Canadian Senior Pro Association

Articles, By-Laws and Official Rodeo Rules CSPRA


FINALS ...... 1 RULES ...... 1 SADDLE BRONC RULES...... 2 RULES ...... 4 RULES ...... 5 RULES...... 8 MENS BREAKAWAY65 & LADIES BREAKAWAY RULES ...... 13 DALLY RULES ...... 13 LADIES ...... 16 RIBBON ROPING RULES ...... 21 YOUR NOTES:...... 24


Canadian Senior Pro Rodeo Association

RULEBOOK PURPOSE OF SOCIETY 1. To provide for the recreation of the members and to promote and afford opportunity for friendly and social activities. 2. To organize and promote Senior Pro Rodeo in Canada. 3. To protect the older cowboys and cowgirls who wish to rodeo as a sport or hobby. 4. The Association shall be benevolent and charitable, to promote rodeo as an enjoyable sport in another segment of the lives of those who participate. 5. To promote the welfare of members and to increase the members hereto. 6. To cooperate with management of all Association approved , to promote more rodeos and to strive for the betterment of conditions and rules governing all rodeo events. 7. The Association is for the members and therefore to operate non-profit.

OFFICERS FOR THE SOCIETY The officers of the society shall be President, Vice President, Directors and Secretary/Treasurer.

PRESIDENT The President shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees. He shall, when present, preside at all meetings, and in the absence of both a chairman may be elected by the meting to preside thereat. The President may from time to time appoint such committees as he may deem advisable and such other persons to act in an advisory capacity as he may deem advisable. The President does not have a vote to any changes in rules.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board of Directors, Executive Committee or Board, shall mean the Board of Directors of the Society.

1. The Board shall, subject to the by-laws or directions given it by majority vote as any meeting properly called and constituted, have full control and management of the 4

affairs of the society, and meetings of the Board shall be held as often as may be required, but at least once every three months, and shall be called by the President. A special meeting may be called on the instructions of any two members thereof provided they request the President in writing to call such meeting, and state the business to be brought before the meeting. Meetings of the Board shall be called by ten days’ notice in writing mailed to each members or three days’ notice by telegram or telephone. Any four members shall constitute a quorum, and meetings shall be held without notice if a quorum of the Board is present, provided, however, that any business transactions at such meeting shall be ratified at the next regularly called meeting of the Board; otherwise they shall be null and void. 2. Directors will be elected to represent each event approved by the Society. Such other directors may be appointed as deemed advisable by the membership. 3. The term of office for all officers and directors shall be from the date of election for two years. 4. In the event of the death of any officers or member of the Executive or the absence of any officer or member of the Executive from three consecutive meetings, that office shall be deemed vacant. 5. Any vacant office shall be filled by the Executive with majority approval of all members thereof. 6. It will be so arranged, to the nearest event number, one half of the Executive will be retiring each year in order to provide continuity to the affairs of the Society. 7. The office of Director shall be automatically vacated if the Director shall resign his office by delivering a written resignation to the Secretary of the Association, or if at a special general meeting of members a resolution is passed by three-quarters (3/4) of the members present at the meeting that he be removed from office. 8. The Board of Directors have the power to change and alter rules at any time within the rodeo year. Rule changes can be made by the Board other than at the Annual Meeting.

SECRETARY It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the Society and of the Board, and to keep accurate minutes of the same. 5

He/she shall have charge of the seal of the society, which seal whenever used shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary and the President, or in the case of the death or inability of either to act, by the Vice President. In case of the absence of the Secretary, those duties shall be discharged by such officer as may be appointed by the Board. The Secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the Society and be under the direction of the President and of the Board.

The Secretary shall also keep record of all the members of the Society and their addresses, send all notice of the various meetings as required, and shall collect and receive the annual dues or assessments levied by the society, such monies to be promptly turned over to the Treasurer for deposit in a chartered Bank as hereinafter required.

TREASURER The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the society and shall be responsible for the deposit of same in whatever bank the Board may order. He/she shall properly account for the funds of the Society and keep such books as may be directed. He/she shall present a full details account of receipts and disbursements to the Board whenever requested and shall prepare for submission to the Annual Meeting a statement duly audited as hereinafter set forth of the financial position of the Society and submit a copy of same to the Secretary for the records of the Society. The office of the Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by one person if the annual meeting for the election of officers shall so decide.

AUDITING The books, accounts and records of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be audited at least once every year by a duly qualified accountant or by two members of the society elected for that purpose at the Annual Meeting. A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by such auditor at the Annual Meeting of the Society. The fiscal year of the Society in each year shall be December 31.

The books and records of the Society may be inspected by any member of the Society at the annual meeting provided for herein or at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time

6 satisfactory to the officer or officers having charge of same. Each member of the Board shall have access to such books and records.

MEETINGS This Society shall hold an annual meeting on or before January 31 in each year, of which due notice of the meeting shall be given to all members. At this meeting there shall be elected a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer), and event directors.

The officers and directors so elected shall form a Board, and shall serve until their successors are elected and installed. Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled at the next meeting, provided it is so stated in the notice called such a meeting. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to any office in the society.

Meeting of the Society may be called at any time by the Secretary upon the instructions of the President or Board by notice in writing to last known address of each member, delivered in the mail eight (8) days previous to the date of such meeting. A special meeting shall be called by the President or the Secretary upon receipt by him of a petition signed by one-third (1/3) of the members in good standing, setting forth the reasons for called such meeting, which shall be by letter to the last known address of member, delivered in the mail eight (8) days previous to the meeting.

Ten-percent (10%) of the General Memberships constitutes a quorum for the General Meetings.

Two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the Directors’ Meeting.

Four (4) Directors would constitute a quorum should an emergency meeting need to be called.

The first meeting after the Finals/Elections shall include the previous Board as well as incoming Board, in order to transition the new Directors. Previous Directors will have a vote.


VOTING Any member who has not withdrawn from membership nor has been suspended nor expelled as herein provided shall have the right to vote at any meeting of the Society. Such votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise. Past-President and Associate members do not have a vote.

REMUNERATION Unless authorized at any meeting and after notice of same shall have been given no officer or member of the Association shall receive any remuneration for his services.

BORROWING POWERS For the purpose of carrying out it objects, the society may borrow or raise or secure for the payment of money in such a manner as it thinks fit, and in particularly by the issue of debentures, but this power shall be exercised only under the authority of the society, and in no case shall debentures be issued with the sanction of a special resolution of the Society.

BY­LAWS The By-Laws may be rescinded, altered or added to by a “Special Resolution.”

RULES OF CONDUCT 1. Any member may be fined, suspended or both from the Association for any of the following (but not limited to) offences: a. Bad cheque(s). There will be a thirty (30) day grace period before bad cheque or entry fee cheque offenders are publicly suspended. However, rodeo secretaries are to immediately refuse entry to these offenders upon notification of the Association Secretary. b. Members must make their cheques good to the Association, or be placed on the suspended list and prosecuted by action of the Board. c. Each member shall be responsible for his or her entry fees regardless of who issues the cheque. d. Non-payment of fees. Only a doctor’s release or death in the immediate family will be accepted as an excuse for failure to pay entry fees. 8

e. Fighting or quarrelling in the arena. f. Attempting to fix, threaten, bribe, influence or harass officials at any time between the opening and closing dates of a rodeo, in or out of the arena, including central entry, rodeo secretaries, judges, timers, stock contractors, local committees and their personnel are subject to a $250.00 fine. g. Talking with a judge or timers while an event is in progress are subject to a $25.00 fine. h. Abusive treatment of anima(s)l is subject to a $250.00 fine. i. Refusing to assist a rodeo committee or stock contractor when asked to do so, shall be subject to a fine of $25.00. j. Any member found abusing doctor or vet releases will be subject to fine, punishment, expulsion and/or all. 2. Violators of any of these rules shall be reported to the Association Board by the judge(s) involved, or by the arena director or stock contractor of the rodeo where the violation occurred. 3. Any member that has been turned into the Board for disciplinary action or fine, will be notified and have a chance to appear before the Board or be represented by the Event Director or send a written appeal to plead his/her case. 4. Any fines or punishments assessed by the Board are final. Where a specific penalty is fixed by rules, regulations or by- laws for the violation of any provision herein, the Board of Directors, upon conviction of any member for a violation, may impose a fine. 5. Any and all fines or punishments will be enforced immediately and fines due within thirty (3o) days. 6. Any member failing to pay any fine assessed by the Board of Directors will be automatically suspended after proper notification and due process.

