r AcfltETOtK, Jii^r ttJ^ilTf rfldullWw^UMan

•E. :1 vkjSvkiTSvki <«•»« 3 inoi;6 mMjlvwr ^ITOKIAI. COMSt —.1 11 -7lit -ij r • - 1 f^ - $2 0Ui$3 30»t4 St| 46 lA }13 fti-m sn'us M iHOBS!! a I s6 T art *w n. (Was w^JS » f-lT lUlJi HOUSE, 3 LJ 6 I'l; T .^^tO 21 IJ SJ as tol M (10 10 W a-i. GEO. Tr.,GBIf GiUaua, Teao. • s rat.fl foiis irsoi a inrW'XHio* • ti-blo BlooU. EU. i. JL m>Ol), Bam-irtla, Gi S I S' " T9 30 ISO 09 ; 9 «»!ut $i u ap-3F»i SS :sii 99 eejiarab COSTKIBCTOKS: ' -'onittrvH, or nro-thlr.ls of anlBck. lat*^ lU. L. 31.3T05«, Stand ye In the ways, and sea and p^aTr fbr the old paths, which are the £rood ways, and walk therein, and yo shall find rest for yonr souls.—./freniai. L«rKt COt. »nd hurjr Irttfriag, or n.xt to !•- E3J. J. J. D. EraraaE. Alibiai.'- o.1. n.r U,»a qu.rfe.-Ij «iU Ve. rharc^l .t offl« ratefc Biwt be paid IQ adraOMt EIJ. W. J. VABStR. Aliiiai-i. iranilent, 30e»e. J Gooas!! Old Series—Vol. XXX. MEMPHIS, TEXN., SATURDAY. MAY 17, 1873. New Series—Vol. VI., No. 36. l..Ttb«.»«r.»oth places have been large f£ite In erery natoial and moral excellence. though thus plainly denounced in God's up to this time, and our prospects of estab- ized the first Baptist church in the State, lic worship. After the sermon, a collection ligious institutions in Rame, they will can- t He has revealed hiiBselfaa the Father, and werd. It is even ^eaded for as necessary lishing a church at each place are flattering. called "Salem, on Cole's creek, in Jefferson was taken in aid of domestic missions, which tinue to be administered as at present; hdt tiw i^n (or the Word), and tbe Holy Ghost, in some case^, and yet, in every instance, the And BOW, dear brethren and sisters, will county." "In 1797 Nenrhope Chirch, on amounted to $ll'j7j." This, with all the their landed property must be cooTertod tka Mme in respect to Birine essence, what- threatening will be made good. There is you aid us in this work? The points at Second creek, near Natchea, was constituted above extracu, is taken from Griffin's His- into Italian Government' funds or foreign RING- ti lilstmction there roay -be in some re- muchlying associated with religion; in some which I am now laboring can do very little on the same principles of tbe Salem Church tory of the Primitive Baptists of Mississippi stock within two yean. Withia tUs pemd reli^os services there is much falsehood— toward supporting the gospel. Your com- In 1S03 and ISOl they were blessed with a How clearly is the fact demonstrated that they are also to form tlumselves into ^ II.zlT.Il. 2a. Set. I. iat..Kx. UL U. Daal. Tt 4; organizuions, with the same object as at li nci.4. Fa.xxxTi.i. Jeki^ 1. U. Bam. ix. fi. 1 morels said than intended—or the heart mittee has no funds in band, and no certain great revival of religion under the preach- those Primitive Baptists were Missionary (^KLU. S«t.u9. Joha aSiX-r.^ ActiT.S, 'teontradicta the lips. This is awfnl, bat it ia means of obtaining any. The committee, ing cf Eld. Tboc>as Mercer and others, Baptists. And so have we found of all our present, but in complete conformity with L IC«r. iU. Xii. U. UML miU. U. very common. Deception is very moch therefore, has not and could not pledge a which led to the constitution of other Primitive fathers of the American continent Italian law. : r- STUMES!! TkeF^ practiced in trade; the article is misrepre- salary to your missionary. Each church, 'churches.' (Uist. Primitive Bap. Miss., p. 74 ) Among our early Baptist associations in this Under the heading of " The Holy Week,*' 1 Man was created i^y; but, by wilfal sented as to price, quality, and sometimes therefore, and each Baptist, should deter- The MUsitttpjii Association, the first in the country, we have yet to find an Antimissionaru the Nuova ROOM has tbe following: P ide from tbe mmt eie- inbediesce, fell from luxat state; became BtoBi!^ defiled, and be&t ^ his chil^en quantity. The seller tries to deceive, assur- mine, at once, to aid in this work. Let each State, was organiied at Bethel Church, VPil body. " Years ago our popolatiou ei^oyad ia laterials in tbe market.! is Eia likeness i hence, b/natnre, there is in ing tbe buyer that it is cheaper and better one send a contribution for this work to kinson county, September, 1S07. A prelim- But the opposers of missions shall have a these days an imposing spectacle: the zer 0CO holiness; but we'ue all inclined to patient hearing. If they have any ground re naw ^ibowins a nam- than it is; the buyer attempts to deceive by Rev. T. G. Jones, D. D., of Nashville, the inary meeting was held July preceding rt ligious ceremonies in Su Peter p. Prom all Ifil; tad, all are chilii^ of wra^ justly the Old Salem Church. Very early in the whatever for the claim that they hold Prim- szposed to death, and otter miseries, tempo- running down the good^ saying, "It ischairma n of the committee. If you will aid parts uf the world came curious people and ol. spiritual and eternal.' nangbt, it is naught," and going away boasts in this work it will succeed. If you do not b'lstory of this body it began to operate in itive Bap'ust principUs, they shall be so re- faithful Christianj to witness themf and SI ' am. L S. Sli U- Ifi, IT; hI, 1. 6. Ecctai. tU. ». of his bargain. Bat "all liars shall have it must fail, and, to the shime of Baptists, the moral field for evangelical purposes. It garded. But they cannot claim identity Peter's church was converted into a theater. tat.T.U. U.2. Eae:^ ziili. 13. 30. Sob. TU. their portion in the lake which barneth with these destitute fieMs remain without the not only adopted resolutions of a missionary with the first Baptists of VirgiKia, or the On the Pope constituting himself a jrisoneV, a. ;«t.xTiU9,l-. IJonaLi B51a.Tt.at brimstone and fire." Deception is often means of grace. A. Va\ noo-si; character, but reached forth its benevolent Carolinas. Pecn«\ivania or New England, these ceremonies were stopped, and the ch Pattern Suit,s t Sal-vaUsB. 4. The only way of dolireranee &om this practiced in families, the parents deceive ilulberry, Tean , April -22, 1S73 hands and gave to the destitute communities ^ew York, New Jersey, Georgia, or any of Romans feared it would stop the comlog'of uffcr at a saiall itata of guilt and csademnation, is through .the children; the servanu deceive their and churches the "Word of Lirt. " Ia 1>1(> the States, "through the Baptist history of foreigners, and in consequence their ^tsa- ice upon co-tt oriniporta- neazioos suifeiii^ of Omst, the Divine Son •mistress; the mistress requires the servant Don't Fret. it " agreed to open a correspondence with which we have jet passed. tages. Fortunately, howevW, K^^ne is oiute t£ Gsd, who miracnIoBsiy took npon him the Georgia Baptist Association." The fol But we design passing into other States riii? able to dapllcate gsr flesh, and whom Qod bath set forth to to try and deceive tbe visitor by saying, His i neighbor injure! yoa ^ full of foreigners; the merchants are'doing In a areoitiation tfarooj^fiuth in his Uood; "'^etaifjyme.'^ Eich part of the family tries Don t fret— lowing is from the minutes of ISll, vis : and ascertain the principles of the early an excellent trade, and the scandals which in fiur nianufuctery, at kaving "sc^IOTed the world that he gave hir to deceive the other, and yet " all liars shall Yen will come off the best: " HaoheJ, That we think it expedient and associations and churches therein, and if we used to hupp^ in tbe churches, and cspe- ralei*. «ly begotten Son, that whosoerer beliereth have thwr portion in the lake which bumeth He's the most to answer for, necessary to appoint supplies to the destitute find any of them to be Antimissionary in | cially in the Vatican, are no kmger lament^ ti bins sha?34 not bnt hare ererlast- with brimscone and fire." Deception is NeTcr mind it: let it rest ; churches." their principles, the so-called " Old School" From the actual order of things, theia- kc lifa." practiced iu the comsion intercourse; when Doa't fret. [Here follows an ennumeration of the Baptbts shall bsve the benefit of the in fore, the Romans have not felt, pny disad- ToluiI.ll.'.Xofal.