Grand Opera House HARRY L. HAMLIN, Manager Fourth Week, Monday Evening;, June 13, 1904. FRED R. HAMLIN Presents THE WIZARD OF A MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA. Book and Lyrics by L. Frank Baum. Music by Paul Tietjens and A. Baldwin Sloane. The entire production arranged and staged by Julian Mitchell. LIST OF CHARACTERS: (Arranged in the order of their entrance upon thestage.) ACT I. Scene 1—AKansas Farm. (Painted by Fred Gibson from designs by Walter W. Burridge.) Gale, a girl, the victim of a cyclone Anna Laughlin The Cow, named Imogene, Dorothy's playmate Joseph Schrode Golfman Irving Christian Farm Hands Misses Fisher, Donalson, Von Brune, Murray, Gerard, Wilton, Arnold. Messrs. Cleveland, Devlin, Young. PROGRAMME CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE We Use Exclusively and Serve Free to Patrons of this Theatre Corrinnis Waukesha Water FROM WAUKESHA WHITE ROCK SPRING WISCONSIN HINCKLEY & SCHMITT (inc.) distributers 132-134 NO. JEFFERSON ST. TELEPHONES MONROE 1507-1609 The Conover Piano, furnished by The Cable Company, is used ex- clusively in this theatre. About You Yourself

would never think of mentioning to Perhaps YOU may have some facial YOUa friend some facial disfigurement of blemish which makes others uncomfortable, his own. Delicacy would forbid. Yet but which no one ever mentioned to you. how often are you positively uncomfortable in If you have it's your own fault because by the presence of some one with ill-shapen or my methods all these defers can be easily, scarred features, a broken nose or protruding painlessly and permanently corrected. ears. Birthmarks Eyes that Squint Ears that Project Noses Humped Tattoo Marks Puffy, Baggy Lids Ears that Lop Over Crooked or Flat Powder Marks Crows' Feet Hare Lips Broad or Narrow All these are Serious Blemishes which require the attention ofa Specialist. In justice to yourself and to your friends make an appointment now. Con- sultation and book FREE. JOHN H. WOODBURY D. I., 163 State St., Cor. Monroe, Chicago vose Lyon & Healy Offer a Choice of PIANOS 600 They combine delicacy PIANOS of expression with dur- Beautiful New Styles ability of construction. $125, $150, $175, $200 The Pure Tone is forti- and Upwards. fied with an absolute BARGAINS IN USED STEINWAYS. mechanical strength that EASY TERMS, is a distinguishing fea- LYON & HEALY, Wabash Ave. and Adams Street. ture of every Vose. The business of & Healy largely exceeds in volumeand value thatofany other musical establish- at the vose store mentin either Europe or America. 246 Wabash Ave.

Piano. Represents all that is best of human ATALKING PARROT endeavor in piano OR SINGINGAN CANARY construction Aquarium WITH GOLDFISH FOR A Birthday Gift Church Co. LARGELOW PRICESVARIEY The John BIRD 258-260 WABASH KAEMPFERS STORE AVENUE 88 STATE ST. CHICAGO WILSON WHISKEY is always the same— New York—Chicago— San Francisco. When it isn't good it isn't Wilson. THAT'S ALL! PROGRAMME CONTINUED. Scene 2 (Transformation) The Country of the . (Painted by John Young.) TommiePeterTopPop} }MunchkinsMunchkins{ {JosephineElizabethClaytonYoung Simon Slick } Munchkins { Emily Fulton } { AntoniaSophroniaMunchkinsMunchkinsElla }{ Gilroy Sadie Emmons Premonia } Munchkins { Beatrice Gilbert Malvonia } Munchkins { Stubby Ainscoe Semponia } Munchkins { Lita Shaw Youths Misses Clara Selton, Mabel Powell, Bert Dean, Helen Blye, Leona Stevens, Daisy Carson, Emma Clark, Nellie Lane, Helen Turner, Virginia Kendall, Osia Thompson. Messrs. Steele, Bingham, Diskins, Hoskins, Nichols, West, Keesee. Munchkin Maidens Marie Mathey, Mabel Frenyear, Anna Leslie, Ilai Mable, Minna Doerge, Edna Leach, Nancy Poole, Lola Gordon, Marie Clayton, Beatrice Gilbert. PROGRAMME CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE HIGH GRADE OPERA CLASSES TO RENT AT STAND IN FOYER AND OF THE USHERS. PRICES 25 AND 50 CENTS GEORGE HAMLIN, Tenor, Studio 716-718 Kimball Hall, Pianos used by the Grand Opera House are furnished from the Weber Piano Ware- rooms, 266 Wabash Avenue. Boxes ofFinest Chocolates (bonbons) 10, 35, 65c. Thousands of Pianos in thousands of homes are silent to the music which is locked up in them and are delighting no one for lack of a CHASE & BAKER PIANO PLAYER No other Player meets at once so fully the wants of the man who merely likes to hear a little lively music and at the same time satisfies the trained musician whose ear is sensitive to the least touch of mechanical playing. The Chase & Baker Player is strong but sympathetic, elastic but accurate. It gives pleasure to the player, but re- lieves him of the work. SOLD IN CHICAGO ONLY BY JULIUS BAUER & CO. 250-252 WABASH AVENUE The Steger Name isValua ble On a piano it means an artistic, high- grade instrument, with a rich, singing, musical tone, which is the musician's de- light; in a commercial sense it means the desire and ability to please the customer p and the facilities to carry out vast under- takings. N Capacity of Factories 65 Pianos Per Day

