Wettiwr Diftribution 7 un. temperatet M. Today •f mt taaw.iflfct tatty U the mkMfc. LowttniiW, a/TWW- 22,050 tew, daario* hit* to the to* Mi. Saturday, ffnMdPwttMWs MS nriMer. See Weatttr, Pag* J, DIAL SH I-0010

VOL. 85, NO, 176 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1&63 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Khrush May Take Peking Tiff Backstage

BjrWIUIAMt.RYAN , aism should be advanced, Khru- tigers and thus sacrifices oppor- them. And Cuba, of course, -was Patiently Khrushchev repeated sured Cuba of Soviet support id AP Special Correspondent shchev replied with notable mild- tunities for communism to ad- included In this blanket pledge of in his speech to a Kremlin elec- any "hour of need." ness. vance swiftly, particularly in the Soviet protection for a specific Cautious Critics Premier Khrushchev's latest tion rally Wednesday that he did He reminded the Red Chinese— backward areas of Latin America, purpose. Still speaking softly, Khru- pronouncement]! In the intermina- what he did to "arrest the on- Asia, Africa-and the Middle East. The Red Chinese claim Khru- ble dialogue with Red China may and those who side with Peking— coming avalanche of thermonu- shchev cautioned his critics in the showed the white feather mean a Peking-Moscow meeting that only Moscow is strong enough East Germany's Communist, shchev Red world that communism's en. last October by agreeing to with- clear war." He said he had def- to explore the painful split in the to go to their aid should they be leadership has been nagging emies are using and exaggerating draw'Soviet missiles from Cuba initely not "left heroic Cuba at world Communist' front. in danger. He said he would be Khrushchev on the issue of West their quarrel. He expressed con. willing to go to the aid of any Berlin, which he virtually prom- after the Kennedy blockade show- the mercy of the big sharks of fldence that the Communist par« Tills does list mesa the rift is Communist country attacked i by ised four, years -ago to deliver to down. American imperialism." He as- (See KHRUSH, Page 2) closing biit rattier that Khru- shchev is" anxious* h* remove the "the imperialists." But he war of1 words from public view thoughtfully, singled out'by name and take It backstage. ' ' - Cuba, Red Chiria, North Viet In- his-'attempt to accomplish Nam, North Korea and East Ger- this, MiniShchev has applied the maBy- soft 'answer' to ' turn 'away Red Side With Peking' Chinese vrrativ The Communist parties of North Hopes Dim on Test Ban Only tours after Peking had Viet Nam and North Korea' side GENEVA (AP)-U.S. and Brit lasted bin violently, demanding with Peking in the quarrel. They Kremlin audience Wednesday, Soviet Union. The Western powers the Western and neutral delega< ish disarmament negotiators an apology for his Attitude in the support the Red Chinese conten- "nothing more can be expected have demanded a minimum of tions to work out detailed con- seemed to (ace a grim choice to- quarrel over how'world commu tion that Khrushchev fears paper from us." seven of each. trol procedures. They have even day between unacceptable Soviet The U.S. and British govern- The Soviet Union has not given threatened to withdraw the In- terms,for a nuclear test ban or ments consider three Inspections an inch In this argument since the spection and blade box offer al- failure after four yean of nego- and three black boxes totally.in- talks resumed on Feb. 12. together if the West persisted in tiations. adequate to provide a foolproof The Russian negotiators have its efforts to get more. Despite the Soviet stand, Amer- check on the-vast territory of the brushed aside all appeals from (Sea TEST BAN. Page 2) PERKINS UP — William Snedderi, of the Society for the To Investigate Use ican and British spokesmen said Prevention of Cruefty to Animals staff at the Eatonfawn their governments would perse- vere with their efforts in the 17- shelter, beam* as two purebred Weimaraner puppies Of Package Plants oation disarmament negotiations. demonstrate their •ageme'ss to share a. bowl of chow. They said they thought agreement • MIDDLETOWN-Officials have announced they will ex- still was possible. The puppies are the offspring of a dog found in a starv- plore the possibility of allowing package sewer plants to be The external evidence pointed ing condition in Matawan Township. The owner, William installed in, certain areas of the township as a stop-gap solu- the other way. tion to the mounting sewage disposal problem here. Lee, was fined $10; on: a charge*of cruelty to\an animal. Thp Soviet terms for a test ban The township already has embarked on a program to are simple: A maximum of three provide sewers for the bulk of the community at an estimated, on-site inspections per year to minimum cost of $9 million. check, on indications ot under- Appointment Time Charles J. Kupper, New Market, has been retained as ground nuclear explosions and consulting engineer to draft plans and specifications for the three sealed seismograph record- project' Completion of the program is still several years off. ers—black boxes—on Soviet terri- Only GOP Board Choice is Certain •Meanwhile, local officials are being beseiged with com- tory. plaints from'Various areas about overflowing septic tanks. Premier Khrushchev : told FREEHOLD — One of the two dletown, where Mr. Charles was Townshlp^committeemen and other officials will confer members of the Moamoutb municipal chairman for several as soon as possible with Mr. Kupper and the township engl- County Board of Elections whose years before being appointed to ne«r to-determine if package plants could be constructed and two-year terms are expiring over the election board in' I960, want later -integrated into an over-all system. Ziegler Boy- the weekend is due for reappoint- a change to favor someone elie Whethersuch a proposal is feasible, both'technically and ment by Gov. Richard J. Hughes. in their organization. financially, remains' to be teen Dies After Mrs. John P. Flynn of Asbury Democratic County Chairman ' Acting .'Mayor Mutin V. Lawlor said the township must Park, a Republican, is assured John W. Applegste said'last night cfline up with at least a temporary answer to the problem. of appointment to her second a decision will be made today and He said the governing body should look intoihe pros and cons Car Crash term. sent on to the governor. He de- of-package plants. • RICHMOND, Va. - Warren County GOP chairman J. Rus- clined speculation. (See MIDDLETOWN, Page 2) J. Ziegler, 10, son of Mr. and sell Woolley said yesterday her Mr. Flynn and Mr. Charles Mrs. Harold P. Ziegler, 82 Main name has been certlifed by party are commissioners on the board St., Matawan, died here yester- leaders in the county and by at $3,000 a year each.Mra. Anna day in Richmond Memorial state chairman Webster Todd, Morford of Middletowt is chair- Hospital. - and has been forwarded to the man, and Mrs. GMtave J. Freret Lawley Will Not The boy was injured in an governor. of Fair Haven, secretary, at K 500 each. automobile accident last Thurs- Action by the governor Is re- day night near Bowling Green, The party leaders who a<$ on quired by law to follow the rec- in which three men died. He these appointments are the coun- ommendations given to him. was admitted to the hospital in Status of Charles ty chairman and vice chairman, Seek Re-elecfion WHERE THE SMITHY STOOD — Back Tri 1839 when The Old Forge w« eitabliihed critical condition, but Improved the two members of 4ho -state . The situation in regard to MEM*ETOWN-John T, Law* John S. Thatcher, Board of Ed- over the weekend and had been at Eatontown by thai late Wijliam Allgor,a blacksmith was one of this town's men moit committee, and the tuts cbiir- Arthur Charlet ot'Middletbwn is ley former mayor and • 10-ye«r ucatlon member, reported ""fair" Monday morn- in demand. Tho Aflgor. family operated the shop until 1920, The Broad St, structure . less secure. Some leaden in Mid' man. ~ wterm on the Townsfcip Com- K a co«test,doe* come about tag. "-,- • *-. Wa« removed tatt May td maka room'for trie new branch of ihii Central J»riey Bant mittee, -announced yesterdiy h« the GOP, executive group will His' sister, Judith, 19, also jut neck wfetttes thft take a, "hands otf" .policy insofar was Injured, hut is reported in aVd-Trutt Co. This week, officer* of tha bank joined with members of tfr» Monmouth Setper Plant Entry year. * ' as endorsing any particular can- good condition. County Hittoritfal Association in dedicating a mounted plaque topped by the shop's A ' member of the governing didate. The'Ziegler family was on its? 'Joji'Syivil atth'e •former lite of The: Old Forge, Participating m the unveiling are, left body since 1953, Mr. txwley Democratic officials privately way to Florida at the time of; served as mayor three years. reported this week that no deci- the accident. -IWiSbfyEftHmtown Councilman Ralph L. Lewii, EdwardH.Faltui;3d, Clifford Hance, Stirs Board Action He said the pressure of busi- sion has been made on their two Bedle Funeral Home, Key- George J. Dfttmar, Jr., and Ernest Hall. ••'.'''. ' .''-'.'•' ness was a lai

when 6am who luit erTeer«r« •liot-In with a thoughtful phona will you What more enjoyable way to polish your halo? Call your favorite shut-in right now. NEW JERSEY fieu. think of

TRIPLE PUNCH SHIP—Three surface-to-air mluiles leave amoke-ahroUded U88 sportcoats Albany during teit firing off Virginia Capes. Streaking from bow la Taloi, with range of more YOU'RE INVITED! than 65 mltea, Tartar, mluiles, with 10-mlle- range, are fired from the aldei of the cruis.tr, ...think of the fair! Bring the family! Population Controversy YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL e almost extinct- in the park The Fair ipeeielizes, among PARK, Wjw. (AP)-Ppssibly no lecause the elk destroy their feed. population explosion anywhere has other things, in the Sport There also was agreement on stirred such concentrated contro- stepped-up trapping and trans' versy as that which has been Coat. There will be found FREE anting program. Wyoming said occurring in a remote valley in would take all the elk it coulc on our, raeki every type of refreshmontsl the extreme northwest coiner of 3t. Wyoming. iecket which we consider There, In a section of Yellow- SAWDUST to be In good teite mi stone National Park, range the Across the Counter DOOR 5,000 animals in the northern which ii also comidered e Yellowstone elk herd—unaware of PARTY PRIZES! the problems they are creating for Mrs. Hillman. an elderly proper value. A gentle* themselves, other wildlife and hu- widow, needed Insurance coun- mans hundreds of mil- •> away. sel. A month aga, she asked men will be well rewarded Date_ March 5.1963 KLARIN'S us to talk with her. She owns For 30 years the increasing elk an apartment house and lives when he inspects this col* 7:30 P.M. PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. herd has been a source of irrita- in one unit Time. GIFTS! 26 Moimontli St. tion to UieNatkmal Park Service, "How much lection. states surrounding the wilderness fire Insur- Red Bank, N. J. park and thousands of sportsmen. ance do you have?" I SPRING HAS The dispute is over how to con- asked, since See an expert in ac- trol the size of the herd and keep we had not tion with the world's ARRIVED it in line with what the handled her finest power tools. service thinks is desirable for the 1 n suranee animals' wellbeing, the preserva- before. tion of natural forage'and the I'm afraid I don't have Learn woodworking shortcuts . . . new meth- enjoyment of tourists who swarm very much," ods, new techniques In furniture crafting, the through the park. she replied, easy way to do home repairs with professional The issue reached a bitter cli- "Just $3,000 accuracy. max last winter when 5,000 elk worth." • dacron and wool,. $45.00 were slaughtered In their winter "Whew!" I said, "no wonder Exciting! Informativel Fun for everyone! feeding grounds. .New outcries you're afraid. The lnsurable moygashel Ifnin.,.. $39.95 Followed an announcement that value is about $23,000." Mrs. Hillman nodded. '!! this winter's required reduction of know. My son says I'm the • classic blazers.... $35.00 1,800 head had been completed. last person who should gam- The reduction included shooting of ble. This property is my, bread .... traditional ilada from $1S.« 400 elk by park rangers.' and butter. 1 need the income Now, the air has been allowed to live on." "He's right," I -said. "If to clear somewhat and observers 1 feel a solution is closer than ai your property is _ . . ROUTE 35 any time in the past three/years not replaced, your income would cease. You might get 30 MIDDLETOWN when the heavy reduction pro- •«. loan to rebuild, but' the in- gram began. come would have to go to- But as Wyoming Gov. Cliff ward paying off the loan. You Hansen says, much, still needs to wouldn't hava much left On be done before there is really any the other band, proper insur- understanding betiMba the Nation- ance won't cost as much as al Park Service, Trtitch runs the you probably think. park, and the surrounding states I continued, "Also, at very low cost we can add a Rental and various sportsmen's groups Income clause which will pay Montana Goy. Tim Babcock said you regular rent while your he hopes this winter marks the property is being rebuilt, if a open daily 'til 9, Saturday 'HI 6 end of elk shooting Inside Yellow- loss occurs." stone. "It sounds wonderful," Mrs. The elk range both in and out- Hillman said with a smile. side the park in small bands dur- "That's why I called you. My ing good weather, usually high in son said you'd have the right We have special answers." the mountains and rarely within H the fair university shop Stride Rites for sight of any human eyes. But in winter, the elk are driven Rolsron Waterbury children's foot to lower elevations.by the snows for men, women and boys and gather1 on 125,000 acres in Realtors - Insurers Rt. 35. Wanamatsa (one mile north of Atbwy Clrele) Kl M949 problems—shoes the Laraar River Valley In north- Since 192S western Yellowstone park to wail with the extra for spring. There the problem 16 W. Front St Red Bank begins. The elk are ravenou: SH 7-3500 support features ters. Whitetail deer and t doctors most ^ frequently recommend. If your doctor prescribes Today's college boyi still further can still learn a thing or two measures we have the-experience and from Dad. They're fust skill to" warming up, for instance, to provide them. the medium-tone worsted flannel

he knew as Cambridge gray.

And finding out it goes just

right with striped oxford shirts.

The suit, complete with vest,

69.50, on the third floor. 1 < The shirts, in button down or

snap tab collar, 5.00. f They're wising up too about our, '/j balance open end account.


'• ••>•••.- • . . .-•.;;•••* •;•••;• i M Hmk KegUtcr "What Doc« He Think This Is — A Legislative Body?* Aflw-Seott Rtpwtt IM> BntMl ttfwt, Kcd Buk,.N. J., State Oghny* Tightening the Hold Eitatllihed 1878 by John a Cook and HMUT day By Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott PnbUtbed by H» Red Bank Restate* Incorporated WASHINGTON' — Attorney Gen. Robert W. HARRY PENMNGTON. Prakfcat JAMES J. HOGAN, Ettar has a neat scheme to extend still further, his already M. HAROLD KELLY, General Maiater considerable rule over the Democratic National Thomas J. Bly William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamln Frank W. Harbour Committee. •ncutjn Bailor Ejitori 8WM0 H»r. Aim of this new backstage power grab Is not only Member ol the Associated Press to center all fund-raising activities^ for [ht utoeiixd Preu u »miti*d noiuMKUr la tli IIH br npubUutloa 61 w Uw Ueu un »rtsud la uu« 0«w«pAP«r as ireU u til AF DIWI dllb Democratic congressional candidates in Member ol American Newspaper Publisben Association the national committee, but also to vest Member Audit Bureau of Circulation it with control over how and for whom Tb» Red HiDk Regfitcr uiumts DO nouciii reipomlbiiul*! For rypogrtphieai nrrorc la tdtrtlMBtDU. these campaign funds will be spent. wiu rtprlnt wltnout charge, that pun ol ID «dv«rtt»ment IL which tti* ijrpogrtpble&l irror eceura. AdftrtiMn wll pliut notity the manLxamtnt ImmtdEaUl? of toy irror wiuei] mtr octor. ." In other words, Bobby and the aewiDtper uium«i no ruponitblltuti (or itattinutj ol optnlou la l«H*n from White House, would have complete sway gul>«nptlon prieet In Advanc* L«i this } mot. Par month Sl.Sn 11 moBim—111.00 i I monlli»-l IW> over the Democratic party's campaign aU copy at eountir, 7 ctntj Unite cop; 07 mall. 10 emu • mootb*-l

U IROAP ST., RED BANK SH 7-3334 There's no Trick to Having Ex- FREE PARKING and DELIVERY tra Cash. You Get it Fast When You Use The Register Classified. No Money Down - Free Delivery and Installation —Advertisement. RED BANK REGISTER tine Mooft meted to be an ac-libey Don't let *e youngster get ||j Fefr. 28, lfr tar. "I few* it «u UnpoHibte," in cme sentence without interrupt-1 TV's Garry Moore he continued, "but It «w similar ing. When I UU the parent to; to a crippled boy dreaming of wait outside, I atytys find the "I stammered from the tinu being a ball' player." child loosens up and begins to|| I was 15 until I was is .and Garry doesn't try to analyze speak much better. Had Speech Handicap half," explained Garry. "Thi what caused the affliction, but be Own Methods reason I couldn't answer th< does admit that he was a poor "I fhink parents should exam-II phone is that 'hello' is one of tin student at the time and his older lne their own methods of bring-1 j By HARVEY PACK It doesn't mean I'm not hardest words for a stammere; brother and sister ranked quite Ing up their children before class- i Many years ago in the city of home. I never answer the phone and I just avoided it by not pick high in their class, a fact which Ifytag their offspring as candi-|| Baltimore a 15-year-old boy who because I can't say hello." To- psychologists would undoubtedly dates for speech ' therapy. In was destined to lie one of Amer- day, Garry Moore says more than ing up the receiver. With m list as a cause. "The stammer- many cases, particularly very ica's highest paid TV personali- hello" to millions ot fans every friends I wasn't so bad, but wit ing didn't help my studies and young children., it's simply a ma- ties told his friends, "If you call week and his loquacity is one of adults I was terrible." vice versa," Garry theorized. ter of the'mind moving faster my house and there's no answer the key factors in his success. ironically enough, even at tha 'But In,spite of my poor scholas- than the mouth' and-the impatient tic record, the headmaster of my parent can' actually aggravate high school wrote an article some this condition ino a speech Im- years ago explaining that many pediment."1 ' miserable students are simply As every viewer knows, the boy children who do not fit Into the who won the tead in that Balti- mold that is demanded by edu- more high school play has had ADD IT UP cators. He listed me as an ex- no trouble getting work. His va- ample." riety show—which spawned tal- Con Affected ents like Carol Burnett, Allen & The cure was not affected by Rossi and, more recenly, Dor- speech therapy, but by the thea- othy Loudon—will be back again You're Way ter. "A friend ot mine was try- next season. He doesn't seem to ing out for; the school play and mind the strenuous schedule of he had me accompany him as a weekly one hour show, plus a friendly witness," said Garry. "I've Got a Secret" and a dally "They asked me to read a few radio program. Ahead When You cue lines and I found that when When you ask him whether he's I wasn't responsible for making sorry h* didn't do a film show up the speeches, I was able to and therefore lost out on the big talk in front of an audience with- fortunes performers have made out stammering. They gave me by selling their old shows for the lead in the play ... I was Have 10 EXTRA syndication, the one-time stam- a big hit and everybody was merer proves himself a true ham proud of me. I never stammered by saying. "When you're on film again." r nobody comes up to you the next Despite his poor scholastic day and tells you that the show was great... or even lousy. You DIVIDEND DAYS! showing, Garry was extremely well read and actually began his sacrifice the excitement of the professional career as a writer. business and that's an awful lot He has never forgotten his ado- to give up." lescent affliction and to this day And to think ... he once he is quite active In the National couldn't say "hello." Hospital for Speech Disorders. "They do a remarkable job to- SAVE BY day," said Garry. "I dpn;t really Court Hearing understand all their'methods, but I get a kick out of going down Site Is Shifted there and watching these people MARCH 10th get up in front of a class and FREEHOLD - Monmouth try and talk. I was Invited to County District Court Judge Flu W % Kztm address a group oner night and I Francis X. Crahay has announced Hit Dee. H, IMS was Introduced by the teacher, EARN FROM NEED ANOTHER BATHROOM stepped up to the front of the that effective Thursday, March 7, Oil Insured Savings room and said, ''I. . uh . uh all notions hi the district court mmmm . . wouwou..wou . . will be heard in the Asbury Park Is this your family—waiting their turn to use the one bathroom in your I completely regressed and, for MARCH 1st! division - on Bangs Ave, Small house . . . There's really no need to suffer this inconvenience when a first time in 23 years, I was y claims ,and tenancy matters will new bathroom can be added to your home so easily . . . Our archi- unable.. to talk. The stu- continue to be scheduled Thurs- tectural planning department will custom design your new bathroom and dentt s laugheg d because they days In Asbury Park and Fri- thought''I was trying to be funny, will include your own ideas if you like . . . Want more details? Call but it actually took me five min- days in Long Branch, he added. today—no obligation.., utes to regain my composure." The emcee of "I've Got a Sec- LITTLE AHEAD OF TIME Red Bank Savings ret'V has never kept his teenage OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)-Gov. stammering a secret and, as a Henry Bellmon didn't give up the and Loan Association WHEN QUALITY COUNTS result, he is constantly visited early-to-rise phase of his life by parents whose .youngsters when he' left his huge farm to be- have speech defects.'' "The pat- come Oklahoma's first Republi- 10 BROAD ST. • RED BANK. N, J. Inc. tern Is ajways the same," said can chief executive. A HEN RROTHERS Garry. "The mother or father On one of the first days of his comes in to see me dragging new administration, he got to the "Where You Save Dote Moke a Difference!** 596 RIVER ROAD FAIR HAVEN me child behind them. The par- Capitol before dawn to find the ent asks the child to tell Garry building virtually deserted. He SH 7-4440 how good he is—say in sports— had to wait awhile.before some- an(f before the kid has said one one could be found to open his word the parent steps right in own suite of offices. and takes over the explanation. Eventually he got his own key. It Pays to Advertise in The Register

Great Savings oh: . . . Tables, le're forced to clear out at least 50% of Lamps, Sofas, Sectionals, Love Seats, our floor sample stock to make room for new Chairs, Mirrors, Desks, Secretaries, Otto- merchandise which is due to arrive any day now. mans, Chests, Dressers, Servers, Nite Ta- Remember ... only a limited number of pieces bles, Buffets, Bedding, Carpets. are going on sale at these low, low prices. All

one-of-a-kind, all sales final, free delivery. These Famous Names: Drexel, Simmons, Willett, Century, Baker, Heritage, Schoonbeck, Harden, Tomlin- son, Henredon and many more.

Immediate Delivery "Creators of Fashion jor the Home"

i Open Mon., Wed. and Fri. to 9 P. M.;

Tues., Thurs. and Saturday to 6 P. M. FREE PARKING—BUDGET TERMS FURNITURE 140 BROAD ST., RED BANK SHadyside 7-4000 show Ms license wtitn pp EED BANK EEGISTER , F*b. 28, 1963—9 Fined $250 htaitd, sworn "at two pollceraea Wid Patr&lmin William Hu - WfllUmi Kefc- Wim navick, €2, of 24 West Locust tlsg in the leg, hit Patrolman Jo Ave^-.tbag Branch, was fined septa A. M&zza on the head, m $250 last night in Municipal knocked over chairs in p o 11 c Court,,, and lost tils license (or headquarters. Convert Your Attached Garage two years, after being found gill- He had been examined by pa ty ot drlvJhg'whlle drunk, ^W D. Georgge E. Hen Ilie sentence cam* after testi-j116'' d i Or Carport Into Living Space!! mony that £aknavfch, a retired cated- Army csptalu, had'turned-left Explains Not GuUty Plea at » "qo. Kft turn" sign, driven Magistrate M. Raymond Me onto the-sidewalks, refused to Gowan said that under the cii camstances he did not feel th $250 fine usual for first offense You can have that added living space for Levitt to Start of drunk driving was appropriate your growing family by converting your lfI don't know why you,, an attached garage or carport into « ustful Building Again facing only one charge here to night," the magistrate said. "Ou room. Call Charles B. Hembling and Son po ieeaiell are MA,?AWAN TOWNSHIP-Win- ' - dedicated mei for a raalistic estimate that will meat your ter-iilled Construction teams will who devote their lives to main start the 1963 building program taining peace and order. The; budgat requirements. Regardless of the are not to be kicked aroun in Stra&more Monday, Richard amount of money you want to spend, A. WaSiejaan, vice president of and sworn at by anyone," operations for Levitt and Sons, Mr. Kaknavich pleaded no you'll find wa do not compromise the qual- Inc., tut announced guilty to the charge. He later e« ity of our work. InitUflry, thft; spring schedule plained he had done so becaus calls for Hie construction of 15 he remembered nothing at a! Whatever your needs are for improving houses weekly, .but this will be of the incident. He said he sui increased ,Xo/^H after'crews have pected he had been given or remodeling your home, call us for a "limbered u%" tyasserman said. "Mickey Finn" or knockout drop free estimate. First houses on, the spring in a drink before the incident oc schedule will be ready for occu- curred. pancy in late May. "I don't even know why I wa GETTING TOGETHER — About 200 members of four Rotary Clubs in the shore area NO MONEY DOWN Five house styles include Cape in EatonCown," he said "Th met jointly in the Civic Auditorium of the Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatontown. Cods, ranchers, two colonial kind of behavior I have hear* models and the country clubbers. described is not at all like me' Seated are Albert R. Quackenbush, left, president of the Middletown club, and Whit- YEARS TO PAY They range in price'from $16,990 Magistrate McGowan also in ney Crowell, president in Red Bank. Standing, left to right, are Harry P. Bartolett, , to $25,990. posed two < fines for traffic ol president of the Freehold club; Louis S. VanZanelt, chairman of the inter-club meeting When, it is completed, proba- tenses as follows: James Pa and representative of the Rotary'j state governor, and Alex B. Eilar, president of the bly toward the latter part of this lito, Jr, $20 for careless drh year, according to company of- ing, and Else Berliner, East Oi Eatontown club. Also present was Martin F. Bell, president of the Matawan club. No question about it—for home Improvements ficials, the project is expected to ange, $15 for driving the wron Jotal about 1,900 houses. way on a one-way street WilliamS. While dent as this ugly episode caused CALL by men whose persistent inef- CHARLES B. HEMBLING & SON DICTIONARY SALE fectuality as legislators has led Tax Cut Bill them to look everywhere but 13 Catherine Street Estab. 1918 Red Bank This it the desk-size dic- within themselves — to cry foul against the rules, the umpire, Day Phone SH 7-M04 tionary that is required, or WASHINGTON — President Nothing ever done or likely to Kennedy's highest priority for > done by his Republican op- the playing field or whatever — recommended at schools, this session of Congress, his tax- osition will have such punish- for the real reasons for that In- and colleges everywhere. cut bill to stimulate business, is ing consequences for the Presi- effectuality. It Pays to Advertise in the Register Webabw'B Every student should own endangered now by two vastly different forces. Now and use Webster's new Collegiate One is the great complex of Collegiate Dictionary. finance and industry represented No Money Down—Low Monthly Payments Dictionary by the American Bankers Associ- SALE ation, which is not opposed to tax PRICE *4.50 reductions as such but which fears the built-in Federal deficit Regularly $6.00 they would bring in the absence of a reduction in all Federal ex- Quantity Limited penditures. • • ' YOUR CHOICE-WASHERS EASY CHARGE AVAILABLE The President has just met the ONTGOMERY men of the ABA here in a mutu- Established Telephone ally grave and mutually courte- ous Seminar to examine the great SH 1-0001 problem. And they have parted WARD In mutually respectfully agree- REFRIGERATORS or FREEZERS RED BANK ment to disagree responsibly and as adults; they have parted in civility. ! 3 DAYS ONLY-SALE ENDS SATURDAY Pro-Kennedy The other danger "has been raised in the Senate by Demo- on crats who tirelessly proclaim M1-\Af themselves to be the most pro- RCA VICTOR RED SEAL Kennedy of all possible Kennedy Democrats. And this danger is without any civility at all and absolutely innocent of any touch Artur Rubinstein's of adult reasonableness. This is the bitter chaos within the Dem- FIRST RECORDING OF ocratic side of the Senate which for seven weeks has been fanned ?> by a handful of ultra-liberal Dem- The "Moonlight Sonata ocrats whose determination to change the rules and power, bal- ances to suit their personal wish- es has now ended in foredoomed failure — and in manifest injury to any end all parts of the Ken- nedy legislative program. Because of them, the Senate for these seven weeks has not turned a legislative wheel, on taxes or anything else. Indeed, only now has it been possible to form those legislative commit- tees, normanlly formed in the Mono: LM-2654 early days of January, which surao: LSC-2654 must now so belatedly start to begin to grapple with the legisla- Now, at the summit of his life and art Rubinstein has tive business of Congress. given us his first recording of the "Moonlight Sonata," a Free Debate work which he still has not played in puolic. Thus we become uniquely privileged to share what a lifetime of The ultra-liberals, led by Sens. communion has revealed to Rubinstein, in one of Beetho- Joseph Clark of Pennsylvania ven's most personal masterpieces. Also includes "Les and Paul Douglas of Ilinolis, set Adieux,""Palhetique." » out first to waste weeks in de- manding a curb on free debate. OTHER TOP SELECTIONS Predictably losing this, they proceeded to challenge their WE RECOMMEND IN OUR STOCK own party leadership and the vast jnajority of their own Dem- KEYBOARD FAVORITES ocratic colleagues by attempts to pack Senate committees to Only their own private liking, si Notably, their goal was the tax- > RCA VICTOR writing Senate Finance Commit- si can offer you all of these tee, which will now be fortunate great Keyboard Artists, in if it is able to act at all on it performances which live on the President's tax bill before your choice-freezers or refrigerator to bring you fall. THE MUSIC YOU WANT Turned back by their own people in the Democratic caucus, Quality tru-cold refrigeration at unbelievable budget prices. Sale WHEN YOU WANT IT. the utra-Uberals next chose to tlieUKNi RACHMANINOFF CONCERTO No. 2 appeal to-the whole Senate, end- price includes Free Delivery — Free Service — Free Normal In-d* Sensitive and vital new recording of this lessly crying out for "majority familiar and beloved concerto. Fritz Reiner rule." This final test they man- conducts the Chicago Symphony.* Mono: stallation. Take Months to Pay. v X X X IM-2601 Stereo: LSC-2601 aged to lose by a margin of nearly four to one. They mar- RICHTERi BRAHMS CONCERTO No. 2 "A per- formance you will be playing for yean to shaled 17 votes to the 68 cast come." Award-winning first American re- against them. These 17 men X X cording* Mom. LM-24S6 Stew: LSC-24S6 formed the "majority" for which • 15" chest or upright • 12.6 automatic defrost X they spoke, in the most pettily HOROWITZ: BEETHOVEN "APPASSIONATA'VSO- maintains zerq temp. • True zero freezer NATA IN D One of the outstanding piano irresponsible action taken by records of all time. Technically brilliant. a splinter group against its own • 525 Ib. capacity • Family sized capacity Highly individual interpretations. Mono: LM- party, its own party leadership NO MONEY DOWN X X 236S Stereo: LSC-23BB and its own chamber within at THE SREAT RACHMANINOFF Prized collector's least three decades. And it was album. Rachmaninoff in 14 selections in- cluding his own "Prelude in C-Sharp Mi- all done under the slogan of nor," worlj >-y Mendelssohn, Schubert,- "protecting" the Kennedy pro- X X X Chopin, others- Mono only: LM-25B7 gram from being "smothered, THE UHFORGErTABLE WILLIAM KAPELl Kapell crippled and impeded." your choice - washer sale! in two works which catapulted him to fame -the complete Khachaturian Concerto and Tinpot Putsch 18th variation of Rachmaninoff s "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini," plus Albeniz' A senator who must be pre- X X "Evocacion," Lint's "Mephisto Waltz." sumed to be somewhat inter- Mono onlyinly: IM-256U 8 ested in the "Kennedy program" $ LANDOWJKAWSKA: A TREASURY OF HARPSICHORD NO MONEY DOWN MUSIC Magnificent collection by the artist of his brother, the President, did who made the baroque harpsichord the liv- not see it this way. Sen. Ted ing instrument it is today. Includes works Kennedy of Massachusetts joined X X by Bach, Mozart, Couperin. Mont only: IM- the 67 others in opposing this X 1217 'ALSO ON TAPE tinpot putsch against orderly pro 158 VISIT OUR STEREO ROOMS—SECOND FLOOR cedure in the Senate. One result of it all,'apart from 2-cycle front-load or 2-cycle top-load. Both models that of bringing the Senate to COLOR TV HEADQUARTERS a dead halt for nearly two fully automatic. 12-lb. capacity front-loader has months, has been that this tiny, rule-or-ruin minority has fouled multi speed rotating agitator. Top-loader has 10- its own Demorcatic nest as it has not been fouled In many pound operation plus large agitator and porcelain tub years. Another has been to compromise the capacity of the patient and moderate Senate 30 BROAD STREET < RED BANK Democratic leader, Mike Mans- field of Montana, to lead any Red Bank's oldest, most experienced television store kind of reasonably united party Free Normal Installation - Free Delivery In behalf of the President. stop street violation., , >. 28, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER Mr, Cooii to '»•*•« ««*£- P*y- •VBI HAMH TO YOU? m&U of $30 to bis wife ind A cue against Carl Ve&ttle, Fine4 pjuced him on two yesrs' proba- 132 South St., charged wftb exces- People, Problems, Profits tion. sive speed, was dlsmfwed, • and NonSupport Hurry A. Nivwi. 37 George St.. Charles Hall, 73 Garden Rd., River Plaza, was fined $25 for Shrewsbury, was found not guilty RED BANK-MUUm E. Goods, careless driving. He was charged of disregarding a police officer*!, 29, of Leighton Ave, was fined with excessive speed and pass- signal White-Collar Worker Surplus? 100 yesterday for the desertion ing at an intersection. . ,, Charles (Chuck) Medlar, who By RICHARD WILSON Automation is often singled out occupational status of our work; md-non-support of Ms, Wife, Mrs. Guilio Giornallsta of Valley assisted retiring coach Jo* Professor, Moomouth College as a principal cause, but how ttlda G. Goode of Mechanic St., Drive,, Atlantic Highlands, also ing populations shift from blue- Bedenk for the last 14 years, ii Over the past two years many responsible a factor is it? ind their two children. charged with careless driving, collar to white-collar employ- now head baseball coach at P«nn major corporations have substan- Magistrate William I. Klatsky was fined (20. According to the Are there other agents at work, ment. White - collar employees State.' tially reduced the number of their and how concerned ought we to have been increasing at twice the impended the.fine, but directed summons, his offense involved a white-collar employees. The un- be? Before answering these ques- rate of blue-collar workers. employment rate of these tions perhaps it might be wise to Today they constitute more workers in fact has been increas- take a look at what's been hap- than 30 per cent of the total la- ing at a higher .rate than that pening to the composition of our bor force, ANNUAL STORAGE AUCTION of our total civilian labor force. labor force over the last. two This increase cannot be attrib- Much concern is being ex- decades. -*• • • , * .•• uted solely to the growth within pressed in government and eco- During this . period there has pur economy of the service oc- nomic circles over the lay-offs, been a significant change in th cupations, for this increase has Saturday. March 2nd - 10:30 A.M. been greater within manufactur- ing industries than within busi- ness as a whole. BUY IT WHERE ITS Economic changes and trends, ANDERSON BROTHERS INC. WAREHOUSE such as the above, are like a pen dulum—they will continue up to 200 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK ^^ BAKED point and then reverse their SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY! direction. They usually come to CINNAMON APPLE CAKE rest somewhere in between the extremeties reached in bmn di- © Kim Fettant Sjndiata, he, 1963. World righto itwrol. Chock full of luscious N. Y. State apples rections. Exhibition Friday. March 1st, 1:00-5:00 P.M. and generously laced with cinnamon. 53 However, when the pendulum attested to in that many a white- REG. 70c begins to swing away from the collar employee is filling an eight- Condemnation direction in which we think it hour day with only four hours of A wide variety of antiques and modern furniture Including early 18ft century mlr- should go we become alarmed, productive work. Suit Is Filed PARIS PASTRY although it may actually be work- rtr, dropleaf cherry and mahogany tables, Stelnway grand piano' Number M45, FREEHOLD - A Highway De- "Where butter makes the difference and baking Is an art" ing to our benefit. I think that For these reasons then, the na- Peck splnette, tw» pairs brass andirons, old pierced brass fender, Cowan repro- 49 BROAD STREET RED BANK this may be what is happening tion's fear about recent white- partment condemnation suit was filed in Superior Court here duction mahogany pad foot table, set of eight needlepoint reproduction Chtppendal* SH 1-0252-OPEN SUNDAYS 6 A. M. TO 2 P. M. in the present instance. collar lay-offs may be overly ex- Tuesday in the Rt. 36 widening Automation, new inventions, aggerated. This is not to say that dining chairs, cherry butterfly dropleaf table, oil painting "still life/; set of cement project. greater know-how, and improved there is no reason for concern, garden urns and two benches, potbelly Iron stove, English dinner china, crystal The action involves lands methods have enabled us up to or that we can ignore the mat- chandelier, tripod table; maple, mahogany and walnut bedroom'furniture, Oriental now to increase production with ter. In particular, measures owned by Mr. and Mrs. James proportionately fewer blue-collar should be taken to alleviate the W. Aumack and Mr. and Mrs. and domestic rugs, living room furniture, convertibles, cedar chests, china, range, D O SUPER workers. But there has to come a problems of the individual work- Thomas Juiffre at the southeast washers, refrigerators, sewing machine, appliances, glassware, linens, lamp*, four point of diminishing returns. ers effected. corner of the highway and Union Ave., Raritan Township. dining rooms and occasional pieces. The services of the accountant, The point is that these prob- the salesman, the personnel man, The state is taking an area A large, interesting safe by Clare Brown, auctioneer. lems may be of short duration, .D.O. MARKET the purchasing agent, the typist, fronting 323 feet on Union Ave, and that in the long run both C and the stock clerk will be of lit- with a maximim 15-foot depth, the white-collar worker and busi- 36 MAIN ST. KEANSBURG tle value if there are no products and B20 feet on Rt. 36, with a ness as a whole will benefit from (OPEN 7 DAYS —8 A.M. - 10 P.M.) tor them to service—and most maximum 21-foot depth. products come into being from re-apportionment of the econ- omy's (abor force. The court is asked to appoint SPECIALS GOOD THRU SUNDAY. MARCH 3 the work and labor of the blue- commissioners to hear evidence Anderson Bros. Inc. Warehouse collar worker. The time, may (Mr. Wilson is a professor of and fix a purchase price. ; have come then for the pendu management at Monmouth Col- 200 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK him to reverse its swing, lege and a consultant to indus- Further,' it appears probable Buying or selling? Use the SALE STARTS AT 10:30 A. M. CHICKENS 19 that management is finally be- try. Inquiries may be addressed Regiister Classified for quick re- BEEF LIVER Ib. 29c ginning to recognize the fact that him in care of this pap. Advertisement white-collar Jobs are often over- PORK CHOPS Ib. 29c staffed. Poor hiring practices, lack of adequate job descriptions, POTATOES 10 Ib. bag. 29c and the desire of supervisors to make themselves more important by mutliplying subordinates, have SPARE RIBS Ib. 35c all contributed to a white-collar 100th Anniversary of the Banking Centennial Ww£. UVERWURST , : Ab. 35c payroll well in excess of many National Currency Act and company's needs. February 24 to March 2 Jhe Dual Banking System PORK LOINS ...... Ib. 39c This over-staffing is not always COMMERCIAL BANKING obvious to those within the com- ITALIAN SAUSAGE .....: Ib. 49c pany, for employees have a way of appearing busy when they are FRESH FISH FILLET Ib. 49c not. C. Northcote Parkinson', in his delightful little satire called CHUCK STEAK .....: Ib. 49c Parkinson's Law, states that "Work expands so as to fill the ROUND ROAST FROZEN Ib. 69c ttae available for its com- pletion." The truth of this statement is PUBLIC NOTICE j SPECTACULAR CLEARANCE SALE RAILROAD WAREHOUSE OUTLET THURSDAY, Feb. 28th, 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. FRIDAY, MAR. 1st, 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. • .'• ' \ k V *'' . \ ''<• t^ .. w- . Hi' ^ ^s. * V." , • ''•••,, '-, '' '~'.s • SATURDAY, MAR. 2nd, 9:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. The Railroad WarelMuee Outl.l mull dltpoia ef accumulated m.reliwidli.. Son. al that. Kami __ keve'keen .tightly danwnd In transit. Mm. an claim •dluetmenti, manufacturer'. .amplM, can- • »unw cancallatiena. dliuntlauad .tylu and turplul itocki far baliw th. dlaoount marlct print. ITEMS LISTED BELOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE:

AMT. ITEM AMT. ITEM 16 Carpet Underpads 39 Mattresses, All Siies 8 Dining Roams (Modem 28 Box Springs, All Siies Provincial, Colonial) 6 Sofa Beds 41 Dinette Chairs S Pop-up Toasters 63 Steel Folding Chairs 9 Bedroom Sets i * * * '* 9 Steel Wardrobes 6 Sectionals, Upholstered 7 Hat Box Dryers 97 Cans Spray Paint 13 Student Desks 19 Dinette Sets 101 Linoleum Rugs (Ass'r.) 11 Chests of Drawers 78 Rugs and Carpets (Ass't.) 4 Convertible Sofa Beds 69 Steel Kitchen Cabinets IS Dressers 5 Steam Irons 25 Beds, All Siies 23 Cans Spray Enamel 6 Maple Sofa Bed Suites 12 Folding Beds 4 Sofas 19 Occasional Chairs 9 Occasional Tables 23 Table Lamps 5 Bridge Sets , 20 Pole Lamps For 52 of These 100 Years First Merchants National Has Provided 6 Portable Stereos 3 Clock Radios 12 Bunk Beds 8 Smoking Stands Continuous, Uninterrupted Service Under This Great Act

FINANCING MtUHCXJTU 3UQtV,HC LAY-AWAY This is Banking Centennial Week, marking: the approval part of this system ... proud that we have contributed DELIVERY in 1863, by President Lincoln of the National Currency greatly toward providing a richer, fuller life f6r the in- Can Be Arranged Act, bringing into being the dual banking system of na- dividual and his family ... to the business and industrial tional and state commercial banks. ' growth of the area we serve. All merchandise is Sparked by this competitive system, American banking An anniversary marks not only an end, but also a begin- brand new with some has contributed immeasurably to the progress of the Na- ning. As we look back on our record with pride, v» slightly damaged tion, our State and the Monmouth County area. look forward to a new century of progress... through in transit. We at First Merchants National are proud that we are service.

