16‐752 January 2017 “Set Identification, Moment Restrictions and Inference” Christian Bontemps and Thierry Magnac Set Identification, Moment Restrictions and Inference Christian Bontemps∗ Thierry Magnacy First Version: September 2016 This Version: January 12, 2017 Abstract For the last ten years, the topic of set identification has been much studied in the econo- metric literature. Classical inference methods have been generalized to the case in which moment inequalities and equalities define a set instead of a point. We review several instances of partial identification by focusing on examples in which the underlying economic restrictions are expressed as linear moments. This setting illustrates the fact that convex analysis helps not only in characterizing the identified set but also for inference. In this perspective, we review inference methods using convex analysis or inversion of tests and detail how geometric characterizations can be useful. Keywords: set identification, moment inequality, convex set, support function. ∗Toulouse School of Economics, ENAC, Universit´ede Toulouse, 21 all´eede Brienne, 31000 Toulouse, France, email:
[email protected] yToulouse School of Economics, Universit´ede Toulouse Capitole, 21 all´eede Brienne, 31000 Toulouse, France, email:
[email protected] 1 1 Introduction1 The importance of the standard notion of point identification, that appears in standard econometric textbooks (for instance, Wooldridge, 2010), has been questioned for the last thirty years especially by Manski and his coauthors (1989 and seq) who reintroduced and developed the notion of set or partial identification in the literature. Many other scholars have followed up, contributing to a blossoming literature on selection models, structural models and models of treatment effects.