Purchasers realize the benefits to be obtained by dealing direct with the, large manufacturers—it means a Saving of from $75 to $100 on each piano Our Guarantee is Unlimited Steger & Sons. 235 Wabash Ave., cor. Jackson Blvd


A. Santaella & Co., Tampa Chicago Office, 19 Monroe Street USSEY'S Billiard Halls and Bowling Alleys 48 TABLES 17 ALLEYS M Branch, 616 Davis St.,Evanston 106 Madison St.

Banks Lend Other People's Money, but we Loan Our Own That's why Merchants, Manufacturers and Employes with limited facilitiescan obtain liberal discounts on their own paper without securityat rates that always met the approval of the press and the public in general. Indies of reputable families can borrow moderate sums in strict privacy on their simple, promise to repay with the assurance that they are dealing with an institution of responsibility and standing. Appointments arranged by telephone. Central 836 When leaving elevator on 15th floor, Masonic Temple, turn to your left for our- private offices. MERCHANTS CREDIT CO., Partners, Section 1501, Masonic Temple Bldg.

CHEWING GUM 12 Delicious Lasting Flavors ZENO CURBS Nervousness and Indigestion PROGRAMME CONTINUED.

Cynthia Cynch, the lady lunatic, a Munchkin maiden Allene Crater The Witch of the North, a friend in need Albertina Sir Dashemoff Bensen Daily, Poet Laureate May De The Army of Souza Geo. B. Field Pastoria II., ex-king of the , with a conspiracy to regain his throne Owen Westford Tryxie Tryne, prospective Queen of the Emerald City Lotta Faust Brigadier General Riskitt, commanding Pastoria's army Harold The P. Morev , looking for brains Fred A. Stone Scene 3 The Road through the Forest. (Painted by John Young.) The Arthur Hill Nick Chopper, the , in search of a heart David C. Montgomery Sir Wiley Gyle, a conspirator who scorns all magical arts Stephen Maley

PROGRAMME CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE NOTE—"Sammy," "Zanzibar," "Water Wagon," and all late cylinder and disk GraphophoneRecords at Columbia Phonograph Co., 88 Wabash Ave., Basement.

