View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by CERN Document Server LA-UR-97-717 Towards Resolution of the Enigmas of P -Wave Meson Spectroscopy L. Burakovsky∗ and T. Goldman† Theoretical Division, MS B285 Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA Abstract The mass spectrum of P -wave mesons is considered in a nonrelativistic constituent quark model. The results show the common mass degeneracy of the isovector and isodoublet states of the scalar and tensor meson nonets, and do not exclude the possibility of a similar degeneracy of the same states of the axial-vector and pseudovector nonets. Current experimental hadronic and τ- decay data suggest, however, a different scenario leading to the a1 meson mass o ' 1190 MeV and the K1A-K1B mixing angle ' (37 ± 3) . Possible ss¯ states of the four nonets are also discussed. Key words: quark model, potential model, P -wave mesons PACS: 12.39.Jh, 12.39.Pn, 12.40.Yx, 14.40.Cs 1 Introduction The existence of a gluon self-coupling in QCD suggests that, in addition to the conven- tional qq¯ states, there may be non-qq¯ mesons: bound states including gluons (gluonia and glueballs, and qqg¯ hybrids) and multiquark states [1]. Since the theoretical guid- ance on the properties of unusual states is often contradictory, models that agree in ∗E-mail:
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[email protected] 1 the qq¯ sector differ in their predictions about new states. Among the naively expected signatures for gluonium are i) no place in qq¯ nonet, ii) flavor-singlet coupling, iii) enhanced production in gluon-rich channels such as J/Ψ(1S) decay, iv) reduced γγ coupling, v) exotic quantum numbers not allowed for qq¯ (in some cases).