowler O M W R Avg 25 24 P. Tokic Grange Ct Ramage Hutchinson 8 78 85 C.L. Tuckwell Binders Park Ct Hook Ramage 31 39 49 N.R. Maloney Grange Ct Smith) Johnson 24 2 - 28 73 59 P.G. Box Para Hills Ct Nobes Williamson 43

47 51 M. Elliott Penfield Ct Bernhardt Nobes 55 1 - 11 22 31 I.S. Cox Flinders Uni Not Out 18 5 - 38 10 6 L.M. O'Connell Grange, Ct Hook Nobes 9 7 8 R. Summers Pooraka Ct Hutchinson Williamson 11 2 - - 15 8 12 R.E. Massey G'eOps Cross Not Out 19 10 1 1 66 66.0 T.J. Dansie Walkerville '2 - - 20 J.A. Leeflang Walkerville 6 - 2 50 25.0- Sundries 17 TOTAL 71235 (50 Overs) Best Partnership: P.G. Box (43) & M. Elliott (49') - 94 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/15, 2/63, 3/68, 4/162, 5/168, 6/191, 7/211 ADELAIDE DISTRICT Batting: B. Johnson 133, P. Nobes 9, A. Ramage 3, G. O'Reilly 42', P. Hutchinson 38 *, E. Bernhardt, J. Gillespie, B. Birrell, S. Williamson, B. Hook & W. Smith d.n.b., Sundries 11, Total 3/236. (28 Overs) Bowling: Hutchinson 1/14, Bernhardt 0 /10, Gillespie 0/13, Johnson 1/25, Birrell 0/40, Ramat a 1/45, Nobes 2/29, Williamson 2/42, O'Reilly 0/15.

Captain: T.J. Dansie ( Walkerville) Manager: S.W. Sykes (Pooraka) Umpires: R. Kinnear & D. Bills (S.A.C.A.) Scorer: K. Hickey (Pooraka) S.A.C.A. WEST END CUP COMPETITION ADELAIDE TURF C.A.:v WOODVILLE DISTRICT PLAYEDIAT'WOODVILLE OVAL,; WOODVILLE 16th} OCTOBER 1994

WOODVILLEDISTRICT 8'/276 defeated A.T.C.A. 114 A.T.C.A. B/F Mins How Out Bowler O MW R Avg 2 10 P.A. Hosié Grange Ct Tanner Eime 1 20 20 D.J. Hortop Fulham Run Out 1 52. 82 C. McDonough Gepps Cross Run Out 39 2 2 D.J. Seekamp Grange Bowléd Eime 0 31 32 M.R:'Kiimier Pooraka L.B.W. Parker 8 32 31 N.R. Maloney Grange Run Out 8 10 - 2 51 25.5 30 33 R. Summers Pooraka Bowled Lawton 19 10 - - 49 17 18 T.J. Dansie Walkerville Bowled Moody 18 10 2 3 51 17.0 6 6 P. Leonello W.N.F.P. L.B.W. Moody 1

2 2 G.K. Pitty Unley L.B.Wt Lawton 0 10 1 - 67 10 12 D. Fischermann W.N.F.P. Not Out 4 10 2 3 38 12.7 Sundries 15 TOTAL 114 (34.4 Overs)

Best Partnership: M.R. Kilmier (8) & C. McDonough (24') - 35 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/1, 2/12, 3/12, 4/47, 5/67, 6/67, 7/90, 8/96, 9/97, 10/114 WOODVILLE DISTRICT Batting: H. Armstrong 32, A. Hammond 35, G. Parker 43, C. Tanner 51, D. Kelly 31, G. Davidson 5,. S. Frost 8 *, S. Moody 35, D. Hickey 0, M. Lawton 0', A. Eime d.n.b., Sundries 36, Total 8/276. (50 Overs) Bowling: Hickey 0/10, Eime 2/14, Parker 1/36, Moody 2/21, Lawton 2/28. Captains: P.A. Hosie (Grange) Manager: S.W. Sykes (Pooraka) Umpires: T. Ziniak & G. Manner (S.A.C.A.) Scorer: K. Hickey (Pooraka)

