John Henry Clarke a Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - CD Reading Excerpt a Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - CD of John Henry Clarke

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John Henry Clarke a Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - CD Reading Excerpt a Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - CD of John Henry Clarke John Henry Clarke A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - CD Reading excerpt A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - CD of John Henry Clarke Copying excerpts is not permitted. Narayana Verlag GmbH Blumenplatz 2 D-79400 Kandern, Germany Tel. +49 7626 9749 700 Fax +49 7626 9749 709 Email [email protected] In our online-bookshop we present all english homeopathy books. Narayana Publishers is a publishing company for homeopathic books. We publish books of top-class and innovative authors like Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Rajan Sankaran, George Vithoulkas, Douglas M. Borland, Jan Scholten, Frans Kusse, Massimo Mangialavori, Kate Birch, Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj, Sandra Perko, Ulrich Welte, Patricia Le Roux, Samuel Hahnemann, Mohinder Singh Jus, Dinesh Chauhan. Narayana Publishers organises Homeopathy Seminars. Worldwide known speakers like Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Massimo Mangialavori, Jan Scholten, Rajan Sankaran und Louis Klein inspire up to 300 participants. LIST OF REMEDIES PAGE PAGE Abies Canadensis ........................... 1 Ammonium Muriaticum .............. 91 Abies Nigra ................................... 2 Ammonium Phosphoricum .......... 95 Abrotanum .................................. 3 Ammonium Picricum .................. 96 Absinthium .................................... 5 Ampelopsis .................................. 96 Acalypha Indica ............................ 6 Amphisbaena .............................. 97 Acetanilidum (see Antifebrinum) Amygdalae Amarae Aqua............ 98 Aceticum Acidum ....................... 7 Amylenum Nitrosum ................ 98 Aconitinum .................................. 9 Anacardium Occidentale ............. 101 Aconitum Cammarum ................. 11 Anacardiuni Orientale ................. 101 Aconitum Ferox ............................ 12 Anagallis Arvensis ....................... 107 Aconitum Lycoctonum .................. 13 Anantherum Muricatum .............. 109 Aconitum Napellus ........................ 15 Ancistroden Contortrix (see Cen- Actaea Racemosa...................... __ 25 chris Contortrix) Actaea Spicata .............................. 29 Angophora .................................. 111 Adonis Vernalis ........................... 30 Angustura Vera............................ 112 Adrenalin ....................................... 31 Angustura Spuria (see Brucea AEsculus Glabra .......................... 31 Antidysenterica) AEsculus Hippocastanum ............. 32 Anhalonium Lewinii.................... 115 AEthiops Antimonialis .................. 35 Anilinum...................................... 117 AEthusa Cynapium........................ 35 Anisum Stellatum (see Illicium) Agaricus Emeticus............... ......... 38 Anthemis Nobilis ........................ 117 Agaricus Muscarius.................. .... 39 Anthoxanthum ........................... 118 Agaricus Phalloides .................... 44 Anthracinum ................................ 118 Agave Americana.......................... 45 Anthrokokali ................................ 119 Agnus Castus................................. 46 Antifebrinum ................................ 120 Agraphis Nutans............................ 48 Antimonium Arsenicicum ......... 121 Agrostema Githago ....................... 48 Antimonium Crudum ................. 121 Ailanthus Glandulosa .................... 49 Antimonium Iodatum ................. 126 Aletris Farinosa ........................... 51 Antimonium Muriaticum.............. 127 Allium Cepa ................................... 53 Antimonium Sulphuratum Au- Allium Sativum.............................. 56 reum.......................................... 127 Alnus.............................................. 59 Antimonium Tartaricum............... 128 Aloe Socotrina ............................... 60 Antipyrinum ............................... 134 Alstonia Constricta......................... 65 Aphis Chenopodii Glauci............. 136 Alumen .......................................... 65 Apis .......................................... .. 138 Alumina ......................................... 67 Apium Graveolens ....................... 145 Ambra Grisea ................................ 74 Apocynum Androsaemifolium... 146 Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia ............ 79 Apocynum Cannabinum .............. 147 Ammoniacum ................................ 79 Apomorphinum............................ 149 Ammonium Aceticum.................... 81 Aqua Marina ............................... 150 Ammonium Benzoicum ................. 