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Mountain Ear MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINEERS OF WWTPRN MONTANA VOL. XVIX No, 8 The Fbcky Hountaineers of hestern kntana, Box 4262, Xi ssoula, Montana, 59806, welcome all persons il-herested in the activities of hiking, campine, ski-touring, snowsboelng, river floating, bicycling, and technical climbing--summer, winter, autumn, and spring. Subscription to the igountain Ear is by membership: $ke00/yr, , single; $5,00/yr., family; or $2.00/vol- ume for out-of-town addresses. bight. issues per volume, OFFICERS President, Jerry Kogan. ..549-5396 Vice Pres., Dave Hohl.. .,549-5396 Secr. , Sharon Stephenson. 543-6885 Treas., Sue Brownlow., .. .?Z8-8120 Mountain Ear Staff: Virginia Vin- cent, Cheryl Ueyer, Annette e Walker, Pat Kashburn MAY MEETING: Hellgate High School Cafeteria, 7:30 pm, Ykiy 10. l'he grogram-- Rgttlesnake Slide show, slides by Bill Kerling, narration by Joe Mussulman, and a talk by Cass Chinske. This promises to be a fascinating and memor- able program Thank You! to last year's officers for an outstanding job. Gur new officers are lookine forward to another successful year and urge you to look over the summer schedule to begin planning your outings. 'Ihe schedule offers a . wide variety of activities--there ' s something for everyone ! Rocky Mountaineers have an opportunity to share their experiences, thoughts, art work and creative writing skills by sending articles or art to the Rocky Idountain 5ar. Send to: Cheryl Eeygr, 120 M. Grove, Missoula, Montana 59801. SPRING CROSS-COUNTRY SKIhhS! There ' s still plenty of snow with rriagnif icent scenery and ample wildlife in the area around Cook City. Contact Raelen dilliard, 1-442-5512, for more information. I MISSOULA'S HOSTEL - Corner of S. Fourth and Orange Streets DORMITORY ACCOMMODATIONS - $3.00 and up/ni iht Kitchen - Showers - Laundry Hours: 4:00 p.m. to For reservations, write: 600 S. Orange Street 9:oo a.m. Missoula, MT 59801 or call: (406) 728-9799 c I page 2 8 PLANT COLLECTION :IN LIBRARY A collection of the flowering plants and the ferns of the Rattlesnake drainage was recently placed in the reserve section of the Missoula City- County Library. The collection, gathered and assembled by John Pierce, 1974 botany graduate from yontana State University, Bozeman, contains, at present, three-hundred and fourteen plants. By the spring. of 1979 the collection should contain about twice that number and be at least 90% complete. Actual collecting began June 14, 1977, and continued through the summer and fall. Therefore, there are no spring flowers in the collection yet. During the winter, John assembled the material.th8tiih now in the. library, and this spring has returned to the Rattlesnake to continue his collecting. The plants collected this year will be ready for the herbarium next year. The herbarium consists of two large filing cabinets filled with the pressed plants; two card catalogs, one for the common names and one for the . botanical, or Latin, name; a temporary key worked out especially for the Rat- tlesnake plants by John (ask for this key at the reference desk); and sever- al reference volumes: Flora of Montana Part 2 by W.E. Booth and J Wright (dicots) Tlora of Montana. Conifers and knocots by Barton E. Hahn by. C. Leo Hitchcock and Arthur Cronquist Tof by C.C.L. Porter John has included habitat information, medicinal values, plant uses, tox- icity, native area, and meanings of the Latin names. Composites, grasses, sedges, and smaller flowers include flower dissections. John will be leading a spring wildflower hike in the Bitterroots on June 11. On the 5th and 6th of August Bill Kerling will join John in leading a trip up the Rattlesnake to include plant and bird identification and nature photography. It will be well worth your time to join these hikes. ********t****t**********t****t*tt***t***************************** MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS: Carol Butterbaugh, Dick and Adele Wolff and family, Richard and Carol Adler and family, Shlomo Li'beskind, Jim Dyer. .................................................................. Lightweight backpacking food such as vegetables, fruits, meats, powdered eggs, tomato crystals, beverages., etc., can be ordered by mail from: Perma- Pak R.E.I. 40 East 2430 South Pe 0 . Box 21685 Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Seattle, Washington 98140 Check the "Outdoors" section of the Missoulian each Thursday for Rocky Mountaineer weekend events. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A Equipment for: A A backpacking A camping A white water rafting A* A A Maps - Stoves - Tents - nothing Located at the Rear of the Rivet Rack A A at Tremper's Shopping Center 4 A Largest SeZection of Sport Shoes 6 A in MissouZa NEW PHONE NUMBER - 721-5501 A A A Hours: Monday-Saturday 9-9 A A Sunday 11-4 A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA baderg are primarily trip organizers, They cannot be expected to be responsible for the well-be\nv, of trip participants, all of whom must be prepared to be completely self-reliant, especially on overnipht trips, We ~enerellyhave not attempted to make distinctions between easy and moderate trips, Ebst of the day trips will return on the same trail they bevsn on and the difficulty simply depends on how Par in a hjker to go, If leader finticiptes a trip with a fairly hard push or with problems that will require only exwrienc~dc)$mbers, we have noted it, however, you must call the trip leader to pet detailed infnrnfitlon, All leaders are expected to limit the number of participants to a manaaeable fi~urebased on the difficulty and the terrein. In the rush to make up the schedule we tried, but were unable to make contact with everyone jn the club, We still have 8 shortage of easy family-type trips, especially over the three holiday weekends, In the past few years this type of a trip has been the most popular so awone willing to lead such can be sure of a good response, Please contact Dave Hohl or me at 549-5396 before the next meeting. All additions to the schedule will be announced at the hy meeting, so make sure to be there, --Jerry Kogan *Y 6 Jim Schultk Bike trip to Clinton 349-0523 Hay 13-14 Dave Hohl Welcome Creek work trip 549- 5396 by 20-21 TOSRV Bike tour of the Swan River Valley naV 21 Ronald Ham kildflower identification and photograpic expedition in Ovando, bet at Tempo Shopping Center at 11 am. Hay 28-29 No leader Plathead River Float trip. See related story in this issue, June 4 Jackson Scholl Squaw Peak hike % 728-5246 June 3-4 Dave Hohl Big Hole Valley bike trip, wisdom to Divide and return. 549-5396 June 10 Myra Bair Bike trip down Bitterroot Valley 728-3616 June 10 Sue Brownlow Day trip. Call for details. 728-8120 June 11 John Pierce Big Creek Wildflower hike /28-52u June 11 Bob Halvlraond Technical climbing in Kootenai Creek 728-7746 * June 14 Dave Hohl Potluck picnic at Chief hoMn~Glass en route to Florence. 6 pn 549-5396 . June 17 Charles Hamma Sweeney Peak hike in the Bitterroots. ,.moderate. 34 9- 0463 June 18 Bill Horgan Little St. Joe cabin work party 1-363-5339 or call Hyra Balr 728-3616 June' 18 Kathy Kistler Raft trip on the dlackfoot 728-5127 June 17-18 Melissa Patterson All woman hike to Sapphire divide 1-961-9592 or call MaBair 728-3616 June 24 Sharon Weeks St. Marys Peak hike 728-2942 June 24-25 Paul Jensen Canyon Peak climb. Some experience or bravery required. 549-7033 July 1-3 Jim Ullrich St. Nicholas Peak climb in Glacier. Experience required, 549-2w July 1-4 Jerry Kogan " sawtoothi or Whiteclouds hike in Idaho. Explorer trip, probably hsrd hike. call Myra Bair 728-3616 July 8 Bill Morgan Sheafman Creek trail work party 1-363-5669 or call Myra Bair 728-3616 July 8-9 Jack Souligny Bear Creek to Bryant Lake hike in Bitterroots 728-0314 + July 12 John and Annette Walker potluck picnic. 6 pn 549:02@ - .- - - -A -- - - ., July 15-16 Bill Horaan Ibex Peak in Cabih?ts, Explorer trip. 1-363-5319 or call Myra Bair 728-3616 JU~Y15-16 Jim Schultz Hike in Missions to Hemlock bike, Spider hike, and surroundin4 area 549-0529 July 16 kna Frangos Leaf block printing and tree identification at Charles Waters Recre- 728-2399 ation Area. Afternoon. 9.50 for equipment or brin~yqur own. July 22-23 Sharon Stephenson All woman hike to Pyramid Peak in Swans 543-4200 JU~Y22-23 Martha Yale No-Fish Basin in Nissions. Hard hike with much x-country travel, 549-2163 July 23 Vivian Hunter Bitterroot canoe trip: Chief Looking Glass to Lolo, 543-5966 July 29-30 Russ Rusunen Glacier Park trip, Tentatively to Sperry Chalet, Sunsj~htPass, 549-0348 MacDonald Lake, Moderate hike. Call as soon as possible since reservations might be necessary* July 29-30 Raeleen Williard Gates of the Mountains kilderness. $2 boat ride on the tdissouri with 1-442-5512 short hikes from the river* or call Dave Hohl 549-5396 July 30 Betty Johnson Heart Lake hike near Superior 549-1763 July 30 Chip Austin Canoe trip from kclay Bridge on Uitterroot River to Harper Bridge on 542-2591 the Clark Fork. Phil Poulsen Trip to Chinese hall in Bob Marshall hilderness. Spotted Bear River 1-208-935-2753 to Meadow Creek or Spotted Bear River to Augusta depending on prefer- BOX 965 ence of participants. Moderate terrain. Kamiah, Id. 83536 or call bra Bair 728-3616 August 5-6 Bill Kerling and Hike in Sanders Lake area of Rattlesnake featuring plant arid bird i John Pierce 728-5246 identification and nature photography.