2012-13 BIG EAST WomeN’S BasKetball FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE omeN S asKetball EPort Sara NAGGar, DireCtor of CommUNICatioNS W ’ B R JAN. 27, 2013 (WeeK 11) www.bigeast.org
[email protected] • Phone 401-453-0660 2 0 1 2 - 1 3 s t a n d i n g s BI G E A S T ( t h r o u g h g a m e s a s o f J a n . 2 6 ) BIG EAST OVERALL P l a y e r o f t h e W e e k W-L Pct. H A W-L Pct. H A N Streak Stefanie Dolson, Notre Dame (2/3) 7-0 1.000 4-0 3-0 18-1 .947 9-1 5-0 4-0 W13 Connecticut, Jr., C Connecticut (3/2) 5-1 .833 2-1 3-0 18-1 .947 8-1 7-0 3-0 W6 (Port Jervis, N.Y./Minisink Valley) Villanova (RV/25) 5-1 .833 3-0 2-1 16-3 .842 7-0 6-2 3-1 W1 Dolson averaged 20.5 ppg, 8.0 rpg and 4.5 Syracuse (RV/22) 4-2 .667 2-0 2-2 16-3 .842 8-0 6-3 2-0 L1 assists per game, while shooting 63 percent Louisville (13/12) 4-2 .667 2-0 2-2 16-4 .800 9-1 4-3 3-0 W2 from the field, in a 2-0 week for the Huskies. DePaul (NR/RV) 4-2 .667 3-0 1-2 15-5 .750 11-1 2-3 2-1 W2 Dolson had 16 points and nine rebounds in a St.