Revelation 10 A Mighty Angel; No Further Delay; The ‘Little’ Book: Sweet to Eat – Bitter to Digest

This section of Revelation, starting at Rev. 10:1 and which continues to Rev. 11:14, follows the book’s given narrative pattern and comprises a supplemental interlude between the sounding of the 6th and 7th TRUMPETS [as chapter 7 did for the 6th and 7th SEALS]. This portion of scripture describes the general events and conditions prevailing during the final Tribulation ‘week’ prophesied by Daniel’s 70x70 Weeks of Years {Dan. 9:24-27} which span the seven year peace treaty of the anti-. These events bridge the 1st and 2nd half of this ‘seventieth week’ of Daniel’s prophecy – the latter includes the period of time related to the 1st thru 6th TRUMPET JUDGMENTS during the GREAT TRIBULATION – JACOB'S TROUBLE. The following is a summary of these events:

• Another ‘mighty angel’ appears holding an opened ‘little scroll’, who evidently claims the earth and sea on behalf of Heaven and its King, the LORD Christ. • There will be no more delay; the ‘MYSTERY OF GOD’ is to be finished. • The ‘little scroll’ which is opened and John is told to eat. It tastes sweet as honey in the mouth, but it causes heartburn (sour stomach). • John is told he must prophecy again (i.e. in further detail) about many peoples, nations, tongues and kings. • The Temple, the altar of prayer and worshipers are measured. But the ‘outer court’ is excluded and given to the Gentiles for 42 months. • Two Witnesses prophecy for 1260 days (42 months or 3 ½ years). They have power like that of Moses and Elijah. • Two Witnesses are slain by the Man of Sin [the anti-Christ who is possibly possessed by the Apollyon, the king of the bottomless pit (i.e., the abyss, depthless well)] but after 3 1/2 days God resurrects them and they are raised up into Heaven! • There is a great earthquake which collapses 1/10 of the city of and kills 7000 people. rd th • The 3 Woe, the 7 TRUMPET judgment, comes quickly. [Note that Jesus pronounces eight woes on the Pharisees in Matt. 23:13-36].

REV. 10:1 Ø THE APPEARANCE OF ‘ANOTHER’ MIGHTY ANGEL “And I saw another strong (or mighty) angel.” [‘angelos’ = messenger]. John sees another ‘mighty angel’ come to earth from Heaven. The Greek word for ‘another’ here [243 allos (al’- los)] means that it is another [angel] of the same kind. The other ‘mighty’ angel was introduced back in :2 and is the one who asks the key question: “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?” The description of this angelic being1 is somewhat similar to one that given in Daniel 10:4-6.

1 J.A. Seiss makes a strong case that this ‘mighty’ or ‘strong’ angel is indeed Christ Jesus because of the comparative description given in :13-15 and the fact that He is owner of the earth and sea. M.R. DeHaan and H.A. Ironside agree this ‘mighty angel’ is referring to Jesus Christ. But Jon Courson does not believe it is Jesus because the appearance of Jesus on the earth at this time seems out of place in the flow or progression of the unveiling of God’s judgment and the setting up of the millennial kingdom of Christ. J.F. Walvoord in his commentary on Revelation also does not think this is Christ even though He is represented as the ‘Angel of the LORD’ in the Old Testament. He believes there is no contextual evidence that requires this messenger to be Christ and suggests this ‘mighty angel’ may be an archangel given special authority and power such as has – the “great prince” who stands for the Revelation 10 -1- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel

It is only the extraordinary appearance of this angel which has led some to identify him as Christ. But there is ample evidence and reasoning to show that this angel is only a mighty angel similar to the one introduced earlier in chapter 5.

In the Old Testament it appears that the pre-incarnate Son of God, Jesus Christ, was manifested as the ‘ANGEL OF THE LORD’ {e.g., Gen. 16:7; 22:11; Ex. 3:2, 4; Judge 2:1; 1 Kings 19:7; Psalms 34:7-8; Isa. 37:36; Zech. 12:8}. Note that Exodus 3:4 ascribes deity to the ANGEL OF THE LORD in verse 3:2. When Jesus was here in His humanity, He was not an angel—He was a man. He came in the form of that which he wanted to save {Heb. 1:1-2; 9:15-17}. John 1:1-5, 14 tells us that the ‘Word’ became flesh and dwelt [lit. ‘pitched a tent’] among us.

