PRSRT STD Riverside US POSTAGE County LAWYER PAID PERMIT #1054 Riverside County Bar Association RIVERSIDE, CA 4129 Main St., Ste. 100, Riverside, CA 92501 RCBA 951-682-1015 LRS 951-682-7520 March 2021 • Volume 71 Number 3 MAGAZINE
[email protected] IN THIS ISSUE IS NETFLIX’S I CARE A LOT A CAUtiONARY TALE ABOUT PREDATORY CONSERVATORS? HOPE I DIE BEFORE I GET OLD – WAS PETE TOWNSHEND WRONG? FOR EVERY WRONG THERE’S A REMEDY? WILL BRitNEY SPEARS EVER BE FREE? A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING CELEBRitY CONSERVATORSHipS THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT CRIMINAL ELDER ABUSE CAPAcitY ISSUES AND RISK FOR FINANciAL EXPLOitAtiON IN SENIORS ELDER ABUSE RESTRAINING ORDERS: A VitAL LEGAL TOOL FOR PROTEctiNG AND EMPOWERING CLIENTS THE ELDERLY CRIMINAL DEFENDANT The Official Publication of the Riverside County Bar Association A SIMPLE AND SUSTAINABLE PROGRAM SPECIFICALLY FOR LOW INCOME LAWYERS. Lawyers’ Mutual’s objective is to reach and protect as many California lawyers and their clients as possible. This innovative program is easy to apply for and designed to provide affordable coverage to solo practitioners who can warrant that their annual average revenue from professional legal services for two of the last three years was no more than $65,000. Accessible Simple & Sustainable Closing the Justice Gap Terms and conditions apply, including but not limited to the following: • Engaged in the practice of law for at least five years. • Area of Practice restrictions may apply. • Limits of liability $100K / $100K in the aggregate. • Solo practitioners only. • $750 annual premium.* • $250 deductible. *First year members will not receive prior acts coverage.