Phone 542-2020 FOR DIRECTIONS 241 Hwy. 35, Eatontown Open 10:00 to 9 Daily Sat. 9:30 to 6:30

MONMOUTH :OUNTY'S REGIONAL IANK ... * COMMUNITY OFNCB ' 241 U Mile Srsoth of Eatonfown Circle HWY. 35 Opposife Monmouth Shopping Center ASBJRYPARK • RED.BANK • MANASQUAN • NORTH ASBURY PARK • FAIR HAVEN • HOLMOfL •BRIEUl' •••••••••• Member federal Bewrv*. Snlem/Fedeial Depodt Iniurnfice CorponOia * Nigeria.. Tix same Issue had anup African students for dating RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Feb. 28, 196J-11 Complaints Continue On article allegedly written by Olto- Russian girts. But Ae number Lowenstein to be Feted cha. Berth the Interview ead theof such Instances cepoittd to Estate CommUitonj Astembly- mayor since W51 tiA % resident article cited fantastic data about Western correspondents Is mta Irvlag Keitfa; former coun- of the store area about 45 yetn. Trailing African Students the university." United. At Testimonial Dinner ty Judge Jobs C. Giordano; He wa« la the Army in World None of Okocht'i criticism of Frequently the complaints re- David T. WUeate, former stale War I, and is a former president MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet school "It Is amazing and muit be the university was repeated In flect not only racial discrimina- SEA GIRT- — Gov. Richard J. years to serving "his commu- attorney general; Rep. Edward of the New Jersey Resort Asso- wdpr«M official! ridicule the regretted that *Hae people in dif- Erzin's article. tion but discontent and unhappl- Hughes will make the principal! nity, county, state and county." Patten (D. Middlesex), and oth- ciation. He helped found the Idea that Afrlcian and other «tu- 1 ferent African countries swallow Another > article—by Stanleynets about the cold climate and address when friends gather in Vincent P. Keuper, Asbury ers. Bradley Beach Chamber of Com- Sea Girt Inn Thursday, April 18, Park, county prosecutor, is the Mayor Lowenstein, a member merce and worked with the gov- here. Bat compt»lnta continueue'; cationcation." EnlErzlno wrotewrote . spondenZd t who worked (or a But they do complain, and to pay tribute to Mayor Eugene dinner chairman. Paul Klernan, of the state Real Estate Com- ernment in the Home Owners ' Disclosing again, Soviet sensi- He cited the case of Anthony ber of yean in Moscow before dozens show up regularly at theB. Lowenstein, Bradley Beach, Long Branch, president of the mission since 1943, has been Loan Corp. tiveness Jo criticism, Pravda has Okocha, a Nigerian student, who returning recently to New York- British, American, German and for having devoted more than 25 county tax board, will be the pubUiJied «n «rtlcl« by P. Errin, he tald "left the university tor Incited attack, that were repeated »*« embassies seeking scholar- toastmaster. pro-rector of Friendship Unlver- 'wily reasons." in the newspapers and by both $h!Ps ln o**1" countries, Some simply want to leave. The dinner committee includes Iky, the in»UtuUon created three Soon afterward," Erzin said, Soviet news agencies, Tass and Jehovah's 200 members from various parts years ago to offer middle level lie sent a letter'to the rector ex- Novostl, and on radio. For two Many of the students suffer of the county who have been in and some higher education to pressing gratitude tor the kind at- days the radio repeated its at-real unhappiness at having to close contact with Mayor Lowen- students not yet prepared to en-titude toward him at the unlver tacks on the Johnson story. spend nearly a year learning to Witnesses speak Russian before they can stein for many years. ter Soviet unlvenltles. sity and reporting that he was Protect Students Speakers also will include J. being pressed fat London to make seriously pursue their university Erzin said Johnson had cited a certain training. These students usually Theme Set Russell Woolley, the county Re- publican chairman; Freeholder de? of th* United States, West university Mustafa from Ethiopia as the speak French or English and ask FAIR HAVEN - The theme of y source of complaints about the to go where the language prob- Director Joseph C. Irwln; Sen. Germany, knd Britain" were con- "Some ttime later, the Sunday the Bible Convention of Jehovah's Richard R. Stout; Mrs. Katharine Witnesses to be held this week- discrimination' against Elkus White, chairman of the Soviet efforts to train cadres of Interview of a certain Douglai A good many of the students end in the Paramount Theater onNew Jersey Highway Authority; (cientlfic and technological ipe- As is customary with correspon- had read too much Soviet propa- the boardwalk at Asbury Park, Brown with Okocha under a sen- dents here when writing about Charles Howell, commissioner of dallstt lot Airic*, Asia and South sational heading about a Com- ganda about the good life here. will be "Right Kind of Ministers.'!the state Department of Banking USE DEPENDABLE America. student?, the proper name is They were disappointed when munist plot to seize power la never given and rarely the pro- A delegation' of more than 100and Insurance; Vincent Bradley, they didn't find what they ex men, women and children from per nationality. This is to pro-pected. president of the New Jersey Real tect the students from reprisals. Red Bank, Fair Haven, Atlantic Highlands, Belford, Middletown, But since no one found anyone New Shrewsbury and Shrews- named Mustafa from Ethiopia at Casino Arena Is Don't gambit with your comfort and mvwiltnct. Utt Une-O-HNt Call Kennedy bury, associated with the Red and bs tun yntr witsr NMS an pntsdsd ifsliist fraHing M Duets who just Friendship University, the story Bank Congregation of Jehovah's Named in Suit mittirhowwldltmsurt. cured a case was branded unfounded. Witnesses, will attend. The hard fact is that corre- PT Action FREEHOLD — Casino Arena Unt-0-Hnl... Ismst-Mlliiu heitlni tapein th* wortd... is ssq of homesickness spondents and embassy personnel Spokesman for the delegation Attractions, Inc., operator of the to apply, Inepmiw to buy and tin ind Is frmsptaesmsnt Raymond Bosworth, stated that Casino Ice Skating Rink on the aianiHsitf. Regular Uns-O-Hsst as low as UM. fartomiilc with a often meet students who com' UnHMMfmSSiO. plain about their treatment at Ineffective the three-day seminar will draw boardwalk in Astoury Park, was phone call? Friendship University, at Mot BOSTON (AP)-The World War some 1,700 witnesses from 20 con-named defendant Tuesday In a cow University and at universi- II aotion in which the patrol boat gregations in Central New JerSuperio- r Court suit filed by the When you're far away, ties In other cities. * commanded by then Lt. John Fitz- sey, sponsored by the New Jer- father of an 11-year old Late- nothing works faster to On the other hand, many get gerald Kennedy was sunk is de-sey Circuit Four. "Attending a wood girl who fell on the Ice bring people closer. Bible convention is like going to March 4, 1962. Miss someone? along well and are glad of a scribed in an official history as chance to get an education un- confused and Ineffective. school," he said, "But entire fam- Louis H. Cohen, the father, Canright now . flies attend this 'school* to re- contends the rink operators per- NEW JERSEY BELL available to them .otherwise. The book released Tuesday by Some ot the corojplaints are too the director of naval history was ceive Instruction from the Bible mitted guests to engage in "horse well grounded to be disputed. written by Capt. Robert J. Bulk- that will better equip them as play" which caused his daugh- Russian students have beaten ley Jr.' and carries a foreword by ministers of God." der. , Ronnie_ . , to fall and injure President Kennedy. Attendance at the seminar Is herself. The suit was filed by Titled "At Close Quarters," it expected to reach 2,000 on Sun-Edward M. Rothstein of Lake- covers the operations of Navy PT day at 3 p.m. when the main ad- wood. MINERSUPPLYCO boats In World War II including dress "Who Will Win the Struggle SH1-3333 SHM114 the exploits of PT Skipper Ken' for World Supremacy?" will be There's no Trick to Having Ex- nedy. delivered by Joseph Saia, special tra Cash. You Get it Fast When In his foreword, Kennedy says: representative of the Watditower You Use The Register Classified. "PT boats filled an important need|Bible and Tract Society. —Advertisement. in World War H in shallow waters,' complementing the achievements of greater ships m greater seas. The need for small, fast, versatile, strongly armed ships does not wane." Bulkley, who died while his manuscript was On Ks way to the Government Printing Office, in no way detracts from previous ac- counts of Kennedy's heroism. The book tells how on Aug. 1-2, 1943, a squadron of 15 Ameriearf PT boats was on the prowl to in- tercept four Japanese destroyers m the Blackett Strait off Kolom- bangara Island ln the Southwest Pacific. • , ' It describes the ramming and sinking of Lt. Kennedy's PT-109 LIQUIDATION by the Japanese destroyer Ama- NEW BOUCLE WEAVE glri In this way: "This was perhaps the most confused and least effectively «*- FIBERGLAS' DRAW DRAPES ttuted'actfon Uieftfi ted been & I Eight PT« find »torpedoes. Th« 100ft gb* fiber dope* an only confirmed results are the 1 loss of PT-109 and damage to the Jsfiknese destroyer Amagirl. ' ftTh Amaglri was not hit by a CARPET SALE! pe, but vibrated so beffly af- j,ter.;rammij!g-tb6M109 that she was y- DOUMJ WIDTH [unable to proceed at high speed. CLEARANCE OF SURPLUS CARPETING Pbich-pleaUdtoM" "The chief fault of the PTs was 63" bog 10.37 *at they didn't pass the word. FROM HUDSON RUG CO.'S 2 STORES Each boat attacked Independent- 90"k»« WIOBH 1M7 ly, leaving the others to discover the enemy for themselves." AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS! We have acquired the two 'noted itorei of Hudson Rug Co., and are liquidating BACK HOME surplus inventory »\ unheard-of clearance pricesl All first quality carpeting HAZLET - Mr. and Mrs. NO-IRON FIBERGLAS" Charles Higgtas, Middle Rd., . . .with heavy waffle pad and installation included at the one low price! SHORTIE DRAPES have returned home after a two- Come early for widest selection of colors. . . week motor trip In Flor|da.While 4? and W long there, they visited former resi- Just wash •nine, aldpihe dent*, Mr. and Mrs. James Me- ironing! All glass flbeis in AII-Wool Tweeds a smart dobby weave; white and colors. Ptneh-pleated. M§ poll Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad For Sport $A.95 AII-Wool Textured $q.yi 54" las* Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad M"lonfl 6 MATCWNO CAN CURTAINS—! Jf Continuous Filament Nylon Texturtd Regularly Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad from $10.95 NIW WA5H-AND-HANO SHEIR WHITE DACRON* DuPont 501 Nylon Textured ftAYONCHALUSTKR NINON TIER CURTAIN ' Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad p xfnffiod nlfloiM In Sunn Firth AII-Wool Wilton butterfly/floral motif on 77 polyester look fragile but 77 white rayon challk Drips are strong, long-wearing, Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad dry; little or no ironing. need little or no ironinf. I pair I AII-Wool Tweed Regularly MalcMnfl Vdane* 1.19 Mafchlno Votanee —1.W Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad front $11.95 DuPont 501 Nylon Cobblestone Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad SO-95 Masland Wool Embossed Wilton Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad 8 sq. yd. 100% Acrilan Textured Regularly Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad from $11.95 Excltulve 'Regal JtoiV or 'Cham? pattern*,.. Masland 501 Nylon Embossed Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad GRANTS OWN PRINTED It's smart for sun, spoort or CANNON BATH TOWEL dress-upl Sew several versions of BATH MAT SETS this wrap-tie halter. Alexander Smith AII-Wool Twist Spectacular buy! Good qual- Just Wt y*rdg 35-inch fabric! sq. yd. 21x36* non-skid mat, and Cross-stitch adds color. Pattern Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad ity cotton terry, service- matching lid cover. White 9 818: printed pattern sm. 10-12; able weight, lovely colon! cotton chenille, beflowred med. 14-16; Ige. 18-20 incl.; di- 100% Nylon Plush Pile Regularly Malchlno Hand Towel— 59c in soft, washfast pastels.. Jm set rections; transfer. Thirty-five cents in coins for Installed Over Heavy Waffle Pad from $12.95 Matching Wash Cloth— 29c this pattern — add 19 cents for each pattern for first-class mail- ONLY X PARTIAL USTING. ALL GOODS SUBJECT TO PRIOR W.T.GRANT CO ing and special handling. SALE. FIBER CONTENT AS LISTED REFERS TO PILE ONLY Send to Laura Wheeler, care of The Red Bank Register, Needle- LITTLl SILVER MIDDLETOWN HAZLET FREEHOLD craft Dept., P. O. Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, SANDLER & WORTH Little Silver Middletown Shopping Center Shopping Center 8 Airport Plan 11E. Main St. N. Y. Print plainly,pattern num- 511 Kofpsct Ave. 11M Highway » Haslet Freehold ber, name, address and zone. ROUTE 35, EATONTOWN TRAFFIC CIRCLE NEWEST RAGE-SMOCKED accessories plui 208 exciting Liberty 2-2200 » TOMS RIVER TOMS RIVER NIPTUNICITY needlecraft designs in our new 196) Needlecraft Catalog - just Toms River Neptune City Men., Wid., Fri. 1J o.m.to 9,0 0 /l.m., Tus*., Thur*., Sal. 9i30 o.m.to SiJ O p.m. M Main St. Shopping Center Shopping Center outl Fashions, furnishings to cro- Toms Rlvsr Routes S and 17 Rt. iS-Ird Av(. chet, knit, sew, weave, embroid- er, quilt. Plus free pattern. Send Other Stores Rt. 22, Springfield; Rt. 4, Paramus and Rt, 46, Wayrjer wenty five cents now. nets, is » member of ti» com- PABEMBOT80N , 12-Tbirsday, Feb. 28, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER |Thft Slale H< wash tt'fw- ton Chevron Station, MarMon; PARIS PASTRY Sciences, Prof. Kusch has a ropu queatry at Batch's Automatic Car Wash, located if 10 tation for being a stimulating Robert Bozzaotra, proprietor of "Where butter makes the difference and baking b an art" East Newman Springs Road, across from A&P market. teacher. In 1959 he was the reRobert'- s Shell Service, Jersey 0 BROAD STREET RED BANK City;' George Caulley. George's cipient of the "Great Teacher • SH 1-025Z-OPEN SUNDAYS 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M. Buess who forgot to phone ahead Award" given by Columbia's So- &i ClHd b 1 ciety of Older Graduates. Confirming reservations, appointments, dates and McCulIoch's Topic places. Just takes a small moment on the phone. Makes a big difference, though, NEW JERSEY BELL At noon on the second day of the two-day event, "How Brains Work" will be the topic for Dr. Warren S.McCullooh, of the Re- search Laboratory of Electronics, HAVE YOU TREATED YOURSELF LATELY? Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Dr. McCulloch, a native of Or- ange, works with iKfeeearch team probing the functional or- ganization of the central nervous system. 1 He holds a B.A. from Yale and an M.A. and M.D. from COMB DJ AKD CHOOSE A TREAT FROM OCR .WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF BARTON'S CANDIES. Columbia. YOU'RE ASSURED DELICIOUS FRESHNESS BECAUSE WE KEEP OUR STOCK REFRIGERATED AMD Before going to MIT he taught ! .COMPLETELY ROTATED EVERY TWO WEEKS. STOP IN BOON. THERE'S A BARTON'S ASSORTMENT psychiatry and physiology at tHe TO FIT EVERY BUDGET. University of Illinois, and at one time was out Institution's di- SOMEONE'S BIRTHDAY OR ANNIVERSARY? rector of the Laboratory for Bas- Why not remember them with a box of Barton's. ic Research. ' We mall all over the United States. The junior science symposium is a joint effort of Monmouth College and the U. S. Army SHREWSBURY PHARMACY Electronics Research and Devel- 507 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY opment Laboratory at Fort Mon- SH 14874 Ample Free Parking ATTENTION MOTHERS


present* ROGOZINSKI Nationally Known Child and Baby Photographer LAST 2 DAYS FRIDAY, MARCH 1 and SATURDAY, MARCH 2 ONE BEAUTIFUL SILVERTONE x p0RTRfllT OUR LUXURIOUS WOOL OUR LAMINATED BRING ALL 11 M AND CASHMERE COATS SPRING WALKING SUITS Semi-Life THE Size Look... only 19.95 buys this A slim, sheath skirt beneath a free-flowing, A-line jacket Reg; $7.95 stunning coat silhouette and KIDDIES Value you can thank Robert Hall's 95 This is the fashion for '63—in low cash policy for that! a luxurious 100% laminated Exquisitely tailored smooth acrylic Your choice of royal suede-finished wool and blue or red with rayon taffeta Full Selection of Poses • Groups up to 4 Children cashmere with rayon taffeta lining. Sizes 8 to 18. All Work Guaranteed . • Limit 1 to Subject 19 * No Appointments Necessary lining. Beige or bamboo. USE OUg CONVENIENT SEE PHOTOS NOW ON DISPLAY MISSES 8 to 18 "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" JUNIOR PETITES 5 to 11 LAY A WAY PUN ... PHOTOGRAPHER AVAIUBLE DURING REGUUR STORE HOURS HALF SIZES 16'/J ro24'/a NO EXTRA CHARGE Shop at Sears and Save Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Our New Salesroom in Keansburg ROUTE 36 ON MAIN STREET 36 WHITE ST., RED BANK—SH 7-2700 Oho in ASBURY PARK, Rt. 35 of Asbury Park Traffic Cirdt PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT BOTH LOCATIONS No Longer a Dream Clifton Lewis, Muhlenbtrj Col- EED BANK REGISTER The bteyde , is »> longer a 51 Seniors legs; John Madtonald, Unlgb Thuraity, Tth. 28, 1963—13 20th Century Life dream for men in Ouagadougou, University; Karen MacLein, Ce- County Upper Volta. dar Crest College, Westminster Get College College; Susan Marshall,. • St. Rowan, sister-in-law, Elizabeth Plastic dishes find their way FREEHOLD — The will of DeChalus; mink cape to grand- Rowan, and friend, John 3. Ryan. into the heart of the Congo and Mary of the Springs College; former Sheriff Ira E. Wolcott, of daughter Celita DeChalus; mink NATHAN TANENBAUM, Long Hits Africa Hard talesmen peddle Swiss watches Nancy Morgan, Colby Junior Col- Acceptances lege. Eatontown, who died Feb. 11, skins to granddaughter, Sharon Branch, who died Feb. 8, and to nomads in the republic of Ni- was among those probated here DeChalus; diamond ring to 1 Janet Nero, Elmira College, WILLIAM It! LESSMAN,' Union ABIDJAN, ivory Coast (AP) - turbanned Arabs lay under ger, R'JMSOti-Fifty-one seniors of this week by Surrogate Edward granddaughter, Rosita DeChalus; Chestnut Hill College; Catherine Beach, who died Jan. 19, left A barefoot Bambara woman palm tree, listening to a brpad Mossi tribesmen drive heavy the RumsonrFair Haven Regional C. Broege. automobile to son, Moses Heath; Owen, Ohio Wesleyan Univer- their estates to their wives. hitched up her long, flowery skirt cast from a portable radio. trucks along the red dust road High School have had entrance Mr. Wolcott left $5,000 to his home on Harmony Rd. to sons, tnd climbed Into an airplane at between Niamey and Fada applications accepted by colleges sity, Ursinus College; James Moses and Frank Heath, The Along the highway to Bouake Robinson, Lehigh University; sister, Sarah E. Giles, and the PLAN ENDORSED the BoboBloulasso Airport in n'Gourma. •• it was disclosed here this week. balance of his estate to his wife, balance of her estate is to go Ivory Coast, a sign advertised In the banks and offices of La These students follow: Steve Rogers, Waynesburg Col- SEA BRIGHT — Borough Coun- Upper Volta. A Mossi steward new brand of nail polish. Elizabeth D. Wolcott. to her children, Moses, Frank 'bowed and greeted her in French gos, Nigeria, girls with tribal Richard Altreuter, Rutgers Uni- lege, Otterbeln College; Barbara and Ernest Heath and Roselyne cil has given its endorsement to Across Africa, 20th Century civ SADIE E. HEATH, Middletown, ifr'Bon Jour, madame.V markings deflty handle typewrit- versity: Robert Bailey, Westmins- Rooney, Endicott Junior College; DeChalus. a proposal by the Chamber of ilization is hitting hard and spin ers and adding machines. ter College; Allan Baker, Ursln- Mary Rovegno, St. Francis who died Feb. 6, left household Commerce that openings of the In the Tunisian oasia, of Tozuer, furnishings to sons, Moses and ning the heads o[ the people But there are still masses of us College; Michael Barron, Ohio School of Nursing, St. Clair BESSIE C. MESECK, Rum- Rumson Sea Bright bridge "be Frank Heath; watch and ring to son, who died Feb. 7 left her Africans living a prlvitive life. State University; Brenda Berg, School of Nursing; Vernon Shaf- limited during the resort season granddaughter, Georgianna De- estate to her husband, John In thousands of villages men still Elmira College; Leonardo Busch, fer, Embry Riddle Aeronautical to ease traffic problems. A bor- Chalus; diamond ring and Per-Meseck. wear skins and women have nev-Ohio State University; Barry Institute; Wilia Simpson, Marled ough resolution on this has gone sian stole to daughter, Roselyne er talked to a white man. Carol, Rutgers University; Ken- ta College, Ohio University, SAMUEL KOENIG, Freehold to Rep. James C. Auchlncloss Drums still send messages nard Cloud, Clarkson College; Westminster College; Lynn Smith Township, who died Feb. 2, left (R.-M., 3d Dist. N. J,)i Sens. LAWN SEED across African bush and jungle. John Damico, Boston College; Su- Alfred University, Upsala College; Kathryn VanDuren, Bucknell his estate to his children. Clifford P. Case (R. N.J.) and A generation or more will be san Davidson, Cedar Crest Col- Carol Squires, Westminster Choir University; William VanDuren, WALTER ROWAN, Atlantic Harrison A. Williams (D. N.J.), needed before modem medicine lege; Fred Dickson, Rutgers Uni- College; Mary Ann Sullivan, Bucknell University; Joyce Van' Highlands, who died Jan. 31, left the Army Engineers and the GIF. QUALITY is accepted everywhere in Africa. versity: Linda Doughtie, Mt. Georgian Court, Notre Dame of Wagner, Upsala College; Robert his estate to his wife, Margaret Board of Freeholders. Fetishism and animalism are Union College; Lynne Duslnber- Baltimore College; Nancy Tal- Vilardi, Lehigh University; Mt- here to stay for many years. re, Wellesley College; Judy Eber- boys, Wheelook College; Gloria chael Walsh, Pennsylvania State But men and women vote in hardt, Georgetown Univeristy; Thompson, Ohio University; Lin- University; and George Wright, elections in Africa and are anx-James Greene, Amherst College; da Trachtman, Rider College; Lafayette College. ious to listen to words from all Betty Haselman, University of over the world pouring out of Arizona, Colorado Women's Col- JHHB transistor radios. lege; Richard Havens, Concordia Who Said You're Daily Broadcasts Junior College; and Marcla Horn, Bradford Junior College. Hard to Fit? From America, Russia, China BIG MEN AIXESON OF BOCHESTER and Europe, a stream of words Herbert Johnson, Wabash Col. • Bporl Cost! • Drew Shlrti lege; Marcia Kelemen, Mt, Holy- • Kobe! • »>Mlu is broadcast daily to Africa. In Sixes 44 to 66 • SwMterg • J»cketi French, English, Portuguese _and oke College; David Kenney, • Cuti • PaJamiH Heidelberg College; Carol Ketch- • sport Skirt* • Owleraear MIXED FORMULAS a score of major tribal dialects, • Snlli • Klnr-Siie Shoei BLUE TAG Perennial Rye .„ JOO lbs. 14.00 conflicting Ideas and slogans,pen- ledge, Syracuse University; • B»mc«U • Work Cloton etrate Into the jungle hut and theCharles Keyler, Difiance Col- WB HAVJS THE SIZE TO FIT YOU FARMINGDALE MIXTURE ...... 5 Ibi. 2.95 North African stone-and-«nud lege; Kathleen Laybura, Alfred Quest who'll shop by phone next time It rains SUNNY LAWN MIX .„„. 5 lbs. 2.95 "gourtl." , School of Nursing; John Leven* FRANK'S BIG & TALL Neither rain, nor »now-not even flat tires—can keep In Tunisia,, families frequently son. University of Michigan, MEN'S SHOP smart shoppers from their appointed rounds. When you SHApY LAWN MIX 5 lbs. 2.95 6'1" to 6'11" 1 ml. Mo. ot Aibury Park Circle skip.meals to save enough for Kenyon College; Louise Leven- 1MJ Hwlr. U «Ta can't leave home, shop by phone, NEW JERSEY BELL PREMIUM MIX with Merlon Blue . 5 lbs. 4.S0 a transistor. It is Africa's major son, University of Michigan; COUNTRY CLUB MIX _...._. 5 lbs. 4 75 contact with the world, with prog- HIRE KENTUCKY BLUE ...... 5 lbs. 3.30 ress. Increasing numbers of Africans STRAIGHT MERION BLUE 5 lbs. 6.40 travel to other continents. Newly CREEPING RED FESCUE 5 lbs. 2.25 formed governments are sending missions all over the world to PENNLAWN FESCUE 5 lbs. 3 05 seek contacts, to look for aid or CHEWING FESCUE ...._. „ 5 lbs. 2.25 trade, to learn. African students FINE TURF MIX ,... 5 lbs. 3.0O Study at universities throughout the world and the continent's pol- iticians move with ease at busy FERTILIZERS international airports. MARCH FURNITURE SALE 5-10-5 .. JO lbs. 1.95 And every day there are situ- ations at which Europeans and We've slashed prices in every department to make our first March Sale the most spectacular S-IO-IO ....-.—.-...__..__...... 8O lbs. 2.35 Africans alike laugh: event ever! Hurry in for GUARANTEED SAVINGS to 65% on Modern .. .Colonial...Provin- HM0-10 _„—„....._..„_.. ...JO lbs. 3.20 In Lome, Togo, a man in Af- cial .. . Traditional... all your favorite styles! 10-6-4 HIGH ORGANIC .... .50 lbs. 2,50 rican robes tried to bring a young woman into a hotel. (Two. bags or more) 2.35 "Impossible," announced an Af- 5-4-0 ALL ORGANIC : .50 lbs. 2.75 rican doorman. "She has no shoes on." 10-5-5 75% ORGANIC 50 lbs. 3.75 The man quietly took the ele- 2&104 WITH U F 22 lbs. 3.75 vator to his room and returned 0-20-20 .80 lbs. 3.20 with a pair of men's sandals. They were too big but the young 1M8-14 WATER SOLUBLE _ 6.50 lady put them on. UREA ..,.— ...... 80 lbs. 6.25 AMMONIA NITRATE ...... 4.50 Claim Man CYANAMID _.____1_ _ „_ 5.30 NITRATE. SODA ^ ,....^... 4.50 Poses As •ONE MEAL .... .;..^. 100 lbs. 5.95 SUPER PHOSPHATE _._. . _.„. 1.75 sician tOVUNG ...__i_-___ _1 „ _ i5O f LONG" BRANCH — City detec- 8-PC. DELUXE WALNUT DINING ROOM CNLORDANE ..!_..r:..__.._ _. 3.95 tives have disclosed that a man Contemporary »le(tn» tar tlu maJtrn LI9UID CHLORDANE—72% per gal. 12.00 has been bothering expectant • 43" fireftkfront • 4 Side Chain MALATHION—55% |. 11.00 mothers in recent months with • 40"x6O"x72" Table • 2 Arm Chain m 9B telephone'calls in which he poses QUEEN-SHE "SLEEP TWO" Reg. $469.50 NOW as a substitute lor their family' UM§> (HJg**tagiMf tan) : „. 50 lbs. ,45 HIDEAWAY BED SOFA ALL « PIECES COMPLETE 345 physician. Detectives William Smart sofa by day, dreamy bed for 2 at night! You $ 60" Matching Buffet Keg. $129.80 NOW *85 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANCE Walling and Albert Tyler said the —' (2) ptash polyfoam mattresses, (2) polyfoam nuisance has been going on since MICHIGAN and CANADIAN PEAT MOSS December. vow 128 RID—PRE-EMERGE CRABGRASS KILLER The scheme has been for the 4.95 pel-bog telephoner to call a woman, ad- vise her that he was substituting for her family physician, who ASK FOR QUANTITY PRICES was away from town, and' then make detailed inquiries as to her condition. Defectives said the New Jer- HANCE & DAVIS sey Bell Telephone Company is co-operating In the police effort 26 SHREWSBURY AVE. RED BANK ft) end the nuisance. They re- 4-PC. ROYAL WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE quest that any one receiving calls Sensational value on luxury for a queen's taste! SH 7-0103 of this nature immediately noti- • 72" Triple Dresser • Matching Mirror • Chest • Open Panel. Bed Reg. $289.50 C1Q£ ALL Matching Nlte Stand 91" CUSTOM BUILT HI-PILLOWBACK NOW ? I *°4 PIECES RReg . $450$44.50-- NONOW FOAM RUBBER COLONIAL SOFA and CHAIR In lavish quilted fabric with that expensive "heirloom" look. Choice of perky Colonial prints. SOFA f96 CHAIR""

"MR." and CHAIR IN FOAM RUBBER Togetherness Is in fashion ... at a thrifty Red Tag price! HI-BACK "MR." CHAIR Reg. $89.50 NOW $60 DANISH "MRS." CHAIR Rag. $79.50 NOW $54 Marching Ottoman Reg. $29.50 NOW $16

5-PC. MAPLE-FORMICA ROUND DINEHE WITH 4 CAPTAINS' CHAIRS Ail the charm of Colonial, plus the ease of whisk-clean Formica tops! Regular $149.50 complete .NOW New 1963 LACE TUFTED LUXURY MATTRESS GENERAL A dream to sleep on, featuring billowy posture-zoned support ELECTRIC —with layers of firm-to-please $ comfort. ESCORT TV Rag. $39.80 NOW 28 MHMMEOOX _ - 15-OrtrallDliiMiITrti furniture 12S Sq. In. Pldttr* HOLLYWOOD BOOKCASE BED with a Half the weigh! of Complete with luxury in- pedigree . . . most othw bigicraen portable TVI nersprlng mattress and .80 boxsprlng on legs plus Reg. $89.50 NOW New Aluminum Chasslil • Front MountedSpeakerl decorator headboard. • CoruolaPlctUM Quality! • Kayed Automatic Gain • 3 IF Amplifying'Stageil Contrail . (not lor 2) • Lamlllt* Bonded Picture OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL d:M, • built-in Antennal Tubel SATURDAY 'TIL 6;M. Budget Terms Available .,. Up to two Years to Pay. NO DOWN PAYMENT! EASY TERMS! •MlBlBWlttUIIFllN Att DANALAND COLLECTION 3 FINE STORES TO SERVE YOU EXCLUSIVELY AT THE MART NO EXTRAS - FREE DELIVERY - FREE SERVICE 108" SELIG FOAM SOFA ROUTE 35. The new shape of sophistication, with EATONTOWN TV & APPLIANCE CO. button-tufted back . . . five company- Monmouth County's Largest Sales and Servicing Organization sized cushions . . . choice of chic fab- MIDDLETOWN rics. • Next to Klnney Shoe* 50 HWY. 35, EATONTOWN PHONE LI 2-0400 Rig. $267.50 NOW OS 1-0400 - attitude tf tta face*. , ForresttUtJe School «nd tetchtt JTLV3LQ8 AjrlJlllY * ^J** f"'tr7JZJ%J'JZ Zfa WfflOimMc&wern of Fre* The JWy GoddeUev*. Church lrt to EtomWcw BUM "at the . "•_ • .•••,,, • V ^ei guilty to «frferiy »n- *W-*™Jf"^™ ~ J£^|W^tr^.^^To few^

1 has leaded in Monmouth fine ent 16 slnc the iacident is win S in a LS £ —U w^ " tnvconvCTte^d tto P ^^ '« t* '* * ' «« Commit at the organta ihiStot ol a^SSdWtaw ChnStlamtyfSSSfflf-h, • County Court to issuing two He had been indicted for atro- Uon.s annual meeting in Cryste h ^e The L» siX* on - worthless checks totaling.$136.at dous assault and battery, but Brook Inn. Harry Jackson o each^'owjevSofarslder! "~ ' the Idle Hour Jnn, Leonardo, last the court dismissed the indict- Humble 'Oil ana Refining Co abfe cSfna CODm*t* Manager Johnny Pesky of the Nov. X / • ment in the face of the other Shrewsbury, was elected vie Bp5l0B Mr Barda who is a free lance R«I Sox compiled a .307 Judge Elvin Rl, simmill -,c- plea. Stanley,Katt. Long Branch,' chairman; A.A. Smith, Tidewate artlW and member of the Guild ^"^ .• •JJ«f • 'or h|s >"° wted tte plea Aid set sentenc represented Mount. • -. oil Co.. Newark, secretary. am s e of Creative Arts, Shrewsbury, 8 ^ « * American League. lng for mtch u toward Freund A jury acquitted Clarence -• • said the figures will remain in : ot' Asbury • Park was- defense Stokes, 22, of Platnfleld of raping There's no Trick ,to Havingw his studio until they are ex- 'johnny Pott and Bob Goalby pounsel. a, 16-yeawild Plainfield girl in tra Cash. You Get.it Fast wne amlned by. the Liturgical Art finished second in four PGA Also arraigned by Assistant Freehold Township Nov. J, 1962. You Use The Register aassinet f Society of New York. Mr. Barda tournaments in J962, Prosecutor John W. Applegate Stokes wknowledged having had -Advertisement. f for Quick "Results Per Use Our Want Ads REDBANK SH I-OOIO DAY Homo Delivery Dial SH I.I 110 NIGHT ' ••/•