GENERAL RULES 1. Approved Association rodeos must be open to all Association members in good standing. 2. All positions will be drawn with trade out permissible at all qualifying rodeos. 3. No contestant may draw out of any rodeo after entries close. Entries closing time may not be more than seven days prior to


the first performance. Rough stock must be drawn by callback time and it must be posed or made available upon request. 4. No reruns will be given for personal equipment failure or related responsibilities of a rider. 5. Rider must tell judge, flankman or stock contractor if he does not want his touched with a hotshot. Any one violating this rule will be fined. However, if rider denies use of the hotshot and the animal does not buck, no re-ride will be given. 6. Neck ropers must be tied with cotton string. No metal snaps or hardware shall be used on neck ropes for cattle used in the time events. Adjustable slides shall be used on all neck ropes for cattle used in the timed events. 7. There shall be two or more timers, a field judge and barrier judge. Time to be taken between two flags. Arena conditions will determine score. Length of score to be set up by arena director and timed events spokesman or director, if present. Animals used for the event should be inspected and objectionable ones eliminated. 8. A cannot contest from midnight of the day of injury until midnight of the tenth (1oth) clear day. 9. A contestant must compete in the age category that corresponds to his age and may not compete in a different age category unless entering team roping with a younger partner. In this case, the team must compete in the lower age category. 10.a. The year a member turns 50 or 60 years of age will be considered an “option year” whereby the individual must designate the age category in which he wishes to complete. The first rodeo a member enters that year shall designate the age category in which he much compete for the balance of the option year. During the option year, a member must compete only the designated age category except as in Rule 10. 10. All contestants who show their current CSPRA cards shall be granted free admission to all performances of approved rodeos with the exception of the Finals. The rodeo has the option of charging gate admission or an office charge. 11. Contestants must compete on the stock drawn for them. 12. One contestant makes a contest in all events. In the case contestant does not have a qualified time or score, the Added Money less five (5) percent will be directed back to the Committee and the entry fees less the 5% will be directed to the event for the Finals as extra money. No ground monies will be paid. 10

13. The Association office will maintain a list of qualified judges and a suspended list to be released to qualified, interested parties upon request. 14. If a contestant arrives at a rodeo after his/her event is completed, he/she must immediately find the rodeo secretary and make payment of fees due, unless the contestant is ill or injured. Contestants must inform the local rodeo secretary of Doctor’s Release prior to the rodeo performance. The release must be provided to the Association Office within fifteen (15) days from date of the last performance of said rodeo. Failure to notify the rodeo secretary will be an automatic payment of entry fees. 15. The age in roughstock riding events is 35-49 with the points counting for the CSPRA but not the NSPRA. 16. The suggested minimum to pay judges is at least $75.00 and to timers at least $50.00 per performance. 17. In the slack, the first 3 events must go in order, then the committee can run rest in any order. 18. Every contestant will be charged $2.00 per rodeo to help cover the cost of the Finals. 19. You must compete in an event including declared age category as a CSPRA Member at five (5) CSPRA Approved rodeos in Canada to qualify to compete in the event at the CSPRA Finals and/or qualify for the CSPRA Season Leader title and award. 20. You must have at least five (5) points in an event to qualify for the Finals in that event. A Bonus of one (1) point per rodeo competed in will be given in an event ONLY if contestant has not placed at any rodeos during the year in that event. 21. According to Revenue Canada, the collection of GST is subject to CSPRA memberships, timers fee, administration fee and finals fee. 22. There will be a $10.00 service charge for any credit card transactions, except for sponsors. 23. Any events not covered by rules in the book (sections/s) will be governed by local ground rules 24. Any situation that may arise that is not covered by a rule in this CSPRA Rulebook, will be referenced to the NSPRA Rulebook.

MEMBERSHIP 1. Membership is open to any person forty (40) years of age or older* . Your age on your membership card determines your 11

age for the year. The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. • The age in roughstock riding events is 35-49. 2. Dues are $155.00 + GST (in Canadian funds) per year up to March 31, 2015. As of April 1, 2015 a membership will be $165.oo + GST (in Canadian Funds). 3. A contestant may join the CSPRA at any time during the year, but in order for points to count, membership dues must be paid to the CSPRA Office by noon the day before entry in a CSPRA sanctioned rodeo. 4. Associate membership is available to anyone who advocates and encourages the support of rodeo. Associate Memberships range in levels from $25.00 to $250.00 per year. An honorarium may be presented to those determined by the Board of Directors to have contributed greatly, with distinction to the sport of rodeo and to the Association. 5. Non-members may compete in the area in which a sanctioned rodeo is held and permitted by the local committee. Boundaries to be determined by the local committee. Local committees are responsible for the entry fees of all non- members. Any points won by non-members will be void. A contestant may enter only one (1) rodeo without being a member of the CSPRA. A “back to back” rodeo at one location produced by the same committee is considered as one (1) rodeo. 6. Any person becoming a member of this Association shall comply with all its rules, by-laws and decisions and shall be bound by same. 7. All contestants are required to read the rules carefully, particularly those relating to the contest or events in which they enter. Failure to understand the rules will not be accepted as an excuse. 8. A member may be admitted, retained, suspended or expelled in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Board of Directors may from time to time adopt. 9. Any member causing unnecessary trouble or embarrassment to the Association will be considered in violation. 10. Members must pay current dues and all outstanding debts to the Association before being accepted as a member. 11. Any member may be disciplined, fined, suspended or expelled from the Association and may be denied any of the privileges of the Association whenever it shall have established by 12

satisfactory evidence to the Board of Directors that such member has knowingly and wilfully violated any pertinent rule of the Association. 12. No person may participate in an Association sanctioned rodeo if they appear on the suspended list of any recognized rodeo association. 13. No memberships will be processed on entry closing days.

CONDITIONS OF WITHDRAWAL OF MEMBERS 1. Any member may resign from the Association by serving written notice to the Secretary of the Association. 2. By becoming a member of the Association, a member releases to the Association the right to use his/her name and/or picture for the good of the Association and of the sport of rodeo as long as there is no commercial endorsements or resale involved. 3. The Executive may on its sole discretion, reinstate any member who resigns in good faith after he/she has paid the then current dues and fees of the Association, provided the said person is not on the suspended list of any Association whose suspended lists is honored by the CSPRA.

TELEVISION AND MEDIA RULES 1. The Canadian Senior Pro Rodeo Association retains all rights in and to the filming, taping, radio or TV broadcast or reproduction of any manner or form of any of its approved rodeos and parts thereof. 2. All proposals for filming or televising of sanctioned rodeos including local, cable or educational television must be cleared through the office of the CSPRA thirty (30) days prior to the first performance of the specific rodeo. Legitimate news coverage is exempted. 3. A member of the CSPRA who enter a sanctioned rodeo or rodeo event, and any stock contractor, contract personnel, official or staff of a rodeo, or other person admitted to the rodeo shall, as a condition of entry, employment, admission or other involvement therein, be deemed to consent of the CSPRA ownership of all rights in and to his or her appearance or other involvement therein, and CSPRA shall have the right, and may permit others as seems fit, to dispense, reproduce and otherwise use any such person’s name, voice, likeness,


biography, photograph and other pictures in connection with the advertisement and promotion of the rodeo or rodeo events and any reproduction thereof in any form but not in conjunction with any product or service, unless that person’s consent thereto is first obtained. A member of the CSPRA who participates in sanctioned rodeo events, authorizes CSPRA to act in the member’s behalf as well as in behalf of the CSPRA in engaging in promotional activities relating to the conduct of the sport of rodeo. Send inquiries to: Canadian Senior Pro Rodeo Association Email: [email protected]

SECRETARY & RODEO OFFICE RULES 1. Any person who intendeds to act as a rodeo secretary must notify the office of his/her intentions so that he/she can receive the association’s secretarial packet. 2. Positions will be drawn prior to callback and the draw will be posted. 3. Trades, turnouts or medical/vet releases need to be done prior to the draw. Trades and turnout sheets will be available at the rodeo secretary’s office and will need to be submitted to the rodeo secretary who will notify the proper officials. 4. A CSPRA member can only enter one location with a local contestant per rodeo season. 5. Committees/Secretaries are required to submit all the time sheets, judges cards, correct result sheets on winners, their scores, times and dollars won within five (5) days of the final performance. They must submit a valid list of all turnouts and unpaid entry fees before reimbursement is made. 6. Turnout fees of non-members are payable to the CSPRA office and not figured in the payoff. Other than entry fees, no debts will be incurred by the Association. 7. All secretaries must list point winners one through six in every event, if there is a time or score, whether money is paid for all six places or not. 8. Five percent (5%) of the total purse (added money and entry fees) including any and all non-sanctioned events, from each sanctioned rodeo will be sent to the CSPRA office within five (5) days of the final performance. NO DEDUCTIONS OF ANY KIND CAN BE HELD OUT OF THE FIVE PERCENT (5%). 9. Prize money must be paid following a go-round. All payoffs must be completed following the final performance unless 14

prior arrangements have been cleared through the CSPRA office. Any cheques not picked up at the time must be mailed to the contestants within five (5) days of the final performance. 10. An assessment of a $2.00 Finals Fee and a $6.00 Administrative Fee must be charged to each contestant and payable with the entry fees. This is to be returned to the CSPRA office with the 5%.