Furthermore, after Christ took upon Himself our humanity, after He died and rose again and received a glorified body, we now see Him in the place of great power, honor and glory at God’s right hand {Heb. 1:3; 8:1; Rev. 5:12}. We never see Him manifested in an angelic form again. Throughout the Jesus Christ is revealed in His glorified and exalted role as Creator, Redeemer and Judge—He is exalted to the nth degree.

It is true that ‘clouds of glory’ are associated with the Second Coming of Christ {Rev. 1:7}, but the angel described here is not coming in clouds of glory, he is clothed with a cloud. Furthermore, this is not describing the Second Coming of Christ to the earth to establish His Kingdom; rather, this angel makes the announcement that He is coming soon {Rev. 10:6-7}. (Angels, you recall, announced His first coming {Luke 2:8-14}, and, as we see here, they will announce His second coming to the earth).

So, although his description of this messenger is somewhat similar to that of the glorified Christ Jesus {refer to Rev. 1:13-15}, we know that Christ is not an angel nor does He appear in the book of Revelation as an angel.

This then is evidently describing ‘another’ mighty messenger [similar in kind to the one in Rev. 5:2] – He is Christ’s special envoy endowed with characteristics which are representative of the glorified Son of God. He comes down out of Heaven bearing the credentials of Christ’s exalted position and is given great authority to act on His behalf.

Now notice the appearance of this mighty angel:

• He is clothed with a cloud [God's promise of Christ’s 2nd Coming]. This is the mighty angel’s attire, his outer covering as a special emissary from Christ. He appears to be enveloped by a ‘cloud’, a white ‘fog’. Clouds are associated with ministry of God in many and various ways, including with Christ Himself {Matt. 24:29-30; Acts 1:6-9; Rev. 14:14}. Ø The Two Witnesses will later ascend into a ‘cloud’ in Rev. 11:12 after their resurrection.

Jews {Dan. 12:1}. J. Vernon McGee also does not think this person is Christ Jesus because He was incarnate and He is revealed in the Book of Revelation as the post-resurrected, glorified Christ. In the Jesus is depicted as the Lion of the tribe of and the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world but nowhere as an angel (of the LORD). Revelation 10 -2- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel Ø Jesus ascended into Heaven and a ‘cloud’ received Him [i.e., He disappeared into a cloud] out of the disciple's sight! The cloud is reminiscent of our Heavenly destination! Ø The Israelites were led in the wilderness by a pillar of cloud by day. Exodus 13:21-22. • He has a rainbow around his head [God's promise of Grace]. This is his ‘covering’ and is a reminder of Gods’ covenant with man and assurance of His promises {Gen. 9:11-17}. There is a rainbow resembling an emerald encircling God’s throne in Heaven {Rev. 4:3}. • His face was like the sun [God’s promise of His presence]. This is the signature of the glory of God {e.g., see Rev. 1:13-16}. In the new earth there will no longer be a sun but it will be illuminated by God’s very presence {Rev. 22:5}. But it does not necessarily follow that this mighty angel must therefore be the Son of God. Remember that Moses’ face shone after he had been in the presence of God {see Ex. 34:29}. This angel’s face is shining because he has come out of Heaven from before the presence of the LORD. You will recall that the raiment of the angels at the resurrection of Christ also bright as lightning {see Luke 24:4}. The angel in :1 illuminates the earth with his ‘glory’ yet no one asserts that he is Christ. • Has feet like pillars of fire [God's promise of Righteous Judgment] This is the signature of the judgment of God. Note the similarity with Rev. 1:15 where the glorified Jesus’ feet are described as “…..bronze glowing in a furnace.” But here the feet actually appear to be like flames. And of course this mighty angel has come to make a special and solemn announcement of final judgment. However, it should also be noted that pillars of fire may also be symbolic of the guidance and protection of the LORD. The Israelites were led in the wilderness by a pillar of fire at night. Exodus 13:21-22. All of the preceding features of identification are part of the might angel’s credentials and connect him to the person of Christ as His special envoy. The Lord Jesus is running everything at this particular point. He is the Judge of all the earth.

REV. 10:2-4 Ø THE ACTION OF THE ‘MIGHTY ANGEL’: THE LITTLE SCROLL (BOOK) & THE SEVEN THUNDERS The mighty angel is holding a little scroll that was opened.

