(Mrs. John), Arrival in Europe
INDEX Abott, William, 329 American Art, 229-301, 483; history of Abraham, Enoch, 459 American sculpture, 483. See also Rush, Account of Province of Carolina . , by William; Stuart, Gilbert; West, Benjamin. Samuel Wilson, 111 American Commission in Paris, 62,6^, 66,70, Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John), arrival in 72, 74, 76; protest number of drafts made Europe, 290; associations with and com- upon them, 73; refusal to honor draft of ments on the Binghams, 290-293, 307, William Bingham, 76; sending of supplies 308, 316; death of, 161; letters, 293; men- to U. S. by, 59, 60 tioned in correspondence of John Adams American Commonwealth, by Viscount Bryce, and Richard Rush, 29-30, 139, 143, 145, 2,14,483; appearance greeted with acclaim 152, * 53,} 59, 160 14; number of editions, 17; reproduction of Adams, Abigail (1765-1813), comments on title page, 16 the Binghams, 290-293, 387; extracts from American Constitutional Crisis, by Brogan, 20 journal of, 290-291, 292; interest in Wil- American democracy, dangers of, pointed liam Jackson, 291; letters of, 491 out by Tocqueville, 12; European inter- Adams, Henry, 483 preters of, 1-25 Adams, James Truslow, Epic of America, 24 as influenced by: Adams, John, 6^, 394; appointment of capitalization of industry, 25; immigra- "midnight judges," 194; attitude toward tion, 22-24; passing of the frontier, 24; certain Republicans, 30; correspondence relative birth rates of native born and with Richard Rush, 26-53, 137-164; death immigrant stock, 23 of wife, 161; disagreement with Hamilton, American Democracy and the Work of Tocque- 395; in England, 290, 291; prayer for New ville, by Gottfried Duden, 13 England, 47; sad state of country mourned by, 53; War of 1812 discussed by Richard American Experiment, by Hugh-Jones and Rush and, 28-31, 34-36, 42, 45, 46, 53 Radice, 20 Adams, John Quincy, 5, 13; correspondence, American history, history of, 482-483 43,44,139; discussed by Richard Rush, ^3, American journalism, dynamics of, 435, 445.
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