^S.SS. Act. !T. 12. Bern. iii. the company is disagr^ble, it is often said, names of the chutcbes aided and the minis- formation. So far as we have been able to i vantage, and religion iias gained mnohi # OLL'S, ii Joiia ct m llis a horrid lie been toM •• I an^ glad, to see you;" when there is no ters sent to aid them] (Hist Prim. Bap. discover the principles of the Baptists, in proof is in the way the clerksl eotempo- 273 IVTr-in Screet Don t fret- ^ iH jirBo tnitf baSero and obey the wish for the v^t to be repeated, it is inquired, It will run itself to Josth ; Miss., p 87.) looking into their history— , we can but regard ^p^ in describingi:the nnmbK-of eiixl ia r«"a»y-fti«r hours. ptpel w^ chosen in.Christ "before the 'When will you coll again?" In relating While the association was but an infant the use of the words 'Old School" and Prim Mndatun of the irorlii" by him who sees If yoii let it 'luite alone. people frequmting the ohordies for tiia Ofi end foam the banning; and in conse- the common wurrences of life, they are It will die for want of breath, body, scarcely able to take care of the few itivc, as applied to the Antimissionary Bap- sacred osremonies. A Jesuit papee,Wthe ^ifiice, hot of thslr own merit, but of God's exaggerated, or a part of the circumstances Doa't fret. pioneer churches, struggling to become per-! tisLa.as wholly without foundatien, and pos Voce delta Verita, of yesterday, says o» fldi purpoae.acd grace, they are regenerated is designedly ^ept back; the promise is manent, in it adopted the following: itively contrary lo the facts in the case. In subject: ' Though the oeremooies ar« iM^ by the Uoly Spir^ without whose inSuence readily given, bu as frequently broken; in Xie joar enemies at wo-'s ? "ResjlveJ, That it be recommended to and point of fiiei, the real d.ffcrence be ween performed with pomp, as'for the pi^, st31 ttooe would Don t fret— a word, lying is common in order to injure, enjoined on the preachers of our order, that Primi'.ire Bip:is's and AnUmissisnary J)!it:is:s, the number of devotees for the usual visit efat: Le inSiienced to re^>ent Tbey can't injure .tou a whit, lALES, LISTEN! Bid beUevei ^ to y^'n, or to gra|fy an e< il passion; but "all they use tbe utmost diligence in the practice is great indeed Taey differ as day and to the sacred temples isTery large"* i-n tiw h«» W«fcirt»i I P!t. !. T. John I. ST, »; Tili. 31. CoL i. 2t, 2; forsake it in theii practice; through the Compel m,", Lord, »o bear thy cross ' the Catholic priest is nui; for the firstarticle I:» aw ai-«t wns

  • rfal Hi .-Mei Es».ffi.H. Jlat^. xiir. 13.'1 J3ta{i.l9. blood of Jests the; may obtain a pardon; of heathenism, and as the cry for helj) came ; of the statute, by declaring that the Catholic 'Ebe Cbanti. WIIO.VltETIlE PBIMITI* E 1».\PTIST»- Then, though the weary flesh rebel, Im Hr, iaiia W. Brock, il.-xfiuliaTS, L«. but otherwise, ever; liar shall have his " part across the deep waters of the .\tl.-aitic, they { IP-0raBj3..!^ —I wriw to iafunn ran "f 7. A Chareh of Christ is an organized THi: ni.SSIUXABT OB la every hour of pain and loss religion is the religion of the State, they 1' in the lake which burneth with tire and reached forth a helping hand, and were { |f all eajtr.acmt tBm bottl« Xo®^ uso^tion of persons renewed by the Holy 5IISSIOS.\BY? The willing soul sha'U cry, • lis well. cannot permit the priest's marriage, it being i ••n»e aiSKu. iaii u auw b -c laloff Spirit, itspdsed npon a confession of nnion brimstone, whic'a .s the secDiid death." ameng the first to co operate with the Board ' No. S. Cotn»el Lord, to bear thy cro5s I forbidden by bis religion. Such a prindple t I • CSwiat, and covenanting to witness the There is a place of pun'ishment on purpose of Foreign Missions in giving the gospel to rrmiT. H.Gnicr. lUwV^nill.Te*. ilitk and keep the commandments of their AYERIC.IS B.KrTIST3 COVnNTSD CEOKT.IA COX- Not hermit-like, removed from ken. may be fatal to liberty. For litUe by UUla for liars, called " th'er part;" it is very severe the superstitious and ignorant idolater. The isi J P. Dromjmis —T«ixr E«^U»ii F«m«i»Bit»n IHTias fimuL Tc iiia church alone Christ TISCKD. With fast, and seoarpe, and bed of moss, it will carry us to the consequence of not VJ following is an extract from the minutes ol |i«is;T»i'nJ of fire and brimstone. The following will be read with interest, But in the scornful eyes of m«n. being permitted to discuu even that which 1315 : A letter from the Baptist Board of cocel in its poAty. sind the promulgation of It is called the seccnd death, because it is no doubL In the Ebeneier Association, has leference to the discipline of the said grom Ai^r tn.irr A jqa, Aa t:a, T«s- B «J ali Eien by asinistera bearing its com- separation from Goc after separation from Foreign Missions for the was Compel me, Lord, to bear thy cross ' icsiioE. Georgia, the Antimission element had been Catholic religion. Bat there is more; Jari»> . P. Taur Eajiiih T-^m^r friends. It deprives of all cheering hope, received and read, in which tbey solicit this Rtftnembering what tha-japt borne for me: vpil ir hcrr*. w, » ^oodtUMt l?s;.il-T. AitsS-C; Ttti-lS. Sph. t. 22. creating more or less coitfusion for several prudence could not. go so far as to compr^ association and the church«ts connected To count the gain.i of earA as loss, IrMun-ia r-cjBi'BrtiJias thiEi-" Tl>e Ortlliuuice*. all sweet company, al bright and animating yea^s, and, through this influence, corre- hend whatever in legislation is not in ac- herewith to contribute to aid them in rais- .\nd turn from all its smiles to thee. Fr.ai r. a. Ei. m. Tax. 8. The ordina-ices of a Christian church prospects; there the mind is filled with tor- spondence with some of the leading associa- cordance with Catholicism." il«.« Ue-u ^JUkiJ -"iti l ttilioil.3?•»»• • ing funds for the purpose of sending mis- « Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptism menting reflection, ihd harrassed by the tions had been dropped. " And thus," says O bl'St Cyrcnian ! humbiy bowcJ Our meetings in the Trastevere continue f:.c » aOT3i,.r of iriET ojisi » f»» a the immersion cf professed believers in sianaries to preach the gospel to the heathen Beneath the weight of sinless sham-; : t Jirfir teniais Bl;t.«ia, It Uis » recollection of past foiies, sins, and opportu- Benedict, "matters went on until 1S30, when to be well attended I expect to'^ptize"^ Citrifit. nciiLs onl^^o the remiesion of sin«, nations; and that a standing secretary ot Compelled by that infuriate crond t-tra. = >» i of Ka^lUi F^*®*" from custom, or to cove other faults, or to etc, was consistent with the original prin- Be mine the humble, hopeful prayer, several stations in Italy Toe work is going soly be administered by her officers to those capacity; and it is the wish of this associa (isa =raar Duotarsaod rmmia miiiciaf •»« At deans qualified to receive them. keep a situation? Bmeinber, "all liars eiples of the assoa'aiiorL The affirmative was Compel m5, Lard, to bear thy cross. on slowly, but I hope surely. Several jcaa- tion that the churches may contribute as Participatian in the Lard's snjmer should have their portion in thdake which bumeth carried; a division was the consequence, and —MISS ROSE TEaET. didates are waiting for baptism. Pray for ARE roc A SKEPTW liberally as they may find it convenient, and be confined to the membership of each local with fire and brimstone^which is tbe second a new association, which assumed the name us. We ne«d wisdom, strength and pa- tius ' .rf^. rrhieh .^nlj » f'* dmrch, or to these membra of other forward the same to our next annual meet- a».r 7 r-awfc BIttsn mW « death." None of God's people are habitual of the Primitive Ebenezw, was formed." I.ETTEB FROM B03IE. tience. We need an abundant eSiuion tdf, dmrches ST>eciitcally invited by it—their £alth ing." (Uist Primitive Bap. Miss., pp. «2, 93 ) h »t fijD rtr l*ttJ«. WamtnV Bid walk S«ng avouched as correct liars. No liar can be t Christian. Every (Bap. Hist, p. 733 ) The last reports from the Vatican are to the Holy Spirit Brethren, pray for u^ and I I csjUfc oa Jit. f piJc A>Jir-« At the same meeting $20 were appropri- The s«?per, no more than baptism, may liar ia forever excluded fi^m heaven.: E very How strange that those who opposed mis the eff.ct that the Pope is slightly better. come to our help. Without your awstainpa Br- J. P. DSOMGOOI.S:, liar is daily and knon^gly bespei^ing a ated for foreign missions out of the associa he admists'terM by minislers te uose whom sions should assume the name of Primitive A new effort has been made to induce him and the co operation of the Uoly Spirit,, {w* Uuy deem quali£^ place in helL Art thou i^rofeesOT t Leave tion fund. In tbe circular letter of the same Baptists, when all the fatts are against them! to nominate new cirdinals, but without any mtut and will £siL Truly yoars, ^ri .T «»tt. ia. e, k; xXTiii. B, SB; ixTl. SB, 1 Co-. off lying, or leave off proving theirebgion year, 1315, the following touching language But we will notice the origin of the so called satisfactory result. Rome, April 16, 1673. W. K. Goi* AeaTiil. 