SECTION TWO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1963 Planners Asked Belay Extend Water Franchise Garden Apartments Freehold Township's Stipulations to Be Met FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - ship Committee with certain stip- 3—Increase the pumping capac- Committeeman Norman Wagner ulations. ity to 1,000,009 gallons per day. Code Is Introduced announced that the state Public Prior to this agreement, thi 4-InsUlI standby facilities in FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — Anas two members of the board Utilities Commission has ap- committee filed a complaint with the event of a power failure, ordinance to permit the construc- objected to certain portions proved the extension of the water the PUC in October alleging that 5—Renovate and recondJUon it. franchise of General Water Com- "the water service provided In existing equipment. tion erf garden apartments was The ' committed, however, pany now known as the Freehold the present service area is inade- 6-InstaU a standby well /introduced by\thb Townshi unanimously adopted the ordi- Water and Utility Company, to quate." Deadlines Committee at last night's meet nance on first reading. include the entire northern sec- The six stipulations, agreed to The first stipulation must'be tion of the township. by the company were: •tog/v • -•: .••'•-•,' The ordinance would provide met within two months, the next that "garden-type, multi-family The increased franchise 1—Install a 250,000 gallon stand- four within 3'/J months, and the The o»dinarice was sent to the pipe. apartment buildings" could be doubles the water company's last within two yean. ; Planning Board for. approval and built if granted a special permit 2—Increase the filter plant wilt.have a public healing April servicing area, but was granted capacity to 1,000,000 gallons per Mr. Wagner said the new fran- by the committee upon the ap- chise area approved for the com- %:'y. ' ' •• ' "'''-'••;' day. proval of the Board of Adjust- with the approval of th^ Town- pany would be all of the town* ' Planning Boa r d Chairman ment with the advice and con- ship north of the Elton-Adelphla \CMrles BJatehley, in a leMerito sent'of the Planning Board. Rd plus the area bounded by .the committee, requested that ac- ,15 Per Acre Jacksons Mills Rd. and SUckland tion'on the ordinance be'deterred The ordinance requires that Rd. Be said the present fran- garden apartments be built on New Jersey chise includes the area bounded tracts- of more than 10 acres on the west by Freehold Bor- Federal with no more than 15 units per ough, Rt. S37, and Stiihvdl's Cor- acre.' Buildings must be of brick ner Rd.; on the north by Center veneer or stone and the build- News Briefs St., East Freehold Rd. and As- Sought For ings cannot cover more than 1! bury Ave.: on the east by How- per cent of the site. Not less By The Associated Press ell Township; on the south by than 75 per cent shall be of one- the Elton-Adelphia Rd., plus the Sidewalks TRENTON Six c:..-:^. el West Windsor Township, re- Town- bedroom unite. five developments in the north- MIDDLTETOWN — The SCAN PLANS — Keyport Mayor Carlton H. Poling, left, tooks over ttate Highway De- foiled in an attempt to dig their ported. The gravy was made ern portion of the township — ship Committee last night The ordinance permits that from turkey drippings, partment plant for construction of $1 million overpass at Six Corners, Rt. 35, with way out of state prison, are now Greater Monmouth, Dutch Lane authorised the filing of an ap- per cent of the-units can be town Estates, Briar Mill Homes, Or- plication with the federal 'govern- housi;es (duplex). Three-bedroom Councilwoman Katherine E, Boggs and Dr. Mark Muscarela, Zoning Board member, quartered,in the building's iso- chard Estatea and Burlington merit for funds under the Ac- apartments are not permitted. 1st forces were contending that These and other borough officialt met yesterday with ttate highway 'representatives to lation wing, prison officials have attendance figures- circulated by Heights. celerated Public "Works program The ordinance requires that announced. Warden Howard 'for phase two of Its sidewalk ditcust proposal prior to presentation to federal government for approval. school authorities are inaccurate Can Serve 1,M», . each one-bedroom apartment Yeager disclosed yesterday that as the boycott of the Lincoln Ele- program. shall have a minimum of 700 feet Mr. Wagner said water com- the six tried to tunnel their way mentary School entered it* third The $81,000 projects Involves of living space and two-bedroom day. The school, which has an pany officials estimated at the Installation of sidewalks on a apartments shall have 800 feet. out earlier this month but the enrollment of 490 Negro children PUC hearings that by the end of .portion of Middletowh-Iincroft A 5Moot minimum space be- State i§ Asked :;$$> Provide plot was uncovered by guards. and eight whites, is being boy- 1965 the company would be serv- Rd.,' Nutswamp Rd., Main St. In tween each apartment buUding None of the six has admitted the cotted for the second time in Ing approximately 1,350 custom- Port Monmouth, and Tramp Hol- ers and that the present system Is required and a setback for the escape attempt, Yeager said. six months to protest the imbal- lowjRd. front yard of 35 feet is required ance of its racial composition. would be adequate to service ,- If! approved, federal aid. would with' a side yard requirement of Rt. 35 Pedestrian Bridge Among those suspected of tak- The effectiveness of the boycott, 1,500. be on a matching fund basis. 50 feet and a rear yard of 35 feet, ing part in the tunnel attempt is according to Principal Leroy Mc- Mr. Wagner explained that when •• the water company was ,; The township already has an The proposed ordinance alsc KEYPORT- Borough officials, the state, adequate overhead 49 parcels of land in the borough Frederick Siegle, 33, of Wall Cloud, slipped to 32 per cent t application on file for' funds requires two parking spaces I*1 meeting yesterdad y witih ' repre- lighting be installed along the would be affected by the proposed given Its original franchise in 'ownship, serving life for killing yesterday after a mark of 40 per1955 It was permitted to extend to cover half the cost of anothe: unit and underground utilities". sentatives of the state Highway overpass. overpass. cent on the first day. There were portion of the program, esti- d i woman and a Rldgefield busi- its territory by August, 1982, by The Planning Board is.expected Department, made a last ditch A check by. Robert Wilcox, Of the 49, there are eight 202 absentees yesterday and 239 mated J250.000. to act on the ordinance at "s effort for construction of a pe- lessman In separate holdups. filing an application and map state highway^ engineer, revealed homes, four private garages, a Tuesday. outlining the new area. The com- A report' was received from regular meeting March 15. destrian bridge across Rt. 35 al that a pedestrian bridge running service station and a machine Broadway. . pany, Mr. Wagner said, filed such .Mayor Earl Moody that he and across the highway, from Broad- shop. Others are tracts of land ALBANY — The governor of application before the expiration other officials had conferred with The state plans to build a $1 way to an area near the bus ter- a few feet square. New Jersey says New Yorkers ALBANY — Gov. Ke|son A. date last year. state Highway Department per- Rockefeller today asked New Ssk Action millibn overpass at Six Corners minal would be about 60 fee He noted that the properties must ask themselves, "Does our The company had requested a sonnel about the possibility of Rt. 35. The overpass,' to be lo- long. - ,;.'• .. law have anything to do with the York's participation In a tri-state have been investigated and ap- compact designed to improve franchise for the entire township either traffic lights or, jughan- cated about 700 feet from Rollo's Dr, Mark Muscarella, a mem fact that New Jersey youngsters dies' being installed on Rt. 15 On Building praised. Some owners have al- metropolitan transportation and but amended Its,request to the ; Bus Terminal and; St. Joseph': ber of the local ;Zoning Board p die on our highways?" Gov. Rich- area granted, the coinrnitteemin at &ngs"Hwy,, interiect{#»;Oia ready received a "yellow letter" keep it rolling in the event of a School, Maple PI., would have Adjustment, proposed a . pedes- from the state indicating that ne- ard J. Hughes made the com- said, Village Fire House, Cooper Rd., four-foot-wide sidewalks; and. 24- ment after a meeting yesterday breakdown. The governor sent Cherry Tree Farm Rd., Pine Hit hy tire trian bridge from Broadway to gotiations will be set in the near to the Legislature a bill that inch guardrails. the Intersection at St. Joseph's with Gov. Nelson R. Rockefeller . St. 'and five corners. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - future. press New Jersey's plea for would permit New York to Join Highway officials have claimed School, bypassing the bus termi- Mr. DeVito stressed that no- New Jersey and Connecticut in owners of Koos Bros. Fur- higher minimum, legal drink- Name Parks niture, store will be notified bj that the overpass, which would nal. - , . body will be approached until fi- the tri-state transportation com- agency for a study of the extend .900 feet from Maple PI Raymond ,A.r,Deyito, right-of- ing age in. New York state. mission. This commission already Jrtffic problems at those inter- lip authorities to demolish nal plans for the proposed im- Hughes told a .news conference or rebuild their premises on Rt, to Broadway, would provide a way negotiator for the Highway provement are okayed by the fed- has been set up informally by Commission **ec»ms. better walkway than a pedes- Department, indicated that both he had received.no commitment the governors of the three 9, extensively by fire in Decem- eral government, "which,may be for a change. He added, however, FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - Mayor Moody also reported ber; ' •; •;••"• •• ' trian bridge over the highway. bridge proposals might add $70,-two to three montiis." states. Mayor Carl B. Schanck appointed that he had conferred with cpun- 000 or more to the cost of the that he thought "the time will " Commltteenian Karl M. Smith Student Problem Request Appointment '.^ come. When New York will take five members to a newly created ^ <*T8filk;

•'• t •'•• BED BANK REGISTER Cbtwtll _WCBS-TVjCh*aneJ 7 . .WABC-TV, .WNBC-rvfOwmnri » TV Key TELEVISION CbMMlS .WNEw.rV|Cheiin»| THURSDAY AFTERNOON THURSDAY EVENWO 8—Almanac Newsree! 1:05 Previews •'• " '»$<••"••• •. ' • •••" ••".. «:«• 1-Love of Life-Serial 7-News 4—Mayor Of The Town Tonight's tap television snows 4—Your First Impression— 11—Three Stooges—Comedy 7-Film-Minesweepe7F r (1943) u prevlwed and selected by TV Panel 13-What's New-Children 75«in. ••-••• Keys staff of experts who at 7—Ernie Ford—Variety I: IS 9-News and Weather tend rehearsals, watch screen- 9—Fireside Theater—Drama 7-Weather 1:» ings, and analyze scripts In New 13—Books for Our Time— 1:2* 2-Film-WlId Money (1937) York and Hollywood. Discussion 7—Sports-Howard Cosell . 85 min. ~ U)8 l:» ltlS PERRY MASON. "The Case of 2—News—Harry Reasoner Comment 4-13thHour the Surplus Suitor." Walter Pid- • ** •'..•••• ' 11:11 7—Sermonette geon stars as lawyer Sherman 2—Search for Tomorrow—Serial Hstfield, and handles the sordid News-Gabe Pressmaa 4—Truth or Consequence*-Quiz Mouse Club details of murder, blackmail, and 2—Film—Adventure In Iraq. 5—Cartoons—Tom Gregory 7—News—Ron Cochran young men Interested in money, 7—Father Knows Beat—Serial 63 min. with grace. He's quite courteous, 11—Huckleberry Hound—Cartoon 9—Memory Lane-Joe Franklin |13—Profile: New Jersey 4:«« too, to his rattled client, a light- 1 00 1 193S 11—Rocky and his Friends 2-Film-0ff T* * R* " < headed rich blonde accused of| 1:41 70 riiln. ' snuffing out her uncle. Raymond 1*45 •Weather - Burr as Mason is on for a few 2-Guidlng Light-Serial I:4J FRIDAY MORNING 11—Merry Mailmtn—Children 7 moments as well, i p.m. CBS. 2-News • . '."."•Yll-:" :, •;' 12:» '4-Newa-iHuntley, Brinkley 2—Previews <: "•• Tony. Curtii playt Nevada cafiho manager, U—New. ^ : TWILIGHT ZONE. "Printer's 7—Focus On The News •).'Wi;.-- Y f- Pleshefte, aspiring songjtreij who csn't malts. T-oriiy bet 12: H Devil." Burgess Meredith, back '• . " 7:M • •:,- • 2-Give Us This Day-ReUjiQ 4-News lieva she is really hit boss' niece in this scene from roi |ag*in as a newspaperman en 4-rStory Of A Fireman ' ' • •,. •••••ill...- "•.- •:••..•• manfic comedy "40 Poundi of Trouble," v/hior}. alia dewed with extrasensory informa- UN *-Mtater Magoo-Cartoon* 2-Newi:•-•; "•:•••';•••.• •'•• v tion, gives his role that extra 2—Women's Page 7-^Guegtwaxd Hoi-Comedy '•••..,'• Y-. • I:M'•;••--... ; offers Phil Silvers and child newcomer Claire Wileox in 4-Leave It to The Girls 9—Merrytoon Circus Z-CoBega or The Air devilish flavor that's bound to stellar roles. In color' and PahaVision, "40 Pounds of befuddle and puzzle series fans. J—Cartoons ' U-Newi 4—Continental Classroom 7—Answering Service—Panel ;; Trouble" is a 'Curtis Enferpriies production which Unii The plot finds him making a bus IJ—Japanese Brush Painting -. •-/•"•• , l:ir:: '''•-..:. 11—Superman—Adventure inesslike deal with his editor 7:10 2—Sunrise Sem«»ter ; - venal is releasing. Now showind «t'both Carlton Thei- IJ—Exploring Nature who's about to lose the paper. 2-Weather +-ContlnenjUil Classroom tre and Eatontown Drive-In Friday, Saturday and Sundajj The idea is an Interesting one 1:39 U-Loc»l News and Meredith doesn't tip his « % -Newt and Weather 'only. • ' •" •.'•'•••.•':,••••. ••• * - • •• ••"•-•:-%.•' -j hand too much. 9 p.m. CBS. 2-News-Walter Cronkite 4—Today—ilugh Downs 2—As The World Turns 7—Early Bird Cartoons 5-Film-The Night Before The 7:25 HAPPY TRIO— Burgess Meredirh (left), Robert Sreriing THE NURSES. "The Perfectl il-Weather 7iO5 Broader Adult Program Divorce-lMJ-SO Mto. 5-CaIl To Prayer , and Patricia Crowley co-star in "Printer's Devil" on Rod Nurse." It's the acting that cre- 9-Star and Story—Drama 7:10 ates suspense and holds your at- 2—Mister Ed-Comedy 7:15 Serlirig's "Twilight 2one" tonight (9:00-10:00 p.m., EST) 11—Global Zobal-Travel 5-News tention in. this one, Madeleine 13—Understanding Science 4—Wide Country—Drama Slated at Long Branch on the CBS Television Network. Meredith plays a lino- Sherwood plays the so-called 5—Sugarfoot—Western 7:10 perfect nurse, a woman who has 1:41 7-OzzIe and Harriet 5—Columbia Lectures type operator and reporter who saves a small-town LONG BRANCH-PIans for the use. Public performances of covered her deep emotional dis- 4-News 9—Film—Revolt of the Tartars. 7-News third annual summer school pro- ihe Youth Symphonic Band and newspaper run by Sterling and his Girl Friday, Miss tress with a reputation for extra 1:50 (1960) 2 hrs. 8:00 gram at Long Branc~ h" High | the Drama Workshop were giv- Crowley. ordlnary efficiency, and does so 13—Speaking of Speech 11-You Asked For It 2—Captain Kangaroo School were announced this i. •'. with an admirable combination 2:00 13—Time to Dance 5—Sandy Becker—Children week by Herbert A. Korey, prin- Additional enrichment, pro- of restraint and suspense. Despite 2—Password—Allen Ludden 7—Tommy Seven—Cartoons 8:00 ipal of the high school. He will grams will be offered next sum- Miss Sherwood's effectiveness, 4-Merv Griffin-Variety &J0 Hollywood: 2—Perry Mason direct the summer session. mer. however, it's hard to believe that 7—Day In Court—Drama 7—Q. T. Hush—Cartoons 7—Donna Reed—Series The 1963 session, scheduled the character, as written, would 9—Public Arts—Education 8:45 11—Divorce Court 11—Divorce Court—Drama 'or both morning and evening BNAI BR1TH BREAKFAST have pulled the wool over any- 13—Lincoln Story 7-KingOdie 2:10 wogrtims, will be conducted for MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The Finest Hour? one's eyes. 10 p.m. CBS. 1:10 8:50 13-Wonder of Words period of six weeks from July greater Red Bank'Bnai' Brith 4-Dr. Kildare 9-News and Weather 2:25 through Aug. 16. Being of- Lodge has extended an invitation By BOB THOMAS cars went to a pair of foreign' ANDY WILLIAMS. A mixture 5—Lawman 13-News 7-Newi fered are remedial, make-up andto Strathmore residents to attend era, Sophia Loren and Mud of talents — homespun Roy Rog- 8:55 HOLLYWOOD (AP) - This 2:J0 1—Leave It To Beaver ' enrichment courses. Long Branch a breakfast Sunday at 10 ajn. at milian Schell. Wrong again, ers and Dale Evans, plus Hie 13-Of Man And Ideas 9—Almanac Newsreel could be Oscar's finest hour. 2—House Party-Art Linkletter is the only high school in Mon- Howard Johnson's Restaurant Nominated for the top acting talkative, swinging Pearl Bailey 9:00 Never have the academy nomi- 7—Seven Keys—Jack Nare— 0:00 mouth County offering summer Rt. 35, Middletown. award was Marcello Mastroianni, —dominate the show tonight. Roy 2-Life Of Riley-Comedy nations seemed so apt, so free 9—Film—A Song To Remember 2—Twilight Zone evening classes. who can't speak English. and Dale supplrr_^y the _____uplift_, and 4-Trouble With Father of the taint of commercialism -1945-90 Min 5-Wrestling Mr. Korey pointed out that There's no Trick to Having Ex- and local interest, as those which Also Peter O'Tcole, an IrJsh-[MlM Bailey supplies the*beat. Al- 7—Funny Manns 13—Tri-State Focus—Discussion 7—My Three Sons-Comedy 9-Jack La Lanne—Exercise Long Branch will continue and :ra Cash. You Get it Fast When were announced this week. man. The supporting actor nomi- so, the New Christy Minstrels 11—Broadway Goes Latin nees include a Britisher (Terence 2:50 11—Operation Alphabet ixpand its summer enrichment You Use The Register Classified. TJhe 2,500 academy members, back up the principals, and Pres- 0:30 5—Metropolitan Memo 13-Profile: New Jersey irogram. Creative courses, —Advertisement; bless" their hearts, refused to be| Stamp) and an Egyptian (Omar dent Kennedy delivers a filmed 4—Hazel—Comedy—Shirley 13-Musie Interlude 0:25 cared to broaden the regular stampeded into naming some of Sharif). speech on behalf of Red Cross Booth Nor could the voters be swayed 2:55 5—News—Sandy Becker udies of a variety of talented the heavy spenders who waged funds. (Color) 10 p.m. NBC. 7—McHale's Navy—Ernest noisy campaigns for nomlnationslentlrely by'money matters. They 4-News S:JO cholars, will be offered to stu- Borgnine lenS from throughout New Jer they didn't, merit. The voters passed up the director of the 5-News ' 2—Our Miss Brooks—Comedy PREMIERE. "Hornblower." 9—Kingdom Of The Sea ;ey and neighboring states. a*. IJ. HmtmtOt, SkWfhi O** also, avoided most of the other J18-million "Mutiny on the Boun- KM 4—Or. Joyce Brother! This pilot film is a colorful, and 11—Sea War—Documentary Among the enrichment pro- traps that have hurt Oscar's ty" to reward Frank Perry, who 2—To Tell the Truth—Panel 5—Topper—Comedy thoroughly detailed naval dra- 13—M.I.T. Science Reporter grams offered last summer, the reputation in the past. directed his first movie, "David ma, set ETA SH C MVBG CM 4—Loretta Young—Drama 7—Gale Storm—Comedy and lisa," at a cost of JIM.OOO. 10:00 Mowing courses were featured: Expect Touchiness thoroughly detailed naval dra S—Doorway to Destiny 9—Film—A Song To Remember IKE Thejdirectors' race signals an 2-Nurse* "••' • •. •• • • Youth" .Symphonic Band for You might expect touchiness ma, set in the Napoleonic era. A 7—Queen tor a Day —1945-80 Min. end to the longtime fealty of the 11—How to Marry a Millionaire- 4-Andy Williamj-Varlety- U-Shore Conference and All- over runaway production to sway competent British cast is headed 11—Comedy Party-Cartoons academy to Hollywood's veteran Comedy 7—Alcoa—Premiere student musicians; an ad- the voters; But no. "Lawrence by David Buck who portrays the 13-Phonics 13-News 9—High Road To Danger •anced seminar in marine bio- of Arabia!" "which local labor-|moviemakers. _ Besides Perry, fictional Captain Horatio Horn- 1:15 U—Adventures In Paradise )gy in co-operation with the ted- ltes would place in that category, "nominee ' s Includ•-•-••-e a- --="-•Britishe—r blower with a great deal of 4-News 13-Muslc Interlude 13—World •* Thirteen al Atlantic Marine Laboratory was the front runner in "total (David Leau), an Italian (Pletro strength and style. The produc- 13—Science Corner—Education Germi) and two relative young- : Sandy Hook; a course in Bpninattons'. tion is first-rate, and the excit- 1:25 " 10:00 sters out of television (Arthur, 2-News 9—View From The Top 'rench for elementary school ; Then again, you would think ing battle scenes will please ac- 2—Calendar—Reasoner 1 Penn, Robert Mulligan). 13-HeifeU Master Class >upils; a radio operators' work- chauvinism would rule the vot-j tion fans. 10 p.m. ABC. 4—Say When—Art James Highly Satisfactory 2—Millionaire—Drama ll:M top, utilizing the high school's ing, especially since the last Os- S-iFilm-Mystery Woman-1935 4-Young Dr. Malone-Serial 2—News—Douglas Edwards mateu'r radio station; the Drama OWKsasSlWis categories TONIGHT. Johnny Csrons turns l 85 Min. 5-Mr. District Attorney 4-News^. ie::M, McCaffery 'orkshop; a College Entrance hlghry-BUWacfery. Anyone with his show into an award-giving 7—Susie—Comedy 7—Who Do You Trust? 5-News' :'"••"••• ••"•y " '" Examination Board mathemat- an ounce of sentiment will cheer ceremony tonight and has Hedda 11—Ed Allen—Exercise n 11—Best of Groucho 7-News-Bill Shadel review program; a develop- the nominations of those great Hopper along as his special help- 10:05 warhorses, Bette Davis and IJ—Television for Teachers 9—Film-See 7:30 p.m. lental reading program, and er. The awards are Photoplay | 13-Higher Horizons Katharine Hepburn. U-New» •••••• >urses in.typing for personal Magailne's Gold Medal honors 4:M 10:20 But the alert academy also sub- 2—Secret Storm—Serial 13—Reflections , for the best picture of the year, 11x10 ; 7-News scribes to the theory that youth 4—Match Game—Gene Rayburn 10:29 best actress,' best actor, and best 4—Weather—Tex Antoine will be served. Note the noml 5—Deputy Dawg-Cartoons 4-News ATLANTIC newcomers, and Patty Duke (for 5—Fihn—Submarine Patrol. nation of two juveniles for sup- 7—American Bandstand—Dick 13—Spotlight On Art porting actress: Patty Duke and "The Miracle Worker"), Bette (1938) 1% hrs. Davis, Richard Chamberlain, Clark 10:30 Mary Badham. 7—Local News NOW-Eves. 7 and I Suzanne Pleshette, and Gary 9—Buccaneers 2—1 Love Lucy—Comedy The nominations seemed to 11—Steve Allen—Variety Clarke, for the others on the list; 11—Bozo The Clown 4-Play Your Hunch contain no omissions that might 13—After Hours—Discussion respectively. (Color) 11:15 p.m. 13—Television for Teachers 7-Girl Talk be considered grave. Shirley 11:11 NBC. 4:25 11—Film—The Great John L— MaoLaine with"Two for the See- 4—News-Sander Vanocur 4-News 1945-80 Min. saw" had her champions, but 11:20 10:45 GOITHE. he had too much practice In the apparently not enough. My own 2—Film—Young Man With A 13—Phonics OPENS TONITE particular favorite, Robert Pres- role. 2—Edge of Night—Serial 4—Make Room for Daddy- Horn (1950) 2 hrs. 10 min. 11:00 ACTION? DHMNDHBUI on of "Music Man," lost out. Okay, so the nominations aren't Series 7-Film-The Black Tent (1956) 2—McCoys—Comedy INNMSIfi 3ut perhaps the voters believed perfect. The system of having l%hn. 4-PriCe Is Right each company determine whether 5-Felix and the wizard JULIUS CAESAR 7—Discovery 63—Children 11:30 7—Jane Wyman actors are stars or supporting 4-vohnny Carson—Variety 9—Playhouse 60 Than. 7:10; Fit, Sat. »:M players still has its flaws. 0—Chubby Jackson-Cartoons Treteau de Paris 13—American Economy 12:4) 13—Understanding Science • • • Why should Terence Stamp be 4:» Il-News H:M WALTER READE NEXT WEEK Wednesday, March It in the supporting race? After] 7—American Newsstand 12:50 13—Higher Horizons all, he plays the title and most 5:00 S-News 11:21 important'role in "Billy Budd." 1:00 Bertold Brecht direct from Parh 2—Love That Bob—Comedy 5-News Some of the categories still Series 4-News 11:30 5-Film-City of Chance (1940) need fixing. There aren't enough 4-News-BUl Ryan 2-Pete and Gladys—Comedy 90 min. songs in movies any more to 7—Financial News 4—Concentration—Hugh Downs 7-News GALILEO ORPHEE by Cocfeau make a race of It. All of this 9—Zoorarrm—San Diego Zoo 5—Romper Room—Children year's nominees were highly for- 7—Yours For A Song 11—Dick Tracy March 7, 8, 9 gettable title themes. 11:40 plus 13—Once Upon A Day—Children 13-Wonder Of Words Many other awards could be; 5:05 MOVIE TIMETABLE consolidated. Why two writing 11:50 Thursday orch. 3.90 and 2.90 7—1 Married Joan—Comedy RED BANK awards? Why separate divisions U—Merry Mailman—Children Balcony 2.90 and 1.90 APOLLON DE BELLAC Series CARLTON- for any direction and costume 5:23 Forty Pound 01 Trouble 2:00: 7:00; Frl. and Sat. orch. 4.50, 3.59. design in color and black and 11-Rocky and His Friends »» LONG BRANCH Balcony 4.00, J.M and 2.00 white? These matters should be J:» RUMSON adjusted. BARONET— Order your tickets now! 2—Film—Spawn Of The North— Bodom A Gomorrah 3:00; 9:0O My* 1938—Henry Fonda—75 Min. tery Bnbmsrim 1:30; 7:30. WATCH FOR South to be Sent To 5—Bandy's Hour-Children ASBURY PARK 7—Highway Patrol—Police LYRIC- McCARTER Diagnostic Center 9-Film-World Without End- Went Side Story 3:00; 7:00; 1:49. MAYFAIR— FREEHOLD — George South, 1956-90' Min. "ALL VOO CAN BAT" THEATRE II—Popeye—Cartoons Son 01 Flubber 2:50; 7:20; >:30. the 17-year old Belmar state ST. JAMES-^ Box 520, Princeton, N. J. ward who was arrested in the rn« Lonfett Da; 2:30; 1:30. SUZANNE PiESflEnE kidnaping of a 5-year old Belmar TWO LANGUAGES * NEPTUNE CITY WA 1-8700 sjirl last month, will be commit- MIAMI (AP) - Signs of "se; NEPTUNE CITY— Coming—Tretcau de Paris ted March 12 to the Menlo Park Dla/noad Head 7:25; 9:30. Coming Soon! Diagnostic Center for examina- habla espanol" (Spanish spoken) North of Red Bank tion, Chief County Probation Of- abound on shop windows of COFFEE SERVED ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ficer Jack Weinheimer said yes- metropolitan Miami, where CUB COMPLIMENTS FREE COLOB I. V, terday. The probation chief said of every seven residents Is a Who'i Qot The Action 7:00: »:10. no determination has yet been ENJOY Cuban. , HAZLET made whether to ultimately pros- LOEWS DRIVE-IN- SPECIAL! ecute the youth In the juvenile A restaurant operated by Cu- Oartoon 7:00; Follow The Boya 7:07 FEBRUARY & MARCH court or in the criminal division bans bears a sign, "English ll:0O; Password Xa Courage S;00. PERTH AMBOY ELEANOR SHERRY of County Court. spoken." MAJESTIC— FREE IOMO00O0MOHOIOMMO0II0 Dayi 01 WinJs * Roiea 2:% 9:00; (but constantly) Operation Snateli f.'2S; S;00. Estimates On STARTS TOMORROW MONMOUTH PLAYERS EDISON MENLO PARK C1NEMA- Appliance Service Daya O( Wlna k Rsaaa 1:30; 3:56; , present S:30; 1:30. IN OUR MONTCLAIR • WASHERS CLAIR1DGE- Wonderful World 01 The Brothers REFRIGERATORS "PRESSURE "Marriage Merry PIANO LOUNGE "Time of the Cuckoo" Grimm 1:00. DRYERS POINT" Go-Round" Friday and Saturday, March 1, 2 DISH WASHERS TONIGHT Curtain—8:40 P. M. AIR CONDITIONERS

TICKETS $2.00 Walt Disney's "Best Picture of Year* I'.r,< "SON OF FLUBBER" FOR RESERVATIONS CALL "LONGEST DAY' HOTEL RUMSON MRS. B. J. FANSLER Popular Prices 'Sodom and Gemarrah" 10 WATERMAN AVENUE, RUMSON SH 7-2853 "WEST SIDE STORY" "Mystery Submarine" PHONE 842-2000 Navesink Library in Navesink Joseph wot Euretta, RED BAJJK REGISTER The*e are tie "Becfcy, Retta and Thursday;' Feb. 28, 19(55—17 Red Bank-KeyportToll House Joe, Jr." referred to in Mr. McConart/* letter. The house In which Mr. McCon- was the land in bade ot whit' is now Orchard Acres. The awe- arty was born, Mr. Thomas Field Site Now Houses Ban k Branch age has since been soW, ,,-ihe says, Is the' house opposite says, but the house tilat/was the Julie's. Market on Rt. 35; The By JANE E. MORROW drive home the sheep which used the War of 1812, or that is built for the McConartys when MEDDLETOWN - In the day; to graze there. impression I was under." "barn marked 1888" is now oc- they moved there in 1888 Is now cupied'by A. P. Thompson Co., wien Middletown was almost en- "My father managed the farm The recipient of the letter, a occupied by Benjamin Gordon contractors. It stands just south tirely farmland, the traveler by for "Uncle Josie.' In 1878 my distinguished local historian, can- and lies on what is now Marvin of the1 fire house on Rt. 35 wagon or on foot bad to stop and father left and rented a farm at not answer the question whether Rd. pay a toll to go from Red Bank the four corners at Middletown Uncle Josie was a veteran of the The "30-acre field" is probably to Keyport along the turnpike. War of 1812. Old histories of Mon the site of the old fair' grounds, near the toll gate. MYNAH CLAMMED UP The toll house stood where the mouth County give partial lists of now known as Willmort Park. War of 1812 Middletown Branch of the Keans- names of the men from here who The McConarty family, when it CHATTANOOGA (AP) — The burg-Middletovn National Bank "In 1884 'Uncle Josie' got my served in that war, but no com- had the farm at four corners, only witness to a pet store-bur- now Is. father to go back and manage plete list seems available, and Jo-probahly lived in the house glary was a talking mynah bird, There a driver with a horse' his farm, and w» stayed there seph Field's name does not ap- across from the Keansburg-Mid- and he was no stool pigeon.' •lid wagon would stop and pay until 1886 when my father bought pear on existing lists. dletown National Bank, and now Officers tried to get the mynah three cents. A pedestrian would his own farm near New Mon- Now Julie's Market occupied by Mrs. Beatrice 'Malon< to repeat words that thebnrglars pay one cent. mouth. Of course I knew He was born in September, ey. might have exchanged as they WiKerschein, a Memories of those days were Becky, Retta and Joe, Jr., as I 1792, a grandson of the Thomas Mrs. Harry J. looted a *afe' under" his cage, But niece of Mr, McConarty, says that the bird wouldn't talk—tlthough recalled by a recent letter from spent four years on the farm. Field who moved to Nutswamp in 'the farm near new Monmouth' he usually talks all the time. Barton S. McConaty of Dumont "I Vould like if you could find 1760. He married for the first to Thomas S. Field of Middle' out if 'Uncle Josie' was a veter- time in 1867, when he was 75 town. an of the 1812 War. He used to years old. His 25-year-old bride •Uncle JosleV Farm bring me to the big house and was named Euretta Headen. The Mr. McConaty, who Is 87 yeara show me Hie uniform he wore in couple had three children, Re- Guess who saved herself old and a veteran of the Spanish- another trip downtown American War, Is writing some memoirs of the old days in Mid- (by phoning)? dletown. His inquiry was about SAVE AND [ARN Errands to be run? Chores to Joseph Held, a citizen of the be done? Make a list. You'd be, township who lived to be 104 amazed at how much you can years old. do in minutes.., by phone. A portion of his letter follows: NEW JERSEY BELL . "I was born May 1, 1876, on Uncle Josie' Field's farm in the Here is a single piece of furniture that wouW give distinction to a one-room apart- house across the road from the ment. Nevrlyweds or persons living alone could provide many basic furniture needs, as barn marked '1888.' I used to pal around with Uncle Josie a well as an eye-filling center of interest, at moderate cost. Called Pine Valley, it is 6 lot. He always stopped by my feet 6 inches high and 128 inches wide. One could substitute either a sofa or a Long Branch • Keyport • Hotadel house and had me go down to Oakhnrst H Middletown tingle bed placed horizontally for the twin beds. The built-in headboard is uphol- the 30-acre field with him to stered. : The two night stands and book case units provide generous storage.

during the years he was growing Dig Holes First your plant. But when you go shopping for YOUR GARDEN A little azalea, 6 or 9 inches bare-root plants have your boles THIS WEEK high, should cost you no more dug and your mixed soil ready. than $1.50 to JJ, As they grow Get plants into the ground with- By Gardes Reporter NOW SEE WHATS NEW bigger, azaleas are priced accord- out delay. CttQege ot Africoltare ing to diameter of the plant. Matter ot fact, it's best to have Rnteers-The State Unl. One that's about 24 inches all your holes dug before you witty* new Brunswick across, of good quality, probably buy any plants, bare root or B will be tagged at (8 or $10 or and B, says Korbobo. AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALERS ' "He large economy size" may more. AU this advice takes It for live you money when you buy Easier to Plant granted tfcat of oourse you have soap but not when you buy plants made a landscape plan. Nurserymen sell trees by "ca!- to landscape your home. If you haven't, and you'd like iper"—the instrument they use to Four kinds of sport-all super , Usually the bigger the tree or some easy-to-follow advice of an There's the Chevy II Nova,also aroflalbfe to an 83 ventm» measure the thickness of the plant, the more you can expec to experienced landscapes sen Want to make spring come in a hurry? Just pick a tew Special faatnimentcluster.Frontbuclcetg.ADpVlnyllrhat trunk. pay fori t card to your county agricultural car with whatever you hanker for in performance Distinctive SS identification. Fourteen-ineh wheels The price break begins at about You may like to have a few agent or to Garden Reporter', Col- And sporty trimmings—like bucket seats, 4-speed and tires*with full wheel disks. Three-epeed,ehift die three-inch caliper. ideas about costs if you're plan- of Agriculture, New Bruns- shift,* lots of horses—and start driving it now, or Powerglide* with floor-mountedehift.amiola . ning your spring landscaping with But remember that a tree with wick, and ask for Korbobtf s leaf- Chevy'sgotalotofsportmfourentirdydffierent one eye on vour checkbook bal- * t™nk thickness more than three let, "How. to Landscape Your Or the Corvair Monza Spyder with'eonrofete inches will be harder to plant, Home." kinds of cars. instrumentation, special identification, and an aace. and you'll have'to hold It steady First,theJet-smoothImpalaSnperSportwith Raymond P.' Korbobo, exten- air-cooled Turbocharged Sis. with guy wires until the roots your choice of 7 different engines that range up Andforarealwallop,Beethe8ttranmgCorvBtf8 sion specialist in ornamental hor- take hold, Korbobo reminds you. Snappy Casual ticulture at Rutgers, advises buy- to 425 hp and that include the popular Turbo- Sting Ray, winner of the "Car Iife"1963Award&i• ing the smaller sizes of orna< Here's neither money-saving tip Fire 409* with 340 hp for the ultimate in smooth, he has for you. Buy your small Printed Pattern Engineering Excellence. mentals if you're landscaping on responsive driving in modem traffic Optional equip- • budget. deciduous plants very early hi An told, four beautiful convertibles, four handBom the spring when you can get ment, including new Comfortilt steering wheel* that SmaO Shrab, Small Price them with bare roots. adjusts to your convenience, makes it as super a sport over—and a whole lot more fun out of driving onel Let's say your plan calls for The lack of a soil ball around as you'd like. upright Taxus. Usually you can the roots early in the season is •OpKoruiatetinad. buy a small one, say 12 to IS not likely to affect the success inches tall, for around $3 or $4. of your planting. Up to 2 or 3 feet, you'll pay Later, though, you'll have to a little more, but beyond that play it safe with balled and bur- you.iiegin to pay the. nursery- lapped plants. (The nurseryman's tnan .'for his tender loving care familiar B and B.)

•»" Advertisement • ] SPEAKING OF MONEY S By GEORGE L. BIELITZ l.«... President, Monmoulh County National Bank THE AGE. 62 SS RETIREMENT

Did you know that under the Social Security law, you may now retire and start drawing Social Security retirement pay at age 62 instead of 65? You don't have to retire at 62, you understand, but you may if you like. And you may wonder . . . will I get as much Social Security per month if I retire at 62 as I would if I waited until 65?

