C-4 THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C. KALINE, SMITH ON YOGI'S HEELS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 19ft.ft Major Meetings i THE BASEBALL yflk Berra Most Valuable BEAT To Study Bonus | By Despite .272 Average BURTON HAWKINS ftSSpft CHICAGO. Dec. 3 hit the big- .272 average was well below hta[ Rule Tomorrow tors are attempting to arrange sent me to Jersey City, then in gest lifetime .293 figure. But hU agreement .273 in ; nits (/P).—Base- a working with Louis- the -A International Lea- history. drove In 108 runs, and many of ' CHICAGO. Dec. 3 ivflle, due to be abandoned by gue, the following year. Ineeded That was decided today by the them won important ball games. ball's ever-controversial bonus' the Red Sox as the result of that experience and Iwas ready Baseball Writers' Association The most vital, perhaps, was the rule, the perennial radio-TV Boston's recent purchase of the! for the big leagues when t'hey catcher run with in the which voted the Yankee home two out problem of the minors and the San Francisco franchise. "We brought me up again in 1941.” league’s most valuable player ninth Inning that broke a 4-4 want a Triple-A Vernon, recently the the players' keep connection so 1 traded to award for 1955—even though 34 tie with Boston last September demands will /he we can do a better job of de- Red Sox, said too many players other regulars had higher bat- and put the Yankees in first major league owners busy early veloping players.” Cal said, “and obviously unprepared to cope ting averages. place to stay. next week while the managers! we’re trying to work out some- with major league competition The squat receiver compiled Here’s how Berra's 1955 figures trade. thing at Louisville. have been promoted from the a photo against [talk 218 points, winning in stack up hls closest com- ! The American and National "Two or three parties are In- Senators farm clubs at Char- finish over Detroit’s A1 Kaline petitors: Leagues will hold separate sess- buying lotte and Chattanooga. “It Avg. terested in the Louisville and Cleveland’s A1 Smith in one O. HR RBI ions Monday and Tuesday. A franchise,” Cal continued, "and breaks their hearts when they of the closest contests in the 25- Berra 147 .272 27" 108 Joint meeting Is scheduled for: if they’re successful we’d like to , can’t make good,” Mickey said, year history of the award. Kaline 152 .340 27 102 Wednesday morning, althoughl1 send them players. We “and it's distressing to them, too. Berra Smith 154 .305 22 77 1 some they’re It was the third time might be moved up If the leagues ' have quite a few fellows who , when dropped all the way had this coveted award, a Williams 98 .356 28 83 i , back won [dash through their private: ' may not make club, yet to Charlotte or Chatta- accomplished only by three Mantle 147 .306 37 99 our are nooga. triple-A feat business good to be Chat- A club Is the DlMaggio, Jimmy won first most 1 i too sent to others—Joe Berra hU val- Although prosposed changes In tanooga. our farm club in the answer.” and Musial. uable player award In 1951 when * * * 4t Foxx Stan the bonus rule rejected by Southern Association. A link: was Kaline.: beat Ned Garver of [ were Second to Berra he out the ! the minors at Columbus, they re- with the American Association! Mickey isn’t fuming over the young outfielder of the j St. Louis Browns. 184 to 157. deal sent the fine ; main oh the majors’ agenda and I would help us." that him to Boston. Bp- 1} Tigers who compUed 201 points. He won again in 1954, topping Fenway gives TIM * : Park all the breaks f agyg& > will be considered. The bonus [ Calvin has conferred with Joe ft Smith wa* third with an even; of Cleveland. 