Designers of mens wear. 45-47 JacKsonBlvd AUTOMOBLE CO. RALPHREPAIRS TEMPLE ON THE franklin amount to nothing. WE will insure them at $5 per month "THE FRANKLIN" is the car to buy 309-310-311 MICHIGAN AVE. Four cylinders, air-cooled Chew Adams' Pepsin Tutti-Frutti The First The Original The Best The Purest All Others Are Imitations Special Caterers to THE After Theatre Patrons CONOVER Everything in Season and 1st-Class PIANO Enchanting Music by Goldsmith's Orchestra from 6:00 to 12:00 Its beautiful finish, sweet singing tone and elasticity of touch are winning for it words ofhighest praise. Alois Burgstaller, the greatest living German tenor, to the Conover Piano UNION "The Conover Piano which I used for my recitals in StudebakerTheater yester- Hotel and Restaurant day was excellent. I greatly admired the tonal qualities and the perfection of the mechanism. It is a pleasure to me to note Randolph St. the remarkable sustaining and blending 111 to 117 E. qualitiesof the toneof the ConoverPiano, whichcertainly are a greataidand benefit Next to Ashland Blk. to the singer." Conover Pianos are awaiting yourmost careful inspection in our Conover music parlors. $10.00 per month deposited in The THE CABLE COMPANY Savings Monroe st., will - Home Bank, 152 Cable Building. 240 Wabash Ave, in ten years amount to $1,399.14 and in twenty years to $3,283.81. Columbia. Graphophornes ALWAYS ON TOP Disc and Ask to see our Wonderful Cylinder New Type A. R., $65.00. Graphophones Runs ten 10-inch Discs at each winding. Equipped with $4.00t05100.00 new style powerful spring motor. Worm gear governor, highly finished mahogany cabinet, 30-inch hammered brass horn. Cash or Easy Terms. Call or write for our 1904 Record Catalogue. Columbia Phonograph Co. Manufacturing Headquarters for Disc and Cylinder Talking Machines 88 WABASH AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLS. programme continued.

Scene 4-The Poppy Field. (Painted by John Young.) The Poppy Queen Josephine Clayton Poppy Flowers Misses Stevens, Fisher, Carson, Mable, Leslie, Leach, M. Clayton, Murray, Poole, Gerard, Dean, Clark, Von Brune, Lane, Gilbert, B. Benson, Crawford, Gordon, Selton, Carson, Blye, Kendall, Turner, Arnold, Thompson, Doerge, Donalson.

Scene 5 (Transformation ) The Poppy Field in Winter. (Painted by John Young.) Snow Queen Nellie Blye Snow Boys, { Ella Gilroy Snow Boys, { Elizabeth Young Snow Boys, { Marie Mathey Snow Boys, { Mabel Powell Snow Boys, { Emily Fulton


EARL & WILSON'S Collars, Cuffs & Shirts ARE THE BEST.

HAVE YOUR E. BURNHAM DRESS PLAITINGS Hair Goods AND EMBROIDERIES HairDyes Cosmetics MADE AT Facial Massage, Electrolysis PARKER'S" Ladies' Hair Dressing and 155 STATE ST., (over Huyler's) Shampooing, ladies' Perfect Work Prices the Lowest Turkish Baths, Manicuring 70 & 72 State St., Chicago Have a. Respectable Face Free from "Pimples," "Blackheads, Freckles, and other disagreeable Blemishes. FROWN Oriental Wrinkles positively re- moved forever. DEFECTS Cuisine in Feature remedied. W. A. Pratt, M. D. (Hours Service 8 to 8 daily). 147 State St. and decoration HARLEM JOCKEY CLUB Wee Ying Lo HARLEM RACE TRACK first Chinese Jan« 4th to Jan« 17th SIX RACES BACH DAY Restaurant BEGINNING AT 2:30 P.M. 172-174 S. CLARK ST Next Door to Hamilton Club Music by Banks Cregier's orches- tra. Admission $1.00. For time Telephone Central2317 tables, etc., see daily papers. Specialties: Dinner Parties and Catering Oysters Lobsters AND Sea Food



Snow Girls, { Leta Shaw Snow Girls, { Mabel Frenyear Snow Girls, { Helen Wilton Snow Girls, { Sadie Emmons ACT II. Scene—The Courtyard ofthe Wizard's Palace. (Painted by Walter Burridge.) Leo, Captain of the Relief Guards Geo. B. Field Captain of the Patrol Sadie Emmons The Patro l Misses Gerard, Lane, Donalson, Dean, Thompson, Murray, Arnold, Von Brune, Clark, Kendall, Fisher, Turner. Alonzo, the Wizard's Confederate Irvine Christian Silicus H. Devlin Sophocles The F. Kelsee Pericles Wizard's Wise Men S. Van Bibber Diogenes Chas. Hoskins Bardo, the Wizard's factotum Alice Ainscoe Oz, the Wonderful Wizard, Past Master of Magic, ruler of the Emerald City and Potentate of the Land of 0z Charles Swain