In their respective commentaries on this passage of scripture both J.A. Seiss and J. Vernon McGee identify the little scroll [974 bibliaridion (bib-lee-ar-id'-ee-on)] mentioned here2 with the (small) scroll [975 biblion (bib-lee'-on)] that had the in Rev. 5:1-3.

This little book, assuming it is the same as the small scroll which had the seven seals, was originally in the hands of the Father in heaven {Rev. 5:1}. It was first transferred to the nail– pierced hands of God the Son who is depicted as a Lamb looking as if it had been slain {Rev. 5:5- 7} – He was the only One in Heaven, on or under the earth who could open it.

2 There is another word for book or scroll in general [976 biblos (bib'-los)] is the inner bark of the papyrus plant, i.e. (by implication) a sheet or scroll of writing. But the both words for scroll in Rev. 5:1-3 and 10:2 are the diminutive of this word and appear to be referring to same thing. Revelation 10 -3- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel Then the Lamb breaks open all seven seals to completely open the scroll. [Note the little scroll here is described as ‘open’].

It is fitting that this scroll, which only the slain Lamb of God could open, is now going to be shared with John, one of His servants, in a very literal sense.

So far all 7 SEALS have been opened and also 6 of the 7 TRUMPETS judgments have taken place. th We shall see that at the sounding of the 7 TRUMPET; “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” This signals the end of the GREAT TRIBULATION period and the dawn of the Millennial reign of the Messiah, Jesus, on this earth.

In general, the ‘little scroll’ represents God's revealed Word of Truth. Notice, from our perspective it is little ‘book’, but from God's perspective it is as like Paul says of the Gospel; “… is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes…..” {Rom. 1:16} and also of the “…..still, small voice…..” which spoke to Elijah (1 Kings 19:11-12) where the LORD was not in the dramatic display of the wind, earthquake or fire.

But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. – 1 Cor. 1:27-29

As we have discussed previously, this is the book of the title deed of the earth, and it contains the judgments of the GREAT TRIBULATION by which the Lord Jesus is ushered in to rule absolutely over His creation – the earth. The book is now open, and the six TRUMPET JUDGMENTS are on display. This little book is the mighty angel’s authority for what he is about to claim.

This mighty angel puts one foot [his left] on the land and his other foot [his right] on the sea signifying he is claiming ownership over the planet earth on behalf of Heaven – specifically the LORD of Heaven, the coming King of kings and Lord of lords – Christ Jesus. The symbolism of this act is discovered in the context of phrases such as: ‘trod under foot’, ‘under the heel’, ‘the earth is the LORD's footstool’. See for example:

Deut. 11:23-25; Isaiah 66:1-2; Matt. 5:34-35; Acts 7:49; Heb. 10:12-14.

Attendant with the act of placing his feet on the sea and land, this heavenly messenger cries out with an authoritative and powerful cry, literally a “loud voice” (Gk. ‘megas phone’) like the intense guttural sound which vibrates the air as when a lion growls3.

It was not a cry of distress and fear, but a shout of power and determination, and the herald of vengeance upon the enemies of God. Perhaps this is also in partial fulfillment of prophecies such as the following:

3 It should be noted that the word translated ‘roar’ here is not the usual Greek word for roar {e.g., as in a ‘roaring lion’ in 1 Pet. 5:8} but a word that can also be used to describe the loud moo that a cow makes [3455 mukaomai (moo-kah'-om-ahee)]. Both Aristophanes and Theocritus use it of the roar of the lion, and the former of thunder. Homer, of the ring of the shield and the hissing of meat on the spit. Revelation 10 -4- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel The LORD will roar from on high, and utter His voice from His holy habitation; he will roar mightily against His fold. He will give a shout, as those who tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth. A noise will come to the ends of the earth—for the LORD has a controversy with the nations; he will plead His case with all flesh. He will give those who are wicked to the sword, says the LORD. – Jeremiah 25:30-31

In response to the cry of the mighty angel, the voices of the Seven Thunders ‘speak’. The Jews understood thunder as representing the voice of the LORD in its power and force. For example refer to Psalms 29:1-9 where the phrase “……..the voice of the LORD” is compared seven times to the amazing effects of thunder!

See also Job 37:1-5 where the LORD's voice (noise) is likened to thunder and directed like lightning – the application being that He does (speaks) marvelous things which we cannot understand.

