Web address:

MINISTER: Rev. Peter Hughes [email protected] 0151 364 0134

Peter’s day off is Friday - messages and emails left on Fridays will not be received by him until Saturday.

NEWSLETTER – October 18th 2020

Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us that what we do for the least of our brothers and sisters, we do also for you. Give us the will to be the servants of others as you were the servant of all; for you gave up your life and died for us, but live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary

Almighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth and formed us in your own image. Teach us to discern your hand in all your works, and to serve you with reverence and thanksgiving; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, supreme over all creation, now and for ever. Amen.


Hello everyone, I hope you are all coping with the latest guidance about our daily lives. I heard a great report on Radio 4's PM programme on Wednesday, where the reporter Stephanie Power visited to see what she could still do during the restrictions. It showed what a great city we live in and reminded me that even during this time we can still enjoy the place where we live. A man she met commented "there are worse things than being locked down in Liverpool....when you haven't heard another human voice in 24 hours and someone says "hello" to you it's a nice thing". This week I have walked down to Grassendale Promenade and looked across the River to the Wirral and the Welsh hills. I also took a stroll across Garston Park, enjoying the sunshine and autumn colours. My heart has been cheered by the many people I have managed to talk to on the phone. I hope you have something positive from the past week that you and look back on and feel good about. Each day we awake, God is with us - as he is when we sleep. Every day is a gift from God, an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Even though we can't be together in Church for now, the Holy Spirit still binds us together in love. This time apart will pass, and we can be encouraged by the knowledge that we are staying apart for the sake of each other's safety and to do our bit for keeping the local community and our family safe. May God bless each and everyone one of us. Peter.


I am pleased to report that the major urgent stonework repairs to the church have now been successfully completed, despite the wind and the rain! The scaffolding has been removed, and the gardens now open again. Thank you all for your patience while this urgently needed work was being carried out. There is still some work to be done to some of the walls and the buttresses at the rear of the church but we don't yet have a date for this as we are awaiting the arrival of the stone. It should only take about a week and I will let you know when the work will be being done.


The Methodist Superintendent Ministers met during last week to discuss options for Churches during the time that Liverpool is on Tier 3 of the Coronavirus alert system. They asked the Churches to be informed of: "Our very strong recommendation that those churches in tier 3 should not be open for worship. This is the time to revisit our risk assessments. We would like to highlight the following:- - While worship is permitted, we cannot meet in the majority of other settings - Alternatives to meeting physically for worship are available - Our priority is to save lives - Many of our regular worshippers are clinically vulnerable - In holding services worshippers and preachers may be travelling in and out of the tier 3 region."

In order to honour this guidance, we will plan to open our Church again only when Liverpool has been moved out of Tier 3 and it is safer for us to meet together. We continue to pray for our city, that the infection levels will fall quickly, that God will help our NHS workers and that those who are ill will make a good recovery. During the last week we have been aware of several members of St James’ Church who are suffering with the virus. This reminds us how close to home it is and shows why we need to be so cautious at present. May God, help us all through at this time.

Telephone Worship – Sunday 18th October 2.30p.m.

To join us for a short (15-20 minutes) Act of Worship: From your normal “landline” telephone: Dial: 0330-159-6644 between 2.20pm and 2.30pm on Sunday. On being asked, enter the following number, or “Pin”: 37 38 18 You will be able to chat with everyone else who joins until the service starts.

This Sunday’s Act of Worship, or short service, will comprise: Welcome and opening prayer, Bible reading, Lord’s Prayer, Talk or “mini-sermon” by Clive Rigby, Prayers, Grace and dismissal.

COST: - The above number costs the same to dial as ordinary UK numbers – if you have “free minutes” from your telephone supplier then there will be no cost.

And we are also invited to join with Elm Hall Drive Methodist Church’s first “Telephone Worship” service: On Tuesday 20th October, between 10.50 and 11:00am 0330-159-6644; then enter Pin: 37 38 18

Please stay on your phone for a few minutes after this service has ended to join in/listen to chat amongst the congregation

[Call Graham Martin on 0151-222-5832 or 07712-525239 if you have any questions] God Bless. Graham


For those who are celebrating a birthday this week, remember, you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. Everyone at St. James’ wishes a happy birthday and enjoy your special day. Pam Alexander celebrated her birthday on the 14th October. Mike Hughes celebrates his 90th birthday on Monday 19th October. ST. JAMES’ RAILINGS

This week's picture from our Church railings reminds us that God provides for our needs. It is true that to get what we need we do have to go to the shops, order online, or wait for a friend to deliver to us. We than have to prepare and cook our meals. We can't just be like the sparrows and find our food on a bird table! However, all that we do find in our shops or in our home delivery has come as a gift of God. He has created a world which produces what we need to live - and in such great variety! There is enough for everyone's need - not everyone's greed. As we continue through this harvest season may we be thankful for every meal and invite Jesus to share it with us.