No. You'll get less, except In the case of a widow, widower or parent's benefits. Uncle Sam tries to work this out fairly. A» you know, the exact amount of your , 9067 Social Security is different for everyone, i . rflA«ui«il]itn *i*u*flt i*Ai<<* wtAi*f n**Ai *l4iiA+lnM . * 12-20 fam 40 Just as a rough example, if youd be due ( for $80.a month at 65, you'll get about > $64 if you retire at age 62—and so forth. Next, you might say: "If I don't retire For golf, gardening, home, at 62, do I have to go all the way to 65 work or . vacation—you'll look before I can retire?" No. You can retire snappy and fresh in this shirt- at any age between 62 and 65, and your waist trimmed with pin tucks. Social Security will go up trie longer you For wash 'n' wear cottons. wait •• ••' = .•;;,•; Printed Pattern 9067: Misses' The big question is ... should you Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40. Size take the early retirement? The answer is 16 requires 3% yards 35-inch fab- different for everyone, but here are some ric. , considerations: ' . George L. Blelltt Fifty cents in coins for If you're out of work and your type of work has been elimi- this pattern — add 15 cents tor nated by some chariges In the Industry, why not take early retire- each pattern for lst-class mail- ment? . ing and special handling. Send to Marian Martin, Red Bank If you're in poor health, why not take early retirement? Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West If there's something you've always wanted to do when you 18th St.,. New York 11, N. Y. retire, and you're looking forward to it eagerly, why not take Print, plainly name, address with tarly retirement? nine, size and style number. FREE OFFER! Coupon in On the other side of the fence-rif you're happy In your work Spring Pattern Catalog (or one said the company needs you—I'd stick with it pattern free—anyone you choose If you're the type who has no plans for home work or hob- from 300 design ideas. Send 50 bies, I'd say, don't take early retirement. This jolt of retirement cents now fdr Catalog. Is no light matter for a certain type of fellow. A lot of people may wonder . .". "If I retire early at 62 asd Buying or selling? Use the get the reduced monthly Social Security check, will that payment Register Classified for quick re- go up later when I do turn 65? No, it won't. Once you accept sults.—Advertisement. the smaller payment for: retirement at 62, that's it. All your checks will be on that reduced basis. You can't however, look at this strictly on a cu.rrent dollar // They're basis. That extra three years of retirement might prolong your life by many years.. In.the end you may come out ahead even on a strictly dollar basis. So you must size up your own situa- BUSTER tion. It's a highly personal'matter, and it's a good Idea to get all the figures in your particular case from the Social Security people so that you can make the right decision. BROWN "Will my wife get her retirement benefit If I retire early, lust as she would if I wait until age 65?" Yes, she will If she They Fit! files for It. And if she elects to file at age 62 also, then both checks will be on the reduced basis. But it's still a good little , Top—Corvette Sling Ran Sport Coupe and Corvair Mown Spyder Club Coupe. Be -„,., „,„.,olel Impala SS Convertible; right, Chevy II Nova itio SS Income. For example, if at 65. you'd draw $100 a month—and Convertible. (All four available in both convertible and eoupe models. Super Sport and Spyder equipment optional at extra cost.) your wife, $50-your family check would total $150. But even on the early retirement oasis, your combined Social Security retirement Incomes would total about $118;, - , • See four entirely different kinds of cars at your Chevrolet dealer's Showroom .- • . .—;—,—• _ r »-. .; —__— - • k'SE| US" You Can Bank On BUSTER BROWN- RED BANK CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY Monmouth County National U WHITE ST. RED BANK 325 MAPLE AVENUE RED BANK SHADYSIDE 1-3130 18-ThiTifoy, F«t>. 29, 1963 RED BA^K REGISTER Girl Scouts Holy Name Adam and Eve Women Democrats List Compete In Unit Seeks New Appointments Art Show Shillelaghs Grievance Report FAIR HAVEN — First place SPRING LAKE — A "Shil- winners for their paintings In the (Do you have a personal 40 winks during the afternoon, SEA BRIGHT — New members lelagh search" is under way at Named by Mrs. Bocco Bon- Neighborhood of Girl Scouts art question or problem? Send It but lie can't. of the executive board oi the Spring Lake. forte, president, to serve one- show here Friday were Lois to Adam or Eve Lowell or Adam Women's Democratic Club Chief of the searching party is year terms were Mrs. John Keiit, Anne Magee, Senior Troop 567; both, as you prefer. For a Well, from what office secre- Monmouth County were appointed and Mrs. Paul Kiernan, Jr., ways Lou Taylor, general chairman ol Lucy McDowell, Intermediate personal, unpublished reply, taries write me, many men,. at a recent meeting here is and means; Mrs. Angelo Bottone, the St, Patrick's Eva dance Troop 573 and Sandra Welch, enclose a stamped, self-ad- can manage at least one wink Harry's Lobster House. corresponding secretary; Mn. planned for members and guests Brownie Troop 177. The exhibit dressed envelope. Mail to at the office Rose Wenrel, Mrs. P. Paul of the Holy Name Society ol St! Adam and Eve, in care ol took place in the First Aid Squad • Eva, Campi and Mrs. James McCoy, Catharine's Catholic Church.. this newspaper.) Building.. DEAR ADAM: membership; Mrs. Robert N. Runners-up in the three groups "We're looking for in array of DEAR EVE; On Campw Benedick, Mrs. Lillian Porter historic Irish walking sticks to On those cold shivery morn- As a man, I would think you were as follows: Senior Scouts- can answer more objectedly than and Mm. D. T. Kelleher, wel- Terry Blair, Troop 224, second; display at the affair which will ings my husband makes hie get Mist Sandi Johnson, daughtei fare, and Mrs. George Reseter be held at the Spring Lake Golf up at 5 o'clock to "get the Eve, who might be expected to Cheryl Wainwright, Troop 567, favor the women's side most of of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert John Mrs. Ernest Keller and Miss third; Marjorie Kennedy, Troop Club March 18," Mr. Taylor ex- house going." That means turn- aon, 82 Kemp Ave., Fair Haven, Betty Yancy, legislation. plained. ing on the thermostat, letting the time. In fact I think she 199, honorable mention. A special favors-the gals nine times out of has been elected vice president Others are Mrs. Clarence Many shillelaghs with historic out our three dogs and two cats, mention award also went to 10: Anyway, here's my problem: of Nu Chapter of Kappa Alphj Ralne, Mrs. Arthur Gresham and Cheryl for a woodcarving. significance are believed to be in unlocking the back door for the Theta social sorority at Hanovei the possession of Spring lake milkman and putting coffee on About a month ago,I became en- Mrs. Fred Koenig, naturaliza Intermediates — Susan Rich, College, Hanover, Ind. residents and It is proposed to the stove. Then I can crawl bade gaged to an attractive girl 23 tion; Mrs. Kathryn G. Huber, Troop 228, second; Claudia identify them at the annual St. into bed for another hour's years old. I had not. known her Mrs. Patten Nettles, Mrs. Sarah Dahlman, Troop 573, third; Deb- Catharine's celebration honoring snooze. I would give almost any- long, but fell fast. Since, we be- New member of Delta Ph: O'Connor, Mrs. Arthur Charles orah Hitz, Troop 622, and Bar. Ireland's patron saint. thing if he would do this in- came engaged, she has broken Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa and Mrs. Sophie Weinstein, sun- bara Hore, Troop 228, honorable four dates, saying she didn't feel In addition to the contemplated stead, or at least take turns Centenary College for Women, shine; Miss Elsie Oezlus and mention. well, but friends of mine saw group study of shillelaghs, a pro- with me, but he says he goes Hackettstown, Is Miss Cheryl Am Mrs. Matthew McCarthy, record- Brownies — Barbara Daly, her out with another rn.an three gram of entertainment is to an office and brings home Corbln of Middletown. Phi Theta ers, and Mrs. Gustave J. Freret, Troop 639, second; Frances Wru of those nights. Also she keeps publicity. planned, featuring Benttey Na- his paycheck, so I should take Kappa is the national honorary blewski, Troop 35, Stephanie Ste- 'borrowing" little sums of mon- The guest speaker, Solomon son's orchestra. care of the house. He sleeps scholastic society in two-year col- phens, Troop 177; Sheila Vo- right through to 7:30 every morn- ey from me, ranging from a few leges. Lautman, assistant county prose- winkel, Troop 35; Jo-Ann Daly, Assisting with arrangements are Raymond Shalloo and Joseph ing. Don't you agree with me dollars to $30. One more thing: Miss Corbin, a freshman, Is thi cutor an* mayor of Deal, dis- Troop 395, and Sally Van WageA she insists that if I love her I cussed legislative procedures in Walker, general co-chairmen. that he Is selfish, lazy and in- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josepl en. Troop 239, honorable men- considerate?' should set up a joint banking , the state Senate and Asserrably. ion. . ' , -• Other committee heads Include E. Corbln, 61 Shadybroolt Dr. William Maloney, James Heine, account before our marriage so Other speakers were Mrs. Nadlne Albert won first place Shivery Middletown. Vincent Kelsey, William Win- we can start buying things for Katharine Elkus White, state and Wesley Wildey second place, Dear Shivery: • gard, Dr. Walter Judge, Norman our home. I know she' doesn't committeewoman and chairman for collages. Mrs. Nestor Ocairo Well, let's just say he's a Miss Sandra Luclan, daughter Broderick and Edward Geasling. have more than $io to her name, of the New Jersey Highway Au- Stanley Meltzoff and Ruth sleepyhead, like, so many oth- and she knows I've saved nearly of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lucian, 49 er . husbands. Unless he agrees Standish Rd., Little Silyer, wai thority, and Mrs. Gustave J. Fre- Somerville, Fair Haven artists, $5,000. Adam, I'm confused. What COUPLE HAVE DAUGHTER to take turns, just turn over placed on the Dean's List at thi ret, secretary of the County judged the show which was di- would you do If you' were me? Board of Elections. rected by Mrs. John Moncrief, Miss Herno is Bride NEPTUNE - Mr. and Mrs, at 5 o'clock and keep on On the Brink University of New Hampshln dreaming. The board members were the leader of Intermediate Troop 573, William H. Landis, 319 Sycamore where she is a junior majorinf Eve Dear On The Brink: juests of the Sea Bright Women's assisted by Mrs. Frank Wrublew- Ave., Shrewsbury, are the par- in music. She is solo clarinetis Don't do it. Men work hard I'd wash that girl right out Democratic C|ub. Assisting Mrs. ski, leader of Brownie Troop 35. Of Air Force Sergeant ents of a daughter, Jennifer in the college band and head at their offices -and factories of my hair. And then comb Robert F. Norton, president, as There also was an exhibit of Leigh, born Saturday In Fitkin librarian of the university sym- and need sleep more than their carefully. ..-..,' i • hostesses were Mrs. Walter John- work by various Fair Haven art- ASBURY PARK — The Evan- Nestor Ocasio, U. S. Air Force, Hospital. . She is the couple's phony and inarching band, wives After all you can catch ; son, Mrs. Arthur Rogland, Mrs. ists, including Mrs. William gelical Lutheran Church of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Justo Ocasio fourth chid Adam . On the Honors List for the fal! Alois Wall, Mrs. Lillian Grassin, Sharpless, who exhibited hand- Atonement was the setting hereof New York City. semester at Wesleyan College, Mrs. John P. Weir, Mrs. Elva made jewelry. The show was a Saturday for the marriage of Rev. Walter F. Forker, pastor, Macon, Ga., is Miss Renate But- Garland, Mrs. Arthur Greshan preliminary to the district show Miss Sonja Alfrida Herno, daugh- officiated at the double ring ler, daughter of Dr.- and Mrs. and Mrs. William Greer. held Saturday. Some will be now ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. ceremony. Arthur J. Raines wai Paul Butler, Little Silver Point The club will meet again March eligible for the council show dur- Herno, 54 Center St., Riverside organist. A reception followed in Rd., Little Silver. 23 in Wall Township. ing Girl Scout Week March 10-16. Heights, Middletown, to Staff Sgt. the Stage Coach, Wanamassa. Miss Deborah Wood Norton, Mr. Herno gave his daughter 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert marriage. She wore a long- M. Norton, Bellevue Ave., Rum- sleeved gown of Italian lace fash- son, was invited to meet Dr. Grant to Play Benefit Concert ioned with a sabrina neckline on Isidor Rabf, 1944 Nobel prize win- the fitted bodice embroidered with seed pearls and crystals, ner for his work in nuclear phys- ATLANTIC HIGHLAND&-A1- A child prodigy and former stu- fjom Handel, Schubert and Leon- ics, at a reception in his honor and a tiered waltz-length bouf- len Grant, composer and pianist, dent of Paderewski, Mr. Grant ard Bernstein. fant skirt. Her veil, edged with yesterday at Mount '• Holyok will play a benefit piano concert has appeared as accompanist for College, South Hadley, Mass, Mr. Grant will play for the matching lace, was held in place tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Atlan- Fritz Kreisler and Walter Miss Norton is a junior at Mounl first time in Atlantic Highlands by a crystal coronet and she car- tic Highlands School. Damrosch. Holyoke. a composition of his own entitled ried a cascade of white orchids The concert, sponsored by the The 69-year old pianist, a "March Heroique." Other selec- and carnations with stephanotii Parent-Teacher Association, will former resident of Chicago, now tions will include Beethoven's and ivy. benefit the establishment of the lives in Atlantic Highlands with "Dutch Dance No. 3" and "An- Maid of honor was Miss Betty cruise Music Advancement Fund for his brother, William. dante in F Minor" and two Lu Scollante, Long Branch. Jun- and children in the school. The program will also include selections by Chopin, "Nocturne ior bridesmaid was Miss Linda vocal selections by Mr. and Mrs. in C Minor" and the "Polonaise j^a Rogers, Lincroft, niece ol vacation Matthew Drummond of Atlantic Militaire.Milifatrn " HWen will nff*»offerr in)n' adnrf- . itthe- t-_:bridej .' •***•..'The- «.•"!__.honor attendan. _»__t, Festival Marks Highlands, appearing for the first dition selections by Schumann, wore a cocktail-length gown of wear time together on the concert Rubinstein, Villa-Lobqs and De- Nile green satin fashioned with stage. They will sing selections libess n*w stock ' ' 'urim Holiday bell skirt, and a matching • till arriving KEYPORf — A Purim Festival headpiece of chiffon and. tulle. com* In and a«s will be held Saturday at the She carried a colonial bouquet of BUNNIES, IQNNETS AND BLOSSOMS to be used in decorating the all-purpose r*oim ipring atd tammcri United. Hebrew Congregation, yellow and white pompon chrys- oewot' ftshloni. of Harmony School, MiddUtowrt, for a card party tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. ara checked Broad St. anthemums and carnations. SHORTS Eleven-year-old Linda wore by, left to right, Mrs. Louis Held, vice chairman; Mrs. Ruth Finnay, general chairman, SLACKS Highlighting the evening will be a talent scout program dress of candy pink satin with and Mrs. David Waise, decorations chairman. Thema of the party is "In Your Easter COOLETTBS velvet cummerbund. Her match- SWIHWEAR . Jack Kreuter. Bonnet." •erfanist.*' Fresh vegetable offerings in- groom, was best man. Frank A. Protein Is offered in a host of Traditional • Purim cake (ha* Rogers, Lincroft, brother-fa-law attractive forms-both meat and dude cabbage, radishes, toma- SHREWSBURY SHOPS mantashen) and coffee will be of the bride, was usher. Lenten non-meat—at the nation's toes, celery, onions and potatoes. serve! Mrs. Irwin Rubenfeld is Iceberg lettuce has come down In Broad St. Shrewsbury The bride was graduated from supermarkets this weekend. in charge of reservations. price at the same time quality Middletown Township High Beef and pork prices continue has risen. School and was employed, with low or lower, with heavy late win- the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Com- ter livestock marketing. There Fruit buys continue to be ba- • Draperies • Slipcovers pany, Shrewsbury. also are several poultry attrac- nanas, apples, pears and canned • Bedspreads •Curtains OPEN The bridegroom, schooled in tions. cherries. Also, citrus prices ate • Shades • Blinds New York, attended New York Eggs took a drop in most mar- slipping downward, with oranges, Complete Installation Service University. He is stationed with MONDAY kets, fresh and canned seafood lemons and grapefruit becoming SHOP-AT-HOME-SERVICE the 1999th Command jSquadron at items are plentiful and cottage Sewart Air Force Base in Smyr- more attractive. 747-4422 SPECIAL cheese, other cheeses and dairy na, Tenn., where the couple will products In general are economy- MON. THRU WED. live on base. priced. \ REG. $10.00 Among beef offerings, roasts Give Dinner are strongly featured. A sampling BODY WAVE Sisterhood of some price tags at a national chain includes rib roasts at 69 For Officers Luncheon cents a pound, round roasts 85 NEW SHREWSBURY - U and rump roasts 89. 4 ELBERON - Sisterhood of Col. (Ret) and Mrs. Leo A. 468 Broad St.,: Shrewsbury Temple Beth Miriam met Tues- Both cured and fresh pork Dietrich, 154 Riveredge Ave., en- Dally 9 to 5:M TOMORROW'S CONCERT presenting composer-pianist day here In the temple for tems are economically priced. tertained at a dinner party Sun- Fri. 'til • Allan Grant for the Atlantic Highlands Parent-Teacher "Luncheon Is Served" program. Poultry features include turkey, Hair stylist Mr. Lawrence of the Midwest especially; chick- day introducing two Japanese of- BEAUTY Association is under the direction of Mrs. Milton J. Bamberger's, Monmouth: Shop- fryers, particularly in the ficers attending the U.S. Army IB Monmouth St. Red Bank Clark, right, concert chairman, seen here with Mrs. Ed* ping Center, featured speaker, JOHN'S Call SB 1-1B1S Signal School at Fort Monmoutti, demonstrated wig* and the latest WmmWMmmMmmmmmwmmMWMm mond J. Caputo, president of the PTA. Members Mr. coiffures on sisterhood members. Buzs Session Tonight to faculty members of Monmouth and' Mrs. Matthew Drummond also will be soloists in the Program chairman was Mrs. ALLENHURST - The "Buzz Regional High School. Session" of the Central Jersey event which will begin at 8 p.m. in the Atlantic High- Charles Marcus. Models were Capt. Yasuaori Mihara and Lt. Acousticon Offers ... Mrs. Sol Friedman, Mrs. Lester Natural Food Club tonight at 8 lands Elementary School auditorium. >.m. hi the Allenhurst Bank, KiyosM Takahaste both spoke oa Grubman, Mrs. Howard Margolin their homeland. Capt. Mihara Don't Know* .and Mrs. Lee Revits. Wain St., will be on the subject of nutrition and organic garden- will be in the United States 10 TV ATTACHMENT TO Mrs. Arthur Hecht, Oceanport, months and Lt. Takahashi, six How Much to ing. The meeting is open to (he donated home grown African months, The latter showed slides public. violet plants for sale. Proceeds he brought with him from Japan. Deduct? i went to the sisterhood. Individual groups will discus This was his first visit to an THE HARD OF HEARING! DrugTax ran help you, and Mrs. Jack Kaplan, chairman of irganlc gardening, vitamin su American home since coming it isn't going to cost you a Acousticon hat devoted a portion of its advertising the nominating committee, will plements, fluoridation o( watt here a month ago. and personal experiences penny! . . . DrugTax is the dollon to purchase these television or radio attach- present a slate of officers at the March 26 meeting, at which time nutrition among other toplci Lt. Col. Dietrich also showed new record-keepiiig system ments as a frank move on our part to gain the the drama workshop of the Com- Irief resumes will then be give slides of Turkey. now available at our phar- by each of the group leaders a macy. With it we keep a com- good-will of the hard of hearing hi this area. munity Center in Long Branch Guests were Mr. and Mrs. will present a playlet. the conclusion of the meeting. plete record of your drug pur- Thomas J. Bradshaw, Mr. and chases. And at the end of the, Mrs. I. H. Pratt and Col. and year we send you a DrugTax PRE-SPRING Mrs. Dwight W. Langham.. Mr. statement which tells you how Bradshaw Is director of the re- much may be deductible in gional high school; Mrs. Pratt, computing your federal tax head of the mathematics depart- • Built-in Ovens and Ranges return. And this service Is ment, and Lt. Col. Dietrich, a mathematics teaoher. FREE! THIS IS A $1.95 VALUE • Exhaust Fans SPECIAL! YOUR CHOICE FOR THE HARD OF HEARING! Hear TV and • Sinks AUXILIARY MEETING PROFESSIONAL Radio much cleartr! You will certainly welcome PERMANENT WAVE HAZLET — A meeting of the PHARMACY • Bathroom Vanities Ladies Auxiliary, Jewish War this marvelous attachment for your TV set or Radio. • Prompt Free Delivery i Breck • Helene Curtis /eteranj Po3t 737, will take place 1S4 BROAD ST. RED BAN* • Kitchen Displays Monday evening in the home of opposite Steinbach's • Zotos • Bonat ^^_ Vfrs. Jack Goldberg,. 34 WeBt SH 1-5288 Obviously, w« would prefer that only the hard of Richard St. hearing ask for this attachment. Just fill out and • Rayette Q95 mall the coupon below with $1 to TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ONLY O ra.a...... Acousticon Hearing Aid Center Complete COME IN NOW, WITH OR WITHOUT APPOINTMENT!' 341 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park I PRotpect 4-2208 Joseph, Anthony and Katherine Name HAIR STYLISTS HUFFMAN**? BOYLE ! Street SH 7-3475 SH 7-3484 jCiry .State ...... Zone .. FINE HOME FURNISHINGS «r,d BROADLOOM 46 Monmouth St. Est. 27 years Red Bank , (AMPLE PARKING) Rt. 35 Circle, Eotontotm—-liberty 2-1010 RED BANK REGISTER Palette Talk Monmouth 'Names Thursday, Feb. 28, 1963—19

