Good Food for Your Room Vegetables: Grains: Bags of salad greens/ salad “kits” Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice Brown Rice, or Instant Cherry tomatoes Quinoa Baby carrots 100% whole grain bread, tortillas and crackers Pre-cut broccoli and cauliflower florets Popcorn Sweet potatoes Unsalted pretzels Spinach Brown rice cakes Mini bell peppers Frozen veggies Dairy and Dairy-free: Vegetable soups (Amy’s, Pacific, Trader Joe’s, Low fat or fat free milk yogurt or cottage cheese Healthy Choice) Tomato juice and sauce Low fat string cheese Salsa Baby Bell low fat mozzarella cheese Marinara sauce Unsweetened almond, soy or rice milk Protein: Fruits: Eggs Apples Egg whites Oranges Frozen edamame Grapefruit Canned wild salmon or tuna, or chicken Bananas Canned beans (all types) Strawberries, raspberries, and black berries Bean soups (Fresh or Frozen) Plums Nuts and seeds: Any type of nuts or seeds Peaches Dried unsweetened fruit Natural peanut butter or almond butter Avocado Justin’s or Barney Butter peanut butter packets Cereals: Oatmeal (Plain Quaker Old Fashioned or Other: Honey Quick - 1 minute, Kashi, Nature’s Path, Trader Joe’s) Cinnamon Shredded Wheat Garlic powder, pepper, salt Raisin Bran All fruit jam or fruit preserves Kashi Autumn Harvest Olive Oil Kashi Go Lean Hummus Cheerios Coffee/tea COUNSELING - CAMPUS HEALTH SERVICE - HEALTH PROMOTION Gale Welter Coleman, MS, RDN, CEDRD, CSSD 520-621-4550
[email protected] Sarah Marrs, RDN 520-626-6265
[email protected] Christy Wilson, RDN 520-626-6265
[email protected] Recipes Here are some recipes to try out in your dorm. For more ideas check out Cooking on Campus at Scrambled Eggs Instructions: Ingredients: 1.