S.A.C.A. WEST END CUP COMPETITION ADELAIDE TURF C.A. y WEST TORRENS PLAYED AT KINGS RESERVE, TORRENSVILLE 10th NOVEMBER 1994 WEST TORRENS 6/199 defeated A.T.C.A. 69 A.T.C.A. B/F Mins How Out Bowler O M W R Avg 31 50 D.J. Hortop Fulham Ct Nielsen Foster 6 6 36 L.M. O'Connell Grange Ct Nielsen Foster 0 34 59 C. McDonough Gepps Cross Ct Minagall Smith 12 5 6 D.J. Seekamp Grange Ct Nielsen Foster 0 19 23 D.R. Cook R.C.P. Ct Nielsen Smith 4 58 68 I.S. Cox Flinders Uni St Nielsen Minagall 13 10 1 1 36 36.0 32 26 M.R. Kilmier Pooraka Ct Swain Pyke 7

4 2 N.R. Maloney Grange Bowled Minagall 0 10 1 1 23 23.0 23 14 R. Summers Pooraka Ct Nielsen Pyke 17 10 1 - 38 7 4 T.J. Dansie Walkerville L.B.W. Pyke 0 10 - 1 44 44.0 1 2 S. Whitehouse Grange Not Out 0 10 1 3 54 18.0 Sundries 10 TOTAL 69 (37.3 Overs) Best Partnership: R. Summers (17) & I.S. Cox (2') - 21 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/3, 2/7, 3/7, 4/18, 5/27, 6/44, 7/44, 8/65, 9/69, 10/69 WEST TORRENS Batting: S. Swain 14, P. Clarke 2, T. Nielsen 7, M. Howell 66, J. Pyke 19, B. Higgins 66', B. Angus 9, B. Smith 2 *, J. Foster, J. Brookes & M. Minagall d.n.b., Sundries 14, Total 6/199. (50 Overs) Bowling: Foster 3/5, Smith 2/13, Brookes 0/11, Minagall 2/22, Pyke 3/11. Captain: T.J. Dansie (Walkerville) Manager: S.W. Sykes (Pooraka) Umpires: D. Rebbeck & G. Mattner (S.A.C.A.) Scorer: G. Standish ( Gepps Cross) . I INTERNATIONAL. MATCH ADELAIDE TURF C.A. v< GYMKHANA C.C. SHAH:JAMAL LAHORE PAKISTAN PLAYED AT GOODWOOD.OVALMILLSWOOD 28th MARCH 1995 A.T.C.A. 6 /366'defeated GYMKHANA C.C: SHAH JAMAL 162 GYMKHANA C.C. SHAH JAMAL Mins How Out Bowler 0 MW R Avg 2 Moeez Azam Butt Bowled Heysen 0 4 - - 20 30 Muzammil Ahmad Ct Cook Heysen 13

42 Aamer Gul Ct O'Shea Heysen 19 4 1 1 14 14.0 24 Naeem Mehwood Mian Ct O ;Shea Roberts 18 25 Sarmad Ahmad Khan Ct Box Wigley 25 10 2 1 19 19.0 13 Zulfigar All Saadat Ct Stagg Roberts 2 5 Khurshid Anwar Bhinder Ct Stagg Wigley 0 10 - 1 32 32.0 47 Mudassar.Omer Ct Box- Brooks 43 35 Afzaal Haider Ct Wigley Elliott 24 10 1 - 28 11 Wasim Anwar Bhinder Ct Roberts Cook 4 10 - 3 40 13.3 3 Raze-lit-Karim Butt Not Out 0 Humayun Yousaf Bhatti Sundries 16 TOTAL 162 Fall of Wickets: 1/1, 2/25, 3/45, 4/63, 5/77, 6/79, 7/83, 8/153, 9/158, 10/162 Captain: Khurshid Anwar Bhinder Wicket Keeper: Muzammil Ahmad Manager: Parvez Hameed

A.T.C.A. Mins How Out Bowler 0 M W R Avg 30 M. Elliott Penfield Ct Muzammil Khurshid 3 2 1 1 5 5.0 127 M.J. O'Shea Payneham L.B.W. Wasim 58 40 J.A. Gallina Hope Valley Ct Aamer Sarmad 29 5 - - 21 16 P.G. Box Para Hills Bowled Wasim 2 ' 19 D.R. Cook R.C.P. L.B.W. Wasim 2 4.2 1 1 35 35.0 26 W.J. Brooks Greenacres L.B.W. Aamer 8 1 - 1 2 2.0 47 G.M. Stagg R.C.P. Not Out 36 3 - - 21 40 N.R. Maloney Grange Not Out 11 3 - - 5 P.C. Roberts Fulham 5 2 2 14 7.0 S.W. Sykes Pooraka 1 - - 4 R.W. Wigley Walkerville 5 1 2 21 10.5 D.C. Heysen S.P.O.C. 6 - 3 24 8.0 Sundries 17 TOTAL 6/166 Fall of Wickets: 1/23, 2/77, 3/86, 4/92, 5/105, 6/117 Captain: G.M. Stagg (Richmond Clarence Park) Wicket Keeper: M.J. O'Shea ( Payneham) Manager: S.W. Sykes (Pooraka) Scorer: J. Maddigan (Grange) Umpires: R.H. Spence & L.A. Pilgrim (A.T.C.A.) -PLAYER`L'IFE MEMBERS 15' YEARS