DO YOU KNOW Thatevery man and woman has a perfect right at any time to have their business and domestic affairs secretly investigated. We are prepared at all times to give free advice in the strictest con- fidence. Expert shadowing a specialty. WASHINGTON DETECTIVE AGENCY 580 N. Clark Street 208, 84 LaSalle St. 497 W. Lake St. Phone 1258 North Phone 1392 Main Phone Ashland 5351

The Largest Display of CUT FLOWERS in Chicago. FINEST VIOLETS in Great Quantities Always in Stock A. Lange 47 Monroe St. 2 STORES 51 Monroe St. Millinery for All Occasions

only firm that makes a specialty THEofStreet and Outing Hats, including the genuine "Connelly" and "Crofts" Turbans, and Round Hats, for which we are the Chicago agents. We are the largest importers of French Novelty Jewelry in the AUDITORIUM BLOCK States. 308 & Write for illustrated 310 booklet. The latest novelties in Marabout, and Coque Boas and Muffs always LONDON PARIS in stock. Telephone Harrison 276


270 CLARK ST, Near Jackson Blvd. Original—Attractive—Elegant—Artisti

In purchasing an OLDS- MOBILE you take no OLDSMOBILELIGHT TONNEAU chances. It is no experiment.

Oldsmobile Runabout = $650 Oldsmobile French Runabout 750 Oldsmobile Tonneau = 950 Send for Booklet OLDSMOBILE CO. GITHENS BROS. CO 1412 Michigan Ave. $950 MILWAUKEE CHICAGO PROGRAMME CONTINUED ACT III. Scene 1—The Borderland, Dividing the Kingdom ofOz from the Dominions ofthe Good Witch. (Painted by John Young.) Alberto. Officer of the Day Sadie Emmons WAITRESSES. COOKS. Gloriana Jane Nancy Poole Claude Cliquot Mabel Frenyear Violet Victoria Mabel Powell Alphonse Fripon Osie Thompson Gladys Ann Ella Gilroy Marcel Moreau Stubby Ainscoe Leontine Em Emily Fulton Louis Le Beau Vernon Arnold Vera Ellen Lita Shaw Francois Giblets Daisy Carson Aileen Nance Elizabeth Y oung Jean De Shar Beatrice Gilbert Pansy Lil Josephine Clayton Remnante Saute Marie Clayton Lavinia Loo Lola Gordon Pungue De Sert Edna Leach Laundresses Misses Benson, Wilton, Von Brune, Doerge, Leslie, Mathey, Mable. Royal GuardsMisses Stevens, Turner, Donalson, Kendall, Selton, Mur- ray, Gerard, Dean, Clark, Lane. SYNOPSIS OF MUSIC. Musical Director, CHARLES ZIMMERMAN. ACT I. 1. Opening—"Life in Kansas" (Tietjens.) 2. "Niccolo's Piccolo" (MacDonough and Sloan) Cynthia 3. 4 The Tale of the Cassowary" (Cobb and Edwards) Cynthia 4. Duet— 4 Down on the Brandywine" (Bryan and Mullen) 4 Trixie and Pastoria 5. "Carry Barry" (MacDonough and Sloan) Dorothy 6. "Alas for the Man Without Brains" (Baum and Tietjens) Scarecrow 7. {a. "Only You" (Zimmerman and Keesee) -Sir Daily {b. "When the Heart is Sad" (Zimmerman and Hollister) Sir Daily 8. "When You Love, Love, Love" (Baum and Tietjens) Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and Dorothy 9. "Poppy Chorus" (Baum and Tietjens) PROGRAMME CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE High-grade Pianos to Rent at Lowest Prices. THE JOHN CHURCH CO., 260 WabashAve.

-GO TO Established 1856 Mariner & Hoskins KUNZE ASSAYERS, For Everything in the Fruit line CHEMISTS, Novelties from every clime, AND MINING ENGINEERS Top Floor, 81 South Clark Street. We have Superior Facilities for prompt and reliable work. Analyses of all kinds, such as Ores, Commercial Products, Food, Drinking-Water, etc. CHEMISTRY applied to Mining, Met- allurgy, Agriculture, Useful Arts, In- ventions, Medical, Inegal, Commercial and Domestic Affairs. 1 Business by Mailor Express willreceive Phone Central 330. Prompt Attention. We Import this Fig. forchemicalresearch Specialfacilities 60 STATE STREET 3 Telephones: Central 1468 Visit the Mag- nificent After the Theatre Parties Chinese Restaurant Given Special Attention CHOP SOOY A SPECIALTY. All the delicacies of the season cooked and served in the finest Chinese Mandarin style. Finest Tea in the world. Special Chinese dishes. Superb orchestra. Open day and all night. RING YEN LO COMPANY 275-277-279 So. Clark Street Tel. Harrison 4783 Northeast Cor- Van Buren St U. S. Eyeglass Guard THE BEST OF ALL GUARDS It is FIRM, SAFE, EASY, Self-adjusting, with NO PRESSURE to mark the nose, and is with- out an equal in every way. BORSCH & CO., Scientific Opticians, Opposite New Post Office 103 E. Adams Street