Into the Unknown Question No. « - Middletown property of Charles Mprford. tots and owners: This give an idea of the direction By ELEANOR MARKO I am wondering if we could in which the lots were lafd out. plot out on the zoning map of Then the, old "Town Book" As one circles the ramp of the Frank Lloyd Wright- I Middletown, which has been sentsays, "The lotts that are in the to me, the original lots of the Poplar field," (which Mr. Mande- designed museum hung wife 34 watercolors and 39 oils first settlers and their farms in ville further states are now the and temperas, there is an overwhelming feeling of look- the uplands in Middletown. Osbom Hill and on to the Robert ing into the unknown. For example, Ernest Mande- Adamson home) are numbered ville in his "Story of Middle- beginning at the west end on the Metaphysician and father of abstract expression- town" quotes from the old "Town south side, (which Mr, M. further ism, Vasily Kandinsky is currently being featured in a Book" (original now in the N.Y, states is now called Poricy Brook major retrospective exhibition as dramatic as it is Historical Society), saying that at the Nutswamp, page 42-43). Can these lots be marked out on significant. Modern move- the town was originally liid out in 36 lots, and that lot No. 1 the present day map? ments cannot be discussed mitted that Monet's, "Haystacks" waa John Ruckman's, lot No. I feel certain that this would influenced him strongly in h s TODAY was Edward Tartte's, and so on be most interesting to present day without including Kandin- life. LUNCHEON-AUCTION, HKMu- sky who was born in Mos- with John Bowne's lot No. 2owners8 . Would not the present cow in 1868 and died In France Kandinsky contributed to a and Richard Stout's lot No. 6 owners like to know that their sic Sponsors, noon, Crystal Brook flourishing Soviet art world Can these lots be definitely lo- property is part of the John Inn, Eatontown. in mi. His entire career is ex- which was to open the gate- cated in terms of present day Bowne farm, who was an ances- posed In all its magnitude. way to modernism for a scant Middletown? tor of our President Lincoln, or TOMORROW Thomas M. Messer, director of three yean alter the revolution part of the Hartshorne farm? Mr. Mandeville says that lot CONCERT, Allen Grant, pian- the Guggenheim Museum on of 1918. Within that time he No. 1 became the Beekmans and To my mind one of the most in- Composltlon VII, No. 186 by Kandinsky ist, PTA benefit, 8 p.m., Atlantic Fifth Ave., New York, is re-founded the Museum of Pic- lot No. 24 (originally John teresting parts of history is to sponsible for this historical show torial Culture in Moscow, as 1913, Oil on Canvas Throckmorton's) became the make It live, bringing it down to Highlands Elementary School. and for a concurrent show of one ol three board,of directors X marks the spot. "TIME OF THE CUCKOO," Kaadlnsky's work in Pasadena. be helped found 22 provincial As a descendant of the Bowne Calif. art museums and In 1921, as family, I would like to see, for Monmouth Players, 8:30 p.m., He states, "Nearly 20 years a recently appointed professor As Europeans See Us the Tercentenary celebration, Navesink Library, Monmouth after Kandinsky's death, artists, In the University of Moscow, markers on the various lots and Ave., Navesink. critics and historians (within a he founded the Academy of farms, identifying them with the responsible range) are divided Arts. These accomplishments original settlers. SATURDAY followed incredulously after he on a central issue in contempo- J.O.G., Secretary, Historical "PINOCCHIO," marionetteshow, had become associated with the A frank Look at US. Women Society of Hudson County, rary painting; namely, whether or performances at 11 a.m. and 2 not ,the forms themselves, freed Blue Rider period and where WASHINGTON (AP) - Some ence, efficiency and smart dress- "A second major favorable im- quent negative impression is that Jersey, City. In Germany be was scored by p.m., Knollwood School, Fair from representational associa- Europeans think too many Ameri- Ing of their sex in America while pression ... is that of effective of forwardness, expressed in Haven. tion, are fully capable of con-critics of the group which be can women "wear the trousers" European men often think of industriousness, particularly in such terms as oversexed, or Im veying content" Confronted with helped to found. of the family. Others like Ameri- American women as bad house- the use of labor-saving devices to moral, with frequent. references CHARTER DAY DINNER, New It, we are left free to dedde. Starting at the 'top level of the can women for their vitality and wives and domineering, the sur- run the home competently and to divorce., .as a final blow, a Style Show Jersey Shore Alumni Association of Howard University, 6:30 p.m., museum for his earliest works, freedom. , vey Indicates. comfortably... few French respondents, even Though the painting shown The Fountains, Ocean Ave., Long here is typically Kandinsky as and continuing down the museum "Stereotypes of American Worm Percentages British Opinion stress a lack of elegance and To Benefit for One of the questions — "Your "Among (British) men, whose style... Branch. . ,A ,.-.•• he is most often distinguished by ***& view of; Kandinsky's en" among West Europeans "di- opinion of... women's activities homes are their castles and. who, today, the year 1913 represents work hung in chronological .or- vide rather evenly between posi- "But it is also a Frenchman tive and negative," reports a in the U. S." brought these per- if the castle seems in danger of MCOSS his breakthrough from the rep-der, there are some exciting who sums up the type of neutral resentational and figurative work small geometric .and rectilinear U. S. Information Agency poll. centages of net favorable (more falling, at least can take refuge KEANSBURG - The local aux- THIS WEEK'S he did at the inception of hiscompositions which some scho- the September 1960 USIA study good than bad) responses: Bri- In clubs and pubs, the outstartd- reaction which is common every- iliary of Monmouth County Or- artistic career, "in 1836. Seven lars have never been Aware Kan- in four European countries, made tain 34, West Germany 18, France ing impression is of unwomanll where: "For me, it's the wom- ganization for Social Service will paintings from Moscow, indicate dinsky experimented with in his public yesterday under the agen- il and Italy 36. ness— of a domineering, bossy an, and I don't differentiate by hold a fashion show and luncheon SPECIALS cy's new policy of releasing its "In all nations (except perhaps creature, wearing the trousers, this early period. "Crinolines, development around 1326. nationalities." March 23 in the Shadowbrook, samplings of foreign opinion aft- Britain)," says the study, "A ma- This aspect of American women Shrewsbury, to raise funds for UNBREAKABLE No. 84" painted in1909, is asIf poetry, > music ' or dreams colonial-looking a painting of a er they're at least a year old, jor favorable impression is one is also mentioned, though to a equipment for the MCOSS Health come to the minds,of viewers of reports that European women are of freedom, expressed in such smaller degree, in France,and Center on Main St., Keansburg. group of ladies as the title indi- the colorful anwrphisms, they Plastic Cups generally more favorable to words as vitality, confjdence, in- Italy.. The fashion show will be staged cates. Also, in a few examples, join a legion of others who some- (for women's role in America than dependence, progressiv'eness and "But the most universal charge Art Calendar by Franklin-Simon, Eatontown. there are shades and forms of times cite their responses to the European men. ; a public-spiritedness that does is that of laziness and idleness in Chairman of the committee is 25c 5 the French Irnpressionist leader experience In rather- lyrical That's because European wom- not limit the interests of Ameri- the home... FIRST METHODIST Claude Monet. The artist ad- Mrs. Harry Huber, Port Mon- terms. en tend to admire the independ- can women to the home. "In Italy, the most single fre CHURCH, Broad St., Re4mouth, with Mrs. Richard Tren- The Kandinsky retrospective Bank, Ethel Hausman, paint- ery, Keansburg as vice-chairman. UNBREAKABLE EUROPE AS TRAVEL moves out of the Guggenheim in ings, through April 1 in lounge. Mrs. John Tagfeert, has charge New York April 7 to travel to of tickets. The gift committee Parts, The Hague and Basel, GUILD OF CREATIVE ART, EXPERTS SEE IT! consists of Mrs. Walter Wall, SofFoot plasticd . Crispers Switzerland. For those contem- 620 Broad St., Shrewsbury, Mrs. Joseph Standler, and Mrs. Lucille Robbins, paintings, Many uses. plating a look at the "Mona Bernard Stover. Mrs. Elizabeth opens Sunday, through March Reg. I.W. lisa" at the Metropolitan, Haynes and Mrs. Clare Beatty 99 VAL-U-TOURS 29. " small walk up Fifth Ave., should are on the publicity committee. be included to catch the show. VIAB-OA-C OLD MILL GALLERY, Syca- The auxiliary, headed by Mrs. FoodC For those who missed it, per- more Ave., Tinton Falls, Ma- Edward Watklnson, has been re- haps this is a good enough rea- Easy to use. 15 DAYS ONLY $676. jor Print Exhibition, through sponsible for furnishing the son for going again to the city. March 31. Health Center, which is head- Easy to clean, (HOTAWNNTHOREI) The Pasadena show will travel quarters for the MCOSS public Reg. Sic. VILLAGE ART STUDIO, 53 Convenient Departures From in art centers in the United health nurses serving in the Bay- Monmouth Rd., Oakhurst, Em- NEW YORK CITY > States, but none is listed for the shore area. The nurses visit ily Kinnier, oils, watercolors, Six Etcorttd Tours With New York-New Jersey area, hundreds of homes eating for Ht d Accommodation* collages, sculpture, through the sick, giving health counsel March 10, _ ;•••> WEST END IF THOSE U2GS and eyes Ing, tuberculosis control and te don't give dut on Karidjnsky's NEWARK MUSEUM, Forms many other services. A Well abstracts, try Le Coitousier as a in, Contemporary Art,,New ex- Child Conference for children of counter remedy in the cultural hibition, painting and sculp- limited income families is held VARIETY jaunt to the city. Budding archi- ture, through spring. Also at the center monthly to provide Japanese Screens and Robes, medical check-ups and lmmunl. FAIR HAVEN SMtWf tects will "drink" this-up •— but 1 not the way you might ,think. through April 14. '•.'.;; rations for infants and pre-school children. SHOPPING CENTER VAWJ-TOURS OF EUROPE At the Museum of Modern Art MONTCLAIR ART MUSEUM, through April S there is an ex- A Panorama of American ALLEN PEIERSEN hibition of recent buildings in Painting, through March''14.' Europe and India by the famed FAIRLEIGI| DICKINSON TRAVEL SERVICE architect te Corbusier (Charles ADD NEW LIFE TO Edward Jeanneret). Shown in UNIVERSITY^ Madison Cam- SH 1-5550 large color transparencies in- ANNIVERSARY DINNER — Mrs. William Rlgney, grand regent of Court Si Jame«, pus, George Meuller, Gallery stalled in specially built light Lounge, through March 9. YOUR LIVING ROOM 36 Herding Rd., Red Bart Catholic Daughters of America, greets Msgr. Emmett A. Monahan, pastor of St. James boxes, the show significantly re- METROPOLITAN MUSEUM Open .Monday • Saturday veals in a new dimension govern- Catholic Church, Red Bank, and guest; speaker James J. Norrij at the CDA's dinner OF ARTrMona Lisa Exhibi- 1A.M.-5: JO P.M. ment buildings, a chapel and Tuesday in The CobbleStones, Middletown. Mr. Norris is assistant to.the executive tion, closes Monday. priory, apartment houses and pri- CMUMMHI PtMMiind.iM more vate houses, a museum, and Le director of Catholic Relief Services, MUSEUM OF MODERN. r Infgmtta about ff»il l Itlixrarln ifftretf by your &OA.C. ViMI-Tours Corbusier's first work in the ART, Lyonel Feinlnger, closes of tuns*. United States, the Carpenter Cen- Monday; Le Corbusier, archi- ter for the Visual Arts now1, un- CD A Chapter Observes Tea Honors tecture and design, through NAME- der construction at Harvard Uni- April 5; Emily Nolde, retrospec- versity. The exhibition, selected tive, opens Wednesday, through and installed by Arthur Drexler, Teachers April 30. eiTY_ -Z0NE- director of the museum's depart- Its 37th Anniversary SEASIDE; PARK — Miss Mar- GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM, j STATt- ment of architecture and design, Vasily Kandinsky retrospective lends a needed spotlight in the MIDDLETOWN — The 37th an- Msgr. Emmett A. Monahan, PHONE- through April 7. darkness of sculptural designs nlversary dinner of Court St. tor of St. James Catholic Church. Ethel Fairrield, reading teacher commercially demanded, but es- Entertainment was furnished BRILL GALLERY, Cleve- la Vwr lli>m«—Or ta Oar fllnl James, Catholic Daughters of of the Central Junior-Senior High land, Babette Edelstein, New thetically unohallenging and dis- by pianist Mrs. Joseph Lacy School, Bayville, Were honored Dry Cleaning • laundry Ame.rica,Tuesday was highlight- who played "Valse in C Sharp Shrewsbury, one-man show, couraging to the modern archi- by Delta Kappa Gamma, Alpha WHIT1 ST. SH 7-2100 RED BANK tect in America. Specially built ed' by a talk explaining how lo- Minor" by Chopin and "Canzone closes tomorrow. Zeta Chapter, at a tea here re- diagramatic ' models and black Amorosa" by Elhelbert Nevin. cal charities and the Bishop's •oently. and white photographs in a sep- Relief Fund are helping to solve Mrs. Matthew Stanley was din- arate gallery illustrate the prin- The two teachers who have social-problems throughout the ciples of design which first es- ner chairman, assisted by Mrs. been elected to membership BE SLIMMER tablished Le Corbusier's fame in world. The dinner took place in Joseph Colle. Aides were Mrs. the international honorary socie- the 1920's. The Cobblestones. Grandln Chapman, Mrs. John ty of women educators will THE initiated into the society Guest speaker James J. Nor- Chappell, Mrs. Roy Freeman, March 30 In Atlantic City at the ris of Rumson, assistant to the EASY BACK IN SHREWS. Mrs. Edward Jakubowics, Mrs. state, convention. executive director of Catholic BURY, there Is a new show Edward Orzediowski, Mrs. An- Relief Services, stated that today The tea was held in the home opening in the Guild of Crea- refugees live without hope be- thony Peduto, Mrs. Fredrick of Mrs. Erwin J. Clement, Sea- WAY tive Art, (20 Broad St. Paint- cause of sickness and lack of Richards, Mrs. William Rigney side Park, under the direction of Ings by Vienna-born Lucille housing. Mrs. Ethel Francis, South Toms J8ENT or BUY Robblns will be shown through and Mrs. Carl Schutz. River, initiation chairman. March 28. The reception, open Mrs. William Domidian, Little Also, Mrs. William Bender Among members attending to the public without charge, Silver, toastmaster, introduced Mrs. Robert Cronauer, Mrs. were Mrs. 0. Lee Schiller, Miss Is Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. other guest3: Mrs. John Gannon, George Kasinow, Mrs. Francis Florence Sheppard, Mrs. Pearl Mrs. Robblns, a former stu- Perth Amboy, state secretary; McHugh, Mrs. George Mott, Mrs. Lemberg, and Mrs. John Dorne. | dent of .Franz Scholz, exhibited Mrs. Victor BICYCLE Reynolds, Colts George Murphy, Mrs. Walter Mrs. George Abel and Mrs/ Les- at the Montclalr Museum, the Neck, and Miss Helen Lang, Red O'Neil, Miss Marianne Riordan lie Smith, Trenton, were Gamma • EXERCISER HIghgate Gallery, Monmouth Bank, district deputies, and College and Rutgers University. and Mrs. Robert Wittrelch. Chapter guests. KMps leg* young and trim, Also, at the Village Center in so, and April 26, Ways of Seeing Increases circulation, exer- New York's Greenwich Village and Communicating. and at the Festival at Barlow cises the body. A must for Sara Provan, Rumson artist, School. las been added to the list of all homi gyms. • Titling her sfhow "En Passant," teachers in the guild for the Mrs. Robbins displays impres- pring term beginning at the end ionistic and non-objective work rf March. Mrs. Provan currently in an "all-mix" technique to ob-eaches at Monmouth College. tain vivid and unusual effects. She has had six one-man shows Like walking ore air—they are that comforting! Subscriptions to the final three New York and has exhibited BLACK and BLUE.... art appreciation lectures -are be- in the Metropolitan, Modern Art, ing accepted at The Gallery for Whitney, Newark and Montclair 'Take your pick from the March 29, Abstraction, Cubism, museums and at the Pennsylva cream of our used car crop. Schiaparelli'i Supp-Hoie are the original —the longest wearing support and Surrealism; April 12, Picas- ma and National academies. 1961 Cadillacs, 1 black, 1 blue. stocking! found anywhere. Get to know their satisfaction, their good Buy this week while prices looks, their comfort, their value! Available in newest fashion shades. are at the winter market low. Cadillac - Oldsmobile YOU MUST SEE 251 Broadway, Long Branch 495 pr. COMP. p-O50 SHERMAN'S NEW SHOP PRICE! DJ0 THE TALK OF THE TOWN GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! STEINBACH'S HOSIERY, Street Floor and Asbury Park SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL LIMITED TIME ONLY! fclllHI1l| Specializing In rSOllTH JERSEY 1 • Linens • Bath COLD WAVE • Closet • Bedroom • Distinctive Gifts 20 BROAD ST. REG. |f|00 REG. 1*50 SURGICAL - RED BANK • Monogrammlng 12.50' I |J complete 15.00 | £ complete • Custom Table Padi Phone 74MMI SH 7-2614 J Rear Entrance MISS ROSE - Hair Stylist COMPANY 33 E, Front St«R from Parking Lot Specializing in High Style Hair Coloring, Permanent Waving AUDIT Mil lift IAMC Rtd Boafc • W Monmouth St. SH 7-1851 Red Bank, N. J. k Free Delivery (Carllon Theatre Building) une, Gulls Take 'B' Crown, Fliers Win 'A' Division 56-51, over Rumson-FH itleOver'Squan,47-38 ASBURY PARK-Point Pleas manson to make k 46-44. Her The Point comeback was al- PARK — Neptune onds despite jeers from the Clark, 'who had a poor flrbt ant Beach High staged a brillian manson connected on one char- most unbelievable as Rumson had High scored the final 10 points of Blue rooters. halt shooting-wise, was the only fourth quarter rally, paced by ity toss before Mackson tapped waltzed out to a 13-5 lead in die :th» second quarter to bolt into After Bob' Davis opened the 'Squan eager to finish in double Ron Krayl, to overcome Rum- in the second one. first quarter and boasted a 24-18 'command and held on to defeat final quarter scoring with a bas- figures, hitting 10, all on field son-Fair Haven Regional, 56-51 The Gulls were never headed lead at halftime. High, 47-38, at the ket, Manasquan tolled afl five goals. Beam finished with nine and capture the Shore Confer- from that point. Krayl, a classy But Mackson and Krayl, who Convention Hill court here last straight point* to make it 37-29 and Scavella and Grasdorf each ence B Division championship backcourt performer who pos- produced only two and five night to capture • record fourth to put the pressure on the Fliers. ended up with seven. Grasdorf, before a throng of approximately sesses a deadly jump shot from points, respectively, in the first straight Shore Conference A Dl- Bob Davis broke the string with bothered by fouls In the first 5,000 fans at the Convention Hall 20 to 30 feet away from the half, came to life in the second vlilon Championship and advance a free tiirow, but 'Squan rallied half, never got rolling and failed here last night. bucket, connected on a long one- half of play to pull it out for the to the final of the Shore Con-With five points to Neptune's two to provide Manasquan with the The Garnet Gulls, aided by the hander and followed with a three- Gulls. The duo combined for 34 ference Playoffs. . torn to make it 40-34 with 1:24 remain- rebounding strength it expected loss of three Rumson starters via point play to make it 5145 with of the winners' total with Krayl Coach Larry Hennessy's Scar- Ing. from the 6-3 senior performer. (he personal foul route with 1:55 remaining and wrap it up finishing with 19. let Fliers, who were walloped la A free throw by Beeknuut and ManBsquan now has an 18-3 more than three minutes remain- for the Gulls. Vernon Paulson, Jeff Reardon last meeting of the two two charity tosses by Lee Davis record, two losses coining against Ing in the tilt, will meet Nep- GuUs Hit Fouls and Robinson each dumped in clubs after taking a twc-jwlnt de- In the next 20 seconds put It on Neptune and the third in an up- tune, 47-38 victor over Mana- Sharp foul shooting in the final four points to move Rumson into cision in their first tilt, froze the ice for ,the 'Fliers. set against Ocean City. squan in the first game of the two minutes by Point Pleasant command in the first quarter ball for stretches up to a min- Manasquan finished with 14 Lee Davis was the big rebound- twinbjll, for the Shore Conference kept Rumson from pulling a vic- Reardon had a hot hand in the ute and a half in preserving Its field goals In 47 attempts; for 30 er for Uie Fliers while Clark did title tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. Rum- ory out of the fire. The Gulls second quarter with seven more win over Coaoh "Doc" Nine's per cent: Neptune canned 16 of yeoman work under the boards son-Fair Haven and Manasquan final five points came on five of points while Krayl had all of his Big Blue. 43 attempts for 37 per cent. for- the losing Big Blue quintet. Hausqiuu (3d) Neptuna (47) will tangle in the 7 p.m. conso- seven free-throw attempts. five first-half points to pace Point Neptune meets Point Pleasant II For Davis Boys ^^ G FP a FP lation match. A three-point play by Rumson's in the second stanza. Herman- Bob Davis and Lee Davis each Scavella S 3 7 R. Davis 1 ll« Beach, a come-from-behind SMI CUrk 5 0 10 L. Daws 4 3 16 Point Pleasant never led in Jim Robinson made it 5349 with son added six for the Gulls in Iwinner over Rumson-Fair Haven tallied 1« points to pace'the Fli- Ora»flor( 3 17 Bell 10 2 : 15 left, but Mackson dumped in he second quarter. Lyons 1 3 5 Warren 2 0 4 the tilt until the final $/, min- Regional in hut nlghf $ nightcap, ers, who are now 19-3' on the Beam 3 3 1 Carroll S 1 7 utes of the fourth quarter when two free throws with one Fouls Trouble Rumson Friday night at 8:W tortile Shore season. Carroll added seven. Wuchter, 0 O 0 Beekman 0 > 2 ute left on the clock to pull the "Snuffy" Mackson tapped In a Rumson's rebounding star, Jay Conference title. Neptune is the The Flier losses cane against St. ' IS 15 47 1 Gulls out of reach. missed free throw by Russ Her- Benedict, picked up three fouls defending champion. ' Rose, Asbury Park and the one « ID 34-38 in the first quarter and sat out TUta Pack Hall *tat tnm Maaasquan. most of the second stanza. He An overflow crowd of approxi- returned in the third eight min- mately 5,000 fans saw the A Di- utes of play and saw action un- vision foes turn the same into a ;il fouling out with 3:16 left in defensive battle in the opening the game. EarMer in the final JUMPER FOR BULLDOGS — Rumson's Jeff Reardon quarter. Neither team found the stanza, Jim Larrahee went put goes high for jump shot against Point Pleasant Beach. range offensively, as Neptune took with 4:45 remaining before Paul- an 8-5 letld In the opening stanza. son departed with 3:59 left. Point's out-of-potition defenders are Run Hermanson, Manasquan connected on only The Point rally came late in left, and Ron Krayl Krayl paced a fourth quarter rally two of 12 shots in the opening the third quarter when the Gulls that gave Point Pleasant a 56-51 victory and B Division dgrt minutes of play while Nep- tallied five straight points on a tune dunked in (mo of 11. All free throw and tap-in by Mack- crown. of the Big Blue's first stanza son and a jumper by Hal John- markers came from Bob Beam son to tie things up at 33-aIl. on two backets aid a single free Paulson closed out the third Rugged Notre Dame JVs throw. quarter scoring when he dumped He pace quickened In lite sec- in a free throw with eight sec- ond quarter as Neptune moved onds remaining. Rip Mater Dei Five, 62-35 out to an 11-7 lead before Mana- The Bulldogs didn't appear squan came back with a free troubled as they whipped off the throw by Reggie Lyons and two first five points on the final NEW MONMOUTH - A power- Notre Dame's unbeaten fresh- buckets and a pair.,of charily stanza on a free throw by Paul- ful Notre Dame (Trenton) jayvee man whipped the Mater Dei tosses by Ron Scavella to move son and two buckets by Robin- squad routed Mater Dei High frosh, 67-32, in the opener. The into a 14-11 lead. School, 62-35, In a basketball con- son. Point broke the string on The victors have an 18-0 seasonal That was it, however, tor the long one-hander by Krayl be- test here last night.' record. • , • Big Blue in the stanra.aj Nep- fore Robinson and Reardon The winners sport a 15-4 record, Notre Dame's jayvees brpke tuneis potent attack reeled off 10 dumped in baskets for the losers while the New Monmouth school open the feature game with a straight points< for • 21-14 half- to make U 43-35. is 1-16. strong second half attack. The time advantage. Bob Davis Johnson followed with a bucket two clubs battled through a 4-4 started toe string on a lay-up aft- for the winners before Reardon opening quarter, but Notre Dame er a feed pass from Ted Beek- canned a free throw for Rum- Seniors, Faculty whipped ahead, 23-16, at half- man. Lee Davis followed w*h a time. pair of free throws before Bob Hermanson was then fouled by A 23-12 third period bulge put Davis, after mjtsing two shots, Larrabee and started the Gull Tie in Came At the game away for the visitors. scored on a tap following bis sec- point binge to the lead and Vic- Joe Wyers paced the Trenton OF WAR — Jeff Reardon, center, Rumson, and ond miss to up the count to 17-14. tory. Monmouth Reg. team with 14 points. Charles Lee DwiB then came up with t ^ Pleaiant's Russ Hermanton tug for possession of The Gulls actually took the Comfort and Pat Kerwick tal- bucket oa a pretty move from ball in last night's Shore Conference playoff game. In victory at the free-throw Une NEWSHREWSBURY-The sen- lied 10 points apiece. tie foul line and Bob Davis fol- where they held a 24-13 edge over ior boys and men's faculty teams Bob Ballweg was the top scorer lowed with a jumper to-complete on the action are Jim Larrabee,r |eft, Rumson, and Rum- the Rumson quintet. Rumson of Monmouth regional High for Mater Dei with 12 points. Jeff the first hi* scoring. lon'f Shep McHenry on .floor. Point took B Division held a 19-16 advantage, in field School battled to a 47-47 stale- Hammond added 10 and Mike De- Shooting Off championship, 56-51, on fourth quarter rally.. mate in a basketball contest Capua, seven. . Point Pleasant now boasts a played in the high school gym Bob Goeke. with 26, and Both teams finished with poor 14-2 record, the only losses com- yesterday afternoon. ' Wayne Sokotowski, with 18, paced shooting percentages in the open- ing half. Manasquan dunked in ing against St. Rose and Rumson The faculty shot out to a 16-1 the Notre Dame freshmen. Tony only five of 25 attempts while in their regular season B Divi- lead after "one period, but the Flederowicz was the high scorer Four Try to Defend sion tussle. The Bulldogs sport Tor the losers with 11 points. - Neptune's 7-for-27 was almost ue seniors battled back in the re- same. a 16-2 record, the other loss con* maining three periods to gain a Mater Dei will entertain St. Jo- Lee Davis and Bob Davis, (no ing from Keyport. tie. It was decided not to play seph's of Metuchen here next Ft. Pleasant (M» Bonuon <>« relation) both had hot shooting an overtime period to settle the Monday night. The New Mon- IEAPCRS — Jim Clark; left, Manasquan High eager, Golden Gloves Titles g |p G F r hands In the opening minutes of Mackson mouth parochial school has three Krayl 64 79 M'§ PaulsoReardonn • 64 47 1192 ssue. goes high in the air to block a lay-up by Neptune's Gary rvrayi w " *•• *"-••••«•*•lJlc•l O O 0 the third stanza and Neptune Hermanson 2 5 0 g»"« Jim Sicilians and Gary Dris- contests left. ELIZABETH - Nine of last The other '62 finalists in action Harris 2 1 5 Robinson 7 115 Notre Dune (62) Mater Del (39) quickly waltzed out to a M-point Carroll in last night'* Shore Conference playoff game Johnson 3 3 B Larrabee 113 coll, members of Monmouth Re- O FP year's finalists, Including four will be Sylvester Mattox, of Comfort bulge, 29-15, on two buckets by at Asbury Park Convention Hall. Neptune.took a record Hajenlo'ker 0 0 0 Woclotn O O 0 gional's varsity basketball team, winners, will be battling for titles Parksibranch, 147; Ray Williams, Kerwldt Lee and one two-pointer by Bob McHenry 0 0 0 paced the seniors with 25 and 20 MoMinUn'Q 3 fourth straight A Division title with a 47-38 triumph. In the finals of the New Jersey of Newark, Dukers, 175; Ron Werle 10 2 sandwiched in between. points, respectively. The pair Golden Gloves boxing tournament Cureton, of Newark Dukers, 135, IS 24 SB 19 13 51 Manasquan countered with six scored 45 of the team's 47 points. tomorrow night In the EUcs Audi- and Harry Conover, of New PL Pleasant " 1} » ?3-5« straight points on two jumpers by Rumson ••}*. " J" "• Seyler (11) and Trigani (10) Goeke torium here.' Action will start at Brunswick and Elizabeth Recre- Wyera leaping Jim Clark and a tap-in NJSIAA Tourney (flclals^-Palal & Dahrougtf.. were the top scorers tor the ation Club, 160. by Jim Grasdorf to make It 29- 8 o'clock. 'acuity team. ' There will be 16 bouts, eight In The Trenton PAL, expertly 21. Neptune-'got four'of those TRENTON - Changes in the At Freehold High Faculty (47>_ genlori <«) points back on buckets by Fred dates, sites and times ef a 8:00 — Princeton vs. South (he open division and eight In handled by Ed Silverglade, will a FP O F P Notre Dame XV have 10 hopefuls in the 16 finals, NIT Field Trlganl 4 2 101 Drlscoll 3 8 20 Mateater Dei i- _/4 IS 13 Warren and Gary Carroll. number ef opening round River (Central Jersey-Grp. J) the novice class, among amateur 0 J 2 omi including Barry Goss, 1961 final- Martin 0 0 0 Harris omoiali — Murphy k Wlrth. Two free throws by Lee Davis games hi the 45th annual New SATURDAY, MARCH » scrappers ranging in weights MeLaugWJn 2 0 40 SldllanHarrieto 0 0 0 Mankowlts 0 with two seconds left in the third Jersey State Intel-scholastic from 112 pounds to heavyweight. ist who will meet Mattox for the 6 111 Sandburg 0 0 ( At Camden Convention Hall 147-pound open_ title. DlileneuvBeyler e 3 1 II Treat 0 0 0 quarter gave Neptune a 35-24 Athletic Association's basket- Jim Kirk, of the Shore Boys Readied Lister 2 1 5 Marilyns 0 0 1:00 — St. Rose (Belraar) vs. Club, will vie jn the 175-pound Two Union County mittsters, Worthlngton O 0 0 Stoneham 0 0 0 Hawks Lose margin entering die final eight ball tournament were an- Gloucester Catholic (So, Jer- Sprouls 2 McGay 0 0 0 class of the Open Division. Kirk Don Decker, of Summit, and NEW YORK (AP) — Two New Macalaso 2 minutes of play. nounced here yesterday by sey - Parochial' B) Is a resident of New Shrewsbury. Jack Ross, of Elizabeth Recrea- York teams-Fordham and St. Benson 3 Neptune took possession on the James G. Growney, Executive 2:30 - Holy Spirit (Atlantic Urtanskt 0 0 0 Secretary-Treasurer. The 1962 champions hoping to tion, will have it out for the Francis-completed the 12-team Two, But Hold center jump at the outset of the City) vs. St. Mary's (South 18 11 (7 15 17 47 repeat art Leroy Holden, of heavyweight novice champion- field yesterday for the National Men's Faculty is 11 15 5—47 fourth quarter and promptly put The changes are as follows: Ambey) (So. Jersey-Parochial Invitation Tournament at Madi- Senior Boy's 1 14 22 10-47 the freeze on for 1 minute, 32 sec- Newark Dukers, 112 pounds; Don ship. THURSDAY, MARCH 7 B) son Square Garden March 14-23. Officials—Meyers & Thome. Bowling Lead Mincy, of Newark Dukers, 118 Final-round pairings: At Livingston High pounds; Richie Gonzales, of Ken Norton of Manhattan Col- TOTOWA - The New York third slot with 14-10 records. LADIES MONDAY MTE OPEN DIVISION lege, chairman of the selection 8:00 — Chatham vis. Hanover KARLY-BIEDS Elizabeth Recreation Club, 126 112 Pounds — Leroy Holden, Hawks dropped two to the Bos- Robbie Robinson led Baltimore W L committee, said the draw would 10-Mile Waling ton Indians in Eastern Profes- with 468, the highest two game Park Regional (No. Jersey, Hazlet Pastry 1 49 21 pounds, and Gerald O'Neil, of Newark Dukers, vs. Chester Sec. n-Crp- 3) Helnke's Meat Market ___«14 3211 Newark PAL, heavyweight. be made at a later date. sional Bowling League action seriei s of- th- e day- . Sprlngdale Dairy » 40 26 Scott, Trenton PAL. ' Previously named for the NIT Twin Oak Dairy 37 29 Mincy and O'Neil won novice Sunday at Gladiators Arena Buffalo moved into sixth place FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Raritan EMO —, 35 31 118 Pounds — Don Mincy, New event were Miami, Fla., Provi- Race Scheduled titles last year and will be aim- here, but still hold the lead with by trouncing New Jersey as Sam Strand Luncheonette . 33% 32'i ark Dukers, vs. opponent to be dence, Canisius, Memphis State, At Livingston High Harry's Liquors 33 33 Ing for open division honors to- a 16-8 record.. Boston now has a Borrasca starred with 440. Airport Plaza Lanw ____J2 34 named. Marquette, Wichita, St. Louis, De- 8: It — Summit vs. Boonton morrow night. Gonzales, 118- 15-9 mark. Just five weeks remain in the Rarltan Launromat ~30 36 126 Pounds — John Johnson, Paul, LaSalle and Villanova. In Asbury Park (No, Jersey, Sec, 11 - Grp. 3) Investment Services, Inc. _.28ty 37H pound open champion last year Dick Downey starred for Bos- battle for $15,000 in frize money. The Poet's Inn .20? 4514 Newark Parksbranch, vs. Richie ASBURY PARK - The City of At Sayreville High Bidet Paltry 2 18 48 ton as he came through with Next Sunday New York and Bos- and winner of four consecutive Gonzales, Elizabeth Recreation. St. Francis, with a 15-5 record, Asbury Park will sponsor an 8:00 — Neptune vs. Madison 500 Club — Mildred Mitchell 212, bring3 into the tournament the clutch strikes In the final frame ton meet ..again, Philadelphia Miry Cairns 212. Ann Smith: 206. Golden Gloves titles, will be try- 135 Pounds — Ron Cureton, open 10-milo walking race on the Twsp. (Central Jersey - Grp. 3) Lu Stapieton 200. ' nation's fourth best record in of both games to give the Indians takes on Baltimore, Albany meets Ing for 126-pound open crown Newark Dukers, vs. William Lig- boardwalk Sunday, March 24. defense, an average of 55.9 points their double win. Buffalo and Washington has New against Johnny Johnson, of New- gett, Trenton PAL. The race will start at 2 p.m. yielded a game, and the third Two games are rolled weekly Jersey as its opponent, ark Park branch. Gonzales out- 147 Pounds — Sylvester Mattox, The event has the sanction of pointed Johnson for the 118-pound Newark Parksbranch, vs. Barry best mark for team field goal in the pro loop with three wins' at W percentage, .508. :he New Jersey Association foreachg^eand New York _ 16 championship in the 1962 finals. Goss, Trenton PAL. he Amateur Athletic Union. It A member of the team, Jim one for total pins of both games. Boston 15 O'Neil, who won the '62 heavy- 160 Pounds — Harry Conover is open to all registered amateur Rafferty, is going the individual Two more teams moved up to Philadelphia 14 It weight novice title with a 19-sec- (New Brunswick) Elizabeth Rec- athletes of the world. Vmletes leaders in field goal percentage challenge the leaders as Phila- Baltimore 11 end knockout, goes again at reation, vs. Larry Bazzard, New- from outside the New Jersey Thurman Johnson, hard-hitting ark Parksbranch. with a mark of 6.19. delphia shut out Washington be-Albany ...li u This is the third NIT appear- Association must present travel hind Fred Lenlng's 438 and Bal- Buffalo newcomer, of the Newark Parks- 175 Pounds — Jim Kirk, Shore >crmits. ance for St. Francis, which fin- timore took two from Albany. Washington . branch Club and a Todd Ship- B.C., vs. Ray Williams, Newark The race will start and finish yard worker, in the open final. Dukers. ished fourth in. 1956. They are now knotted for the New Jersey Fordham, coached by Johnny m the Asbury Park boardwalk. Holden will be pointing for his Heavyweight — Thurman John- Trophies will be awarded to ion, Newark Parksbranch vs. Bach, has a 15-7 record, with vic- ON OK USED CARS! third straight Golden Gloves title, he first three Individual finish- Gerald O'Neil, Newark PAL. tories over Yale, Toledo, Colum- having won the 112-pound novice es, plus a trophy to the winning championship in 1961 and the NOVICE DIVISION bia and Army. The Rams will be playing in Jiree-man team. Medals will go open crown last year. 112 Pounds — Lenny Harden, their fourth NIT, having com- all who finish the course in Elizabeth Recreation, vs. Sam peted previously in 1943, when wo hours or less. Don't m|u the terrific deals now being Goss, Trenton PAL. they finished fourth, 1958 and Competitors will report to the NBA Standings 118 Pounds — Roosevelt Lam- 1959. Empress Motel, for dressing and made at Circle Chevrolet... ons, Trenton PAL, vs. Norland EASTERN DIVISION instruction at 1 p.m. Webb, Paterson. Entries should be forwarded to wi OK Ustd Can and Trucks! W L Pet. 126 Pounds — Robert Holland, Boston ..- 51 21 .708 he walking chairman, Elliott Newark Parksbranch, vs. Gerald St. Dorothea's Denman, 364 Westwood Ave., Syracuse ..._ _ 41 29 .586 Daniels, Trenton PAL. Cincinnati 37 34 .521 Apt. 19, Long Branch. The en- 135 Pounds - Walter Tarpey, •ies close Friday March 22. .. New York 20 49 .290 Elizabefh Recreation, vs. James Wins Final Tilt Dine out WESTERN DIVISION Turner! Trenton PAL. ' EATONTOWN-St. Dorothea's is teammate and playmaker, —STOP IN TODAY— Los Angeles 50 20 .711 147 Pounds — Ralph Castner, Kingsmen their final game in the St. Louis - 41 28 .594 Monmouth County CYO league a inucane, with 17 points. in Countrtry Club style at Newark PAL, vs. Sam Hardwick, YOB, too, eta enjoy U Detroit 3» 42 .40fl Trenton PAL. winning one by downing Our The Kingsmen's over-all rec- San Francisco 26 43 .37.7 160 Pounds — Tyrone Jenkins, Lady of Mercy (Englishtown), ird for the season was six wins dining out in toil uiqve Chicago 21 49 .100 Ed 48-41, here recently. igainst five defeats. Cou.trya.fc.CoIo.uI Elizabeth Recreation, vs. 81,. Dorothea (48) IjWy of Mercy (in CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. TODAY'S GAMES Stromm, Trenton PAL. The Kingsmen were again led O FP 6O FP Syracuse vs. New York at (ovplllnn 4 0 8 Waters « 0 12 175 Pounds — William Hardney, by their two stalwarts, Ed Schls- lockford 0 0 0 A. BtelnlU 10 2 Sj JAMES&.N.,. 325 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK Detroit. Newark Parksbranch, vs. Connie sler and Mark Finucane. Schis- t.Dam'nnn 2 15 Grabowskl 0 111 Chicago at Detroit. CDam'ann 0 O t> F. SLelnlU 2 0 4 A wonderful aight ovt it moderate cost, _ ;ong,, Trenton PAL. sler, In addition to leading his Bchliiler 9 0 18 J. Chorbak 4 3 10 even > f»U dinner •adet $3. Open lor lofci. too. Oat Heavyweinht — Jack Ross, team in scoring with 18 points, Mueller 0 O 0 Mehr 0 0 0 RED BANK REGISTER Finucane 8 117 Holler O 0 0 vukwiUctoyw. Off BovU 130 ocaUJA 14070 f<* —OPEN EVENINGS—SH 1-3130—1 «„ ™ , „ , „„ ,«.... Elizabeth Recreation, vs. Don pulled down 20 rebounds. He was Moyei 0 O 0 11 Chorbak 10 3 easy direction! . • ' 20—Thursday, Feb. 28, 1963Decker, Summit. :losely followed In scaring by S3 ! 43 It 3 41 RED HAWK REGISTER DePaul LaSallc Conference Bowling Tbumfy, fffa. 23, 196J-21 And Villanova Added to NTT Red Bank Drops Two to Huskies, NEW YORK (AP) - DePaul LaSalte and Villanova were add- But Lead Lions by Three Games By HARRY CARLIN ed Tuesday to the field for the RED — Matawan Re- standing with a 3-0 blanking of Bank came back strongly to win The Buccos won the other two Had it not been for Richard K. Fox, perhaps we'd National Invitation Baskejtball gjOnal High School's surprising Long Branch in a match played the middle affair, 826446, as Lej. games. 859-794, and 814461. Buo- Tournament, leaving only two bowling team scored a 2-1 vie-here Tuesday afternoon. This ter Smith rolled a 202. The never have heard of that juvenile delinquent from nano had a 211-191-186 series. places unfilled for the event toty over league-leading Red was a postponed affair from last Huskies clinched the series, win- Middletown won the opener Brooklyn named Billy the Kid who shot up the West. Bank High School In Shore Con- Wednesday. ning the finale by a dose 848-809 Madison Square Garden March against Keyport fay an 838493 WtsUBlnnu IN*. . ference Northern Division bowl- BUCJ Are 284 score. Dave Adario (197) and And maybe those,nice civilized folks at Little Silver's If23. score. The Red Raider* squeezed 1st High lni Tbn*4taM — ft ing league action at the Red Coach Bill Hay's Buccos hold Gary Zambor (183) paced the out an 835425 decision in the sec- Fox Hill might be living.in Newark or some Levittown The latest additions were an- Bank Recreation alleys yesterday a three-game bulge over Middle- winners' surge. Ed BuOnano ond game, but the Lions came on lad. out* — X. nounced by Ken Norton, of Man- afternoon, town with two weeks of kegler rolled a 201 for the Bucs in the to win the finale, 844-738. hattan College, chairman of the .te other matches, defending action left. Red Bank is 284, third game. Tony Malinowski (1S2) and NIT selection committee. champion Middletown Township while the Lions have a 25-11 rec- Red Bank chalked up its fin- Gene Justin (165) were the high1 stayed ia the'race with a 2-1 ver- ord. , est effort of the season in the Previously named for the 12- rollers in the winning middle team field were Miami, Fla., Prov- dict over Keyport, while Long Matawan Regional is third In first game of the postponed Branch defeated Shore Regional, the loop with a 21-15 mark. Rum- match with Long Branch, win. contest. Al Van Vliet rolled a idence, Canlsius, Memphis State, 2-1. son-Fair Haven is fourth with rung 1,001-732. Three Buc bowl- 186-191-179 series for Middletown. Marqttette, Wichita and St. Louis. The Rumson-Falr Haven Re- 17-16 and Keyport, fifth, with a ers went over 200, a first for the Bob Kenner was the Lions' big Two Former Winners gional-Henry Hudson Regional 1*17 log. league this season. The marks- gun in the final game with a 198. DePaul and LaSalle both are match was postponed until later The Huskies whipped the Bucs men were Albie Rothstein (200), Wave Wins Pair former winners. DePaul won in in the week. in the first game, 835-804, paced Pat Geronl (225), and Buonano Long Branch won the first two 1945 when George Mlkan was Red Bank boosted its loop by Tony Satus' 197 effort. Red (211). games from cellar-dwelling Shore voted the most valuable player. Regional, "but the Blue Devils LaSalle captured the tide in 1953 came to life In the finale to edge when Tom Gola and Norm Grekln the Green Wave, 750-729. shared most valuable honors. NY Yankees Sign Mantle, Top Green Wave effort) were DePaul has.a 12-6 record undei turned in by Lou Cbiafullo, 189- coach Ray Meyer, including vie 192-132, and Charles Dunn, 171 tories over Minnesota, Marquette, 199-165. Detroit, Notre Dame and Louis- Alex Demaree had a 174-166-165 ville. Mans for $172,000 Total FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. tle's contract, for probably the Usually a club stages its big series for Shore Regional. Bob Old Hat for La Salle (AP) — They win more than any- biggest one-day signing spree by signings separately for publicity CosenHno rolled a 183 in the final This is the sixth NIT for U- one else, but otherwise the New one club in baseball history. value, but since spring training ;ame. SaUe, coached by Dudley Moore. York Yankees aren't apt to Thus, the world champions is under way the Yanks couldn't Central Reg. South Leader LaSalle has won 18 and lost 5, cause much b( a radical stir in shattered precedent not only by wait any longer to make a splash Central Regional High School defeating Bowling Green, Miami, the world of major baseball. signing their two highest-priced In their hometown, where news- swept three games from Toms Fla., Manhattan, Seton Hall and They shook off the cloak of performers at the same stroke, papers have been shut down for River last week to take over fri Temple. conservatism yesterday how- but also by showing off the almost three months by a strike. •lace in the torrid Shore Confer- Villanova 14-8 will be playing ever, when they: salary figure on a player's con- Why the Yankees exhibited ence Southern Division bowling its third time in the tournament. 1. Signed slugger Mickey Man- tract-normally a top secret item, Mantle's signed contract to news- league race. The Golden Eagles Coached by Jack Kraft, the Wild- tle for $100,000. games altogether and was limited men was not explained, but prob- have a 19-11 mark, while Toms cats have beaten Marquette, De- 2. Displayed the contract for all to part time duty in several ably because the document puts River fell back to second with a troit, Memphis State, Xavler of to see. others, mostly because of leg In- the 31-year-old Oklahoman in a 17-10 record. Only a half game Ohio, Canlsius and St. Joseph's. 3. And then landed slugger juries. small circle of baseball's 100- separates the two leaders. Villanova and La Salle meet Roger Marls for $72,000 virtually But he paced the Yanks to the granders. Willie Mays signed for Point Pleasant Beach Is tied Saturday night is a regularly before the ink was dry on Man- American League pennant, the amount last week with the with Manasquan for third place Chris^ToMn Scheduled game. San Frandsco Giants, and Stan eact h" wit' h 18-—U marks. Musial, Ted Williams and Joe Asbury Park has a 25-5 rec- DiMaggto have been the only H. Kemrlts _ The story in the recent Sports Illustrated about Blinkers on: Bowie Punter ord over league teams, but the KINO- «F. KCTOS t others hi the club. Blue Bishops are not a Confer- T. Sauvlet ..» the proprietor of "The Bible of the Barbershop" didn'i W. BtoeUe! _^ . _ Wilson's Betters DIMaggio, the Yankee Clipper ence member. C. -Snyder . ' • - i ftT surprise Reggie Van Brunt in the least What vexed II.- Carroll ,.. ... f Must Wait on $42,492 DD whose center field job Mantle in- STANDINGS N.- Ralvonen ,, .IB him and Fred Ayers was that nobody wrote the story herited, was on hand for yester- W 3. Blm Volleyball Mark BOWIE, Md. (AP) - A Rhode "What we did Is lay a levy day's signing ceremony here. Red Bank -28 J, Hogu of this incredible Little Silver-Red Banker sooner. against the track to hold the RED BANK - Wilson's Diner Island man with two $10 tickets Mantle has been an ailment- Middletown ..._.. BED • BA-VQ BUSINESSMEN'S money until we look into the sit- "They were a great baseball' dub," said Reggie. remained in the lead after Tues- on last Saturday's big daily dou- prone athlete In his 12 seasons Matawan Reg. Stephen J. droia. ino. .gr -*• uation. He'll get his money as Airport Inn day night's action in the Red with the Yankees, but has estab- R«m»oii-F.H. 1 "Surely the greatest that ever played at Tobin's Field ble at Bowie Race Track tried soon as it's straightened out Ral'Sal at tlaphBarbe*r Shop Bank Adult Volleyball League, lished himself as a star of the Henry Hudson „ 17 Bal't Tftvtrn *.^»i at Hance and Third in Fair Haven. Across their chests to cash them for $42,492 yester- We're trying to find out whose , Orllll Conitruotloo sponsored by the Parks and first magnitude nevertheless, Keyport _. Ur%ta't Bevaracracei s ^ it Recreation Department. Wilson's day, but went away without a money this actually is." Long Branch LULU* Ina. were the letters, RKF." Foxy was the sponsor. Last year, for example, the -14 Joh???I««M..n Daniel's JMen'M. ' i Riop .33 season's retard now stands at 18 penny. William Henry Densmore, switch-hitting belter missed -7 Marx Bros, r • n Red Banlt Rooftnr Tt W "You're old enough to remember that great fan wins and six losses. Toronto, who held the only other wound up with a .321 batting BANK (3) 3 The track announced it had -I—.MB 1M love Lane Tuiedoa ,.il that preceded Hilda Chester. She was Maggie Klein, In the first set of games at been instructed by the Internal $10 double ticket sold Saturday, average and 30 home runs, and MUutetn 1IT Walt & Leo's chevron ft 1 trool «. in Shrewabuiy Muor Nursing M !?. River Street School, Sal's walked Revenue Service to attach the received $21,249 from the track was voted the Mos Valuable !urr ___ 1<3 R«d Sank RtcreaUop ,* w from Fair Haven. She didn't need a cowbell. Surely 3uonano , .-211 191 High Team Oarnu — Lori 41 all over Luigi's, beating them in winning tickets presented at the the day of the race. But the Player award for the third time. Tuxedos BSD. you recall 'Throw 'Em Down McCloskey?'" Reggi three straight games, 15-6, 15- pari-mutuel windows by Albert track did not withhold the 15 per His exploits earned him a raise 1001 689 814 High Team SeriM — Lav* Lu« LONO BRANCH (0) Tuxedot'3770. ' * . *' • • . stated it a? a fact Not quite, Reg. But go on. UandlM. Lepore, of Pawtucket, R. I. cent it is supposed to deduct from of some $5,000. Jorth „.,,;. -123 - High Ina. Otrat — Bd< KtiUn 2M. all large payoffs made to per- Molacoroo J33 13« High Ind. Btriel — Sonny Aetna * When Folks Went to Church The second set saw Wilson's IRS agents explained the pro- Despite his history of physical Chlaiullo •il*"1 Ho 171 631. . " ' •: down Mainstay in die last two sons with Canadian credentials. setbacks and hij relatively ad- 171 6O0 Strict — Sonny Aetna 183, "Well in those days we didn't, of course, have cedure to Lepore, the manage- BS-«a; Chuck Ot— - — • games, 15-7 and 15-8, after losing ment statement said. 21 Held $2 Tickets \ need athletic age, Mantle said 104—m»104m»:: PnU Daoai 165-607 i radio and television. People read, went to church, at- the first game, 2-0, in overtime. la Baltimore, an IRS spokes yesterday that, he hoped to "play 732 7H 781 The Dally Double payoif Satur- five more seasons at top clip. LONQ BRANCH In the third set, volleyball fans man said: I) tended sports events or went to a live show. day was $4,249 when Mr. Ttnk HO-laeomo 143 at ta Oil Beyer IDS, Armud saw the. Post Office beat Traffic Maybe more." Jnllfullo ___w ,189 erupt ... N«U OeUIi 3U, L» won the first race, returning Craveti llg IX Jon„»...»s ~i, Joe Tamalnn 133. Pat "Fox didn't even have an admission charge. He Lines in three straight games, Ricci a». Bdd. aant 200200. Bobb woniin (49.40 for $2, and Harvest Tan "Look how long Musial has lorth • — us 15-8, 15-0, and 15-8. lasted. Maybe I can keep going IhsUIon US m 201, J*n Oalatro 204, Iloyl schlalont took up a fifth-inning collection. Mr. Fox printed what scored in the second, at $209.20 lUDft ,, , 171 170 213, 206, Dr. Morgan P. collo an. Casino 6 Meets too." US Tom Torn* Mi JM Hoblio »«, jSks • every fcai$w£ and taproom owner called the 'Pink The schedule for this Monday straight. - 'it.SJT. Tony. B»»a»a Jlj/Walttr : Is: 7 p.m. Mainstay vs. Sal's, v» >~urn 231, Oentj Tonzon 202, Don Three $10 tickets and twen- Marls, the 61-homer man of SHORE EBo?*(l) Koldrlilge 203, Ralph Whltt 20S, Paul sheet' He Shad a policy of always knocWng 'last week' p.m. — Wilson's vs. Traffic A. Demartt Albieeht m. Brooklyn Team ty-one $2 tickets were sold on 1961, was expected to take a Lines, 9 p.m. Post Office vs. while building up 'this week.' the winning combination of Nos. rather hefty cut in pay after "Foxy looked ahead and made a mint" Luigi's. 12 and 7. Two of the $2 winning Standings last season considerably less Saturday Night doubles were cashed yesterday The snow was falling softly like Reggie's voice. W I spectacular showing-but he'll 703 S03 ASBURY PARK - The Casino leaving only nine $2 tickets- MTODLETOWN (t) "Every week he'd (Fox) print an editorial with a strong wifaon's _18 6 ;et the same $72,000. He hit 33 J60 187 Hookey Club swings back into worth a total of $38,242-still out- :enner , , — 179 rap on what passed and predict that things would get Post Office _ _15 S action Saturday at 7 p.m. against standing. homers in '62, and batted .256. 3ungay 168 12S Mainstay .14 10 Jucmyda 100 180 the Broklyn College Eagles at the The IRS spokesman said the Maris signed after a short con- better and his club would knock the brains out of next Traffic lines . -11 U Ml weekend's opposition. Everybody ate it up." boardwalk Ice Palace. situation on the $10 tickets would 'erence with Roy Hamey, the Sal's .« .10 14 Brooklyn College, currently in be resolved Wednesday. Y&nkee general manager, and "And you know," Reggie said, "if you'll pardon Loigi's ..4 20 second place in the Long Island REVPOBT (1) ustin „ 136 ltt Amateur Hockey League, will be phone call to Miami to Dan alinowski , 192 the expression, it was a heckuva good ball club." IIOMIODTH COUNTY CATHOLIC Jarhart 1M LEAGUE facing the Casino Club for the Topping, the club president. 182 Like for instance, Reg. Humour Bowl second time this season, losing Old Bridge Oval 130 "Well, there was Chris Tobin, the handsome man 1sy«1or« Cath. lien 1 _.44K 2JS4 the opener, 12-8, without the serv- TT. V. .42 30 H ATA WAN BEG. (2) ager and he was as good as McGraw. Hg had his broth it. Catherine's a AI% an ices of Tom Sarro, regular goal Slated to Open NHL Standings Joseph's . : 4014 3U ie. Brooklyn College boasts sev- Bt.' Benedict'! 3 40% 3U er, Dick. And I remember Dick Morris, too. And Mort 40H 31V eral scoring threats, centerman 1 Wooiley and Alex Curchin and Harold Jones." Reggie Bt Ann ! 1 ._. 3»H 321 Eric Summtrs, who had led the :hlcago Agnes 2 ~ .»».*.} Action March 31 Toronto paused at this roll of the drums. Holy Faintly 1 38 club in goals scored for the past OLD BRIDGE — The earliest Holy Family 3 3S 34 two seasons, and Ken Tavan Montreal S3S St. Mary's 1 _ 34 opening race date in Old Bridge Detroit . BED BANK ID "Then there was Harold Jones and let me see, Pete St. Ann's 3 34 and Andy Neal, both of whom Jlark 147 St. Jamei 1 34 New York ... aaca _1S9 "I hope this is legal — I Mulvihill. There was George Hawkins and Ten Brook st player-coach George Feeny feels Stadium's U-year history is SL Btnedl_ jiKdlet't t l can upset the powerful unde- Boston learned to play with an Beekman. There was Eddie Hounihan and many, many _. James 2- scheduled for Sunday, March 31. Bayshore K of C 1 reated Casino Hockey Club. TODAY'S GAMES old 'walking stick, you other wonderful fellows. My goodness, that was 1910 bayshore Cain. Men 3 A full six-event midget racing oly Family 2 Coach "Scotty" McClement of New York at Chicago know!" t. Ann'8 2 show commencing at 2:30 p.m. Detroit at Boston I'd say. What a grand year." Bayshore Calh. Men 2 the Casino sextet will be count- SL Benedict's 2 and sanctioned by ARDC (Amer- It was one of the years Richard Kyle Fox ran The Bayshore K of f ing heavily on the high-scoring, ican Race Drivers Club) has been MIDDLETOWN MERCHANTS Police Gazette and there's never been anything like it St. Catherine'* 1 smooth-passing line of Dave W «M series — Sloan, Art Dorrington and Pete RENT 248, 177—000. booked by promoter Bob Streeter f$g*£:del —. ..^..39 "It stands alone and unrivaled, a powerful factor 200 Club — Geo. Laurln 243, Walt Dore, who have accounted for 1" Hyneman GuU 38 A NEW FORD OR OTHER j^ourltzen 247. Joe Bertoncln 245, at the Route 18 speedway. for good," Richard Kyle Fox declared without modesty tlch Eckeit 239, Ed Devaney IS, goals. Monmouth Elect. .38 Jack Dayback 218. Ted Lake 2111. Sparked by the aggressive pro- aamuelson Const. 36 FINE CARS AND TRUCKS Leading the club In most goals O'Dell Plumbing .. ; 35 of this sheet which featured the laves of famous poison Oens Sheehan 216, John Byrne 211,205, motional enthusiasm shown by Middletown Lanes ™35 Bill Kolodzle] 214, Fat Maresca 212, scored is Art Dorrington with PHIL WALDMAN'S 302, Jim Murphy 212, Jake Schronr the new regime at Old Bridge John Day Funeral 30 ers, thugs, prize fighters, rowers, jockeys, cock fight- eight, followed by centerman Pat Volkland Towing 8er. .. 29 15, Jack Ward 210, Joe Morea 209, this colorful event has every in- Marino's Atlantic . . !« GULF ers, bike riders and footracers. But mostly leggy girls. Robertson 209, 201, Hike Note D'Norfrlo who has blinked the JSiW Drywall Contr. .28 208, Art Scott 2M, Al DeLuca 205, dication of producing some fierce ene Vavrlck 205, Pet" 'e Brad~ 'y 204. red light seven times this sea- Buntenoack .. . 17 SERVICE STATION Once, as a Gazette promotion, he sent two Newfound- and competitive action on the COO Berlea — Phil Krevolt 170, 237, toy Compton 204, _Jlm_M_alIey 204, son. Player-coach MoClemenf 232—629. taiph PaDa 204, 200. Eftrl Janrtisen macadam track. 200 Club — Ray Woodrough 211, Ber- Maple Ave. & W. Front St. land fishermen on a 55iday constitutional across the 202, Jim Mcdlvney 202, John Btehira continues to be the Casino Hock- mo Cresclono 200, Albert Leo 201, 210; 202, Charlile WheelWheelei r 202, TomHaralla Highlighted with a 25-lap main Gene MeBrlde 201, Dick Best 230, Clay Open Dally and Son. 7 AJH-10 PJA Atlantic in an 18-foot rowboat. 201, Carl Elllmanin 201, Bill Klrjan ey Club "badman". with 19 min- Balr 220, Jerry Patterson 210, Tom 201, Chuck Reynold! 201. utes (penalty) assessed against attraction, the 24-car field Is ex- Uartney Ml. 202. Al Kroner 211, Art The Literary Slobs " u -u, Bill Wright 201, Hank CALL SH 7-0308 HOLSIDEL WEMFWS BOWLING him In three games. pected to draw anywhere from Yaracl ' ""' LEAGUE Mr. Fox dreamed these things on the commute W L On March 9, the Casino Hockey forty to fifty of the top mic LaZare'« Shoes "" "" :iub will play the Haddonfield stars in the nation. No other from'New York to Red Bank which was, and is, the Holmdel Liquor Store — Potted Gardeti Cemtr - Colonials Hockey Club at the racing programs in the area are only way te beat the trip. As editor of this flamboyant Benson's Furniture .33 Casino Ice Palace. Game time scheduled this day. Jaitet Drugs .„. ,, 33 rag he also knew the only formula for getting the most ob't Music Studio 31U .34(4 irlll be 7 p.m. The Baddonfield Vetem feature race winners of 3orllooe's Greenhouses ~-~20 36 [afry's Liquors 23 43 :iub, a. combination of former last season: Ernie McCoy, Hank out of his stable of wonderful irresponsible writers High Oamo — Hilda Vlscual 103. allege hockey players and semi' Williams, Bert Brooks, Johnny Tom O'Reilly ^claimed. , High Series — Hilda Vlscuil 4S4, >ro players, make their home at Coy, Bob Harkey and Don Mor- "On a Saturday night," said Tom just shy of a It pays to advertise in the Red he Delaware Valley Gardens ris are but a few of the drivers tank Register.—Advertisement. Vrena, Haddonfield. - entered in the Central Jersey year ago before we helped lm him to rest in Lancaster, speedfest. Pa., "Fox would lock his stable in a room with food Bowie and, shucks. However, anybody who ever bet $2 The initial NASCAR sportsman (and say ahhh) and whiskey. On Monday morning he, sprung them, must v believe that this handsome old-timer is among and modified stock car debut at giving each ten bucks for clear, finishedycopy." the best. He won his last five until retired. He's the the Route 16 stadium is also Wider. (And taller. Lark's docketed for a Sunday after Jim Hogan and Stanley (The Coach) Woodward smartest horse we've ever seen, and Matt Mullin al- tfoon. Begining on April 21 the doors were made for things and Harold Claassen) Stanley's successor at The most remembers when Regret, the unforgetable Harry stock events will continue each like real, live people.) Hmmm. c Settle back... relax. (Our Tribune,'swear that's the only way of getting it out of Payne Whitney charger, only filly to win the Derby, >unday till early June, at which time night racing and twice- foam-padded, coll spring some devils. ' f vas rubbed that 1915-day by Marshall Lilly. Well weekly (Friday-Sunday) meets seats make it easy to take it Whiskey, Fox believed, spurred creativity. here's never been much to compare with Star Ice. will be staged. easy.) Mmmm. Mr. Fox, a handsome mustachioed boulevardler, ilatty and trainer Tom Harraway will tell it later. Illnlll.ANDS (OMJIKHirAI, Now then-get the whole In-" BOWMNO I.KAIiUE "85S" side story, When? At your we are told by old-timers who used to meet the last Titan Trlumverate IUhll Bee. Center 1 W Studebaker dealer's, train with the horse-drawn surrey, possessed an extra If getting away from horses, poisoners, ballplayers King Bea Skirt 27 Oceanvlew Bakery . —..42 27 ordinarily intellectual circulation for The Police Ga- and publishers is permissible, it looks like Monmouth Allies Acen . _..< 27 Hahlers Trlmmeri 38 31 Whafstheeleven-letter zette. Like: John L, Sullivan, JimXorbett and Billy County is going to have a major,operating Interest in Highlands Lions ~ 35 34 VFW Post C002 S7 The Kid, pro football next year. CanntM Cleaners ...- ""'32 37 Highlands Rec. _..-. '...30 38(4 J. James Was On The Move* We hear from the best of Baltimore financial-pro- Qulney Insurance ...—-_ .21' . 47(4 M20O0 QimDamni — Knlltel JOB.. 200.. P. Sclortlno 203, Forlunt 302, Dletrlcti 244, Once his circulation department received a letter motional circles that these chaps have the price and 215. J. lUlmonill 210, 203, Le»s«r 204, r nelnhardt 203, n. Ralmondl 2U, from Texas, or some equally horrible place. desire;. ... Bchwan 203, enutgitrd 211, T. Mahlei COMFORTABLE, of COHTMI 235, H, Mahler 292, Lee 210, W. , ; «1 gorta been on the move lately," it said in effect Townsend B, Martin of Lincroft, owner of Sun- Kornek 20O, 303, 219. 600 Sorlfs — w. Korntk C17, Dletrlcli "And I'm behind in my copies of The Gazette. Send ise County, Phil Iselin and Sunny Werblin, both of OSS, T. Mahler COS. same and bill me." It was signed Jessie James. Monmouth Park. Successive eagles (two under oon*o*ikf la-* The Titans will be splendid if they can execute iar) were turned In by Dow Fln- sterwald and by Houston (Paddy) For days the intention had been .to educate'folks he off tackle straighter than Sunrise County. Go to LaClalr In PGA golf tournaments on the amazing dapple at,Lincroft But we ran intothe front and*stay there! n 1962. ATARTMENTS HED BANK REGISTER AUTOS * TRUCKS MOBILE H0M» BU8TNE33'NOTICES HELP WWTCD-FEMA1E FOB 8A1E FOR SALE 22—Ttunday, Fel), 28, 196!UM CHBVKOUtT — Bel-Air, power M.OBUM •„*.! vaujTt rf turning, V-t good tlrae, exeelieal «( CAM'T TOUCH OUR PRICES Oae4*U% don JBx»*rtL repairs oo FREE ond ear. Ajktog B50. SB f-HW. SpecTiJIst on color. Big savlaga on our pn'ln line of com- GARDEN APARTMENTS Mew -Tjeu flnancua »ia' eooiblnauoii wlnoow, blnaUoa windows «nd doors. A large ANNOUNCIMINTS 1SS5 FORD STATION WAOON - Four- SUP COVERS -Made to order. Yi . ^- .—Mt wlm fiurchase of alx avariety to caooie from. AH kinds o,?f' One and two be4roomi, situated eupply mtwllH^bl M. TolsJ pries be seven wlntomi triple track windows In Asodlzed, white LOOT AND FOUND door, automatic, power eteerlng.'-S37eV TRAIU1R IrftTJlf INOl TECHNICAL ../M. With weldid corners. First pay- Call CA WTO. Route ISO RobblnevlUe. N. m»t July. Installation spUooal. or mm.finish.' ' In tha best residential ana. toft — Female coMe. taun, vicinity 18(3 OLDSMOBHJ! — Good running JB t.lM» KITCHEW CHAIRS — Reooverea. U.S condition. Asking UTB. EDITOR PROWN'S . .PROWN'S PHILIP J. BOWERS It CO. 33 Broad 8t Red Buk SH 1-7500 WALTER B. OVSRTON SH MS* os l-uai Q1BRALTEI R MOBILE HOME — ltd JJ Broad SL< Red Bank 8H 1.TSO0 4SiKtO ; Ooo4 buy. eaab or paymeot WB BUY AND SELL DIAL 7U-7M0 10I8IN0 FRIDAY - Rust colored 1W OPEL - Radio, heater, J8.000 arranged. 3t Brookalde Trailer Park! INCOME TAX RETUHNS - Bnslnes 81 or BA degree with malor ANTWB aHOP - Wa«hsta,rKl, eventnlng. Olve mUea. *29S. Haxlet. After » p.m. or individual. Establlahed twelve years In English aid college training pine toy ohtM, f&i home shutterr Real Sslate since UM saanmouth Beach urea. Call 228-1320. In main, physics or chemistry. up, etc. Ill Main St. .Port MwEonmouthm . Call William Lelf I Itsward. CO 4-771J In this ana, Margery Tronic, tradln 3s, MlcVUeUwa sa « Wnite st • Ee« auk aa Reliable Tax Servloe Call t71-M Experience in editing preferred. CASTRO — Marwq Lawioo tota, nndi LOUT — Futbook R130U. Finder 1881 PONTIAC VENTURA — Power WANTEaVAUTOMOnVE for appointment nines till * p.m. please return to Vonmouth Count? steering, brakes, radio, heater. All new STUDIO COUCH H»-Wlr. National Bank. Bed Bank tires, very dean. Musi be seen to be UOBT HAULAOE — PalnUng, od SEND US YOUR RESUME SW; mahogany oockUll table S16.W, ppreclaled. SH 14483. TOM'S FORD INC. lobs. Reasonable rates. Call any Umi OR PHONE US AT solid rock maple cheat-on-cbest W8.W; SPBWOVOW OARDBM Apartrasnt alzL perfect condition, larn vanity S&.S0, Uvlng room chairs SS3 Bcrlrir St Had Bank TRAVEL • TRANSPORTATION IMS FORD — F-S00, caa tractor, three W» PAX OMB FOR USED 0AM 949-2307 OR 949-2316 maple. MM. Call W-iUS. »& pair maple twin beda at HiBO, Available March, AptU, May 1. Urge montha old. Loaded with extru. Sacri- INCOME TAX RITURNS—Indlvldua carpet Ma, two-piece stick wil- nvsToom apartmsnt, two bedroom., nee. LO (-4322. n Main St. LO C-UW Mauwi U years. uperlenci. Pick up and L*K XLEOTRIC RAHQE — Qood con complete kitchen, double s fed taomts. WEED RIDS — From strathmore De- (110 rda from UaUwuKR aaiku deliver. Reasonable. SH l-MM. dlllon, 131. Brukfas: «t, table, tour t SS.EC More and more. For, appointment pnaw call BH l-o»72. ielopment. Matawen lo mldtown Man- I9S6 MERCURY MONTBRBr — Four- chalre, t7.ro. BH HM7, ME. Fronl Bt. Red Bank. hattan. Call MM087. door hardtop, black, Mercomatlc, pow. INCOME TAX RETURNS — Prepare TRAJW IN your oil .rumjlurs with no ATLANTiC HIOHLANDS — Three DRIVINO TO FLORIDA — Need pas- er brakes, original owner, $290. OS 1- •OATS AND ACCESSORIES by graduate accountant. W. R. *TtA\ BELL down payment and get' a new Parlorrooma ail bslh. Available March 1. 0W4 after^5 p.m. rolf, OS 1-3479. WALLPAPER SALE Call 281-8437. Knnt to share expenses. Phone SH or dining room set at talc prices. Wll- T-tm IBM JEEP — Four-wheel drive, mow x. WALLINO Jk SON — General con' The popular Ross aid UnOor brsndi iltm' I*tt rsmlture Inc., Hwy **. BRANCH — Four' plow, Warren hubs. Chains. Call after 0. USED OUTBOARD SALE tractor, raaaohry, palntint^ aJJ rfpalrc TELEPHONE Ulddietawa. m 1^*1*. spea evealon cenlraty 50% Off List Prices tin s p. m.. S42-2121, 30* 014 Town. 79 Srenrude and trill Free estimate, *S7-cie. AUTOMOTIVE 194S KAISER — Rebuilt engine, food 11,200. INCOME TAX RETURNS pi . ._ Regular 11.49 to S3.M per single roll. RESTAURANT UIPMENT — FoTHRIlr l ROOMS FURNISHED — Utlll- tires. Call after 5 p.m. 17' PMTBon Hbcril&M, te Jobnioo |fO0 qualified accountant. Call 3M-U00 LABORATORIES ldiate su u UeX juinnf, adults, no MU. Rum* AUTOS & TRUCKS 842.0750 17' Penn Tan, 35 Svcarudt and trttlH PR t-flM. I4WSM alter 5 or weskenda. ROBERTS ROAD HOLMDEL. N. 3. MJ7 CORVETTE — Will) I9«J Ponlla noo. 1961 RAMBLER AMERICAN — Two-ll' Sporumtn, SB Johnson, iletpi two DOlfBNICO PRIMERANO - Carpen- KLARIN'S TWO KOOH8 Fl'RNJlHEP - An UIU1- engine, lull raced. Alter 1 p.m. HO *door, low mileage. Sacrifice. Call CO I860. ter, contractor. All klnda of earsenter An Eqiial Opportunity Employer WE REPAIR Ues, parkuut apaoe. SI Shrewsbury 10*. 4-3447. work, alteraUmi. EH t-WW. M MonmouUl Bt. BH T-S83S Hed Bank Brokin glass In 'aluminum, doors orAve., Red FAIR HAVEN TAOHT WORKS SALES CLERK — Mature woman, full- 1B59 FORD RANCH WAOON — Oreen, 1990 BTUDEBAKER — 135. Fair Haven SH 7-3011 SEMI-MODERN—IO-plece dining room windows. Also screens ripalred. Fast JJTjC BANK-SH and five-room, apart- Automatic transmission, heater. Qood time. Five day week. CARROLL'S, It ivt,' Bengal gas combination stove, service. Free delivery, "" 1854 NASH—For parts. Call 7J7-8170 Broai St., Bel Bank. raenta. Available'now and March 1. £Sn7 I8M. SH MSJ4 or «H •after 6 p.m. BAROAIN — Any Doai jou w«M EMPLOYMENT , kitchen set refrigerator. Reasonable. MOLL* PITCHER VILLAOB, Branch 4588. own. Urn tut ratea. rauouii ai OS 1-S41& . 1861 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Conrangemen- u completed a one call ai HELP WANTE1V-FEMALE NURSES — RN. Full time, for 9 to PROWN'S and Madison Aves.. SH H1UV , 1858 FORD — Automatic transmission, ertlble, blue and whIU. all extras, any o( om MBeu. TSB MONMOLTT 11:30 p.m. shift. All employee benefits. BIX-WEOB SOLID OAK bedroom eet, 33 Broad Bt Red Bank ,SH 1-7300 TWIN OABLB APARTVBNTa-41 Rlv- su-ejiinder. Sacrifice, isoo. clal, low mlliaie, eacrlflce. COUNTT NATIONAL BANK. IB Call CA 2-5200 extension 231. used two .weeks. »MS or best offer. erslce Ava, Red Bank. Three-room un- very apec IMS 23" Admiral TV. H75. Call til- WB BUY AND SELL beat offer. ut-in 1000. FASHION DEPARTMENT ContenU ol homes, stores, estates, furnished apartnunt, H20 month. SH 1- 1855 FORD SEDAN — Four new dr.. COUNTER OIHL—49-hour week, nt — atter s p.m. cellars attics. China, gltsiwars, • an-23M, 1987 PLTMOUTH BELVEDERE — IV MOLDED FIBKROLAR — Com- MANAGER nights. WINDSORS and 10 LUNCH- Newly painted, good condition. Call aft- Whltewell tires. »300. Call EONETTE, 17> Newman Springs Rd., PLAYSR PIANO — I3S9. VERY OOOD E-mOOM untomlahea pletely equipped and reliolihedj Si h.p. CONBITION. CALL er 5 p.m. 842-2341. SH 1«U motor. CaU IH 7-23U. Large local department store has Shrewsbury. , ; :ent locauon AUanUo _ 1957 MO ROADM ASTER — Good con career position available for a mi / 787^090 UVTNO ROOM chairs, rush bottom tM to tot, all uiuiuss. SM-1 IMS VOLKSWAGEN — 16' ISM CRUIBIR INC. — Fine condl ture woman with experience In runic MUSICAL SECRETARY — Mature, chairs, antique Empire desk,, bedroo dltlon. Call white-wall a. merchandise. This Is an opponunlt: experienced, . good salary. writ ?,mS? TWO-ROOM apartment completely fui SH 1-3278 tlon, many cxtraa. 1940 SS h.p, electrlo "B.M.." Box 511, Red Bank. SALE suite, two breakfast seta, bar.mSSffi lamp" ^'^ frink kltohen, prirate bad etartlnt Johneon outboard motor. Com* to manage a department selling to druai, cooking and baking StiSJfiiutenslL". »" IUBBM deluded, ntw& decorate, nil KAKMANN GHIA — Very till 1987 OLDSMOBILE M — Convertible, plete WHO. Call after «. 7U-317O. Quality merchandise. Pleass forwari OIRL WANTED—for counter work. Aluminum cellar eonbliattos windows dlabei, guuues, miscellaneous atUclea. eOTdltion. (1090. Call aft.r live, SH ' full details for confidential Interview. articles. ^ Br|lht Bttallnt(m .njTikiuMB Xai new top, three carburetors, WW- oa Write "A.B.", Box oil. Bed Bank. Pleasant worklnr coadiuons. Only 32x14. $2.99 Phone HO 2-O1S7. Qttet Club, 842-1100. HH. 1-0288. 1963 OWENS CRUISERS those seeking steady. employmeitt need A BINS SELECTION ot w i VOLKSWAQEN — Transporter, luggs -, dnr THRKI ROOM furnished •sutment. 195a CHEVROLET Impala hardtop con- Beit tradea and buyi. See iia befori SBFHS S&OO. 82*32. K.». «s. pi rangea, lefrlgi >ra and Adulta. ,No pete. Ul-HU or U J- rack anil tent Call evenings. S vertible, black with red Interior. Stand- you buy. ELECTROLOGIST freeier* at birgim W48. ard transmission, slx-cyllnder engine, FAIR ICAVKN TAOHT WORKS Permantnt nair removal epeclallit. dletown. PR OWN "S chivied or denlen, but T959 M1TBO STEP-IN. Beat offer all new whitewall Urea Include!. Snow REGEPnoNTBT —' Doctor'! office. mechaaleally. At our Wl HOUJB,' 0UFPW00D BEACH — • - treadi. Excellent condition. Belt offer Fair Haven SH 1-3011 Must tyte, reference. Telephone Thurs- a Broad St. SH 1-7900 Red Bank Brlta Cleaners, 610 River Kd., Fall over 1850 by March 3. Call SH 7-9738. We have a permanent full-time position modem kitchen. Heat, hot waler sup- Haven. 8H 7-2488. OUTBOARD motor bargain!. 39 h.pavailabl. e for an experienced.eiectrolo< day only 0 to 7 p.m. 8H 1-5T91. UPRIGHT PIANO — Pease. Excellent plled. Call L «-Ho2> • JWa SUNBEAM-ALPINE-Red, XII r Set Klnc H2J. 55 b-p, Sea King, S3TO. H»t. llust have neat appearance. EX' SHIRT. PRxasERS-Experlenced. lull- mechanical condition. |160. Firm. Io- CO.. Katonlowr., 354 MERCURY TWO-POOR HARD 5 h.p. Sea Klni, S129. Fully recondi- dudes.tree tuning. Call 88 MIJtt TOP — B**t offer, must Mil. dlo, healer, tonneau cover, ncellent tioned trade-in! at ouf warebouve cor. cellent employee benefits. IdeU work. time employment* LItTuE SILVER THRE8 DINBTIX 8ETB — Jleguiar 787-C508 condition. J210a 3«4-008i ner Hope Rd. and Carden State Pky. Ing condition!. For Interviews »«nd PHILCO S CU. FT. REFRIOERATOR— ISO « «3J each. Kitchen chain re- 19M FORD—TmHloor, ajitomatlc, ra- •our. HONTOOMERT WARD * CO. deuiis to "A.K", Box 1UKU Bank. Bendlx automaUo washer. Both In ex>coveted. BH 14833. 1H3 FORD WAQON — Bight cyllcdBI cellent condition. OS 1-0533. < SS5. Call after 5:30 p.m. dio, heater, »1». call BH 1-41M after Satontown, N. J. WON SELLS rrsEur—mi or pan FIVB-BOOM UNFURNISHED APART- SH 7-9024 5 p.m. 15V OPEN SKIFF — 1969 Mercury ilme. Several territories open tor HELP WAOTED-MALE ASBESTOS BOAAD-K Inch thick, for KIRSCH CURTAIN RODS MENT '— Utilities supplied. MS Shrews- IMS PORSCHE excellent, leaworthy, faet, (300. Rumwome. n Interested In having, a good behind stoves and other nre making Traverse or any other kind bury Ave., Red Bank. Wo calls pleaie. AUTOS * TRUCKS Good coQdftlon UiUnt after 7 pat. steady Income, Experience unieoes- devices. Durable and fireproof. 24" Large Seunlol HO 2-3S30 sary. 8H 1-4343 or write; Mrs. Marga- PRINTER x4«". Jl.M each. Wxil". 6 each. In Installation made at your Dome RED BANK — Waterfront apartment. 16' CRUISERS — incorporated. Cabin, ret Oulotta, P. O. Box 180, Red Bank. our bargain basement. RED. BANK CaU \ VOLKSWAGEN — IBai black Mdan. head, lapetreke eonatructlon. * Johnaon Combination floor and machine man LUMBER, » Wall St. Red Bank. Al>0 I960 STUDEBAKER Champion if motor. SWery poulhle extra for cruis- PASTIME FILE CLSRK TYFIBT preferred. Will consider first class aarsin&sas dan. Call 8H 1-S311. ing and nahlni. Hew In July 196. Evenings and Saturday. Age S3 to 35.linotype operator. Night ihlft- For In- PROWN'S Write P.O. Box 141. Red Bank. APPLIANCE DISCOUNTS areaUNFURNISHE. S175. CaDU —M5.I20O Four-roo. m apart- '63 Call ilaya 747-HWO, evenlnge 7411831. terview write "AO'TBOX 611, Bed HOTPOINn Broad TSt EUCCTRI. Rel BanO -WALk LS OVENB 1-110—0 ment. All utilities, adults only, private FORD GALAXEE HARDTOP — RELIABLE BABYSITTER — Live Bank: statlocage and experience. We walled tmtll we had the rii WOOD PUSSY — Plastic hull, dtcron factory, dlatrlbutori connection!, Ni Stainless tttel front, 240 volts, com- ranee. TTM3J0. •all, ready to sail. Plaitlo sallln or out C&U ATTENTION — To those young men pute with minute Umer, baking time CHEVROLET CO 4-7708 we have a new discount appliance u. control, temperature control, rotuserle. 79 MAPLE AVENUE — Keansburg, 1M2 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN — (.900dinghy, 8', nylon sail. SH 1-1545. who are Interested In the rewards of partment at price* lower or aa low tour-room apartment, all Improvements, EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER high Income as a result of hard work. as ' anywhere. Standard tint class grill and diipptn. Very good condition. TtrMABi, ' mllei. excellent condlUon, «,(». Call PBRFBCT FAMILY BOAT—16' Terry Fond of children, for doctor's horns. CaU Mr. Lovej at LOVE REALTY merchandise, NOT off; brandi, NOT BUYERS after 6, SH 1-433^ akltf and trailer, 40 h.p. Bvlnrude ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Three large eleetrlcboth used fifteen noura. Com' Sleep In three nlghM. Other help em- CO 7s7-tm If sat licensed we wiucloseouts, the best of all brands . . . TWO STUDIO COUCHES — MxTS. IW9 0LD6U0BILB U PtESTA WAO- ployed, excellent wages. References. train. such aa hairdrsera by UNIVERSAL, Separate mattresses, two tuxedo ^ush- room*, untamlshed, eotmtiy-llke wir- Biscayna, Bal Air, Impala ON — Full power, extra anow ttreev Pletely equipped. WOO. «42-2«19. can openers by SUNBEAM. Irons roundtng*. S«0 Including til utilities. 1 OS 1-3344. NEWSPAPER DELIVERY — Man with lone each. Blue color, grey moss fringe radio, heater, whIMwall tire*, gleam- a CHRIS CRAFT—Trunk cabin, bard- PRESTO, floor waxtra by BHETL' trim. Beet offer. Call between S and T Int whUe, m 1-tUl after 4 p.n. top, 60 h.p- Chrle Craft engine. Tm rUTIMBnUD CLERK _ Must oi car. 6 until 7 mornings, 2 until 4 and RE&INA and all prUclml Hems and Chary II Comparable high school graduate. Between ages t afternoon dally, Saturday s until 7, evenings. SH 1-1105. THRBB-RCX>1I APARTMENT end bathi berthi, head, galley, Ice-box, many ex- by WBSTINGHOUSGHOUSB and OINEOINERAR L Oompietely furnished wtm T^, heat TAKE OVER PAYMENTS on IMtra*S . Nice condlUso. SH 7-4M3. and 35. Typing helpful, but not essei 1 until C WO weekly. 78T-PM0- KjeCTSrc U hl li rtrtt h BALIS — Three-piece sectional couch. Models with .. . •lymoulh Purr hardtop, bit motor, Ual. Write P.O. Box 148. Red Banl KjeCTSrc. Us whole line rtrtt here hot water and (as. JIjO month. 7»7-W4», lower ateerlnj, eunderd ahlft. SB T- EXPERIENCED — Short order cooL in town and you can charga 1L Oood condlUon. Best offer over SM0- WT. ^ ROOM, BOARD and good salary 1 Apply In person MARTINI'S DINER, Bil 7-1S3J. RED BANK — Broad Bt. Three rooms EXTRA BONUS FEATURES 1 IUSINESS NOTICES exchange tor mother's : helper. Flvi Hwy. 36, Keacshorg. unfurnuhed. beet location. BH 1-12M. IBM CHBVBOUBT BUI. AIR — Four- day week. References. 8H 7-8878. PROWN'S CLEAN, CRISP SH 1-1878. ' " AT NO EXTRA COSTI donr eedan. Automatic, radio, heater, WANTED — Sub-contractors, layout 3J Broad St. Red Bank SH 1-78(10 '•». Call after »:30 p.m. (5M. BH 1-FDMIPLACB SCREENS repaired UNCR0FT — Cleaning lady, one di men, (tamers, sheaihers. cornice men. BHRBWBBURT-Carrlage nouje apart-- 8«24. made to order, aright Aon, SB MUa.or two mornings weekly. Own trans y wuiett Acres, Harmonr Kd.. SAUIS. mrnvics SIZZLINO FRICXSI WINDOW SHADES ment, fire rooms unfurnlslud. SB 1-135* FREE... 24-hr. emergency Bright Store. SH T.8221 tatlon, referencee. BH 7-247S. Uetown. Ask for. Jim. Ace TV'S are always nicest. ACE TV.. New ahades made while you w»n-2— i 1-UI5. , • ,..-.•••. . ; AUTOS ft TRUCKS CHARLES HOWBR — WAITRESS AND COOK — A.M. andCARPENTER -t For commercial Xlrach Curtain Rods. Venetian BUnJs. BXLFORO - — Modern duplex, - three road service In U.S. and tractor. No lob too emalL 8H 7-447* oi P.M. shift, Rumson area- Call 222-Nts malntensnce. Call after 6 p.m. - OA 1- ID ANY NBW TONOUB TWBT- Immediate service. bedroome, living, kitchen, Dining area, „„ LATELY? Try this three Umes IK bath*, me child permitted, adults SB 1-0172. from 1 p.m. to 1p.m. dally. Ask for1031 ' ' ' faat: I've got a buy at ACB TV, Bill. PROWN'S preferred? (U5 monthly. utillUee not Canti*. INCOME TAX BETURNS-rndlvlduals, SHOE SALESMAN — Experienced. hty have a TV there lor met Okay ik InclMec. OB l-ail or 2M- yiMM M •mall buslneu. BARB SERVICES, 210 JABHIER — Full or part-time. Apply steady employment. Fetgenscn Shoes. now stop talking about It and do. IJ.a Broad 8t. SH 1-7500 Red Banl FREE .,. $2,500 personal Bdwy., CA a-3500. Long Branch. n person UDRNER SHOPS, 81 8roa4 oo W" , Neptune City, PR *FAINT CLOSEOUT — DlsconUnued LEONARDO — Unfurmllhed 3H rooms. Red Bank GROUNDS CLEANED - Traah haul' St, Red Bank. • S063. colors In super Kemtone, Kem OloAvattab,, . now. injury Insurance policy away, also painting, call after £ BHEXPERIENCED WAITRIIBa — SALESMAN Valspar and Merkla. JIM (al. Mo it, 7-Wft ply in person. SHORSJ POINT 1N> Oood opportunity for aggresilva man HAMMOND KLARIN'S. 2t Monmoulli St., Red Bank. FURNI8BED — Or unfurnished apart- FREE...$5,000 bail bond Auto Imports Blgbway 35, Hailet, N. J. Intorested In permanent sales career SH 7-3S31 . menu, SCO monthly, all utilities sup- INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared at with g90,ooo,OOi) service company oi ORGAN STUDIO piled, 30 Huday Ave.. Highlands. Rerwult « Volvo your home or mine. SJ.yeara experi- RELIABLE WOMAN — To stay nl|h UPRIOHT PIANO ence. 1, Murtha 717-575J. UP prestige. Bellini or related ex- OF ASBUBit PARK RED BANK — Oarden apartment. Five protaetion with four school children. March 23 i perience desirable. Excellent employee T7n-t090 Pougoof • Triumph INCOHB TAX RETURNS prepared, H. Call evenings, 671-1H1. leneflts. oar expenses and salary plus USED ORGANS rooms, first floor. *U0. Available JR-20 Tone Cabinet CUSHIONS March J. Call mornings 8-1, erenlnge FREE... $200 eaiharrait your home or buMnese, LEOAL SECRETARY — Ixrerleni progressive commission scale baaed on <--- REFILL YOUR OWN - after 5 p.m. BH 7-MS*. SH 7-SSO Mil 1-0011 required. Top lalary. Call appliance sales. Sen! complete resume ~Krmbat, i Consola Piano with comfortable foam rubber Foam- J Including salary requirements to Winteniuw>r oifiMBSpinet* nwPiano» an. Hwy. 31 Batontown. U W>477. BKLFORD — Fpur-room agartment, '63 Volvo P-18W couf*. $3195 CA Mill bond> •B.K.", Box »u. Red Bank. Hammond Chord Organ U20 per month, and three-room apart- Demmitrator AUTOS * TRUCKS nECE WORK—Oood rates. Children' dallet * Davle Bptnet Piano — LUAN PLYWOOD BALE — Lnan ment too ner month. Completely mod- FREE... World wtdtfrav- raincoats. D1JOP 8PORTWEAR. If MACHINIST - All-around for JoHammonb d Exlravolce Organ (new) em. Inquire at 32) Main. Street, Bel. '62 Renault Caravelle $1795 - d 8t- Keyport 264-0915. shop. Atlantic Highlands ana. Oood Hammond Chord Or jin B-9 ford. Or call PR 4-0851 alter 5:30 p.m. position for rlfht man. Call 291-1M4, ^owrey. Spinet Organ al larvlea. Two top* 1961 Plymouth PROFESSIONAL WOMAN desires part- after IJ tsll CA 2-3TM. Hammond M-2 Spinet Organ r«fi&"as£ ' UNFURNISHED APARTMBNT^-Tnree time housekeeper, care two children, » ,HBB „. ____, 885 Wall St SH 1-SaO Red Banklarge rooma. over professional office, 'ffi Renault Gordinl $1299 Convertible, ^cylinder references. BH 7-9077. EXPERIENCED WIRE MEN. — For i FREE .. . B yaar/BO.OOO. Automatic Transmission wiring from schematics. ELECTRO IH. U>wrey "spinet"brgan _ 750. aLSNUKBIZmO MU1PMBNT - tot Mldoletown. Ipcludw heat and eisctrl. Sedan OIRL FRIDAY — Asbury Park sak PULSE fcAB., 1*8 River St.. Red Bank. Baldwin Spinet Organ ____7tO. nnt or sale; free delivery South Jer- city. Private ^entrance. BH 1-4S34. mil* guarantaa. office of National Electronic Compans Hammond M-3 Spinet Organ 796. SUBOIOAL «H iat '80 Renault Dauphlne $SK BXPERIENCSD CABPINTIRS wanted FOUR SPACIOUS ROOMS — Bath, I960 Chevrolet desires girl Friday to handle office, BALES AM) SERVICE flnt floor, SU0 month Includes nUIflles, Sedan liberal fringe benefits, excellent work. for large home improvement company, RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION GEE. IT'S FUN eouiile only. 3 Rtnnlde Ave.. Red SEE US TODAY Convertible, (-cylinder. Ing conditions. Duties Include secretar. steady work. SH l-MM.. Bank. '61 Auatln-Healey Sprite $1095 tal, teletype and telephone operation, ITALIAN COOK ana Ptoa make? Open Dally Till 8 — Saturday Till 5:30 To saint erlth Cook * Dunn. Bare up Auto, trans., fully equipped. general office. Salary open. For apwanted- . A good position for the right eOOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. to 27% over other first line punts. UNFURNISHED — Four-room apart- 'BdVolkiwagen Sunroof $1250 ointment call KB Call no* and get aulck free delivery. ment Yearly, reaaonable,- redecorated, SEE THEM NOW AT person. Call SH 1-4U4. • PR 5-9300 neat, hot waler. Set Bright (42-005. 'OTPonche Speedtter $1250 EXPERIENOBD DICTAPHONE OPER- WKLDER.MAINTENANCTC MAN - Ex. LIFETIME OUARAKTEB on Portasofl F*H MOTORS ATOR — Knowledge of medical terms PROWN'S THiUEK LARGE untarnished rooms. perlenced In pipe welding desired, ex- water tanners. Completely automatic, '58 Volkswagen Sedan $ 750 helpful. Apply in person, to pareonn isrlenced on alloy steel desired, but «s task chairing, Buy your own with 33 Broad St. Red Bank SH 1-7800 ball, nice tor . coupTe. ' Cfood ra HWY. 35 AT THE LIGHT Trenery. Chevrolet department of Rlveniew Hosltal. jviAl«l utllKUMmw*eej ••»-»!*•**»'»Included«. •—S-inlrnrl• mm**'--*—.-^w 1IUUI - not, essential. Company paid benefit*.' no down payment or apply rental MINK COAT — Full lmglh. Fltt etiea •talkm, 17 Oakland It, DM Bank. SALES and SERVICE TOUNO LAST — Typing and genera: HATCO OMMICAt DrfffiioN,. Kl»g agalEstjiurchau price. Call Portaxott 10-14. Oood buy. By appointment. SH M2-3OM. ' LI Mill EATONTOWN :. Newman Springs Rd. ofUce work, alight knowledge of book Oe»rge Post Bd., Fords, N, J. 7-O6S0. 787-0007 keeping would be helpful BS-day we DISTRICT MAHAOER—For New ler OS REFRIOERATOR — Ooed for FtmiJlSHBa>-Tb.ree rooms, Uvlnf, bed- Rod Bank — SH 1-5886 Wrll» *B.L.," Box 811. Red Bank. JEBPERS, CREEPERS. WHBRB'd ya room, kltdien. separate; entrance. 120 AUTHORIZED DODGE sey PM dally. Prefer man with cjr get those eyes, Jeeperev Creepers, aecond unit; also three heavy duty Wilton Ave.. Port Monmonlh. 717-HP. 12 Church St. Keansburg cufaUon experience, but win train. Vhere'd ya get Uloie buya HAPPJ traverse rods. 848-2891., ^_ AUTOS ft TRUCKS Selling experience essential. Oood sal- 1APPX ME, I twUsht them at ACB ABBURT PARK — Four>room apart- ary. car allowance, company benefit*. lteo KELVDUTOR DELUXE — Fully TV\ Hwy 34. NePtane City. PR *•automatic washing machine. ST9. 281-ment on Main st Near bua. Adults Wflte "BH," Box en. KM Bank. 8081 only. S99 a month Includes all utilities. 1858 CROWELL AGENCY, Realtor. 41 X. 9X1 PRINTINO PMSS • LAWSON COUCH — Perfect condition. Front St, Bed Bank. BH 1-4030. HELP WANIED-4Iale • Female JM.0J71 BATONTOWr' — Four rooma, two bed. rooma. Beautifully furnished apart- ALUMINUM SIDING MANY CAMB AND TOOK AD- ment available now. All utilities sup- 10 Broad Lang Branch VANTAGE OF THE OOOD VALUES— plied. Near shopping center, ample 14 colors. Low, low price. Prown oual Child's chlfforobe JS.M; Hollywood bed parking" Call Slf 7-O10O or LI 3-3833. ACS EMPLOJMENT AQINCY ity and guarantee. Free estimates. gift; bronze jardiniere 38.50; bedroom Bve«T urder * epollcanl eur .(Deeiany. rocker* JH-7S; night tables S4.78; ot- PERFECT OPPORTUNITY for single « Broad Bt. Red Bank . gB. 7J4J4 PROWN'S person. Transfer- makes this beautiful- tomane I9.Q0. Also antique china, glass* lr famished stadlo apartment poaUhle, a Broad St Red Bank BH 1-7H00 ware and bric-a-brac RTJSOIL'S, 38 B* exclusive Red Bank area. Rent rea- WE'RE NOT ~ it St. Red Bank. sonable, call 747-2445 atter S. sraeemV ana: ability irjtb high etniee >ESKa — ill* up* Files, chairs, POWER TOOLS—For wood or metal. o Broad St SB mm Bed adding machines, typewriters: manual FURNISHED — Three-room apartment and electriclectrle,. office equipment etc. Also building equipment. Call for apprivat- e bath and entrance, Hwy. 35. bargain price* New or , Desk polntment SH 1-6271. Mlddlelown. bua line. Couple preferred. SITUATIONS WANTED, Female mtlet Co. Rt 33. Oakhurat. 1-3B90. COMPLETE ROOK MAPLE BED- SH 1-M3L ROOM SET, Twin bed. Inner andbox ATTRACTIVE six-room apartment on DO, TOU NMiD X-RAI VIMON TO spring. Beejonable. Call OB 1-2078. ' Babysitting by mature woman. BEE tha poor tired picture en your farm with lovely view, newly decorated TVT Ace has the answer you caSINGEn R BBW1NO MACHINE — Con JIM per month Includes heat water. »l0«« beat, trade for a new one. lowest sole model 201-2, straight needle, witn Call evenings only IJ 5-43JS. price yet ACE TV. Hwy 39. Neptune ittachmenu, SM. Call SH 1-2833. UNFURNISHED — Iliree rooms and NUMBER ONE... STITJATIONS WANTED, Mala city. PR MOB. RUOS USED—llxlt. talS. Alike. Sll2 bath, heat hot water supplied. Busl- FIREPLACE WOOD andT JONBLnp American Oriental Uil» Persian, 25- neu couple preferred. 291-0334. 3S MIDDLE AOED MAN-Me~— (eoulre'a Market, Rte. S4, Coin Neck. room sized rugs. Kneenole desk, sec- Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Highlands. experienced in plumbing, heating, Phone W43n MM3P evenings. tional bookcase, waabetands, four SEA BRIGHT—Beautiful, new, modem burner end electrical repairs. Can _. chain, marble top tables, picture three-room furntihed apartment sepa- cars or horse* and also chauffeur, CA ALTENBURS PIANO HOUSE frames, antiques, 8HOR1. FURNI- TURE, Hwy. 33. Laurence Harbor. rate entrance. S1D0 per month. J4J-1SM. J-**14. Rant A Piano $12 per Month COMMERCIAL RENTALS In 6M talai In Red Bank ... but we are next In line. FINANCIAL Iffl MERCHANDISE WANTED Became we're lacontl... we do more than jutt offer BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Oookman Ava ' UMU> ORIENTAL RUOS OFFICE SPACE new and uiad ears for sale at fair and reaionablo Open CMNISI AND PERSIAM Heat furnished, win redecorate to suit i'Ui'glWRITEBB, ADillNO mactunas. FRIXDMAN OALLERIEa your reqAurmentt. Best location, will Investments All make* new or uad, Ouaranteed. PR 4-S14J Evenings CA H4tt sub-divide If necessary, ate and com- pricat. . . w» offer our customers excellent service Low as 125, serplpo'a. toi Monmouti. pare. SB T-1100. ORAND PIANO WANTED — Any con- facilities, a completely stocked pari$ dapatimtni, a - Next to tneater^SHlMBl. dition, iocs not fcavs.to plsor. LODGE ROOM for rent Center ot HIGHLANDS —10 cottages, com- PROMISE HER. AMITTHINO tut buy 787-2525 town. Could be used also for office modarn, efficient body repair department . . . and mercial garage, 4,000 ft.; tavern her stereo at ACB. ACT TV. Hwy Si space. Approximately 2,400 e<3. ft Write PIANOS WANTBP-^BIOHBST PRICES DE' B 111. Red Bank, building. Package grosses $8,500. Neptune City. PK 5-8082. PAID CALL a TBNZBR. 108 MAIN abova all, courtesy 1 At we said, we're not first, but 85.006 STICKLEY HARVEST TABLB — FinBT.. LAKyWOOU. FO 3-2180. eat cherry wooi, 6' long, two drop STORES we do nave a top-notch customer relationship. eaves each U"< center aectloo 24 • PETS ft LIVESTOCK White St — Best location, redecon. MIDDLETOWN - Three-family. Table pads aid table cloth also avail- tlon completed, small or large space to Rented, corner. Ideal for couple. able. Excellent condlUon. SH 74062 AKC aERMAN 8BEPHERD PUPPIES suit your requirement SH 7-1100. \ after 3 p.m. - Nets 10%. — Six weeke old, Inoculated. Call 2U OFFICE SPACE in Tuller . Building . $15,000 FREE INSTALLATION lilB. ' available. Phone during business hours. COIXIB PUPS — AKC wglitered, champion stock, Bellhaven predomi- SH 7-2M0. TAVERN - Residence, fixtures, nant CA 8-1208. 20'iTO' STORE In five store unit on building. Six rooms. Complete. Hwy- 35. .Mlddletown, one mile north PONY — Large, young, trained for ol Rel Bank. Suitable for professional $42,500 6 for $77 children. Best offer. Call or commercial use. SH 7-3731), Triple track, full)- weather ft'lfpea, CO 4-6OTS genuine Alcoa aluminum, E-Z tilt. Can DACHSHUND — Six months, female, 6,000 Sq. Ft. WE ALSO KNOW • •• BOWTELL «.cleaned from inilde. Easy Terms, well bred, all Ihola. home Important. Factory spacs tor rent around floor Real Estate PROWN'S • Will board 'mall peU any kind. VAN- truck loading platform. Excellent con- BBBA, OS 1-28TC. ' i dition and location. SH 7-1100. 3J Broad SI. SH 1-TgtfO Red Bank State Hwy 38 Leonardo PET OR PSSTr Train your doc for 291-3100 10. CU. FT. BUN HUB FTtEEZBR -better companionship with a non-profit 180. Hollywood double bed 135. Call dog training club. Starts March 27, " HOUSES FOR RENT .30 years In the Bayshore alter 4, I&-M29. Call OS l-5«T0 or OA 2.2H1. DINING ROOM BET — Comolete. NEPTUNE — Three bedroom ranch, * •hat our selection of Value-Rated Used Cars Is not WE HAVE WAITING BUYERS — For Call ' PUPPIES — Seven weeks old. lively, IU baths, full cellar, carport OM, 787-3KW- affectionate. W Call after. f:30 p.m.KB 1(843 or U 218M. . the largest in Red Bank, but tha cars we do offer 8 SH MJtJ. 9iia RUQ fl, nllht stance |3. WsJier" NEW SHREWSBURY —Three-bedroom FOR LEAS^srasE — OULF SERVICE STA. 25c, large dog house, etc, UT MaiFOODIJEn S — AKC miniatures, pure ranch with fireplace, all appllancea, are thoroughly checked, reconditioned, properly ION — Established, high volume, St., Port Monmouth. blacks, excellent breeding, reasonable. draperlse. S200 with option to purchase, neighborhood • highway type locaUon. CO 1-011J. • __• • References. Write "A.R.," Box til. Red priced and will give you miles of carafraa driving. Route 36, Port Monmoutlt. Paid JVINO ROOM, dining room turnllv Bank. training. Excellent opportunity for right Entire houiehold contents. 23 South St., EXPERT — Professional poodle dip- MIDDLETOWN AREA — Immediate For example, we offer such values as... 1961 Cadil- led Bank. ping, toys, miniatures, J»; standards, man. HEmlock 6-M66 9-S weekdays. 14; bath Included. BH 7-3928. pone«ilon. Three bedroonu, IK baths, 44-3K 1 nightsg , weekends. centrally located. $120 per month. THE lac sedan deVille; 1961 Olds Super 88 wagon; 1962 CONTRACT TRUCKINO BUSINBaS— FOK RENT - 30 box slalls lor BERG AOENCY, OS 1-1000. Three trucks now on lease, going bu«l- FIREPLACE WOOD horees. MANY FURNISHED and unfurnished. Cadillac four-window sedan deVille, air conditioned ness Includes all equipment and cjn- B31-3943 Split to site. Dillvered and stacked. rentals In "all sizes and prices. Ella and a I960 Cadillac six-window sedan deVille, air racts. oood Income. SCHMIDT SIX-YEAR OLD COCKER — Good with Wiltshire Acency Realtors, 14S0 Ocean TRUCKING, 78T-S686. ' . $15 par load children, needs apace to run. Call BH Ave.. Sea Bright N. J. 842.OOM. Opsn 7-MS3J. seven days. • conditioned. Because we're second, we're not as Call anytime MORTGAGES NOEL FISH — Commons, five for BWQALOW — Six rooms, gas heat, busy and we can spend mora time with our custom- SH 7-2205 tl. 43S Middle Rd., Haslet * it doieu. See to appreciate. 261* HOMEOWNERS NEED MONEYT CO 4-0753 after «;30 p.m. , ' ers. See Cliff Poring, Frank Reed, Charles Walters Your credit Is good. Flnt and .second ENTIRE DAIRY HERD WANTED — THREB-BEDROOM CQLOmAL-Baie. mortgager SH HW or FO 8-3W1. RELAXA-dZOR — HIS reducer. H Holstelns, Ouerneeys dr any breed. I ment, fireplace, garage, near schools, •r Fred Koeser foday! They'll be glad to help. model, W0. 10-rcom eu heater U0. have a good market, out of stale, Pair Haven. Call 747-2743 (or appoint- Call S4MM«._j ••• wiui young farmers itarllng up. Call ment , . . INSTRUCnON COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC OS collect Reuben Oreenberg. Inc^, Co3KAUTIFU- L FOUR-ROOM HOUSE — WABHBR—Seven y»rs old. Excellent lumbus, New Jeriey. Phone 2M4D21 WlU only, no jjl^ : STUDT OF PIANO condition. g39. ClJl Mrs. Hackln. BH or 238-1M4. Study o( harmony and arraninf. M3- 1W BEAUTIFUE IFUL AKC GermaGerman shepherepherd VE-ROOM HOUaffl — gllO per month. TWO-PIECE QRBEN SECTIONAL - pupapupa, excellent temperamentemperamentt I7B.00I7B00. NtampRd BASIC CONVERSATION FRENCH — Foam rubber, reversible seat and Cill 7B7-H340. Native French woman. »» per hour, back cushions. LI 3-3338. or evenings. BH 7-9268. • REAL ESTATE FOR RENT INDIVIDUAL TUTORINO IN HIOH NEW FURNITURE SALE (Mora Classified Ada SCHOOL MATCH - Evenings or week- Headboards tt.BS. crib matireu I«.B5, APARTMENTS On .Tha Next Page) DIICCCII OLDSMOBILE ends. Call 8H MiM. •Ingle raattisM gl(.BS, maple bed, OOINO TO ITALY? private tutoring, ull aln, S16.es. Kitchen set J2U.D0, SUBLET — Five-room apartment. IfUOOLLL 'CADILLAC CO. conveneJlonal or business Italian, rea- Il-Rlser S44.06, aeven-piece kitchen SCOTT TOWERS, SW Ocean Ave.. FOR SALE sonable rates. 2M-13M. •et (large slM) IU AMERICAN Apartment t B, Long Branch. CaU WAREHOUSE FURNITURE OUTLET, Ci 2-76W. • Maple Avt., Red Bank. BH 1-8780. RED BANK — small fumlsaed apart- THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1100 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank MERCHANDISE BAB1T pARNAOES —, NeVf (74.50, mem, first now, suitable for one fcuil- •tnilsra, cribs, play yards. Mattressesrese , >u man. BH 1-8MQ.; , • ' .1 8'SOPA FOR SALE Save at Red tut CarrUgo shopIWO FURN1-. SH 1-0910 E, FronFt t St.St . E#Hedi BankB.k shop, In Rum»n,_H . FLPOR SAMPLE OFFICIAL BASKETBALL VALUES AVAILABLE - Typing stand 170 and All Fo»m, Originally $379 Backboard or traldwaod, duraftlr rl.-n 3.70, rural mill box S3.tO, plant stand THRIB BOOMS — Private entrance. and net. J15.B0. Palntsd, wsatharproof, 3.70, two Plel chairs at H.75. ntHeah t and nUBUes Inr-— SALE PRICE $l?9* Muarlum II.St, axis rug pads H.7S, 1 won't spilt or crack. haislnet U.80. bathroom icaie p.w, ' • - - BH T*J FOAM INTERIORS. INC. IS R.P.M. record* 15c, brldse table BBLTORD — Four roonu fad oirtnT RED BANK LUMBER „2.75. , Me_, etc_ , RUSCIL3, 25 B. Ftont tut furnished. Sualnea* couple pre- Hwy. 35 OS 1-1137 Mlddletown » Wall St., Rel Bank SB 1M00. Bt. Red Bank. erred. 7ST-W1J. 7 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOE SALE HOUSES FOR 8AXE HOUSES FOR SALE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY RED BANK REGISTER Tkuwlty, FeS. 28, 1963-23 TWO OTTKS BVZWZXHa I'/t ill! ;, -J n" . WRHERSTONE FOR THE FUTURE " Or,, julllble lor drug start. WrVr BERG swopl 24'xJS', we jresx alt. Call %(. Carefully (elected. 1MB three-bedroom home with modem kitchen, 1 SUBSTANTIAL HOME Urge recreation room and screened enclosed, covered patio. Utility Rtaltor HUME ARIA IN RUMSON — F»i room.-/Located In desirable residential area near new schools Seven room* tour batlu, plua apartmsot visional acrvice. SuUAble for *mal! NON-VETS $450 DOWN »73.. per month, very good condition ien. If Interested call J42-17O0. two-car garage, convenient Red B " VETS-NO DOWN location. l»,5O0, REAL ESTATE WANTED .INTERESTED IN; LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS? PHILIP J. BOWERS & TOUR KOMIS WANTID - Why I Buy this four-bedroom home, cozy living room, dining area and IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WALTER B. OVERTON wiin us! We advertlst extensively Mchen, ceramic tile Wth and room for extra bath. PHee includes the newspapers, radio and publish s AT CLOSING catalog, for home leekers. We are me • wajher, dryer and wall-to-wall carpeting. Owner's i A% mortgage DIAL 741-7200 bers ol We TWR. a ualfonal real estal can be assumed, Monthly payments only $96 per month. City , . Real JCalata Since, 1IM referral service. We aro '^Home Trai Our Astronauts Me reaching tor- theSP While 8L Red Back era" — two officers, 11 full time sail •ewera, sidewalks, walking distance to school! Price SU.m. Owner moon and you can AccompUnh the people. Call WALKER i, K ALICE wants offers... Mine reiulti by. landing four family In ItealtDrl Uembera HeS Bank An thia magnificent three-bedroom ranch Multiple Lilting Service, Bhrewabu located on a wellviandsc&pad 14 acre BH 1-9212 and .Mlddletown, OS 1-21 lot plenty of dining ipace, cer&mlc BEAUTIFUL OAK HILL ««•>'-' '••• .'fHY ARE You LIVING IN RENT?, o '••< tilt bath, science kitchen with will- A split level nestled among towerln WE NEED GOOD HOMES tcrr serlo I50Q down and $122 per month will make you an owner. Immacu- oven and counteMop range, and at t.-eei on % of an acre. Uvin,. buysri. The Dowstra Agency, Realtoi late three-bedroom ranch in good neighborhood. Professionally tached garage, are all jroura. Mans room, dining rom, kitchen, lour bed 91 S. Front St, Red Bank. Sit l-87( World War ft Vet« arc Itlll qualified rooms, recreation roomi Vk'^ baths, all finished basement with bar, cyclone fence for the youngsters, V» B*$« us about your stttui. BUILDING LOT 00 to electric kitchen. Priced low al 135,000, Red Bank area, town or surround! •"i * J% ^importation, schools and shopping only a stone's community. Must be adaptable f< throw. •Qualified FHA buyers this is for you/ Price'$16,000. FULL PRICE $14,980. CASEY'S AGENCY INC. duplex home. Write ell particular Independent Broker "A.1C.," Bol Ml, Red Bank. Monmoutji County Office Hwy. 36 Hazlel WALKER & WALKER CO 4-8K2 THE BERG AGENCY RAMBLING RANCH — Minus acn plot. 15x29 living, room, full dlnln For Fast , REALT6RS "Personalized Service" room, fireplace, lour family size bed OSborne MOOO rooms, two baths, double garage. 131,' 800. 10% down Qualified buyer. Highway 35 Rt. #35 Middletown, N. X Results ' , ' '1,000 feet south of Lily-Tulip Co., Middletown Daily 8-9 Saturday, Sunday 10-7 67 1-33 11 Schanck Agency •-.it. Realtor Use The Multiple Listings and Trade-Ins . I Linden PI. Red Ban RIVER OAKS SH1-03H '• • • Send for Catalogue Member Multiple Listing Register Open 7 Days FAIR HAVEN LITTLE SILVER Owner leaving area Bpaclous four bedrooms, 34 batlu wit Classified HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE den and large living room. Only si years o.ld. Excellent area for children, WIDE BELICTION Of RENTALS — Three bedroom ranch In ideal neigh' Mortgage' may be assumed. Ownei Furnished: and unfurnished. Immedi- borhood for children. Near- excellent transferred. ate occupancy. Samuel Telcher Agency RED BANK — Four-bedroom, school. Large' family room or office -LEGAL NOTICE Oceanport Ave., Occanport Csll or dial two-bath split Ieyel with recrea- with leparate entrance, loreened porch, CROWELL AGENCY, XI 2-3M0 or II 2 3501., tion room. Excellent condition many trees. May assume «Vi% mort- 41 E. Vront St. Red Bank BH 1-1CB0 WENCH ASUS TAVEKK, I73O-I837, SOUTHWEST COSNOt Or STATE AND WAMBf gage. . Multiple LlsUng Service NOTICE OF ANNUAL MKET1NO t95 to M25 Per Month throughout. Best residential area, TUB BIRO AOBNCY The annual meeting of the policy STREETS. KNOWN ALSO 8V SEVEBAb OTHEK MAKES. R:. M MUdletowi yet convenient to town. Out-of- Occupancy July LIST-YOUR HOME, holder* of the Progre«fv« Life Inau: OB 1-1000 state owner anxious to sell. Ask- a nee Company will be held at tha < wiUi us for prompt service. Membe flee or the Company, 365 Broad Stre tWOBEDROOM CAPE COD — Largi ing price $25,000. Call owner SH 7-3N2 Multiple Listing pervlee. ROL6TON Red Banli, Mew Jeney. on Ttiurida; Tercentenary Tales yard, Long Branch. Kent $110 pe WATHIRBtmT, Realtor* ilnca 1925, 18 month. Call CA 3-0188. March 26, 1963, at 0:00 o'clock In tt MIDDLETOWN -Three-hedroom W. Front St., Red Bank. BH 7-3500. mornlnc (or the purpose of electlni BELTOED — - V, duplei. Three-bid MARIE COX AGENCY punuant to the By-lawi, (Ive (5) per 9 rooms, all remodeled. $100 a month. split with recreation room. Pri- RUtfSON WATERFRONT HOMB - sons to lerve a» Directors of the Com REALTORS t, INBUR0R8 Beautiful ievtn-b«droom modern Colo- Call fa-5025 or J8T-M57. vate rear yard with brook. Price Member Shore nial, Navevlnk River, deep water chan- WILLIAM H. FRANK Trenton Was Federal Capital $16,000. RBDBANK —<<3«Mr«,Ily located. Bli Uultlpi* Listing fiervic* nel. Four acrei, exquisite trees, lawn. Vice President a,nd Secretai rooms, three bedrooms, oil heat m Portaupici Vt baths, Modern kitchen, laundry. Feb. H 21, 28, March 7 *14, By JOHN T. CUNNINGHAM each covered with green cloth able beds didn't completely preju- ulllltlei. BU Hill 88 Commciie Drive CA 2-1(03 Picture window breakfast room. Pan- FURNISHED — Four-bedroom home, WEART-NEMETH eled living room, dining room, library, and 48 new Windsor chairs were dice Congress against New Jer- LINCROFr — seven acres, four bed- TV room, bar, playropiri. Screened flag- NOTICE TO BIDDERS James Madison of Virginia ad- near Fort Monmoutn sate, Batontown atone terrace. Two-car garage. Walk provided. sey. On Dec. '23, members over- area. Would consider two couplet, no AGENCY rooms, family room, modern Kitchen, attest schools. Low ta*ei. Large trans- The Borough of Fair Haven Invite vised friends in a letter written leass required. I1D0 per muBtQ. LJ 2- dining area, spacious living room. Ex- mppllers to submit bids on a 1,00 rode Southern opposition and 1158. cellent farming SH 1-2811. ferable mortgage.. Price $85,000. Tele- Oct. 13, 1783, that Trenton "is to Sadly, for. 4 state verbally REALTOR , phones NY. WI 7.2030. NJ MMiti. gallon Maintenance Oil Distribute: voted $100,000 for federal build- EIGHT-BOOM HOUSE and garage. Vi Specifications may be obtained at tli become the future seat of the dedicated to bringing Congres LITTLE! SILVER — Convenient resi- RED BANK — Two bedrooms, living office of the Borough Clerk, 604 H!v< ings, to be erected In a "a dis- baths, automatic central heat, $93 pe i 02 WEST FRONT ST. dential area. Seven rooms, four bed- room, kitchen, baifi, . (ull basement. Rd,, fair Haven, during regular bu federal government." Nothing, he to Trenton, the federal lawmak- month. 17 Locuil Ave.. Red Bank. rooms, two baths. Asking 123,000. 8H trict not less than two, nor ex- Quiet street. $2,000 down, aisume $8,100 ness hours. Bids will be opened a said, save "a conversion of some ers encountered brisk local com- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — Tnrei SHadyside 1-2240 M462. . ' mortgage. Call 291>0OQ4. publicly read at meeting of the Mayi ceeding three, miles square on bedrooin ranch. Immaculate condition. and Council to be held 3:00 Pi of the Eastern' States," could petition when they, sought to test 24-HOUR SERVICE RED BANK COLONIAL — Three bed LlNCROBT — Seven-room split. Three the banks of either side of the Call owner. 8H 7-3000. rooms, living* room with fireplace, din- March 11, ltWa The Borough Coun save the dignity of the South. their weary heads. Nearly all de- Member Red Bank Area reserves tho right to reject any ai KKANSBURQ —r Four-room cottage ing room, modern eet-ln kitchen, heat- bedrooms, 1% baths, fracloui living an bids. sirable rooms were occupied by Delaware." refrigerator, gai range, (M beat Multiple Listing Service ed sun room, m baths, garage. Extras. Virginia.delegates to the Con- shower, $80. 787-0971. J16.900. SH 1.6373. ROY W. NELSON, members of the State Legisla- room, largt family room, two-car ga Borough Clerl tinental Congress, then temporar- Congress further authorized a ture/convened! in Trenton at thi FURNISHED BUNGALOW — 125 Well ABSENTED OWNER SACRIFICE:, MIDDLETOWN—Three-bedroom ranch, rait, % acre with. imalL orchard. Feb. 28 • *3 ily convened in Princeton, vigor- three-man commission to build Bide Avenue. - . tliree-bedroont three-bath deluxe brlcl H acre, only W50 down. FKA. NO down same time so they wouldn't mis 8K 1-8069 ranch on a high and dry acre plus ously' protested the choice o "in an elegant manner, a feder- with line trees. Living room, tlreplace, payment, VA. Itany extras, 113,301). Immediate . occupancy. $21,500. Cat NOTICE a thing. .'. ... SPLIT-LEVEL — SH rooma, 111 wainscoted ' 'dining room, modern Principals only. 787-3769. Kouca li hereby given that an a] Trenton. Why, it would be noth- al house .for the accommodation baths, large fenced-ln yard. Call CO kitchen, dishwasher, range refrlterator, BH 1-3364. ilcatloa has been made by WycV of Congress and the executive of- 4-JS17. COLTS NECK - .HOLMDEL ing but a sacrifice of good South- Congress naturally decided to large game room with bar, smal .J. D. Roche Agency IMMACULATE HOME IN F.ED BANK old Realty Co, for the approval ot study, play home, barbecue, hot ma- proposed Subdivision of parcel 'B', ern interests to sordid "New En& ficers thereof." They could also ter baseboard heat, three-car' garage, Long Bridge Rd.. Colts Neck —Fireplace, three bedrooms. Excellent get its business done with quickly W6-1B55 kitchen arrangement with dfinwaaher Lot 1, Block 87, on Sycamore Avenu and commercialism,'' they build a President's house and WANTED TO RENT Asking (34.000 but will Uiten to rea- and electric range, Modern bath and A copy of laid Sub-division Mi be and .get out of' town, but mem- sonable- offer. Filed with the Borough Cleric for pu assorted buildings for govern- GETTINO MORE AND MORE PROS- RtVEiR PLAZA — Four-room Cape powder room, dining room or den. arsued. bers remained long enough to THE Cod, full cellar, detached garage, oil Dry basement, oversized garage. Walk- lc; inspection. A continuance of a Pub- mental, departments — all ele- PECTS — For three-bedroom rental heat, good residential section. Assume ing distance to town, $20,000. REDDEN ic Hearing held on February 20, 1933, Every Northern state (or East- consider again the business of the homes. Ult any, rental for fut action. al mortgage, 114,000. Days 8H 7-3851. AQENCY, Realtors,- 301 Maple Ave., will be held by the Planning Board gant provided everything cost MATTHEW J. GILL AQENCY, 1U Bt. DOWSTRA AGENCY Evenings SH I-1S77. corner of Bergen PI-. Red Bank, 741- of the Borovgh o! Shrewsbury, ern state, as Madison called national capital. 35, Mlidletown. OS 1-3200. March 20, 1963, at 8:00 P. M, not more Uian $109,000. I REALTORS 9100. Member Multiple Lilting Service; them) from New Hampshire to The competition 'for comfort- RED BANK — Garage (or two months MIDDLETOWN — Two-bedroom ranch. Shrewsbury Borough Grammar School 91 E. Front Bt., Bed Bank Attached garage, eat-In kitchen, big FOUR-YEAR-OLD COLONIAL — Four Broad Btreet, Shrewsbury. Delaware lined up for Trenton. Trentonians counted their cap- to store car. Call after 6 p.m. SH 7- roomy bedrooms, m baths, spacious All parties In Interest will be hear< K1S. PHONE FOR CATALOO cloaets, extra appliances, fenced yard. The backers had considerable tat before the bricks were laid, 8K 1-7408. living room, dining roofn, modern WYCHFIELD REALTY COl FAMILY BURNED OUT SH 1-8700 kllchen. Basement rand attached ga HOWARD 81EQEL, ' logic on their side: Trenton in and property values soared. Al- Heeds five-six room house Immediately. WEST KEANSBURO — Young custom- rage, Walking dfatairce to bus, schools, President 1783 was nearly the geographic Yugoslavia ready the tide had turned, George Bed Bank Weststde area. Good, re- RVMSON — First time otrered. On built three-bedroom ranch. Modern and shopping. $19,500. See It today. Feb. 27, 28, March 1 115.' liable People, references. SH 1-3437, large beautifully landscaped lot wit] kitchen, open front porch, white clap- ROL9TON WATERBURY Realtor*, 18 mid-point of the 13 disunited Washington might have retained anytime. board aiding. Only S13.900. CHATEAU West Front St., Red Bank. BH 7-3500 specimen trees and shrubs. Rand states. THREE-BEDROOM HOME — Keypon, style home It) excellent condition. Liv- REALTY, Real Estate, 215 Carr Ave., VALUE PLUS! A real Dirgain, priced NOTICE StUl Leans sentimental memories of a Christ- Bids for Vending Machines. Invltatlo Matawan, Mlddlttown •ectlon. Under ing room, 28' long, dining room, a. com- Kearuburg. 787-9884. below F.H.A. appraleai. Aladern tplfl Nevertheless, southern power mas In Trenton, but in February^ $125. Call CO 4-12M. plete new 22' kitchen with a bar and level. Four . bedroorns, - two baths, 23' to bids are being received for cor breakfaBt area. Hom« .arranged two TRUE COLONIAL — Four Huge bed-, ceialon operation, covering - mlscelli prompted Elbridge /Gerry of 1785, he wrote to President Rich- WE HAVE an overflow ot boos, fide rooms, 1lace, playroom, laundry. One beautt- down to QutiUrled buyer. For ciUlcIt cigars, cigarettes, candles, chewln to win approval for alternating Congress from Mount Vcrnon, your ham* ranted. THE BBRG AGEN- and Poj would Ju«( love that kitchen. ,ully landscaped acre In Oak Hill, im- gum, crackers, cookies, fresh fruit BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) CY, HI. 3S. Middletown. 03 MOOO. mediate occupancy.' {39,000. 08 1-3S69. if J19.P00. STANLEY K. DOWNS. tuts, pre-mlx and post-mix carbonateji Call tor futther Information such as Realtor, Shrewsbury. SH 1.1017. Mem- sessions of Congress between An —Yugoslavia has returned to "By the time your federal extras estimated at more than 12,000. ber Multiple Listing- Service. todas, canned fruit and vegetable Offered at (Zt.m. • OLD SHREWSBURY—Seven-room cus- lulcfis, postage stamps and aanilar> napolis and Trenton until per- close association with the Sovlel buildings on the banks of the FURNISHED ROOMS torn apUL Three-bedrooma, IVi baths. LINCROFT — Three-bedroom rand apklni In various U. fi. Signal Corps manent buildings could be built re- Delaware ... are fit for the The Glazebrook. Less than two rears eld. Corner lot, ^ &cre._Assume ^%'"Ql mortg ulldlngi located at the Evans Are Communist camp but still re ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Large room, cyclone fence, exUras. .Priced In " Pull ^anroent; - t Id lelmar, N. J.; Coles Area, Red Ban! somewhere. New Jerseymen mains definitely and firmly to reception of Congress, it will be private entrance, kitchen If desired. ReaTljor: twenties. No brotors. ifH -1-2301 occupancy.: f)%5 '. J.; Charles Wood Area, Eatontown, fumed, and poet Francis Hopkin Call 291-M37. N". J.j and For! Monmoulh, N- J. In the' West of the Iron Curtain. found that they are improperly Avenus of Two Rivers Rumson MAGNIFICENT BEVEN-ROOM RANC1 FAIR HAVEN—Three-bedroom renctl, citations may ba obtained by applying son of Bordeatown likened such placed for the seat of the em- SINGLE or double room, gentleman 8(2-1700 in tree-lined street la beautiful arei knotty pine kitchen, living room, tiled '.o the Post Restaurant Officer In built Foreign newspapers circulate E''ftrred, central Mfddletown location, Member Multiple Listing bath, full dry cellar with recreation [overnment to "a pendulum." >nter nail, three spacious bedroom Ing 1210, room Git, U8ASC3, Fo freely. Papers from New York, pire." i;t Hwy. 35. OS 1-3585., :wo tiled baths. 14x22' living room, area and laundry. Oarage. In excel- Monmouth, N.' J. Offers will bs n Congress went to Annapolis any- FURNISHED ROOM newly decorated, / HUSBAND leparate, formal dining room, fcltcbeti lent condition. Asking 117,900. Me- celved untfl noon, 1 Aprils 1063. - the United, States, France and That lofty opposition, just about with knotty pine cabinets and formi AUSTBR AGENCY, 109 East River Feb. 27, 23, March 1 . J16.W way. pr vate^entrance..-and alttlng . roo.rr He'I In Delaware. Mutt sell this brick other western nations share space ended Trenton hopes. Congress in kltchen privileges. Inquire, at 43 Feter' and cedar three-year ranch on wooded rounters. Huge pine paneled den with Rd., Rumson. 8(2-1804, jeamed celling. 18ai2T Jame rooma Trentonians settled down • to on news stands with Moscow's September, 1785, refused to ap- Pico. Red Bant -. • acre. Big living 'KB>nt and fireplace, lull basement' -|Idt water- All' bOBebojrj HUDSON—Mace rlftitvtrk Immaculate real modern kitchen,^ flni 6en, three startershdiise' Rir*. Couple. Two-'beq-. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS await the day when the pendu- propriate the $100,000 approved CTJRRVB furnished rooms. 14 2. High- large bed room i, two tiled baths. Every beat Two-car attached gafage. Asklnt land Are., Atlantic Highlands. Kitchen $30,000. ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG, rooma, dining room, hot water heat, Notice la hereby given that sealed privileges, 291-0599. Reasonable rates. thing almost brand new, and Includes tiled bath, nice living room, good area. bldi will be received by the Board lum must swing northward. The More than a million tourists the previous December in Tren- two car garage. TaH« a look, make .GENCY, Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave, Taxes only 1220. Asking SI5,000. Me- of Education of the Tlnton Fall! an offer. $26,500. Jttle flllver. SH 1.4500. -. honor of having Congress in town from the, WW - flowed tfie,. coun- ton.. Southern sentiments had so L\RGK HOUSEKEEPING ROOM — ALISTER AOENCY, 10 > East Rive! r School!, at the Tlnton Falls School Ifewly decorated, hot and cold water, OROWELL AGENCY, Realtors ATTRACTIVE SPLIT LKVIL on tie Rd., Hurawn. S42-1B94. 'Inton Avenue,-New fihrewsbuFy, Nt brought a patriotic glow, and :ry Jast'slimmer, arid'more are Influenced Congress that only apply 21 Peters PI., Red Bank. East Front SL • Red Ba Jersey, on Tuesday, March 12, 1963 rated plot. Almott acre rustic tr«etl BtiMSON DRBAM HOU9KI Set on tree good estimates jndjcateij".JShat expected thisjg«»,yisa§ present New Jersey and Massachusetts FURNISHED ROOM — 31 Lociut .Ave.; eat. yard overloakine water. Centei shaded lot close .10'" all ..-water spans at 8;Q0 P.M; for - surfacing roads SNYDER REALTORS •all, ' 'L" shaped' living. room, I2xl> the Swimming: River School with bi Congress would Be worW'at^ieasf rwnoj problem. "TOe fourlsTb"usiness voted in favor. Four years later, Red Bank. Call after & p.m. and one ot Stale's' hest* schools.' Only tumlnoui concrete, the quantities to- SH 7-9545 5 CORNERS H1DDLBTOWN OS 1-390dining area. Kltcheh with dining area, superlatives describe this cedar pan- $10,000 a month in extra trade. Elias Boudinot of Elizabeth vain- den, four bedrooms, 2>£ baths. Hobbj eled den -with raised hearth, fireplace. taling approximately 1600 square yards. was worth a record $40 million to SINGLE ROOM — Clean and co...CALL THI3 OFFICE ABOUT HOME room or firth bedroom, basement, tw< Pl&ns and specif [cations for said ly tried again, but only four votes fortable. Convenient to everything. Call PICTURED BJ TODArs MULTIPLE. Four good sized bedrooms - plus living Trenton, those days numbered Yugoslavia last year and the car garage. Carpeting, awnings, pat! room, dining room arid kitchen. Taxes fork may be obtained at the office backed his bill for a capital on - SH 7-1008. 30-DAY OCCUPANCY extras. St. Jam en Parish. Taxes $177. under 1450, This excellent home Is f -the Board of Education of the Tin not more than 100 buildings country expects it to hit $50 mil- FURNISHED ROOM — Vacant. Key- VETS NO S DOWN Asking $27,900. LAWRENCE J. SCHILL- being offered at S32.O0O. nUBSELL M. on Falls Schools, at the Tfnton Fall arrayed along seven or eight dirt lion in 1963. Thousands of Yugo- the "banks of the Delaware." port, near Five Corners. Gentleman ' NO CLOSING COSTS ING, REALTOR, 18 Spring Btreet, Red BORU3 Realtors. 60O River Hrt\. Fair School, Tlnton Avenue, New Shrews preferred. CO 4-4162. Qualified buyer can move In this three Bank.' SH 7-4121. MEMBER MUL- Haven. SH 7-4532. Member Multiple >urv, on weekdays between the houri streets. Second (now State) Street slavians travel in tho other direc- bedroom ranch home, living room, TIPLE LISTING. Listing Service. . , ' • >f 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. The pendulum had stopped be- ATTRACTIVE - angle, double rooms, dining area. eat-In kitchen, wall oven, The Board of Education of the Tin dwindled down into a lane tion—as tourists, for business or side the Potomac River,.never to kitchen, prlvlleses. Hot anl cold run- counter lop range, modern vanity bath, EXPANSIVE VIEW CHARMINO COUNTRY PLACE—Con- on Falls Schools reserves the rlgh through an orchard to the west. to work In Western Europe. ning water. Free TV. Hudson House. full dry baiement, recreation room, Enhances the value of this adraC venient Bell tab.. Bed Bank and Park- I reject any or all bids. swing northward again. 131 Hudson Ave., 811 1-9883. attached garage. Call owner. SH T- tlve Bpaclous ranch.homo on % acn way. Modern houne, tbree bedrooms, LOUIS A. 8TEINMDLLER King (now Warren) Street inter- Foreign embassies operate li< 3000. of velvet-like lawn, shrubs and tree! three baths, electric kitchen, sunroom Secretary acted Second and ran to Front Efficient kitchen, breakfast room am and paneled room, fireplace In large . & S9.98 braries and have absolute free- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE laundry area, 28', living and dlnlnj living room, extra unfinished room, Street, the direct route to the PAUL R. STRXKER Realtor. Farms light basement, beautiful trees, spacious dom to choose their own books area, three roomy bedrooms, two tllei Old Barracks where Hessians had HOUSES FOR SALE and farm suites. State Highway 31. baths, 22' recreation roam, tall bt lawn, hlaclc-top driveway, ttvo-cnr ga- Voice of America broadcasts can Woman Found ment and two-car garage, plua extras! rage. For appointment call 741-5032. PROPOSAL lived during December exf 1776. Holmdel. Phone 91MH1, Asking only $20,500. WALKER ft be heard loud and clear—no Jam' LARGE FAMILY WALKSR, Realtors. Hwy, 35, Shrews- CHARMINO COLONIAL RANCH — Notice la hereby given that sealec Anticipation swept through the mlng. So can Radio Moscow, but bury. BH 1-5212. 24-Hour Service. Large living room and dining room, Ida will be received In the Reception WHO WANTS OCEAN VIEW MIDDLETOWN — Four-bedroom ranch. mclern kitchen, three bedrooms, Vh Room of the Office of the Dlrecto village in 1784, when stages from few people listen. With Frozen NOT A DEVELOl'MEKT. Fireplace, UESThSJD bt s grove ot beech am bathe plua keeping room with wall division ot Purchase and Property [ull basement with illnlshed recreation oak trees, four*bedroom split level, fireplace and beamed celling, oversized 2nd floor, Room 2.12-2. State Hiusi Annapolis brought news that Con- Political jokes are rampant, Here Is the horns you nave been wait- room, workshop and built-in oversized plaster , walls, oil-fired hot watei garage. Best section of Mlddletown. Trenton 25, New Jersey, on Marcli gress would arrive in town on garage. 100x150 lot. Large shade trees. Asking- $24,500. about Russia's Khrushchev, ing for. Situated on highest point on furnace, cast, Iron )radiation with cop' 7, 1963 at 2:00 P.M. And win be-opened Limbs Is Fair Atlantic. coast. Two-Btory all brick Two blocks to bus. Asking S19.5O0. per plumbing throughout, -combination LAWLEY AOENCy, Realtors, 100 Hwy. and ' read Immediately thereafter, foi ir about November I. Tavern America's Kennedy family and dwelling nettled among pine trees. SNYDER' REALTORS, Five Corners, storm windows and screens. Locate* 35, Red Bank. SH 1-6262. , the following: >wners, boarding house proprie- Home included six bedrooms. 214 baths, Mlddlelqwn. OS 1-2590. on a one-acre lot, taxes approximated ELECTRICAL even about Yugoslavia's own RED BANK - Miss Cathaleen two complete kitchens, two dining $450. School bus passes door, Mt mil Air Conditioning, tors and shopkeepers mentally President Tito. HARDENER'S PARADISE. Exception- LOTS AND ACERAGE Iris Jones of Llppincott Ave., rooms, two living rooms, large base- al landscaping. Fruit trees, flowering from Bell I*ba. I accom NAVESINK ASSOCIATES ment. Three twin bedrooms, 2W tiled RUMSON RIVKRVIEW — 1V% yeaRUM8O! N WATERFRONT PROPERTY Legislators approved leasing bikinis, in bars and cars. ;n Saturday. Miss Jones was baths. Early possession. Tremendous old ranch, Immaculate condition. Three- —Beautiful 2^ acre homeslte. Nave- >an1ed by a certified check drawn to value! Only 324,800. Kasy terms. bedrooms, tile bath, wide board, sink River, deep water channel, all he order ot the Treasurer of thf :he old Stacy Potts home for Yugoslavs are. permitted to found on railroad property at REALTORS STANLEY- K. DOWNS, Realtor, pegged floors. Walking distance to Improvements. Walk finest schools. Hate of New Jersey, or a bid bond Shrewsbury.- SH 1-1017. Member Multi- ocean, schools, churches and shops. Price 113.1X0. Telephones N. J. 142-1111. ny ot which shall be In the amouni ase of the President and ad- maintain bank accounts at home the foot of Central Ave. with 934 Hwy. 35 Middletown ple Listing Service. Only - $10,000. Call for appointment N. Y. WI 7-2080. . »f 5% of the bid, and (4) dellverei vanced money for Improving the ROLSTON-WATKRBORY, Realtors, 1( it the above place on or before th« in foreign currency—mostly dol- legs and feet frozen. OS 1-0600 RED BANK HOME—Juat off Broad West Front St., Red Bank. SH 7-3500 WANTED lour named as no bid will ba ac- rench Arms Tavern on the lars. The Central Yugoslav Bank St. Seven rooms, two baths, fireplace, Building lot, Red Bank or surrounding tepted after the hour ipeclllett. Bldi According to Police Chief iouthwest corner of Second and announced recently that $2,835,000 Member Red Bank Multiple List- ranporch. In excellent condition. Quiet IMMEDIATE' POSSESSION — Brie area. Must meet requirements for du- lot so submitted will be considered in- George H. Clayton, an investi- itreet. Walking distance to shopping, ind • frame eight-room home. Foui plex home. Write "A.E.," Box 111, Red 'ormnl ami will be rp.)pcted. The Dl King (State and Warren) Streets belonging to indivduals was on ing and Northern Monmouth Mul- ichoola and trains. $17,850. Call us to-bedrooms, 2\k baths. Shade trees, well 3ank. rector reserves the right to reject anj gation of the Incident, being con- tiple Listing. tay. ROLSTON WATERBURY, Real- landscaped. $20,000 mortgage available. ind all bfila and to award contract ir tor use of Congress. deposit. ms, 16 W, Front Bt., Red Bank. Asking- 124,800. Excellent location. JHOICE SELECTION of two-ta-Uiree part or whole if deemed to the beet ducted by Detective Capt. Irving SH 7-3500. acre wooded plots. Oak, beech and New Jersey went all out to This is primarily money saved STANLEY K. DOWNS. Realtor, logwood, some with view and brook, •ntereatu of the State to do no. Th L. Krakowitch, has been delayed NEW THREE-BEDROOM RANCH, one Shrewsbury. SH 1-1017. Member Mult successful bidder will be required tt make the French Arms a reason- by Yugoslavs working abroad bath, targe kitchen, attached garage. HOLMDEL — Seven-room split level, pie Listing Service. jthers high and rolling, deed restric- urnish surety bond In the fu'l nmoun until Miss Jones can be que3- built-in oven and range In lovely kltch- tions to protect purchaser, I9.50O and )f the contract, of a company au able facsimile of a national cap- including the country's diplomats >n, one-car attached garage, patio, 1^ r^TTLB SILVER •— Eight rooms, foui up. "Holmwood," Atlantic Township. horlzpd to do business In the State o tioned. It is not clear, he said, RUMSON — Sil-rooms, Hi-Oaths, new- baths. Taxes only $375 per year. Ask- sedrooRis. A-l location, high property, Paul R. Stryker. Realtor, Holmdel, ew Jersey. :al. The tavern's "long room" Upon returning home they re- how she happened to be In the ly renovated. ing HH900. THE WHALH AGENCY, low taxes. Very reasonable. 112,600. N. J. 9<6-4144 Plans and specifications, form of bid was repapered, recarpeted and tain the money in dollars or otlv MS-3411 Hwy. 35, Keyport. SM-J300. H 1-T420. • CHOICE SELECTION of two-to-three contract and bond for the propose railroad yard. ork are on file and may be obtained repainted and a platform was er hard currency. Though there acre wooded plot"- Oak, beech nnrl Miss Jones was found at 7.30 dogwood, some with view and brook, ipon application to the IMreotor, Dl- erected between the two great are restrictions, they are free to others high and rolling, deer! restric- 'Islon of Purchasp and Property, Stati a.m. Saturday by Herbert Tay- tions to protect purchaser, $9,500 and touse, Trenton 25, New Jersey, oi replaces on the south side of use it to buy things abroad no! 1 leposit of twenty-five (!$25,OOt for eacl lor, West Bergen PI., who noti- up, "Holmwooa.' Atlantic Township1. he room. Thirteen new tables, ivailable at home. Paul It. Strykcr, Realtor, Holmde , ret, this amount to be refunded tc he bidder upon return of such docu- fied Patrolmen Franklin White CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY nents In good condition within 30 days and Donald R. Patterson. RUMSON—Hi acren on top of a hill, fter the award of ih* contract. dead-end lane, high and (try, no fill DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Sha was taken to the hospital A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI •ceded. Yes, you can have a base- Division of Purchnnf find Projiert ment. View of the ocean and river. CHARLEB F. SULLIVAN, Dlreolor by the Red Bank First Aid Squad. Treea and shrubs. 642-0461, after 6 p.m. 'eb. 21, 26 . 127.1- All day Saturday, Sunday. Adding Machines - Typewriter! Ceupool deanliig Pabtlng and Decorating HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HEALTH CAPSULES bv Michoel A. Petli.M.D. ADDING UACHINE3 — TTPswrltan SZPTia TANKS, dry veils serviced. CARL B. JONES -» PaiQtlns and sold, rented, reputed. Berplco't 101 Leeching tuld added. Backhoa work. decorallng. Full Insurance coverage. WHAT SHOULP YOU PO FOR Monmoulh St. Red Bank. BH 7.M81C. H. Wilson. 8H 1-1H8. For free estimate call 747-3011 A CQATEP TONGUE ? TOM SLATE — Painting and D»cor LITTLE SILVER Antiques Wanted Electrical Contracting atlng. General Contracting, fully in- sured. Twenty rears experience. Free Old Dolls, guna, Jewelry, cut glass, COMMERCIAL, and residential wir- estimates. BH I-IH91 after » p.m. furniture. Civil War books. Appraisals ing. New construction, remodeling, made, Oilman. 811 71111. alterations; adequate service Installa- PAINTINO AND PAPBR HANOINO— tions and heating. Oaydlck JDIselrlc. For a good clean ob, reasonabl* Appliance Repilri 76T-M03. Call SH 7-0431. Ed Elmer. APPLIANCE REPAIR ana Installa- Home Improvements tion Residential and commercial wlr- Piano-Organ Tuning inf. Allen Electric. 8H 7-Mll FINISHED BASEMENTS, remodel- . PUNO3-OEOANS IriK, plumbing, 'electrlo wiring, ma- Tuned — Repaired — Regulated Auctioneer lonry and. pMntlng. For free tstlmate Raymond Boiworth BH 1-7SS3 call BH 7-Jns. a O. COATS - Aii essential Auction Appraisal Sarvtc*. "anywbere." 28S WORKINO MAN'S contractor-Alter- Plumbing and Heating Norwood Art., Deal FBiw* EEllOff ations additions, painting, masonry, 1-3481. and all those little fobs, ivtnlngi LO 8-1714. . KEEQAN'S 21 Hour Service. All Heating lulls serviced. BH 7-16«, SH 1-7875" , Auto Body Repair Lawn Mower Repairs EXPERT PAINTING and Body re- pair. Moderate prices. McCarthy ALL KINDS OP LAWN MOWBRfi- Roofing, Siding and Insulation MS Chevrolet, Atlantic Highlands. 281-0305 Uand and circular sawa, sharpened. Charming colonial, near bus line and school. 17x23' living repaired. Free pick up. 29l-2<37. ALUMINUM SIDING — 14 colors, •foil POrA HAVE TO PO ANY- Ann and Truck Rental one week delivery low low nrlcei room with fireplace; formal dining room, sun room, three THING, BUT BRUSHING fT Pointing Free estimates. PROWN'S, 32 Broad AVIS—Rent ft new car or truck. Lew St., Red Bank. BH 1-7500. big bedrooms. Full basement, garage, desirable neighbor- WITH A TOOTHBRUSH • rates. Maple Ave., Red Bank. BH V HELPS KCEP THE TONGUE om PR tell. Dally 7 a.m.-io p.m. PATNTINO at Its finest. Interior and Insulation & Siding Corp. Certified hood. Fine condition. $22,500. exterior. Lowest rates. 0x12 room, Jonna-Manvllle contractor, PR 5 8(07 CLEAN. oat coat, |3II. W. Evans. SH 1-8517, or Adam Llnsmayer 291-K102. SEE ANY MEMBER OF THE Building Contractor TCWCRROW! TWCK HAIR. . Painting and Decorating OLSON CO. INC.—Roofing, aiding * HMMI dpiulti giv.i halpful jnfenwh'n BUILDBR — NBIV bbmea, room ad< Insulation. Installed and guaranteed RED BANK AREA IHtitbdIlfiiHt dltlons, basement and attlo rooms, for 10 years. PR S-0705—201.0340. kitchens, garage, repairs u< alter- LOUIS CASSAN — Fainter, decorator, Kiloni. Hflrbert JSIgenrauch, BU 1*52111. paperhanger, 20 years experience. 43 Ohapln Ave, BH 1-1708 after « p.m. Tel. Answering Service There's no Trick to Having Ex- A. J. PICONS - ceramic tilt con- MULTIPLE LISTING,SERVICE tractor for 3ual;.y, price, and prompt L. H HILL — Painter .Interior and LBT US B£) your secretary- ^?o need ra Cash. You Get It Past When aerrloe. Fret eiUmala, oadl ttl-Jli) eaterlor. Mo Job too large or too to miai calls. 24 nour aniwerlcg "The boss isn't her*. A lady taw hit Red Bank Register or mi-W77. small. Viry reasombia. call 747-9530. service. SH 1-4700. Lilted on page 168 of the Yellow Pag» Directory You Use The Register Classified. Want Ad — and I told him!" —Advertisement U~Thuni»r,"TeE. 28, 1963 HED BANK REGISTER to Ernwt 6, Cferiit, Rutgers ex-camber, maago metal, orange absent to the Gtrdea the t&ertoKM'of wry H«r .Jer- JOB Atvt. toif yew, get c copy YOUR GARDEN tension fruit tpedslla*. melon, and melon apple. So U State. sey walnut tre» owners, espe- t the Rutgeri "Pest Control By Geltermann Ai a dyed-In-the'-wfol fruit man, you decide to plant some in your And since walnut production cisJly conceratng wtaterJjsidt miaeBdsdofis br Home Or- GINGER o*«. chards/' The first spray of the THIS WEEK he disowned the "vise pesch," garden, you can call it by any has BO commercitl Importance in explaing that it's really a vege- of these names. season is due before the buds By Garden Reporter New Jersey, the College breeders taste buds .-ttagle^Mr-. While I had the fruit special- rieultanl agent or by sending a When is a peach not a peach? v developed wtaftishardy va; your ntin.' ' ' you want to be technical, Is Cu- Ist's ear I quizzed Mm about j» f card to Garden Reporter, College rletles that should grow well to Why not writ* for Ws "Fruit Give'up? cumis chito. it has white flesh, growing walnut*-the English or of Agrtailtore, Rutgers Univer- this climate. Trees la the, Home terden" ui When it's a "vine peach," A tastes like a cucumber and canPersian varieties — in New Jer- sity, NewBrunswick. If you think a walnut tree "Bush Fruits > th* Hone GIN gardener who read something be used to make preserves and sey gardens. He didn't balk about accepting would make yobr horn* _grounds den?• -"' Especially If you're pita- about planting seed to grow « pickles. to buy trees or plsiits. ; _, , the walnut as a fruit but re- uacjue, you'd probably b» sue-ning Buying or sdjlag? Use the "peach" vine brought up the sub- cessful. Ami if you mot to tike pro- RsgUteIsgiiter Clisstfled for qucik.re- Thls garden curiosity also is minae)i n» oi a pr»tty obvious ject and I turned for an answer to hear teutons! cart of the fruit trtes lulU.-Advertiiement" " . known as orange- or lemon-cu- (act, Walnut orchards are con- It would to Interesting