J. Abbott J. Craig' D.L. Heanes, A.J. Moore G. Altree J.L. Crocker R. Hendry C.F. Moore W.H. Altree G.F. Curyer P.D. Henningsen R. Morby R.F. Andrew R. Dale C. Hercock L.L. Morris R. Andrews P.A. Dalwood D. Heyzer G.I. Morrison T.A. Angus A.W. Dand S. Hicks I.F. Morrison S.H. Arthur R. Dear T.S. Hicks C.G.,Moyle I. Asmussen G. Demetriou A.D. Hill E.P. Mulligan G.W. Bagshaw B. Dempsey^ D.M. Hill R. McB. Murray T. Bahr C. Dewhurst B.J. Hillier D.W. Myers R. Bailey B. Dicker C. Hogan M.G. Myers R.W. Ball D. Monte F.J.M. Hogarth B. Niemann J.C. Bannon J.M. Dixon L.H. Holden J. Niemann L.R. Barker B.G. Dodd C. Hllard A.E. Norman I.M. Barnes K. Dohnt I.G. Holliday W. Oaten D.T. Bartlett W. Dohnt G. Hollis S.E. O'Connor D.J. Batt M.J. Doley L.J. Holmes D.A.,Ogden J.D. Bateman L.D. Donisthorpe D. Hooper I.D. Oliver B.W. Bayly G.D. Dowling D.W. Hooper A.K. Olsson P.A. Behrendt L.W. Doyle J.A. Hough A.M. Olsson R. Bennett A.B. Draper G.I. Houston P.F. O'Malley G. Bennetts A. Dunkeld L. Howard A.J. Ottaway J.S. Bickle M.C. Duthie K. Humphrys J.M. Pasch J.R. Biggs J. Edge J. Jacks K. Pankhurst C.S. Bignell K.E. Edwards R.K. Jacobs T.W. Papps A.B. Bishop E.H. EII[Ott G.L. James M.E. Pedler V.L. Bishop J. Elliott 6. A.B. Jolly V.W. Pellen R. Blake L. Enright K.A. Jones J.M.H. Pembshaw W.E. Bolt J.W. Espagne N.W. Jones R. Penney W. Bolton C. Evans B. Kavanagh M.J. Perryman Dr. A.J. Bourne Dr. M. Evans B.R. Kearsley M. Pert G. Brakmanis R.E. Ewens N.W. Keen R. Phillips E. Bray T.M. Ey J. Kennedy A.J. Pierson R.J. Brearley P.G. Faggotter J.. Kruiber J.R. Pike D. Brewster S.J. Faulkner B.J. Langston J. Piszczyk R. Brice O. Ferreira C. Lark L.J. Pollard C.W. Britton B.H. Field R. Lawson C.J. Pooley A.G. Brock C.D. Fielder G.C. Laycock E.T. Powell M.A. Brock G.J. Fishlock M.R. Leoni B. Prettejohn N. Bromilow M. Foley C.W. Lessue L. Pryor E.G. Brown B. Fester S.M. Lester R.G. Outran L. Burgess W.H. Fowler L. Letcher D. Rady I.B. Burnett A.J. Fox E.R. Lewis I.J. Ralph K. Burns M.D. Fox J. Lindner G.P. Ranger D. Burton F.C. Franckom T. Lipsett J.A. Rawes G.W. Burton D.J. Fry I.H. Lloyd J. Redan D. Butler K.J. Fry C.D. Luck J.L. Rees V. Button L.B. Gade A.G. MacDonald K. Reid A.R. Caller J.C. Garnaut S.A. McAdam J.P. Rice R.J. Cameron N. Garrard C.F. McCard C.W. Richards J.F. Carne B.R. Gepp R.J. McCard B.H. Richardson A.R. Cawley A.J. Gibbs K. McCarthy C.J. Richardson B.M. Chambers P.C. Glatz P.J. McCarthy B. Rippon B. Chapman T.M. Goodwin A.W. McDonald A.J. Roberts M.G. Charles P. Gore I.M.C. McDonald P. Robins P.L. Cheney G.R. Gordon D. McGill S. Robinson R.M. Chenoweth B.J. Grainger K. McGuinness V.S. Robley A. Chesters P. Greenham C. McIntosh P.J.L. Role D.A. Clark D.P. Grist K.A. McLean P.C. Rogan I.L. Clarke D.W. Gum B. McPhee B. Rogers N.T. Clarke J.T. Gun D.O. McPherson B.W. Ross A.J. Cleveland R.J. Haby R. Mackay Dr. D. Rossitor G. Coburn D.L. Hackett N.J. Maddigan I.M. Rudd H. Coggins K.G. Hammond C.R. Magarey K. Russell M.T. Colbert W.J. Handby ST. Maliniak T.A. Ryan R. Cole R. Hardy J. Manning G.D. Sanders R.B. Colwell J. Hargraves AT. Marlow R.K. Saunders S.A.Constable D.L. Harradine D.L. Mason H.J. Sautebin W. Cook B. Harris K.D. Matthew E.A. Saxon E.N. Coomblas K.L. Harris J. Mead W. Schocroft J.E. Cooper T.L. Harris E.A. Mensforth B.M. Scholz C.F. Cope M.C. Harrison J. Miers D. Schultz B.N. Copley P.B. Hartshorne J.H. Miles P.G. Scrutton K.P. Copley W.J. Hasch R.J. Miller R. Sergeant S.J. Corcoran K.A. Hawkes H. Milton G.J. Seyers D. Cox A.W.L. Hayward C.P. Moffat D. Shakes PLAYER LIFE MEMBERS 15 YEARS