230 rule sharply restricts to right-handed hitters with its Williams, great ; movements Cronin, general of the| 200. Ted the to 210. He U the first Yankee of free agents signed for 1 ridiculously short leftfleld fence, slugger was fourth 143 to repeat 1 more Red Sox, and others interested Red Sox in successive years than 84,000. but the left-handed-hitting Ver- points and of th« Foxx did it with the Athletics ( iln the Louisville situation and non batted Up will continue talks at the major .385 there last sAson. ‘Yankees was fifth with 113. ‘in 1932-33: Hal Newhouaer of Dreasen Plan Comes Incidentally. Jim Busby Is Statistically, • Tigers league meetings in Chicago.; - * % Berra did notiIthe did it In 1944-45. The club would toss perked up landing i iflm *^sft Detroit out ’ Griffith says the Senators will! about with the rule altogether, while Balti- no the Indians. "I’ve always hit w¥ i more permit [ have financial interest In w would like to bonus working agree-: well In Cleveland.” Jim says, and HL:W ft f IB Howard Fast Break players optioned .1 Louisville If the to be to the! ment arranged. research bears him out. In hls minors. Instead of forcing them [ is [last full season with the Sen- Whips * * Houston ** Tops Johnson Smith stay on the major league: ators. 1954, Busby was a .349 [to Young Griffith long has la- CHARLOTTE, N.C.. Dec. 3 I roster for two years. hitter In Municipal Stadium. wlfel***m |1 R «BPH «Jm This plan, originally suggested mented the Senators’ lack of a * A 4t * ¦. fiL , (Special). Howard University!r l Triple-A Wyoming, by Chuck Dressen, Washington connection. "I think it: The Senators aren’t likely to 26-14 Washington, D.C., hurts the morale of players a pitching replace of ahead all ' manager, would include the op- our [ hire to to at Chattanooga.” ft, f/P).—The way. a ; a . be kept Cal Joe Haynes, a fly*, f • JH HOUSTON. Dec. 3 the turned on fast break tinned bonus men on club's ssaid, who has become Hi University player proposal; “when it’s obvious that: trouble-shooter for club. of Houston turned a after intermission to score 56 I limit. Another they’re ready the. ¦Pk J? punt, recovery , would permit an unlimited draft to move up. Manager Chuck Dressen likes to fjltefr SI ; jflft blocked a fumble points in the second half and and Kennie Stegall’s 69-yard of “second-year men" who have "It’s too much of a Jump from \ operate hls pitching staff with HHftMir HHHB ’ft/ h punt return Into three fourth- ruin the basketball opener for had at least 30 days’ service In Chattanooga to the majors,” Cal his own firm hand. Ellis Clary, \ Johnson C. Smith. 94-73, here : years , added. “It’s a natural, gradual the tireless, enthusiastic coach m*mKrK f£. V B %gg period touchdowns today to com- each of their first two In plete its conquest of Bun Bowl tonight. baseball. step to advance players who have: whose duties Include keeping the football teams by defeating Wy- Howard's second victory in two ’ The Majors also will discuss i made good m double-A along to ! ! Senators’ bench bubbling, has BPV f ft ftft||j|? oming, 26-14. starts was marked by a 24-point 1 loosening the June 15 deadline , triple-A. They'll be looking at , returned his signed contract. contribution by a little better pitching. Griffith got a jolt The quick turn of events broke Harold Eaton I for trading. Under one proposal, The after the a and 23 points by John Syphax. day July day [ competition will be tougher and I Senators drafted Pitcher Connie 7-7 deadlock the teams had one in and one in they’ll ground out in the first half on! Both of Howard's games to date ' August would be set aside for. be better prepared to i Grob from the Brooklyn chain slippery were in CIAA competition. league , make the grade with us after recently. Buzzy Bavasi. Dodgers’ | a field. trades within the same getting experience.’’ president, A saw H»»ar4 G.P.Spte. J. C. Salta G.F.Spte. only. that vice dropped a tele- crowd of 10.000 •’ ;• I Houston fypb»x 8 ft 33 Welle « 14 Mickey Vernon, gram end Its season with a 6-4 record i|r»dford 1 5 ft Jtckeon ft ft Ift here for the : in front of Cal after Gris- jffSBBE BHn> Buchanan 10 2 Partloar ft 2 13 Interleagne Proposal Arch McDonald testimonial I flth had announced his selection ft that also Included a 7-0 victory jjonea 1 o 3 Tavior 2 o 4 Thursday Eaton 11 3-24 Boykin# 4 « 14 Interleague games with the re- . night, said one of the of Grob. The wire, signed by over Texas Tech, Wyoming's! ? 4 4 AII i yr y¦; ' Wlleon J* league . Senators’ weakest points has Manager Clay Bryant Jg! January 2 opponent in the El P»*le , . O 0 0 Often 8 4| suits to count in the i of the Mo- J Daniel* 3 2 A Alston 'i 3 will be proposed again. been failure to possess a triple-A . bile club, where Grob pitched of Paso Sun Bowl rL . . 2 **hlt* 0 0 0 WHAT PRICE FOUL?—Dick Sperger of Roanoke fouled Matt White George- ’9rIW. Daniels 3 52 A2 bift with little chance of success. [connection. “I was lucky,” ' last season, read, “Grob’s arm Fullback Curley Johnson broke Harris 7 in blocking m foul shots and left Sperger with 3 17 , Mickey said. "I moved from sy ,;bad. Please send a pitcher town this shot but White ade both the 7-7 tie by plunging over Thompson 0 o o The ban on commercial radio- us in the and James 0 ] j big , D league to a B league, then up immediately." Bavasi later another personal foul. Other Hoyas picture are Dick Percudani (9) from the Stewart 000 TV broadcasts of league i ad- 2 after Guard Jim ! to A. The Senators brought me : mitted he Joe Missett (22). The Hoyas won, 74-63, in McDonough gym.—Star Staff Photo ton games into minor league terri- knew the Senators Blacks had blocked a Wyo- Total* 17 20 84 Totals 2# 51 73 •up for half a season in 1939, but 1 ; would draft Grob faked the by Ranny ming punt. at tory, as passed by the minors, and Routt I Brer* halftime—Howard. 3S-3Q -1 I knew I wasn’t ready and : for laughs. Seconds later will be considered. It also is [ L Guard Rod Car- given slight penter recovered a fumble the chance of survival. on Lido Trying to Both leagues will a HOYAS Wyoming 23 Stegall, a Cinch consider • ALUMINUM****** and and senior requests Athletics Sell Catcher Pellegrini Vereb Named Continued from Page C-I halfback, carried over from 6. number of from the ' KANSAS CITY. Dec. 3 (JP).— * the Soccer Title at La Plata players. Including an On his long punt return. increase ' The Athletics have announced | AWNINGS through with the scores that • Stegall was chased out of Lido will attempt to wrap up i in minimum salary from 86,000 > the outright sale of Catcher Jim I ? ELIMINATES WET DOORWAYS ? To South Senior Bowl Club bounds 87.200, permission 1 « )» Months to Past ? opened more margin for the on the Wyoming 13 by Wing- the first-half title In the Na-:Ito and for ' Robertson to*6eattle of the Pa- + MOBILE. Ala.. Dec. 3 W).—A ; meets Vandy in the Gator Bowl [players to negotiate directly with : eifle League PARK AVI. AWNING CO. i Hoyas. With two and a half min- back Butch WUso. Quarterback tional Soccer League at the ex- Coast in a straight LA. 6-5766 ? squad region's at Dimmy passed .winter league teams. cash deal. ? South of 25 of the December 31. is tackle. utes to go, Roanoke's last drive Dlcket to Fullback pense of Charles County at 2:1#! ??????????????????????A players. Don Flynn for choicest football Includ- Two Top Centers Named pulled to points the touchdown. p.m. today at La Plats. it within three ' Wvomln* 7 *0 