- LEGAL NOTICE • - LEGAL NOTICE- . LEGAL NOTICE- SAL NOTICE- , NOTICE- expended JMS NOTICE Tout 1*83 forlSWAa Paid Moancih (or 4»t Ihcal rau ISO. BelerveJ i tm Alimnafsn ercsmgtd •peda•pe l Fotlca •u^rapuwSoryfc assess; JRS Z ts9ig&A. & " *••"»"•» - * O*t*tr ii Certified by nt this 8th day ol Ftbruaxj, 1963, . Krsi^nuT^iinUc ^'ghlands. N. J. i«ulituon or Uw at Poltet Car . ll.4W.10 13.4SJ.19 si-awo Ktinttoaneinttoanet ami Repair of ..,„ tt, '• *">"»!', i"}l'ui, "»' »« Dudlet annexed hereto Mil hereby mad. * Hurt Mil to an txaet «wr ol th» Palllelle t CaCarrC ——: S.870.00 no "Don't touch it, Dad! We're learning design in school original on file with the dent o! the rovemlnr Body, that all additions an correct and that «ll atatemtsts «oa- PolicPolii e DDepartment Surrey 5440,00 tamed herein are In proof. MKaUanMM M Other axpenau S4.4O.0l> and I'm using it as a pattern!" SB. IS J08IPH X. SEAMAN, Registered Jluniapal Accountant Polio* Radio tat Communloatlon Certified by me tbla 8th day o! February, IM3. 430 Market St.. Perth Amtoy. N. 1, OOwr SipeniH ____--. 1 , 1,000.0(1 S.H HI 2-aSM • -. , •Mcmtrcm«»» ... ' ; LOCAL BBI) PET NOQCB Tinit t AM^janlutlon-Con'trfljaUoAM drisnli . a '. ulocaoo 14.000.00. is,ooa.«o IS,OQOLM Section 1. Municipal Court ' SslartMaad Waftt , ».10ft« ALLEN SCOTT REPORT hLPfk '•""""•Me of Mlddletown. County o« Honmouth for the Bieal year IMS,*" Other Iipantes M PforThe^?^ Mlowins atatements of revenue* and atproprlatloni ahST oautltiitt the local fesptotloaot. (Continued) , . ,BE IT FURTHER'RESOL.VID. that «aU budjet be published to TIM Uldolttown Courier and "ft. Had Bank *»I- Salartts and Wages _ Jster In the Issue of February 38, 1«$3. • . otnst BnsDMt -__ atatpaetkm (K Plumhinj list of cities where $l,000-a-plate fund-raising dinners The governing Body of the Township of Mlddletown don hereby «pprov« the WJOTlif ai the budget lor the year Salsrtes and Wa*u „ KAVALXK •LOt • Hou«« are to be held. Others are Los Angeles in April, Chi- LAWUiLAWU r •sioo RESOQllDED VOTE Ayei: LAWbon Kara: MONX OUier. Bxveuet. cago, New York and possibly Miami. Dates for the ROTH Civil DtttMt and cSuttr Control MOOD? Salarlt* and Wagea „ l.SOO.00 latter are still undetermined . . . Former Sen. Homer Notice li hereby given that the budget and tax resolution waa apsrorad by the Towrnhln OommltU* of tht Other Bipewea M.0U.00 t,uiN Townihlp of Mlddletowo, County of Monmouth, on February !. tS«3. - ""»° r STRUTS AND ROAM: Capehart, Ind., whose defeat for a fourth term last A hearing on tile budget and tax resolution will be held at ToraiMp Ball, on March 13. IMS; at 6 o'njodc (P.K.), Boa* BtpalM to MaMttnant at which time and place objection, to aald budget and tax reiolutlon for the year ltd may tit pratnttd by Uxpty- Salaries and .We •rs or other Interested person!. ~ * * Other Sxpenata: year was a GOP upset, is one politician who is not ll«w PHi 1 Drainage 41.8tl.00 staying on in Washington. He has closed his apartment 8UMMAKY CR Exist! OJCNKR/U. APPRORRIAnONS TearlWJ Y.irlliB Othtr HMOO.OO uftWBjo and is moving back to Indianapolis. Before departing, , Snow Re: X, Municipal Purpoeea , IMAUM im.3X.St 9,415.10 tSO.t7 1.4U.1S Capehart called on Democratic Sens. Vance Hartke and 3, Reserve for Uncollected Taxea S.7SUS . 4.190.00 1.SM.4S Birch Bayh, who licked him, and told them, "I am now Baaed on Xatimated 93 Percent, of Tax Collection! «8,M8.1(I MLtSC.W I. TOTAI. GIENERAI, APPROPRIATIONS %-mm.n »,000.00 36,000,00 a private citizen and one of your constituents. I LESS! Anticipated Revenues Other Tnan Current Prop- 5,900.00 SsTtt* erty Tax (I.e. Burplua, Miscellaneous Revenues - Ntw Swelopmast Street Sign* S.0TOO8 S.WI0.J0- S.SK.M 101 grateful to the people of Indiana who elected me three and Receipts from Delinquent Taxea) - «, l,Ut,CTt.n> ': Other. XipnsH • SAmTATtON-. times to the Senate, and I'm happy to go back to them& DIFFERENCE! Amount to b« Balled by Taxea for alSanitart y L; Support of Municipal Butlcet (as fol- salariat and Wagt* . ' ttaio* as a private citizen." lows) : •«" (a) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes Including Beaerve for Uncollected Booard iwo.06 xm.oo bitious and powerful special White House assistant on EXPENSED AND CANCELLED ' Other £xpens*i ..,.,„ . , i '. i Km OTBEB txrmsm" Vox Regulation, tvirc.oo MtoM foreign affairs, is up to his old tricks again—planting The amounta »PtropMa(ea under th» title of "Otjitr Salaries and Wajet - Expenses" art) lor operating conti other than "Salaries Othtr expenses ^ _^—, _- MO.00 tooaoo •7S.SI headline-making time-bombs. iioget Appropriations—Adopted Budget and Wales." •enrtee* ol VlsKlojt Kurae^-Cootraet-— tT,tOO.ol» • 18.100.0) M, 100.00 IS, 100.00 Budget Approprfattons Added by Some of tht items Included In "Other Expands** an: Administration of Public Aailatanct Chapter 1S9, P.L. IMS 9 576.00 Material, supplies and nonbondable equipment. t.eoo.00 s«o.6t) This time the former Harvard dean's targets are Emergency Appropriations . 10,713.43 RtDftdni and tnalntenanc* of bundinice. SalarMt IM Wafat.,_ __; 'rioJJo 1.O50.0O 1.0U.B 171 ntada, etc. PuoUJcrAaaUtu.S'(«Utt AM AgrttmtM) - B.« ttOOO.OO ttooooottooo.oo the Air Force and Central Intelligence Agency. TOTA1- APPROPWATIONS . Contractual lerflcee for garbage and trash removal, uStoo 1000.00 "±Ala «?.to *#>?_-~r—-r=rrHospitals __. :—_—^ l.««.«O 1.000.00 1,000.00 fire hydrant service, aid to volunteer fire oompanlit, BEOREATION AND EDUOATTON: # In a series of private talks with pro-administration' etc. .<. . .. • BeacbAofit'^sinteoanct Printing and adrtrtlslng, utility asrrtets. lnsuranct SalarlM and Wages , 1S.0SM5 newsmen and members of Congress, Bundy blamed an Paid or Charted (Including Reserve for and many other Items tasentlal to tht terries cin- M77.U Uncoilected Taxea) — dered by municipal goftiament. .Otnar SxvtBaSxvtBM _._ -- IXttM Reserved , BBoard d nt.jtMraaUat n Commlstlosin alleged dispute between the Air Force and CIA for the sions over Cuba after the wrangle between the CIA Local Purpoie Tax -. and Air Force grounded them. As he relates it, the CIA wanted to use civilian pilots for these hazardous Charter ttady Corntnlttte flights, while the Air Force insisted on its pilots mak- Salaries and Wafts RMUnd ing them. GENERAL REVENUES ; Anticipated . In Cash Othtr Hxptuai' ~^_ 1863 !, 1S» in 1MB TOTAI> OPERATIONS (tt.m S (A) > Significantly, Bundy's tale confirms what has not, gorplu Anticipated 400,000.00 300,000.0) 900,000.00 ; , Miscellaneous Bevenues: (•> CesuMagtat been officially admitted—that there was an "intelli- Licenses: gence gap" on Cuba between early September and the Alcoholic Beverages 14,500.00 TOTAL OPtmATTONS other - .._ 10,000.00 CONTBtOINT UftMtO? •t.MT.S^lO l»,T41.4i lVSW.ttss.a t,»7O.4in,W H.Wj.73 Fee and Permits: '. middle of October. h.,(, 0, (mn Building In Defense Secretary McNatnara's-nationally tele- Other Municipal CouTt Salarttr ami Wins - vised briefing, no air photos were shown during that State Road Aid, Formula Fund Otter Expenses (loclinllog State Library Aid (R-S. 18:24A) six-week period. Also he was completely silent about 'Interest and Coats on Taxei (C) VmUM to»r Bus Receipts Taxes .„ , , Capital Improvement Fund 1OAO00.O* 1S,000.00 »,0OO.0O Franchise Taxes _. Capital'. lmprov*ment»— it. Since then, members of Congress have been told ' dross Receipts Taxes 1 Receipts from Developers *USl* aoM.t» io,oso.» 1W.28 that reconnaissance flights were prohibited by McNam- '-Tax'SearclrtB ~ ....i-. - — Road Construction sr RsKxiitrueuon . .Bute .Highway Lighting Contract S.OOO.00 with Kate Aid ; : JB.10 Beach Revenue —_.., , 12.000.00 Road Resurfacing Project _ ara at the insistence of the State Department, on the Adult Recreation Fees . , (.000.00 Payments in Ueu of Grass Receipt! T&xe*— Impravwnent to Parkjng Lot grounds they might cause an "incident" Private Water Companies (N.J.S. 84:30A-«) J5.0O0.0O J5,9«U0 Receipts from Developers for Engineering and TOTAL DAP1TAL MFROVIMBNTS __ S0f,ttS.a But from Bundy's account, the real reason was a Map Review Deposits ..._ , 31,920.69 Receipts from Developers for Street and (D) Malleloal Dcai icinioti. row between the Air Force and CIA over how these Traffic Safety Signs _. _ _. —„_ 8W.0O «M.OO Pamtnt of Bond Principal Receipts Irom Developer* for Tax Map Revision S20.0O 330.OO Interest on Bomr flights should be made. Federal OBP Allotment—1062 Storm Damage Aid 18,000.00 Inttrett or Notts Receipts from Developers for Playground Improvements j 11,039.35 10,050.00 Air Force and CIA authorities flatly deny that. Receipts from Developers for Engineering and TOTAL IIUNIOtPAt. Ma.p Revle'v Deposits ...„ _.._... _.„_„..._.._._..„.._„„ 33.M0.H (31.OM.06) Memo They point the finger at McNamara and the White Receipts from.Developers for Drainage* Improvements „., J.7BO.00 2,710.00 Receipts tram Developers for street and (Bl pimt Oavn* art Stataiaty House. According to the Air Force and CIA, McNamara Traffic Safety 8igns 723.00 (SSa.00) Itemo Receipts from Developers for Tax Map Revision . moo (120,00) Memo (1) D1WIRHID CHA1WM: barred U-2 and other reconnaissance flights over Cuba d-ross Receipts Taxea—Private Water Companies, Emergency AutnorUaUooi —, »,7(3.O 4,47110 4,41160 4.471W Chapter 91, 92. * 93. P.L.. 1961 tWM.OO (tl.8M.00) Memo EmtrttncEmergsnoyr Aut&orliatloAuuorliatlonna I(NJ.S. on direct orders from the President. "Receipts from Developers for Mercer Park 40A: 44») Tax. Hap. lie. . •.MO-OO »,7oaoo jatoaoo JOjoo.oo Improvements _.»...... — - .._...~. -—,. », 100.00 Emerr«ncy Authonsatlras (N. J»- Receipts from Developers for Engineering, street Signs. 40A: 4«) Damage by Flood or They also point out that neither the Air Force nor Subdivision Map Review and Tax Map Revisions— Burrloant) w.—- . ••, ^—-«-—— S.400.00 TruBt Fund 11.69J.5S 11,0811. BJ US1 "Kwmptloet Allowed la US1 CIA has authority to cancel such reconnaissance per Chapter ». P.U 1M1 . ll.StI.lS U.W.SS 1S.90 sions. Only the President and McNamara can do that. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REWEtiUES . 101,313.M •08,578.00 7t5,MI.U unfu Deferred Charges to Future Taxation— It is further stressed that a shipment of crated 4. Receipts Irom Delinquent Taiw 300,000.00 300,000.00 >U.X1.4S Not •Setidta—Park Plac« an« .Rlwr Placa s,7oii) S,7o0.0O S.700.00 Soviet bombers was spotted on Sept 5 by an "unau 5. Sub-Total Oeaeral Bevenaes (Ilmru 1. I, 3 and 4) . 1.301,2i3.9l 1J08.678.00 1.SN.US.B4 . X.410.SS Amount to be Ralal " H430.M ti.sa.n thorized" Air Force reconnaissance mission. That air Municipal Bodget: 1,000.00 3,000.00 (a) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes Prior fear's BUl-CliarlM I. Kupper photo was shown by McNamara in his TV briefing, al- Including Reserve for Uncollected Taxes' . l.lD0,On.M l,018,«3.71 1S41' KnginttTUis;- ^ 1,100.00 (1) BTATOTORT CXPENDmiRM: though it was obtained without his knowledge or Total Amount to be Raised b? Taxes for Support of Municipal Budget 1,100,077.M uunui 1,303,307.49 Public Xmployeis' Ratr»nient permission. Srsteai _j -~ -—-—..... 7. Total General Revenues 3.401.331.00 3,129, t«8.Tl tm.m.M Social gwurlty Syium (O.A.S.J> IS7.I1 : Pollct' and Flremin's Bundy has a penchant for planting turbulent Retirement System ot N. I. Pension (U.IA 48JMD time-bombs. CDBBENT FDND—APPBOFBIATiOyS Pension (N.JJ. 43:l»a«) He played an important role in that magazine Appropriated (or 1962 fir forltSlAs article early this year which charged UN Ambassador Emergency ModlBMBy • PaU MUKKJIPAL tor 1963 All Transftrs or Char|«A Adlai, Stevenson with advocating an appeasement policy for 1963 Resolution flEXKRA/. APPR0PXUATS0X8 roprtaU«w Other Expenses: , (IM t» (H), tort vsnut- and AddlUona SlS,3tl.43 2MSO89T Salaries and Wagei —M 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 ' I.MO.M 1183 Budget . ...:„ i_ L.. !O inoorAfe .*. t: • Other Expenses: Deterred Cnargts Raqulrod to bt In - 8B,«1T,.U l.Mo.MO.Ol Development Engineering and Map Budgets Bubiloaent to 1MI — ; TOVAl, VUNDS Review Fees - 35,000.00 33.300.W S3,M0.M 32,908.71 aeras .-7,M9,237.04 «,S41,77S.S> MlaceJlaneoua Other Expenses , 18,000.00 19000.00 U.N4.7S TOTA1. JUUETg : Public Buildings nnd Grounds uooo.no an IXPBOTtfnrRM AND • , Salaried and Wages 4.4M.O0 4,»7,0O 4J1J.00 , 4.242.0O TAX RIQUIRBUHOTH: .sJunlclpal ApproprUtlons __^_-l,»4S,(|71,78 l,478,30J.el Othei Expenses ™ 20,000.00 S.1M.S4 11.054.84 17,701.41 UABilitlES. KE8KBVES AND STKPLCS Maintenance of Foreclosed Property u.too.oo •Cash Llabllltlet _„. Schoo^Taxts . .,'.., Other Expense* , . 200.00 Restnrts far Receivables (Including, Local and Rational) U.JUS01.00 1,000,580.00 Planning Board Surplus County. Taxis . Salaries and Wages -..-.: 2.240.00 3,240,00 S.KO.OO Tiioliid'nr Added Tai Amounts) „ WJ.WI.M W4,002.JJ Other Expenses: TOTAL UABIUTUU, RCSOERVM »i™^.».,«i.iriiiSpaclal^Dlslrlcti Taxetuns ., __. lfl»,lM.»S IM1119.6X) Master Plan Contract 3,000.00 1.40000 H0.00 490.00 AND stTRFMB - -. S.SW 370.*^ Othtr fependltures and Miscellaneous Othtr Expenses . 1,830.00 1.2SO.0O Deductions irom Income Jll,*00.74 842,811.11 Board of Adjuntment 7JO.O0 TJl.H S.1S Salaries and Wages ... .. 3,000.00 iofo 1.0M.W Scboel T» Ltvy CnpaUl 1J4S.IS0 6 Other Expeniei _ „._...„ 200.00 250,00 1M0S AND TAX RIQUmBMHrmi .«,17«,«i).lS I,W4,71S.T1 Shade Tree Commission aooo MM Uu: School Tax inferred — Salaries and Wages „ SOO.M 1.170(0 73S.W «n.o» C0.M •Btlaaos lodiidad la Abort Other Expenses - 4.360.00 1,700.00 14.71 "Cash utbl»u*s". MM'l*9?1 Ltas: Sxptndlturss to ba Economic Development Committee :,too.oo I, WS.lt Ralssd bit Future Tuts Sa3arie» and VfagtB , .. 350,00 loom 400LO» JOT.CO •ADO Olher Expensei - „ 4,000.00 asoom 1.SM.00 MOO innurance t.now Group Insurance Pinna for Employees u S.noft.fW s.oon.00 4,798.00 4.414.90 1 Surety Bond Premiums „. 1,050.00 l ooo oo 1.O3B.00 t.on.si Workmen's Compensation Insurance 25,000.00 HMO 01) M.sas.m Other Insurance Premlumi ., 26,000.00 H.MSM 3.130.W PUBLIC SAFETY: 25 MO 00 W544M Fire Salaries and Wagei 5.MS.00 4,701.711 1,MO.OO . l,0J0.09 •Kstint Other Expenses: Fire Hydrant Service 34,000.00. 34,000.00 94,000.00 um.H Miscellaneous Other Kxpsniei „ , 6,306,00 3.600 00 J.UO.OO Fire Alarm System Ounjant Surplut AnUolptttd in Other Expenses „ „ 5,000.00 8,000.00 <,«B0.05 4U.4J 1SS1 BOaStt •„• i ,,,:,.W».^.;M^. Aid to Volunteer Fire Companies ...__™.. 33,000.00 33.000.00 13,000.00 illSJoo Police •un^ut Balubs Xtmalnlng Salaries and Wages: • fl Regular Police Department . 310,000.00 WIB.On.OO 17i.MJ.M- : School Crossing Guards , 33,000.00 31,000.00 u,-m.7» smiJJ STEVE ROPER By SAVNDERS and OVERGARD RED BANK REGISTER Thnrtdty, Feii. 28, 196J-28

