ACTA CARSOLOGICA Volume 33 (2004), No. 1 Letnik 33 (2004), [t. 1 SUPPLEMENTUM IV ACTA CARSOLOGICA is included into: - Index to Scientifi c & Technical Proceedings® (ISTP®, Philadelphia), - Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings® (ISSHP®, Philadelphia), - UlrichʼsTM International Periodicals Directory, - GeoRef Serials, - BIOSIS Zoological Record. ISSN 0583-6050 © ZNANSTVENORAZISKOVALNI CENTER SAZU, 2004 SLOVENSKA AKADEMIJA ZNANOSTI IN UMETNOSTI ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM ET ARTIUM SLOVENICA RAZRED ZA NARAVOSLOVNE VEDE CLASSIS IV.: HISTORIA NATURALIS ZNANSTVENORAZISKOVALNI CENTER SAZU INŠTITUT ZA RAZISKOVANJE KRASA - INSTITUTUM CARSOLOGICUM ACTA CARSOLOGICA Vol. 33 - No. 1 2004 Supplementum IV Annotated Bibliography of Karst Pub li ca tions No. 12 International Geographical Union - Karst Commission Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia Collected and edited by Andrej Kranjc LJUBLJANA 2004 Uredniški odbor - Editorial Board Franco Cucchi, Jože Čar, Ivan Gams, Matija Gogala, Andrej Kranjc, Marcel Lalkovič, Jean Nicod, Mario Pleničar, Trevor R. Shaw, Tadej Slabe Glavni in odgovorni urednik - Editor Andrej Kranjc Pomočnik urednika - Co-Editor Franci Gabrovšek Distribucija in prodaja - Ordering address: Založba ZRC/ZRC Publishing Gosposka 13, P.O.Box 306, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia fax: +386 (0)1 12 55 253, E-mail:
[email protected] Naslov uredništva - Editorʼs address: Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU - Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU SI - 6230 Postojna, Titov trg 2, Slovenija fax: +386 (0)5 700 19 99, E-mail:
[email protected] Tiskano s fi nančno pomočjo Ministrstva za šolstvo, znanost in šport RS Published by the fi nancial assistance of Ministry of Education, Science and Sport RS Chairman John Gunn Karst Commission International Geographical Union Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia Annotated Bibliography of Karst Publications No.