Kentucky Schools Directory KYDepartment of Education Administrative Resources | Instructional Resources | About Schools & Districts | Site Map 2004-2005 Kentucky Schools Directory Last updated on Monday, December 20, 2004 The 2004-2005 Kentucky Schools Directory provides staffing and contact information for all 176 Kentucky School Districts. An abbreviated version of the directory is available here as Web pages. The entire directory is also available in published form. To purchase a hard copy of the directory, visit the KDE Bookstore or contact JoAnna Crim at (502) 564-3421. You can also write Ms. Crim at Kentucky Department of Education, 1907 Capital Plaza Tower, 500 Mero Street, Frankfort, KY 40601, or send her e-mail at
[email protected]. To browse the Directory, click on the school district of your choice to find the central office staff and schools in that district. NOTE: To send e-mail to a district staff member, the address is typically defined by the intended recipient's first initial followed by their last name, up to a total of eight characters. For example: Username for an employee named Daniel Boone who works in the Lee County schools would be
[email protected]. The username for an employee named George Washington in the Franklin (1 of 13) [01/07/2005 11:21:51 AM] Kentucky Schools Directory County schools would be
[email protected]. SCHOOL DISTRICTS A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R S T U W Other Schools A Adair County