Gravimetric Methods of Analysis

• Chapter 8 Gravimetric Analysis – Skoog Book • Page 179-198 Do Problems: 1,2,4,9,10,11,14,16,21,27,30,33

• Chapter 9 Electrolyte Effects Activities – effective concentration and equilibrium

• Chapter 10 Complex Equilibria – similar but a few steps we have not looked at Gravimetric Analysis • Gravimetric Analysis--quantitative technique based on the determination of the mass of a precipitated or volatized compound which the analyte is stoichiometrically related

• Analyte: the substance determined in the procedure. – converted to an insoluble form, collected and massed on an analytical balance.

• Reaction: aA + rR ===> AaRr (s)

Analyte Precipitating Precipitate that we will dry, Agent mass and relate to analyte Gravimetry Vacuum Filteration Set Up


Buchner Funnel

Filter Filter Paper Adaptor Rubber tubing

Filter Flask

Mother Liquor Mechanicism of Precipitation • Two Competing Processes – Nucleation vs Particle Growth Representative Gravimetry Representative Gravimetry Mechanicism of Precipitation • Two Competing Processes – Nucleation vs Particle Growth

Desirable! Creating “Ideal” Precipitates • Now let’s learn more about precipitate formation in particular and crystalline precipitates

precipitating agent AgNO (aq) + NaCl(aq) AgCl(s) + NaNO (aq) 3 ←−→ 3 Colloidal Double Layer Model

- - • If we add Cl we run out of Cl and NO3 “fills” in Precipitates Vary And Complicate

! Particle Size of the precipitate is determined by a number of factors, such as ! Relative supersaturation (RSS) ! Mechanism of formation: nucleation vs particle growth ! Experimental control: pH, temperature, mixing, ! Supersaturation occurs when precip. agent is added to analyte.

• System reacts to reach equilibrium (Q > Ksp). It does this by “nucleation”. • Nucleation is not desirable as the particles are small. • More nuclei bring about entrapment or unwanted . • Study shown that particle size is inversely proportional. Terms Used In Gravimetry • Nucleation – Individual ions/atoms/molecules coalesce to form “nuclei” • Particle Growth – Condensation of ions/atoms/molecules with existing “nuclei” forming larger particles which settle out • Colloidal Suspension – Colloidal particles remain suspended due to adsorbed ions around a small particle yielding a net + or - charge • Coagulation, agglomeration – Suspended particles coalesce (lump together) to form larger filterable particles • Peptization – Re-dissolution and of coagulated colloids by washing and removing inert electrolyte (not good) How Can We Create “Ideal” Precipitates • Studies show that Particle Size is inversely proportional to Relative Supersaturation

Q S Relative Supersaturation = − S

where: S = solubilty of precipitate at equilibrium, and Q = concentration of mixed reagents before precipitation.

• Large Q gives undesirable colloidal precipitates. • Small Q gives large crystalline filterable particles How To Keep RSS Low “Best Practice”

• Precipitate from dilute solution with good stirring, this keeps Q low

• Add dilute precipitating reagents slowly with good stirring (prevents local excess or saturation)

• Precipitate from “hot” solutions. This normally increases S (solubility) ....followed by cooling for complete quantitative precipitation.

• Precipitate at lower pH as generally precipitates are more soluble in acid medium--this slows precipitation. Somtimes Important WFactorse Get for Colloids Gravimetric (not Analysis fun) • When colloidal particles form we need to aggregate or “coagulate” them to form easily filterable particles.

• Two Common Approaches To Accomplish This – “Digest” the colloidal sample by heating (1-hr) – Let the heated precipitate “age overnight” – Add an electrolyte (a non-interfering salt) – Both reduce the number of stabilizing counter- ions and allow for particles to approach one another Cl- adsorbs on the particles when in excess (primary layer). A counter layer of cations forms. The neutral double layer causes the colloidal particles to coagulate. Washing with water will dilute the counter layer and the primary layer charge causes the particles to revert to the colloidal state (peptization).

So we wash with an electrolyte that can be volatilized on heating (HNO3).

©Gary Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. (Wiley)

Fig. 10.2. Representation of silver chloride colloidal particle and adsorptive layers when Cl- is in excess. ImportantAddressing Factors for P eptizationGravimetric Analysis

• Peptization occurs when one washes the precipitate to remove the “counter-ions” and as a result some of the redissolves.

• Two Common Approaches To Accomplish This – “Digest” the colloidal sample by heating (1-hr) – Let the heated precipitate “age overnight” – Add an electrolyte (a non-interfering salt) – Both reduce the number of stabilizing counter- ions and allow for particles to approach one another ImportantCrystalline Factors for Precipitate Gravimetric Analysis

• Much larger particle size – Optimize by keeping RSS << 1 – Easy to filter – Ideal to work with – Best done with dilute precipitation then digest Other Important Problems: Factors for Co-precipitation Gravimetric Analysis • Co-precipitation occurs when another soluble compound in the mix precipitates with your analyte unwantingly.

• 4-Types of Co-precipitation 1. Surface Absorption 2. Occlusion 3. Mechanical entrapment 4.Mixed crystal formation Coprecipitation: Important Factors forSurface Gravimetric Adsorption Analysis

• Surface Adsorption: surface of the precipitate will contain some absorbed ions. - – Example: AgCl(s) + NO3 adsorbed (mass will be high) – Occurs mostly with colloidal precipitates as the surface area is larger – alters the mass and alters the accuracy of the analysis

• How To Deal With It – Digest for longer periods – Washing--usually doesn’t work as counter is strong – Washing With Volatile Electrolyte (HCl followed by drying) ImportantOcclusion Factors Traps for GravimetricCounter-Ions Analysis ImportantMechanical Factors for Entr Gravimetricapment Analysis ImportantOcclusion Factors and for EntrGravimetricapment Analysis ImportantMixed Crystalline Factors for Gravimetric Precipitate Analysis

Difficult to deal with. Alternate analysis? Worked Example

A 0.4500 g sample of impure potassium chloride was dissolved in water and treated with an excess of silver nitrate. A 0.8402 g of silver chloride was massed after digesting, collecting, washing and drying the precipitate. Calculate the percentage KCl in the original sample. (9712)