12.C. Bum.xi. 1,12. CoJ.ii. 13. occurs: " Bible societies have i>een, and are trK.ili.ll. Acts a. 37,41, of truth. Are you wittoat the ^nrch? "OM School" Baptists, more in detail, un- In the event of aa election by the College i ; CLOTHING!! now forming throughout Christendom, for Tbe Day. Never think of entoing U'^until ypu have der that head The educational principles of Cardinals as at present constituted, it Tha Borrowia? of Jewels. the diffusion of divine knowledge: while 9- The first day of the week is be observt^ learned habittially to ape^ the troth. Aie of the Georgia Baptists will be noticed in would be extremely difficult for either parly When the orientals go to their nered fa** » the Lord's day, or Chxistian Sabbath. the missionary spirit has been revived and you attempting to soften lown the subject, the future. to know beforehand who will be elected. A tivals they always pat on thdr best jewek. Jahs XX. 13, It. t Cur. XTi- 1,2. Acta ax. 7. B«T. and excuse the sin ? Baiember, God is a is gaining ground in every direction." Mark ! special messenger has been dispatched to tie. MISSISSIPPI Not to appear before the gods in such a way jealous God, and he told thee as "The missionary spirit was being rtvived." Tbe Ressrrecllan of tbe Klsbteeas. - Before us lies i volume entitled " A His- Cardinal Billict, Archbishop of Chamberg, they consider would be disgracefal to tbea- pfjiin as possible in his h^y word that "all That is, this was not the first of the mission- D. WILLIAMS, 10. Th^e win be a rcsuinctian of the tory of the Primitive Baptists of Missis- inviting him to come to Rome, but as tbe selves and displeasing to the deitka. A pO^ Wbltsale urf Set^ Desicr la ary spirit in the world, but after slumbering lifhteous dead prior to the advent of Christ, liars shall .hare thdr potion in the lake sippi," by Beigamin Grifiin, of Holmes Cardinal was born in 1793, he is not likely son whose clothes or jewels ars iniiilti^ for awhile through persecutions and dis- rs, BOYS' tCHaDHEH'S who, with the living li^tar will be changed which burneth with fire and brimstone, county, Miss. Mr. GriflSn is an Antimission to be attracted to the Eternal City, even by will borrow of his richer neighbors; and Noth- a a moment, and eaoght up^to meet the tresses, it was just beginning to blaze into a which is the secend death.' DIsbelisve thi« Baptist, and his testimony will be the more the fact of a probable vacancy af the Papal ing is more common than to see poor pe6- Lotd in the arr, to appear w^ him at his and you make God a liar, j bright flame, and its light was seen like a aotmg and judgment and piqiishment of valuable to the Missionary Baptists, as it oan chair. Cardinal Philip de Angelis, Arch- pie standing before the temples, or engi^A beautiful " Star in the East" fte persecuting Dations. not be supposed that he would be tbe least bishop of Fermo, is much in the same posi- in sacred ceremonies, welt adiTrnei tnt^'" Dim. xxxia. 2. lIBu*. ir. tX It laelk xir. S. 1 The Baptists of Mid^^ Tennessee. biased in their favor. He clearly demon- " And," continues the circular letter of tion, and writes that it is impossible for him jewels. The almost pattper bride or bris they themselves, in tbw•f9slivalf^ weald B.is.i,f. J«.IiH- ^auM^-n,- r«k.xl«. Pi.exSx. , Hff^ Boan^ aitee of Imcolv Moor CCMld to bmd in fetters the eonacieixM of langoa^, which will enable about three Sacred College in order that his suce'^inc^' .dmbtless wear4he same-^ thinga. ply B. WA2IBON, D. S-, •ml 1.5. Pt.xx^t4KS2,:^M. I..fi.ai. Mm. 4nd Marshall are all without Ba^ chnrdaee tbepeoplei ButGodwasontbende of trhth' hnndred milliou of poor, benighted heath- may be elected pratejiSe evimrtr " recorded that Lord; gne thufctanr.- ^LS;xxT. 34. P«.xxT^iiL J aad Ba^ prfM^K- ^Thia ttetitiitio»la and the Baptists-were vietoriotis. In 1795' ens, who are perishing for the lack of Since the beginning of the ^peV in.thaaicht oCithe JSgyptiaiM," -Udo« imk- Tbe Heyre^iV tb< SalmtA \ knowledge,•'to read the precious word of the irrecondlable party of the collegej'Sa- ^' 11 After this fiirifc ahaa have bian poH- eao^to Btir flmy£^^:ioteUon, and (he United State* ne^tiated wKh Spain for dkppear to havebeendhllyekBOwn Mir »» ' W tlbTsettr hnvea^^ n«w yefc thefaalf haanot teen toktl lii jwa ooaatry, and the fetwra of Btbae were God, which irable to make them wise nnto stead of upholding Cardinils Capalti and brews that Uuf war* going taciaar* ivdrnimO* •hall b»v«r btti biiikmed-wd p]» Wml b«PB0trMd:iwri0aa pbi* tq aapplf bKoken, slid tnl^nedam again trvutipktd. To ^vaUoa" Prim. Bap. Miss., p. 94} Panebianeo, as candidatM for the tiari,^a¥e Egypt?; ^ vaitjkt hare ekpaeted to Mtpi^ s^s. .. - SB a heaveolT idSoe m the fi|»l aboie . an tibk whstaluft liv be done? God be thel»ise'atid glory. ' >> "a. Aaong-whom idiiU we namber theaa Primi- fixed their mind on Cardinal Sixtui Kiuio and it a alaaost «ertra that if4iKirjopfKa»> fitte redeemed, CM deMoU Sfonia, Arehlmhop of Naplea, ef tiMa with h^ dnta niA hk tdiemade The ondanign^iKaoMr labgrM|[a the des- Prior to It35 • «B»r CsmUies aetUed near tiTe' Oan tbey be regarded aa ors had khowathattiiey vamvot toa^tan^-^ ^bewfth theia. fhar oomath the ei|d titute BtUt, 'tadm :am bppaiatmA Ud the Nttehea.^ Some of th««e w«re Begnlar Bap- AntimissiofiaryT lAxpoa^lO; a the oldest members - I®" "" to the n^eot of eternal haUtations 7 Will •ndowmwtthiajw. ^We oanaotviaU,yo,*?!; I iMIlT 1 iiii'^ , That an inmeraioa is1 some 6i ns fa*i» rery^ort maml^ soo^ adu^i^ to bring joar deeds to the ligb^ not a few tlu brathnn oinr^lbeStato have personally, aad we offer yon thia oppo^uit, ' •g, QumwseSo^ptaiBtHjalsteii tut these to enron your name amoag the fouadSTomJ S. Th»»1fc»lllalit«i»adoth«.»»?a«t» rftta 8t»t« time% and need to ba 'rexoiudedctf our dQ^. Good mcnming." ' ? t^ Uten^ineB A ds^'o^ftetiog and prayer thftt atu faith in ths Imrial i Uhl k^MltMB ssOcriBcd Vj k Beii;tnr»l batnTlMtoWTaaSgruUiiaVV. i eeeiety, that yonr cbUdren may have a BMM;t>imtan.tb«»««*lMls«oBnetTM t» .x. So I thought I would come over and BM if We go over to Bra D.'s comfortable hbme- for God's merc^ on our ^eot State T ** Ho w in iu direotioB after ywi are no mort v®* otu Lord. Sea Rom. vi! f ^^...... mill itinTsUsa If iTii iwf WIT yott had attended (o this important matter. ^ Good morning^ Bra I>. I want to aak long, 0 Lord, bow l Too need not get vexed about It; I do not you a few questions about your church." self T Forever T Shall thy vrratb bom like Iti11 m >MfcMilihnlmanniaittTl y— Any of yon can sell or transfer your stock U X. The Grace of God, the iM aon eifeetmkUy by ezuiple thu mean any harm. I am actoated in thi< ** Well, i shall answer what I can with fire? Remember bow s^rt my time is; child aa yon can any other atock. It i. , • pected that, when once in foil ©pepaUnn Si Sope and Faith i* Christ, i ly fteeipl tTirmifT—. lo Icmc u we Apprepri- iTa-ail It tit tit -!