RODEO COMMITTEE 1. Rodeo sanction request must be filed and approved at least 45 days prior to the first performance. The rule may be waived in certain situations. 2. The fee for rodeo approval shall be $150 per rodeo performance. Rodeo sanction requests must be filed and approved forty-five (45) days prior to the first performance. 3. Any approved rodeo beginning after a designated time in the year will count towards the following year. 4. Rodeo Committees will furnish an ambulance or first aid vehicle for all performances and slack operations. 5. The Rodeo Committee or Stock Contractor, according to which provides the Arena Secretary, will be responsible for the secretary’s mistakes or discrepancies in the payoff or in handling of entry fees if the Secretary does not make the proper adjustments. 6. Timers for a rodeo may not be changed after the first performance except for sickness or injury, or by the request of an Association official because of the Timer’s incompetence, or through agreement of the Stock Contractor, Rodeo Committee and Association official. 7. Timers must work from the same location for the duration of the rodeo. 8. The field flag judge may not be changed for an event during the course of the rodeo unless ill or injured, but if the barrier judge is competing in timed events, he must find another certified judge to watch the barrier in that event. 9. The CSPRA Office will maintain a list of qualified judges and stock contractors, which may be made available upon request. 10. No judge may rope, dog or haze in a timed event and also flag the event. The men appointed to flag are the judges regardless of who judges the riding events and are the only persons qualified to deliver a decision in the timed events. 15

11. All Judges and Stock Contractors should be approved by a committee approved by the Board. 12. Realizing the unique characteristics of participants in the Senior Pro Rodeo, the Contractors must be responsible for providing suitable stock for them. 13. Slack may not be run prior to twelve (12) hours before the first performance without approval and must be advertised in at least one issue of the official paper if held at all prior to the first performance. Slack will not be permitted to follow the final performance without approval. 14. All Canadian Senior Pro rodeos must have nine standard events (Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bull Riding, Steer Wrestling, Calf Roping, including Mens’ Breakaway 65 and Ladies Breakaway, Team Roping, Ladies Barrel Racing and Ribbon Roping) unless special permission is granted by the Association. ** It is highly recommended that additional events and contract acts be included. a. Any first-time Rodeo Committee will be allowed the option of a timed event only or roughstock only rodeo, however, they must have a full rodeo the next year. b. There will be a contest even if only one contestant enters an event. If no contestant enters an event, the added money in that event will be directed back to the Rodeo Committee and the entry fees less the 5% retained by the CSPRA. c. If a Rodeo Committee chooses to include exhibition runs, those runs must follow the runs made by the competing contestants. d. Allow a maximum of 7 overage contestants to draw into any distressed event, excluding Steer Wrestling, to bring total entries to a maximum of 8 entries. More than 8 entries allowed if all contestants are age appropriate. - Should there be no age appropriate entries, then there shall be no event. - Any contestant drawing in, will go for money only. - Points will be given as earned for age appropriate contestant(s). 15. No cancellation of a performance will be permitted unless the opinions of the Committee Chairman, Stock Contractor and Association officials deem it a physical impossible to hold the performance. 16

16. Stock is not to be fed in the arena during the duration of the rodeo. If the stock must be fed in the arena, the Rodeo Committee must have the arena worked satisfactorily the same for all performances and the slack. 17. At all rodeos, calves shall be tied down no later than one hour prior to the beginning of performance or slack in which they are scheduled to be used. The Calf Roping Director may approve the tying down of calves on the day prior to the performance or section of slack, but in no event may the Calf Roping Director approve the tying down of calves less than one (1) hour prior to the beginning of the performances or section of the slack. 18. Timed event cattle will not be drawn any sooner than two (2) hours before each performance. 19. Steers cannot be held over a 12-month period for use in the steer wrestling and team roping events, unless approval is granted by the Event Director. 20. All fresh timed event cattle shall be run prior to the first performance of each rodeo and cattle that cannot clear a thirty inch (30”) chute will be eliminated from the draw or tipped at that particular rodeo. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the Stock Contractor being subject to a one-hundred dollar ($100.00) fine. 21. All CSPRA sanctioned rodeos must have an approved bullfighter in the arena during the bull riding event for each performance and slack. Failure to comply with this rule will subject the producer to a one-hundred dollar ($100.00) fine for the first offence. (Fine doubled for each offence). Judges will be responsible for reporting infractions of this rule. 22. A minimum of $300.00 must be added in each of the Riding Events and Steer Wrestling. A minimum $50.00 added in each age category of Calf Roping, Ladies Barrel Racing and 65, Ladies Breakaway and $100.00 per age category in Team Roping and Ribbon Roping. a. In a multi-go rodeo, the added money can be no less than double the minimum - $600.00 in the riding events and steer wrestling, $100.00 in each age category of Calf Roping, Ladies Barrel Racing, Ladies Breakaway and Breakaway Roping 65 and $200.00 in each age category of Team Roping and Ribbon Roping. b. At all rodeos, including Timed Event Rodeos, a minimum of $300.00 will be added to the Steer Wrestling. 17

23. If an outside sponsor is found for a specific event to add money, then they will be allowed to for rodeos or a series, excluding the Finals. 24. A minimum of $50.00 per person, per sanctioned event for entry fees with entry fee being relative to the added money. In a multi-go rodeo, the entry fees must be no less than double the minimum. 25. Ground Rules (not in conflict with the CSPRA Rulebook) must be posted in the same area where the livestock draw is posted, before the contestants are required to comply with the same.

VET RELEASES a. No contestant may use more than three (3) veterinary releases in any one year. b. A contestant may not use a vet release by go rounds only, nor may a contestant be held back on a vet release. c. A visible injury release may be granted by the judge at any given rodeo if submitted on the proper form to Secretary before the payoff is figured.

ARENA RULES 1. Contestants may be fined and/or disqualified for any of the following offences during a paid performance of slack: a. Being under the influence of alcohol in the arena. b. Rowdyism or quarreling in the actual domain of the arena. c. Not wearing a western hat, boots and a long-sleeved shirt while in the arena. Hats and boots are not required for a runner in the Ribbon Roping event. d. Mistreatment of stock at any time, in or out of the arena. e. Not being ready to compete when called upon. 2. Slack may not be run prior to 12 hours before the first performance without approval of the Board of Directors and must be advertised in at least one issue of the official publication if held prior to the first performance. Slack cannot be run after the final performance without approval of the Board of Directors. 3. When a contestant is drawn in the slack, he will be notified when slack begins during callback. 4. If the program has been changed, a contestant cannot be refused his stock, but must be ready when called for. This applies to either slack or performance.


5. Barrier equipment must be inspected before each timed event. If equipment is faulty, it must be replaced. Should the barrier break at any point other than the designated breaking point, the contestant must take the stock over. a. If automatic barrier does not work but time is recorded, contestant or team will get time, but there will be no penalty for broken barrier, providing the judge rules barrier was not beaten. 6. Animals for all events will be inspected before the draw, and no sore, lame, sick or injured animal, or animals with defective eyesight shall be permitted in the draw at any time. Should the animals become sick or be injured between the time it is drawn and the time it is scheduled to be used in competition, that animal shall not be used and another animal shall be drawn for the contestant. 7. Automatic barriers will be used in all timed event where possible. 8. Use an electric timer if one is available in the Ladies Barrel Racing. If a hand timer is used, the barrel racer will be timed in tenths instead of hundredths. If an electric timer is used, they are timed in hundredths. The thousandths should be disregarded. 9. If an electric timer is used, back-up watches must be used and times recorded. 10. All manual times will be recorded in tenths and electric times will be in hundredths.

DRAWING POSITIONS 1. All positions will be drawn and the draw posted. There will be no placing of contestants except by trade out and any Rodeo Secretary found doing so will be fined. All rodeos will be trade out rodeos unless otherwise listed. A trade cannot be made with a medical turnout. 2. At all rodeos we will draw positions for the Steer Wrestling regardless of the age before the cattle draw is done, as long as they are competing for the same purse. 3. No contestant may compete on same stock twice at any rodeo in the same event without judges’ approval. 4. All stock will be drawn and posted prior to the rodeo. In case of injured stock, a redraw will be done from that contestant down and responsibility will be on the judge to verify contestant takes proper stock. 19

5. Rough stock must have a branded number. 6. If a contestant is injured and unable to compete, his stock may be held until later in the go round with the consent of both judges.