Dear Jesus, divine physician and healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. Oh dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen. Special prayers for Jill Gudgeon, Carol and Steve Skyner, Steve Elliott, Theresa Melia, Gladys and Alan Sinnott, May Kelley and Jayne McLaren. We continue to pray for Delilah Morris and her family as Delilah undergoes more treatment. Eric and Margaret Peacop, Eric is now back in the nursing home recovering from his operation to pin his fractured hip. We also pray for all those in need at this time, especially those who are dealing with COVID-19.


This lovely snap was taken by Jonquil who has arranged these flowers in church to remind everyone of harvest and the fact we can’t meet at the moment. If you would like to share your autumn photographs, please send them to Jayne and we will add them to our newsletter.

We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand; he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain, the breezes and the sunshine and soft refreshing rain. All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above, then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord for all his love.

He only is the maker of all things near and far; he paints the wayside flower, he lights the evening star; the wind and waves obey him, by him the birds are fed; much more to us his children, he gives our daily bread. All good gifts...

We thank you, then, O Father, for all things bright and good, the seed-time and the harvest, our life, our health, our food: accept the gifts we offer for all your love imparts; and that which you most welcome, our humble, thankful hearts. All good gifts...

GOSPEL READING Luke 10:1-9 New International Version

Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two

10 After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 3 Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. 4 Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.

5 “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ 6 If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you. 7 Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house.

8 “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is offered to you. 9 Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’

St James’ Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Update

A lot of unexpected things have happened in the last few months and we have had to adapt what we do and how we do it, but through it all we have kept meeting with our young people. Not face to face but online in Zoom meetings. Each section has had their own meetings which as much as possible reflected their normal programme. On top of that the leaders put together activity/challenge packs which were delivered to their homes. Examples of the contents were a build a bug house kit, sunflower growing competition, (wind-up) animal care kit and lots more besides. At the end of summer term, we ran a “camp out at home”, some put up tents in their gardens and some slept under the stars and others in their sleeping bags on the living room floor. In late August, the news came that we were waiting for – the easing of restrictions! So, after developing risk assessments, which had to have official approval, we were able to run some outdoor activities. We would like to thank the Scouts in Garston for the use of their field. We could not camp, but we did fire-lighting, toasting marshmallows and invented a new socially distant human board game. For this autumn term we had programmes planned up until half term that included both outdoor meetings and Zoom meetings. However, as we all know, Covid infections escalated in Liverpool and in line with the resulting restrictions we have been instructed only to hold digital meetings for the time being. We have a strong team of leaders and we have worked together to produce a set of online programmes that run up until Christmas. We are continuing to recruit new members but there are always spaces for a few more in the digital world. Skip.

Music in dark Times... 1pm on Wednesdays

You are welcome to attend the upcoming ‘Lunchtime Concert Series’, run by the University of Liverpool which will be free to watch online. The concerts are streamed online accessible at any of the three locations below at 1pm each Wednesday. Each concert will last approximately 35 minutes and will be free to view on the following platforms: Set your alarm to remember to join at the start!

Department of Music website - series/

Facebook -

YouTube - Christmas Fayre Gift Day – 14th November

We hope everyone is keeping as well as possible in these strange times.

Thank you to all of you for the financial support you have been giving to St James Church over the past 7 months. We appreciate that many of our fellowship have continued to contribute by direct payments into the Church’s bank account. Others who previously have put their offering on the plate had put their money aside and contributed when they returned to Church. Others have now started to make direct payments. We are grateful for this help and without it the Church would have faced some significant difficulties. At this time of the year we would normally be well into the preparations for our Christmas Fayre but sadly the current regulations mean that we cannot hold one this year. The Christmas Fayre is a significant part of our income at this time of the year, raising on average more than £1500. In an attempt to help with our finances we have decided to hold a “socially distanced” Christmas Fayre Gift Day instead. It would be really helpful if you could consider supporting this gift day as a way of making up this source of income. Perhaps you could send a gift to the value of what you would expect to spend at the Christmas Fayre. Instead of bringing a gift to Church as we would for a normal Gift Day, we are asking you to get this to us by another method. We have enclosed an envelope (if you have not received this by email) and if you wish to contribute to this, you could send a cheque to the Church with St James Church as the payee. The address is St James Church, Church Road, Liverpool, L25 7RJ Or as an alternative this could be done by direct payment into the bank If you wish to do this our bank details are HSBC Account name St James Methodist United Reform Church Sort Code 40-29-39 Account Number 11060856 If you use this method, it would be helpful if you could email the treasurer ([email protected]) so he can look out for the payment. Those of you who receive weekly Service Sheets through your door could give by arranging to safely pass your envelope to the person who delivers your Service. We do of course realise that not everyone will be able to assist in this however, can we thank everyone for the gifts of time and money that you do give to God through St James’; it is really appreciated, as without everyone’s’ dedication, support and sacrificial giving, none of the good work that St James’ does in the name of Christ would be possible. Take Care Steve Elliott Treasurer.


Fancy Baking some Bread?? Following Roy’s talk about his love of baking bread in a service just before lockdown, he ran a few Zoom baking mornings once flour and yeast had been found. He’s been asked to repeat the beginner’s session, so on Saturday 31st October he’s going to be throwing bread dough around the kitchen and baking some bread. If you fancy having a go at baking bread for the first time or you just need a little reminder to build up your confidence, then please drop Roy an email or give him a ring and he’ll send you further details. No fancy equipment is needed, just some bread flour, yeast and a little time. But be warned...... once you’ve smelt and tasted homemade bread you’ll be hooked!


There’s a song that says: “I want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep, to find I'm king of the hill, head of the list, cream of the crop, at the top of the heap” ..... something to aspire to and celebrate? Liverpool felt like that earlier this summer. Not for the first time, it stood out from the crowd with cause for celebration. But now, our beloved city is top in a different way, and waking up on Wednesday morning in the only Covid-Tier 3 area in the country felt much more uncomfortable; so many people with increased anxieties about the future because of the tighter restrictions, renewed uncertainties and on-going isolation. Where, in another context, I might sing ‘Praise is rising’, perhaps ‘fear is rising’ came more easily to mind just then. But actually the rest of that song works equally well in both cases: ‘eyes are turning to You... we turn to You. And... ‘when we see You, we find strength to face the day, in Your presence all our fears are washed away....’

So I stirred myself to go out for a walk beneath a sky all blue-and-white and fluffy after the weekend rain, and took pleasure in the bird-feast of autumn berries almost the same colours as the new flower arrangement in the church porch. And later heard that many bags of shopping and nearly £100 in cash donations has already been given to this year’s harvest appeal. Staying in or reaching out, there’s always room for thankful choruses amongst the songs of lament. But may the sound of any singing be swelled by crowds coming down from the top of the current heap, rather than others coming up to join us at the top.

Music in dark Times... 1pm on Wednesdays

You are welcome to attend the upcoming ‘Lunchtime Concert Series’, run by the University of Liverpool which will be free to watch online. The concerts are streamed online accessible at any of the three locations below at 1pm each Wednesday. Each concert will last approximately 35 minutes and will be free to view on the following platforms: Set your alarm to remember to join at the start! Department of Music website - series/ Facebook - YouTube - Harvest Update - Harvest Thanksgiving at St James - Supporting our near neighbours via the local foodbank, and support centres for children, families and homeless people.

Thank you to everyone who has been able to contribute so far. Many bags of tins and packet goods have been left at church or in Roy and Lynne’s porch and the cash donations are close to £100. If you would still like to help reach out to local people in need there’s just this week left. The plan is to distribute whatever has been received after October 25th.

TINNED AND PACKET FOODS in carrier bags can be: • Left in the porch of Roy and Lynne Barker’s house at 88 Vale Road, OR call Liz on 0151 428 7252 to arrange a safe pick-up appointment at any time. CASH DONATIONS for the groups to do their own shopping can be collected by any of the same methods, or send them: • By Bank Transfer (Ref. HARVEST) as you would your weekly collection OR by post – a cheque payable to St James Church (please write HARVEST on the back) - to (the Treasurer) Mr S Elliott, c/o St James Church, Church Road South, Liverpool, L25 7RJ



MAG Group - Christmas Wishes 2020

Christmas!! Yes, I know I'm starting early but I know how organised many of you are!! Over a number of years at St James we have had a “Christmas Wish Tree” in church where we have invited you, instead of exchanging individual cards with all your church friends, instead to write a Christmas message, hang it on the tree, and make a donation to give to the charity we had chosen.

Sadly, this year, due to our current circumstances, this will not be possible. However, we have come up with a plan for our church family to share Christmas messages with each other and we need your help. We are hoping to create a St James Family Christmas Card / booklet which will include everybody's greetings. We will then print copies of the card / booklet and distribute a copy to everyone. We feel that this will be a small way of connecting all our Church family members together at a time when we would normally be sharing and enjoying so many Christmas services and events together but will not be able to do so this year.

If you would like to have your greeting included, and you can send a photo too if you wish, you can either email me at [email protected] or you can write to me at 3 Park Cottages, Kinseys Lane, Ince, CH2 4NS. Please write your name clearly so that I know who the wishes are from.

If you also wish to make a Christmas donation with your wish then this can be done • by Bank Transfer (Ref. CHRISTMAS WISH) as you would your weekly collection OR • by post – a cheque payable to St James Church (please write CHRISTMAS WISH on the back) - to (the Treasurer) Mr S Elliott, c/o St James Church, Church Road South, Liverpool, L25 7RJ

Right ….now where did I put my Christmas cake recipe?!

Many thanks. Pam Bellis

MAG Group - Give Your Heart for Christmas

As many of you will know, for many years we have offered a “Christmas Experience”, inviting the children from Woolton CP School and all the members of our Youth Organisations to come to church and share in the Christmas Story though Story Stations and activities, with a particular focus each year. Sadly, due to the circumstances this year we will not be able to provide this in the same way.

However, our Mission Action Group are keen to carry on our outreach and to try to offer something, particularly to the children from Woolton CP, although obviously not in church. In past years we have always given the children an item to take home with them, to remind them of the visit and what they have learned. During our discussions at our meeting we agreed that something we have all learned from the current situation is that it is not “things and possessions” that are important to us in our lives, but “people and acts of kindness”. We thought that we would like our theme this year to be “Give Your Heart for Christmas” and that our “giveaway” could be a small heart.

A few years ago, I put out a request for knitted and crocheted poppies for our Remembrance Commemoration and was overwhelmed by your support. This year I would like to ask you to support us again by knitting, crocheting or sewing small hearts approximately 3ins / 8cm in size for us to use. If you would like to support us, the instructions are given below and we invite you to make as few or as many as you would like. Please let us know if you have made one / some and hold on to them for now, we will organise you getting them to us in a few weeks’ time.

Thank you in anticipation for your support, which I KNOW will happen!

Simple Heart Knitting Pattern

Size 9 / 3.75mm knitting needles. Knitting wool – any colour

Cast on 5 stitches Row 1 Knit Row 2 Increase in 1st stitch and knit to the end Row 3 Knit Row 4 Knit to the last stitch – increase in the last stitch Row 5 Knit Row 6 Increase in 1st stitch and knit to the end – 8 stitches Row 7 Knit Row 8 Knit Row 9 Knit Row 10 Knit

Cut wool leaving a length long enough to stitch in. Push work to the bottom of the needle. Cast on 5 stitches on the same needle holding the work Knit rows 1 – 10 as above Both pieces should now be on the same needle. Knit across all stitches on both pieces. Knit 4 rows Knit 2 together knit to the last 2 stitches knit 2 together Knit Repeat last 2 rows until 2 stitches remain Knit 2 together and fasten off Stitch in loose ends Stuff lightly and include a hanger of ribbon, tape or wool.

Simple Crochet Heart Pattern

1 x size 5.5 or 1 x size 6 crochet hook Make 2 hearts, stitch together and lightly stuff. Attach a hanger of wool or ribbon

Abbreviations: sl st = slip stitch ch = chain sc = single crochet hdc = half double crochet dc = double crochet trc = treble crochet st(s) = stitch(es)

Directions: - ch 5; join with sl st to form a loop. Round 1: ch 3. 10 dc and 1 sl st in first ch st. Round 2: ch 3; 3 trc in same st. 3 trc in next st. 1 dc, 1 hdc in next st. 1 sc in next 2 sts. 1 sc, 1 dc, 1 sc in next st. 1 sc in next 2 sts. 1 hdc, 1 dc in next st. 3 trc in next st. 3 trc, 1 dc in next st. sl st in first st.

Make a second heart. Stitch them together and stuff lightly. Attach a woollen or ribbon hanger Simple Heart Sewing instructions

Finished size is approximately 3 inches / 8 cm • Any material and any colour can be used. • The pattern does not include additional seam allowance • If the material will fray you will need to cut a small seam allowance • Cut 2 heart shaped pieces • Cut a piece of ribbon, tape or the same material approximately 6 inches / 16 cm long by ½ inch / 1cm wide to use as a hanger • Stitch the two pieces together leaving a small gap to allow for stuffing • Stuff lightly • Fold the hanger in half and Insert the ends into the gap, stitching them in place as you stitch close the seam

Thanks to Rob Swindells for these photos of the BB tree which is starting to feel the change of autumn.


If you would like to share anything during lockdown with your Church family in this newsletter including any birthdays, celebrations or anyone to include in our prayers, please let me know.

Please send any messages to Jayne McLaren at [email protected]