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Massachusetts Community Unsung Heroines of 2007 Massachusetts State House Grand Staircase Boston, Massachusetts May 16, 2007 Unsung Heroines use their time, talent, spirit, and enthusiasm to enrich the lives of others. They are the mentors, volunteers, innovators and the glue that keeps a community together. They are the spark that gets things started and the determination that gets things done. They don’t make the news, but they make a difference. Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women July 2006—June 2007 MCSW FY 2007 Annual Report Table of Contents: Message from 2 Mission & Purpose the Chair The Massachusetts Commission on Inform leaders of business, edu- the Status of Women (MCSW) is an cation, health care, state and local Legislation 3 independent state agency, enacted governments, and the communi- by Massachusetts law in 1998. The cations media of issues pertaining mission of the Massachusetts Com- to women MCSW Resources 4 mission on the Status of Women is to provide a permanent effective voice for women across Massachu- Provide referrals and serve as a resource of information on issues setts. The Commission stands for MCSW Reports 5 fundamental freedoms, basic hu- pertaining to women man rights and the full enjoyment of life for all women throughout Identify and recommend quali- the life cycle. fied women for positions at all lev- Initiatives 6-7 els of government THE COMMISSION IS EMPOWERED TO: Promote and facilitate collabo- Finances 8 Study, review and report on the ration among local Women's Com- status of women in the Common- missions and among women’s or- ganizations in the state Commissioners, wealth 9 Staff & Interns Advise executive and legislative Serve as a liaison between gov- ernment and private interest bodies on the effect of proposed Appendix 10 legislation on women groups concerned with issues af- fecting women.
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