82 Aquilegia Vulgaris ....................... 150 Ammonium Bromatum ................. 82 Aralia Racemosa ....................... 150 Ammonium Carbonicum .............. 84 Aranea Diadema ........................ 152 Ammonium Causticum ................ 90 Aranearum Tela ........................... 154 xii LIST OF REMEDIES xiii PAGE Aranea Scinencia ........................ 154 Azadirachta Indica .................... 235 Arbutus Andrachne ..................... 155 Arctium Lappa ............................ 155 Bacillinum .................................. 237 Areca ........................................ 156 Bacillinum Testium ..................... 239 Argentum Cyanatum ................... 157 Badiaga ...................................... 239 Argentum Iodatum ....................... 157 Balsamum Peruvianum .............. 242 Argentum Metallicum ................. 157 Baptisia Confusa Acetica ............. 242 Argentum Nitricum ..................... 161 Baptisia Tinctoria......................... 243 Anstolochia Milhomens ............. 168 Barosma ...................................... 247 Aristolochia Serpentaria .............. 168 Baryta Acetica (see Baryta Car- Armoracia Sativa ....................... 169 bonica) Arnica ......................................... 171 Baryta Carbonica ........................ 248 Arsenicum Album........................ 177 Baryta Iodata................................ 253 Arsenicum Bromatum ................. 187 Baryta Muriatica ....................... 254 Arsenicum Hydrogenisatum ... 187 Belladonna................................... 256 Arsenicum Iodatum .................... 188 Bellis Perennis ............................. 269 Arsenicum Metallicum................. 191 Benzinum ..................................... 270 Arsenicum Stibiatum (see Anti- Benzinum Dinitricum .................. 272 monium Ars.) Benzinum Nitricum...................... 273 Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum 193 Benzoicum Acidum .................... 274 Arsenicum Sulphuratum Rub- Benzoin ..................................... 277 rum............................................... 193 Berberis Aquifolium.................... 278 Artemisia Abrotanum (see Berberis Vulgaris......................... 280 Abrotanum) Artemisia Absinthium (see Bismuthum .................................. 287 Absinthium) Artemisia Contra and Blatta Americana ........................ 290 Judaica (see Cina) Blatta Orientalis .......................... 290 Artemisia Vulgaris....................... 195 Boletus Laricis ............................. 290 Arum Dracontium........................ 196 Boletus Luridus............................ 291 Arum Dracunculus .................... 198 Boletus Satanas............................ 291 Arum Italicum .......................... 199 Bombyx Processionea.................. 292 Arum Maculatum ........................ 199 Boracicum Acidum .................... 292 Arum Triphyllum ........................ 200 Borax ..................., .................... 294 Arundo Mauritanica ..................... 202 Bothrops Lanceolatus ................. 298 Asafcetida .................................. 203 Bovista......................................... 299 Asarum Europoeum .................... 206 Brachyglottis Repens ................. 303 Asclepias Syriaca ........................ 209 Brassica Napus ........................... 305 Asclepias Tuberosa ................... 210 Bromium ...................................... 305 Asimina Triloba ........................... 213 Brucea Antidysenteriea ............. 308 Asparagus ................................. 213 Brucinum ................................. 310 Astacus Fluviatilis ....................... 216 Bryonia ......... ........................... 310 Asterias Rubens........................... 217 Buchu (see Barosma) Astragalus Menziesii ................... 220 Bufo............................................. 321 Athamantha .............................. 220 Bursa Pastoris (see Thlaspi Bursa Atropinum .................................. 221 Pastoris) Aurantium ................................. 223 Aurum Arsenicicum..................... 223 Cactus Grandiflorus .................... 323 Aurum Bromatum ........................ 224 Cadmium Bromatum ................ 327 Aurum Iodatum............................ 224 Cadmium Sulphuratum .............. 328 Aurum Metallicum....................... Cainca .......................................... 330 224 Cajuputum ................................... 330 Aurum Muriaticum ................... Calabar (see Physostigma) 229 Caladium...................................... 332 Aurum Muriaticum Kalinatum .. 231 Calcarea Acetica ....................... 335 Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 231 Calcarea Arsenicosa .................... 335 Aurum Sulphuratum .................... Calcarea Bromata......................... 337 233 Calcarea Carbonica...................... 337 Avena Sativa ............................... 234 Calcarea
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