-—«—««"» ^ aMBf th« b««t Mftag matter for the good of the cause; there is a pleasnreL* wherefore hast thoa made all tnen in rain ? •xpoaau tt 9tmt mt^-Lmdrna-m Oaf Qm-mi»m. What man b he that liretb and shall not society will declare a dividend of twestV u foftification. •la W fTilpta obey and execute aU i mad thos eeaSm their followers in of ourselves; so I will try to say something. date from the 1st of AprU), in the MIIK. arrears to our pastor for last year, llow the church and community to the stjle of cations of the society; and when the Eo«i«% Oariat, having the same or^aa The fact of the business b, there are many Stockholders in Lonisiana. much 7 Well, about fifty dollars, or more ; your pastor's preaching ? " "So goea into operaUon he will receive the awuZ officers, and ordinances of the ] -i. Srthisg caa te more i300BBi5teBt ihaa to things that ought to be eaid, and I reckon I I expect seventy five dollars would be nearer " I can't say that I do. Some do, but his For the convenience, and to gratify the dividenda in ita pablieationa, u> be selectadbr had as well say some of them as anybody himaelf. These he can sell if he does not wj^ ifclem, aad independent of all thaw preachers lata oar palpita whs hold tha truth ; and for the year before I reckon preaching seems to suit me very well Ub wishes of very many stockholders, we are eke. Indeed, I have concluded if I do not, to nse. pdg^^g no lawgiver in Zion bal •ad tcach doctrines AS accoimt of which we W9 were behind about fifty dollars." congregations are good, and everybody sending those of their notes that were due Let t-vtrr en® par one half at leut, ud many things will not be said that thought to "Well, putting the two together, your nearly, except one or two of our church last January, and consequently drawing in- his entire ahare If he can, dn-lair ^ Slitting to no law he haa Dctl lf«Bld excludehoth from oar palpita and ehnrches be said. Our Baptist folks down here are all month ot Jtareh, ta Beeaira a ercat hu. church owes to her pastor, on unpaid Eslary, members, likes him." tere6t,to parties in their vicinity for collection calm In a hsnse to xrorh. In. Bom. i: 1 Cor. i: 2; Efh. i| Biiaistar of ear own deaomioatioa. This, very busy standing still. Perhaps I ought one hundred and twenty five dollars. He " Do you pray for him, encourage him, The Society will never more need the money CONSIIXUTIOK. Axta ii: 41. 42. ^ daiBi is <>»e of the old laadmarka of the not to say that all are standing still, for serves three other churches; and you think and give him your moral support, by stand- than now, and no interest will be charged NAUX. Aar. 1. The name of thia Society elull be Ot i. The "Lorda Supper" some are trying to pull up the bill of diffi- your church is doing average well. Taking lapt^Charc>t. ing up for him in the community ? " those who pay thb month. "BOCTHKII BAPTIBT PCBUCATIOS SOCIZTT." egmmemoraiive ordinance to 1 culty. There is a great work to be done in this view of the case, we find that the " Yes, as far as I can I help him. 1 be- t thai ahody rf iameraed heHereTB ia the AT OAK RIDGB, LA—A W Bridges. fiO; F OBJECT. , by a Church of Christ this State for the Master, but there seems to churcbcs he serves owe him. on unpaid at tw ^^iMl eesleaiutleal nthority In the world, lieve we ought all to speak in favor of our M Tucker, $50; Geo W Mott, $50, Oak Aat. 2. The object of this Society oii^n be but few that have a mind to this work. salary, five hundred dollars. Taking th^ as pastors, even if we don't altogether indorse Ridge Church, subscribed by Bridges & Wil- to promote evangelical religion by msaia of eapaeity), not u a teat of the Printing Presa and Colportage. ihfl oalj tribal fbr the tri^ of cases ef We have too many danothings in our ranks. the average condition of things in our State, ihem. The Lord says that we must not Hams, $.50; Eld J S Larkin, $50: D G Aber, personal feeling of one con $50; Jas Chrblian (Bastrop), $50; Total, KEMBBESHTP. fi^jTiiiiii; that tha acta of a church are of sape- Many belong to the Hold Fast tribe, who have is it any wonder that our ministry are com- harm his anointed ones. They have heavy uiother, aa Pedobaptiata amnf become citizens of the county of Grip, and $350. These have been sent to £ld. E. S. Aai 8. The sum of $50, aabacribed ud p^a LLIR>IADLAC fdree OTBT those of aa AssoeiatioB pelled to give up the churches ?—that moral burdens to bear, and we ought to help Jackson. in, will sonatitnte one a member or atockkoHo only ta ahow forth Chriafs i dwdl in the valley of Worldly-MIndedness, •wiUian, Gooneil, or Presbytery—and no Aa- blight overshadows our land ? In this mat- them." FOEKSVILLE TO MT. LEBAXOS—Liberty in thb Bocicty, and eniitle him to a certiiieaie and worship in the church of Govetousnesi Bf stock and a vote, personally or by frozy, ia kgaln; and being a 0&arc& i ter we have acted deceitfully with the Lord; " I think I can come now to one reason of Church, pledged by its pastor, D A Boddie, V ssAtiaa er GaaTentien can impose a moral oV They hold to the world fast enough—stick $50; Cypreas Church, Log Town, $50 (by D the eleetion of all the officers of the Sooiety deatally, a aymbol cf Ckvrek \ aad cau we think it strange that he should your minister's ill success. You have some It is specially provided that BO one ahall U Bgadon opon the conitltaent parts composes to it Kke a leech, and tug and strive to fill K Allen); G W Smith, Downsville, $50; D iequsntly, only those churohe leave us to reap the reward of our unfaith- influential members who criticbe, and often N Boddie, $50; Allen Green, Vienna, $50; J allowed U represent by ballot more than $1000, themselves with earthly g^n, and neglect or to hold more than $2600, exeept by ip«y fulness 7 " condemn his preaching, and who do not pay RGrambling, $25; Fellowship Church (by in thxa ordinance that agree the true riches. These ate stumps in the permiasion of the Board of Uaaafeit. It is ^ XlMt finoe each Chorch of Christ ia an ia- D —" It is lamentable, 1 will go right to their full dues, bear their share of the bur- W C Moore and J B L Mitchell), $50; P D alao That each atoekholder ahall ba tica The member of ona way of the spiritual husbandman. You know Scarborough. $50; W H Creed, $50; Min- pnvided, itpaadeat body, no one church can expect aay work and see if we cannot redeem our dens of the churcii. Am I right?" promptly paid the dividend upon hia atoek de- the same faith and order) can | that stumps are great for briers, and that eral Springs Church, $50; J E Woodard, $25; olared at the annual meetioga of the Sodsty •Oer to Isdans its aets, only so &r as they are church from dishonest dealing The obliga- " I fear that you are. We have some Bosion of another only by briers are positively injurious if we come in i'J Whit^M^ «wlthathis rtock riiall be W^bf.TpS; tion b still binding, aad we must pay up." sach. Others see their example and are Jsitziet accordance with tha laws of Christ. If contact with them; how they will catch i • TY t- 'T O ? T IT Society aa tie «ock la and not hj^rigkt, for each ehn " That is right, Bro. D. 1 want you and dbheartened. They eucceeed in killing New Hope Church (fey J C Jones), $50; J F other BOBIMBcompanyT . UI any lis szBlBdes a camber aajastly, any other hold here, and scratch there, cling to and Henry, $50; Pleasant Grove Church, $50; A being made the guardian of all the deacons ia our churches to urge our everything that is started. They ridicule it, OFFICEm iksreh can reatere him if it sees fit. retard our progreis as we pass along. So J Reddy, Bonner, $25; W J Smith, Downs. sacred fleast, ia invested with < people to undo this great wrong, for upon criticbe it severely, and show altogether a Anx. 4. The Officers of tWa BocJety liall bs 7. Whenever aay church acta in violation of many, by the contagion of their example, viUe, $25; A J Sims, Vernon, r25; J L a President, 14 Vice-Preaidenta, Cornapondiu our deacons rests a great weight of respon- fault-finding, unchrbtian spirit." McBride, $25; M T Caleman, $50, New discipline those wasse riUtio^ Oa direetiana of her only Lawgiver, aa found are retarding the coward progress of our Secretary, Becording Secretary, Treaanrer, aad sibility in this matter. Do your duty. Good " What course can you pursue toward Prospect Church, $50; Shiloh Church, Shi- tweaty-five Managers, wbo shall bs elected an- gives the right. ia Oa Keir Testament, she hecomes rebellioua cause in this State. loh, $50; Pisg^ Church, Shiloh, $50; J A 1 must ciill at nually by ballot, and who together ahall eoMti- 6. ChristiaE Baptism ij thel —4sr acta anil and veld; and all other churches. such members to rid the church of their Hicks, $50; L K Carta, Arcadia, $50; J W tate a Beard sf Manacers. Mi Aisodationa of churches, and ConvenUons, THKT SKTEB CO FORWABD GBIP TOW>-.'' evil itiflueiice, by gelling them out of it, or Burt, $50; £d Houston, $25; D H Houston, BOABD 07 lUlTAGEBS. bsiiever ia water by a c^aalifie ihoild withdraw their fellawBhIp Cram her until in works of faith and labors of love. They by