DRAWING OUT & ENTRY FEE REFUND 1. Draw out time without penalty for contestants is on callback and only when preference is not received, or if it is a medical release or vet release or death in the immediate family. Anyone else that draws out after receiving their preference, owes all fees, payable to CSPRA within two weeks or be placed on the suspended list. 2. If a medical release is used, it must be sent to the CSPRA office within two weeks of the rodeo or pay the entry fees. Rodeo Secretary must be notified BEFORE payout is made if a contestant has medical released. A contestant may not compete for ten days after using a medical release in that event(s). 3. A judge may visual an injury and report it to the rodeo office. 4. A veterinary release is valid in any event. A limit of three veterinary releases can be used in one year. 5. If a contestant is injured while competing, his entry fee will be refunded in any event in which has not competed up to that time and in which he cannot compete because of the injury. 6. If a Team Roper draws out after position is drawn, the partner may draw out, having his entry fee returned or he may get another partner from any of the contestants in his age category even if not previously entered in that rodeo. Any alternate contestant must pay the specified entry fee. Those fees are placed in the awards fund. (This same rule applies to both men and women in the Ribbon Roping). 7. If, in the opinion of the judges, a contestant in unable to compete in a particular event because of injury, he may withdraw, but this does not prevent him from competing in other events in which he is entered. He may not compete again the event he drew out of for ten (10) days.

DRAWING STOCK 1. All rough stock in contest events will be drawn by number. 2. In all riding events, a complete go round must be drawn at any one time.


3. Timed event cattle will not be drawn any sooner than two (2) hours before each performance. 4. All men who have re-rides are drawn at the same time from all re-ride stock, including turned out stock, if necessary. 5. In case stock is sock or crippled, replacement will be drawn from all re-ride animals. In timed events, no drawn stock can be held over from one performance to the next or overnight. 6. All cattle in the draw will be run one time before any cattle will be run twice, etc. When, due to a split performance, this procedures becomes impossible, the draw will include cattle remaining that have been run the least number of times. Immediately after a split performance the draw will then revert to the cattle that have been run the least number of times. In case of re-runs, all cattle in draw will be run one time before being run twice. 7. Once an animal is taken out of the draw he may not be returned to the draw for the duration of that rodeo. 8. All contractors are obliged to furnish an ample number of stock and are required to furnish at least one-third (1/3) as many cattle as there are ropers or wrestlers.

TURNING OUT 1. A member wishing to turn out by just being taken from the draw must do so at least three (3) hours prior to the scheduled run by notifying the Rodeo Secretary only. The entry fee will be included in the payoff of that rodeo. 2. Any member found abusing a doctor or vet release will be subject to a fine, punishment, expulsion and/or all.

JUDGING & JUDGES 1. Judges, timers and flagman must be experienced and knowledgeable. If objections are expressed in writing to any event director against a judge at any rodeo, that judge’s action will be evaluated and determination for further action will be made by the Board of Directors. 2. A rodeo judge shall not ride in one event and judge another riding event. If a timed event judge is entered in a timed event, he is replaced in that event by another judge. 3. Markings must be totalled by the judges and checked by the secretary in the presence of the judges. No changes may be


made after the books have been turned into the Rodeo Secretary, unless errors are found at the Association office. 4. Any judge who does not enforce the rules of the official rulebook will be fined. 5. Riding events: a. Seven (7) second timed ride. No “ Out” rule. Ride and animal are marked separately with the ride marked according to how much the rider the animal. b. Figures used in marking the riding events shall range from one (1) to twenty-five (25) on both animals and rider on each side, and use the full spread. In riding events, judges will stay with the foot or side he starts with until the end of the go-round, then they must switch sides for each go-round. c. Spur Out Rule. To qualify for a marking, bareback or saddle bronc rider must have the rowels of the spurs touching the horse above the break of the shoulders when the horse’s front feet hit the ground on its initial move out of the chute. The mark out will be attempted if there is a failure to make the mark out, a deduction of five (5) points on the side of failure, or ten (10) points if the mark out fails on both sides of the total score. d. If a horse stalls coming out of the chute, either judge shall tell the rider to take his feet out of the horse’s neck. Rider shall be disqualified for not following the judge’s instructions to take feet from the neck of the horse stalled in the chute. e. If, in the opinion of the judges, a rider is fouled at the gate, at the judges’ discretion, a re-ride may be given. f. If bucking stock comes in contact with the pick-up men or any horse in the arena during his competition , the rider shall have the option of a re-ride if a qualified ride is made up until the infraction. g. If a flank breaks or comes off, the rider may have a re- ride providing the contestant made a qualified ride up to that that time. 6. Contestants may pull rigging, cinch saddles and bull ropes from either side in all riding events. 7. If an animal is drawn in a riding event or is drawn in a pen timed event becomes sick or crippled before it is out that time, 22

a judge must pass on the animal’s inability to be used before it can be shipped or replaced in the draw.

BARRIERS & SCORING 1. A ten foot (10’) tape must be on hand for the barrier judge to measure the broken barrier when ten foot (10’) rules applies. The ten foot (10’) barrier rule is: It if is over ten feet (10’) from the bottom of the post, at the pin side, it is not a broken barrier. The barrier judge is responsible for changing the barrier string whenever it may have weakened, or on the request of the next contestant. Barrier judge shall keep a record of the length of the barrier trip rope each performance to assure the same start for contestants each performance. Adjusting length of the barrier rope will be accomplished only by tying knots in the rope at the other end. 2. A ten (10) second penalty will be added for breaking and beating the barrier. Broken barriers will be recorded by the barrier judge and turned in with his books to the Rodeo Secretary. 3. If a barrier flagman is used, the animal is to be flagged when crossing, starting or deadline, in front of the flag with same. 4. A judge MUST be in the field on horseback during the Ribbon Roping. 5. The decision of whether or not timed event cattle are to be lined will be made by the respective event director or his duly assigned appointee to be stationed at the same position on all contested cattle, including supplementary contesting. Violators will be subject of Board action. 6. Once a score line has been set in the time events, it will not be changed at that rodeo, nor can the length of the box be changed. 7. In order for time to be considered official, the barrier flag must operate. 8. If the automatic barrier fails to work and official time has not started, the contestant or team will get stock back if stock is qualified on in the field. 9. If in the opinion of the line judge, the contestant is fouled by the barrier, ropers shall get their calf or steer back, providing the contestant declares himself by pulling up immediately, with all fines assessed.


10. Field flagger shall place himself on the left-hand side of the roping box. In calf roping, the flagger should be at the end of the arena and position himself on the left-hand side. 11. The barrier judge must stand where he can clearly see the pin, rope and contestant. In Calf Roping, the barrier judge must stand on the right-side of the Calf Roping box. 12. In any timed event, if an animal escapes from the arena, the flag will be dropped and watches stopped. Contestants will get the animal back with lap and tap start, and the time already spent will be added to the times used in qualifying. 13. A field judge must ask contestants if they want a second loop or jump. Contestants must answer at once or be flagged out. Once a man has been flagged out, he will not receive his stock back. 14. If a rope is on the animal, the roper will get the animal lap and tap with the rope on it in the chute. 15. The decision of judges, flagman or timers will be final and no protests by contestants will be permitted. 16. No contestants may talk to the judge or timer in any way while an event is going on. Questions may be addressed to the judge no sooner that at the end of the event for that performance. 17. During any performance, if an animal in the timed events escapes the chutes or pens before it is called for by the contestant, or if the automatic barrier fails to work and stock is brought back, that animal will be returned by the Arena Director and labour crew during, or at the end of the performance in the same manner he was originally worked or brought to the pens before contesting. At least three (3) head of animals will be brought back together. No animals may be re-penned by itself. The decision will be made by the Arena Director about when stock is re-penned 18. Any judge failing to comply with these instructions will be declared ineligible. 19. All contestants are required to make an honest effort. Failure to do so shall result in a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fine, to be imposed by the judge or the judges.

POST MARKINGS 1. Judges shall make exact copies of each judges’ book, and post the copies on the bulletin board at the end of each performance.


