E. Budiselić: The Problem of “Kingdom Now” Theology Challenge – part one The Problem of “Kingdom Now” Theology Challenge Part 1 Ervin Budiselić Biblijski institut, Zagreb
[email protected] UDK:27-72;277;279.15 Original scientific paper Received: June, 2015 Accepted: September, 2015 Abstract The article analyzes basic teachings of Kingdom Now theology, which is one variation of Dominion theology. In the first part the article offers a brief hi- story of the emergence and development of Kingdom Now theology. After that the article offers a survey of basic teachings of Kingdom Now theology in the area of soteriology, eschatology, ecclesiology, Christology and anthropolo- gy. The conclusion is that Kingdom Now theology contains some positive and important teachings and emphases for contemporary Evangelical Christiani- ty, but also a number of problematic teachings that need to be rejected. Key terms: Kingdom Now theology, Dominion theology, Faith movement, Latter Rain, apostles, transformation. Introduction Today’s “Kingdom Now theology” (further in the text: KN), which represents one of the versions of “Dominion theology” (further in the text: DT) that is prevalent in a part of Evangelical Christianity (especially in the Pentecostal-Charismatic part), emerged as a result of various influences and theologies which are present in the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement, and is currently its pinnacle. Further- more, we can speak of a kind of eclecticness of KN, which took over some the- ological postulates and emphases from certain spiritual movements, and united them in one place as a sort of theological system. The intent of this article is to 143 KAIROS - Evangelical Journal of Theology / Vol.