Postal Conference Sydney 1883
(No. 69.) 188-3. TASMAN I A .. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY .. POSTAL CONFERENCE, SYDNEY, 1883. Laid upon the Table by the Premier, and ordered by the H'lnse to be printed, July 25, 1883. ,'"•' 1883. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. NEW SOUTH WALES,. POSTAL CONFERENCE, 1883. PROCEEDINGS OF TifE CONFERENCE, HELD IN SYDNEY, IN :MAY, 1883. MINUTES OF TlIE PROCEEDINGS, RESOLU'l"'IONS, PAPERS LAID BEFORE 'l1HE CONFERENCE. ORDERED BY THE LEGISLATIYE ASSEMBLY TO BE PRINTED, 30 May, 1883 . • SYDNEY: THOMAS RICHARDS, GOVERNMENl' PRIKT ER. 1883.· [ls, 9d.J * 1- MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE POSTAL CONFERENCE, IIELD IN SYDNEY, IN 18S3. Executive Council Chambers, Sydney, 3 MA.Y, 1883. THE undermentioned gentlemen, Represenhttives of the Colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, South. Australia, and Tasmania, were present :- New South Wales: Trrn I-IoNORABLE ALEX. STUART. TrrE HoNORABLE F. A. WmGHT. Vietoria: TrrE I-IoNORABLE GRAIIAir BERRY. Soutli A.usti-alia : Tm; I-IoNOitA.BLE J. L. PARSONS. Tasmania: THE l-IONORABLE J OIIN S. DODDS. It was mentioned that the I-Iouorable Boyd D. Morehead, representing Queensland, was prevented :from attending in consequence of the death of a relative. The Honorable ALEX. STUAR'.l' and the· Honorable F. A. WRIGHT laid upon the Table their Commissions. The Honorable GRARA.M BERRY proposed, and the Honorable J. L. PARSONS Reconded, the appointment of the Honorable Alex. Stuart as Chairman. Carried. Mr. Alexander C. Budge was appointed Secretary. The Conference having deliberated upon the desirability or otherwise of the permanent Heads of Departments accompanying the Delegates beii1g present during discussion on the Postal Questio11, it was resolved in the affirmative, as tending to facilitate the business of the Conference.
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