making them useful members ? " $25, C H BuUer, $50; W C PattLwn, $25; Aar. 5. The Board of Mansfers shall [Un in the name of the Trinity, A queer place it b. It contains a ilold- Downsville Church, $50. Total, $1450. sia ispesta and reetiies her order, er they be- are wide awake and active enough in regard Kealiy, I can t say. Tbese very men power to appoint iu own me«iii|^; eleot iti Fiist Baptist church, a grocery, and a tipsy awn Chairman and Secretary; appoist an ffiitoi tha burial and rEScrectioa of who czfiect so much of others, who find so The above notes we have sent to ElA D. tMBB &s partakers of her sins. to worldly afiairs, but slow to speak, and still deacon. The church professes to be mission- of ita papers aad pablieatioas; Suadiag aad fcssicn of a de*th to ain, unio -9. That so Assodation, or Convention, or slower to act or make sacrifices for the cause ary, but it b largely omiisionary. They give much to carp at in the other members and II. Burt, Arcadia, for hb personal collection, Speual Committeea; alao^ its Agenta aad Cal- portetirs; fill any vacant which may ocoor is consecration to hia aerviee. Oiiadl, fa a HOmrt ef Appeal," or has uy of Jesus. Such of no more use to the nothing to the cause of Jesus; they have in the preacher, are not open to advice, nor or through whom he may appoint to assbt lis own hedy, or ia the of&ce of CSaneapondiaf therefore, can answer thia dea| •atWltj over the rhnrche^ but ia simply an church than a fifth wheel would be to a starved out their pastor; they do not take will they ever acknowledge themselves in him. He will address all through the paper. Beeretaiy or Treaanrer; enact ita own By-Lawt; •Maty souncil; therefere, U has no right U wagon in a mud-hole. There are too many any of our religious newspapers, and they error about anything." MT. LtBAKOK, LA.—M H Gibbe,$25; L T [Frovidtd alvojft. They ooniorm to thb Coaatits- feasien cf baptism cannot be disfal» t» t&e ehnrdes, or to demand support of this Hold-Fast (to the world) tribe about are dying out, as they deserve to do. God ' Could they not be turned out of the Rogers, $50; L A Wall, $75; C A Thurmond, tion); aasign tha dntiea of the CorrespondiBc except " th: ehiUrea of God ia^l IK aay pcojeet or st^eme whieh it may origin- $25 , Jas Canfield. $25; D Miaell, «25; James Secretary: superiataad all pablieationa of iht RidfevQle and eUewhero in our State; but has B> a^e for euch a church, and the sooner church as disturbers, creators of dissensions, Sooiety; establish Depontories; aa4 ia |«a«sl 16 and xiviii: 17 j Mark xvis J M may oaly wcommend, advise and urge F Tavlor, $50; J E Egan, $25; SalneChurch, we are not the only people afflicted with it gives up the ghost the better; then there covetous, heady, high minded, and the $25;' W B Prothro, $50; P J Key. $50; to wat^ over tha inter^ts aad trlnsaettka Acta viii: to the ciose; Kom. vi| ia padtamanoa of daty in subMrvience to the such useless lumber, for they are to be found will be some hope of building up a church like?" Mt Lebanon Church, $.50. The notes of the business of the Society. Sevea memben ahaQ aonstituta a qnomm, t^o ahall receiv; a Dberil GalL ui. 27. paat CaiiatiaB vetamtary pxineiple. more or less everywhere, and a great pity it fit for the Master's use in thb place, and the "Perhaps so, but there isn't moral cour- above we have sent to Bro. P. J.Key. Total, L Wham any lAarah departs torn the faith, sompeaaation for the time given to the Bodety'i BnTying in water of one de ia. But I am more immediately concerned name changed from Grip to something age enough in the church to undertake such $425. business. sAiilataB the orders ef the gospel, in the jndg- HOMER, LA —Rebecca Simmons. $50; T 5 about this very serious condition of afliirs better. Some may think a thing. " only action; since tbe burial ( ••it •( jkha Aasooiatiaa, it can and should witb- Sligh, $50; A W Moncrief,$2J; W J Mercer, TEKAKUKIE. in our loved Stata Brethren, where are we " Well, 1 thick your difturbers are many. A*R. 6. The Treasurer ahall giva beads ig the only "likeness" cr re}.re dms Ua fldlawship from her and leave her to t AM ROUGH. Arizona Church (by J Shnck), $50; Antioch drifting? What are we doing in God's vine Principally your church suffers from not Church (by Fortson & Moik), $50, M J tueh an amount aa the Board may appoist; in tii2 wcaid, fcriti.s calleJ i ^^wmait aatil she repenta. This is aa inter- Well, you see it is a rough case I am deal- shall under the direction of the Board; yard? Oh, what slothful servants we are! co-operating with and pmying for your pas- Johnson, $75; J E Meadora, $50; Homer be aad fsnnee with her internal regulation. ing with, and rough treatment b absolutely Church (taken by vote of tie church) $50; ahall make an Annual Report to the Society. nipoETASi raiBcS Remember, the day of reckoning is coming. tor, from neglect of individual duties 10. Baptists are not FrotestanU. Since they necessary. Nothing short of heroic treat- Wm Maxey, $25: W L Oaks, Haynesville, HESnXGS. 1. Tac Litilt^ aaJ the Bihlt j "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, church cserabers, from criticising the preach Abt. 7» The Society shall anaoilly, kI atrar had any eccleaiuticsl connectica with ment will meet the case. The wound must Total amount of noteein the hands of meet wiih auoan deTicea or traJ Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of er. when you ought to be worshiping God, Bra Maxey, who will serve the brethren by anch time aad place aa the Board of MAAA^EN tha F^acy, th^ are now, and have been, the be probed to the bottom ; the faithful mcst appoint. Special meetings the BODA^ heaven, but he that doeth the will of my forwarding for them $225. may of ha? be°n. t be rcliginn of Baptlj jip^tatjiTu of the principles and practices of be aroused; the tree must be pruned; the and from not |-a> ing just debts. These dig- may be called by the President er Correspcsi- t. rotiisTt Itws (RS bapng Tipaey, whether found in Home or ia the Prot- Father which b in heaven." dead limbs must be cut cff, and this will re- tuibers will soon prove Qestroyers, if not MIKDBS, LA.— All uapad notes due, and ing Secretary, upon application of the Beaidci "danagew. Mfant secta that cams out of her. What b to become of our churches ? or quire the saw, the hatchet and the knife. It very soon put out from among you. L^t taken at ilinden. La, we Qave sent to Bro. cf bsptism, etc.) arc not left I IL ITs regard Protestantism, aa well aa tie how supply our destitutions in village and your church repent acd turn again unlo Ler ' C. IL Ardis, who will forwtrd with pieasure. SLIGIBIUTT TO UEinSKESHIP AM) OmCK. in requirr and is time to speak out in meeting, and that ART. 8. So OJSeer, Manager, Agent CO'I- sTl cofcz jiosUivt country 7 are questions that should arouse tir?t love ere the candle.st:ck be removed. j Tne following b the Ibt: or Rafbrmatiea of 1SS7, as based on the aasuiaptian pl^nly, or Roman Catholicism, with all the pone or cf the Society ahall be eliRibie to ISCE. or ezan.iiet- {kat the prophecies and declaratioca cf Christ us from our lethargy and startle us to actioa7. ! armies of aliens, will poajess this fair land. ' Amen." i John R Reynolds, M'ndf-a B .ptist ;r to A vcte in the 'eleciion of the Board ol 3. To liiviJe the positive temsMag^ his chun^ are fUse, thus making I spend sleepless nights thinking and prsy Chuich, J F Hinsm, for Fellowship Managers, except he be a nembcr in good Chrisi into and standing in some regular Baptist CTURCK, WIOT at.