WMEM MJMe& OWE AMD WUMBB? THE 5TEAH5ER, MSHM6 TO (BDE DOWW,, f tftffy AK AT TH6 BOTTOM -SO- HAD CUMBEOIHTOCHAIR THIRTy,'- /NOTSOBtfT," Column DAILY CROSSWORD s*mm AT PUSMO BE SURE AU. «e —-1 THE MOTOR IS STOPWB/ AMO WHHJ THE CIRCUIT STOPPED HE AOBOSS 12.Kent, HI xv.aucM IMPTY, MY SKI WROl STARTS WITH NUMBER VWS LEFT HIGH ABOVE TH£ DESERTED A trusting partner 1» one of the THE HANDS LHatvyftiek bone ONE AND RUNS THEM AROUND. UNTlt HCH- HELPIES most touching sights in the world. 20. Bucket — B6BW CHtCKto> 6. Cordial DOWIf 21. Effort If you're fitting the other way •.day rock 1. Follow 22. Any of the table, however, it does North dealer 2. Tardy Both aide* vulnerable 10. Exchange) •mall your heart good to tee an oppon NORTH premiums 3. Mexican piece em disregard his partner'! clear- 13. Flat* for rubber tree 23. Extra ly expressed wish. e 19 28. Skill high. South ruffed the second Now South ruffed a club % dummy, took a trump finesse, led 29. Stringed » 12 a diamond to the dummy and instrument: % % y 34 79 took another trump finesse. Th mus. rest was easy. 30. Alcott TV Key heroine ze> 37 East had told his partner 32. Sun rod % to switch from clubs and then 33. Shaded walk 3t V to to switch from hearts. A truss- Zi'. Convert into A By LEE FALK Mailbag ing partner would switch to dia- leather 9x n H THE PHANTOM monds, and this would defeat the 35. Plumed bird ^A 19 Ik V 'J >« By STEVEN H. SCHEUER contract. 87. Think HCW DARE VOU HOLD WANA--HWE HOWCttREYOUDEF/ 39. River: ParU /A ME IN M/OWN .HEAD If South tries to reach dummy 4* OUR MEDICAL TEAM" IHET TOUCHEP Question - It'll be like the 40. More n AND TORTURE-- YOU? OUARTER5-W TROOPS twice with diamonds for trump good old radio days next season attractlv* SURROUND US.' finesses, East gets a diamond 41 42 I'LL DESTROY with Bob Hope joining Jack Ben- 41. Covert with ruff. If South tries to get to dum- yOO AIL--UH ny, Red Skelton, and- Garry turf OR NOT.' my the second lime by ruffing Moore with a weekly TV show of club, he must give up a club his own. I wish Bing Crosby first; and then West leads a sec- would consent to do a show and ond diamond to give East a ruff. then it would be complete. They POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER are my favorites. Mrs. G. L. T., It's wonderful to have, enough Benolt, Miss. deuces for discouraging signals, but it's even better to have a Answer — The big stars are partner who will respect your sig- Some Thoughts On certainly joining the TV ranks in nals. force. It's quite a lineup of talent if you include Judy Gar- DAILY QUESTION Boyle's 52d Birthday RJrKKWrrV SO SIT! land, Danny Kaye, and Jackie As dealer, you hold: Spades— Gleason with the stars you men- K 10 6. Hearts-K Q J 10 4 2. By HAL BOYLE MARK TRAIL By ED DODD tioned above—all having their Diamonds—4. Clubs—10 5 2. What own weekly TV shows this com- do you say? ing Fall. CKfff, 8C0UT, WHAT DO PONT BE Answer: Playing standard NEW YORK (AP) - My wife After 80 you find a new pleas- VOU;SAV?._ARE VOU OAMP QtUXf.-CP bridge you must pass; the hand came into my tlckroom and ure in lolltude. Many people in TO CLJWB TO THE TOP OF C0UR9EN0T/ Question — I am very happy isn't quite worth an opening bid. CLAYMORE AND CAMP tossed the family crying towel their frantic 40s are both bored TWO DAYS? • that TV makes it possible for me If you use "weak two-bids" you on tthhe bedbd. and lonely. In the serene 50s you to relive the happy moments I can open this hand with two decide its more fun to be lonely spent watching some of the big hearts, as shown in today's hand. "Well, what'i the bad newt now?" I asked her. in peace than to be bored in stars in their big films. I'm doub- This shows a strong frcard suit company — so you gradually cut "Are you sure you're ly pleased that my young daugh- in a hand that is not quite worth man down on the number of useless enough to take it, Rover?" laid ter (age 9) can appreciate them an opening bid. Don't try a weak social functions that once clut- right along with me. Shirley Tem- two-bid unless your partner and Frances. tered up your life. ple is her favorite and we never the opponents know that your two- "Of course I can," I told her After SO you feel less guilty GOOD*.! miss one of her films when bids are of this nature. proudly. "Any man who li simul- PROMISE they're on TV. Could you tell me taneously suffering from Asian about what you haven't done, and For Sheinwold's 35-page book- more satisfied with what you TAKBCABE how Miss Temple started in films let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," flu and the gout any man OF YOU/'? and the name of her last motion who aches from his epiglottis to did manage to do. Your memory send 50c to Bridge Book, Red becomes each year an enlarged picture and how old she was his tarsus any man who Bank Register, Box 3318, Grand harvest, an ever-growing gran- JlMBURMff arid GEORGE CRENSHAWwhen she made it?—Mrs. P. F., can't cough without feeling his Central St*., N. Y. 17, N. Y. ary. Evansville, Ind. foot lg going to fly off. . .that Answer— According to her bi- man can only smile at any furth- So, at 52, I found I had only ography, ' Shirley's entrance into er blow of fate. Just what is the one birthday wish to make as I flNftSWW . asttunatically huffed and puffed CNBBNJT show business sounds like the plot dreadful newt?" HOW'P YOU MANAS* out the candles on the cake TDJOIT? . TA18NT of one of her early films. Shir- "Well, the truth is that this baked for me by my wife and AN'ONS ley's mother sent her to dancing la your birthday," said Frances daughter — to make it to 53. school to help her overcome her "You are 52 years old today, shyness. One day -a friend of Shall I call up President Ken- Won't you join me? Shirley's mother tola her about nedy and ask him to declare you an audition that was being held (Send your problems to George, human dllaster'area?" at a leading movie studio which c/o this newspaper.) "No, just tiptoe away and bake Prayer Day was searching for a little girl me a cake while I lie here and to play a small but important Dear George: revel in my boyish dreams," I role in a forthcoming film. Shir- My aunt has a girdle which is replied. Is Scheduled ley got the part and this led to little loose on her. I was won- Time was when I was a birth- other parts. During one audition, dering if you have any sugges- day fighter. For weekj before MIDDLETOWN - The 77th Shirley, (it says in her'bi- tions on how she could fit into I tore off that annual page on World Day of Prayer, sponsored ography) got tired of waiting to It better. It's brand new, so of the calendar, I felt blue and was by the United Council of Church see .the director and got up and course she doesn't want to buy afflicted by dreadful feelings of Women, a department of the Na- started to sing and dance In a a new one. But my hands are mortality. tional Council of Churches, remote corner of the large sound- lore from tugging at it for her Not any more. Every birthday will be observed here tomorrow.' stage. (Those dancing lessons trying to get it tight enough to now I share the feeling of Joe Services will be held at 8 p.m. really helped tiny Shirley over- fit her just right. Do you have E. Lewis, the night club come- in the Mlddletown Reformed come her shyness!) The grips, any suggestions? dian, who says that his first Church, dress extras, and everyone with- Tired Niece thought on waking each morn' in earshot stopped and watched The program, which was writ- Dear Tired Niece: Ing is "Well, I made it again!" ten by Christian women in Korea, Shirley strut her stuff. Before she Sneak beer into her Metrecal. While I see no reason for hul- will be presented by Rev. Earl was through with her routine, the T"" should chubby ner UP- labaloo at reaching 53, or danc- Compton of the host church, as- director arrived on the set and ing in joy across the rooftops, sisted by women of other local joined the throng collected Confidential to Frank Fon- I find no particular reason for churches. talne: I'm afraid you'll have to raging against the Gods either. around the "dancing, dimpled Mrs. Melvin Layton, Mrs. Ed- give me more details—exactly Probably a million and a halt darling." Thus a star was born ward Kastner and Mrs. Harold (it says In her biography). Shir- what is that you were doing on or more Americans will become 52 years old this year. If they Mlllward will also represent the ley made a group of highly suc- that particular date? host church. cessful movies as a child star can take it without lapsing into 8 Also participating will be Mist g^ *»4 KAu.eYWio.rn and quit when she was 13. She BOOSTERS MEET TONIGHT a coma, I can too. The fact is that this achiev- Lily Han of the Methodist By ALLEN SAVNDERS and KEN ERNST came back three years later to NEW SHREWSBURY — The Church, Churdh La.; Mrs. Wil- MARY WORTH play In "Since You Went Away." Monmouth Regional High School ment leaves me with a kind of quiet smugness, a snobbery of liam Fuller of the Baptist Church, She was 21 when she made her Booster Club will meet at the Red Hill Rd.; Miss Donald Fitz MIH LYNN 10CKHAKT success, if you please. TrlEYKtflSOM i last movie "A Kiss For Corliss." school tonight at 8 o'clock. Par- of the Episcopal Church, Kings LIVE HERE, MA'AMt The terrible years are those THE RAILROAD, CHECKED A i k b ion about any TV program or day is taken by a man as a NIOHT, FOR THt FIRST TIMLIN FEW THINGS personal defeat, as he feels the Kin8s actor, write to Steven H. Scheu- Buying or selling? Use the MONTHS. 151EIT WITHOUT-HUP! THROUGH FROM prime of life slowly ebbing. er, TV Key Mailbag, c/o this pa- Register Classified for quick re- RENO! yi But at 50 you turn the corner. per.) sults.—Advertisement. Every birthday from then on is Decker to Talk a personal victory — if one has the common sense to look at it At Church Fete "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean in that light. For Friday/March I There are many rewards. Such SEA BRIGHT-Rev. H. B. Deck- as: er, former pastor here, will ad- Preier)t—For You and After 50 your doctor probably dress guests at a Family Night can't put his finger on exactly covered dish supper in the Youra... As a result of some what's wrong with you, but you Methodist Church tomorrow kind deed performed, or HOW are probably able to dignose night. Supper will be served at By GEORGE SIXTA extra auricular work done in what's wrong with him. i p.m. RIVETS After 50 you realize you'll nev- Rev. Mr. Decker will show the past, you may reap un- er again feel like you did at 25, colored slides on work now being OH.NO! ifS ...HE JUST RESENTSTHEM", expected rewards at this time— but you are comforted with the done In Puerto Rico by the —HE-.- Methodists, much of it financed NOTTWAt SETTIKIS A SITTER WHEN HES just when heeded, tool The pos- ealization also that you never DOESNY AROUND MERE TO PRbTECT US. igain will have to act like you bv advance special gifts of the LA UKEME-- ITISNYVDU sibility of cubing in on real es- did at 25. New Jersey Conference of the Methodist Church. IN PARTICULAR tate, insurance, or other aiiets After 50 youy r interest in the When Rev. Mr. Decker and his is also strong. atrace pursuiit off thhe dolladll r beb - gins to abate. Life settles down1 -'f- e lived here. Mrs. Decker was to a calm race between your I >cher In the Sea Bright school. P«'rf...0nMar. lt 1780, the Futur* •. • Recalling that Rome dwindling responsibilities and, • Pennsylvania Bank, tint bank wu uved by geese from a night your dwindling endurance. But[ There's no Trick to Having Ex- tra Cash. You Get it Fast Whin in the United State), -was char- attack by the Oauli, tome ware- that final carrot — your pension tered in' Philadelphia to finance —looms more clearly with every You Use The Register Classified. houses may employ such birds the Revolutionary, army. By the passing year. —Advertisement. end of the War, it hid furnished as "nightwatchmen." If an out- the troops 3,000,000 rations and sider approaches, their angry 300 bantlt of rum. cackling will alert security men THE RYAHS By CAL ALLEY Guess who forgbt to phone The Day Under Your Sign ahead for reservations 1CAMTEVEW COUNT PEIGCTJ] AftiES (hrn Mireh II to. Don't ahotr IrrlUllon. Uu the time mti lo |»d aoniilafe TAURUS (April 20 to Miy 20) SCORPIO (CM. 2! to Nov. 21) Thli cu> H • hi|hly utUfa'orr iUf Oriuiite irork M you'll be aura I* Mm II you conlrol jour tmtlont Iwlfkl. the CTtniiir free for fun. GEMINI (Mar 21 toJun. 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dae. 21) Slick (o your adudula cTtn thonab. tfcen Diicuu a perxmil liluilion will * are mori Intertituif potalbilillci. friend vtw louwa bow to keep a conn. CANCEK(JuM22toJyly2l) Don't txpeet too much from otnefa M CAPRICORN (Dae'. 22 to Jan. 20) the? n»r be prtoccupltil witk problem!. Try lo hfln a friend plan for tba future, drawlnf on your own eiperitnce, LEO (July 52fo Au,. II) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 t. Fab. l«| Keep W! open Mind eren tbouih you AMutiih lt mar bora im,


