NC A&T Football Team
GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA SESSION 2019 S 1 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 74* Sponsors: Senators Robinson, Clark, Smith (Primary Sponsors); T. Alexander, deViere, Foushee, Garrett, J. Jackson, Lowe, Nickel, Peterson, Searcy, Steinburg, and Waddell. Referred to: Rules and Operations of the Senate February 19, 2019 1 A JOINT RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND 2 TECHNICAL STATE UNIVERSITY FOR ITS LONG AND STORIED 3 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF 4 AFRICAN-AMERICANS AND OTHER DIVERSE STUDENTS AND 5 CONGRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY'S FOOTBALL TEAM ON WINNING THE 6 2018 HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES NATIONAL 7 CHAMPIONSHIP. 8 Whereas, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (N.C. A&T) 9 was founded in 1891, in response to the Second Morrill Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1890; 10 and 11 Whereas, N.C. A&T is a land-grant doctoral university, with "higher research 12 activity," as ranked by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, and is 13 among North Carolina's three most productive public research campuses; and 14 Whereas, N.C. A&T was ranked No. 2 in 2017 by U.S. News & World Report among 15 public historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and is the largest HBCU; and 16 Whereas, according to U.S. Department of Education data reported in the magazine 17 Diverse Issues in Higher Education, N.C. A&T ranks: 18 (1) No. 1 in the United States in undergraduate graduation of African-Americans 19 with a degree in engineering and No. 1 in graduation of African-Americans 20 with a master's degree in mathematics and statistics.
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