-ntiaU non-en {^liai as imposter, and the reformers, and not ing and weeping over our fpiritual desola- i To the Pa.st«rs and IJeacons of Red Rirer how Christ ia to be r!stnrbert€a unpaid, taken posed at a previous Annnal .Meeiinj-, er »- or to sS shnn&SB, aer are any privileged companiea gird thee for the toil I ''See how tby reoB in the gimt riolaiing all. up ! ia a comfortable meeting bou?e, the tc it? uii^s-ionsrv- in'.erests her bounds at iihreveport, Man3field,iveac!ii at.d liings- mended by two-thirds of the Beari of Manajeif, of af titeas the church; hence all Pedob^tist foes encamp arouud, and trea-'.oa larks wiih- XAY be at the Accaal MERTIAG a TOM 4. Every pcsiiiTe law, ordia preacher draws a gcod congregation, the They also jpj'ointeJ Eld. John Dapreo a? ton. La, to L. L Tomkie, banker, Sareve- made by dgaiMBialiOBa are only religious societies. two-thirds of the members freaenl. m tha churci, to in." Many of our preachers have been com- church membership iaclades some of the their mis^ioasiry. .A.t tiie request of tbat net rzjirml^ that baptism and an oficial relation to a port. La, who will chefffully forward the OFFICKES FOB 1S73. pled, ia j>aiif!re2y pelled to give up their proper woik acd go mo=t subst.intial r:en of the community. board I am inslructeJ to call tiie attention | forbidJen, « *ireh are prereqaiaita to a regular gospel min- funds without charge. Breth. Hartsfield, J. P.. GEAVES, Praiicr.L to the plow-handles, or something tlse, to Yet when they underttLke a prayer meeting of the pastors .and cieacons to this subject, | Tucker and Scott are req-aested to in- i/ one thing u Htf firoluhUian ( hence all erdiaaacea administered by an Vice-Praidtnt!: all human inventiona a provide for their famUies, having been liter-1 ^ ganday-school, the thing has a sort of in order that tJaey m.-.y bring it up before form the subscribers anc encourage the col G. W. Griffin, Tenn. J. F. Cork, MJ. nhaptiMd and anordained, although immeTsed .ant baptism, sprini^tlng, all? starved out by the churches they served. their churches, &ad send up what each lecuoa of amounts due at their respective J. N. Mills, N. a J.L. EeyB0kis,&C. Biaiatry, are auU and vmd. Jonah's gourd growth, and a very speedy practiced for-relijrions ritea, i I do not know of but eight or nine of our ch-arch can do for the payment of Ero. Da postoffioes. The followbg is the list of notes M. P. Lowrey. Miss. J. J. D. Kenfroe, Ala. 8. Ho church haa aright to hear a ca^e orought decay. Whafa the matter with the church? B. W. Blftkewood, La. W. M. Lea, Ark. ttiral warrant can be found, i minbterial brethren in the whole S:ate that pree's salary to the present time. Ke b fent, due, and bearing iJtertit from January bsfaxa it ia violation of the law of Christ. The What is r.ot the matter with it ? Let's vbit J. B. Link, Texaa. J. IL Wood, Oa. ilnfol. give themselves wholly to the work of tie the members and bear their testimony. devoiing his entire time to the work, and ia last: Treantrer.—FT, G. Craig. iptdfleation of the order to be cbserved is the —M. W. Philips, 6. Christ gkve no man, minbtry; all the remainder are ecgagc-d Here's Bro. .^.'s residence His surround- dependent upon the churches for his support Daniel Smith, Rock Mount. Lx, $25, M Corrofonding Secretary prohihitisa of any other or-ler. Itccordinff Seerelwy—fr. W. Keep. aolhority iq tra^ with the i more or less in secular pursuits. TLi^ sad ings iudicafe that he b a man of inSuence, M Maples. ShrevefKji, L.1, $25, Barrett, 4. 9s member should submit to an arraign- as their missionary. Ke needs no words of Bipbee A- Hill.for Chal beate Springs Church, BOAan OF XASAGBRa. iaation of his Choroh or Kini Baat or trial brought and conducted in visla- state of afiFiirshaa been brought about chiefly has money, property, and a large family. commendation from this board , he is too $50; R R Hanks, Cdfviile, $50; Tbomas C. B. Tonng, Mies., Joa. H. Boram, Teaa, or change his laws, and aubat J. B. Searcy, Ark., Dr. F. Courtaey, La., tisa of the laws of Christ. Each one ia indi- because in many cases We find him at home, apparently a genial well and favorably known throughout our J Allen, Shreveport, $50; J M Lawton, another. To surreuder what J " Well, bat La is not preaching for us thb church growing." anoe, nnbelief and other sinful doings, and collecting, tbocb thb is i more than tbe ar a few as a sesaion,) are t^ilai with tbs Word of God. year." " How mach do you aid yoor pastor witb striring earnestly in tbe prayer-meeting and mk-rtftblkan tyrannies ^ l^fk oosupy STsiy villace and city in ths Sode'y can ex^ We trast tbe bretbren Don that alter joar obligation 7 It b a yoor moral support 7 Don't you critioise bis tha Sanday-sobool for tbe eonversion of will either ea) upon tbese bretbren who ^wfUly eeuuteaaaea, ac ' wMT Lat tbe biitiiran wbo^.^Mged'tbeir dtsmiaa joa. I wish to speak to " Well, sir, I don't know that it is azaotly ai« emblems of them tbat bare "a name iag from thoss of tha hi«MB| tei ta Mtfa IW chnrchea to ake^SO, or pay. it tbenual?ea Vsrou orAia xnenaicoK ^ yoar bnaineas to leotare me on my datiea to to lire and yet are dead;" tbe fonndationa mOotett, «i«kaao«arissiaita*Taa«tUis«ks astisna and for theMehrea, proBq>tlr bring otbe ««aj«s^y baeaUad a : "Good xaoEoiBgi Bra D, I bare oome to my pastor. I do not know tbat it doea bim rotted, the doora barely ban^g by broken ta tha cteadi ttaiaib tka nutter op, ad get tbeir Tpuior toaid tbeia, Ari^ er a teaaah af «h»l aak if .yecs .•horeh dou not owe your any b»m to critioiaa bis poor, dij sermons.' binges, tbe irindows k^ race gcmeand tbe «*I%atockaraathatit7 yoa and lake op rooUectian oB thafinl^lpo^ni• "teacfaqaaltalka I^or somattung tn aerricea last fear, and aaapected snnetbing of tbu^ Now let roof letting in more of bearux'a 'light than mentaadpaii*1Ip. iSeteraltboBsand pages after." Itsvbi^fbr tba jaa» jb^CciM I" me ask yoa agsin: Have yoa pa^yoar,qn^ erer doea tbe membership.^ Disorganizatioa of aooBd teli^aBaaod dapomfaiational Utar' sdsslaaarisa ef the jlfc—"WkTKUm^PfMftJio? siaw, i>f oar oborcbea in the faoe^ W. atoea^aialitKited gratnitoaaijr .sfstbai q^E^Ta,tbiai«ia|was. I.cannot,aay jtqn dat^nnipMilM fojte^all Waat, pf. nptam, Inkawannaass,'idlaness; familtes xaambera bndfldtt> iLlika yoor question' wX ajl.^ Uaoonda zatber ^oaj^ toMlp paator to saco^ ia ne^aetoCtlM dntiea^ daily atodyingGod'a gr^iftian ^atodlft'wiU daimzaensi pjod^ bisworkbere?" ^ . woid, ikad oar people of -^SttiMiPBfirtiMBk •••B^.lftm* that vm^t itMfping aodfitfiUiteetoeainft:!' ka^ ak p-U. T

    tPoMieaii •t IMS. y : enoe to tfaoaa iHw taieh ilujwd notes, and hte tplhestioMii of t^e oiMt^ if ne:iBEiT. xnakioga ipedaltf of^ fiwnote, tol, fau, leae, th^'^'^ drown (ha rbioe'*^ the minister KronAST >oc«xuw. lB.«smf wsyj^ig ,So]xiaaj,aBdireho^aa;wbaea9ptei to auayatem. TheiiatiTe dimity of these iMn, now and then?. Dogs were made to bark. W« wMt U onapleu tkl I. OBa IiaataioB, X^ Ih«ChxtaUMflM«MBak*m.l J^.cbMdtaUa ntl- the Scnthem Bi^tist PabUeatkm Sooiaty tieB.aadaH6*na|;loB tsbnd Ir Watat,—J. L. Jum. Co laf nothing about tiiair afftnamottf In ma- The minister' threw « few hot shot among It may lie tky way; r. We niuiot yUkt ym^ y I, Xbatia immanioa ii tka frafMsin of were daa last Jaaoarj, and now beai^ • affir oppoitti^ «Thn« ii a*^ mMOa gfia ^UHMM OMhUto a^ de, deulf entitiea them to the degree. We the dogs, and if no eSect wu ^rodaeedpn And yst in his own way, terest, wish to psj* them, acd«ttb» IBM l^t sM lUtk. ia. ikti kmal ud rmme&MJei UftiMi. AnttwnBte.*xa«tldaa iaaaat tidBldiiwata had- cna of theae gentlemen with as not the. dogs, ihiawaa not true of some oOuir*. • diWwa a,, » ^ "Tho Lord wUrprovide.' time take np their notes, that fce-.kaf* Vest bnacfaworoflttoetacf tkaOUkoUoottm tM.aB4 tha; long ainca, and I was congratulating myaelf mfler yaa ura no mor«. v^ lard. Sea Bom. t1; CoL H: 13; u« with it putakwa ef ita root mai I»ta«a" (i. Ja- Soon after, many of this yelping brood were At some time or other "the Lord willpnride ;" them to the foUomag hrethres. to.«baBi vpma ta tfn, bat ta fa,y„t„ 1CS£.ZV:29; IFetariii: 21. jalcni).—BT. BET. J. T. TAATCAA, Bp. of StTuksrt. with the prospect sf adding much interest not only aon at, but suitable subjects for tho It may not be my time. they can pay and ^ their notea lEbem M J at^ joiat itflck mmrnm^ L na Graea of God, tka oaly fanndatiaa of to our church musia But to our serious Requieteai in paee. Their yelps were bushed; It may not ba thy tima 1 c^ - .v^ brethren wiIl>obii^ them by forwatdifig a Mil or tmnjirer your atack^U J I>ttor from Jelm SBftk of Arkansas to John aa «ny otier ttock. it disappointment he didn't innke his appear- night and day ceased to be hideous, and .