Culverts, Sluices, Pipes, Conduits, Pits, Cesspools, and Other
3608 culverts, sluices, pipes, conduits, pits, cesspools, Mitcham, at or near to the bridge over the Wandle, and other works connected therewith, for conduct- on the turnpike-road from Tooting to -Sutton. ing and collecting sewerage water and sewage, and 12. In the parish of Mitcham, at or near to a other matters; that is to say, a main sewer^ or point on the road from Mitcham to Merton, nearly drain commencing in the parish and town -iof opposite to a .cottage and garden in the occupation Croydon, and county of Surrey, at or upon or near of Mrs. Eliza Ness, with the four following branch to a certain piece of ground belonging to Charles drains therefrom respectively, terminating as fol- Chatfield, Esquire, and in the occupation of Robert lows :—1. In the parish of Mitcham, at or near to Fuller, Esquire, by a junction with an old open Phipp's-bridge. 2. In the parish of Morden, at drain or sewer, adjoining to, or near to a liquid or near to the cottages situate about 150 yards to manure tank, and situate at the back of High- the north-east of the Morden Snuff-mills, or Rut- street, Croydon, on the North thereof, and passing ter's Snuff-mills. 3. In the same parish of Mor- in or nearly in the ^direction or line following ; den, at" or near to the said last-mentioned snuff- that is to say: to, or near to, or by, or upon the old mills. 4. In the parish of Mitcham, at or near to or disused tramway, formerly known as the Surrey Ravensbury Manor House.
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