LANE KENWORTHY Professor of Sociology and Yankelovich Chair in Social Thought Director, Yankelovich Center University of California, San Diego Email:
[email protected] Tel: 858.860.6124 Postal address: Department of Sociology, University of California-San Diego, 401 Social Science Building, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla CA 92093 WORK IN PROGRESS Kenworthy, Lane. The Good Society. Marx, Ive and Lane Kenworthy. "In-Work Poverty in the United States." To appear in Handbook of In-Work Poverty, edited by Henning Lohmann and Ive Marx. Edward Elgar. Thewissen, Stefan, Lane Kenworthy, Brian Nolan, Max Roser, and Timothy Smeeding. "Rising Inequality and Living Standards in OECD Countries: How Does the Middle Fare?" REPLICATION DATA SETS ARCHIVED Data used in my books, articles, and chapters are archived at Click on the "books" and "articles" menus. BOOKS Bakija, Jon, Lane Kenworthy, Peter Lindert, and Jeff Madrick. 2016. How Big Should Our Government Be? University of California Press. Kenworthy, Lane. 2014. Social Democratic America. Oxford University Press. Kenworthy, Lane. 2011. Progress for the Poor. Oxford University Press. Kenworthy, Lane. 2008. Jobs with Equality. Oxford University Press. Kenworthy, Lane. 2004. Egalitarian Capitalism. Russell Sage Foundation. Kenworthy, Lane. 1995. In Search of National Economic Success. Sage. Lane Kenworthy CV, June 2016 2 EDITED VOLUMES Kenworthy, Lane and Alexander Hicks, eds. 2008. Method and Substance in Macrocomparative Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan. ARTICLES, CHAPTERS, REPORTS Kenworthy, Lane. 2017 (forthcoming). "Social Programs in the United States and Western Europe: An Introduction." In Choices and Change in European and American Welfare State Reform, edited by Joseph Cordes and Christian Toft.