Campus News Completely Covered by Department of Journalism Students U

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Campus News Completely Covered by Department of Journalism Students U ^^■■■■■■■^■H |p CAMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM STUDENTS U. CLARK HELD TO CLARK FIELD" TO SEE 'LAST STAND' SEE 'LAST STAND' VOL. XXIX- FORT WORTH, TEXAS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1930. NO. 2. Early Religious Life First Lecture of Of Texas Portrayed Dr. Salkeld Delivers Mfe, Wplsferf I« Student Activities Limited This Year Address in Chapel ™SS nCMICri 1S Series Will Be University Religious Fellowship Gives Pageant Showing: A new aystem of atudent activitiea has been introduced in T. C. U. thia year. This "noint system •• as New Members of Faculty and it has been named, limits the amount of activities that . student can participate in. The fofiowing announce- Elected I. C. U. Presented Oct. 23 Various Periods. ment about the system was made by Miss Eula Lee Carter, faculty chairman of the committee on student Board of Trustees Are societies. Introduced. Episodes of the religious life of "The student body in assembly last spring formally adopted the "point system" in regard to student Band Sweetheart early Texaa were portrayed at a Senorita Luisa Espinel activities. This program was approved by the cabinet, and goes into effect thia echool vear A copy of the "It is the use that life is put to meeting of the Univeraity Religious point system as adopted is printed below. You are naked to read it carefully, and to make out your club Will Appear First Fellowship last Sunday night on the program in conformity to it. * that determines its value, and if you Freshman Girl Receive* campus near the band stand. The "Student activity cards have beenprinted and will be filled out in chapel at a later date Thev will be are going to use your life there are Honor and Special on Program. program waa directed by Dean L. L. kept m permanent files thereafter. The presidents of the various clubs are asked to send in a list of their only three ways to use it, for the ne- Leftwich. members and officers as soon as the clubs are thoroughly organized." cessities of life, for the luxuries of Privileges. / WILL SING AND DANCE A pageant depicting the life and re- The University point system in student activities is as follows: ligious ceremony of Texas Indians No student shall participate in extra-curricular a:tivities during any one collegiate year to exceed the was presented by the W. A. A. under value of twenty points. " s!£ £ E^tS'ptofo^j^^AM DI^NG CHAPEL Student Season Tickets May Be the direction of Mrs. Helen Walker The point evaluation of extra-curricular activities ehall be: First Christian Church of Abilene, in 1 Obtained at the Business Murphy. The coming of the French Activities counting ten points are: President of the student body, editor of the Homed Froir hu>in«iness the convocation address before the Murry Livingston Is President and Spanish explorers, who enslaved t>,e H rned Fng dit r 0t the Skiff b ineM m , er city Office for $1.50. the redman and took his possessions, or""TO Dy tne °,,University, ? - * ° ' " " »« «f the M .nd empToynienUn tneci student body of Texas Christian Uni- of Band and Ernest Croft waa portrayed by Kenneth Martin and Activities counting eight points are: Class presidents, president of Y.W.OA. and president of YMCA versity in chape! Friday morning. Is Young Mascot. The lecture series to be offered this Lewis Copeland. Activities counting five points are: President of all other societies, other class and student body officers-' The chapel program waa opened year by the University will open on Professor Newton Gaines sang a varsity letters (men and women); membership in band; and yell leader ■*»»■■«. >~oy omcers, with a number by the orchestra under Marie Weldert, a freshman from religious philosophy of the cowboy the direction of Prof.-Claude Sammis, Oct. 28 with the one to be given in Activities counting three points are: other officers of all societies not previously designated; standing Waco, was named sweetheart of the period when Texas was being colon- committee cha.rmen of all organizations (classes, student body, and societies); membership in orchestral followed by the singing of the school the auditorium by 8enorita Luisa Es- songs led by David Scoular, new in- T. C. U. band at a program given in ized. Old hymns were sung to cele- VSZSlJ^ £*>, «/« T-"00' e",te on!tTcf! eonia't; Intercollegiate dramatic conteat; woman's sweater pinel, Spanish dancer and singer. brate the coming of the Kentucky monogram; Skiff Staff (in extra-curricula); Homed Frog ataff and Glee Club structor in the voice department. chapel on Wednesday. As Miss Weld- gentlemen with their families and 6 Comting tW0 point re: Member h in In announcing the dates, Dr. slaves. not counted * " * » 'P ■" wcieties where any office Is held, membership is Un^er^pSd 'oveVlne cn.pelI ££?