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, • DIRECTORY.] SO~iERSF:T. CHIPSTABLE. ]93 '. :EAST CHINNOCK is a parish and village on the college the repairs of the chancel; tathe rent-charge 'l'Oad from Yeovil to Crewkerne, 5 miles south-west being commuted at £153 and to the coUege £150. from Yeovil station on the Great .Western and London Here is a Wesleyan chapel. There is an ancient charity ..and Sou,th West,ern railways, in the Southern division consisting of land, producing £39 4s. yearly, part of I)f the county. Houndsborough, Barwick and Coker hun- which is given to the poor, and the remainder applied dred, Yeovil petty sessional division. union and county to the support of the school. Viscount Portman is lord .court district. rural deanery of Martock, archdeuconry of the manor 'and chief landowner. The soil is sand. I{)f Wells and diocese of Bath and Wells. The church loam and clay; the subsoil is clay. The chief crops of St. Mary is a building of stone in the Perpendicular are wheat, barley, beans 8Jld 'Some land in pasture. 'St,yle, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south The area is 1,322 acres; rat-eable value, £1,955; the porch and an embattled western tower containing 5 population in ,I8g1 was 513. bells: the chancel underwent 'some repairs in 1884, and Parish Clerk, Isaac Cooper. in 1893 the church was reseated and a. vestry and organ Post Office.-Jesse Andrews. sub-postmaster. Letdiers chamber added at a cost of £600, of which sum Vis- from Yeovil arrive at 8 a.m. week days; dispatched counl:. Portman gave £300, the remainder being raised at 5 p.m.; sunday, arrive 8.20 a.m.; dispatched IQ hy subscriptions: there are sittings for 200 persons. a. m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The register dates from the year 1647. The living is a West Coker is the nearest money orde,r &; telegraph rectory and vicarage, net yearly value £135, with 38! office, 2 miles distant :.'ICl'es of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and National School (mixed), with residence, built in 1877. lleld since 1900 by the Rev. John Danbv Downing Keilor for 106 children; average attendance. 90; George M.A. of BrasenoseCollege, Oxford. The great tithes Ganden, master belong to Corpus Christi college, Cambridge, the rectol' Cal'riers.-Samson Chant &; 'Isaac Cooper, to Yeovil. having all the ancient glebe land and sharing with the fri. &; sat Henley John BroughtonFrancisJas.frmr.Weston fm Poole George. farmer Keilor Rev. John Danby Downing Chant Samson, carrier &; poultry dlr Poole Sidney Jsph. farmr. Dawes frm M.A. Vicarage Claxton Charles, dairyman Sandiford Thomas. wheelwright Male Mrs Cooper George. saddler Sartin Charles, shopkeeper llndrews Jesse,grocer &; baker,Post o~ Dane George Charles, painter Shire George, builder Andrews Mary Ann (Mrs. ~ shopkeeper Gould .Albion, cowkeeper Taylor George Dawe. farmer Baker Joseph, blacksmith Hallett George, builder Taylor WaIter, farmer, Broad Ilartlett Thomas, Portman Arms P.H Look Edward, farmer, Barrows farm Young Albert, farmer, Court farm WEST CHINNOCK is a parish and village on the Leavington S.O. arrive at 8.15 a.m.; dispatched at river Pl1rrett, 3 miles north from Crewkerne station on 5.55 p.m.; neither arrival n()r dispatch on sundays. the main line of the London and South Western railway, Postal orders are is,sued here, but not paid. Merriott jn the Mid division of the county, Houndsborough, Bar- is the nearest money order office &; Norton-sub-Ham- -wick and CokeI' hundred. Yeovil union, Crewkerne petty don the nearest telegraph office. 2 miles distant ~essional division and county cOUJrt district, rural deanery National School (mixed), erected in 1833 & considerably ~f Martock, archdeaconry of Wells and diocese of Bath enlarged in 1873, for 130 children; average attendance, and Weils. By a Local Government Board Order 16,444, 60; children from Middl-e Ghinnock attend here; Miss which came into operation March 24, 1'884, the parishes Amelia Boyes, mistreils <Of West Chinnock and Middle Chinnock were amalga- MIDDLE OHINNOCK is a village on the river Parrett mated and ~n?wn as West Chinn~k. The churc.h. of and by Local Government Board Order 16,444, dated ~t. Mury, o1'lgmally Norman~ but w~th. modern addItIons March 24, 1884, was amalgamated with West Chinnock. lr;t ~he Early Enghsh style, IS a bmldmg of stone, con- the parish to be known as West Chinnock. The church ~lstmg of ~h~cel, nave, .north porc~ and a