Noah Raises Havoc Throughout Region
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, 7> w j ' : T7v.r:^72:r PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., March 22, 1977 Obituaries HMO explanation slated tonight at HSA meeting An explanation of the Health area will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the a consumer representative to the The weather Maintenance Organization (HMO) hearing room at Manchester’s HSA Board of Directors, an action Inside today Angelo B, Pasqualini Mrs. Royal E. Dupuis Haven and Vincent Bettua of Bristol; heads the agenda for tonight’s Municipal Building. that was held over from the last meeting of the Subarea F of the meeting awaiting clarification of the i ” *" Cloudy Area news . .1—3-B Kitchen.......... 2-C Angelo B. Pasqualini, 76, of 65 GLASTONBURY—Mrs. Dorothy and 11 grandchildren. A representative of HMO will at Heaith Systems Agency (HSA) of qualification of the representative’s tonight, low in 20s. Partly cloudv Business ... .6-7-C Obituaries ... 12-A Baldwin Rd. died Sunday at E. Crowley Dupuis, 63, of 18 S. The funeral is Wednesday at 11 tend the meeting to describe the new North Central Connecticut. ’The sub- health care plan. specific membership in the HSA. Thui^ay, high 35-40. Precipitation Classified . .8—10-B People .......... i-C Manchester Memorial Hospital. He Hollister Way died Monday at St. a.m. at Rose Hill Funeral Home, 580 THIRTY.'TWO PAGES Manchester^A City of ViUage Charm Elm St., Rocky Hill. Burial will be in Also on the agenda is an election of Comics........ ll-B Second Thought 2-C was the husband of Mrs. Mary B. Francis hosptial and Medical Center, THREE SECTIONS Dear Abby ... ll-B Sr. Citizens ... 6-A Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Sartor Pasqualini. Hartford. She was the wife of Royal Fire calls iS t PageTa*' Manchester, conn., Wednesday, march is, 1977 - vol. xcvi, No. i46 pr icei fift e en cen ts Editorial ........4-A Sports.........6—7-B Mr. Pasqualini was bom in Sao E. Dupuis. Hill. Paolo, Brazil, while his parents were Mrs. Dupuis was born in Friends may call at the funeral special savings all this week In on their way to the United States. He Plantsville and had lived in Glaston home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Manchester Monday, 3:06 p.m. —False lived in Manchester most of his life. bury for 27 years. She attended Buckingham Congregational Church alarm. Box 571, Manchester all Departments at all D&L stores He was employed as a foreman for High %hool. (Town) and was a past royal matron of the Meyer and Mendelsohn Tobacco Correction Monday, 4:43 p.m. —Stove Co. for 46 years until his retirement Fidelity Court, Order of Amaranth, In the Herald’s obituary Monday fire at 82 Chestnut St. (Town) in 1974. of East Hartford. for infant Erin M. Conderino of Lynn, Monday, 5:05 p.m. -First Noah raises havoc . He was also a partner in the Other survivors are 2 sons, George Mass., who died Saturday at the aid call at 75 Center St. Pasqualini Bros, tobacco farm in the E. Dupuis of Glastonbury and John Children’s Hospital in Boston, the (Town) Manchester-South Windsor area for W. Dupuis of Jupiter, Fla.; a name of her paternal grandparents, Monday, 6:30 p.m. —Drill on daughter, Mrs. Jean Howe of Mr. and Mrs. Marti Conderino of vehicle rescue at Fleming Rd. 40 years. training ground. (District) He was a communicant of St. Glastonbury; her mother, Mrs. Manchester, was misspelled. ’The Mildred V. Moquin of Bristol; 2 Monday, 9:09 p.m. —Smoke Margaret Mary Church in South Herald regrets the error. odor at 15 Curry Lane. (Town) throughout region brothers, George Crowley of North Windsor. The funeral and burial are private. Monday, 9:46 p.m. —Car Other survivors are three ____ lirefire aiat mExit u so93,1-86., i-oo. (UISU*!!(District) By JUNE TOMPKINS Telephone service was interrupted daughters, Mrs. Agnes Dodge of Works Director Arthur Mulligan Herald Reporter for about 250 customers in East Hart today. Manchester, Mrs. Marshali Lamenzo Three-day-old spring gave way to ford, Glastonbury, Bolton and of South Windsor and Mrs. Esther Work crews cleared catch basins Bloodmobile quota topped storm Noah Tuesday as winter Manchester. There were 21 major Haloburdo of Bolton; two brothers, around town until midnight to pre weather in many forms snarled cable failures, a telephone company vent local flooding, he said. But the John Pasqualini of South Windsor Manchester resident who is hospitalized locally. ’The Red Cross Bloodmobile surpassed its 150- through New England raising havoc spokesman said, besides many in town did not need plowing. and Ernest Pasqualini of pint per month quota Monday by 17 pints at the ’The next Bloodmobile visit will be Wednesday, dividual problems caused by failing Manchester, and five grandchiidren. with power systems and traffic. Schools opened on scheduled this blood collection held at Manchester Memorial April 20, at Concordia Lutheran Church from The spring storm, with heavy rain, trees and branches. 