Heaven is full of the sound of ‘thunders’ and the sight of ‘lightnings’ [Rev. 4:5; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18] and perhaps now we begin to realize that some of this may be related to the Heavenly residents speaking; especially God. Note in Rev. 6:1 we are told that at least one of the Four Living Creatures has a voice which sounds like thunder. In Rev. 14:2 we are told that a voice from Heaven sounds like loud thunder [the voice of God?]. Perhaps a little of Heaven descended to earth when God met Moses on the top of Mount Sinai:

Then it came to pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. – Exodus 9:16

I believe the 7 thunders are seven things the LORD speaks from Heaven. At the beginning of this book, John was commanded to write {Rev. 1:19};

“Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this.”

But here John is commanded to “seal-up” those things which he heard God say and not to write them down. This is very interesting Compare this especially with Dan. 8:23-27 and Dan. 12:4-10 where Daniel is told to ‘seal up’ the meaning of the vision given to him.

APPLICATION: What were things that the thunderous voices said? I don’t know and believe it or not, I really don’t care to know. More importantly, it appears that God does not want us to know either. However, there are many cults who have built a system of doctrine based on claiming to know what the seven thunders said [e.g., Ellen G. White, founder of the Seventh Day Adventists and the Mormons]. Others believe it was the papal ‘bull’ issued from Rome, the city on seven hills.

In my line work in the Aerospace Industry, we have different levels of security clearances. These range from ‘Confidential’ to ‘Secret’ to ‘Top Secret’ and all the way up to ‘Crypto’. However, even having one of these clearances does not guarantee access to information. There is an additional stipulation one must have at each of these security levels and it is called the ‘need to know’.

Revelation 10 -5- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel The point of all this is that if classified information remains properly “compartmentalized” the less likelihood there will be a breach in security. If you don’t have this ‘need to know’ you are not supposed to receive the information or give it to such a one – even if they have a higher clearance than you! Evidently, in the industry of Heaven there are also some things that God thinks even Christians, who have special access to the things of God, do not have the ‘need to know’.

Some of us think we have to solve every problem, understand every mystery and untie every knot before we’re satisfied.

There are three practical reasons that God would want to keep us ‘in the dark’ about certain issues and why not knowing everything we desire to know is beneficial. Not knowing can be a blessing in disguise for the following reasons:

• Not knowing keeps us humble: By acknowledging that we do not know everything keeps us honest and helps us maintain the proper perspective relative to our place in God’s kingdom work. It forces one to admit that he/she does not know everything and produces humility in the life of the Christian which in turn brings glory and honor to the LORD. • Not knowing keeps us going: Admitting we don’t know all the answers will cause us to cling to God’s promises and to continue seeking. Not knowing all the answers is intended to result in a complete and utter reliance on the God and His Word. It is only through the divine action of the Holy Spirit and perseverance in the Word that new things and ideas are revealed to us and great things can be accomplished for our LORD. Not knowing causes us to listen to the ‘still, small voice of the LORD’ so that we can do His will. • Not knowing establishes our faith: Accepting the fact that God does not answer all our questions strengthens our faith – we are to live by faith and not by ‘seeing’ all things. Resting and not wrestling with God about His Word is a sign of spiritual maturity, which is God’s will for a Christian’s life. We are saved by faith through grace and the LORD desires that we continue to live our lives by His grace through faith! Paul says in Rom. 8:28 that “…..we know all things work together for good” – he did not say that “….we see all things work together for good”. In many situations we will not know or appreciate the reasons for something until we get to Heaven having eternity as our perspective. But sufficient for today is the grace and peace we have through Jesus Christ {Rev. 1:4}.

Suffice it to say that John, beloved of God as was Daniel, was the only man to have heard what the LORD says here and John understood because he was specifically told not to record what he heard! (I guess we’ll have to ask him when we get to Heaven!)

So we should not try to speculate what God says here or get frustrated because we’re not told. It should suffice to simply to know that when He does speak, He has purpose and there is a ‘rhyme and reason’ for what He does. See Deut. 29:27-29; Isa. 45:5-18; 46:8-10; 55:6-11.

Take solace in remembering that in general the Revelation of Jesus Christ not sealed! {See Rev. 1:1-3; 22:6-10}. Also take comfort in the fact that someday we will know and understand much more fully than we do now—because ultimately that is God's divine plan and purpose. For example 1 Cor. 4:1-5; 13:8-13.