2. Markings and times must be announced during each event during performance and slack.

RE­RIDES 1. Re-rides may be given only when stock fails to break, stops or fouls the rider. Any Director has the right to declare any stock unsatisfactory, and any stock so declared will be taken from the draw. Contestants shall not influence the judges by asking for a re-ride at any time. 2. If the animal fails to break, stops or fouls the rider, the rider may take the same animal back, providing the stock contractor is willing, or he may have a re-ride drawn. If the rider takes the same animal back, he must take that marking unless he is fouled.

JUDGING METHODS – ALL RIDING EVENTS The rider must tell the judge, flankmen or stock contractor if he does not want his draw touched by the hotshot. Anyone who violates the use of the hotshot will be subject to suspension, fine and/or both. However if the rider denies use of the hotshot and the animal does not buck, no re-ride shall be given.

POINT AWARD SYSTEM 1. The Association point award system has been established for the purpose of determining eligibility of contestants for the Canadian Senior Pro Rodeo Finals. 2. Points in each event will be awarded to the top six places, if qualified, whether or not prize money is awarded in all six places. 3. High Point award at the Finals is awarded to a person entered in a minimum of two (2) or more events. 4. There will be both a Man’s and Lady’s High Point award for the year end. 5. If a contestant is entered in a rodeo and his/her event is cancelled at the discretion of the rodeo committee, the cancelled rodeo will count towards the contestant(s) qualifying at the Finals. They will receive 1 (one) point for their entry.


POINTS AWARDED FOR ONE GO AROUND RODEO 60 – first 50 – second 40 – third 30 – fourth 20 – sixth 10 – sixth Plus bonus points. POINTS AWARDED IN A TWO GO AROUND RODEO 1st Go 2nd Go Average 1st 42 42 42 2nd 35 35 35 3rd 25 25 25 4th 19 19 19 5th 12 12 12 6th 7 7 7 Plus bonus points. POINTS AWARDED FOR ONE LONG GO, SHORT GO & AVERAGE 1ST Go 2nd Go Average 1st 60 15 60 2nd 50 12 50 3rd 40 9 40 4th 30 7 30 5th 20 5 20 6th 10 2 10 Plus bonus points in long go and average only.

1. In riding events there will be no short go unless 10 or more are entered. If a short go is advertised and there were fewer than 10 entered, it will be a full go around. 2. There can be no more than one head unless advertised as such. Whenever there is a short go around, there will be an additional 50 points awarded with no bonus points awarded in the short go. As follows: 1. 15 2. 12 3. 9 4. 7 5. 5 6. 2 3. The points will be figured by using the same base point system.


4. A total of 210 points per event if at least qualify. Points will not be given to any position without a time or a score. 5. Points in the average can and will be awarded on one head, providing all stock was competed on. 6. After the first go, if a partner is unable to compete in the next go around, the team is disqualified.

PAYOFF FORMULA 1-2 1 money 100% 3-5 2 monies 60, 40% 6-8 3 monies 50, 30, and 20% 9-17 4 monies 40, 30, 20, and 10% 18-24 5 monies 30, 25, 20, 15, and 10% 25-49 6 monies 29, 24, 19, 14, 9, and 5% 50+ 8 monies 26, 21, 17, 13, 10, 6, 4 and 3%

1. In the payoff formula, a team is considered one entry. Example, 4 teams split 2 monies, not 8 contestants with money split 3 ways. 2. When there are two go rounds and average, the money is divided equality three (3) ways, and payoffs are based on the formula according to the number of entries. The same number is paid in the averages as in each go. Four (4) place are paid in the short go. 3. When there is a short go, 40% goes to a long go(s), 10% to a short go and 50% to the average. Average paying same number of places as long go. Examples: Six (6) places in long go – four (4) places in short go, and six (6) place in the average. 4. On three head of stock, the average will be one –and-one-half (1 ½) times the go around money. 5. A contestant must compete on every head of stock drawn for him in an event to place in the average. 6. If only one qualifies, it is winner take all. 7. In case no one has a qualified time or score in an event, the Added Money less the 5% retained by the CSPRA will go back to the Committee. No Ground Money to be paid.


FINALS Point System for the Finals Rodeo 1. This system is for a four (4) go round, Sudden Death Finals and would not change if additional go rounds were added. All Go rounds Average 1st 40 40 2nd 30 30 3rd 20 20 4th 10 10

2. In case no one has a qualified time or score in an event, the contestants’ entry fees less the 5% retained by the CSPRA will go to added money at the Finals in that event. 3. All contestants must take finals stock when it is drawn for you in all events. 4. No set ups are allowed for the Finals in any event. 5. Awards shall be made to both the roper and runner in the Ribbon Roping. 6. The Board of Directors will make any rules and/or format guidelines for the finals thatare deemed necessary in any one given year. 7. You must compete in an event including declared age category as a CSPRA Member at five (5) CSPRA Approved rodeos in Canada to qualify to compete in the event at the CSPRA Finals and/or qualify for the CSPRA Season Leader title and award. 8. Finals Champions must be present at the Awards Dinner to accept their champion buckle. If not present, buckle will not be awarded and you will be subject to a fine. 9. All awards in all events to be brought forward before the Board for approval. 10. 60+ contestants can enter 2 of the 3 events at the Finals, even if they have qualified in all 3 (Tie Down 60, Tie Down 68, Mens’ Breakaway).

BAREBACK RIDING RULES 1. One Hand Rigging a. Rigging to be not over ten (10) inches wide at handhold and not over six (6) inches wide at D-ring. The cinch must be five (5) inches minimum width.


b. Pads must be used under the rigging and must be at least one (1) inch thick under rigging, covering bars under the rigging and extended at least one (1) inch behind rigging. 2. To Qualify a. Spur out rule is required in Senior Pro Rodeo. b. Seven (7) second timed ride. Time to start when the horse’s front feet hit the ground on the first jump out of the chute. 3. Disqualifications a. Bucking off. b. Spur rowels too sharp or locked rowels (judges’ opinion). c. Touching animal, self or equipment with free hand or arm. 4. Re-Rides a. To be covered by general rough stock rules. 5. General a. All contestants and contractors may call on judges or any director to clarify any rule or uncovered situation. 6. Cinch must not be pulled with hand in rigging. 7. At least one judge will carry a stop watch and flag in all riding events.

SADDLE BRONC RULES 1. Horses to be furnished by the rodeo. Riding to be done with a plain halter, one rope-rein and saddle that complies with Association specifications as listed: Contest Saddle Specifications Rigging: ¾ double-front edge of D-ring must not full further back than directly below centre of point of swell. Standard E-Z or ring type saddle dee must be used and cannot exceed 5 ¾ inch outside width measurement. Swell Undercut: Not more than two inches (2”) – one inch (1”) on each side. Gullett: Not less than four inches (4”) wide at centre of fork of covered saddle. Tree: Saddle must be built on a standard tree. Specifications: - Fork – 14 inches (14”) wide, maximum width. - Stirrup leathers must be hung over bars. - Saddle should conform to the measurements with a reasonable added thickness for leather covering. No freaks allows.


- Front cinch on bronc saddles shall be cotton and shall be at least five inches (5”) wide. - Appropriate halters must be used unless agreement is made by both contestant and stock contractor. - Riding rein and hand must be on the same side. - Horses to be saddled in the chute. The rider may cinch his own saddle. - Saddles shall not be set too far ahead of the horses’ withers. - Either stock contractor or the contestant has the right to call the judge(s) to pass on whether or not the horse is properly saddled and flanked to buck its best. - Middle flanks belong behind the break/curve of horse’s belly. Flank cinch may be hobbled. 2. Spur Out rule is required in the Senior Pro Rodeo. To qualify, one arm must be free at all times. 3. Saddle shall be timed for seven (7) seconds. 4. Re-Rides a. If in the opinion of the judges, a saddle bronc deliberately throws himself, the rider shall the choice of that horse again, or he may have a horse drawn for him from the re-ride horses. b. If a flank comes off, the rider may have a re-ride providing the contestant has made a qualified ride on the horse. c. If the contestant uses a stock contractor’s halter and it breaks, the contestant will be awarded a re-ride provided the contestant has made a qualified ride up until the halter comes off. d. The rider must tell the flankman and/or stock contractor if he does not want his draw touched with the hotshot. However, if the rider denies the use of a hotshot and the animal does not buck, no re-ride shall be given. e. Anyone who violates the use of a hotshot will be subject to suspension, fine and/or both. 5. Any of the following offences shall disqualify a rider: a. Being bucked off. b. Changing hands on the rein. c. Wrapping rein around hand. d. Pulling leather. e. Losing stirrup. 3

f. Touching animal or saddle or rein with free hand. g. Riding with locked rowels, or rowels that will lock on spurs. 6. Dry resin may be used on and saddle. Anyone use any other foreign substance shall be disqualified and also subject to fine. 7. The judges will examine clothing, saddle, rein and spurs.