2 2 morning. Police said there were no The funeral is Thursday at 8:15 Hospital. 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. At Manchester Memorial Hospital, a.m. from the Samsei-Bassinger snow, gusting winds, thunder and storm related accidents. It is the first time in several months that the lightning, has resulted in power out there was no power failure. ’The Funeral Home, 419 Buckland Rd., Bloodmobile has even reached its quota. Anyone wishing to make an appointment may Simmons Rd. off Silver Lane did South Windsor, with a Mass at 9 at St. ages in the Manchester area and forceful wind drove rain in around flood badly as it often does. Mulligan Of the 125 advance appointments, 88 were kept. do so by calling the Manchester Red Cross office throughout New England. some of the window frames causing Margaret Mary Church. Buriai wili There were 97 walk-in donors, and 18 persons at 643-5111. Persons in good health between the said. But no other area of town was be in St. Bridget Cemetery, School students were given a snow minor leakage problems which were flooded. were deferred until another time. ages of 16 and 65 may give blood. Walk-in donors day today in Manchester, Bolton and cleared up by this morning, a Manchester. About 40 persons donated blood specially for a will also be welcome. “We came off lucky,” he said. Friends may call at the funeral Coventry. hospital spokesman said. Schools were open in Ellington, but 2 home Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to The state highway department said In Coventry, there were minor closed in Vernon. The Vernon Police 3 9 p.m. Verplanck that by mid-morning, most of the traffic accidents throughout the Department switched over to its About town road conditions in the state were town, but nothing unusual nor storm- emergency power system for about open house near normal and drying except for related. two hours while the power was in Louis G< Poulin the northwestern section which “is South Windsor town crews worked The VFW Auxiliary wiil meet terrupted. One of the antennas on top A Holy Communion service is tonight another story.” throughout the night clearing roads ROCKVILLE-Louis G. “Bob” tonight at 7:30 at the VFW home. of the station blew down, and there scheduied for Wednesday at 10 a.m. which were reported in good condi Poulin, 47, of 18 Village St. died at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Members are asked to bring their A state highway department were scattered power outages tion this morning. Schools were open. Saturday at Rockviile General gifts for the gift book. The Verplanck School spokesman said that tree crews from throughout the town caused by around the state were transferred to ’There were no major accidents in Hospital after a long illness. He was The diaconate of Community Bap will hold its annual open save on LE.D. downed tree limbs. No accidents Tolland County. There were the husband of Mrs. Irene Brodin tist Church will meet tonight at 7:30 house for parents and that area to help in tree removal so were reported, although many The Adult Study Group of Concor Poulin. in the church living room. children tonight from 7 to 8 Tree lands on car that electric and telephone power scattered reports throughout the motorists were stranded when their Mr. Pouiin was born in Jay, Maine, dia Lutheran Church will meet p.m. Parents will have an and L.C.D. watches can be restored. ’The state highway county of wires down, hot wires, cars stalled after their motors got and iived in Hartford for many years The Alpina Society wili meet tonight at 8 in the church room. The opportunity to view This large limb finally yielded to the extreme gusts of storm Noah last night at Ross Sher commissioner visited the area to treesndown and lots of branches wet from the slushy roads. before coming to Rockville five Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the pubiic is invited. projects done by the man home at 46 Wetherell St. This was Manchester’s second snow storm since spring began assess the damage. cluttering roads and yards. Cleaning At Snow’s Television store on ■ years ago. He was an Army veteran Itaiian-American Ciub on Eldridge children. Sunday. (Herald photo by Pinto) & 6 The Manchester Highway depart up crews were still working this mor Union St. two large windows were of the Korean Conflict. He had been St. The worship and music committee Because this has been ment crew responded to many ning.