0 7—141 A win ing eight Houston __ 0 7 or give All-Americas and sev- Bo Bolinger, Oklahoma, and ‘ long by 0 *>6 tie will Lido the cham- at 62-59 alter a score Wyoming scoring—-Touchdowns Ato- pionship. top picks, Mississippi pl*ton U. plunge>. # eral draft was named Scott Suber, State, Paul Houseman, but almost im- Conversions Kutch£ r ?nU Mastrogiovuinl. Kutches Marlboro meeta cellar-dwelling today for the January 7 Senior both on the second All-America mediately again, Houston scoring—Touchdowns Cara- Missett scored s', 1 * Johnson <7. plunge?. Accokeek at Accokeek. still hold- team, guard. Bowl game. will be at followed by Morchower with a ing faint hopes of forcing a, playoff. The selection committee, which The centers from the first two three-point play, George- title Only an upset vic- 1 and tory by Open Mon., fir Fri. described the team as “the fin- All-America teams will vie for town was home safe. Charles County and a Thurs. I Warriors Sell Schafer Marlboro will PARK FREE! South,” honors at that post. They are Georgetown's freshmen team win cause a dead- est ever to represent the j PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 3 (/P>.— lock. Royal porkms lot I 225-pound Bob Pellegrini of defeated Naval Medical Center, The Air Force faces sms-smSS Any downtown placed a fast, hard-driving back- The Warriors today sold Bob Myron Cowell at Twenty-third I Maryland and Steve Delatorre 88-52. in the preliminary. Dick ¦ Schafer, whno fleld behind a big. mobile line. Sweeney rookie from Villanovai[street and Constitution avenue 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. yoMspj^^J of Florida. led the Frosh with 17 ! University, to the |1 The North team is to be an- points, high game: Bt. Louia N.W. in the only other game, The game marks the profes- but for the Hawks for an undisclosed sum. I ' | also at 2:ls. nounced within the next few sional debut of the players and was Howard Lamley of the days. gives pro coaches and soouts a Medics with 30. chance to look them over. Each G 'ninn. O F Ft. Roanaka O. FSt n( Mft ] (»] Coach Paul Brown's Southern- < Smith 4 All Haupt .117 ¦ ill : H jI4l: ¦ i?Ji ft winning . 21 000 Hardy member of the team is Bo.eer S loamy ers will have Bob of Ken- and ,! Clark 20 4 Spereer 4o a tucky George Herring assured SSOO those on the ;Morchower 5 512 Poltt Mil and of losing team S4OO. . Missett 10 020 Ellis 20 4 Mississippi quarter- 'RMI 10 2 Bruno 2 3 7 Southern as Brown, coach of the world l Perrudanl 000 Hawks 0 nl2 backs. Hardy is one of the Mats# 000 Houseman 237 champion tu- • most accurate passers Cleveland Browns, Whit* S 4 14 South's the North squad In the six Herring directed Southern to a tored !! Total* 28 10 74 Totals 5*13 03 gjiagga previous games. He was shifted I Scot* at halftime—Georgetown, AT; 9-1 record. ,1 Park FREE Anv I ~/:‘" scv to the South to replace Steve Roanoke. 20. Downtown rßsK' D’Agostino Preliminary Game Parking ••L 1 at Tackle Owen. “ j ! IG.V.Praah O. P Pis Nar M*4. G P Pts. Third team All-America Ed The North coach will be Buddy 'Solomon 0 0 0 Anderson 0 0 0,L ( Vereb of Maryland's third-! Lions.! Bennett 0 0 O Bernes 0 4, 4 [Parker of the Detroit • Bweitaer 4o o spencer o 6 0 ranked Terrapins heads a stable' team tD*Marla 2 0 4 Reed 1 3 ft Each has won three times jOreeee 0 2 14 Ault o o 0 SHOP of seven halfbacks. 