££ecl , m ut VTTi^ f Charles H. Sherer, member of the The dramatic story of Texas Inde- m i te 0r he inter tation meeting and read the scripture. The | " " * * ed that all the privileges ,„ .i^ 7 i %! u P/« - modification and enforcement of this regulation shall be constituted, tn,t committee, said that four other lec- pendence was told, followed by the consistngn of the faculty committee on societies, together with the four class presidents. "•"•»■* invocation was pronounced by Ran-1 a town student would have had tures bad been definitely arranged, singing of old negro spirituals to rep- dolph Clark from Stephenville, one in conjunction with the band will be of the founders of T. C. U. Mrs. Hel- but it ia probable that one or two resent the negro slaves' efforts to given to her. harmonize biblical stories with their en Fouts Cahoon, head of the voice more may be added later. So far as enslavement. department, sang "Waltz Song" from The program was an annual affair is known now all lectures will be in The event of Texas becoming a Dramatic Club to Meet $400,000 Is Expended the opera "Romeo and Juliet" by of the band in which the sweetheart the T. C. U. auditorium. atate was celebrated by the raiaing W. A. A. to Hold Gounod, as well as the new officers are pre- Capt. John Noel, who will appear of the American flag and the singing Freshman and Sophomore Play Introduction of the new members sented to the student body. Several here on Feb. 12, ia an explorer, a sci- of "America."* Rev. A. Preston Contests to Be Discussed. 500 Men Are Working on State of the faculty and of the board of band numbers were given leads by entist, and aa author of note, and is Gray, pastor of the Univeraity Chris- Camp on Oct. 4 Fair Building in Dallas. trustees of the University was made Professor Claude Sammis, director. included among the world's three or tian Church, gave a brief summary by President Waits. Van Zandt Jnr- The program was then turned over four fineat outdoor photographers. of the program and pronounced the The Dramatic Club will have its Spending a total of more than vis, chairman of the board of trustees, to Bill Rogers, retiring president, who Hia film, "The Epic of Mt. Everest," benediction. first meeting of the year Monday at Lake Worth welcomed the students to the Uni- exhibited to the students through 1400,000 on new buildings and re- versity. "There is only one thing in is still in great demand after being evening at 7:30 o'clock in Room'304, President Waits a cup won by the pairs at the State Fair of Texas, the life that counts, and that is character. band last May in Abilene. The new shown for seven years in all parts of according to the president, Gibson the world. Capt. Noel has Just re- Social Calendar for Fall exposition has more than 600 men at With the help of atudents, faculty, president, Murry Livingston, was then President Waits' Handle. and the board of trustees, we csn cently returned from six months in work on the grounds now, getting introduced, and he in turn introduced Plans for the year which include Semester Is Pre- make this one of the greatest years tha other officers of the band. Gib- Northern India and the Himalaya re- things in shape for the forty-fourth in the history of T. C. U.," Jarvis gion, where he made a second epic the establishment of a chapter of the son Randle was elected vice-president, Reception Tonight sented. annual fair, which opens Oct. 11, ac- said. and Hugh Boren, secretary and treas- film, which ia the one he will use in Black Friars, national dramatic fra- A meeting of the board of trustees his illustrated lecture here. Compe- cording to T. E. Jackson, fair presi- urer. Laurence Coulter is publicity was held after the chapel service. The agent tent critics say this latter film sur- Students, Parents, and ternity, the aponaoring of the annual OFFICERS ARE ELECTED dent. freshman and sophomore class play board considered only routine busi- Helen Jenkins, sweetheart of the passes in interest his famous Mt. Ev- The biggest construction job is the ness. erett film. Faculty Are Urged contest, and the production of sev- band last year, presented Miss Weld- Practice in Volley Ball, Tennis huge 60,000-seat stadium, which is ert with the sweetheart's cap, which On Nov. 12, V. L. Granville will of- eral three-act plays, will be discussed fer hia "Dramatic Interludes," an en- to Attend. and Hiking to Begin just about completed. The stadium is is the only ritual that is held for the tertainment which has met with great at the next meeting.
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