Published in: Bański, Piotr/Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald/Rayson, Paul/Biber, Hanno/Breiteneder, Evelyn/Clematide, Simon/Mariani, John/stevenson, Mark/Sick, Theresa (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora and Big Data and Natural Language Processing (CMLC-5+BigNLP) 2017 including the papers from the Web-as-Corpus (WAC-XI) guest section. Birmingham, 24 July 2017. - Mannheim: Institut für Deutsche Sprache, 2017. Pp. 35-41 Keeping Properties with the Data CL-MetaHeaders - An Open Specification John Vidler Stephen Wattam
[email protected] [email protected] School of Computing and Communications Lancaster University Abstract On the one hand, as a discipline, difficulties arising from the existence of a broad tool suite are Corpus researchers, along with many an excellent problem to have; a multitude of other disciplines in science are being put solutions are present to handle any number of under continual pressure to show problems we may face. However, on the other accountability and reproducibility in their hand, having no standard interoperability level for work. This is unsurprisingly difficult these tools prevents some interactions across this when the researcher is faced with a wide space without a great deal of effort from the user. array of methods and tools through which Being aware of the file type is seldom enough to to do their work; simply tracking the correctly set up reader/writer operations in a tool, operations done can be problematic, especially if we consider character encoding especially when toolchains are often differences, and the overall engineering of the configured by the developers, but left tool has become very important in some cases.