^nd yet in his own time, their fundi to ua for them, and w« will Sopa and Faitk » Ckrist, tke only aedinm of iSmith of Tirglaia. rhea one* in M opapiUo- «>» anca at church the first Sunday after he their angry apirita were now following in the "The Lord will provide." proBjptly retom oertifieatec. - f .Trs'? ifllar® • diTidead of tWeiitT u ffltiftsalion. DKAR COCSIX Jomr:—I hare to coafess to came. Upon inquiry, I found out that he wake of Tantrabogas, long since departed DCB AT MONNCRITOJLXD HAXBIMC —^UNPAID •nnnaUy. Tii. joa witt rwii,, 1 Tka Tford of Qod Ike Instrument, and Ike a tad humor to-day, but I certainly have felt himself very sorely grieved, slaying into the quiet shades of dogdoni. Dsspoa>l,lhen, no longer, "the Lord will provide;'' ITO » la the poblic»tio»a And this be the token, notes taken in lli71, and ail due Januarr gjirit of God tke Agant in tka reganeraUen ol canss to be mai Clayton's bogus legislature away because he hadn't been formally in- The question—tbe great queatiou—tie all- l*t. 1373; A 0 JonBs,$i^; A T Ikompsoo. Ttm Me, ' No word he hath sps'sen, •old ftn- yon by the depaaitarr' is now in session, and, purposely to offend vited to lead our singing. To prevent such absorbing question, the question of the a^e, |150; H Allen, $50; L E Morgan. $50, Z J idalta. Was ever yet broken— Merest in «aah. The piBdei/ me, as I thought at first, it has abolished a calamity in futnre, the next day being our Wc»d. $50; Z T Wooi ?50; Mrs Rachel Mdety U, that it mates -4. Back risible Chnrck of Christ is a company the question was. Who did the deed? To " The Lord will provide." ^th, t50; Mary 11 Markham, ?10<1 TWaT; the name af my county and town. Somebody business meeting, I had a committee of this question frankness and candor gave one dlitribmor to the extent at kia »|>OTpturally inimersei beUarers only, (not of took it upon himself to communicate my seven appointed to present mine and the answer, and interest another. While this ^'"ob oa, then, rightboldly,tbe sea shall dividf: Notes half due Januarv. i S73- Eld A Cans- Thy pathway made glorious, WbeneTrer a subacnter bs^rars aadtkeir K^nserUd children and uel- state of mind to headqaarters, and the name church's compliments, specially inviting him excitement was at its pinnacle, a meeting ler,$75; H Allen, $25 Total, $9tW Thaa I; iis win reeeire tea per erat With sheutings victorious, tn on probauoa,Associated by rolantary oore- of SmiiA was fixed upon for the county, and to be with us on the following Sunday to was bad by the church, at which I was we have sent to Bro. J. f. Baasey, who wiU f flf {Be quarter fallowing (tT We'll join in tho chorus, take pl^ure in remitting tor the parties. ' f March, his eertiieate win aaat ta obay and czecuta all commandmenta of SmitAitaid for the town, as I believe, with a conduct the singing. Ue came very late, present in my dream, and which was presided " The Lord will provide • " Dcx AT WAHarS —Eld J D Easberry, SSO; a iat of April;, in the view to my pacification. Bat I am still slipped in and took the back seat in the Qk^Mt, hariag tka same organization, doctrinea, over by Bro. Diotrephea A decade or two had p5 ^ ^ Buckingham, -oiety- and whea the sociati wraiAif. And besides this, they have gone house. I had him waited on again by the in ha will rtcaiva the aaaa^ liieera, and ordinaaeea of ibe Ckorek at Jera- not witnessed such a turn out Coming to Xoteg from tbe Field. and built a railroad right tiirough my town committee, but they returned and reported These we'have sent to Eli. Sasberry. |ta pabUeatiana, ts b« i«Ieet«{ ]» •lem, aad independent of all otkers, acknowl- the question of selecting a pastor for the CXJIDE5 CHCRCH and farm, being iwqmdaU enough to ask the PRurcrroir.—Kid A Yates, $150; W E can tail if ha doaa 1x04 wiaii that the Profator's rule was to have his ap- next twelve months, the following speech is Btlll pushing forward with vigorous effort Iswgirer in Zlon bat Ckrist, and snb- privilege of locating the depot on one of my Dana, $50; J A Bowens, «50. T<^ $250. pointments for singing announced a week was made by Bro. Interest • the work of preparing their house. Tbe par raeHaira* I.aat, aM giittiag to no law be has not enacted. Bead lota. What ahaU 1 do? I verUy believe, if These we have sent to Bro. Yatea, who will ir lia ttnimm tS beforehand. Now, will you accept the " Tho question before us must bo disposed workman says (D.' V.) he will have it ready forward aa he has heretofore. ta . ^^ these abomittaiU Yankees lunt kept out of I ta ta. SaB.it7; 1 Cor.i:2; Efi.i:l; CoLi:l-5: amendment 7 Do so if you can, and remem of. Let the people say what they think, and by the second Sunday in June for use, at Fr. SjinrH.—M S Buckley, $500, W A the country, there'll be a railroad and iHaiirniios. ica U:«. 42. ber thia class of long neglected worthies to ih»uk what they say, but a change is neces- which time we expect Bro. W. D. Mayfield, Welch, $100; U J Barry, $50; W L Banr, railroad towns in every county in the State. $50; J R G W N Adatns. $100; EM Loww^, i. The " Lord's Sapper" ia a poaitira and the Board of Richmond College. Unlike sary. The interests of the church, the revela- of Helena, to visit . Camden and] aid in a I name of thia Society shall be But it's no use pulling agvnst the elephant $50; HByers,«50; Ft Smith Chareh,' igmmemoraUTa ordinaaea to be obaarved only some, they would not be disposed to decline tions of the past few weeks, the unexpressed meeting of several daya Let every dollar •'""'ST PuaucAxioa SOCTXTT," I suppose submission will be a necessity. Total, $950. Bra Buckler wiUforwa OWKCT- ' , the honor. It seems the Smiths are much convictions of the neighborhood all prove possible be sent forward at eiic«2to Bra W. id from tyaCborck of Ckrist a* «scA (tkatis, in eknreb But objeet air tliis Society shall ba exposed to the assaults what I say. I am understood; it is useless F. Wallis, treasurer of the church, and let Ft Smith, and greatly oblige us and the -BganBal Trii^oa by msaat of i^aaity), not aa a test of ChriMSanftUorctKp or otra cHuacH HKBE brethren. or C0NFIDE2ICB HEX. to protract these remarks." all earnestly pray that God. may visit his m and Colpartage. penonal feeling of one commnnicant toward had a hard straggle over these changea. The DlWitt.—All the following amounts ara liro. Dont-Gxre: " I am for the lest inter- people and greatly revive his work^at Cam- M iUCBJiUS Uif. day that the first train came anorting into 1 have a ease similar to youra Ue ia a dueatDeWitt,andwehave forwarded tha I^ara of $60, anbaeribad aadprid laoUter, aa Pedobaptiata erroneonaly teach, bat eata of the church. Drive has been killed. den during the meeting in June. town, the brethren aaeceeded in getting up correapondent of oar organ. The Crutker. notes to W. H. Hallibarton, Esq, who wiU mta one a nmmbar or itoek&oUor olf ta ikow fortk Ckriafa imttk till ke eomea Somebody done it. The best cow and calf ELDoatno CBT;BCB T, and enutle hini to a certiSaal* a " called " conference to cansider the mat- Aa soon aa he reada the paper, or his piece please receive and forward:;^.- . igaiar »ae his time " to reading, i Vieo-Presidenta, Corraapond^ fisdpline those wkass relationship .ordinarily make some improvements on the bouse, for doors again, and reports through the neigh- by forwarding their funds: ' dlnf Saeratary, Traaanra«i tad Bro. Can tor: " 1 think I understaEd the to exhortation, to doctrine." Weald that we thought proper to keep pace with the borhood that Parson Smith and his family J A Sogers, $50; C 0 Hown, 550: M M Kgen. who fhall be eleetad an- jiTsa tke rigkL present state of things. Shall not oppose other churches and ministera woald emulate McGuire, $50; R Yeaxsy, 550; E JJJogui march of things around us. They accused are strangers to the commoa amenities of , and who tagather ikall eoneti- 6- Ckristian the cbanpf, if the brethren think it best their example. I iiad the pleasure of preach- Si Son, ^0; A M .Tones, $50; New Hope Haaagan. me of making the most eloquent specch ever civiliied life. If I am at hitrne—and he has Bapti^ is the immersion of a But I insist on everything belnp put on its ing three times her^. Tnis mominglwe at- Church No. 1, $5y, Eld W W C.-awfo:d,$50. I or lUJTASZBS. made ia the county; and some of then who got so he comes in at the back doar to cut Total, proper basis. If this change has for its tended to the funeral of little;Frank1Lamar I Board ef Haaagara ahaU kaT* SsiiBTtr ia water by a qoalified administrator, had threatened to take letters it we didn't me olT—he is glad to see me, and wants to CBAausTOK—D H Toliisoa. $50; B H its awn naiKinga; elaat itc ba'is the destructinn of the unfortunate ca- Perdue, son of Bro. J. M. Perdue, one of the ia tha name of tke Trinity, ia Ttpraentatian af move out of town, were so completely t-n- know if I have read his last piece in The Pettigrew, $50; Charleston Church, [ 3eeratai7; appoiat aa Bditor nines, lot it plainly stated, and po, i' the deacons of this c'aurch.