'since the series began. ;Bchmeltng 4 4 12 Cane o o 0 NOW—LAYAWAY FOR XMASI Auburn's bruising Joe Childress • Fiupat'ck 44 12 Lamley 812 SO Boy Natoll 3 2 3 Braran t 2 4 Official Scout Ui« Our and Arkansas’ Henry Moore, Nles ft 2 12 Johnson 1 0 2!,| | Official Scout Xmas Layaway Little Registers Ace Vuhasa oil Ros mans 21st twice chosen for All-Southwest Sweeney 7 3 17 Jackson o 0 0 Avery 2 FLASHLIGHT Conference honors, are the full-, Ninth 10 UNIFORMS backs. On Washington Total* 3ft Is 00 Totals fft 22 »2 Complete with batteries gm 4 A Holds All The backs will be operating Holes in one remain a com- , | ' .... ,-i. Purchase,! behind a line sprinkled with All- parative rarity at Washington "it l-iHaptd head. Three 7'IW JL Little j/ way twitch. Brown metal Americas. G&CC. where John C. ¦I /BSfßft Two are at end—Howard l scored only the second ace of ERir REPAIR Schnellenberger Kentucky, ,1955 yesterday previous vsL»§i!££. 'J CHRONOGRAPH { of The k ¦¦ «" 11 i Outfit consists first team All-America, and Joe ! one was made in April. ’ saw SERVICE * $ 1 | of officiol pants, Tuminello of Louisiana State, Little used a three-wood on the; ¦j WATCHES u Scout Crystal Shirt, cap, socks, belt, necker- second team'. i 182-yard ninth hole In a round > | L. S. JULLIEN, Inc. *; Prank D’Agostino, 233-pound. [with John C. Brtnckman, J. D Jf a77 , i Wool Blankets RADIO KIT j 1443 P ST N.W. j All-America from Auburn, which ! Jameson and A. P. Grow. 4 „r Irv: sr-L uniform items t *5" jf. included. tun 0.95M 2-j 8»w second hand luminous Made of #o»4 new wool. in*i TA in§ coil, crystal—full - """¦¦¦'¦" r reprocess'd 1 ¦ ijJP dlsl, and it's STOPWATCH. Average welsht ifructioni _ 1 a V, wool. ZIT Fina . , _ *«• •• * gift Hem. Khaki Shirt 2\ *•" - •««««. time- 3.15 ftp piece i.r«t. Khaki Trousers B y» Complete with strone J( the coldest nights Oood buy Kei 4.25 Tjf strap One of the flneet watch [j {« any household and especially LX Khaki Field Cop 1.00 ! n *Bd * .^“"oTe^ivy 6-Pieo, Jf timely flit'I’V'T"item! maroon, green. 1 J?“-• Ofliciol OD. “ COOK KIT Khakl Le 99 in9 s 2.25 fft | fkirTbm Poncho Raincoat 5.75 V dream Ckmt Th. ofliciol Stout cook Boy "BE Scout Sweotshirt 1.95 kit-01l aluminum. Con High-Powered JR ¦J i |Q Boy Scout T Shirt 1.95 ANGLE! t: 'zr.r / web Be it.. „60 . \ NOW LOOK YOUR BEST FROM EVERY plat* and carrying com. Merit Bodge Sash 85e j MICROSCOPE Campon' ba.t Gland. Meta ___2sc t l Neckerchief Slid* | "|J Lonyords, all colors 35e I Triongle Neckerchief 55c

Four blades—large cut- m pjo leather > S4S Volue—Precisian Mod* p j « can opener, B 58 J BINOCULARS emblem on ftfcft Ti wms''ftwt, with Individual focus Ji l Official « Op Pius ft Officiol Cub and Soy Scoot Cub Scout 17-85B # * I T 4 100. 200 and 300 power TJ u If aW lenses. Ideal gift for y* Bx3o binoculars with coated dr WRIST WATCH f UNIFORMS |i "junior scientists." com- * optics, complete with Ti * plete with wooden case. leather case and straps. fp 11,95 on I# by maker. Waterproof, W Hn re- efl sistont. Wonderful j/y Plus

*oys — Outfit consist; of cap, shirt, belt, trousers, H socks, neckerchief, ond slide. Other Gift Sugjistioni ft r Officiol Toilet Kit 2.35 ft UNIFORM ITEMS 3-in-1 toting Set 1.75 DACRON FILLED Scout • Wallet 2.50 m* Sh,rt J Moccosin Kit 3.50 Cub ~l l\ Hunting U r? us *rt 3 -’5 Sleeping Bags Knife 2.45 r u I j J? Sleeping Bog 12.95 Explorer HCE Offiicol Hoversock 3.45 Uniforms I I*®* *7:', Cub Neckerchitf ... 55c jf Metal Slide 25c New ‘Vaseline’ Cream Hair Tonic condition! and k \ Wffi i J Perfect gift for hunters, fa- greasing Non-greasy, 2/ ~ I groomi hair without it! x V!SJS|> campers! It’s Lanolin, yet I»H|JI. J* i( Ja I non-alcoholic. ennched with l . l !ll!'J i Copies worn For i# of boots bv H jjf I doesn't show And it has a clean, fresh smell. K|||UJ|||jJ|&V al> armed forces. Well made FROM WASHINGTON'S ft 1 that “just-combed” look all day long, get... ngK fj for rugged wear. Sizes 10 -i( LARGEST CAMPING f£: I# to 6. DEPARTMENT M • | [ and D Sts. N.W. ,‘^lyl^, " ML 7-j&4Sg * « ‘^ClYa Vaseline Icreaml ***""" 98th i HAIR , TONIC l I « «i>n»'ii‘rmt . w«. | i