PREA AUDIT: AUDITOR’S SUMMARY REPORT JUVENILE FACILITIES Name of Facility: Waycross Regional Youth Development Center Physical Address: 3275 Harris Rd Waycross, GA 31503 Date report submitted: Auditor information Dan McGehee Address PO Box 595 White Rock, SC 29177 Email:
[email protected] Telephone number: 803-331-0264 Date of facility visit: March 23-24, 2015 Facility Information Facility Mailing Address: (if different from above) Telephone Number: 404-683-8841 The Facility is: Military County Federal Private for profit Municipal State Private not for profit Facility Type: Detention Correction Other: Name of PREA Compliance Manager: Levvy Allen Title: Assistant Director Email Address:
[email protected] Telephone Number:404-640-8804 Agency Information Name of Agency: Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice Governing Authority or Parent Agency: if licable) Physical Address: 3408 Covington Highway, Decatur, GA 30032 Mailing Address: (if different from above) Telephone Number: 404-508-6500 Agency Chief Executive Officer Name: Avery D. Niles Title: Commissioner Telephone Email Address: Number: 404-508-6500 Agency Wide PREA Coordinator Name: Adam T. Barnett, Sr. Title: Agency PREA Program Coordinator Telephone Email Address:
[email protected] Number: 404-683-6844 1 AUDIT FINDINGS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND FACILITY CHARACTERISTICS: The Waycross Regional Youth Detention Center (RYDC), Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice, is a 30 bed facility that provides temporary, secure care and supervision to youth who are charged with crimes or who have been found guilty of crimes and are awaiting disposition of their cases by a juvenile court. The facility is a secure facility of brick and block construction built in 1966.