BULL RIDING RULES 1. Riding is to be done with one hand and a loose rope, with or without a handhold, no knots or hitches to prevent the rope from falling off the bull when the rider leaves him. 2. The rope must have a bell. The bell must be under the belly of the bull. 3. The bull will be ridden for seven (7) seconds, time to start when the animal leave the chute. 4. A judge will have a stop watch and time will start when the bull leave the chute and will stop when the rider bucks off or disqualifies. 5. Riders who are knocked off or fouled at the chute or the animal falls, will be entitled to a re-ride at the discretion of the judges. 6. A bull rider may have the option of a re-ride, or of accepting a marking, if flank comes off the animal, providing the contestant has completed a qualified ride. The re-ride may be given on the same animal, if the stock contractor is willing , or a re-ride animal if requested by the contestant. 7. The matter of re-rides shall be decided by the judges, regardless of performance. 8. If rider makes a qualified ride with any part of the rope in riding hand, he has to be marked. 9. Contestants have the right to call judges to pass on whether or not a bull is properly flanked to buck to the best of his ability. 10. Head fighting bulls or those having bad horns will be taken out of the draw – all bulls horns will be tipped reasonably and dulled to the size of the a half dollar. 11. Rider not to use sharp spurs. 12. No more than two (2) men may be on chute to pull contestant’s rope. 13. No hotshot will be used on the bull after rider sits down on him unless the rider requests such.


14. The rider will be disqualified for any of the following offences: a. Being bucked off. b. Touching the animal, equipment or self with free hand or trying to cheat in any way. 15. All animals will be screened and agreed on before they are to be put into the draw. 16. The Committee will provide a qualified bull fighter to assist the rider or receive a fine of $100.00.

STEER WRESTLING RULES 1. Contestants must furnish their own hazer and horses. The hazer must be a CSPRA member and/or be at least 40 years of age. Only one hazer is allowed. The animal belongs to the contestant when he calls for him regardless of whatever happens, except in cases of mechanical failure. The steer much be caught from the horse. 2. If a steer gets loose, dogger may take no more than one step to catch the steer. After catching the steer, the wrestler must change directions or bring the steer to a stop and twist down. If the steer is accidently knocked down or thrown by the wrestler putting the animal’s horns into the ground, it must be let up on all four feet and then thrown. The steer will be considered down only when it is lying flat on its side, or on its back with all four feet and head straight. Wrestler must have his hand on the steer when flagged. The fairness of catch and throw will be left to the judges, and their decision shall be final. 3. The hazer must not render any assistance to contestant while the contestant is working with the steer. Failure to observe this rule will disqualify the contestant. The contestant and the hazer must use the same two horses they leave the chute with. The hazer will be disqualified for jumping at the steer. 4. When a barrier is used in steer wrestling, automatic barrier must be used and there must be at least a twelve (12) foot box. If the box is shorter, the steer wrestler must be lap and tap. 5. All cattle must be or LONGHORN and cannot be held over from one year to the next for use in steer wrestling, except by approval of the Steer Wrestling Director. 6. All steers used in the steer wrestling event must have horns tipped.


7. Fresh steers added to the bunch that have been used must be bulldogged from horseback and thrown down. It is the responsibility of the steer wrestlers to throw the cattle, at a time mutually agreed upon with the stock contractor. 8. A weight limit should be placed on dogging cattle - minimum of 450 pounds and a maximum of 750 pounds per head. At televised rodeos, steers in the contest events will weight least 500 pounds each. Cattle at each rodeo will be of the same breed and type. Only steers may be used in the steer wrestling event. 9. A ten (10) second penalty shall be assessed in any case in which the flag judge rules that a dogger’s feet touch the ground before the flag line is crossed. 10. If the dogger misses or loses the steer, the flagman must ask for dogger if he wishes another jump. The dogger must reply at once. 11. Cattle used for , cutting or other events will not be used for steer wrestling. When fresh steers are used, any fresh steer not thrown down during competition, will be thrown down during completion of the go around. Contestants will be responsible to throw down such steers under supervision of the Arena Director. 12. Neck ropes must be tied with string. No metal snaps or hardware shall be used on neck ropes in the timed events. 13. The steer wrestling chute must have at least thirty (30) inches clearance inside the chute and at the gate when in an open position. 14. The length of the score is to be set by the Arena Director and the Timed Event Director or spokesman, if present, subject to the conditions set forth. 15. In steer wrestling, the score may be no longer than the length of the steer wrestling box, minimum six (6) feet all rodeo unless other arrangements are approved by the Steer Wrestling Director or a man of his choice. Length of the box is to be measured from the centre of the back of end of the box to the centre of the barrier. 16. Overhead Pull: When measuring the length of the neck rope when the rope pulls from the top of the chute or any point sixty (60) inches or higher from the ground. With flag up and pin in place, the end of the neck rope (with the loop attached) should come to a point twenty-four (24) inches


short of the score line and twenty-four (24) inches up from the ground in the steer events FIGURE 1. 17. Side Pull: Whenever pulley side is less than sixty (60) inches above the ground. Length of neck rope with the pin in place and pulled tight is eighteen (18) inches short of the score line in the calf roping and twenty-four (24) inches short of the score line in steer events. The score is the distance from the barrier to score line. Length of score will be determined by measuring from the score line to the ground directly under the pin with the pin in the barrier ring. Don’t measure to the gate because of the difference in the way gates close. FIGURE 2 18. There shall be two (2) or more timers, a field flag judge and a barrier judge. Time to be taken between two flags. Times are in tenths (10ths). 19. Animals used for this contest should be closed inspected and objectionable ones eliminated. Contestant will not be required to compete on a crippled steer, or a steer with a broken horn. If the contestant jumps at the steer, he accepts him as sound. The contestant will be disqualified if he attempts in any way to tamper with the steers or the chutes. 20. Anyone jumping from the off side in the steer wrestling must notify the secretary when entering, and if possible, the barrier should be arranged on the offside in the steer wrestling for such contestants. 21. All contractors must furnish at least one-third (1/3) as many steers as there are wrestlers.



CALF ROPING RULES 1. The rope must be tied hard and fast. The contestant must rope the calf, dismount, go down the rope and throw the calf by hand and cross and tie any three (3) feet. To qualify as a legal tie there should be at least one (1) wrap around any three (3) legs (or any three (3) legs must be tied together) and secured with a half hitch. Example: One wrap around two (2) legs, third (3rd) leg wrapped to one or both of the first two (2). If the calf is down when the roper reaches it, the calf must be let up to his feet and by be thrown by hand – except for those 60 and over. If the roper’s hand is on the calf when the calf falls, the calf is considered thrown by hand.


The rope must hold the calf until the ropers gets his hand on the calf. The tie must hold and three (3) legs remain crossed until passed on by the judge, and the roper must not touch the calf after giving the finished signal until after the judge has completed his examination. The field judge will pass on the tie of calves providing three (3) legs remain crossed and tied until the roper has fully remounted his horse. The rope will not be removed from the calf until the roper has fully remounted his horse.

The flagger must watch the calf until the roper fully remounts his horse; if the calf does not kick free during the time to remount, it will be a qualified time. Fully remounting horse means legs straddling the horse and seat in the saddle.

In the event a contestant’s catch rope is off the calf, after completion of a proper tie, the time will become official when the roper clears the calf. The roper will be disqualified for removing the rope from the calf after signaling for time, until the tie has been passed on by the field judge. If the tie comes loose, or the calf gets to his feet before the tie has been ruled a fair one, the rope will be marked no time.