The loud cry, like the growl of a lion, and the seven thunders before us connect with the rapid fulfillment of the remaining 3rd “Woe” {refer to Rev. 9:12; 11:14}. It is the cry for and the

Revelation 10 -6- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel herald of the completion of the judgments of God. And after this cry follows the declaration that “there will be no more delay” but that after the 7th angel sounds his Trumpet the mystery [the purposes] of God will be finished just as it was foretold4 by the Old Testament prophets.

REV. 10:5-7 Ø PROCLAMATION: THERE WILL BE NO MORE DELAY! The mighty angel declares that there should be no further delay, but that God's purpose in Judgment should be finished! This purpose is summarized in Isaiah 13:6-13 summarized below:

“I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” – verse 11.

Why no more delay? Remember that in the context of the GREAT TRIBULATION Jesus said in Matt. 24:22, “...... but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened…..”; that is, the judgments and plagues will be terminated for the sake of the believing Jewish remnant. Otherwise, these plagues are so great and pervasive that unless God cuts them short no one would survive {“…….. unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved….”}.

th th We are also told here that when the 7 angel sounds the 7 TRUMPET, then the “mystery5 of God will be finished”. It appears that Heaven is ready for the [revealing] of Jesus Christ—indeed this is the title of this book!

th 6 What this angel is saying is that at the sounding of the 7 TRUMPET , all of God’s previously planned purposes will have been realized and His actions explained! It comprises the final act of the GREAT TRIBULATION and how it will all end.

And how will it end? In summary, man’s dominance over the earth is going to come to an end and this is going to happen just as God planned it. Nothing will interfere with God accomplishing His Will in regards to (a) setting up Messiah’s kingdom and bringing everlasting righteousness, (b) preserving the saved and (c) judging the disobedience and evil of mankind.

The 7 TRUMPETS then represent God's full work of Judgment upon sinful men, a corrupt world system and the rebellious angels. God has declared these things to His servants [the prophets] over a long period of time. This was actually the subject of Peter’s sermon to the crowd in Acts 3:12-26 where he uses the expression ‘the times of restoration of all things’.

But the judgments of God also include the 7 BOWLS OF WRATH. Note that these are described in rapid succession in Rev. 16 with only a ‘supplemental’ section that is 4 verses long which is related to .

4 th Note the correlation to the 7 BOWL OF WRATH: God’s voice emanates from the throne and says with a loud voice; “It is done!” {Rev. 16:17} 5 A “mystery” is something that God plans and accomplishes and is non-intuitive to man and can only be known to man by God revealing it to him. See e.g. Rom. 11:25; 16:25; Eph. 3:1-6; 1 Cor. 15:49-5. 6 th The sounding of the 7 TRUMPET will bring to fulfillment the Old Testament prophecies which refer to, among other things; the glorious and victorious return of the Messiah, the Son of God and Savior; the establishment of the Messiah’s kingdom of righteousness and peace on earth. See for example Isaiah 9:6-7; Dan. 2:44-45; Zech. 14:8-9. Revelation 10 -7- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel

Therefore, it should be noted at this point that the 7 BOWLS OF WRATH appear to come quickly as th part of the sounding of the 7 TRUMPET. It is also quite interesting to note that in describing the ultimate destruction of the evil and corrupt world system [called ‘ the Great’] a duration of only one hour is given: “For in one hour your judgment has come” {Rev. 18:10}; “For in one hour such great riches came to nothing” {Rev. 18:17} and “For in one hour she is made desolate” {Rev. 18:19}.

The 7 TRUMPET JUDGMENTS represent plagues spanning over a 42 month period [the last half of the anti-Christ’s seven year treaty]. Perhaps the 7 BOWLS OF WRATH represent plagues that occur over the last few days or hours of the GREAT TRIBULATION.

REV. 10:8-11 Ø THE LITTLE SCROLL: BITTER-SWEET TASTE OF GOD’S WORD After all 7 SEALS are opened and after 6 of the 7 TRUMPET JUDGMENTS executed, th including two of three ‘Woes’, but prior to the blowing of the 7 TRUMPET, the Lord Jesus Christ evidently transfers the opened little scroll to the mighty angel who finally gives it to John to eat. So the scroll goes from the Father to the Son, who alone can open its 7 SEALS, to the mighty angel to John – whew!

