The WANDAML markup language for digital document annotation Katrin Franke Isabelle Guyon¤ Fraunhofer Institute, Berlin, Germany ClopiNet, 955 Creston Rd, Berkeley, USA.
[email protected] [email protected] Lambert Schomaker Louis Vuurpijl Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands. University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract database technology can then be used to apply logical constraints to the search process. WANDAML is an XML-based markup language for Although our work is very application oriented, it is the annotation and filter journaling of digital docu- not particularly application specific. Our format lends it- ments. It addresses in particular the needs of forensic self to promoting research and development of handwrit- handwriting data examination, by allowing experts to ing analysis methods, and establishing common grounds enter information about writer, material (pen, paper), for international exchange of handwritten data samples script and content, and to record chains of image fil- and annotations. It supports on-line, off-line handwrit- tering and feature extraction operations applied to the ing and overlays of on-line over off-line data. Its sim- data. Annotations may be organized in a structure that ple and general structure makes it fit for annotating data reflects the document layout via a hierarchy of document with other modalities, including printed text, pictures, regions. WANDAML lends itself to a variety of applica- and sound. tions, including the annotation all kinds of handwriting To ensure long-term operation we built upon the documents (on-line or off-line), images of printed text, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) [4] that follows medical images, and satellite images.