The animal belongs to the contestant when he calls for him, regardless of what happens except cases of mechanical failure. a. In the 68+ Tie Down roping, the time will become official when the calf is tied and the cowboy takes one (1) step towards his horse. 2. One loop is only allowed in all age groups unless there is a money average on two (2) or more head. 3. Roping the calf without releasing the loop from hand is not permitted. 4. The contestant must adjust the rope and reins in a manner that will prevent the horse from dragging the calf. The contestant must receive no assistance of any kind from outside. If the horse drags the calf excessively, the field judge may stop the horse, and a penalty not to exceed a $100.00 fine may be assessed by the field flag judge and/or any CSPRA Director. 5. Native Angus and Herefords shall not weigh more than 250 pounds each. Weight not to exceed 200 pounds in the 60+ and the 68+ calf roping. 9

6. Brahma and Brahma-cross calves are not to exceed 250 pounds, with weight not to exceed 200 pounds in the 60+ and the 68+ calf roping, and shall not be mixed with Angus and Hereford cattle. Any deviation from the above rules must be okayed by the Calf Roping Director or fines will be assessed. a. First offence will be $100.00. b. Additional $100.00 fine per rodeo for each violation, pertaining to the original rule infraction. 7. The line judge in the calf roping event must stand on the right-side of the calf roping box. This pertains to all rodeos that use an automatic barrier. For those rodeos where a hand pulled barrier is used, the decision of lining calves must still be made by the Calf Roping Director or a director assistance in the that event. 8. The flaggers should be at the end f the arena and position himself on the left-hand side. 9. An automatic barrier must be used at all rodeos for calf roping if possible. At indoor rodeos, length of score will be determined by arena conditions. The minimum length of score will be determined by arena conditions. The minimum length of the score is the length of the roping box minus four (4) feet. The maximum length of score when an automatic barrier is used, will be eighteen (18) feet. All score lengths are subject to the Calf Roping Director and another director’s approval. 10. Overhead Pull: When measuring the length of the neck rope when the rope pulls from the top of the chute or any point sixty (60) inches or higher from the ground. With flag up and pin in place, the end of the neck rope (with the loop attached) shall be measured eighteen (18) inches short of the score line and twenty-four (24) inches up from the group in calf roping. (See Figure 3) 11. Side Pull: Length of neck rope with pin in place and pulled tight is eighteen (18) inches short of the score line. (See Figure 4). 12. If an automatic barrier fails to work and official time has not been started, the contestant or team will get stock back if the stock is qualified on in the field. 13. If, in the opinion of the line judge, the contestant is fouled by the barrier or the neck rope, the ropers shall get their calf or steer back, providing the contestant declares himself by pulling up immediately. This rule applies to all roping events.


14. A neck rope must be used in calf roping and must be tied with string. No metal snaps or hardware shall be used on neck ropers in the timed events. 15. There shall be two or more timers, a field flag judge and a barrier judge. Time to be taken between the two (2) flags. Times will be in tenths (10ths). Arena conditions will determine score. The length of the score will be set by the Arena Director and timed event spokesman or director, if present. The animals used for the event should be inspected and objectionable ones eliminated. 16. If there must be a rerun of calves to complete the go round, all calves must be tied down before any stock is drawn. If after one (1) go around has to been competed a fresh calf has to be used, the calf must be roped and tied before the drawing; but if extra calves have been tied at the rodeo, they will not be considered fresh. 17. The contractor must furnish at least one-third (1/3) as many calves as there are ropers, and the calves must be sized according to age categories. If a producer does not abide by the CSPRA rules, a fine may be assessed. 18. Timed event cattle will not be drawn any sooner than two (2) hours before each performance. 19. At all rodeos, calves shall be tied down no later than one (1) hour prior to the beginning of performance or slack in which they are scheduled to be used. The Calf Roping Director may approve tying down of calves less than one (1) hour prior to the beginning of the performance or section of slack. 20. No time limit shall be imposed in the calf roping. 21. In the 60+ and 68+ age groups, it is not necessary to let the calf regain its feet. 22. If a calf roper is injured before remounting, someone else may mount the horse and ride up to give slack in the rope. 23. The age categories in the calf roping event are 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60+ and 68+. The 68+ category is necessary for approval from the NSPRA. 24. A contestant can only compete i 2 of 3 events in any combination of the Tie Down 60+, Tie Down 68+ and Mens Breakaway 65+. He cannot compete in all three.




MENS BREAKAWAY65 & LADIES BREAKAWAY RULES 1. Two (2) loops will be allowed, if two (2) ropes are carried 2. The rope must be attached to the horn in such a manner as to allow the rope to be released from the horn when the calf hits the end of the rope. This will be the contestant’s responsibility. 3. Rope must be tied to the horn with a string and may not be run through bridle, tie down, neck rope or any other device. 4. String will be provided and will be inspected by a designated official before each contestant competes. 5. The second rope must remain tied until used and must not be broken away from the saddle horn. 6. No loops are to be rebuilt. 7. If a second loop fails, it cannot be rebuilt and used. 8. A ribbon must be attached to the rope at the saddle horn so the judge can tell when the rope breaks from the horn. 9. The catch-as-catch can rule shall apply after the loop has passed over the calf’s head. 10. Rope must be released from the contestant’s hand to be a legal catch. (See Figure 5) 11. In case the field flag judge flags out a roper that still has one or more loops coming, the judge may give the same catch back, lap & tap, plus time already lapsed and any barrier penalty. 12. A contestant must wear a long sleeved shirt collared and cuffed with snaps or buttons, a western hat and boots while in the arena during any paid performance and slack, whether competing or not. 13. All other preceding Calf Roping rules apply to this event. 14. A contestant can only compete i 2 of 3 events in any combination of the Tie Down 60+, Tie Down 68+ and Mens Breakaway 65+. He cannot compete in all three.

DALLY TEAM ROPING RULES 1. There will be a ten (10) second penalty assessed for breaking the barrier. 2. The animal belongs to the contestant when he calls for him, except in cases of mechanical failure, the animal escaping the arena, and/or fouls. 3. The team roper behind the barrier must throw the first loop at the head.


4. If the automatic barrier fails to work and the official time has not started, the contestant or team will get the stock back if the stock is qualified on in the field. 5. If, in the opinion of the line judge, the contestant is fouled by the barrier, the ropers shall get their steer back, providing the contestant declares himself by pulling up immediately. 6. Time will be taken when the steer is roped, both horses are facing the steer in line with ropes dallied and tight. The horses’ front feet must be on the ground and ropers must be mounted when time is taken. 7. The steer must be standing up when roped by head or heels. 8. The steer shall be handled humanely at all times, and the ropers will be disqualified if in the opinion of the judge, they have not done so. 9. Crossfire: If in the opinion of the field flagger, a heel loop is thrown before the header has dallied and changed direction of the steer – the team shall be disqualified. 10. A broken rope or loss of rope will be considered a no time. 11. If the steer is roped by one horn, the roper is not allowed to ride up and put the rope over the other horn with his hand. 12. If the heeler ropes a front foot or feet in the heel loop, this is a foul catch. However, should the front foot or feet come out of the heel loop by the time the field judge drops his flag, time will be counted. 13. There shall be two (2) timers, a barrier judge and a field flag judge. Time to be taken between two flags, and timed in tenths (10ths). 14. The maximum weight for the animals is 700 pounds per head, unless otherwise approved by an event director or representative. 15. Any questions as to catches in this contest will be decided by the judges. 16. A dropped rope or rope that is recoiled shall be considered a thrown rope. 17. LEGAL CATCHES: (See Figure 5) a. Around both horns b. Half a head c. Around the neck


18. Front foot in the head loop at anytime during the run is an automatic no time, and a hondo over horn is a no time. 19. Any heel catch behind both shoulders is legal if the rope goes up the heels. 20. One hind foot receives a five (5) second fine. 21. If the loop crosses itself in a head catch, it is illegal. This does not include heel catches. 22. A rope in the steer’s mouth is a no time. 23. The field flagger shall place himself o the left-hand side of the roping box. 24. A field judge must ask contestants if they want a third loop. Once a man has been flagged out, he will receive no stock back. 25. Timed event cattle will not be drawn sooner than two (2) hours before the rodeo start. 15

26. A contestant may drop in age category if his partner is in a lower age group, but a contestant cannot go up. No team, if both are of the same age group, may compete in any category other than the one that their age specifies. A contestant who becomes 50 years of age or 60 years of age during the current year, may choose the age categor0y 0he wishes to compete in. 27. Points won in more than one age category cannot be accumulated. 28. Any ropers over 55 can tie-on in any age category and any lady at any age can tie-on in the heeling. Any roper wishing to tie hard and fast must have a quick release device attached to the horn of the saddle. 29. All cattle will be numbered and drawn for. 30. If a contestant draws out after positions are drawn, or fails to show up, his partner may draw out and have his entry fee returned or find another partner in his age category that is entered in the rodeo. If an alternate partner is found, he must pay his entry fee. The person who drew out or was a “no show” is responsible for his entry fee which must be sent to the CSPRA office with two (2) weeks of the rodeo, or is placed on the suspended list and is ineligible for further competition. 31. In a multi-go rodeo, if a partner draws out for any reason after competing once, the team is disqualified. 32. A team roper may enter open, but if he has not partner when positions are drawn, he will be drawn out. a. As a courtesy, the Association office will maintain a list of those who need a partner at each rodeo. 33. The three age categories in the team roping are: 40 to 49, 50 to 59 and 60 and over. 34. Points in team roping will be kept as total in each category of header or heeler. However you enter the Finals will determine the header and heeler for year-end champion. 35. Finals: the top ten (10) headers must partner with the top ten (10) heelers. If someone should not go, the next person in the standings of the appropriate side becomes eligible.