The original voice from Heaven [God’s voice] now commands John to go to the mighty angel, who is straddling the land and sea, and take the opened scroll from his hand. John obeys and the mighty angel gives the open scroll to John and tells him to eat it with the warning that it will be sweet to the taste, but bitter to the stomach. It’s almost like this scroll came with its own side-effect warning:

This scroll will taste sweet as honey but side-effects can include acid indigestion, sour stomach and acid reflux.

So now, John eats the scroll that had been opened by the Lamb of God and finds its taste to be exactly as ‘advertised’. Indeed, when John eats the scroll it is sweet as honey in his mouth but it also turned his stomach sour.

To John, the revelation of God's holy will and righteous purpose in things like avenging innocent blood, protecting and rewarding His saints and establishing His kingdom was the sweetness. The justice of God, the unrepentant attitude of sinners, the massive destruction of human life and the judgment for wickedness was the bitterness.

King , sweet Psalmist of Israel, in Psalms 19:10 tells us this about God’s Words; His Law, statutes and judgments:

“More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”

In Proverbs 24:13-14 Solomon likens the knowledge of God’s wisdom to the goodness honey and adds that it will keep our hope alive.

Revelation 10 -8- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel “My son, eat honey because it is good, and the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste; So shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul; if you have found it, there is a prospect, and your hope will not be cut off.”

In Jeremiah 15:16 he exclaims:

“Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts”.

The :1-4, 14 the prophet Ezekiel was commanded to eat a scroll in similar fashion, which was sweet as honey in his mouth but caused him to go in bitterness to speak God’s words.

Moreover He said to me, “Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.” So I opened my mouth, and He caused me to eat that scroll. And He said to me, “Son of man, feed your belly, and fill your stomach with this scroll that I give you”. So I ate it, and it was in my mouth like honey in sweetness. And He said to me: “Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with My words to them”…….So the Spirit lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me.

The bitter side-effect of eating this scroll probably would not discourage John from eating God’s Word again—nor should it us. For we are told by Christ Himself that, “…….man shall not live by bread alone...... but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God”. {Matt. 4:4}.

Even when Jeremiah thought he was tricked into prophesying and failed in his mission [it became bitter for him] and wanted to quit, he could not and exclaimed:

“…..I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name”. But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not. – Jeremiah 20:9

And when Peter and John were threatened not to preach in the name of Jesus [their ministry had become bitter] their response was:

“For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” – Acts 4:20

The victory of the Lamb over sin and death – the purchase of our salvation by the precious blood of Christ Jesus – the reconciliation of our alienation from God – the blessed inheritance of eternal life with all of its rights and privileges – the wonderful rest we receive from our Great Shepherd – all of these things are represented in John taking and eating this scroll and are like “living waters to the thirsty” and nutritious ‘manna’ to the hungry of heart. Jesus Himself tells us that:

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. – Matthew 5:6

The comfort, hope and salvation that is a Christian’s because of Jesus Christ should cause every child of God can exclaim with the Psalmist: “How sweet are Thy words to my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to the mouth!” {Psalms 119:103} APPLICATION:

Revelation 10 -9- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel Like the apostle John, all those who appropriate God's Word cannot escape its mixture of both ‘sweet’ and ‘sour’. It has been said that the Gospel Sword (WORD OF GOD) has two edges: (1) the sweet message of salvation for those who believe and (2) the bitter message of Judgment to those who reject it! Let us keep this truth clearly in our hearts.

Regarding the ‘bitter’ part of the Gospel message of Christ we have Paul writing:

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. – Romans 1:17-19

The Word of God is usually easier to read [i.e., put into one’s mouth and chew] than to put into practice [swallow and digest]. No one can partake of God’s Word without being compelled to both LIVE and PROCLAIM its Truth. That is not always easy and usually it isn’t – that takes sacrifice, perseverance, practice and discipline. The trials and hardships that sharpen and strengthen a Christian’s life are not ‘fun’ experiences – they can be and often are filled with grief and sorrow. It is during those times that the life of a believer can be characterized as a ‘sweet & sour’ experience.

