Masses), in Roman tradition royal purple Year (after ). The most confusing The (for - expectation of the King). The part of the calendar is the shifting location of

Sarum Rite in Medieval England used sarum (the first after the first full The Liturgical Year unfolds one great blue (for Advent - for Mary). moon after the vernal [Spring] equinox). message "Christ Coming to Us." It speaks of Hence the shifting location of everything God's coming to us, in Christ, and of our 3. Green -The color of vital, growing plants from to Pentecost (and the coming to God, in Christ. St. Irenaeus (used for Time of the Year). and Corpus Christi Sunday summed it up 1800 years ago: "God became celebrations following immediately after man so that we might become gods." At 4. Red -The color of blood (, Pentecost). The Time of the Year readings , when the water is poured into the , feast days of the martyrs), and pick up approximately where they left off wine at the preparation of the gifts, the same of fire (Pentecost and other feasts of the before began (occasionally a week is acknowledged: "By the mystery of this Holy Spirit, who gives the warmth of divine must be skipped). water and wine, may we come to share in love and the fire of apostolic zeal; feasts of the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself the apostles and evangelists). The Responsorial Psalm with its versicle to share in our humanity." (refrain), not listed here for reasons of space,

5. Black-Traditionally expressing a sense of follows the first reading at each Mass, Season, preceded by Advent, mourning, sadness, sorrow, desolation (now reflects the focus of the first reading, and on and followed by Time of the Year. During little used, but may still optionally be used Sundays provides the thematic link between the first two weeks of Advent we look for funerals, though white is typically worn the first reading (foreshadowing) and forward to Christ's final coming in glory; for with a focus on resurrection and life gospel (fulfillment). the rest of Advent we recapitulate in everlasting in glory). ourselves the same longing to see the During the year, on Sundays there are two Messiah and his peace and justice that still 6. Rose-A color of joy and hope (used for readings (plus the gospel), but on weekdays sustains the Jewish people. Christmas "Gaudete" Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of only one reading (plus a gospel). On Season recalls Christ's coming to us in Advent; and for "Laetare" Sunday, the 4th weekdays the appointed reading will be that mortal flesh as the light of the world, Sunday of Lent). "Gaudete" (gow-DAY-tay) for Year I (in odd-numbered calendar years) dawning in darkness, and making manifest is Latin for "rejoice"; "Laetare" (lay-TAR- or Year II (in even-numbered calendar in the flesh the Word of God through whom ay) is Latin for "be glad". years), but the gospel is repeated each year. all things (including ourselves) were secretly

being fashioned from the beginning of 7. Gold-The color of that precious metal The Evangelization Station creation. Christmas season runs from (may be used on any special solemn Hudson, Florida, USA Christmas day until the Baptism of Jesus, occasion). E-mail: [email protected] the model of our re-creation.

Readings of the Liturgical Year Pamphlet 195 Easter Season, preceded by Lent, and

followed by Time of the Year. Lent is the The following lists the appointed readings great penitential season of the withering and for the liturgical year from Advent- death of sin within us; we therefore look Christmas-Time of the Year (after toward baptism or toward its renewal in us ) through Lent-Easter-Time of the as our goal. Through union with the people to it" (Constitution on the Liturgy, centuries and continents according to their "Paschal Mystery" by which we "die" with No. 13). universal appeal, variety, and what we know Christ to sin, and "rise" with him to new life of them. The new calendar prescribed for the in grace, this process is accomplished. The Cycles of the Liturgical Year universal Church has left many "free" days Easter Season highlights the life of the Risen open, to be filled with celebrations of more Christ coming into us, in grace, with the 1. The Seasonal Cycle: an annual cycle of local appeal as decided by local bishops' promise of final glory. Easter is the Sunday liturgical seasons -- conferences. For example, the United States of the year, as Sunday is of the week. Advent - CHRISTMAS - Time of the Year Church has inserted Elizabeth Ann Seton on (after Epiphany). January 4, and celebrates on December 12th The Time of the Year "after Epiphany" (or Lent - EASTER - Time of the Year (after Our Lady of Guadalupe (instead of Jane "after the Baptism of the Lord") and "after Pentecost). Frances de Chantal). A "saint" honored in Pentecost" is a time of unfolding and the liturgy must be one the Church has growth, until Christ our King appear in 2. The Sunday Cycle: a 3-year cycle of officially deemed by a judgment of long glory, and we with him, his spotless bride. readings for Sundays and the Major Feast tradition or of the process of "canonization" Though called "" it evokes days of the year. to be certainly in heaven, or probably so the living of an "extraordinary" reality: ("venerable" or "blessed"). Christ among Us, Our Hope of Glory. 2009 = Year B 2010 = Year C The Kinds of Feast Days in the Liturgical The liturgical Colors show the relationship 2011 = Year A Cycles of the seasons. The brilliant, radiant white of 2012 = Year B Christmas and Easter (suggesting 2013 = Year C etc. 1st Class = (e.g., holydays of illumination from revelation and grace) is obligation) flanked by the violet of Advent and Lent Note: A liturgical year begins with Advent 2nd Class = Feast (e.g., for apostles, major (suggesting preparation and penance), and during the previous calendar year. saints) the green of Time of the Year (suggesting 3rd Class = (e.g., most saints) growth and maturation). 3. The Weekday Cycle: a 2-year cycle of 4th Class = Optional Memorial (e.g., lesser Readings for Weekdays during the "Time of saints). Popular Devotions have a special strength the Year," presenting all the major portions and staying power in the lives of Christians of the Bible; a 1-year cycle of Gospel The Colors of the Liturgical Year (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 48). They attain their readings presents Matthew, Mark, and Luke greatest power and Catholic identity in during the Time of the Year (John is read 1. White -The color of light, radiance: used relation to the official worship of the during the Easter Season). Year I = odd for Christmas, Easter, feasts of our Lord, Church: "Popular devotions of the Christian years, Year II = even years. Advent and Mary, and the saints, because of the light, people are warmly commended. . .These Lenten weekdays have readings organized joy, and holiness suggested; may also be devotions should be so drawn up that they around themes of hope and penance. used for Masses of Christian Burial. harmonize with the liturgical seasons, accord with the sacred liturgy, and in some 4. The Sanctoral Cycle: an annual cycle of 2. Violet -The color of penance and fashion are derived from it and lead the remembrances of the saints on (or near) the mortification (Lent), of sorrow (funeral dates of their death, chosen from all