western of St. Margaret is a building of stone, principally in the tower contammg 3 beUs: ID 1889-90 It was completely Norman and Early EnO'lish 'styles consisting of chancel re8to~ed ,at a cost of £2,795, of which sum £800 was nave, south porch anl'an embattled western tower with ~ontrl? the lat~ MI'~. Woodcock, of Tree House, four sman pinnacles, containing 3 bells: the church was m th.Is. pa1'lsh, who ~Ied m 1892.; the churc~ affords enlarged in 1837 and again in 1,874, when a chancel was 161 sIttmgs. The regIster of baptIsms and bU~l~ls d~tes added; it underwent further repairs in 1'875 and again [rom tJIe year 1678; m¥'rlages 1733·. The hvmg .I~ a in 1887, when the transepti were rest~red: there are oehapelry, annexed to th~ red~ry of 'ChIselborough, Jo~nt sittings for 153 persons. The register dates from the net. yearly .value £,?09, mcludmg 52 acres of glebe, WIth year 1695. The living is a rectory. net yearly value r~sIdence, m thB gIft of thE>: ~arl of Ilc~ester, and held £14°, including 39 acres of glebe, wit,h residence, in the :lmca 1866 by the Rev. ~hrIstIan Fredel'lck Newell M.A. gift of the Earl of Ilchester, and held since 1893 by the of Clare. College, C~mbndge, and preben~ary of Wells, Rev. Arthur Bacon Baldwin RA. of the University of who reSIdes at ChIselb?rough. Here IS ~ Wesleyan Durham. The charities, formerly amounting to £1 6s. <:.hapel. At. the. school IS a r~a~mg-l'oom WIth a small lId. yearly, are supplemented annually by further gifts lIbrary, mamtamed by subscrIptIOn. I~ 18 9': the !ate by the lord of the manor: in 1892 the late M,rs. Sarah Mrs. Sarah Woodcock, of Tree House, m thIS pansh, Woodcock of We,st 'Chinnock who died in the 'same 1eft ,the sum of £200, free of. legacy duty. to be invested year. left 'by will thesnm of 1>00, free of legacy duty, at 21 pe! cent.. ~onsols, the lDcom~ therefrom to be ex- to be invest{ld ill 21 pel' cent. Consols, the funds arising pende.d m :r:rovIdmg coals to be gIven to the .aged poor there-from to be expended in purchasing coals to be dis of thIS parIsh. T~e Earl of Ilchester P:C'. IS lord of tributed amongst the aged poor. The population of the the manor and .ch~ef landowner. ~he SOlI IS loam and ecclasiastical parish in 11891 was 126. -clay; the "lubsoil IS clay. The.chIef crops are wheat, Parish Clerk, George Kingwell b~rley and pasture. The. area IS. 640 a~res; the com- Letters through Ilminster, arrive at 8.30 a.m. week bmed area of West and MIddle ChI1!no~k IS 1,161 acres; days only I ratea~le value. £2,329; the populatIOn lD 18'91 was 511• Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 5.50 p.m. ParIsh Clerk, George Patten. on week days only. Merriott is the nearest money Post Office.-Levi Patten, £ub-postmaster. Letters from order & telegraph offi(~e WEST CHINNOCK. Greenham In. market grdnr.Snail's hI Stembridge Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher Hayward Mrs. Bddge house Hussey Tom, farmer W~rry Ge?rge, jun. blacks~:th . Hayward Richard The Elms Langdon George, grocer WIlls Edwm, carpenter. Snail s hIll , Lister John, shoe maker, Snail's hill COMMERCIAL. Masters Geo. Saml.farmr.Eastfield fm MIDDLE CHIXNOCK. 'Bartlett Frederick, shopkeeper Mudford Geol'ge, shopkeeper Baldwin Rev. Arthur Bacon RA. (rec- Bicknell William, farmer, Barlands & Mudford Jesse, wheelwright tor), Rectory Balsters farm Mudford Thomas, wheelwright Parsons Col. Arthur Dewar, The Bird George W. D. Half Moon inn Nicholls Waiter, market ga.rdener Chinnocks Chant Susan (Mrs.), market gardener Patten Levi, grocer & drapr. Post off Olark John, farmer, Manor farm Dodge Frank, farmer, Beech farm Parsons George, beer retailer Woolcott Henry, farmer, Broadstone CHIPSTABLE is a parish and village, picturesquely court district of Taunton. rural deasery of Wiveliscombe, ~eated on the river Tone, 2 miles north-east from Venn I archdeaconry of Taunton and diocese of Bath and Wells. Cross station and 3 west from Wiveliscombe station, both I The church of All Saints is a building of stone in the tOn the Devon and Somerset branch of the Great Western Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, railway, and 9 north-west from Wellington, in the Western' nave of three bays, with clustered piers having angel -division of the county, hundred of Williton, petty sessional capitals, south aisle, south porch and a battlemented division of Wiveliscombe. union of Wellington and county 1 western tower wntaining 5 bells, hung in 1861: the tower, SOMERSET 13.