^ Mayi GodJcomfort Hepzcbah Cnurch, S". •. .1 A UoOifeiidOB, gnbUaatiana; Btandiag and ikf burial and resarecUoa ef Ckrist, and pro- thuseJ by what I said, that they clear forgot Crusher, it makes co ditTererce what my ground be, our indebtedness to the pastor. the stricken faiher aad mother. $50. Total, $2.50. Who will eoU^ these H; alaa, ita Agaata and Cal- to ask for the letters. We all went home answer is, he props his feet ag&inst the Ere Tacansy whiak laay oeenr la fasicn tf a deatk to sin, siuoa. with Cbriat, and ThodogesciterKpnt furniiihes a fine pretext for US? ' - perfectly satisSei to let the church eUnd, board and proceeds with the reading; keep- ' ia tka office of C7:i. Let all by Eld J Lewis, 550; S T W Me^ Sbaiety. devea members abaD than the gospel ha? cost us in the last five who can attend. iMviii: tatheeiase; Bom. ri: CoLii-.U; reconciled were Tennesseeans—and there is Xo woadpr that I am growing prematurely Eld John Aaron, $50; T H.Robetaoo, 150^ un, wko akall tae^Tf a Obanl yeara Here, then, we may get value received .K brother wboai I ualerstood to pledge John Roberson, for tka iiiaa giTsn to tka Soeiaty'i CaILiii.2B.27. nothing BO potent with them as the name gray under th:? weekly process. Mrs. Smith for our losies." for mlsiioui at tue convention claims §51'; J V McLure, ISDj i and deeds of Andrew Jackson. Knowing advibed me to go and see the editor about Cedar Grove Church, by J C Walke^ $50, Baryingia water of one dead to sin is .the Bro. Eis^ " I ata muc'a pleased with what that the minute is wrong. He moves to TKEASTTHIE. this, I shaped my course accordingly. I had it—Eld. Pope. 1 did eo, and olTcred ban Greenwood Church, by Holland & Bean,$ro, Ti-eaasrsr shall gita bontia io sal? action; since the burial of a dead man is -selected and memorized some high sounding the best hoase and lot in t-mithland if he the l.vst tpe. tpr said. The laws of tbe am?nd by sty-n^ >' -\ccepted. Eid W D Hoean, SoO; Mt Pleasant Chmth, St aa the Board aiay appeiat ; lie unly "like'ness" or representation of death Latin phrases that I found in a dilapidated would hare this ccrrpspondmce discontin- coaritry, Hud tilt y hivve for their basis the law-i J. B. SSAROf. -Sugar Loaf, $50, bv S Goforth; J M Adami, • the direction of tka Board; cad $50; A J Rfppy, $ j J: M Eppa, $50; Z Hop- a ia tha Toali, for it is called the likeness of deiUi. old fpelling book, and I used these to much ued. He looked ct Eie under his ot God. provide tor iiidt^mnity ngainst ail E.dj.-i ia, A.ii:., .ip 11:26, IS7U. I A ntmal Bep0; J J Rogers W D Eppereon, I Society sball Bicet aantuUIy, at through these q'jotatioas, which I affirmed be tru-^teu, and saM ; "I onco Ihou •lit, the ' Hvail our>plv>» of th:s wise provision, j G il Farmer, $50: T W Browne. SOT; I^eas- L lie EibU, and the BihU aloae, anailojed i-.ni J-ii.: iriuli aa articla in No. 34 1 piaca aa tka Board of Maaagaia was the exact language of Gen. Jackson on interest? of the paper d.-mardeu hi-- disccn U i.-t. CO inr :n I can sre, our only laode ol ant Hill Church, S^'*, nv A RCaitwood; 7no gpeaial meetings of tka Soe^ty Tiita haman de-rices or tradition, is, and ever ledross 1 nope tn« ckurca vr .ii'ho hearty ITa^ Bv.-risr. by Bro. LDwrey, on the C Walker, S50; E J Wallace,, J M going into the numerous battles that Le tiauacce, but a little cxperit-ccft s-ati.= i:ed I by the President *r Correapon^ ^ been, the religion of Baptists. the by, Ve&iey, SaU, W A ilitchell, S50; ,W S , upon appUeatioa of tbie Beard ei fought—using them as so many watch-words in .-irloBtir-It.irloptir . • ''••I'-'J''*"^ D.tF^ring ' By- me of my great mistake, .\fter making Bro L . to mv jud-cceht, is one of our very Young, 550; T H Kcl.inson, $50; Pleasant Z. FuiH^e laws (as baptism and thj subjects by which to conquer—I came to the la£t Ilrretni' votp wn."! tnkn, mid fearing still greater level and heart right wbpnever he writes, Ike elecUon of tha Board af 9r tsssspies. after I recoived a sharp letter from Eld. by Epperson & Hiil, $50; G H Peitus, $50; with the importance of tha sutject, the oc- troi.Me-s w-ul i fo'l-jw on the heels of the crpt ha ba a membar in gocd 5. Ta uifida the positire requirements of Hobby, ajkiD5 a!:«Oiat his piece oa the ' Phi- Iho-«, -1 GroveChu-rch.-^-0.byWLiberty Spring....s .Church A, Mitchel$50; ..Plesiiiui.l jj ^t ae nsgnlaT Bsptiai Ciarck, malea casion and the point to be carried, I asked cocf. rence, uti i U! iking an tfforl to ri^e and Christand :um-tutntiaLi,i3 ts decide losophy of Hen Scratching.' He eaid he Bat to return to .i.e subject, I hope all Watson, $50; H AllenAH™ , SS?."2.j, ;• Wm iBomm , rbespesially granted, andinanai- at the top of my voice " if they had not 1, ivi' tijv! iLie Uiists and darkness sur- i Toia of Ike Board af Manageia. bow fir Oirist is to te obeyed, and in what could withdraw 100 subscribers from tbe ha;e or will read tho piece alluded to in $25; H Cr P Williams $-2>; J H Howard, heard of the great city of Nashville, in the 1 paper. rounding me trera disiipated, and I perceivtd $25 : J R.tchey, S25; S C Buckingham, $25 ; lara OF THE OTSBTITUXIOS. pcdats we may s»fely disobey him. Bat to re- I tried to pacify him by wriiinghim TBE B.vPTi5Tof 26 h of April. 1873. It is itioBs af tMa Conm-imtioa pw- ii wjs all -A dre;v!n—just as much so as Bun W B Johnson, §25; B W Warren, J F Taae to citey one sf the least of his positiTe re- fruitful State of Tennessee—the grand old that his piece never reached tho office. But worth re readici;. I wisii Bro. Lowrey would Stedman, $25; Dr R H Andrews, $25; J G iaas uk Oat! It will be ftr better for fae brethren to man that ever trod the earth 7 " ("' Yes " ment of a newspaper ofSje. So I had to dig begins, what it is, and ho.v it is to bo con- mcsss I-US 1*73. ia tha charc3, nai rxprtuly conwumded or exam- Brethren iu the .^outh, look out for an pay these notes this spring than next year Prmdtn-^ many voices.) " Did you ever gaze upon her up his piece out of the waste basket, re- tinued. ^lad, is poMtlhely forhi-idat, tbice the tptdfication icip.intt r. ni;ai clAiming to bs a Baptist with interest. A little effort will clean the Kc».iVsM!Sfntr r turrets, her pinnacles and slate-covered write and print it, telling him that 1 had got 1 I will say, or ril'a»r ask the question, u Tann. J- f. Caok. if-. v'au thing U the frohZUSoa oy or girl, ihin or woman, be the ordinance of baptism is mentioned, ha beJore he would say, " 1 have just seen a , Tenn- John Qlaaa, Tana., I. Fnaciplea can neither be coarfhd noi hoochie, a distance of 7492 miles, and makes pl«iXion, wiih lif;ht red hair, eyes gray or called educated whe are desiiuteof the prin- transfers instead of translating the ori^ad , Tena, S. Flood. Mo., the run in leas than seven hours! I ask. piece exactly to the point in my paper,"and ciples of obedience and reverence to their . Tenn., E. P. Laeada Term., (a^jToBBfleiz. hazel color; neavy spt, with heavy hands and word. BaUisxn. is tlie Burmese, as baBpS^ is , Tenn, W. G. Crane. Tezaa, iMoaTurr FXCTS. Who built this mighty railroad?' Go to hauling out from his pocket several well larite fingers ; wore muatache, which stood parents ? Though they may understand all the English form of iapci^i. When it ia ,Tei, W.aJlajfiaid. Axit 1. An Khalart, eriScM md leaeo^n^hen, of any the rear, yoa people who want to live in the worn copies of The Cnuher, he would begin up toward bis nose LI» wore a frowning, the sciences of men aad be able to span the remembered that in Dr. Jodsoa's ezc^eafc , Ark. W. E. Peon, Texas. swamps all yoorilires, aa I annotmce to yon to read his own stale pieces, that the most ot universe, and count all the stars in tbe IZSd CH*tlTKa; HO, wumia

    sssssssssssssssgmmaaaam ^ jjoioe to. a Kni! hfllSsl^PWW* 'tcjii simHl^eMi^^ii^^ diri^l^WBvery (raiinqi"'j|!; J j- iMii ..Tlw.yirgin^ ? ji^i^fatpAe posa^fim. Ncrrtheni -State- &od-lias good and tme possess before, and impartrndthtog ^fchmar not ^ i liranioat eibrt to plaat herself on ih« B« IavfoIt;>B