LADIES BARREL RACING 1. DRESS CODE a. A contestant must wear a long sleeve shirt, collared and cuffed with snaps or buttons, a western hat and boots while in the arena during any paid performance and slack, whether competing or not. 16

2. BARREL PATTERN a. A standard course should be used whenever possible. b. The standard measurements and maximum distances for the barrel race are: 1. 90 feet between barrels 1 and 2. 2. 105 feet between barrels 1 and 3 and between barrels 2 and 3. 3. 60 feet from barrels 1 and 2 to score line. 4. 45 feet (minimum) from score line to end of arena. 5. In small arenas, barrels 1 and 2 shall be no closer than 15 feet from each side of the arena. 6. In narrow arenas, the third barrel should be at least 15 feet longer than the distance between the second and third barrel. 7. In small arenas, barrel 3 should be no closer than 25 feet from the back end of the arena. 8. In small arenas, the barrel pattern should be reduced proportionately to the standard pattern. c. The start and finish line and positions for the barrels must be measured and marked permanently for the entire rodeo. When an electric eye is used the positions for eyes must also be marked permanently. d. The contestant will be allowed to run in and out of the arena if the local committee, the Barrel Racing Director and the Arena Director agree that it is not unsafe for the contestants and spectators. If conditions are found to be unsafe for a run out, the exit gate will be closed until after the finish of each barrel racer’s fun. MARKING THE BARREL PATTERN a. Barrel racers will be responsible for measuring and marking the barrel pattern. b. Measurements and the position of the barrel markers and the start/finish line, and the eyes must be written and recorded with the rodeo secretary and the judge. A third copy will be posted by the barrel race draw. There copies will be signed by the persons responsible for marking the barrel pattern. c. Barrels shall be marked using measuring tapes at least one-hundred-fifty (150) feet in length. To ensure an accurate measure to barrel 3 from barrel 1 and 2, two tapes should be used – one measuring the distance from barrel 1 to 3 and the other barrel 2 to 3. The point at which the two 17

tapes meet at the same measurement is the mark for barrel 3. If only one tape is available, an arc must be made from barrel 1 and barrel 2 to barrel 3. Where the arc crosses is where the third barrel must be placed. d. The score line must be accurately measured back and forth from barrels 1 and 2. e. The distance from the third barrel to the back end of the arena and the distance from the score ling to the opposite end of the arena should be measured to assure that the pattern meets minimum requirements. f. Once all distances have been measured, permanent markers should be buried for the three barrels, the score line, and the eyes. Flags or bright paint are to be put on the fences or posts in direct line with the score line.

Figure 6


3. RE-RUNS a. If for any reason the barrels were not placed on the permanent markers or the flagman was not in the correct place, all contestants who ran on the correct course must be rerun with no penalties assessed. b. Judges must make the decision that the barrels were not on the markers. Should this happen, contestants and Barrel Racing Director or her spokesperson will set the time for the rerun. c. There shall be no reruns given if a horse falls while running the pattern. d. No reruns shall be given for equipment failure. e. If for some reason a rerun is given, the judge must make the decision. The rerun will be made after conferring with the contestant and the Barrel Racing Director, but must be made no later than the end of the performance or slack in which the contestant was in. A contestant cannot be held until a later performance. 4. GROUND CONDITIONS a. The ground conditions will be worked to assure a fair advantage for each barrel racer whether in slack or during the performance. b. Raking of Barrels: The number of rakes to be determined by the Barrel Racing Director (or representative) depending on the number of entries and ground conditions. Rake is after actual runs. c. No more than six barrel racers should be in each age category in any performance. d. The Barrel Racing Director or her spokesperson will cooperate with the judge and the arena director to see that raking around the barrels does not interfere with the flow of the rodeo performance. e. Stock shall not be fed or watered within twenty-five (15) feet of the permanent barrel markers. f. In slack, ground around the barrels must be worked with a tractor, of one is available, immediately before the barrel race and after the equivalent number of contestants which were drawn for a performance have competed. 5. ELECTRIC TIMERS a. An electric timer is the preferred timer. Electric eye times should be recorded in hundredths, and the payoff should be determined by hundredths. 19

b. Electric timers must be backed up by a flagger and two (2) hand watches. Hand times should be arrived and recorded in tenths. c. In the event an electric timer is not available, two (2) hand watches should be averaged and the times recorded in tenths. In this event the payoff would be determined by tenths. d. If the electric timer fails on less than 50% of the contestants competing, back-up times will be used for those contestants whose time was missed. e. If the electric timer fails on 50% or more of the competing contestants, manual times in tenths for all contestants must be used to determine the payoff. f. If the electric timer fails to work, even during the first performance, every attempt should be made to use the timer for the remaining performances unless more than 50% of the total contestants have already received a hand time. g. A $2.00 timer fee may be charged to each barrel racer if a timer is used. 6. MISCELLANEOUS a. A 55 gallon steel drum with both ends enclosed must be used. No rubber or plastic barrels or barrel pads are to be used. b. Practice runs after the barrel pattern is permanently set and recorded must be at least 15 feet from the official rodeo pattern. Thus, no exhibition runs may be permitted during any performance or slack. c. Barrels should be set directly on top of the marker. d. A five (5) second penalty will be assessed for each barrel knocked over. Touching the barrel is permitted. A five (5) second penalty will be assessed if the barrel is knocked completely over and resets itself upright. e. It will be the responsibility of the flag judge to see that all barrels are placed correctly and that the pattern remains the same for the entire contest. f. The flag judge will flag from a position directly behind the electric eye and must keep record of all the penalties. g. The flag judge shall flag when the horse’s nose reaches the starting line and shall flag when the horse’s nose reaches the finish line. Anytime the contestant crosses the starting line, time will begin. 20

h. The flag judge will disqualify a contestant for not following the correct pattern which is making one right and two left, or one left and two right turns. i. A contestant will be disqualified for not being ready to contest when her name is called or for not dressing according to CSPRA barrel racing dress code. j. If back to back runs are to be given, it must be advertised in at least one issue of the official CSPRA news, and a minimum of thirty (30) minutes between runs shall be allowed. k. All positions will be drawn. Trade-outs will be permissible at all rodeos except the Association Finals Rodeo. l. The Barrel Racing Director will appoint an awards committee for year-end special awards. m. There will be three (3) age categories in the Ladies Barrel Racing: 40-50, 50-60 and 60 and over.

RIBBON ROPING RULES 1. There must be a judge on horseback in the field during the Ribbon Roping event. 2. Ribbon Roping is an approved event and both the champion man and woman will receive a year-end award. 3. Ribbon Roping calves are to weigh no more than 250 pounds. If weights exceed 250 pounds for each calf, it must be with the approval of the Director. 4. The calf will come from the calf roping box with the score set according to the arena conditions. 5. Only one loop allowed in all age groups unless there is a MONEY AVERAGE on two (2) or more head. 6. The flagman will stand on the score line and flag the runner on her return. The Runner will end her run by crossing the finish line in front of the judge with the ribbon in hand. (See Figure 7). a. If the ribbon is removed within the “finish” area, the runner will cross the finish line from that direction, with ribbon in hand. 7. The ribbon shall be placed no more than six (6) inches below the tail head and attached with a #16 rubber band. The ribbon is to measure no more than one (1) inch by twelve (12) inches. 8. It is the responsibility of the line judge to see that the ribbon is on the calf while it’s in the chute.


9. The roper must have contact with the calf or had contact with the calf before the runner can have any contact with the calf or touch the ribbon 10. If the ribbon comes off before the runner touched the animal or the rope causes the ribbon to come off, there will be a rerun with all fines carried if qualified. 11. Runner and roper may compete only once at each rodeo. 12. Wearing apparel for Runners must include long sleeved shirt collared and cuffed with snaps or buttons and some type of footwear. 13. Points won in more than one age category cannot be accumulated. A team will compete in the respective age category of the youngest member of the team. No team may move to a lower age group if both members are in the same age group. 14. If a partner draws out after positions are drawn or fails to show up, he/she may find another partner, in the same age category who is already entered in another even at the rodeo or have his/her entry fees returned. 15. A person may enter the Ribbon Roping open, but if they have no partner when positions are drawn, they will be drawn out. 16. Under any circumstances, a person still open when positions are drawn, will be drawn out. 17. There are three age categories in Ribbon Roping: 40 to 49, 50 to 59 and 60 and over.






YOUR NOTES: ______



