R. Shanahan' G.J. Sweetman G. Vincent P.G. Wickham S.J. Shaw S.W. Sykes. D. Von Einem J.W. Widdop M.A. Shearer T.G. Sykes D.J. Von Einem R.J. Wight G.J. Shepley. W. Sykes H.F. Walker R.W. Wigley P.E. Sheppard M.R. Syner -Lyons J.S. Walker J.R. Wilkey T Simcock, R. Tait P.H. Walker D.I. Williams A.P. Simmons L.B. Taylor T. Waller J.C. Williams R. Sladden R.W. Thomas J.W. Ward M.W. Williams J.Bi Smith L.F. Thompson M.J. Ward P.J. Williams R.K. Smith P. Thompson A.L. Waters C.D. Willing Richard T. Smith' M.F. Tippett R. Waters D. Willshire RI. Smith F.J. Tiver M.K. Watherstbn G.G. Witáon- G.N. Smithson' P. Tokic J.M. Webb R.J. Wilton S.N. Snider W. Townsend M.M. Wellington T. Wise M.J. Starkey H. Toy B. Whales G Wood M.E: Stephenson M. Treloar A.W.P. Whimpress M.J. Wright A.P. Strappazzon P.J. Treloar B.E. White A.P. Wyatt C. Strarinou D. Tsouilidts B.W. White T. Wyatt M. Stucky J. Turner S.P. White G. Wylie C. Summers J.A. Turner W.K. Whiting E.A. Suttell A. Underwood G. Whittaker


R.F. Aiston J.E. Foote. M.G. Lennon M.D. Stanley C.R. Arthur B.S. Fry' D.W. Lewis J.A. Tilbrook D.J. Campbell G.L. Gade M.F. Matters R. Vianello W.F.K. Colebatch R.J. Gordon C.S. Moyle J.D. Ward B.F. Critchley G.T. Goulter W.T. Moyle N,P. Wayne K. Croft C.J. Hamilton. B.C. Munro M.M. Williams D.L. Davidson C.J. Hass B. Neill J.M. Winter D.J. Dixey D.R. Jones' K.D. Paterson A.G. Wyatt* R. Dopson W.A. Kay* TX. Petlew A.W.J. Wyatt* K.J. Duke R.W.L. Kimber A. Perkins J. Emmel G. Kolenberg K. Plumeier W.J.M. Ewing R.J.L. Lee D. Polkinghorne K.M. Fletcher K.G. Lees J.R. Reid Father & Son