Grassroots tell Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson: work together to stop No-Deal and save our democracy

Pro-European grassroots groups reacted rapidly this week to Nigel Farage's announcement of a partial Brexit Party pact with the Conservatives.

Today a letter signed by 54 local pro-EU campaigning groups, coordinated by activists in Grassroots for Europe, was emailed to Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson. The letter contains a series of requests for a partial non-aggression deal between their parties in the General Election. Posted online on Tuesday, the letter has already had over 85,000 views on Twitter.

A grassroots organiser commented:

“We were inspired to write to the party leaders by public comments on Monday from some leading pro-Remain campaigners, including Hugo Dixon of InFacts, Femi Oluwole of OFOC, Dr of Scientists of Europe and Alex Andreou of .

“Their shared message is very clear. If we allow Boris Johnson to form a majority Tory government on December 12th, then there will be little chance of stopping a disastrous No-Deal Brexit accompanied by the continuing erosion of democracy and the rule of law.

“Pro-Remain organizations, notably Naomi Smith's team at Best for Britain, have crunched the numbers to show that tactical voting and sensible cross-party cooperation can swing this election for Remain, and what has to be done to make this work. But they are also very clear that organised tactical voting is going to be essential. At the very least, that means pro-Remain and pro-People's Vote not running rival candidates where this results in a Brexiter MP being elected.

“We aren't asking Labour and the parties which are fully pro-Remain to have a love-in and bury all differences – just not to have a circular firing squad.

“There is massive support for these basic, sensible demands from our pro-EU campaigners who understand local cross-party politics and talk to their local communities.

“There are 24 hours left for the parties to stand down some candidates in seats where this can make a vital difference. Beyond that, voters and local campaigners will have to show common sense where party hard-liners are failing to do so.” Notes for Editors

Across the UK there are currently upwards of 200 local pro-European grassroots groups campaigning to remain in the EU and for a People's Vote on Brexit. Twice this year, In March and October, an estimated 1 million or more campaigners have marched to Westminster to put their case to Parliament.

The key requests made in their letter today to the Labour and Liberal Democrat leaders are:

As a minimum :

• Withdraw those candidates from either party who have no realistic hope of winning their seat, where this will help ensure the seat doesn't go to a Conservative or Brexit party candidate.

If possible, in addition:

 Stand down where the other party has a sitting MP.

 Stand aside where the Tories have a sitting MP and the other party clearly has a better chance of beating them.

The letter to Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson is attached. Contacts:

Grassroots for Europe - [email protected] Twitter @GrassrootsEU

Press contact: Colin Gordon 07557 909811 [email protected]

The grassroots' letter to Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson online: