28 A Foundation 34 Spread Footings 40 Screw Piles and 46 Foundation Engineering Trip Revisited Helical Anchors Engineering… 102 JANUARY // FEBRUARY 2015 FOUNDATIONS Proudly published by the Geo-Institute of ASCE GEOPIER IS GROUND IMPROVEMENT.™ Work with engineers worldwide to solve your ground improvement challenges. THE GEOPIER SRT SYSTEM: LOW-IMPACT SLOPE STABILITY WE HELP YOU FIX BAD GROUND. An existing slope along the high occupancy travel lanes of the I-495 Capital Beltway in Fairfax, Virginia had an For more information call 800-371-7470, unacceptable factor of safety against sliding. The slope was e-mail
[email protected] or visit geopier.com. a perfect application for the Geopier SRT system. SRT is a slope reinforcement technology that uses rigid steel Plate Pile™ elements to stabilize shallow failing slopes or reinforce marginally stable slopes. The use of small, mobile equipment allowed for the work to be performed directly on the slope with no interruption of traffic. This project demonstrated that the SRT system can successfully be installed along roadways with difficult access, while decreasing construction time and earthwork operations. ©2014 Geopier Foundation Company, Inc. The Geopier® technology and brand names are protected under U.S. patents and trademarks listed at www.geopier.com/patents and other trademark applications and patents pending. Other foreign patents, patent applications, trademark registrations, and trademark applications also exist. January // February 2015 Features 28 A Foundation Engineering Trip 52 Evaluating Bridges with Down the Mississippi Unknown Foundations for Foundations for Mississippi River bridges from Susceptibility to Scour Minnesota to Louisiana. North Carolina applies risk-based guidelines to over By Dan Brown, Paul Axtell, and Steve Dapp 3,750 bridges.