Black and White SCOTCH WHISKY

To HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII A delightfully mild and smoothScotch.


ACT II. 10. "On a Pay Night Evening" (West and Schlinker) The Wizard 11. "It's Enough to Make a Perfect Lady Mad" (Bryan and Mullen) Cynthia 12. Medley—"Dance of All Nations" (Smith and Sloan) a "Connemara Christening" Wizard b "Good-bye Fedora" (O'Dea and Adams) Scarecrow c "Wee Highland Mon" Tin Woodman d "Rosalie" (Cobb and Edwards) Dorothy e Dance—"An Afternoon Tea" Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and Dorothy 13. { a. "Sammy" (O' Dea and Hutchinson) Trixie {b. "Johnny, I'll Take You" (Cobb and Edwards) Trixie 14. "I Never Loved a Love as I Love You" (Cobb and Edwards) Sir Daily 15. Duet—"The Nightmare" (Bryan and Mullen) Scarecrow and Tin Woodman 16. "I'd Like to go Halves in That" Scarecrow and Tin Woodman 17. Finale. ACT III. 18. "The Traveler and the Pie" (Baum and Tietjens) Scarecrow 19. "Must You" Tin Woodman 20. "The Sweetest Girl in Dixie" (O' Dea and Adams) Dorothy The Fancy Costumes designed by MRS. EDWARD SIEDLE, and the Character Costumes by W. W. Denslow (illustrator of the book) were executed by Mrs. E. Castel-Bert. Poppy Hats by Charles Joseph. Wigs by Hepner & Co. Shoes by Aiston. Scenery built by P. J. McDonald. Properties by Edward Siedle. Electrical Effects by Kliegl Bros. Executive Staff for "THE WIZARD of OZ" Co Manager Fred Meek Business Manager Percy Hammond Stage Director Charles Mitc hell Assistant Stage Manager Irving Christian Owing to the impracticability of deferring the engagement of "The Wizard of Oz" until a later date the management has been forced to open the theatre before the completion of the decorative part of the re- building operations. The structural changes have been accomplished and the finishing touches will be applied within a fortnight. Work has progressed without cessation night and day since the house closed three weeks ago. In that period the stage of the theatre has been entirely rebuilt and it is now of steel construction in every detail—framing, stair- ways, fly galleries and rigging loft. Means of egress from the upper floors have been increased by the construction of three steel stairways, one on each side of the theatre and one leading to Clark street through the north side of the lobby. A fire-proof passage has been built connecting the gallery with the new Clark street stairway, and on the main floor another fire-proof passage has been provided, running direct to Clark street from the south side of the theatre, affording easy access to the sidewalk in case of emer- gency. The electric equipment has been changed to accord with the most approved systems of theatre lighting, and nothing has been left undone that would add to the safety of audiences. Magda Toilet Cream A Cold Cream of Cucumber and Orange Flower, as the breath of morn on the hill-top, and Suredelicate as the flower-petals that have yielded up their perfume to it. Md at a half-dollar, dainty Japanese poti, at tie tatty toilet counters here in and abroad. CRETED AND MADE BY C. J. COUNTIE & CO., Toilet Specialists BOSTON LONDON SYDNEY

Diana Bath Powder—The verj latest cry in modern tubbing. 50cat the shops

267-269 WABASH AVENUE OUR SPLENDID SELECTION OF FRAMED PICTURES READY FOR INSPECTION. Beautiful Subject and Hand A large stock of Pic- to select from. YourUnframed reagre Artistic Frames. We make them tures welcome. to suit you, Prices moderate. Visitors PHONE HARRISON 4384. MAKES WEAK EYES STRONG