To get the full benefit of God’s Word it cannot just be tasted – it must also be swallowed and digested for it to be ‘ABSORBED’ into our lives. When that happens change happens and change is not always easy or pleasant. Oftentimes that process is ‘bitter-sweet’ experience – but it nourishes us and keeps us strong and healthy. We are told by the writer of Hebrews that:

“For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives.” – Hebrews 12:6

Many times we will read a passage of scripture and as we are contemplating His Word to us it brings us much comfort and hope. But as the same time it can also bring with it the realization that our unsaved friends, family and loved ones do not have the same blessings and so brings sadness.

It has been wisely stated that a one should not passionately preach on the judgment of Hell without also inwardly be compassionately weeping.

There is still another way that prophecy can be ‘bitter’. It is sad to say, but very true, that for too many Christians prophecy is ‘sour’. There are also those, even within the church who call themselves ‘Christian’ who even mock the importance of prophecy – to them it is ‘sour to the stomach’. They think that because prophecy too hard to understand it must either mean that (a) God does not think its important enough for us or (b) that it must not be relevant to the ‘here- and–now’. Little do they realize that the issue is not with God but with themselves.

The introduction to the book of Revelation promises a three-fold blessing to those who (1) read the words of this prophecy, (2) hear the prophecy and (3) take the prophecy to heart! {Rev. 1:3}. :10 tells that “…..the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Shouldn’t we as Christians be interested in understanding and proclaiming the ‘testimony of Jesus’?!

Revelation 10 -10- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel Finally, though the Word of God is sweet to believers, it is oftentimes bitter to unbelievers. The sweetness and bitterness also relate to the twofold witness a Christian [lit., ‘little Christ] has in the world.

According to the apostle Paul we are the “fragrance of Christ” to them that are saved and to those who are perishing (the lost). To the saved we are the aroma of life leading to life; but to the lost, we are the aroma of death leading to death. He then asks the question, “And who is sufficient for these things?” {See 2 Cor. 2:15-16}. None of us are, but God in His infinite wisdom is and we can be filled with the Holy Spirit to supply the sufficiency.

A similar contrast is given by Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:18:

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

The apostle John in eating this scroll appropriates its contents symbolically making the Word of God a part of his being. He was being provided ‘spiritual nourishment’ because he is shortly going to be commanded to ‘prophesy again’ and this was in preparation to continue in faithfully proclaiming/heralding God’s Truth.

Thus this chapter ends with message reminding us that the Truth of God’s Word is universal and applies to the full range of human diversity. There is a divine missionary thrust given here in verse 11: God’s Word was and is to be proclaimed to everyone—to many peoples [‘laos’], nations [‘ethnos’], tongues [‘glossa’] and kings [‘basileus’]!

This divine purpose is again re-emphasized in :6-7:

Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth-- to every nation [‘ethnos’], tribe [‘fuleen’], tongue [‘glossa’], and people [‘laos’]—saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water”.

APPLICATION: In summary, the study and understanding of prophecy will have a two-fold effect:

• It will give us a sense and appreciation of who God is: His awesome sovereignty, power, glory, righteousness, judgments, holiness, might and wisdom! We get a greater awareness of how God has worked out His purposes throughout history and discover more and more that it is really “HIS STORY”. In effect, it will cause us to worship the LORD and praise His Name! [Just as we see in Rev. 4 and 5]. • Prophecy is a constant reminder that some day we will be like Him when we see Him face- to-face. This knowledge will cause us to purify our lives in the sense of wanting to serve the LORD and be fit for His use. We are Heaven bound! The study of prophecy, especially as relating to our LORD and Savior’s 2nd Coming, should be cause for us to live holy and righteous lives before Him, blameless in His sight. See for example 1 John 3:1- 3; and 2 Timothy 2:15-16; 3:16-17.

Revelation 10 -11- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel

Bibliography (1) New Unger's Dictionary, Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright © 1988. (2) Thru the Bible With J. Vernon McGee, 1 Corinthians-Revelation, Vol.5; The Book of Revelation, J. Vernon McGee, pp. 876-1080, copyright © 1982 (3) The Apocalypse: Exposition of the Book of Revelation, by A Seiss, Copyright © 1998. (4) Bible Knowledge Commentary/New Testament, Cook Communications Ministries; Copyright © 1983, 2000. (5) Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Copyright © 1986. (6) Jon Courson’s Application Commentary, New Testament, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tenn., Copyright © 2003.

Revelation 10 -12- Copyright  2004, 2007 K. G. Schiessel