In |Pei|ect Harmony

laminated coat costume by Mack and White

Forever Young • • • •• • f •..'•• • _'. Listen! It's spring entering on a note of triumph In perfect tempo for now thru spring ... the sharp, stunning impact of black and ... this alogant 2-pc. outfit that could white in costumes that hit a new high in fashion. almost ba your complete spring A. A double measure of fashion . . . tleevelesj, double wool knit black coat, over a silk shift 7 wardrobe! Th« /s length coat ii hynotically zig-iagged in black,and laminated and fully lined. The cap • Sixes 10 to 16'. tleaved sheath it flatteringly chic. Junior-jiied costume with a high faihion look. . Laminated, black acetate crepe sleeveless Both in rayon-acetate crepe in black tunic topi a black and white silk, print dress or navy. Sizes 12% to 221/:.. with dashing round collar. Sizes 7 to 15. C. The priceleu chic of diamond checkt ... in a 22.95 black and white '/• length coat with matching black sheath underneath. Coat is lined, has 2 big pockets. Dress has jewel neckline, cap' STEINBACH'S WOMEN'S DRESSES 1 Second Floor and Asbury Park slaaves. Junior sizes 7 to 15. D. Tlje xing of black and white horizontal stripes ... in a two-piece outfit with' a three-piece look. Sleevelet! sheath dress hat solid white top; is paired with^ double breasted jacket. Shop Friday Nubby cottpn-r«yon-sifk in sizei 8 to 16.